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CA-2 CSE 427

Name: Y.Anand
Rollno: 16
Reg no:12104858
Date: 11-09-23

1. Installation steps of Docker Desktop

2. Create container of minesweeper and python Image

Creating docker

Step 1: install docker from the following link

Step 2: after installing docker setup the docker and open control panel on your system in their open
programs and features.

Step3: in this step open turn window features on or off a slide will pop-up

Step4: in this you need to see wheather windows subsystem for linux is enable if it is disable then
enable it and restart your system.

Step5: open powershell or cmd then type “wsl – update” make-sure that in the background the
docker is open while performing this task.
Docker setup is completed.

Part B:- Create container of minesweeper and python Image


Installation of containers in docker

Step 1:- open and in search bar type in there you can find multiple files
of docker form there you can install the docker which you want to

Basically Docker is a powerful tool used for developing, packaging, and deploying
applications efficiently.
The Docker engine allows you to create and manage docker containers, docker images,
docker hub, docker desktop, etc.
Step2: For this session we are performing a game called minesweeper, lets see how it
works. Now open the link in google.

Step3:using on cmd docker pull nadav42/minesweeper command pull the minesweeper

Step4: in the step1 scroll down the page there you will find the command like this
Step5:paste the command on cmd

Step6: now open google and in search bar type localhost:5000 then this page will be
From there you can play the game the information like you won the game or you loss the
game it will show in the cmd

Step7: then some containers are created in the docker that are for minesweeper game
From there you can check that how many times you log in to the game

Step8: Now, installing of python

Step 9 : now pull the python by pull command in cmd using this command

--docker pull python

Step 10: now there will be a container created in the docker named python

Step 11: now you can use the command “docker run --it python” to run the python code in docker
In this way you can run any application without installing physically in the computer by using docker.

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