1999gates Foundation Annual Report

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Letter from Founders Foundation Overview 1999 Grants

Grant Inquiries Leadership

Financial Reports


Annual Report

Please note that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 1999 Annual Report is an online document optimized for Web viewing
(www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport). If you do not have Internet access, paper copies of the 1999 Annual Report, downloaded
and printed from the web, can be obtained by submitting a request to info@gatesfoundation.org, by phone (206) 709-3100.
Letter from Founders Foundation Overview 1999 Grants
Grant Inquiries Leadership
Financial Reports
1999 Annual Report

of Contents
Letter from the Founders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Foundation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Grant Inquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Financial Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
1999 Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Global Health
Vaccine Preventable Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Reproductive and Child Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Conditions Associated with Poverty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Libraries and Public Access to Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
1999 Library Grant Recipients by State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Arkansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
California . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Florida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Mississippi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
New Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Oklahoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
South Carolina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Tennessee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
West Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
International Library Initiatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Public Access to Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Pacific Northwest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Special Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47

Letter from Founders Foundation Overview 1999 Grants
Grant Inquiries Leadership
Financial Reports
1999 Annual Report

from the Founders
1999 was a year of exciting change for our Foundation. Two
organizations, the William H. Gates Foundation and the Gates
Learning Foundation, were consolidated into the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation. Having outgrown the Foundation’s first
offices (located in Bill Sr.’s basement and above a pizza parlor),
we moved into a new facility in Seattle.

Around the globe, advances in medicine, biotechnology and communication have provided
unprecedented opportunities for improving people’s lives. We have enjoyed learning about
the art of strategic giving from people like Nelson Mandela, someone we admire immensely
and were honored to host this year. We have found that giving away money in a strategic
and meaningful way is as challenging, and interesting, as working in technology.

Our top priority remains supporting efforts to extend the reach of life-saving vaccines,
and developing new vaccines against diseases that kill millions who live in poverty.
Providing all children the same series of vaccines that we parents in developed countries
tend to take for granted could literally save the lives of 3 million children a year. This
is something that the global community can and should do together, with business,
government and philanthropy each playing a role.

This year we also made a $1 billion commitment to launch the Gates Millennium
Scholars Program. Over the next two decades, we will provide scholarships to 20,000
leaders who represent the diverse faces of America.

It is our hope that the investments we’re making in global health and learning will serve
as a catalyst to draw even more resources to these critical needs.

Best wishes,

Letter from Founders Foundation Overview 1999 Grants
Grant Inquiries Leadership
Financial Reports
1999 Annual Report

Continuing their generous and aggressive giving pace, Bill and Melinda Gates contributed
an additional $15.8 billion to the Foundation in 1999. Their gifts raised the endowment
to approximately $17 billion at the close of 1999, a vast philanthropic resource by any
standard. However, when placed in the context of national and global challenges, it
becomes clear that long term, systemic change will result only from highly focused and
strategic grantmaking.

1999 Priorities
Extend the availability of existing vaccines to the world’s poorest children
Every year, approximately 3 million children
and adults die from diseases preventable by Eliminating Polio
vaccines we have today. About one half of the
children in sub-Saharan Africa have no access The Multiplier Effect
to routine immunization services. The other A global effort to eradicate polio is on
half receives a basic package of vaccines that the verge of success. Millions of children
does not include the standard immunization will be saved from a lifetime of paralysis.
against hepatitis B, meningitis, and pneu- The fruits of this collaborative effort, led
monia, vaccines provided routinely to children by WHO and Rotary International, extend
in Europe and America. Vaccines provide the beyond the demise of a single disease.
single most powerful strategy to improve the By ending the threat of polio for all peo-
health and extend the lives of the world’s ple, for all time, funds that would have
children. Extending the reach of existing been spent preventing and treating polio
vaccines and developing new ones are the can be allocated to other public health
Foundation’s top priority. goals. A $50 million grant by the Found-
ation will primarily be used to strengthen
Research and develop new vaccines to pre- the vaccine delivery infrastructure and to
vent malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS track where the disease is occurring, creat-
This devastating trio accounts for 5 million ing scaffolding that will be used in subse-
deaths each year. HIV/AIDS has killed the quent infectious disease control efforts. To
parents of 60,000 orphans in Africa alone. learn more, visit www.polioeradication.org
The annual financial burden of malaria has
been estimated to be as high as $4.5 billion.
Preventive vaccines would not only save lives, but also ease the crushing burden these
diseases place on the social and economic infrastructure of afflicted countries.

Address women’s reproductive health needs

Reproductive health care is the primary health need of women, yet limited resources in
developing countries, combined with women’s economic and social position, often deprive
women of access to the care they need and want. Increasing access to voluntary family
planning services, providing emergency obstetrical care to enable women to safely carry
and deliver babies, and preventing cervical cancer are examples of the kinds of work
supported by the Foundation.

Letter from Founders Foundation Overview 1999 Grants
Grant Inquiries Leadership
Financial Reports
1999 Annual Report

Close the Digital Divide
Innovations in information technologies are changing the way we learn, communicate and
live our daily lives. However, poor communities, that arguably have the most to gain from
access to computers, technology training and digital networks, are the least likely to have
them. As part of its commitment to bring the promise of technology to neighborhoods in
need, the Foundation is equipping every eligible library in the U.S. and Canada with high-
powered computers, Internet access and technology training and support for librarians.

Open the doors to higher education

Building Support for Libraries
The Foundation has a 20-year commitment to support
To ensure that grants have the 20,000 students from ethnic and racial communities
net effect of raising local sup- currently underrepresented in higher education today.
port for libraries, we require Scholar-leaders showing academic promise, unmet
that grant applications include financial need and demonstrated leadership are eligible
a signed commitment from the for scholarships for college and graduate studies.
appropriate authority that
funds will not be reallocated Equip learning leaders to integrate technology
as a result of our support. in schools
Using our home turf of Washington State as a laboratory,
the Foundation sponsors the Teacher Leadership Program, a model for supporting
teachers in their effort to infuse technology into the learning environment. A parallel
effort, the Smart Tools Academy, aims to equip school principals and administrators for
their leadership role in technology integration.

Letter from Founders Foundation Overview 1999 Grants
Grant Inquiries Leadership
Financial Reports
1999 Annual Report

Grant Inquiries
Applying for a Grant
Every month, the Foundation receives about 1,800 requests for grants via email, phone,
fax and letters. Regrettably, the Foundation is only able to provide funding to a relatively
small number of qualified organizations.

The Foundation will consider letters of inquiry from tax-exempt, charitable organizations
whose requests fall within program guidelines. Please note that the Foundation neither
encourages nor generally considers unsolicited proposals. In keeping with its charter, the
Foundation cannot accept proposals that benefit specific individuals or that serve
exclusively religious purposes.

More information on Grant Inquiries


One enterprising individual heard that

Bill Gates, Sr. held informal William H.
Gates Foundation meetings at a local
eating establishment, and sent his
grant request to him there!

Letter from Founders Foundation Overview 1999 Grants
Grant Inquiries Leadership
Financial Reports
1999 Annual Report

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Leadership and
Executive Committee
Bill Gates, III and Melinda Gates

William H. Gates, Sr. and Patty Stonesifer

Executive Committee
Richard Akeroyd, Executive Director, Libraries and Public Access to Information
Jack Faris, Ph.D., Director of Community Strategies
Allan C. Golston, CPA, Chief Financial and Administrative Officer
Terrence Meersman, Senior Program Officer
Gordon W. Perkin, M.D., Director, Global Health Program
Tom Vander Ark, Executive Director, Education

Melinda French Gates

Co-Founder, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Melinda French Gates is involved in a variety of
philanthropic endeavors that support the arts, social
services, and education, including her position as a

trustee of Duke University, her alma mater. She serves
on the Parent-Teacher Technology Committee for
Sacred Heart Catholic School in Bellevue, Washington,
and is a past board member at the Village Theatre in
Issaquah, Washington. Gates also devotes her time to managing the grantmaking of the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which was founded in 1994 to support initiatives in
global health and learning.

Gates earned a bachelor’s degree in computer science and economics from Duke in 1986
and a master’s degree from Duke’s Fuqua School of Business in 1987. Upon graduation,
she joined Microsoft where she played a leadership role in the development of many of
the company’s multimedia and Web-based products. Two years after she married Microsoft
co-founder Bill Gates, she retired to care for their young children and to contribute her
organizational talents and leadership to the community.

Letter from Founders Foundation Overview 1999 Grants
Grant Inquiries Leadership
Financial Reports
1999 Annual Report

William (Bill) H. Gates, III
Co-Founder, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Bill Gates is chairman of Microsoft Corporation. While at Harvard, he developed the
programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer — the MITS Altair. In 1975,
Gates launched Microsoft with Paul Allen to develop software for personal computers. He
is actively involved in key management and strategic decisions at Microsoft, and plays an
important role in the technical development of new products. Gates has also co-authored
the New York Times bestseller The Road Ahead and the recently issued Business @ the Speed
of Thought. Proceeds from both books have been directed toward nonprofits serving
young people.

William H. Gates, Sr.

Co-Chair and CEO, Bill & Melinda Gates
Bill Gates, Sr. brings a distinguished career in law and
many years of public service to his role as Co-Chair
and CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Bill earned his bachelor’s and law degrees from the

University of Washington, following three years of
U.S. Army service in World War II. He became a
partner in the law firm of Shidler McBroom Gates & Lucas in 1964, guiding it through
growth and mergers that would eventually establish Preston Gates & Ellis, one of Seattle’s
leading law firms.

A successful and prominent attorney, Bill has served as president of both the Seattle/King
County Bar Association and the Washington State Bar Association. His many other leader-
ship positions include past chairmanship of the Washington Courts 2000 Committee and
the American Bar Association Commission on Public Understanding About the Law. His
awards and honors include the 1992 American Judicature Society Herbert Harley Award
and being named a 1991 University of Washington Law School Distinguished Alumnus.

Bill has served as trustee, officer and volunteer for more than two dozen Northwest organ-
izations, including the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce and King County United
Way. In 1995, he founded the Technology Alliance, a cooperative regional effort to expand
technology-based employment in Washington. He also has been a strong advocate for edu-
cation for many years, chairing the Seattle Public School Levy Campaign in 1971 and
serving as a member of the University of Washington’s Board of Regents since 1997.

Bill and his late wife, Mary Maxwell Gates, raised three children: Kristianne, Bill and
Libby. Now married to Mimi Gardner Gates, Bill continues to lend his vision and skill
to many civic programs, cultural organizations and business initiatives.

Letter from Founders Foundation Overview 1999 Grants
Grant Inquiries Leadership
Financial Reports
1999 Annual Report

Patty Stonesifer
Co-Chair and President, Bill & Melinda Gates
Patty Stonesifer, Co-Chair and President of the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation, helps lead the group’s mission
to improve access to advances in global health and learning
for all people as we move into the 21st century. In addition
to her responsibilities with the Foundation, Stonesifer is an
active community volunteer, donating both time and resources

to a number of regional nonprofit organizations including
the YWCA of King County and the Seattle Foundation. She
also is on the board of Alaska Air Group, Inc., Amazon.com,
Kinko’s Inc. and CBS Corporation. Prior to being asked by
Bill and Melinda Gates to launch the work of the Foundation, Stonesifer held a senior vice
president position at Microsoft and ran her own management consulting firm, working
with such corporations as DreamWorks SKG.

Executive Committee
Richard Akeroyd
Executive Director, Libraries and Public Access to Information
Richard Akeroyd joined the Gates Learning Foundation in December 1997, having
spent 25 years working with public libraries in a variety of roles. Most recently, he served
11 years as Connecticut State Librarian, responsible for statewide library operations and
policy implementation. Akeroyd has held leadership positions at the Denver Public Library
and was program and planning consultant to the White House Conference on Library
and Information Services. He began his career at the University of Connecticut Library,
with additional service at the Manchester Public and Connecticut State Libraries.

Akeroyd holds a master’s degree in library science from the University of Pittsburgh and a
bachelor’s degree from the University of Connecticut. He also studied at the University of
Connecticut, focusing on advanced coursework in educational media and instructional
technology. He is a long-time member of a number of professional associations, including
the American Library Association, the American Society for Information Science and the
Coalition for Networked Information.

Letter from Founders Foundation Overview 1999 Grants
Grant Inquiries Leadership
Financial Reports
1999 Annual Report

Jack Faris, Ph.D
Director of Community Strategies
Jack Faris coordinates communications and helps guide the strategic direction for the
Foundation. With a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Chicago, Faris has more
than 23 years of experience in communications and community relations. Among his
community activities, his role as immediate past president of the Seattle Public Library
Foundation stands out. Professionally, Faris most recently acted as executive vice president
and general manager at Cole & Weber where he provided strategic direction to clients
such as Boeing and Safeco, while sharing management responsibilities with the president.
Faris serves on the boards of the Alliance for Education, Urban Enterprise Center, the
Seattle Center Foundation and others.

Allan C. Golston, CPA

Chief Financial and Administrative Officer
Allan Golston joined the Foundation in January 2000 and oversees the financial and
administrative functions. His professional background includes nonprofit healthcare,
software development, consulting, education, and public accounting. Golston serves
as a trustee for Artist Trust and Make-A-Wish Foundation serving Washington, Alaska,
Montana, and Northern Idaho. He is an alumnus of INROADS Denver and is a fellow
of the British-American Project. Golston earned his MBA from Seattle University and
his bachelor’s degree from the University of Colorado.

Terry Meersman
Senior Program Officer
Terry Meersman brings 22 years of program and management experience with several
nonprofit organizations, including Save the Children Federation, the Pew Charitable
Trusts, and World Learning. While at Save the Children, Meersman held several positions
including director of refugee programs, executive vice president/chief operating officer
and served as acting president during a change in organizational leadership. As venture
fund officer for Pew Charitable Trusts, Meersman helped restructure a major grantmaking
program in population and environment, and designed a new grantmaking strategy for a
program designed to transform young adults into active global citizens. Meersman served
as Director of Policy Analysis for the Seattle City Council, directing the 12-member
policy group that developed policy recommendations for council members on issues
affecting citizens. Meersman joined the foundation in October 1998 and served as the
first head of finance and administration during the start up phase. He now directs grants
administration and serves as Senior Program Officer for the co-chairs of the Foundation.

Letter from Founders Foundation Overview 1999 Grants
Grant Inquiries Leadership
Financial Reports
1999 Annual Report

Gordon W. Perkin, M.D.
Director, Global Health Program
Prior to joining the Foundation, Dr. Perkin served as president of the Program for
Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), an international nonprofit dedicated to improv-
ing health, especially of women and children. As a physician with more than 35 years of
experience in international health and family planning, Perkin also spent 14 years with
the Ford Foundation, where he worked as program officer in a variety of international
health and population projects. He served as a long-term consultant to the World Health
Organization (WHO) on the design and research strategy of the Special Programme in
Human Reproduction and has consulted with several other WHO programs. He served
as a member of the Committee on Contraceptive Development of the National Academy
of Sciences and as a board member of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the
Alan Guttmacher Institute and the National Council for International Health.

Tom Vander Ark

Executive Director, Education
Tom Vander Ark is responsible for the Foundation’s elementary and secondary education
programs and for higher education scholarships. Prior to joining the Foundation he was a
public school superintendent in Federal Way, Washington. With a wide-ranging business
background, Vander Ark was one of the first business executives recruited to run a public
school district. Vander Ark has been actively involved in civic and educational causes,
including United Way, Boys and Girls Club, and Boy Scouts, and he is a member of
numerous national educational associations.

Letter from Founders Foundation Overview 1999 Grants
Grant Inquiries Leadership
Financial Reports
1999 Annual Report

Financial Reports
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Statement of
Financial Position as of December 31, 1999
(in Millions)
Cash & Cash Equivalents $ 1.4
Investments 15,339.3
Other Assets 172.3
Total Assets 15,513.0
Grants Payable 1,481.9
Other Liabilities 0.8
Total Liabilities 1,482.7
Net Assets 14,030.3
Total Liabilities & Net Assets $ 15,513.0

Gates Learning Foundation Statement of Financial

Position as of December 31, 1999 (in Millions)
Cash & Cash Equivalents $ 245.7
Investments 1,077.0
Other Assets 23.2
Total Assets 1,345.9
Grants Payable 88.6
Other Liabilities 2.1
Total Liabilities 90.7
Net Assets 1,255.2
Total Liabilities & Net Assets $ 1,345.9

Letter from Founders Foundation Overview 1999 Grants
Grant Inquiries Leadership
Financial Reports
1999 Annual Report

Financial Reports
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Statement of
Activities for the Twelve Month Period Ending
December 31, 1999 (in Millions)

Grants Awarded
93.1% ($2.0 billion)

Federal Excise Taxes

6.8% ($147.3 million)
Program & Administrative Expenses
0.1% ($2.6 million)

Net Investment Income $ 276.4

Contributions 14,038.0
Total Income & Contributions 14,314.4
Grants Awarded 2,026.6
Program & Administrative Expenses 2.6
Federal Excise Taxes 147.3
Total Expenses 2,176.5
Increase in Unrestricted Net Assets $ 12,137.9

Letter from Founders Foundation Overview 1999 Grants
Grant Inquiries Leadership
Financial Reports
1999 Annual Report

Financial Reports
Gates Learning Foundation Statement of Activities for
the Twelve Month Period Ending December 31, 1999
(in Millions)

Grants Awarded
71.3% ($111.3 million)

Federal Excise Taxes

15.1% ($23.6 million)

Direct Charitable
Expenses Program & Administrative
9.4% ($14.7 million) Expenses
4.2% ($6.6 million)

Net Investment Income $ 26.8

Contributions 1,137.5
Total Income & Contributions 1,164.3
Grants Awarded 111.3
Direct Charitable Expenses 14.7
Program & Administrative Expenses 6.6
Federal Excise Taxes 23.6
Total Expenses 156.1
Increase in Unrestricted Net Assets $ 1,008.3

Letter from Founders Foundation Overview 1999 Grants
Grant Inquiries Leadership
Financial Reports
1999 Annual Report

1999 Grants
1999 Grant Distribution
Public Access to
Pacific Northwest Information
6% ($138.5 million) 1% ($34.9 million)
Special Projects
3% ($75.9 million)

Global Health
49% ($1.2 billion)
41% ($1.0 billion)

Vaccine Preventable
38% ($948.3 million) Reproductive and
Conditions Associated
Child Health
with Poverty
9% ($214.1 million)
2% ($57.5 million)

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

Global Health — Vaccine 8/4/99

Sequella Global Tuberculosis Foundation
Preventable Diseases (http://www.sequellafoundation.org)
Tuberculosis International Vaccine Collaboration
The Foundation awarded 70 grants totaling Rockville, MD
$1,219,857,173 to improve health in the developing $25,000,000 (over 5 years)
world. Of that amount, 9 grants, totaling
$948,250,000, were designated for Vaccine
Preventable Diseases. 5/13/99
United Nations Foundation
Polio Eradication in the Indian Sub-continent and
Global Fund for Vaccines and Immunization Sub-Saharan Africa
(http://www.path.org) Washington, DC
Global Fund for Vaccines and Immunization $50,000,000 (over 7 years)
Seattle, WA
$750,000,000 (over 5 years)
Program for Appropriate Technology in
Health (PATH) (http://www.path.org)
China Foundation, Inc. Malaria Vaccine Initiative (MVI)
(http://www.chinafoundation1.org) (http://www.malariavaccine.org)
China Basic Health Services Project Seattle, WA
Washington, DC $50,000,000 (over 10 years)
$2,000,000 (over 2 years)

International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI)
United Nations Foundation (http://www.iavi.org)
(http://www.unfoundation.org) Development on an HIV/AIDS Vaccine (II)
Strengthening Surveillance and Control of Vaccine- New York, NY
Preventable and Epidemic Prone Diseases $25,000,000 (over 5 years)
Washington, DC
$1,250,000 (over 3 years)

International Vaccine Institute
Vaccines to Prevent Diseases of the Most Impoverished
$40,000,000 (over 5 years)

Seattle Biomedical Research Institute
Malaria Vaccine Antigens
Seattle, WA
$5,000,000 (over 3 years)

Global Health — Vaccine Preventable Diseases 16

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

Global Health — Reproductive 11/22/99

University of California, Berkeley
and Child Health (http://garnet.berkeley.edu/~sph)
Bay Area International Group
The Foundation awarded 70 grants totaling Berkeley, CA
$1,219,857,173 to improve health in the devel- $645,000 (over 3 years)
oping world. Of that amount, 48 grants, totaling
$214,097,156, were directed toward Reproductive
and Child Health. 9/27/99
National Institute of Child Health and
Human Development (http://www.nichd.nih.gov)
Global Network for Maternal and Child Health,
Help the Afghan Children, Inc. Population and Human Development
(http://www.htaci.com) Bethesda, MD
Integrated Community-based Primary and $15,000,000 (over 5 years)
Maternal/Child Health Care Services in Southwestern
Vienna, VA 9/23/99
$1,600,000 (over 2 years) University of Michigan School of Public
Health (http://www.sph.umich.edu/hbhe)
Participatory On-Site Training Backed by an
Electronic Communications Network
International Planned Parenthood Ann Arbor, MI
Federation (http://www.ippf.org) $5,000,000 (over 5 years)
Family Planning Association of India — Small Family
by Choice
England 8/30/99
$1,629,282 (over 2 years) Alliance for Cervical Cancer
Alliance for Cervical Cancer
United States
$32,645,842 (over 3 years)
Public Health Institute
Family Planning Leadership Development Program
Berkeley, CA 8/19/99
$2,998,669 (over 3 years) Population Council (http://www.popcouncil.org)
Making Microbicides a Reality
New York, NY
DKT Ethiopia $4,000,000 (over 2 years)
Saving Lives through Social Marketing in Ethiopia
$4,302,367 (over 4 years) 8/4/99
Program for Appropriate Technology in
Health (PATH) (http://www.path.org)
Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention (PATH,
Center for Development in Population PAHO, JHPIEGO, AVSC and IARC)
Activities (CEDPA) (http://www.cedpa.org) (http://www.alliance-cxca.org)
Supporting Women’s Leadership in Population and Seattle, WA
Development $3,345,000 (over 2 years)
Washington, DC
$5,000,000 (over 5 years)

Global Health — Reproductive and Child Health 17

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

8/4/99 8/4/99
International Agency for Research on Population Services International (PSI)
Cancer (IARC) (http://www.iarc.fr) (http://www.psiwash.org)
Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention (PATH, Empowering African Adolescents to Protect Their
PAHO, JHPIEGO, AVSC and IARC) Reproductive Health
(http://www.alliance-cxca.org) Washington, DC
France $5,000,000 (over 5 years)
$3,952,458 (over 2 years)
8/4/99 International Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada Federation (IPPF) (http://www.ippf.org)
(http://www.ppfc.ca) Gates Youth Centers in South Africa
Scaling-Up Canada’s International Reproductive England
Health Programming $3,055,708 (over 3 years)
Ontario, Canada
$569,000 (over 3 years)
RFSU, Swedish Association for
8/4/99 Sex Education
AVSC International (http://www.avsc.org) Male Involvement, Reproductive Health and
Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention (PATH, HIV Prevention
(http://www.alliance-cxca.org) $1,292,000 (over 3 years)
New York, NY
$3,983,000 (over 2 years)
World Neighbors (http://www.wn.org)
8/4/99 Expanding and Sustaining Reproductive Health
Hôpital Albert Schweitzer (HAS) and Family Planning in Rural Communities of Asia,
(http://www.hashaiti.org) Africa and Latin America
Expansion of Women’s Health Services Oklahoma City, OK
Sarasota, FL $4,000,000 (over 3 years)
$2,500,000 (over 5 years)
8/4/99 JHPIEGO (http://www.jhpiego.jhu.edu)
Pan American Health and Education Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention (PATH,
Foundation (http://www.PAHO.org) PAHO, JHPIEGO, AVSC and IARC)
Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention (PATH, (http://www.alliance-cxca.org)
(http://www.alliance-cxca.org) $3,982,000 (over 2 years)
Washington, DC
$2,091,700 (over 2 years)
University of Washington Foundation
Population Leadership for the 21st Century
Seattle, WA
$2,330,000 (over 12 months)

Global Health — Reproductive and Child Health 18

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

5/26/99 5/21/99
US Committee for UNFPA The Alan Guttmacher Institute
(http://www.unipop.org (not effective yet)) (http://www.agi-usa.org)
Saybrook Productions’ documentary, Day of the Six Men’s Role in Family Planning and
Billionth Child Reproductive Health
New York, NY New York, NY
$50,000 (over 12 months) $2,000,000 (over 3.4 years)

5/24/99 5/21/99
World Population Foundation (WPF) International Rescue Committee (IRC)
(http://www.tribute.nl/wpf/uk/main.html) (http://www.intrescom.org)
Overseas Programme Support Strengthen Health Care for Refugees
The Netherlands New York, NY
$690,000 (over 3 years) $2,000,000 (over 3 years)

5/24/99 5/20/99
Population Communications International World Health Organization
(PCI) (http://www.population.org) (http://www.who.org)
Using Broadcast Media to Improve Social and Special Programme of Research, Development and
Environmental Conditions in India and Worldwide Research Training in Human Reproduction
New York, NY Switzerland
$1,800,000 (over 2 years) $10,000,000 (over 5 years)

5/24/99 5/13/99
G-CAPP (http://www.gcapp.org) Johns Hopkins University (http://www.jhu.edu)
G-CAPP Gates Institute for Population and
Atlanta, GA Reproductive Health
$750,000 (over 12 months) Baltimore, MD
$20,000,000 (over 5 years)
Management Sciences for Health 5/11/99
(http://www.msh.org) United Nations Foundation
Reproductive Sciences for Health (http://www.unfoundation.org)
Boston, MA Congressional Trip to China
$2,740,000 (over 3 years) Washington, DC
$33,380 (over 12 months)
MexFam (http://www.mexfam.org.mx) 4/15/99
Expansion and Enhancement of the Columbia University — School of Public
Gente Joven Program in the States of Health (http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/sph)
Sinaloa, Nayarit and Coahuila Making Safe Motherhood a Reality
Mexico New York, NY
$2,500,000 (over 5 years) $50,000,000 (over 5 years)

Global Health — Reproductive and Child Health 19

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

4/14/99 4/1/99
US Committee for UNFPA Pathfinder International
(http://www.unipop.org (not effective yet)) (http://www.pathfind.org)
Planning Grant: Preventing Unwanted Pregnancies Adolescent Reproduction in India
and STDs, HIV/AIDS in Watertown, MA
Sub-Saharan African Countries $1,460,000 (over 5 years)
New York, NY
$300,000 (over 12 months)
Population Communications International
4/1/99 (http://www.population.org)
Communications Consortium Media Center NGO Participation in the ICPD Plus Five
(http://www.ccmc.org) Programme of Action
6,000,000,000 and Counting: Population and the New York, NY
New Millennium Project $100,000 (over 12 months)
Washington, DC
$858,000 (over 2 years)
The Filmmakers Collaborative
4/1/99 (http://www.sixbillionandbeyond.org)
Public Media Center PBS Documentary: Generation XY: Teenagers in the
Advanced Leadership Program: State Family New Millennium
Planning Commission of China Waltham, MA
San Francisco, CA $50,000 (over 12 months)
$500,000 (over 12 months)
4/1/99 Center for Development in Population
University of Kansas, Center for Research Activities (http://www.cedpa.org)
(http://www.research.ukans.edu) ICPD Plus Five Prep Com Participants
Amazonian People’s Resource Initiative (APRI) Washington, DC
Expansion Program $50,000 (over 12 months)
Lawrence, KS
$225,000 (over 3 years)
Pacific Institute for Women’s Health
4/1/99 (http://www.piwh.org)
Africare (http://www.africare.org) Women Connect Project
Southern Regional Adolescent Reproductive Los Angeles, CA
Health Initiative $1,008,000 (over 3 years)
Washington, DC
$1,996,750 (over 3 years)
Population Concern
4/1/99 (http://www.populationconcern.org.uk)
Planned Parenthood Federation of America The Andean Programme
(http://www.plannedparenthood.org) England
Global Partnerships $462,000 (over 3 years)
New York, NY
$5,000,000 (over 3 years)

Global Health — Reproductive and Child Health 20

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

East-West Center (http://www.ewc.hawaii.edu)
Report on the Future of Population in Asia
Honolulu, HI
$280,000 (over 2 years)

JSI Research and Training Institute
Reproductive Health for Refugees
Arlington, VA
$322,000 (over 3 years)

Global Health — Reproductive and Child Health 21

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

Global Health — Conditions 9/27/99

US Committee for UNICEF
Associated with Poverty (http://www.unicefusa.org)
Campaign to Eliminate Maternal and
The Foundation awarded 70 grants totaling Neonatal Tetanus
$1,219,857,173 to improve health in the New York, NY
developing world. Of that amount, 13 grants, $26,000,000 (over 4 years)
totaling $57,510,017, were targeted to Condi-
tions Associated with Poverty.
International Medical Corps
Worldwide Documentaries Sleeping Sickness Surveillance and
A Closer Walk Control: Tambura County, Sudan
Bloomfield, NY Los Angeles, CA
$1,000,000 (over 12 months) $720,000 (over 12 months)

11/22/99 8/4/99
University of Notre Dame University of California, Davis
Eliminating Lymphatic Filariasis in Haiti (http://www.ucdavis.edu/research.html)
Notre Dame, Indiana Program in International Nutrition
$5,211,800 (over 5 years) Davis, CA
$733,913 (over 2.4 years)
International Tuberculosis Foundation, Inc. 8/4/99
(http://www.iuatld.org) Helen Keller International (http://www.hki.org)
International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Helen Keller International
Disease — Promoting Lung Health in Children New York, NY
Chicago, IL $5,000,000 (over 5 years)
$1,930,000 (over 5 years)

Program for Appropriate Technology in
SUSTAIN (http://www.sustaintech.org) Health (PATH) (http://www.path.org)
Innovations in Fortification Technologies to Combat Affordable Technologies for Health
Iron Deficiency Anemia Seattle, WA
Washington, DC $2,000,000 (over 2 years)
$1,793,000 (over 12 months)

Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute
University of California, Davis (http://www.nybloodcenter.org)
(http://www.ucdavis.edu/research.html) International Consortium for Blood Safety (ICBS)
Development of Iron and Zinc-(Doubly-) Fortified New York, NY
Wheat Products $5,000,000 (over 5 years)
Davis, CA
$1,021,304 (over 3 years)

Global Health — Conditions Associated with Poverty 22

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

Institute for Health Policy Analysis
Eurasian Medical Education Program to Control
Epidemic Tuberculosis
Washington, DC
$2,100,000 (over 3 years)

Program for Appropriate Technology in
Health (PATH) (http://www.path.org)
Technical and Commerical Development
of Ultra Rice™
Seattle, WA
$5,000,000 (over 5 years)

Global Health — Conditions Associated with Poverty 23

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

Libraries and Public Access to Information

U.S. Library Program $19,795,108
International Library Initiatives $14,663,605
Public Access to Information $658,902

Total Libraries and Public Access to Information $35,117,615

Libraries and Public Access to Information 24

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

1999 Library Grant Recipients by State

State Total Grants
Arkansas $3,810
California $4,653,746
Florida $4,476,125
Kentucky $280,778
Mississippi $15,926
New Mexico $1,160,099
Oklahoma $1,927,230
South Carolina $2,196,394
Tennessee $3,132,011
West Virginia $1,948,989
Total $19,795,108

Libraries and Public Access to Information 25

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

Library Grants — Arkansas Hayward Public Library

Hemet Public Library
Humboldt County Library
Total Grants: Huntington Beach Library
$3,810 Imperial County Free Library
Inglewood Public Library
Inyo County Free Library
Libraries: Kings County Library
Arkansas River Valley Regional Library
Lake County Library
Lincoln Public Library
Lodi Public Library
Lompoc Public Library
Madera County Library
Library Grants — California Mariposa County Library System
Marin County Free Library
Mendocino County Library
Total Grants: Menlo Park Public Library
$4,653,746 Merced County Library
Modoc County Library
Libraries: Mono County Free Library
A. K. Smiley Public Library Monrovia Public Library
Alpine County Library Monterey County Free Libraries
Alhambra Public Library Napa City-County Library
Altadena Library District National City Public Library
Auburn-Placer County Library Oceanside Public Library
Azusa City Library Ontario City Library
Banning Unified School District Library District Orland Free Library
Beaumont Library District Oxnard Public Library
Berkeley Public Library Palm Springs Public Library
Blanchard/Santa Paula Public Library District Palo Verde Valley District Library
Brawley Public Library Pasadena Public Library
Bruggemeyer Memorial Library Paso Robles Public Library
Burbank Public Library Placentia Library District
Butte County Library Plumas County Library
Calaveras County Library Pomona Public Library
Camarena Memorial Library Porterville Public Library
Chula Vista Public Library Richmond Public Library
City of Commerce Public Library Riverside Public Library
Coalinga-Huron USD Library Salinas Public Library
Colton Public Library San Benito County Free Library
Colusa County Free Library San Bernardino Public Library
Covina Public Library San Juan Bautista City Library
Daly City Public Library San Luis Obispo City-County Library
Del Norte County Library District Santa Barbara Public Library
Downey City Library Santa Cruz Public Library
El Centro Public Library Santa Fe Springs City Library
Escondido Public Library Santa Maria Public Library
Fullerton Public Library Santa Monica Public Library
Glendale Public Library Shasta County Library

Libraries and Public Access to Information 26

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

Signal Hill Public Library Eustis Memorial Library

Siskiyou County Free Library Florida State University Research Foundation
Susanville Library District Fort Meade Public Library
Sutter County Library Fort Walton Beach Library
Tehama County Library Franklin County Public Library
Trinity County Library Fruitland Park Library
Tulare County Free Library Gadsden County Public Library
Tulare Public Library George Nichols Public Library
Tuolumne County Library Gulfport Public Library
Upland Public Library Haines City Public Library
Watsonville Public Library Hardee County Public Library
Whittier Public Library Helen B. Hoffman Plantation Library
Woodland Public Library Hendry County Library System
Yolo County Library Hernando County Public Library System
Yuba County Library Hialeah Public Libraries
Highlands County Library System
Holmes County Public Library
Howey Library
Jackson County Public Library
Jacksonville Public Library
Library Grants — Florida Jefferson County Public Library
Lady Lake Public Library
Lake Alfred Public Library
Total Grants: Lake Park Public Library
$4,476,125 Lake Wales Public Library
Lake Worth Public Library
Libraries: Lakeland Public Library
Alachua County Library District Lantana Public Library
Apalachicola Municipal Library Latt Maxcy Memorial Library
Bartow Public Library Lee County Library System
Bradford County Public Library Leesburg Public Library
Brevard County Library System Leon County Public Library
Brockway Memorial Library Lynn Haven Public Library
Broward County Library Manatee County Public Library
Bruton Memorial Library Marion Baysinger Memorial Library
Bushnell Public Library Marion-Levy Public Library System
Calhoun County Public Library Martin County Library System
Charlotte-Glades Library System Mary Esther Public Library
Citrus County Library System Miami-Dade Public Library
Clay County Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Public Library
Coleman Public Library Nassau County Public Library
Collier County Public Library New Port Richey Public Library
Columbia County Public Library North Miami Beach Public Library
Delray Beach Public Library North Miami Public Library
Desoto County Library Northwest Regional Library System
Dundee Public Library Oakland Park Library
E.C. Rowell Public Library Okeechobee County Library
Eagle Lake Public Library Opa-locka Public Library
Emily Taber Public Library Orange County Library System

Libraries and Public Access to Information 27

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

Osceola County Library Library Grants—Mississippi

Palm Beach County Library System
Panasoffkee Community Library
Pasco County Library System Total Grants:
Putnam County Library System $15,926
Riviera Beach Public Library
Robert L.F. Sikes Public Library
Selby Public Library
Bolivar County Library
St. Johns County Public Library System
University of Southern Mississippi
St. Lucie County Library System
St. Petersburg Public Library System
Sumter County Library System
Surf-Bal-Bay Library
Suwannee River Regional Library
Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library System Library Grants — New Mexico
Taylor County Public Library
Three Rivers Regional Library System
Umatilla Public Library Total Grants:
Union County Public Library $1,160,099
University of South Florida
Volusia County Public Library Libraries:
W.T. Bland Public Library Abiquiu Public Library
Wakulla County Public Library Alamogordo Public Library
Walton-DeFuniak Library Albert W. Thompson Memorial Library
Washington County Public Library Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Library System
West Florida Regional Library Angel Fire Community Library
West Palm Beach Public Library Artesia Public Library
Wilton Manors Public Library Arthur Johnson Memorial Library
Winter Haven Public Library Aztec Public Library
Zephyrhills Public Library Bayard Public Library
Belen Public Library
Bloomfield Public Library
Bosque Farms Public Library
Capitan Public Library
Library Grants — Kentucky Carlsbad Public Library
Carnegie Public Library
Clovis-Carver Public Library
Total Grants: Cochiti Lake Community Library
$280,778 Columbus Village Library
Corrales Community Library
Cuba Community Library
Libraries: David Cargo Public Library
Boone County Public Library
Eagle Nest Public Library
Lexington Public Library
Edgewood Community Library
Louisville Free Public Library
El Rito Public Library
University of Kentucky Research Foundation
Eleanor Daggett Memorial Library
Embudo Valley Community Library
Espanola Public Library
Estancia Public Library

Libraries and Public Access to Information 28

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

Farmington Public Library Ardmore Public Library

Fort Sumner Public Library Bartlesville Public Library
Fred Macaron Public Library Beaver County Pioneer Library
Glenwood Community Library Blackwell Public Library
Hatch Public Library Carmen Public Library
Hobbs Public Library Cartwright Memorial Library
Jemez Springs Community Library Catoosa Public Library
Lordsburg-Hidalgo Library Chandler Public Library
Los Alamos County Library System Chandler-Watts Memorial Library
Los Lunas Community Library Chelsea Public Library
Lovington Public Library Cherokee City/County Public Library
Magdalena Public Library Chickasaw Regional Library System
Michael Nivison Library Chickasha Public Library
Moise Memorial Library Cleveland Public Library
Moriarty Community Library Coweta Public Library
Mother Whiteside Memorial Library Crescent Community Library
Octavia Fellin Public Library Cushing Public Library
Portales Public Library Drumright Public Library
Red River Public Library Duncan Public Library
Rio Rancho Public Library Eastern Oklahoma District Library System
Roswell Public Library El Reno Carnegie Library
Ruidoso Public Library Elk City Carnegie Library
Santa Fe Public Library Ethel Briggs Memorial Library
Schlientz Memorial Library Fairfax Public Library
Silver City Public Library Fairview City Library
Socorro Public Library Frederick Public Library
Taos Public Library Geary Public Library
Tatum Community Library Gleason Memorial Library
Thomas Branigan Memorial Library Glover Spencer Memorial Library
Town of Bernalillo Public Library Grace Pickens Public Library
Truth or Consequences Public Library Grandfield Public Library
Valley Community Library Guthrie Public Library
Guymon Public Library
Hennessey Public Library
Henryetta Public Library
Hinton Public Library
Hobart Public Library
Library Grants — Oklahoma Inola Public Library
Kellyville Public Library
Total Grants: Kennedy Library of Konawa
$1,927,230 Langley Public Library
Lawton Public Library
Lindsay Community Library
Libraries: Locust Grove Public Library
Addie Davis Memorial Library Madill City Library
Allen Public Library Mannford Public Library
Alva Public Library Margaret Carder Library
Anadarko Community Library Marlow Public Library
Antlers Public Library Maysville Public Library

Libraries and Public Access to Information 29

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

Medford Public Library Library Grants — South Carolina

Metropolitan Library System
Miami Public Library
Montfort & Allie B. Jones Memorial Library Total Grants:
Mounds Public Library $2,196,394
Newkirk Public Library
Nowata City-County Library
Okeene Public Library
Abbeville-Greenwood Regional Library
Okemah Public Library
Aiken-Bamberg-Barnwell-Edgefield Regional Library
Okmulgee Public Library
Allendale-Hampton-Jasper Regional Library
Olive Warner Memorial Library
Anderson County Library
Pawhuska Public Library
Beaufort County Library
Pawnee Public Library
Berkeley County Library
Perry Carnegie Library
Calhoun County Library
Pioneer Library System
Chapin Memorial Library
Ponca City Library
Charleston County Library
Prague Public Library
Chester County Library
Pryor Public Library
Chesterfield County Library
Public Library of Enid and Garfield County
Clarendon County Library
Robert L. Williams Public Library
Colleton County Library
Sapulpa Public Library
Darlington County Library
Sayre Public Library
Dillon County Library
Seminole Public Library
Dorchester County Library System
Shattuck Public Library
Fairfield County Library
Soutar Memorial Library
Florence County Library
Southeastern Public Library System of Oklahoma
Georgetown County Library System
Southern Prairie Library System
Greenville County Library
Stillwater Public Library
Horry County Memorial Library
Stroud Public Library
Kershaw County Library
Thomas-Wilhite Memorial Library
Lancaster County Library
Tonkawa Public Library
Laurens County Library
Tulsa City-County Library System
Lee County Public Library
Tyler Memorial Library
Lexington County Public Library System
University of Oklahoma
Marion County Library
Vinita Public Library
Marlboro County Library
Wagoner Carnegie Public Library
McCormick County Library
Walters Public Library
Newberry County Library
Watonga Public Library
Oconee County Library
Waurika Public Library
Orangeburg County Library
Waynoka Public Library
Pickens County Library System
Wetumka Public Library
Richland County Public Library
Wewoka Public Library
Saluda County Library
Will Rogers Library
Spartanburg County Public Library
Woodward Public Library
Sumter County Library
Wynnewood Public Library
Union County Carnegie Library
Yale Public Library
University of South Carolina
Williamsburg County Library
York County Library

Libraries and Public Access to Information 30

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

Library Grants — Tennessee Dickson County Public Library

Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Adams Memorial Library
Dr. Nathan Porter Public Library
Total Grants: Eagleville Bicentennial Community Library
$3,132,011 Edward Gauche Fisher Public Library
Edward Ward Carmack-Sumner County Public
Libraries: Elizabethton/Carter County Public Library
Altamont Public Library
Elma Ross Public Library
Anna Porter Public Library
Elmer Hinton Memorial Public Library
Ardmore Community Library
Englewood Public Library
Argie Cooper Public Library
Etowah Carnegie Public Library
Art Circle Public Library
Everett Horn Public Library
Audrey Pack Memorial Library
Fayetteville-Lincoln County Public Library
Barbara Reynolds Carr Memorial Library
Fentress County Public Library
Bean Station Public Library
Franklin County Library
Beene-Pearson Public Library
Fred A. Vaught Memorial Library
Beersheba Springs Public Library
Gibson County Memorial Library
Benton County Library
Giles County Public Library
Blaine Public Library
Gleason Memorial Library
Bledsoe County Public Library
Gorham Macbane Public Library
Blount County Public Library
Grainger County Public Library
Bolivar Hardeman County Library
Grand Junction Community Library
Briceville Public Library
Graysville Public Library
Bristol Public Library
Greenback Public Library
Burritt Memorial Library
Greeneville-Green County Library
C. E. Weldon Public Library
Halls Public Library
Calhoun Public Library
Hancock County Library
Carroll County Library
Hardin County Library
Charles Ralph Holland Memorial Library
Harriman Public Library
Chattanooga-Hamilton County Bicentennial Library
Hawkins County Library System
Hickman County Public Library
Cheatham County Public Library
Houston County Public Library
Chester County Library
Humboldt Public Library
City of Kingsport
Humphreys County Library
City of Vonore Public Library
Huntsville Public Library
Clarksville Montgomery County Public Library
Irving Meek, Jr. Public Library
Clay County Public Library
Jack McConnico Memorial Library
Cleveland Public Library
Jacksboro Public Library
Clinton Public Library
Jackson/Madison County Library
Clyde W. Roddy Public Library
Jasper Public Library
Coalfield Public Library
Jefferson City Public Library
Coalmont Public Library
Jellico Public Library
Coffee Co. Lannom Memorial Library
Johnson County Public Library
Coffee Co. Manchester Public Library
Justin Potter Library
Cosby Community Library
Kingston Public Library
Crockett County Library
Knox County Public Library System
Dandridge Memorial Library
Lafollette Public Library
Decatur County Library
Lake City Library
Deer Lodge Public Library

Libraries and Public Access to Information 31

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

Lauderdale County Library Rockwood Public Library

Lawrence County Public Library Sequatchie County Public Library
Lebanon-Wilson County Public Library Sevier County Public Library
Lee Ola Roberts Library Sharon Public Library
Lenoir City Public Library Smith County Public Library
Lewis County Public Library Somerville-Fayette County Library
Linebaugh Public Library System South Cheatham Public Library
Louden Public Library Stewart County Public Library
Luttrell Public Library Stokely Memorial Library
Macon County Public Library Sullivan County Public Library
Madisonville Public Library Sunbright Public Library
Marie Ellison Memorial Library Sweetwater Public Library
Marshall County Memorial Library Tellico Plains Public Library
Maury County Public Library Tellico Village Public Library
May Justus Memorial Library Tipton County Library
Maynardville Public Library Tiptonville Public Library
McIver’s Grant Public Library Town of Caryville Library
McKenzie Memorial Library Tracy City Public Library
Meigs-Decatur Public Library Trimble Public Library
Middleton Community Library Unicoi County Public Library
Mildred G. Fields Memorial Library W. G. Rhea Public Library
Minor Hill Public Library Wartburg Public Library
Moore County Public Library Washburn Community Library
Morristown-Hamblen Library Washington County-Jonesborough Library
Mosheim Public Library Wayne County Public Library
Mt. Carmel Library Westmoreland Public Library
Munford-Tipton Memorial Public Library White County Public Library
Ned R. Mcwherter-Weakley County Library White Pine Public Library
Newbern City Library Williamson County Public Library
Niota Public Library Winfield Public Library
Norris Community Library Wm. H. & Edgar Magness Community House &
Oak Ridge Public Library Library
Oakdale Public Library
Obion County Public Library
Oliver Springs Public Library
Oneida Public Library
Orena Humphreys Public Library
Overton County Public Library
Library Grants — West Virginia
Palmer Public Library
Parrottsville Community Library Total Grants:
Parrot-Wood Memorial Library $1,948,989
Parsons Public Library
Perry County Public Library
Petros Public Library Libraries:
Philadelphia Public Library Alderson Public Library
Pickett County Public Library Belington Public Library
Putnam County Library Bolivar-Harpers Ferry Public Library
Ridgely Public Library Boone-Madison Public Library
Robert B. Jones Memorial Library Bridgeport Public Library

Libraries and Public Access to Information 32

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

Brooke County Public Library Paden City Public Library

Buffalo Creek Memorial Library Parkersburg & Wood County Public Library
Burnsville Public Library Paw Paw Public Library
Cabell County Public Library Peterstown Public Library
Calhoun County Library Philippi Public Library
Capon Bridge Public Library Piedmont Public Library
Chapmanville Public Library Pine Grove Public Library
City-County Public Library Pioneer Memorial Library
Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library Pleasants County Public Library
Clay County Library Pocahontas County Free Library
Cowen Public Library Princeton Public Library
Craft Memorial Library Putnam County Public Library
Craigsville Public Library Rainelle Public Library
Doddridge County Public Library Raleigh County Public Library
Dora B. Woodyard Library Richwood Public Library
Elkins-Randolph County Public Library Ritchie County Public Library
Fayette County Public Library Roane County Public Library
Five Rivers Public Library Ronceverte Public Library
Gassaway Public Library Rupert Public Library
Gilmer Public Library Shepherdstown Public Library
Greenbrier County Public Library South Charleston Public Library
Hamlin-Lincoln County Public Library South Jefferson Public Library
Hampshire County Public Library Southern Area Library
Hardy County Public Library Summers County Public Library
Helvetia Public Library Summersville Public Library
Hundred Public Library Sutton Public Library
Jackson County Public Library Swaney Memorial Library
Kanawha County Public Library System Taylor County Public Library
Keyser-Mineral County Library Tygart Valley Community Library
Kingwood Public Library Tyler County Public Library
Logan Area Public Library Upshur County Public Library
Louis Bennett Public Library Valley Head Public Library
Lowe Public Library Vienna Public Library
Lynn Murray Memorial Library War Public Library
Marion County Public Library Wayne County Public Library
Martinsburg-Berkeley County Public Library Webster-Addison Public Library
Mary H. Weir Public Library White Sulphur Springs Public Library
Mason County Public Library Williamson Public Library
McDowell Public Library Wyoming County Public Library
Mingo County Public Library
Monroe County Public Library
Moomau Public Library
Morgan County Public Library
Morgantown Public Library
Mountaintop Public Library
New Martinsville Public Library
Nitro Public Library
Nutter Fort Public Library
Ohio County Public Library

Libraries and Public Access to Information 33

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

International Library Initiatives 9/22/99

New Brunswick Library Service
The Foundation awarded 8 grants, totaling (http://www.gov.nb.ca/mch/NBLS.htm)
$14,663,505, for International Libraries. Provincewide Library Grant for Public Access to
Computing and the Internet
NB, Canada
9/24/99 $507,744 (over 12 months)
Library and Information Commission
Support for UK Public Library Development in Public
Access Computing and Internet Access Ontario Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and
United Kingdom Recreation (http://www.library.on.ca/index.html)
$4,228,577 (over 12 months) Provincewide Library Grant for Public Access to
Computing and the Internet
ON, Canada
9/24/99 $5,828,553 (over 12 months)
British Columbia Municipal Affairs Library
Services Branch (http://www.bcpl.gov.bc.ca)
Provincewide Library Grant for Public Access to
Computing and the Internet Manitoba Dept. of Culture, Heritage and
BC, Canada Citizenship (http://pls.chc.gov.mb.ca:8080)
$1,791,081 (over 12 months) Provincewide Library Grant for Public Access to
Computing and the Internet
MB, Canada
9/22/99 $769,844 (over 12 months)
Prince Edward Island Library Service
Provincewide Library Grant for Public Access to
Computing and the Internet
PE, Canada
$176,366 (over 12 months)

Nova Scotia Provincial Library
Provincewide Library Grant for Public Access to
Computing and the Internet
NS, Canada
$594,869 (over 12 months)

Newfoundland Provincial Information and
Library Resources Board
Provincewide Library Grant for Public Access to
Computing and the Internet
NF, Canada
$766,571 (over 12 months)

Libraries and Public Access to Information 34

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

Public Access to Information 10/1/99

First Place
First Place Technology Grant
10/25/99 Seattle, WA
Residence XII (http://www.residencexii.org) $50,000 (over 12 months)
Capital Campaign
Kenmore, WA
$30,000 (over 12 months)
Boys and Girls Clubs of King County
10/20/99 Seattle, WA
Thurston High School $60,000 (over 12 months)
The Pony Express
Springfield, OR
$3,000 (over 12 months)

Community Technology Institute
Community Voice Mail
Seattle, WA
$250,000 (over 12 months)

West Seattle High School
Technology Adoption Project
Seattle, WA
$200,000 (over 12 months)

West Seattle High School
West Seattle Learns
Seattle, WA
$20,000 (over 12 months)

Jemez Pueblo Community Library
Jemez Pueblo Community Library
Jemez Pueblo, NM
$45,902 (over 12 months)

Libraries and Public Access to Information 35

1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

Education 10/20/99
The Literary Classics of the United States,
The foundation awarded 7 grants, totaling Inc. (http://www.loa.org)
$1,002,451,000, for Education. Humanities Library Collection for Historically Black
Colleges and Universities
New York, NY
11/8/99 $121,000 (over 12 months)
University of Washington Foundation
High School Reform Conference
Seattle, WA United Negro College Fund
$130,000 (over 12 months) (http://www.uncf.org)
Gates Millennium Scholars Program
10/25/99 Fairfax, VA
Achieve, Inc. (http://www.achieve.org) $1,000,000,000 (over 20 years)
Operating Support
Washington, DC
$1,000,000 (over 3 years)

Western Governors University
Operational Support
Salt Lake City, UT
$1,000,000 (over 12 months)

Public Agenda (http://www.publicagenda.org)
Public Outreach
New York, NY
$100,000 (over 12 months)

Partnership for Learning
Public Outreach
Seattle, WA
$100,000 (over 12 months)

Education 36
1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

Pacific Northwest 12/6/99

Children’s Trust Foundation
The Foundation awarded 118 grants, totaling (http://www.childrenstrust.org)
$138,489,573, for community giving in the Endowment
Pacific Northwest. Seattle, WA
$500,000 (over 12 months)

KCTS Television (http://www.kcts.org)
Conversion to Digital Broadcasting American Cancer Society, Mason County
Seattle, WA (http://www.cancer.org)
$11,000,000 (over 5 years) North Mason Relay for Life
Tacoma, WA
$1,000 (over 12 months)
United Way of King County
Matching Challenge Grant Nathan Hale High School
Seattle, WA Carnegie Hall Performance
$55,000,000 (over 11 years) Seattle, WA
$10,000 (over 12 months)

Pacific Northwest Grantmakers Forum
(http://www.pngf.org) Alliance for Education
Connecting With Baby Foundation (http://www.alliance4ed.org)
Seattle, WA Thomas B. Foster Award for Excellence
$500,000 (over 12 months) Seattle, WA
$100,000 (over 12 months)

Transitional Resources (http://www.ndcrt.org/try)
Avalon Mutual Housing capital campaign United Way of Pierce County
Seattle, WA (http://www.uwpc.org)
$30,000 (over 12 months) Prevention Partnership for Children
Tacoma, WA
$1,118,500 (over 5 years)
University of Alaska Museum
The Learning Center United Way of King County
Fairbanks, AK (http://www.unitedwayofkingcounty.org)
$1,000,000 (over 12 months) Administrative Endowment
Seattle, WA
$30,000,000 (over 12 months)
Pacific Crest Outward Bound School
Mazama Basecamp Expansion and Improvement
Portland, OR
$545,000 (over 12 months)

Pacific Northwest 37
1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

11/22/99 10/22/99
University of Washington Ruth Dykeman Children’s Center
(http://www.engr.washington.edu) (http://www.rdcc.org)
Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement Capital Campaign
(MESA) Seattle, WA
Seattle, WA $125,000 (over 12 months)
$1,619,810 (over 4 years)
11/22/99 Women’s and Children’s Alliance
Youth Care (http://www.youthcare.org) (http://www.wcaboise.org)
Orion Center Capital Campaign Capital Campaign
Seattle, WA Boise, ID
$1,740,000 (over 12 months) $500,000 (over 12 months)

11/19/99 10/22/99
Leave A Legacy (http://www.leavelegacy.org) Foster Parents Association of WA State
Operational Support (http://www.fpaws.org)
Seattle, WA Foster Parent Liaison Program
$30,000 (over 3 years) Renton, WA
$180,000 (over 3 years)
Boys and Girls Club of Mason County 10/22/99
Development Campaign King County Sexual Assault Resource
Belfair, WA Center (http://www.kcsarc.org)
$500,000 (over 12 months) Prevention Education in Seattle and King County
Schools to Reduce Teen Risk of Sexual Assault
Renton, WA
$37,500 (over 12 months)
University of Washington Foundation
Digital Divide Video Production 10/22/99
Seattle, WA Vashon Island Community Care
$20,000 (over 12 months) (http://vccc.wolfe.net)
On Behalf of Blanche Caffiere
Vashon Island, WA
$200,000 (over 12 months)
Senior Services
Annual Gift
Seattle, WA 10/22/99
$25,000 (over 12 months) YWCA of Walla Walla
Capital Campaign
Walla Walla, WA
$300,000 (over 12 months)
Results Educational Fund, Inc.
General Support
Washington, DC
$10,000 (over 12 months)

Pacific Northwest 38
1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

10/22/99 10/4/99
The Compass-Cascade Women’s Center Cancer Lifeline (http://www.cancerlifeline.org)
Compass-Cascade Women’s Center Annual Gift
Seattle, WA Seattle, WA
$100,000 (over 12 months) $10,000 (over 12 months)

10/22/99 10/4/99
Outside In (http://www.outsidein.org) Children’s Hospital Foundation
Capital Campaign (http://www.seattlechildrens.org)
Portland, OR Annual Gift
$1,000,000 (over 12 months) Seattle, WA
$10,000 (over 12 months)
Early Head Start Family Center of Portland 10/4/99
Building Renovation Seattle Art Museum
Portland, OR (http://www.seattleartmuseum.org)
$150,000 (over 12 months) Annual Gift
Seattle, WA
$10,000 (over 12 months)
YWCA of Seattle (http://www.ywcaworks.org)
Angeline’s Day Center 9/30/99
Seattle, WA Northwest Children’s Fund
$2,000,000 (over 12 months) General Support
Seattle, WA
$15,000 (over 3 years)
University of Washington Foundation
(http://supportuw.washington.edu) 9/28/99
School of Social Work — Families in Transition Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist
Seattle, WA Island Sinfonia
$43,557 (over 12 months) Shaw Island, WA
$5,000 (over 12 months)
Overlake Hospital Foundation 9/24/99
(http://www.overlakehospital.org) The Healing Lodge of the Seven Nations
Annual Gift (http://www.healinglodge.org)
Bellevue, WA Computers and Internet Service
$5,000 (over 12 months) Spokane, WA
$19,400 (over 12 months)
United Way of Mason County 9/24/99
Annual Gift Oregon Museum of Science and Industry
Shelton, WA (http://www.omsi.org)
$10,000 (over 12 months) Operating Support
Portland, OR
$450,000 (over 3 years)

Pacific Northwest 39
1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

9/24/99 9/13/99
American Red Cross Accounting Career Awareness Program
Information Technology and Facility Improvements Career Training
Tacoma, WA Seattle, WA
$10,000 (over 12 months) $30,400 (over 12 months)

9/23/99 9/13/99
United Way of King County Camp Fire Boys and Girls
(http://www.unitedwayofkingcounty.org) (http://www.ncwcampfire.org)
Annual Gift Camp Zanika Lache — Water System Improvements
Seattle, WA Wenatchee, WA
$542,400 (over 12 months) $47,183 (over 12 months)

9/23/99 9/13/99
Seattle Art Museum Little Red School House, Inc.
(http://www.seattleartmuseum.org) (http://www.littlered.org)
Century Endowment Fund Matching Gift The Children’s Village
Seattle, WA Lynnwood, WA
$10,000,000 (over 12 months) $500,000 (over 12 months)

9/13/99 9/13/99
Dress For Success Seattle South King County Multi-Service Center
(http://www.dressforsuccess.org) (http://www.skcmsc.com)
General Operating Support The Perk Up Place
Seattle, WA Federal Way, WA
$40,000 (over 12 months) $15,000 (over 12 months)

9/13/99 9/13/99
The Institute for Rehabilitation, Research The Millionair Club Charity
and Recreation, Inc. (http://www.millionair.org)
(http://www.oregontrain.net/~meadowwood/index.htm (now) General Support
http://www.meadowwoodsprings.com (in May)) Seattle, WA
Meadowood Springs Speech and Hearing Camp $90,000 (over 3 years)
Pendleton, OR
$50,000 (over 12 months)
The Agora Foundation
9/13/99 Dan Evans Leadership Lessons
Helping Hands for the Disabled, Inc. Seattle, WA
Repairs and Restoration $52,000 (over 12 months)
Bellevue, WA
$20,000 (over 12 months)

Pacific Northwest 40
1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

9/7/99 8/13/99
Emerald Heights Academy Washington News Council
(http://www.emeraldheights.org) (http://www.wanewscouncil.org)
New Computers Washington News Council
Issaquah, WA Seattle, WA
$40,644 (over 12 months) $225,000 (over 3 years)

8/30/99 8/12/99
Admiral Theater Foundation Kent Youth and Family Services
Loan Payment to HUD Kent Youth and Family Services
Bremerton, WA Kent, WA
$300,000 (over 12 months) $10,000 (over 12 months)

8/25/99 8/12/99
Supporters of the Center, Inc. Department of Social and Health Services
SeaFirst Performing Arts Center Foster Parent Recruitment & Retention
Wenatchee, WA Bellevue, WA
$300,000 (over 12 months) $15,880 (over 12 months)

8/23/99 8/12/99
Northwest Week Seattle Seahawks Charitable Foundation
(http://www.northwestweek.com) (http://www.seahawks.com/community/foundation.asp)
Operating Support Take the Field for Kids
Seattle, WA Seattle, WA
$40,000 (over 12 months) $10,000 (over 12 months)

8/23/99 8/11/99
Lifetime Advocacy Plus (http://www.laplus.org) American Red Cross
Operating Support (http://www.seatleredcross.org)
Seattle, WA Annual Gift
$150,000 (over 3 years) Seattle, WA
$25,000 (over 12 months)
Saint Martin’s College (http://www.stmartin.edu) 8/5/99
New Library Building University of Washington Foundation
Lacey, WA (http://supportuw.washington.edu)
$200,000 (over 12 months) Bill and Melinda Gates Chairs in Computer Science
Seattle, WA
$3,000,000 (over 12 months)
Seattle University (http://www.seattleu.edu)
Robert O’Brien Chair in the Albers School of
Business and Economics
Seattle, WA
$250,000 (over 12 months)

Pacific Northwest 41
1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

7/27/99 7/13/99
Museum of Flight Pacific Northwest Grantmakers Forum
(http://www.museumofflight.org) (http://www.pngf.org)
Challenge Grant Northwest Giving Project
Seattle, WA Seattle, WA
$141,000 (over 12 months) $100,000 (over 12 months)

7/19/99 7/13/99
Center for Community Service Neighborhood House
(http://www.seattlechamber.com/uec) (http://www.neighborhoodhousewa.org)
Urban Enterprise Center Neighborhood House
Seattle, WA Seattle, WA
$20,000 (over 12 months) $125,000 (over 5 years)

7/15/99 7/13/99
Community for Youth Northwest Kiwanis Camp
(http://www.stepsahead.org) Septic Tank
Community for Youth Sequim, WA
Seattle, WA $55,000 (over 12 months)
$5,000 (over 12 months)
7/15/99 Books for Kids (http://www.booksforkids.org)
Food Lifeline (http://www.foodlifeline.org) Books for Kids
Food Lifeline Seattle, WA
Shoreline, WA $25,000 (over 12 months)
$5,000 (over 12 months)
7/15/99 Gay City Health Project (http://www.gaycity.org)
Washington Commission for the Humanities Gay City Health Project
(http://www.humanities.org) Seattle, WA
General Support $10,000 (over 12 months)
Seattle, WA
$30,000 (over 12 months)
Alliance for Education
7/13/99 (http://www.alliance4ed.org)
Seattle Milk Fund kidLAW
(http://www.seattlemilkfund.org) Seattle, WA
General Support $10,000 (over 12 months)
Seattle, WA
$10,000 (over 12 months)

Pacific Northwest 42
1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

6/16/99 5/26/99
Washington Association for the Education Virginia Mason Institute
of Young Children (http://www.vmmc.org/dblisten)
(http://www.ccccwa.org/stars.htm) Benaroya Research Institute
Scholarship Opportunities, Communication Seattle, WA
Consultation, Outreach and Development $1,000,000 (over 12 months)
Kent, WA
$45,000 (over 12 months)
Holy Family School
6/14/99 Holy Family School
Loomis Forest Fund (http://www.loomisfund.org) Seattle, WA
Loomis Forest Fund $200,000 (over 12 months)
Seattle, WA
$250,000 (over 12 months)
Henderson/Nor’Wester Camp
6/7/99 (http://www.norwester.org)
Tacoma Art Museum Capital Campaign for a New Camp
(http://www.tacomaartmuseum.org) Lopez Island, WA
Resource Center $250,000 (over 12 months)
Tacoma, WA
$1,000,000 (over 12 months)
Pacific Science Center (http://www.pacsci.org)
5/26/99 Tropical Butterfly House and Insect Village
Alliance for Education Seattle, WA
(http://www.alliance4ed.org) $551,000 (over 12 months)
Core Support 1999
Seattle, WA
$100,000 (over 12 months)
Portland Children’s Museum
Build a Better Future Campaign
5/26/99 Portland, OR
Goodwill Industries of the Columbia $600,000 (over 3 years)
Willamette (http://www.meetgoodwill.org)
Technology Training Scholarship Fund
Portland, OR
$5,000 (over 12 months) Chess Mates Foundation
Chess Mates After-School Program
5/26/99 Seattle, WA
Columbia Valley Garden Elementary School $10,000 (over 12 months)
Columbia Valley Garden Elementary School
Longview, WA
$5,000 (over 12 months)
American Cancer Society, Mason County
Relay for Life Contribution
Tacoma, WA
$500 (over 12 months)

Pacific Northwest 43
1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

5/10/99 4/14/99
Department of Social and Health Services Dollars for Scholars
Second Annual Foster Parent Appreciation Picnic Scholarships for Washington State Students
Bellevue, WA Bellevue, WA
$2,500 (over 12 months) $50,000 (over 12 months)

4/21/99 4/14/99
Northwest’s Child United Way of Spokane County
Operating Support (http://www.unitedwayspokane.org)
Seattle, WA Information Management Systems
$10,000 (over 12 months) Spokane, WA
$63,000 (over 12 months)
ElderHealth Northwest 4/12/99
(http://www.elderhealth.org) Make A Wish Foundation of Washington
Adult Day-Health Care Program State (http://www.makeawishwa.org)
Seattle, WA Annual Gift
$10,000 (over 12 months) Seattle, WA
$5,000 (over 12 months)
Four Winds * Westward Ho Camp 4/12/99
(http://www.fourwindscamp.org) Lakeside School (http://www.lakesideschool.org)
Scholarship Program Annual Gift
Deer Harbor, WA Seattle, WA
$100,000 (over 12 months) $25,000 (over 12 months)

4/15/99 4/5/99
Northwest Youth Corps Children’s Response Center
(http://www.nwyouthcorps.org) (http://www.overlakehospital.org)
Computer Upgrade Children’s Response Center
Eugene, OR Bellevue, WA
$31,000 (over 12 months) $2,500 (over 12 months)

4/15/99 4/1/99
Transitional Resources (http://www.ndcrt.org/try) Ryderwood Improvement and Service
Computer System Upgrade Association
Seattle, WA Ryderwood Restoration Project
$25,000 (over 12 months) Ryderwood, WA
$271,500 (over 12 months)
Youth Care (http://www.youthcare.org)
Capital Campaign
Seattle, WA
$61,000 (over 12 months)

Pacific Northwest 44
1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

3/17/99 2/15/99
United Indians of All Tribes Foundation Pacific Crest Outward Bound School
(http://www.unitedindians.com) (http://www.pcob.org)
I-Wa-Sil Youth Program Scholarship Program
Seattle, WA Portland, OR
$74,300 (over 12 months) $50,000 (over 12 months)

3/17/99 1/20/99
YMCA, Clallam County Seattle Art Museum
Clallam County YMCA (http://www.seattleartmuseum.org)
Port Angeles, WA Waterfront Sculpture Park
$50,000 (over 12 months) Seattle, WA
$4,000,000 (over 12 months)
Childhaven (http://www.childhaven.org) 1/20/99
Childhaven Chicken Soup Brigade
Seattle, WA (http://www.csbrigade.org)
$300,000 (over 3 years) Chicken Soup Brigade
Seattle, WA
$100,000 (over 12 months)
Washington State Law Enforcement
Memorial (http://www.wslem.com) 1/15/99
Capital Campaign University of Puget Sound (http://www.ups.edu)
Olympia, WA Renovation of Collins Memorial Library
$50,000 (over 12 months) Tacoma, WA
$1,000,000 (over 12 months)
Seattle Indian Center 1/15/99
General Support University of Washington Foundation
Seattle, WA (http://supportuw.washington.edu)
$10,000 (over 12 months) Endowment Grant to the Daniel J. Evans School of
Public Affairs
Seattle, WA
$2,000,000 (over 12 months)
Children’s Hospital Foundation
General Support 1/14/99
Seattle, WA Atlantic Street Center (http://www.atlantic-
$10,000 (over 12 months) street.org)
Atlantic Street Center Capital Campaign
Seattle, WA
$100,000 (over 12 months)
Whitman College (http://www.whitman.edu)
Pemrose Memorial Library Capital Campaign
Walla Walla, WA
$500,000 (over 12 months)

Pacific Northwest 45
1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

YATMA (http://www.yatma.org)
General Support
Seattle, WA
$25,000 (over 12 months)

Tacoma Goodwill Industries
Provision of Equipment
Tacoma, WA
$28,000 (over 12 months)

Children’s Home Society (CHS)
Children’s Home Society of Washington
Seattle, WA
$100,000 (over 12 months)

Pacific Northwest 46
1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

Special Projects 11/22/99

Oxfam (http://www.oxfam.org)
The Foundation awarded 48 grants, totaling A Campaign to Promote Internationalism as a Civic
$75,914,271, for Special Projects. Value Among the Youth of America
Boston, MA
$2,969,972 (over 4 years)
Our Little Brothers and Sisters of Haiti
St. Damien Children’s Hospital and Clinic
San Diego, CA ARCS Foundation, Inc.
$7,500 (over 12 months) (http://www.arcsfoundation.org)
General Operating Support
Los Angeles, CA
12/6/99 $250,000 (over 5 years)
Captive Daughters (http://www.captive.org)
Watermelon Fields
Los Angeles, CA
$150,000 (over 12 months) Duke University
(http://www.usp.duke.edu/default.htm or
11/24/99 Charles Putman Professorship
Times Community Services Durham, NC
Clay Street Computer Learning Center $25,000 (over 12 months)
Baltimore, MD
$85,000 (over 12 months)
Cord Blood Donor Foundation
11/22/99 (http://www.cordblooddonor.org)
World Association of Children and Parents Cord Blood Collection and Transplant Program
(WACAP) (http://www.wacap.org) San Bruno, CA
Child Rehabilitation Centers $10,000 (over 12 months)
Seattle, WA
$2,900,000 (over 5 years)
Shoah Foundation
11/22/99 (http://www.shoahfoundation.org)
National Trust for Historic Preservation in Partners in History and the Future
the United States (http://www.nationaltrust.org) Los Angeles, CA
Capitol Visitors Center $100,000 (over 12 months)
Washington, DC
$10,000,000 (over 12 months)
National Academy of Sciences
11/22/99 Annual Gift
Gifts In Kind International Washington, DC
Program Expansion $10,000 (over 12 months)
Fairfax, VA
$2,750,000 (over 5 years)

Special Projects 47
1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

10/4/99 8/18/99
Duke University Nonprofits’ Insurance Alliance of California
(http://www.usp.duke.edu/default.htm or (NIAC) (http://www.niac.org)
www.duke.edu) Nonprofits’ Insurance Alliance of California
Annual Gift Santa Cruz, CA
Durham, NC $5,000,000 (over 12 months)
$10,000 (over 12 months)
10/4/99 MIT Solar Electric Vehicle Team
United Negro College Fund (http://web.mit.edu/solar-cars/www/about.htm)
(http://www.uncf.org) MIT Solar Electric Vehicle Team
Annual Gift Cambridge, MA
Fairfax, VA $20,000 (over 12 months)
$100,000 (over 12 months)
10/2/99 Nargis Dutt Memorial Foundation
Caldwell County School (http://www.nargisdutt.com)
CYBERschool Operating Support
Lenoir, NC Seattle, WA
$75,000 (over 12 months) $10,000 (over 12 months)

9/29/99 8/12/99
Central High School The Foundation Center
Central High School (http://www.fdncenter.org)
Omaha, NE The Foundation Center
$250,000 (over 12 months) New York, NY
$10,000 (over 12 months)
Population Reference Bureau 8/1/99
(http://www.prb.org) For All Kids Foundation
Promoting Demographic Literacy (http://www.forallkids.org)
Washington, DC General Support
$2,635,000 (over 2 years) Allendale, NJ
$50,000 (over 12 months)
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (http://www.cf.org) 7/19/99
Drug Discovery Program Harvard University
Bethesda, MD Harvard University
$20,000,000 (over 5 years) Cambridge, MA
$50,000 (over 12 months)

Special Projects 48
1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

7/13/99 6/1/99
University of Washington Foundation United States Student Association
(http://supportuw.washington.edu) (http://www.essential.org/ussa/ussa.html)
Refugee Study Project Anniversary Project
Seattle, WA Bearsville, NY
$49,249 (over 12 months) $5,000 (over 12 months)

7/13/99 5/26/99
Heritage College (http://www.heritage.edu) Rural Development Institute (RDI)
Library Automation (http://www.rdiland.org)
Toppenish, WA General Operating Support
$200,000 (over 12 months) Seattle, WA
$3,825,000 (over 5 years)
Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation 5/24/99
(http://www.kappakappagamma.org) Population Resource Center
Mary Gates Scholarship Fund (http://www.prcdc.org)
Columbus, OH Challenge Grant
$250,000 (over 12 months) Princeton, NJ
$1,000,000 (over 4 years)
La Salle High School 5/19/99
(http://www.highwired.net/lasalle) Community Foundation of Silicon Valley
Computer Equipment (http://www.cfsv.org)
Yakima, WA United Way of Santa Clara County
$150,000 (over 12 months) San Jose, CA
$5,000,000 (over 12 months)
Northwestern University 5/11/99
John F. Neilson Scholarship Fund Illinois National Guard
Evanston, IL (http://www.il-arng.ngb.army.mil)
$250,000 (over 12 months) The Lincoln Challenge Program
Springfield, IL
$10,000 (over 12 months)
United States Association for the United
Nations High Commission for Refugees 5/10/99
(http://www.usaforunhcr.org) United Way of America
Kosovo Refugee Registration Project (http://www.unitedway.org)
Washington, DC Mortgage
$617,550 (over 12 months) Alexandria, VA
$10,500,000 (over 12 months)

Special Projects 49
1999 Grants
1999 Annual Report http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annualreport

5/10/99 4/1/99
University of Portland (http://www.uofport.edu) CARE (http://www.care.org)
Engineering Endowment Fund Kosovo Humanitarian Relief
Portland, OR Atlanta, GA
$100,000 (over 12 months) $500,000 (over 12 months)

4/26/99 4/1/99
American Battle Monuments Commission American Red Cross (http://www.redcross.org)
(http://www.wwiimemorial.com) Kosovo Humanitarian Relief
World War II Memorial Campaign Washington, DC
Arlington, VA $500,000 (over 12 months)
$250,000 (over 12 months)
4/21/99 International Rescue Committee
University of Texas at Austin (http://www.intrescom.org)
(http://texasinfo.bus.utexas.edu) Kosovo Humanitarian Relief
William Howard Beasley, III, Professorship New York, NY
Austin, TX $500,000 (over 12 months)
$5,000 (over 12 months)
4/19/99 University of Pennsylvania
National Center for State Courts (http://www.oncolink.upenn.edu)
(http://www.ncsc.dni.us) Oncology Program
Annual Gift 1999 Philadelphia, PA
Williamsburg, PA $4,500,000 (over 3 years)
$15,000 (over 12 months)
4/9/99 Milwaukee French Immersion School
Hispanic Culture Foundation Homestay in France
(http://www.hcfoundation.org) Milwaukee, WI
Hispanic Culture Foundation $5,000 (over 12 months)
Albuquerque, NM
$200,000 (over 12 months)
Alvernia College (http://www.alvernia.edu)
4/1/99 Capital Campaign
Make A Wish Foundation of America Redding, PA
(http://www.wish.org) $10,000 (over 12 months)
Annual Gift
Phoenix, AZ
$5,000 (over 12 months)

Special Projects 50

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