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Drying Technology: An International Journal

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Freeze-Drying Characteristics of Tropical Fruits

a a a
Luanda G. Marques , Ana M. Silveira & José T. Freire
Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of São Carlos Drying Center of
Pastes, Suspensions and Seeds, São Carlos-SP, Brazil
Published online: 06 Feb 2007.

To cite this article: Luanda G. Marques , Ana M. Silveira & José T. Freire (2006): Freeze-Drying Characteristics of Tropical
Fruits, Drying Technology: An International Journal, 24:4, 457-463

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Drying Technology, 24: 457–463, 2006
Copyright # 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0737-3937 print/1532-2300 online
DOI: 10.1080/07373930600611919

Freeze-Drying Characteristics of Tropical Fruits

Luanda G. Marques, Ana M. Silveira, and José T. Freire
Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of São Carlos Drying Center of Pastes,
Suspensions and Seeds, São Carlos-SP, Brazil

The national and international markets of processed

The objective of this work was to experimentally determine fruits have continually grown due to the improved quality
physical properties such as apparent densities, real densities, and of the marketed product, the convenience of ready-to-serve
porosity of freeze-dried tropical fruits pulps such as pineapple, products, and because the availability of seasonal com-
Barbados cherry, guava, papaya, and mango, and to carry out
Downloaded by [McMaster University] at 05:09 10 May 2013

modities has been extended by the processing, which acts

nutritional analysis of vitamin C, calcium, and phosphorus in the
freeze-dried and in natura pulps. The freeze-dried pulps presented as a preservation technique. Among the processed pro-
low apparent density and elevated values of true density and ducts, dehydrated fruits and pulps have received special
porosity. Based on the nutritional analysis performed in the in attention because they are easily obtained, retain the char-
natura and freeze-dried pulps the preservation of product quality acteristics of natural products, present reduced transpor-
was verified. tation cost, and have an appropriate moisture level to
prevent growth of the molds, which cause deterioration
Keywords Tropical fruits; Freeze drying; Physical properties; in fresh fruits.
Nutritional analysis
Fruits are rich in beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A) and
ascorbic acid (vitamin C), nutrients that are heat sensitive
and thus greatly reduced during conventional drying
INTRODUCTION methods.[1]
During drying, apart from increased solids concen-
Most fruits and vegetables contain more than 80%
tration due to water removal, some individual components
water, and within fruit species, the water level varies widely
also undergo changes. Partial inversion of sucrose occurs in
depending on environmental factors. In general, water is
fruits that contain large amounts of this substance, parti-
distributed uniformly through the edible portion excepting
cularly if the acid content is also high. These changes
of the skin, which usually contains less water than the
may result in more hygroscopic dried fruits with altered
tissue it encloses.[1]
taste, texture, and appearance.[2] Drying also induces
Nowadays, Brazil is third in the ranking of fruit-produc-
changes in the pectic substances due to the structural modi-
ing countries, with 37.6 million tons obtained in the last
fication of the cell wall, which are also related to textural
crop harvest from a cultivated area of more than 2 million
changes in dehydrated products.[3] Condensation of the
reducing sugar with nitrogen compounds (Maillard reac-
Foodstuffs in general, and particularly fruits, are perish-
tion) imparts a brown coloring and a ‘‘caramel’’ flavor to
able products, and the post-harvest losses in Brazil have
the product.[1–3] The difference in the flavor between fresh
reached numbers greater than 30%, rising more than the
and dried fruits is partially due to the loss of some volatile
increase in production for the same period. These losses
components during water removal.
are due to selection of inadequate cultivar, unsuitable
Based on this context, it has been verified that for heat-
post-harvest techniques, improper transportation con-
sensitive materials, such as fruits and vegetables, the effect
ditions, conditioning and storage, and conservation of
of the drying process on product quality, particularly in the
raw materials before in natura commercialization or
retention of nutrients, color, and texture, is a critical factor
in the selection of a drying method. The dehydration
techniques commonly employed to preserve fruits and
Correspondence: José T. Freire, Department of Chemical
Engineering, Federal University of São Carlos, Drying Center vegetables are solar drying, heated air drying, microwave
of Pastes, Suspensions and Seeds, P.O. Box 676, São Carlos-SP, drying, osmotic dehydration, foam-mat, spray-drying,
13565-905 Brazil; Fax: þ551633518266; E-mail: freire@power. freeze-drying, and fluidized-bed drying.[2] Table 1 presents

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Main types of dryers used in the fruits drying
Methods Materials Characteristics Advantages Disadvantages References
Solar Fruits and vegetables, Utilization of solar light Low operating costs, Volumetric and cellular [22,23]
flowers, aromatic herbs, low drying temperature, shrinkage, enzymatic and
and medicinal plants and elevated product chemical degradation,
quality long drying time
Hot Air Grains and seeds, Contact of hot air with Inexpensive process, Aromatic and nutritional [22,24]
fruits, and vegetables humid material, simple method, and degradation, shrinkage,
and wood convection being the control of operating and loss of rehydration
principal phenomenon conditions potential
Spray-Drying Liquid foods, chemicals, Atomization of feeding Low operating cost, High temperature, [22,25]
and pharmaceuticals liquid and contact large-scale production, thermal degradation,
of drops with hot air and reduced drying time and formation of
during drying
Foam-Mat Liquid foods, Feeding liquid Reduced drying time, Non-enzymatic darkening, [22,26]
semi-liquids, and is transformed into foam, instantaneous loss of aromatic
thermo-sensitive foods which enters into rehydration, and low components, and foam
contact with hot air drying temperatures stability problems
Microwave Fruits and vegetables Heat is generated inside the Uniform heating of interior High installation and [14,27]

food by the interaction of of material, good quality operating costs, low
its chemical constituents flavor and coloration, porosity, and poor
and energy and reduced drying time rehydration
Osmotic Fruits and vegetables, Immersion of material Good quality. coloration, Product with elevated [28,29]
Dehydration meat, and fish in hypertonic solution flavor, and texture; reten- water activity and
occasioning simultaneous tion of nutrients and cost utilization of other
diffusion of water reduction preservation methods.
and solute freezing, pasteurization,
and drying
Spouted Bed Blood, vegetable extract Suspensions and paste Low installation and Difficult scale-up, [30,31]
vegetal, banana, adhered to inert particles operating costs, similar accumulation of material
tomato, and Barbados or pieces of fruit, quality to spray in bed and particle
cherry puree which enter into drying, and good adherence problems, and
contact with hot air sensorial quality interruption of spout due
to elevated sugar content
Freeze Drying Fruits and vegetables, Freezing water removal Undesirable shrinkage, High operating cost, [32,33]
yogurt, and mushrooms from material by good nutritional quality, long drying time,
sublimation texture, flavor, and color, and high vacuum
and product with high level

the main characteristics and advantages and disadvantages TABLE 2

of the dryers used for fruits and vegetables. Mathematical equations for physical properties
Among the techniques presented in Table 1, freeze dry- Properties References
ing is the best method for obtaining a high-quality dried
product (for heat sensitive materials). Consequently, it m md þ ml
qap ¼ ¼ ð1Þ [21]
has mainly been employed in the dehydration of materials Vap Vd þ Vl þ Va
with high commercial value such as mushrooms,[4] carrot, m md þ ml
capsicum,[5] and strawberries.[6,7] qr ¼ ¼ ð2Þ [22]
V Vd þ Vl
Thus, the purpose of this work was to investigate and
optimize nutritional and structural qualities of freeze-dried md ml
Vd ¼ Vl ¼ ð3Þ
tropical fruit pulps. During freeze drying of pineapple, qd ql
Barbados cherry, guava, papaya, and mango, the structur- qd q
al properties such as apparent and real densities and qr ¼ ð1 þ Xdb Þ  where c ¼ d ð4Þ
1 þ c  Xd:b: q1
porosity were determined, and nutritional analysis of
vitamin C, calcium, and phosphorus in freeze-dried and qap
e¼1 ð5Þ [21]
in natura pulps was carried out. qr
Downloaded by [McMaster University] at 05:09 10 May 2013


were ground to remove the internal pores. Because the
The selected fruits (fresh pineapple, Barbados cherry,
agglomeration of wet samples formed a sticky paste,[8]
guava, papaya, and mango) were purchased from a local
the real density of the pulps at initial and intermediate
market in the city of São Carlos-SP, Brazil. The seeds in
moisture contents was not determined experimentally.
guava and papaya were removed. The cores of pineapple,
The behavior of real density was expressed as a function
Barbados cherry, and mango samples were also removed.
of moisture content on the basis of Eq. (4)[9] in Table 2.
The pulps were crushed and placed in a circular tray with
a diameter of 125 mm and a height of 5 mm and frozen
in liquid N2. Determination of Nutritional Properties
After freezing, the samples were dehydrated in a labora- The ascorbic acid content was determined using 2.6
tory freeze dryer (Edwards, model L4KR, Crawley, dichlorophenolindophenol titration.[10] Approximately
England). Experiments were performed with the total 10 g of freeze-dried and in natura pulps were incinerated
pressure and temperature inside the vacuum chamber equal for organic matter destruction, without appreciable decom-
to 1.3  10 1 mbar and 30C. One thermocouple probe position of mineral constituents. Dry ashing at 550C was
was used to control and monitor product temperature near used to prepare the homogenized samples for calcium
to the tray bottom during drying. The sublimation heat and phosphorus analysis. Calcium content was obtained
was supplied by a heating plate through the tray and the by EDTA (0.1 M) titration and phosphorus content by
frozen product. The product final temperature during sec- colorimetry using ammonium molybdate solution and
ondary drying was about 38C. Average freeze drying time potassium phosphate (K2H2PO4) standard solution.[11]
was approximately 12 h for each fruit. Moisture content of samples was determined gravimetri-
The freeze-dried pulps were weighed and their physical cally by the oven-drying method at (105  3)C for 24 h.
and nutritional properties were determined.
Determination of Physical Properties Structural Properties
Apparent and real densities and porosity of freeze-dried Figure 1 shows typical results of apparent density as a
samples were determined from definitions presented in function of moisture content with the respective standard
Table 2. errors for pineapple, Barbados cherry, guava, papaya,
The mass of material was measured during drying using and mango pulps. Experimental values ranged between
an electronic balance with 107 kg of accuracy. The appar- the density of water at high moisture contents and the den-
ent volume was determined from the geometric characteris- sity of the completely dry pulp at low moisture contents.
tics of samples. It was observed experimentally that the macroscopic
The volume of dried solid was measured using a gas volume of tropical fruits pulps was practically unchanged
pycnometer (model Ultrapycnometer 1000, Quantachrome during freeze drying, which is in accordance with the infor-
Instruments, Boynton Beach, USA). In this volume mation reported by Achanta and Okos[12] concerning neg-
measurement, all open and closed pores are excluded. ligible shrinkage during the process. Thus, the reduction of
Thus, before starting each measurement, the dried samples the apparent density in the freeze-dried materials in Fig. 1

FIG. 1. Apparent density in function of moisture in dry base for pine- FIG. 2. Real density in function of moisture in dry base for pineapple,
Downloaded by [McMaster University] at 05:09 10 May 2013

apple, Barbados cherry, guava, papaya, and mango pulps. Barbados cherry, guava, papaya, and mango pulps.

is caused by water removal since volume of material can be standard errors obtained were 0.80 and 44.87, respectively.
considered constant during dehydration. Although the With moisture removal, most of the constituents of the
micro-structural changes in material were not analyzed in remaining solids, with the exception of fat, which is contained
the present work, it is necessary to point out that the in small quantities in the studied pulps, have a solid density
apparent density is also affected by the loss of cellular higher than 1000 kg=m3 (fat 900–970 kg=m3, carbohydrates
structure, which facilitates migration of water in 1500–1600 kg=m3, proteins 1250 kg=m3, mean value).[15]
material.[13] Consequently, the overall solid density tends to increase as
Krokida and Maroulis[14] investigated the influence of the moisture is removed.
different drying methods, including freeze drying, convec- In Fig. 3 it is possible to note that the porosity for all
tive drying, osmotic dehydration, microwave, and vacuum freeze-dried pulps is approximately 0.89  0.01. This elev-
drying, on the structural properties of fruits and vegetables ated value of porosity may be attributed to the cellular
such as banana, apple, carrot, and potato. The authors issues systems from which foods such as fruits are formed,
verified that the apparent density of the studied materials which is considered a peculiar porous system,[15] and
was greatly affected by dehydration process. Freeze-dried because porosity is a property that changes as a result of
materials presented the lowest values of apparent density,
corroborating the results obtained in this work.
It can be verified from Table 3 that for the studied fruit
pulps, the apparent density decreases linearly with moisture
content (dry basis) during freeze drying. The linear relation-
ship was defined based on the correlation coefficient, R2.
In Fig. 2, it can be observed that real density increases dur-
ing the freeze drying process. The minimum and maximum

Equations for apparent density determined experimentally
Pulps Equations
Pineapple qap ¼ 181:7 þ 181:7  Xd:b: ð6Þ
Barbados cherry qap ¼ 65:9 þ 65:9  Xd:b: ð7Þ
Guava qap ¼ 109:6 þ 109:6  Xd:b: ð8Þ
Mango qap ¼ 137:8 þ 137:8  Xd:b: ð9Þ
FIG. 3. Porosity in function of moisture in dry base for pineapple,
Papaya qap ¼ 131:5 þ 131:5  Xd:b: ð10Þ Barbados cherry, guava, papaya, and mango pulps.

TABLE 4 Lozano et al.[16] explained that there are two types of

Equations for porosity determined experimentally pores in biological materials such as fruits, externally con-
Pulps Equations nected pores and locked-up pores. According to these
authors, the internal porosity of fruits is affected by the
Pineapple e ¼ 0:86  0:18  Xd:b: (11) behavior of their biological tissues during drying. These
Barbados cherry e ¼ 0:95  0:066  Xd:b: (12) tissues can contain an enormous amount of air in the inter-
Guava e ¼ 0:92  0:11  Xd:b: (13) cellular space and this air may be excluded by moisture sub-
limation, or by the possibility of air occlusion in the voids.
Mango e ¼ 0:90  0:13  Xd:b: (14)
Papaya e ¼ 0:91  0:14  Xd:b: (15) Nutritional Analysis
Experimental results concerning to the nutritional
analysis in the in natura and freeze-dried pulps are pre-
changes in the overall dimensions, shape, and density of the sented in Table 6.
materials and internal cell collapse as reported by Lozano A significant loss of moisture of nearly 70% was
et al.[16,17] According to Achanta and Okos,[12] the high observed in the pulps. However, the values of residual
porosity in freeze-dried products may also be explained moisture content for Barbados cherry (21.44% w.b.) and
by the low temperatures employed below the glass- guava (15.99% w.b.) due to their hygroscopic characteris-
transition temperature, causing the material to remain in tics after drying were relatively high when compared with
Downloaded by [McMaster University] at 05:09 10 May 2013

the glassy state with negligible shrinkage during drying the other pulps. The elevated residual moisture can be
process. explained by structural changes in the soluble carbohy-
The collapse of the studied fruits was not observed in drates (sugars) with a high level of amorphousness, which
this work. However, Krokida and Maroulis[14] reported makes the product highly hygroscopic and sensitive to
the collapse of apple, banana, potato, and carrot after physical, chemical, and microbiologic changes. The
freeze drying and attributed the phenomenon to the glassy glassy-rubbery physical state, in which molecular networks
to rubberized transition and the melting of ice, which are found, affects the water retention in foods significantly.
plasticized the matrix, thus causing a reduction in porosity. This physical state depends on the technological treatments
Figure 3 also displays how the porosity characteristics are and methods employed in operations such as dehydration
influenced by the structure and individual characteristics of and freezing, which lead to variations in the isotherms of
fruits. A linear increase in porosity with moisture removal is freeze-dried products.[19]
verified from Fig. 3 and Table 4 for all freeze-dried pulps. Vitamin C is relatively unstable to heat, oxygen, and
Zogzas et al.[18] also found an increase in internal porosity light. The retention of this nutrient can be used as a quality
during convective drying of apples as water was removed. index of dried products because if vitamin C content is well
Marousis et al.[13] and Zogzas et al.[18] attributed this to retained, the other nutrients are also generally preserved.[20]
the stresses induced by drying that lead to the splitting After drying, reductions of about 16 and 1.6% were
and rupture of cells, thus producing a more open structure. observed in the vitamin C and phosphorus contents,
In Fig. 3 it can also be verified that the freeze-dried pulps respectively, for most of the pulps. The maximum loss of
presented elevated values of porosity as a result of the neg- vitamin C (80%) occurred in the freeze-dried guava. The
ligible shrinkage during process. These results are in accord- ascorbic acid content contained in the freeze-dried pine-
ance with those obtained in the literature, shown in Table 5, apple, Barbados cherry, guava, papaya, and mango charac-
which state that porosity of freeze-dried products is higher terizes these products as an valuable source of vitamin C.
in comparison to conventional drying methods. In Brazil, the recommended daily intake (RDI) for adults
is 60 mg.[21] Significant loss of Vitamin C also did not occur
in freeze-dried carrots according to Lin et al.[20]
TABLE 5 Calcium content for all five studied pulps was quite
Values of porosity for some fruits under different drying variable, due to the different stages of ripeness in the fruits
methods [14] analyzed and experimental errors, but the obtained results
indicate that this nutrient was not significantly affected by
Drying methods freeze drying.
Air Freeze- Osmotic Table 7 gives the values of nutritional composition
Materials drying drying Microwave dehydration found in the literature for the studied pulps. It was verified
that the experimental data of moisture content correspond-
Apple 0.3–0.5 0.8 0.6 0.2–0.4 ing to the pulps in natura, Table 6, were close to values
Banana 0.2 0.84–0.9 0.25 0.15 cited in the literature. However, there are significant differ-
Blueberries 0.15 0.70 0.21 — ences between the experimental data and literature values

Nutritional values for pulps obtained experimentally
Nutritional value
Pulps Xw.b. (%) Vitamin C (mg=100 g) Phosphorus (mg=100 g) Calcium (mg=100 g)
in natura (84.11  0.01) (41.05  0.02) (13.14  0.01) (11.72  0.01)
Freeze-dried (7.06  0.01) (30.00  0.02) (9.69  0.01) (12.49  0.03)
Barbados Cherry
in natura (93.41  0.01) (657.00  0.60) (12.05  0.01) (8.65  0.02)
Freeze-dried (21.44  0.04) (633.40  2.00) (11.08  0.02) (7.49  0.01)
in natura (88.49  0.01) (113.62  0.02) (12.31  0.02) (8.32  0.01)
Freeze-dried (15.99  0.01) (33.29  0.12) (12.13  0.02) (7.21  0.01)
in natura (89.80  0.01) (87.24  0.02) (9.30  0.01) (13.86  0.02)
Freeze-dried (5.81  0.01) (66.13  0.03) (6.66  0.01) (13.97  0.01)
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in natura (80.83  0.01) (31.79  0.02) (10.86  0.01) (8.89  0.03)
Freeze-dried (7.76  0.01) (19.72  0.01) (10.33  0.03) (7.97  0.02)

Nutritional values for pulps
Nutritional value Pineapple Barbados Cherry Guava Papaya Mango
Xw.b.(%) 87.00 91.00 86.00 89.00 82.00
Vitamin C (mg=100 g) 15.00 1678.00 184.00 62.00 28.00
Phosphorus (mg=100 g) 7.00 11.00 25.00 5.00 11.00
Calcium (mg=100 g) 7.00 12.00 20.00 24.00 10.00

for vitamin C, phosphorus, and calcium contents. Such dis-  Freeze-dried pulps presented high values of porosity,
crepancies are due to differences in the analyzed fruits as expected, ranging between 0.84 and 0.93.
influenced by cultivation area, soil, climatic conditions,  Freeze-dried pineapple, Barbados cherry, guava,
ripeness, and genotype characteristics of the pulps and, papaya and mango conserved their color, flavor,
mainly, the differences in the methods and procedures and taste.
adopted for nutritional analysis.  Freeze drying of Barbados cherry and guava fruits
resulted in a hygroscopic product, due to the tran-
CONCLUSIONS sition from a crystalline structure of the soluble car-
bohydrates (sugars) present in pulps to a amorphous
Results from this study allow the conclusions that in the
structure, causing an softened appearance, but other
studied conditions:
product characteristics were maintained.
 Apparent density of the studied pulps has pre-  Based on the nutritional analysis performed, the
sented a linear relationship with moisture content. freeze drying of tropical fruits pulps was proven
At the final stage of dehydration, freeze-dried to provide products with high nutritive value that
pulps presented low values of apparent density, may be destined for consumption.
ranging between 83.9 kg=m3 and 195.5 kg=m3.
 Pineapple, Barbados cherry, guava, papaya, and NOMENCLATURE
mango showed elevated real density, as the carbo- m Weight (kg)
hydrates present in final product have higher den- V Volume (m3)
sity than that corresponding to water. X Moisture content in dry basis (kg water=kg dry solid)

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