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𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐚 𝐄𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐦

A data ecosystem is a holistic framework comprising interconnected components such as consumer

applications, backend services, a data platform (encompassing data lakes, data processing, reporting,
and data science), the business market, digital marketing, and product management.

1. Consumer Application:

A user facing software or mobile application that provides services or content to consumers.Consumer
applications collect user data and behaviour, which is then processed and analysed by the data platform
to improve user experience, digital marketing and inform product management decisions.

2. Backend Services:

The infrastructure and software responsible for supporting the functionality of consumer applications,
handling user requests, and managing data.Backend services communicate with the data platform to
store and retrieve data, ensuring the consumer application operates efficiently and securely.

3. Data Platform:

An integrated ecosystem encompassing data lakes, data processing, reporting, and data science tools
for managing and analysing data.Data collected from consumer applications and backend services are
stored in data lakes, processed using ETL pipelines for insights, and used for reporting and data science
to inform business strategies.

4. Business Market:

The target market or audience for the products or services offered by the organisation.Data helps
business teams identify trends and preferences within the business market to refine product offerings
and marketing strategies.

5. Digital Marketing:
The set of online marketing activities, including advertising, SEO, email marketing, and social media,
aimed at promoting products or services.Data used to measure the effectiveness of digital marketing
campaigns, allowing for data driven optimisations to reach the target market.

6. Product Management:

The discipline of defining and managing a product or service throughout its lifecycle, from ideation to
development and improvement. Product managers rely on data insights from the data platform to make
informed decisions about product features, enhancements, and market positioning.

I have improvised the below diagram which i found on internet.

The data ecosystem enables data-driven decision-making, enhances user experiences, informs
marketing strategies, and guides product development, fostering a symbiotic relationship between
technology, business, and data-driven insights.

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