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1 Aristocracy [ˌærɪ’stɔkrəsɪ] System of Aristokratiya The ancient polish
government with (zodogonlarning siyosiy aristocracy had hereditary
"rule by the best" hokimyati) right to elect the king

2 Buddhism [‘budɪz(ə)m] Religion and Buddaviylik dini With about 470 million
philosophy based on followers, scholars
the teachings of the consider buddhism one of
buddha, siddhārtha the major world religions.

3 Civilization [ˌsɪv(ə)laɪ’zeɪʃ(ə)n] The stage of human Sivilizatsiya The fur traders moved
social development further and further from
and organization civilization
which is considered
most advanced
4 Domesticatio [dəˌmestɪ’keɪʃ(ə)n] The process of Xonakilashtirish( hayvonla The first animals to
n adapting wild plants r yoki o’sliklarni) be domesticated for food
and animals for use are thought to be sheep,
human use. between 11,000 and 9,000
5 Democracy [dɪ’mɔkrəsɪ] The form of Demokratiya ( xalq Athens is among the first
government in which hokimiyati) recorded and one of the
policy is decided by most
the preference of the important democracies in
majority in a ancient times

6 Feudalism [‘fjuːd(ə)lɪz(ə)m] The social Feodalizm( boy Feudalism was a political,

organization created dehqonlarning ko’p mulk economic and social system
by exchanging grants va yerlarga ega bo’lishi) that established itself in
of lands r fiefs in western europe with the
return for formal carolingian empire.
oaths of allegiance
and promises of loyal

7 Gilgamesh [ˈgɪlgəmɛʃ] A legendary king of Afsonaviy shumerlar Most historians generally

the sumerian city podshohi agree that gilgamesh was
state of uruk who is a historical king of the
supposed to have sumerian city-state of uruk,
ruled sometime who probably ruled
during the first half of sometime during the early
the 3rd millennium part of the early dynastic
bc. period
8 Hammurabi’s [ˌhæmu’rɑːbɪ’s lɔː kəud] First set of defined Xamurappi qonunlari The code of hammurabi wa
law code laws within a s one of the earliest and
civilization. most complete written legal
codes and was proclaimed
by the babylonian
king hammurabi, who
reigned from 1792 to 1750
9 Hieroglyphics [ha͟ ɪ͟ ərəglɪ̱ fɪks] The system of writing Iyerogliflar Hieroglyphics was a very
used by the ancient complicated way of writing
egyptians involving 1000s of
10 Inquisition [ˌɪnkwɪ’zɪʃən] An investigation; a Inkvizitsiya (katolik The inquisition was a
tribunal formerly held cherkovining sud-tergov powerful office set up
in the roman catholic tashkilot) within the catholic church
church and directed at to root out and punish
the suppression of heresy throughout europe
heresy and the americas.

11 Middle ages [‘mɪdl eɪʤ] The middle period in O’rta asrlar The middle ages are
a traditional referred to as the "medieval
schematic division of period" (sometimes spelled
european history "mediaeval") from the latin
medius (middle) and ævus
12 Metalworking [‘mɛtalˌwɔːkɪŋ] Craft and practice of Metallga ishlov berish The end of the beginning
working with metals of metalworking occurs
to create parts or sometime around 6000 bce
structures. It requires when copper smelting
skill and the use of became common in
many different types southwestern asia. Ancient
of tools civilisations knew of seven
13 Neolithic era [ˌniːə’lɪθɪk ‘ɪərə] Relating to or Neolit davri The neolithic era is
denoting the later part the period in our past when
of the stone age, the shift from hunting and
when ground or gathering wild animals and
polished stone plants to a farming lifestyle
weapons and occurred.
implements prevailed
14 [‘pez(ə)nt] Agricultural worker Yollanma dehqon, ishchi A peasant is a pre-industrial
that works land they agricultural laborer or a
own or rented farmer with limited land-
ownership, especially one
living in the middle ages
under feudalism and paying
rent, tax, fees, or services to
a landlord.
15 Pyramid [‘pɪrəmɪd] A monumental Piramida The oldest
structure with a known pyramid in egypt
square or triangular was built around 2630 b.c.
base and sloping sides at saqqara, for the third
that meet in a point at dynasty’s king djoser.
the top, especially
one built of stone as a
royal tomb in ancient
16 Renaissance [rɪˈneɪs(ə)ns, -ɒ̃s] The period of Uygʻonish davri The renaissance was a
european history fervent period of european
marking the waning cultural, artistic, political
of the middle ages and economic “rebirth”
and the rise of the following the middle ages.
modern world:
usually considered as
beginning in italy in
the 14th century
17 Silk road [sɪlk rəud] The number of trade Buyuk ipak yo’li The silk road was a
routes from east asia network of trade routes
to eastern europe, one which connected the east
of the trade and west, and was central
commodities was silk to the economic, cultural,
political, and religious
interactions between these
regions from the 2nd
century bce to the 18th
18 Slavery [‘sleɪv(ə)rɪ] The system by which Quldorlik Slavery occurred in
people are owned by civilizations as old as
other people as sumer, as well as in almost
slaves. every other ancient
civilization, including
ancient egypt.
19 Tribe [traɪb] A social division in a Qabila A map of maryland marked
traditional society with the names of indian
consisting of families tribes.
or communities
linked by social,
economic, religious,
or blood ties, with a
common culture and
dialect, typically
having a recognized
20 Vikings [‘vaɪkɪŋs] Any of the Viking (qadimgi The vikings originated in
scandinavian skandinaviyalik bosqinchi what is now Denmark,
seafaring pirates and qabila a’zolari) Norway and Sweden.
traders who raided
and settled in many
parts of nw europe in
the 8th–11th centuries

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