Sample English Micro Project - ME Branch

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Course Name(Branch Name): Mechanical Engineering Academic Year:2022-23

Subject and Code: English (311303)

Semester and Scheme: First Semester K Scheme

A study on (Topic Name)



Submitted in First Semester by the group of _____students

Sr. Roll No. Full name of Student Enrollment Seat No.

No. (Sem- I) (CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY) No. (Sem – I)

Under the Guidance of

Prof. A.S.Bhamare

This is to certify that Mr/Miss _____________________ Roll No: __of

First Semester of Diploma Programme in Mechanical Engineering &

Technology at 1167- Sandip Polytechnic- Nashik , has completed the

Micro Project satisfactorily in Subject ENGLISH (311303) in the

academic year 2022-23 as prescribed in the MSBTE prescribed curriculum

of I - Scheme.

Place: Nashik Enrollment No:

Date : / / Exam. Seat No:

Project Guide Head of the Department Principal

Seal of the Institute

Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project

Academic Year: 2023-24

Subject & Subject Code: English(311303)
Course & Course Code: Mechanical Engineering
Name of the Faculty: Prof.A.S.Bhamare
Title of Micro Project:
COs addressed by Micro Project:
a) Formulate grammatically correct sentences.
b) Use relevant vocabulary.
c) Give presentation by using audio- visual aids.
Comments/suggestions about team work /leadership/inter-personal
communication (if any)-

Marks out of 06 Marks out of 04 for
Roll Marks
Name of Student for performance performance in
No. out of
in group activity oral/ presentation

Name & Signature of Faculty Name & Signature of HOD

(Prof A.S. Bhamare) ( Prof. U.R. Tambat)
Subject :English Subject Code : 311303

Weekly Progress Report of the Project

Sr Week Activity Performed Sign of

No. Date The Guide
st Topic Discussion
1 week
2nd week Topic Selection
3 3rd week Collection of Data

4 4th week
Collection of Data
th Discussion of Content
5 5 week
6 6th week Outline of Content

7 7th week
Formulation of Content
th Editing & Proof Reading of Content
8 8 week
9 9th week Compilation of Report

10 10th week Compilation of Presentation

11 11th week Presentation of Seminar

12 12th week Final Submission

Topic : Summarise The Content Of A Famous Book /Books
(Fiction / Non Fiction )

You Are Born To Blossom

- By Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and Arun K Tiwari


You Are Born To Blossom co-authored by Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam and Arun Tiwari. The
book depicts the visualization of Dr. Kalam about Information and Communication
Technology and the hidden rural India talent. In the book, Dr. Kalam depicts his vision of
schools in India as of 2020 as “connecting nerve centres” linking teachers, students and
community, epitomizing knowledge prevalent around the globe. He invites people to speed
up the course social revolution.

This transformation would require elevating the standards of supremacy and thereby
preserving the sanctity of public institutions. The book uses the simile of a tree to define the
process of knowledge abiding fruits of affluence in the modern globalised world. The book
gives references of appropriate contributions made by a large chunk of Indian scientists and
artists from where it is evidenced that there is no age bar to ‘blossom’.

He backs designing of such an environment which favours growth and development of

several individualistic talents in the country and invites for setting up a scientific state of
mind that is channeled by conscience, agreement and by actions that take into account
various social and moral ethics towards constructing our own structures. This enlightening
book is available online at Amazon India.
About the Author

Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, the former President of India needs no introduction. Avul Pakir
Jainulabdeen was born on October 15, 1931. He was the 11th President of India for the period
2002-2007. A scientist-cum-politician, he was born and brought up in Rameswaram, Tamil
Nadu. He was a keen learner and studied physics and aerospace engineering. He was a
scientist at the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Indian Space
Research Organisation (ISRO). He was actively engaged in India’s civilian space program
and armed forces missile improvisation efforts. Thus, he was known as the Missile Man of
India. Also, this book has been co-authored by Arun Tiwari, who is an ex-missile scientist
and worked under Dr. Kalam. He is at present the Director of the Cardiovascular Technology
Institute at Hyderabad.


There are several reasons that one should read this book, but the foremost reason is Dr. A.P.J
Abdul Kalam Sir. This Book focuses on many aspects of life be it spirituality, be it education
and many more. Dr. Kalam has shown his concerns about the current education system in
India. He has shown how hollow the system is and how it suppresses the individuality of the
students. He has further described how the youth of India is moving in search of a job and
how they are not trying to make jobs for others. This book tries to make us understand that
each one of us is very special, and has some unique qualities because we are so different from
each other. It also tells us, that, we should not set the goal by what people consider important,
because we are the ones who know what is best for us. One should feel a responsibility
towards nature, towards their own country. One should not only think about their financial
growth rather they should also think about their country’s growth and contribute to save the
selfless nature.

Dr. Kalam has explained that the foundation of success rests on three pillars: parents, teachers
and mentors. He has explained how they are important in our lives and how sometimes we
become so disrespectful towards them. He conveys the youth of this country to respect them,
and at the same time he has also added that it should not mean blind obedience. A dedicated
teacher is like a candle, which burns itself but gives light to others. To stuff the child with lots
of information, making him pass examinations, is the most unintelligent form of education.
The purpose of education should be to bring a complete transformation of the society. The
inner liberty is both the means and end of education. If we force a child to fit in a particular
manner then they would end up becoming a follower. However, we should encourage them to
be a leader, and should allow them to take risks in their life. Education should actually be
intended to assist students to become truly what they are, and not what we want to make

Dr. Kalam has explained that in the process of education, it is not only the student who gets
benefit of it, but the teacher also experiences different talents which could be in Science,
Technology or in Creativity. The brain can only become infinite if its free from conditioning.
He has explained how a parent expects from their child to behave in a particular manner, how
only study is important to a parent. Basically he tries to explain the actual definition of
education, how the education system should be, what are basic things that should be taken
into consideration which we usually neglect.

The book uses the metaphor of a tree to describe the process of knowledge bearing fruits of
prosperity in the contemporary globalised world where different phases, formative, adult working
life, and post-50 experienced senior citizens, call for different kinds of learning.
The book refers to a contextual contribution of a large number of Indian scientists and artists and
proves that there is no age bar to blossom. he advocates creation of conditions that favour growth
of diverse individual talents akin to a garden and calls for a scientific mind-set guided by conscience,
consensus and by actions that take our social and moral values into account in building our own

‘You Are Born To Blossom ‘
By Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and Arun K Tiwari

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