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Improvement of Performance and Engagement through HR Restructuring at Dabur and

Coca-Cola India


In the fast-paced business world, entities often face challenges that challenge them to make
changes to succeed. One area that constantly needs to be transformed during these changes is
Human Resources (HR). HR restructuring involves reshaping the HR department, processes,
and practices to align with the company's goals, improve employee engagement, and drive
business success.

Two companies that have undergone HR restructuring are Coca-Cola India and Dabur. Coca-
Cola India faced financial losses, management issues, and negative media attention, while
Dabur wanted to improve its efficiency and focus on Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG).

This case study will evaluate the impact of HR restructuring on Coca-Cola India and Dabur,
including their performance, employee morale, and overall effectiveness. By studying these
real-life examples, we can better understand the challenges and strategies associated with HR
restructuring. This case study offers practical insights and valuable lessons about HR functions
as a strategic driver of success.

Similarities of Coca-Cola India’s and Dabur’s HR Restructuring Journey

Both Coca-Cola India and Dabur recognized the need for HR restructuring to address their
specific challenges. They understood that traditional HR approaches were not enough to tackle
the complex issues they faced. By acknowledging the limitations of existing practices, they
showed a forward-thinking approach to adapting their HR functions to the changing business

During their reorganization, both firms placed a high priority on raising employee satisfaction
and performance. Both businesses understood the value of a driven and enthusiastic team in
achieving short- and long-term success. They provided the assistance, education, and tools
required through restructuring so that workers could flourish in their positions and feel
empowered. They gave great importance to the satisfaction and health of their workers, creating
an environment that promoted effectiveness, loyalty, and a sense of pride in one's work.

Coca-Cola India's HR Restructuring Journey:

Coca-Cola India's efforts focused on cost reduction, talent development, and performance
appraisals. By optimizing HR processes, the company successfully improved its financial
performance and stability. Talent development programs and performance appraisals played a
crucial role in enhancing productivity and organizational effectiveness. By investing in employee
growth and providing fair evaluation systems, Coca-Cola India fostered a high-performing
culture that led to increased motivation, job satisfaction, and overall improved performance.
Dabur's HR Restructuring Journey:

Dabur's HR restructuring journey took a different approach, with a strong focus on leadership,
performance alignment, and employee well-being. By hiring professional managers, Dabur
infused new expertise and leadership into the organization. These seasoned leaders brought
fresh perspectives, strategic acumen, and industry knowledge, driving organizational
effectiveness and promoting growth across Dabur's FMCG operations.

Dabur's HR restructuring included reorganizing appraisal and compensation systems to align

performance evaluation with business objectives, fostering a transparent and motivating
environment. This resulted in increased employee engagement, higher productivity, and
improved business outcomes. Additionally, Dabur's employee-friendly initiatives, such as flexible
work arrangements and wellness programs, created a positive work environment and
contributed to heightened employee satisfaction and dedication. These efforts led to a highly
motivated and committed workforce that actively contributed to the company's success.

The benefits of HR Restructuring for both Coca-Cola India and Dabur

The HR restructuring initiatives at Coca-Cola India brought about significant benefits for the
company. Cost reduction measures improved financial performance and stability by optimizing
HR processes and streamlining operations. Talent development programs played a crucial role
in enhancing employee skills and productivity, leading to increased organizational effectiveness.
The introduction of performance appraisals provided a fair evaluation system, boosting
employee motivation and job satisfaction, and creating a results-driven culture.

Similarly, Dabur's HR restructuring efforts yielded positive outcomes. The hiring of professional
managers brought in new expertise and leadership, driving organizational effectiveness and
growth. The reorganization of appraisal and compensation systems aligned performance
evaluation with business objectives, resulting in increased employee engagement and improved
business outcomes. Dabur's employee-friendly initiatives, such as flexible work arrangements
and wellness programs, fostered a positive work environment, enhancing employee satisfaction
and overall business performance. These efforts contributed to a motivated and engaged
workforce, further enhancing Dabur's success.

The proposed approach to HR Restructuring

As the HR Head, implementing strategic HR structuring would involve several key steps. Firstly,
aligning with the company's strategic direction and goals would provide a foundation for
developing an HR structure that supports these objectives. Secondly, conducting a
comprehensive assessment of the existing HR function would identify areas for improvement
and guide the restructuring efforts. Defining HR priorities based on this assessment would
ensure that resources are allocated effectively to support the organization's goals.

Designing an optimal HR structure would involve considering the company's size, industry,
culture, and strategic objectives. This could include creating specialized HR teams or
implementing a centralized structure to ensure consistency and efficiency. Fostering
collaboration and communication within the HR function and across the organization would
enhance organizational effectiveness.

Investing in technology and analytics would be crucial for streamlining processes and providing
data-driven insights. Developing the skills and capabilities of the HR team would be a priority to
ensure they can drive strategic initiatives. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of the HR
restructuring efforts, through KPIs and feedback mechanisms, would allow for ongoing
improvement and measurement of effectiveness.


The HR restructuring initiatives undertaken by Coca-Cola India and Dabur yielded positive
results for both companies. Coca-Cola India's focus on cost reduction, talent development, and
performance appraisals resulted in improved financial stability, enhanced productivity, and
increased employee motivation and job satisfaction. Similarly, Dabur's efforts to hire
professional managers, reorganize appraisal systems, and introduce employee-friendly
initiatives led to the acquisition of new expertise, alignment of performance with business
objectives, and improved engagement and productivity.

Overall, the case study emphasizes the importance of tailoring HR strategies to meet the
specific needs of an organization. By strategically structuring the HR department, companies
can create a positive work environment, effectively manage employee performance, and align
HR practices with their overall business goals. These efforts contribute to increased
competitiveness and success in their respective industries, ultimately leading to improved
organizational performance and outcomes.

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