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1 accuracy ['ækjərəsɪ] the degree to which the aniqlik The accuracy of
specific information information or
content of a target text measurements is their
matches that of the quality of being true or
source text. correct, even in small
2 adaptation [ˌædæp'teɪʃ(ə)n] adaptation1 n. the moslashuv Adaptation occurs
general process and when something
result of translation specific to one
where close fidelity to language culture is
the original expressed in a totally
text has been different way that is
subordinated to familiar or appropriate
suitability for particular to another language
target readers, such as culture.
3 Adequate ['ædɪkwət] [trænz'leɪʃ(ə)n] a tertium comparationis adekvat tarjima Before exposing a
Translation or invariant taxonomy of the
representation of a various kinds
source text, used as a of translation, Torop
measure of equivalence states his general
of a target text. definition of "adequate
4 analysis [ə'næləsɪs] detailed examination of analiz, tahlil We did an analysis of
the elements or the way that
structure of something, government money has
typically as a basis for been spent in the past.
discussion or
5 appropriatio [əˌprəuprɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n] a now somewhat muvofiqlik, mos kelishlik
n pejorative term for the As a cultural
cultural power product, translations of
exercised (or at language and text,
least displayed) in the when translated withou
act of translating text t homage to the culture
from one culture into they come from,
that of another, seen in is appropriation.
some sense as an act of
taking possession.
6 calque [kalk] another term for loan kalkalash, kalka A calque (otherwise
translation known as a
loan translation): is a
word or phrase taken
from one language
and translated literally,
word-for-word, into
another language.
7 coherence [kə(u)'hɪər(ə)n(t)s] the continuity of sense mantiqiylik Coherence in texts is
relations underlying the not merely a property
surface of translated of texts, however, but
texts. also a function of users
8 cohesion [kəu'hiːʒ(ə)n] explicitly signalled jipslik, mustahkamlik If there is cohesion
connectivity between within a society,
elements in source- organization, or group,
language texts, that the different members
may be organised in a fit together well and
completely different form a united whole.
way in translations in
accordance with
and other target-
language norms.
9 collocation [ˌkɔlə'keɪʃ(ə)n] the tendency of lexical birikma so’zlar The words have a
items to occur in the similar range of
same linguistic collocation.
environment as
other lexical items.
10 competence ['kɔmpɪt(ə)n(t)s a key concept in iste’dod, mahorat Competence is the
translation pedagogy, ability to do something
identifying the well or effectively.
complete range of
and aptitudes required
to be a practising
11 dialect ['daɪəlekt] [trænz'leɪʃ(ə)n] the treatment by the dialekt/shevalar tarjimasi A translator's work is
translation translator of non- typically
standard features in a to translate a dialect of
source text a very specific area to
due to geographical, the dominant language
historical or social in the area and vice-
variation, sometimes versa.
referred to as linguistic
12 dialogue ['daɪəlɔg] [ɪn'tɜːprɪting] a term used in dialog yoki og’zaki nutq Dialogue interpreting
interpreting interpreting studies tarjimasi(ikki kishi is most often
(rather than in the ortasidagi) conducted face-to-face
interpreting in consecutive mode,
profession) to with the interpreter
designate modes of translating both ways
interpreting other than between two speakers
the interpreting of of different languages.
characteristic of most
13 diplomatic [ˌdɪplə'mætɪk] [trænz'leɪʃ(ə)n] the use of translation diplomatik aloqalar tarjimasi Diplomatic translation
translation services, especially has therefore always
interpreting, in been a particularly
encounters between sensitive area, in which
representatives of translators may be
governments. required to relay not
only the sense but the
words of the source
while at the same time
seeking to avoid any
unnecessary giving or
taking of offence.
14 equivalence [ɪ'kwɪv(ə)lən(t)s] the degree of ekvivalentlik If there is equivalence
correspondence of between two things,
meaning, grammar, they have the same
style and use, function, size, or
communicative effect value.
between a source text
and any translation into
a particular target text.
15 footnote ['futnəut] the insertion by the snoska, havola A footnote is a note at
translator, at the foot of the bottom of a page in
a page or end of a text, a book which provides
of additional more detailed
material for the information about
purpose of explaining something that is
some aspect of a source mentioned on that
text or justifying the page.
16 Human- ['hjuːmən eɪded] [trænz'leɪʃ(ə)n] method of translating inson tamonidan qilingan Human-aided
aided in which a human tarjima translation is not done
translation editor helps a machine by computers.
translation system to
produce a translated
target text of
17 implicitation [ˌɪmplɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] the reduction of tub ma’no His implication of his
source-text redundancy co-workers in the fraud
in the process of was crucial
whether obligatory
(when a target
language lacks a
grammatical category
to express
information specified
grammatically in the
source text) or optional
18 linguistic [lɪŋ'gwɪstɪk] [trænz'leɪʃ(ə)n] the process and the lingvistik tarjima
translation product in translation
of inventing a
new term or phrase in a
target language to
represent a lexical or
other linguistic unit
previously unknown to
users of that language.

19 poetry in ['pəuɪtrɪ] [ɪn] [trænz'leɪʃ(ə)n] the attempt to provide a she’riy tarjima Poetry translation is
translation target text that typically overt. Poetry
preserves something of translators are
the concerned to interpret
poetic flavour of the a source poem's layers
source text, despite the of meaning, to relay
significant differences this interpretation.
of phonological,
syntactic and semantic
systems between most
20 semantic [sɪ'mæntɪk] [trænz'leɪʃ(ə)n] a mode of translation semantik jihatdan tarjima Semantic translation is
translation most often used for qilish neutral and objective,
semantically precise just to translate
texts naturally
where the
accuracy of verbal
form is at a premium,
as in academic,
and scientific writing
and some types of
literary text.

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