New Syllabus Networks

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1. Tick which of the following is a device.

Computers o, Mobile phones o, Smart phones/watches o, Air conditioners o,

Cars o, Washing machines o, TVso, Smart TVs o, Drones o, Pacemaker o,
Wire o, Shampoo o, Cars o, Honey o, Ice cream o,

2. What is a network?



Correct Answer

2. Mention 3 advantages of having a network as opposed to having standalone computers.


3. Mention 3 advantages of having a networked devices as opposed to standalone devices.



Correct Answer

4. Mention 2 risks that can be present when having networked computers.



Correct Answer
5. Assign the apropriate labels to distinguish between Wired (W) and Wireless(WL)
communication systems for the following:.

Optic Fibre _______, Ethernet _______, UTP _______, Twisted Pair _______,

Infra-Red _______, Bluetooth _______, WiFi _______,

3G mobile data _______, 4G mobile data _______, 5G mobile data _______,

6. Use the following wordbank to complete the following statements

Mobile data Ethernet Wi-Fi

_____________ is used in a smart TV or a Set-top box (STB) where an access point is far away.

_____________ is ideal for roaming online with a laptop around the home or office.

_____________ is used in a public park where Wi-Fi is unavailable.

7. Use the wordbank below to complete the statement.

connect with the internet time and date heartbeat, calorie count, steps walked
sensors, functional software network connections and actuators

A simple watch could only give us ______________________________________, whereas a Smart

IoT watch allow a user to see ____________________________________________________ etc.

This is because a Smart IoT watch...

i. Has the capability to _____________________________________________ in any way,

ii. Is integrated with technology such as _______________ and ________________________,
and has inbuilt technology which supports _______________________________________.

8. Tick which of the following could be ideal as IoT devices.

Home voice controller o, Doorbell camera o, Mobile robot o, Smart light switch o,
Air quality monitor o, Smoke alarm o, Smart security cameras o, Temperature control o,
Universal remote systems o, Whole-home Wi-Fi systems o, Cars o, Trucks o, Busses o,
Airplanes o, Drones o, Satellites o, Curtains o, Soccer ball o, Airconditioner o,
Microcontroller o, Fridge o, Oven o, Home cleaner robot o, Toilet o. Smartlock o.
9. A server-based network is also known as ...
Client-Server network o Distributed data system o Networked data system o

10. A peer-to-peer based network is also known as ...

Client-Server network o Distributed data system o Networked data system o

11. Use the wordbank below to complete the statement:

database client returns stores, fetches server requests/queries

In a Client-Server network, the client device is the one that _____________________________

data while the server device is the one that ______________________________________ and
______________________ the data.

For example, in an e-commerce website (which is in fact a large _________________), the

_____________ requests the data on a specific Ferrari and the ___________ looks up that
request and _________________ the result

In another example, when browsing a website, the machine where the browser resides acts as a
___________ to the machine where the ___________ hosting the website resides.

12. What is the difference between a server-based and a peer-to-peer based network?




Correct Answer

13. Mention 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of a server-based system when compared to a

peer-to-peer one.

Advantage 1:______________________________________________________________________

Advantage 2:_______________________________________________________________________

Disadvantage 1:_____________________________________________________________________

Disadvantage 2:_____________________________________________________________________
Correct Answer
14. The hardware needed to set up a network is:
Network interface card (NIC) o Monitor o Printer o
Router o Tablet o Clock o
Access point o Microphone o Speakers o
Switch o Scanner o Electricity o

15. Use the wordbank below to complete the statement:

protocol hardware network Internet Protocol Address uniquely

32-bit IP address 64-bit 128-bit address Media Access Control factory

The address through which any computer communicates with our computer is
simply called an __________________________________ or
__________________________________. For example, if we need to load a web
page or have to download something from the internet, we require the
___________________for delivery of that particular file or webpage. That
address is called an __________________________________. Devices are
___________________ identified by the IP address.

It is important not to confuse IP address with the

_______________________________ (MAC) address! The MAC address uniquely
identifies the ____________ of the device on a network, which is assigned from
the ___________ in the ethernet or Wi-Fi chipset. On the other hand, the IP
address is assigned by the ____________ administrator.

The rules by which data is transferred among the devices is known as a

____________, hence the Internet _________________ (IP) is needed. There are
many versions of IPs, the recent being IPv6 (IP version 6). When compared to
IPv4, which used a __________ address, IPv6 adopts a __________ address,
making it able to access 1028 more times the addresses of the IPv4 protocol. This
essentially solves the ‘running out of addresses’ issue….. for now!
16. Complete the table below:

Abbreviation Full term Wired/Wireless Distance






17. What do the following terms mean:







Correct Answer
18. Complete the tables with the different network topologies.

Bus Network Draw topology (use 4 nodes).

Typical use:




1. __________________________
2. __________________________

Disadvantages: Computers are connected in series (after each other).

Messages are passed in Half-Duplex manner (one at a
1. __________________________ time) and PC’s can “Listen” on the message which
2. __________________________
passes through them.

Ring Network Draw topology (use 4 nodes).

Typical use:




1. __________________________
2. __________________________

Disadvantages: An improvement on the Bus network whereby nodes

are connected in a ring for data to pass it needs to be
1. __________________________ flagged. This network does not need a server.
2. __________________________
Star Network Draw topology (use 4 nodes).

Typical use:




1. __________________________
2. __________________________

Disadvantages: All nodes are connected directly to a central hub or

1. __________________________
2. __________________________

Tree Network Draw topology (use 4 nodes).

Typical use:




1. __________________________
2. __________________________

Disadvantages: The tree network is a mixture of smaller networks,

usually the bus and star network
1. __________________________
2. __________________________
Complete Network Draw topology (use 4 nodes).

Typical use:




1. __________________________
2. __________________________

Disadvantages: In a complete network every terminal has a direct line

to all the other terminals. In this way if one
1. __________________________ communication line breaks down the system will find an
2. __________________________
alternative route to pass the message.

Mesh Network Draw topology (use 4 nodes).

Typical use:

As above


As above


Disadvantages: This is an ‘incomplete’ complete network where not all

terminals have a direct line to all the other terminals
As above
19. Mention 2 different security measures which can be used to stop unauthorized people from
accessing a network.

Security 1:_______________________________________________________________________________

Security 2:_______________________________________________________________________________

Correct Answer

20. What is the difference between the terms internet and Internet?




Correct Answer

21. What is the difference between an Intranet and an Extranet?



Correct Answer
22. What is the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web?



Correct Answer

23. Mention 3 services found on the Internet:




Correct Answer

24. What is email?



Correct Answer
25. Mention 3 advantages and 2 disadvantages of using email as opposed to using snail-mail.

Advantage 1______________________________________________________________________

Advantage 2______________________________________________________________________

Advantage 3______________________________________________________________________

Disadvantage 1____________________________________________________________________

Disadvantage 2____________________________________________________________________

Correct Answer

26. What is E-Government? Support your answer by giving an example.



Correct Answer

27. What is M-Government? Support your answer by giving an example.




Correct Answer
28. What is E-Commerce? Support your answer by giving an example.




Correct Answer

29. Mention 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of online shopping.

Advantage 1______________________________________________________________________

Advantage 2______________________________________________________________________

Advantage 3______________________________________________________________________

Disadvantage 1____________________________________________________________________

Disadvantage 2____________________________________________________________________

Correct Answer
30. What do the following network related applications and features do:

Browser: ___________________________________________________________________

Search engine: ___________________________________________________________________

Firewall: ___________________________________________________________________


Firewall blacklist:__________________________________________________________________

Firewall whitelist:__________________________________________________________________

Firewall walled-garden:_____________________________________________________________

Virus scanner: ___________________________________________________________________

Hyperlink: ___________________________________________________________________

Hypertext: ___________________________________________________________________


POP: ___________________________________________________________________

SMTP: ___________________________________________________________________

HTTP: ___________________________________________________________________


HTTPS: ___________________________________________________________________

FTP: ___________________________________________________________________


Digital Certificate:_________________________________________________________________


VPN: ___________________________________________________________________


HTML: ___________________________________________________________________


Malware: ___________________________________________________________________

Encryption: ___________________________________________________________________
31. What do you understand by the word online?


Correct Answer

32.What is videoconferencing? Give a typical use of it?




Correct Answer

33. What is teleworking? Give a typical use of it?




Correct Answer
34. Mention 2 disadvantages of prolonged use of the Internet?

Disadvantage 1____________________________________________________________________

Disadvantage 2____________________________________________________________________

Correct Answer
Multiple choice questions
1. Which topology requires a central controller or hub?
o Mesh
o Star
o Bus
o Ring

2. Which topology requires a multipoint connection?

o Mesh
o Star
o Bus
o Ring

3. _______ is the protocol suite for the current Internet.


4 ______ refers to the physical or logical arrangement of a network.

o Data flow
o Mode of operation
o Topology
o None of the above

5 Devices may be arranged in a _____ topology.

o mesh
o ring
o bus
o all of the above
6 A _______ is a data communication system within a building,
plant, or campus, or between nearby buildings.
o none of the above

7 A ______ is a data communication system spanning states, countries,

or the whole world.
o none of the above

8 ________ is a collection of many separate networks.

o An internet
o a LAN
o None of the above

9 There are ______________ Internet service providers.

o local
o regional
o national and international
o all of the above

10. A ________ is a set of rules that governs data communication.

o forum
o protocol
o standard
o none of the above
11. The protocol for the Internet is

o Bus network.
o Token Ring.
o Ethernet.

12. WAN requires the same technology as LAN.

o True
o False

13. An organization that share devices, saves______.

o Money
o Time
o Space
o All of the above

14. HTTP is the protocol use to view web pages.

o True

o False

15. A network of computers and other devices that is confined to a relatively small space.

o Global network
o Local area network
o Peer-to-peer network
o Metropolitan network

16. ISDN is the abbreviation of integrated services dynamic network.

o True
o False
17. When creating networks a device is used which attempts to increase signal integrity, which is called...

o Bridge
o Switch
o Repeater
o Firewall

18. A modem is used for connecting a LAN to another LAN.

o True
o False

19. Within a computer network, a router would perform which one of the following functions?

o Provide for communication within the network

o Forward data packets to their network destination.
o Amplify and rebroadcast signals in a network.
o Select network pathways/links within a network for the flow of data/information.

20. A file server stands at the centre of most computer networks.

Which of the following (if any) would normally be a function of a file server within a computer network?

1. Store and manage data files and software

2. Manage the use and availability of shared resources
3. Provide network users with data, information and access to other network resources
4. Regulate communications between network nodes

o Only 1, 2 and 3.
o Only 1, 3 and 4.
o Only 2, 3 and 4.
o All of them.

21. A network architecture in which each workstation (or PC) within the network has equivalent
responsibilities and capabilities is normally known as:

o a local area network (LAN).

o a client-server network.
o a peer-to-peer network.
o a wide area network (WAN).
22. The following diagram is a representation of a network topology.

Such a network topology is called:

o ring topology.
o bus topology.
o mesh topology.
o star topology.

23. The most common network topologies include all of the following EXCEPT:

o Bus
o Star
o Loop
o Ring

24. A physical arrangement of computers, peripherals, and media is known as a(n):

o roadmap.
o topography.
o installation diagram.
o topology.

25. All of the following are true about a linear network topology EXCEPT:

o it is more expensive than other topologies.

o it is also known as a bus topology.
o it is most commonly used in peer-to-peer networks.
o computers are connected on a single cable.

26. Data in a ring topology network:

o is received by all tokens on the ring.

o flows in many directions.
o can skip over broken computers in the network.
o flows in one direction only.

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