Sachinkumar Desai

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D.K. Shinde School of Social Work,

KOLHAPUR- 416 904

Project Report on
“CSR Activities Of Reliance Foundation”

Submitted by
Sachinkumar Sambhajirao Desai
Roll No – 68

Dr. D.M.Bhosale Dr. S.P. Rath

Head of dept. of social work Director
CSIBER,Kolhapur CSIBER,Kolhapur

This is to certify that Mr. Sachinkumar Sambhajirao Desai student of

Chhatrapati Shahu Institute of Business Education & Research has worked
under for supervision and guidance for his project work and prepared a project
with the title “CSR Activities of Reliance Foundation”.

Place – Kolhapur Mr. S. V. Thakur
Date - Project Coordinator

Student 2

I hereby declare that the project work entitled “CSR Activities of

Reliance Foundation” submitted to the CSIBER Kolhapur, is record of an

original work done by me under the guidance of Mr. S.V. Thakur Sir

Department of Social Work Department, CSIBER , Kolhapur. This project work

is submitted in the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the

degree of Master In Social Work . The results embodide in this project have not

been submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of any degree.

Sachinkumar Sambhajirao Desai


Student 3


1 Executive summary 5

2 Introduction 6
3 Significance of study 8

Objective of study


4 Profile of RIL 10



8 The Benefits of CSR

9 Conclusion 49

10 Reference

Student 4

India has a long tradition in the field of corporate social responsibility

and industrial welfare has been put to practice since late 1800s.
Historically, the philanthropy of business people in India has
resembled western philanthropy in being rooted in religious belief.
Business practices in the 1900s that could be termed socially
responsible took different forms: philanthropic donations to charity,
service to the community, enhancing employee welfare and
promoting religious conduct. The concept of CSR has evolved from
being regarded as detrimental to a company's profitability, to being
considered as somehow benefiting the company as a whole, at least in
the long run. This report tries to analyse the CSR initiatives of
Reliance Foundation in India, and focuses on the finding & reviewing
the impact of its CSR initiatives.

Student 5

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is on the rise all over the world,
and India is no exception. The history of corporate paternalism has
played an important part in shaping community expectations and CSR
practices in India. Civil society, consumers and other actors have
increased the pressure on companies to adhere to social and
environmental standards, and this new "civil regulatory" environment
has had impacts on business in India. In the words of Prof. N.R.Sheth,
A corporate enterprise has been recognized as a "person" in law. It
should also be recognized as a person in society. A corporate takes
birth and grows in response to needs and labours of various
stakeholders- entrepreneurs, managers, workers, local community,
larger society, buyers, suppliers and of course, the state. Healthy
survival and development depend on adequate nurturing by all these
stakeholders. The concept of social responsibility should therefore
include the whole spectrum of stakeholders. Responsibility should be
clearly perceived and projected as responsibility and therefore be kept
away from ideas of philanthropy, charity, generosity and the like. A
corporate, as a citizen, should understand that its own well-being is
inextricably linked with the well-being of all stakeholders. Its
financial management as well as human resources should notionally
cover all stakeholders. One practical way of defining social

Student 6
responsibility is to allocate resources for material and human
investment beyond legal obligations. How far and how should

one contribute to the short-and long-term welfare of employees,

clients, suppliers, people in the vicinity (especially those who supply
human capital) and the wider population? What can be done to build
bridges of understanding and mutuality with various categories of

How does one demonstrate a mindset which emphasizes interest in

other beyond the realm of self-interest? Indian corporate sector is
spending 0.2 percent of their profits towards CSR activities only.
Indian government has mandated CSR activities for corporate firms
which are earning profits as per company's act-2013. The study of
CSR activities RIL is very important as the firms is competing to
emerge as leader in CSR India.

Student 7

India is the 2nd highest populous country in the world. Most of the population is
living in the villages. India has achieved 65 % literacy rate only. Majority of the
rural people are illiterates, not accessible to good health facilities and nutritious
food. 20 percent of the rural people are in the poverty line. The business houses
are earning profits by rendering their services to customers in society. The
government alone can't uplift the downtrodden people.

The corporate houses and non-governmental organizations have to come

forward to eradicate various social evils and play vital role in society
development their activities such as providing quality education, extending
healthcare facilities, nutritious food, creating awareness on environment safety,
drinking water facilities, sponsoring the sports events, participating in natural
disaster management programmes, ethical values promotion, enriching the
Indian culture, etc. The corporate houses have to come forward to do their part
towards development of the society. This contribution will be helpful to the
organizations to enhance their brand awareness and reputation in the market.
The society development should be treated as an integral part of the
organization's strategy. CSR strategies promote the corporate sustainable
development as well as society as at large. Therefore community development
is a
responsibility of the government, non-governmental organizations and business
organizations as well

Student 8

The study is intended to achieve the following objectives: • The main purpose
of the study is to analyze the corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities
carried out by Indian private (RIL).

Student 9

The study is based on the secondary data collected from the annual reports of
Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) 2009-10 to 2012-13. The study adopts
descriptive and analytical research design. According to the section 135,
Schedule VII of Companies Act-2013 initiatives of CSR.

Student 10

Reliance Industries Ltd is an India-based company. The company is

India's largest private sector company on all major financial
parameters. They are the first private sector company from India to
feature in the Fortune Global 500 list of 'World's Largest
Corporations' and ranks 117th amongst the world's Top 200
companies in terms of profits. The company operates world-class
manufacturing facilities across the country at Allahabad, Barabanki,
Dahej, Hazira, Hoshiarpur, Jamnagar, Nagothane, Nagpur, Naroda,
Patalganga, Silvassa and Vadodara.

The company operates in three business segments: petrochemicals,

refining, and oil and gas. The petrochemicals segment includes
production and marketing operations of petrochemical products. The
refining segment includes production and marketing operations of the
petroleum products. The oil and gas segment includes exploration,
development and production of crude oil and natural gas. The other
segment of the company includes textile, retail business and special
economic zone (SEZ) development. In the year 1966 the RIL was
founded by Shri Dhirubhai H.Ambani, it was started as a small textile
manufacturer unit. In May 8, 1973 RIL was incorporated and
conformed their name as RIL in the year 1985. Over the years, the
company has transformed their business from manufacturing of
textiles products into a petrochemical major.

Student 11

Social welfare and community development is at the core of

Reliance's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) philosophy and
continues to be a top priority for the Company. It revolves around the
Company's deeply-held belief in the principle of symbiotic
relationship with the local communities, recognizing that business
ultimately has a purpose - to serve human needs. Close and
continuous interaction with the people and communities in and around
the manufacturing divisions has been the key focus while striving to
bring around qualitative changes and supporting the underprivileged.

The key philosophy of all CSR initiatives of RIL is guided by three


Commitments of SIS:




Student 12


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a form of business self

regulation to incorporate social and environmental concerns. It
represents a business model that adheres to laws, ethical standards,
and international norms.

As part of the business model, businesses have to take into account

the impact of their activities on the environment, employees,
communities, stakeholders, and other members of the public. In short,
CSR represents the deliberate inclusion of the public's interest in a
business' decision making to ensure a triple bottom line that considers
the planet, people, and profits.

In general, CSR involves some kind of standardized reporting that

allows the business to collect information on how it is making
progress on various fronts. Businesses that engage in CSR typically
focus on some or all of the following:

• Environment: This requires a look at the environmental impacts of

products and services, as well as what the business does outside the
company to improve the environment.

• Employees: It's important to ensure that all employees are cared

for adequately. Businesses usually focus on workplace conditions,

Student 13
benefits, living wages, and training.

• Communities: Engaging the surrounding communities is an

important part of not just creating good human capital that can serve
the business, but also securing a reputation that can further establish
the business.

• Regulations: Respecting regulations to the fullest and often

exceeding them is part of being socially responsible.

• Crisis Preparedness: Being ready to address business crises and

ensure safety for employees and surrounding communities is critical.
Having plans ready and tried are important in ensuring minimal losses
during times of crises.

Student 14

CSR is about how companies manage the business processes to

produce an overall positive impact on society.

Take the following illustration:

Companies need to answer to two aspects of their operations.

1.The quality of their management - both in terms of people and

processes (the inner circle).

2. The nature and quantity of their impact on society in the various


Outside stakeholders are taking an increasing interest in the activity of

the company. Most look to the outer circle - what the company has
actually done, good or bad, in terms of its products and services, in
terms of its impact on the environment and on local communities, or
in how it treats and develops its workforce. Out of the various
stakeholders, it is financial analysts who are predominantly focused -
as well as past financial performance - on quality of management as
an indicator of likely future performance.

Student 15

On 8th August 2013 the proposed new Companies Bill, 2012 was
passed by Rajya Sabha. This bill will soon replace the Companies
Act, 1956, which has governed Indian business for over 50 years. The
new Company's Act-2013will come into effect at a future date not yet
determined. The Act contains an important clause (Clause 135) that
mandates CSR regulations for Indian companies. It has many merits
for one thing; it simplifies many issues and aims at greater
transparency and ease of doing business in India. It has also
introduced class action lawsuits, which will protect small holders, a
remarkable move.

As per companies act 2013, CSR is mandatory 2 percent spend for

companies with profits over 50 million Rupees ($816, 000) in the last
three years. While this mandatory spend may seem like an excellent
move and a great business opportunity, especially for smaller
consultancies and reveals that which is simply not true. Only
companies of a certain size are included in Clause 135. The rules
define the companies affected as those having net worth of Rs 500
crore or more; or annual turnover of Rs 1000 crore or more; or annual
net profit of Rs 5 crore or more (net profit before tax, not include
profits arising from branches outside India).

Student 16
CSR needs not be altruistic to be effective

According to India's Corporate Affairs Minister Sachin Pilot, "CSR

should be viewed as something that you are doing - whether through
cash or kind, or man-hours, or anything else - to bring smiles to the
people's faces and not for your EBITDA (Earnings before Interest,
Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization)."

While inspiring, Pilot's declaration pivots CSR from being a call of

business to something undefined and unrelated - something more. But
CSR need not be altruistic to be effective. Companies like Pepsi Co
and Coca-Cola invest in projects like water treatment facilities and a
zero waste footprint for their products because it helps them reduce
their resource use, which in turn helps them become sustainable and
achieve higher profits. General Motors and saves itself millions of
dollars because it is good business and impacts its bottom line while
pushing innovation, better technology and building accountability.

Student 17
What CSR is, and should do?

The Indian business scenario is not without its merits and CSR has an
enormous role to play as long as it has guidelines to help in its
progression. These guidelines need to play up India's strengths like
innovation. Jugaad has always been a way of life in India - now if we
can take this intrinsic concept and mix it with some systems thinking
to streamline evolution, Indian Inc. will have a global playing field.
Besides, CSR should encourage cross-pollination of ideas, systems
thinking and holistic problem solving. It should support transparency,
innovation, and stakeholder engagement and consumer
empowerment, all in order to make businesses do better by creating
products and services that put human and environmental health at the
forefront. Confusing these goals with mere policy will result in a
stagnation of CSR. Sadly, this is what the mandatory spend

Corporate Social responsibility in India

• Most companies are not doing any CSR

• Many companies are only making token gestures towards CSR in

tangential ways such as donations to charitable trusts or NGOs,
sponsorship of events, etc.
• Most companies believe that charity and philanthropy equals to
CSR; very few companies are using their core competence to benefit
the community.

• Most companies use CSR as a marketing tool to further spread the

word about their business. For instance, donation of a token amount to

Student 18
some cause on purchase of a particular product. The fact that
companies are hiring advertising agencies for their CSR further
highlights this.

• Only Few Indian companies (from this study) publish a Corporate

Sustainability Report to measure and assess the impact of their
business on the environment.

• Very few companies openly state the processes followed by them,

the damage caused by these processes, and the steps taken to

minimize this damage.

• Very few companies state how much they spend on CSR. There is
no mention of the amount spent in any of their balance sheets or
annual reports. Most companies just list and describe their CSR
activities and seem to be spending minimal amounts on CSR.

• Very few companies are engaged in CSR activities in the local

communities where they are based.

• Very few companies have a clearly defined CSR philosophy. Most

implement their CSR in an ad-hoc manner, unconnected with their
business process.

Student 19
• Most companies spread their CSR funds thinly across many
activities, thus somewhere losing the purpose of undertaking that

• Most companies appear reluctant to themselves fulfill their CSR

unless it is mandatory by law. Generally speaking, most companies
seem either unaware or don't care about CSR. However, all
companies can be considered to be an upward learning curve with
respect to CSR and it is expected that the situation will improve.

RIL, Tatas most admired cos for CSR activities

Corporate behemoth Reliance Industries and two Tata Group firms --

Tata Motors and Tata Steel -- have emerged as the country's most
admired companies for their corporate social responsibility initiatives,
says a survey.

According to a survey by global consultancy firm The Nielsen, RIL is

on top followed by Tata Motors and Tata Steel as the most admired
companies by stakeholders for their CSR initiatives.

The business benefits of corporate social responsibility Corporate

social responsibility (CSR) isn't just about doing the right thing. It
means behaving responsibly, and also dealing with suppliers who do
the same. It also offers direct business benefits.

Building a reputation as a responsible business sets you apart.

Companies often favour suppliers who demonstrate responsible

Student 20
policies, as this can have a positive impact on how they are perceived
by customers.

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Student 21

1. Trophy for its work done under the National AIDS Control
Program phase-III from Population Foundation of India (Hazira
Manufacturing Division Reliance Community Care Centre)

2. The Golden Peacock Award - 2012 for Corporate Social

Responsibility by Institute of Directors (IOD)

3. (Vadodara Manufacturing Division)

4. Red Cross Gold Medal for the "Reliance Dhirubhai Ambani

Protsahan" Educational initiative from Governor of Andhra Pradesh

for FY 2011-12

5. Golden Peacock National Training Award - 2012 (Patalganga

Manufacturing Division)

6. The National Award for Innovative Training Practices for security

Student 22
training practices by Indian Society for Training and Development
(Nagothane Manufacturing Division)

7. The Greentech Gold Award for HR Excellence (Dahej

Manufacturing Division)

8. Oliver Kinross's Asia Oil & Gas Award 2013 for Corporate Social
Responsibility - Company of the Year (RIL KG-D6)

9. "Best ART (Anti-Retroviral Therapy) Centre Award 2013" by

Gujarat State AIDS Control Society (GSACS) on World AIDS Day
(Hazira Manufacturing Division)

10.Award for leadership excellence in corporate social welfare/CSR

by"The Greatest Corporate Leaders of India" initiative (Hazira
Manufacturing Division)


COMMITTEE (CSR & G Committee)

RIL's Board of Directors have formed a CSR&G Committee. This

committee, along with the

CSR team, to be responsible for the decision making with respect to

RIL CSR policy.

Student 23
• CSR&G Committee recommended the policy to RIL's Board of
Directors and the Board of

Directors have approved this policy.

• The Board level Committee to meet at least twice a year to review

the implementation of CSR

projects/programs and give suitable direction




profit of the last

• 3 years is spent on CSR initiatives undertaken by RIL


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Student 24


• The Board of RIL to ensure that minimum of 2% of average last

• 3 years is spent on CSR initiatives undertaken by RIL

• All expenditure towards the programs to be diligently documented •

In case at least 2% of average net profit of the last 3 years is not spent
in a financial year, reasons for the same to be specified in the CSR

• Any surplus generated out of the CSR activities not to be added to

the normal business profits of RIL.

Student 25

1. Paid up capital (INR): 3,232 crore

2. Total turnover (INR): 4,01,302 crore

3. Total profit after taxes (INR): 21,984 crore

4. Total spending on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as

percentage of profit after tax (%): 3.24%

RIL's CSR policy demonstrates its efforts towards social and

economic development. RIL's community development initiatives
focus on education, healthcare, skill enhancement, infrastructure
development, promoting sportsmanship, women empowerment,
among others.

Following are some of the initiatives RIL has undertaken during FY


• Ensuring well-being of local communities

• Building capabilities for employment generation

• Empowering women

Student 26
• Creating access to health care

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• Conserving environment

Modes through which programs/projects undertaken (through in

house team/own foundation/external NGO/government structures/ any
other organization)

CSR Expenditure 3.24 % of profit after tax Spent on Corporate Social


Student 27

A comprehensive approach towards community development RIL

implements a number of its community development initiatives
through Reliance Foundation (RF). RF has a comprehensive approach
towards community development with focus on five pillars of

Rural Transformation, Education, Health, Urban Renewal and Arts,

Culture and Heritage. Through various initiatives under these core
areas, the Foundation strives to bring a synergetic approach towards

community development.

• Reliance Foundation BIJ- Bharat India Jodo

• Information services

•Health Programmes

• Reliance Foundation Drishti

• The Dhirubhai Ambani Scholarship Programme



Student 28
• Sports for Development Arts, Culture & Heritag

Student 29

Creating sustainable livelihood solutions, addressing poverty, hunger

and malnutrition


Affordable solutions for healthcare through improved access,

awareness and health seeking behaviour


Access to quality education, training and skill enhancement


Environmental sustainability, ecological balance, conservation of

natural resources

Arts, Heritage and Culture

Protection and promotion of India's art, culture and heritage

Student 30
Disaster Response Managing and responding to disaster

Steps undertaken to ensure that community development initiatives

are successfully adopted by the community


• To work towards bridging the developmental gap between rural

'Bharat' and urban India by improving livelihood, addressing poverty,

hunger and malnutrition. Key initiatives include:

• Supporting Farm and non-farm livelihoods

• Improving water conservation and rain-water harvesting

• Developing community based initiatives like VFAs and producer

companies towards building capacity of the community and ensuring


• Using technology towards delivering need based information for

improving quality of life. • Improving food security and enhancing


Student 31
• Developing Community infrastructure

Billionaire Mukesh Ambani- run Reliance Foundation has undertaken

a CSR initiative on rural transformation, which covers 24 of the
poorest pockets across 10 states, engaging 20,000 farming households
from 250 villages. For the initial phase, 24 pockets across Gujarat,
Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Jharkhand,
Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu were

Reliance Rural Development Trust (RRDT) RRDT during the year

worked in 266 villages, constructing 173 Anganawadi buildings, 88
concrete roads and other rural facilities.


With the aim of bridging the rural-urban divide, the rural

transformation initiative RF BIJ supports marginal farmers by
ensuring livelihoods and supporting them in their journey out of
poverty. While the programme aims at de risking farming and making
the community self-sufficient, it also aims at

contributing towards conservation of nature and promoting

sustainable farming practices. Launched in 2010, the RF BIJ
programme has come a long way and has its presence in 19 agro
ecological zones spread over 11 states in the country.

Working on the three core pillars of direct action, participatory

approach and sustainable development, RF BIJ reaches out to the

Student 32
most deserving communities characterised by low rainfall, rainfed
agriculture, large tracts of cultivable wastelands and high poverty
index. Today more than 460 Village Farmer Associations (VFAs) are
being actively involved in the process of bringing about a change in
the lives of nearly 40,700 farming households through its initiatives.
Close to 15,600 hectares of land have been redeveloped under the

Dharti farm initiative this year taking the cumulative land

development since inception of the programme to over 31,000
hectares. Another significant intervention under the RF BIJ initiative,
Reliance Nutrition Garden has positively influenced the nutritional

RIL ensures its presence is established right from the commencement

of the initiatives. RIL collaborates with communities from need
identification stage to project implementation. The Company involves
the community in decision making process, right from the problem
identification stage till implementation. The extensive engagement
with the community establishes joint ownership of projects. All
concerns are amicably addressed and the initiatives are adopted since
they are designed as per the identified and prioritised needs of the
communities, implemented with the active participation of the
communities and progress is jointly evaluated with the community


• To address issues around affordability and accessibility of quality

healthcare and bring about improvement in awareness and health
seeking behavior in various parts of India, enabling a better living,
through initiatives such as:

Student 33
• Primary, secondary and tertiary care facilities

• Conducting need based health camps and providing consultation,

medicines etc.

• Working on maternal and child health

• Behavioural change for improved mother and child health

• Improving healthcare delivery through innovative outreach


• Working for the visually impaired • Working in the areas of

Communicable and non-communicable


• Using technology for training, competency evaluation and clinical

decision support for medical professionals with a view to improve
quality of healthcare


The Health for all' initiative focuses on the provision of good quality
primary care through its mobile and static medical units and caters to
the needs of the lower income group families in the area. It also aims
Student 34
at establishing an effective referral system to streamline the flow of
patients to the higher centres of care. More than 350,000 individuals
have enrolled for the services and nearly 52,600 patients have
benefitted from the services within one and half years of initiating the
programme. Similar mobile medical units are operating in
Uttarakhand and Madhya Pradesh. More than 14,300 patients from
nearly 150 villages in Madhya Pradesh and Uttarakhand have
benefitted from the services of the mobile medical units in this year.


The Drishti programme aims at improving the lives of visually

impaired. Implemented in association with the National Association
for the Blind, the programme has transformed the lives of 1200
cataract affected individuals through successful corneal transplants
this year (12,839 cataract surgeries since inception). Other initiatives
like the Braille newspaper and calendar and campaigns to promote
eye donation are also integral aspects of the Drishti programme.

RIL started the 'Change Agents for Safety Health and Environment'
(CASHe) programme a decade ago. Over the years, the CASHe
programme has evolved into a movement encompassing the entire
enterprise with thousands of improvement projects. The programme
has been instrumental in creating a culture of implementing health,
safety and environment projects on a priority basis. This programme
has helped to improve the Company's performance on the
occupational health and safety front. It has been recognised in various
international forums like the International Occupational Health
Congresses held in Italy, South Africa and Mexico.

Student 35
During the year, RIL has also implemented a unique programme
called 'Task Based Health Risk Assessment' (TBHRA).

A very unique and significant initiative, 'REFERS' (Reliance

Employee & Family Emergency Response Services) offers 24x7
assistance in

case of any medical, accident, fire and security exigencies.RIL's

Community Medical Centres established near most of its
manufacturing divisions, provide comprehensive healthcare services
to local villagers.

A joint initiative of RIL and National Association of Blind, Project

Drishti, has undertaken over 12,800 free corneal graft surgeries till
date across the country.

RIL's initiative to combat TB and HIV/AIDS is a unique public-

private partnership programme between the Government, NGOs and
the Company. It creates awareness and provides care, support and
treatment (including free-of-cost treatment) to the poor.

The Hazira Manufacturing Division's HIV/AIDS Centre is one of the

largest Anti-Retroviral Treatment Centre (ART Centre) in India. It is
a fully functional 32-bed hospital for HIV/AIDS patients. ART Centre
facilities are replicated as per the successful Hazira model in
Jamnagar, Patalganga and Lodhivali.


Student 36
Health Care initiatives

To inculcate the awareness of public health and sanitation among

villagers, scientific disposal of waste and a total sanitation drive in
association with Sulabh International is regularly carried out at Moti
Khavdi, Meghpar, Padana and Nani Khavdi villages. A daily door-to
door collection of garbage, sweeping of village roads and disposal of
waste collected at designated places outside village continued during
the year. The Community Medical Centre at Moti Khavdi with an
average of 400 OPD patients per day caters to the village

Girls' and fluting population mainly consisting of migrant labour

staying in nearby villages. The Centre provides free-of-cost, round
the-clock comprehensive health services to about 45 villages/hamlets.
The intervention impacts health and hygiene needs of 1.5 million
people. It also extends emergency life-saving services to accident
victims on the Jamnagar-Dwarka highway. The Centre provides ARV
treatment for AIDS patients free-of-cost since October 2007. This is
the fi centre of its kind by a private sector company in this region.

Doctors and nurses from the Centre visit 6 neighbouring villages

twice a week. Free check-up and treatments are done and free
medicines are provided to around 150 to 180 patients per trip. Audio
visual shows, poster exhibition, Sunday clinic for HIV/AIDS
awareness, pulse polio vaccination, multidiagnostic camps and blood
donation camps are carried out regularly.


Student 37
A total of 22,250 patients (male 9,844, female 12,406) from
Gadimoga and Bhairavapalem Panchayats were treated during the
year at static clinic Gadimoga and satellite clinic Bhairavapalem.

One male doctor, one lady doctor and two pharmacists are available
between 9 AM to 5.30 PM on all working days at the Gadimoga
Static Clinic. The doctors extend their services to the Bhairavapalem
village community twice a week, The Static Clinic at Gadimoga and
the Satellite Clinic at Bhairavapalem are functioning since 2005 and
2006 respectively, to cater the health needs of fishermen community
with a budget outlay of about 0.24 crore annually.


During the year, the Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital at Lodhivali,

Maharashtra engaged significantly to improve the quality of life in
surrounding communities. Medical diagnostic camps were arranged in
nearby areas for providing medical consultation, diagnosis and
medicines to the needy. During FY 2013-14, 13 medical camps were
conducted. In addition, during the year, the following initiatives were
taken for providing healthcare facilities to the local
• Medical care was provided to 54 road accident trauma patients free-
of-cost or at highly subsidised rates

• An Orthopedic camp for Osteoporosis patients was conducted at

Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital at Lodhivali, where 70 persons were

3,552 HIV/AIDS patients were provided free consultation,

Student 38
counselling, investigation and treatment till 31st March 2014 at the

ART Clinic of Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital at Lodhivali.


RIL has always been at the forefront in implementing initiatives

especially for the welfare of rural women and youth of surrounding
villages through various self-help groups (SHG). Continuing with the
services and keeping up the tradition, Hazira, Vadodra, Nagothane,
Gadimoga and many other manufacturing divisions offer training
programmes through various SHGs help the rural women and youth
to be "self sustaining" and generating income for themselves and
supporting their families


• To work on several educational initiatives to provide quality

education, training, skill enhancement for improving the quality of
living and livelihood. Initiatives are aimed at:

• Promoting primary and secondary education

• Enabling higher education through merit cum means scholarships,

including for differently abled across the country.

Student 39
• Using sports as a tool for development of students in both urban and
rural settings

• Promoting higher education including setting up and supporting


• Skill development and vocational training

To build a rich pool of human resources for India, RIL has developed
its own network of 12 schools in and around the manufacturing units
of the company at Jamnagar Surat, Vadodara, Patalganga, Nagothane
and Nagpur benefitting more than 15,000 students. These schools
promote the education among the children of the underprivileged
communities. The J.H. Ambani School at Patalganga provided
education to many underprivileged children from nearby villages in
Lodhivali during the current year.

To attract children to attend school and foster a love for knowledge

among them, several initiatives were taken during the year. These
included construction of a school building at Meghpar village in
Jamnagar; construction of exclusive girls' school at Motikhavdi;
distribution of school benches at Nagothane; providing school kits at
Jamnagar; distributing school bags to children at Nagpur and Silvassa
and providing notebooks and uniforms to schoolchildren of Gadimoga
and Bhaira vapalem Panchayat. Also, financial support was extended
to ' Bruhad Gujarat Sanskrit Parishad' for imparting knowledge on
Sanskrit, Karmakand and Astrology.


Student 40
A flagship CSR initiative in its own right, Reliance Dhirubhai
Ambani Protsaham Scheme, financially supports poor and meritorious
students (Class X pass-outs) from the East Godavari district.
Recipient students get admissions in corporate junior(intermediate)
colleges of their choice. A total of 178 meritorious students were
selected for the academic year 2013-14 and received support of 1
crore. With this year's admissions, the total number of students
supported under the scheme reached 1,326. Since 2010 11, RIL has
been providing financial aid to the deserving candidates (among
Protsaham recipients) for pursuing their higher studies in engineering
and medical streams.


Smt. Nita M. Ambani- an educationist - who pioneered the concept of

'Education for All' programme believes in the cause to uplift a child
through equal education opportunities.In the past four years, this
programme has been able to impact the lives of over 27,000

children. Apart from monetary support, it has built awareness

amongst various groups so that the movement can expand and impact
more children.


RIL Jamnagar supported the Government of Gujarat's drive to

promote girls' education. Approximately 1,600 school kits were
distributed in the villages to encourage enrollment of girls in schools.
More than 1,500 kits are distributed in 42 villages of Jamnagar and

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Lalpur talukas every year since 2006. This has resulted in a
remarkable rise in enrollment of girls in the first standard.

Construction of girls' primary school at the Moti Khavdi village in the

vicinity of Jamnagar Complex was undertaken during the year at the
behest of villagers. A two-story building with the necessary facilities
has been constructed. The school building is earthquake resistant, and
has the provision for vertical extension.

Furniture and computers were provided to Moti Khavdi Boys' Primary

School. Ten computers were donated to the primary school at Kanalus
village.In Ranchi and other places of Jharkhand, school benches were
provided to various schools according to requirements.

Financial assistance to Bhil Community in Tripura and Assam for

educational needs of underprivileged children was given.

Sanskar Shibir

Sanskar shibir is a regular activity of CSR team of Nagothane

Manufacturing Division. Sanskar Shibir is a concept of enjoyable
learning for school students. It is also a demonstration of interactive
teaching method for school teachers. Sanskar, synonymous with
excellence in education equips its pupil with all the requisite skills to
be tomorrow's leaders with a critical and global outlook.

Objective of the project is to motivate school children for improved

life skills and also encourage the high moral values and cultural

Student 42
values towards the right ways of leading life. Girls' Primary School at
Moti Khavdi


Good education, without doubt, is one of the main cornerstones for

building a successful and prosperous society. The merit cum means
scholarship by RF ensures that students get an opportunity to follow
their dreams without worrying about the financial implications of
pursuing higher education. The scholarship programme supports the
top scoring Higher Secondary students from financially weak
backgrounds and physically challenged students from across all states
and union territories of India to pursue education at college level. A
total of 393 scholarships have been awarded this year of which nearly
50% were awarded to girls and 111 to students from physically
challenged category. The programme has positively influenced the
lives of more than 10,000 young scholars and their families so far. RF
organised the Dhirubhai Ambani scholarship award ceremony at
Mumbai to award the scholarships to selected students in January


Recognizing the value of sports towards education, fitness and well

being of students, RF launched the Jr. NBA programme in partnership
with the National Basketball Association (NBA). A comprehensive,
school based youth basketball programme in India, it is working
towards promoting health, fitness and an active lifestyle through
basketball and teaches the values of the game such as teamwork,
sacrifice, discipline, dedication and sportsmanship. Launched in the
cities of Mumbai and Kochi, it has already reached 228 schools, 260

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coaches and nearly 140,000 students. The programme aims at
reaching one million youth in three years. It will also train 2,000
coaches and physical education instructors across India to sustain this
effort over a longer period.

RF is also implementing a programme in 30 villages of Agar, Madhya

Pradesh with the aim of empowering children and communities
through the medium of sports. The programme is working towards
creating an enabling environment for improved educational status,
gender inclusiveness and improved health outcomes through the
active participation of children, parents, larger community and the
local governance system.


To work towards preserving the rich heritage, arts and culture of India
for its future generation and make conscious efforts to ensure its
continuity and enhance avenues for livelihoods of traditional artisans
and craftsmen. Key initiatives include:

Working towards protecting and promoting India's art, culture and

heritage through various promotional and developmental projects and
programmes. Support and promotion of artists and craftsman
Promotion and preservation of traditional art and handicraft
Documenting India's rich heritage for the benefit of future

Reliance Foundation focuses on preserving the rich heritage, arts and

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culture of India for its future generations and has made conscious

efforts to contribute towards preserving the same. RF continued to

support specific programmes to promote Indian art.


Reliance Foundation has a capacity to respond to disasters in a timely

manner and engage directly with the affected communities busing its
experience of working closely with the communities. When
Uttarakhand was affected by massive floods in June 2013, RF was
one of the first organisations to lend a supporting hand. RF relief
efforts reached the unreached that were cut off post the disaster. RF
supported the rescue and relief operations by ensuring supply of relief
material and prompt medical support. RF deployed a team of 20
doctors and 50 development professionals to reach out to more than
100 villages in Uttarakhand in the period following the disaster.
RF constructed 50 family shelters, distributed more than 5,500 relief
kits and conducted medical camps that benefitted more than 8000
patients in the months following the calamity. RF is committed to
continue the efforts in Uttarakhand and has deployed two full time
teams to streamline its efforts at Rudraprayag and Uttarkashi. RF is
also committed to reconstruct some of the affected schools and
houses in Uttarakhand.


Student 45
To enable enhanced livelihood and quality of life, promote
environment sustainability through various initiatives for:

• Ecological sustainability

• Promoting biodiversity

• Conservation of natural resources

• Maintaining quality of soil, air and water

• Promoting renewable energy

• Developing gardens and river fronts

• Protection of national heritage, art and culture

RIL, in its journey towards environmental excellence, continues to

achieve new milestones. Its efforts are directed to achieve
environmental performance beyond compliance through adoption of
global best practices.
During the year under review, several initiatives were taken at
manufacturing sites to improve the environmental performance and
reduce the environmental footprint. Some of them are: Environment
protection and awareness drives Green Cover in surrounding villages

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CSR activities as per Sec-135(Schedule, VII) of CSR


Source: Sec-135-(Schedule VII) Companies Act 2013

Type of the CSR activity

1 Eradicating extreme hunger and poverty

2 Promotion of education

3 Promoting gender equality and empowering women

4 Reducing child mortality and improving maternal health

5 Combating human immunodeficiency virus, acquired immune

deficiency syndrome, malaria and other diseases 6 Ensuring

environmental sustainability

7 Employment enhancing vocational skills

Student 47
8 Social business projects
9 Contribution to the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund or any
other fund set up by the Central Government or the State
Governments for socio-economic development and relief and funds
for the welfare of the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, other
backward classes, minorities and women.

10 Other activity not mentioned above


• A good reputation makes it easier to recruit employees.

• Employees may stay longer, reducing the costs and disruption of

recruitment and retraining.

• Employees are better motivated and more productive.

• CSR helps ensure you comply with regulatory requirements.

• Activities such as involvement with the local community are ideal

opportunities to generate positive press coverage.

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• Good relationships with local authorities make doing business
easier. Understanding the wider impact of your business can help
you develop new products and services.

• CSR can make you more competitive and reduces the risk of
sudden damage to your reputation (and sales). Investors recognize
this and are more willing to finance you.

Student 49

Corporate Social Responsibility is essential in India as more than 65%

of population is living in rural areas. There are huge differences
between urban and rural India in terms health care facilities, education
levels, infrastructure, housing, nutritious food, awareness on their
rights of protection, etc. In India, the concept of CSR is governed by
clause 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 encourages companies to
spend at least 2% of their average net profit in the previous three
years on CSR activities. CSR is viewed as vital tool for improving
their competitive edge over their opponents. India is the first country
in the world which made CSR compulsory for business houses as per
companies act -2013. The corporate sector in India has to share
responsibility with government for promoting the community

Social welfare and community development is at the core of

Reliance's CSR philosophy and this continues to be a top priority.
Reliance embraces responsibility for impact of its operations and
actions on all stakeholders including society and community at large.
It revolves around our deeply-held belief in the principle of symbiotic
relationship with the local communities, recognising that business
ultimately has a purpose - to serve human needs. Close and
continuous interaction with the people and communities in and around
the manufacturing divisions has been the key focus while striving to
bring around qualitative changes and supporting the underprivileged.

Reliance Industries Limited process the environment initiatives,

education programs, health care programs, rural development
program, etc. at their own working community for enhancing the
quality life of the company's employees and maximizing the

Student 50
shareholders profit. Although, CSR approach owes indispensible
positive impacts to the society.

Reliance also supports and partners with several NGOs in community

development and health initiatives. Besides focusing primarily on the
welfare of economically and socially deprived sections of society,
Reliance also aims at developing techno-economically viable and
environment-friendly products and services for the benefit of millions
of its consumers, while at the same time ensuring the highest
standards of safety and environment protection in its operations.

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