Task 2

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Fossil fuels are essential for producing electricity powering industry and fuel transport.
However, one day we will reach a point when the world’s fossil fuels have been depleted.

How can we conserve these resource ?

What are some alternatives to fossil fuels ?

Nowadays, fossil fuels is one of issues that must be concidered because it is used for our
everyday life like electricity generation and fuel transportation. Nevertheless, fossil fuels will
deplete in the future. Therefore, we must have strategies to conserve and plan for several
alternatives. This essay will explain of the way to save fossil fuels and alternatives of fuels.

Government has fundamental role to conserve fossil fuels such as arrange regulation to
use fossil fuels only for important sectors, educate society to wisely use electricity, and support
other sources of power generation. Government can regulate that electricity from fossil fuels
only use in social service areas like hospital, government offices, and schools. The other sectors
may use alternatives power generation. In education aspect, government should include standart
electricity-usage. This is can raise awareness to society that we must wisely to use electricity.
Therefore, domestic consumption of electricity can be lowered. Lastly, government should
support innovations in technology to estabilish alternatives of electricity generation and expand
these alternative to wide society.

Actually, the alternatives of fuel has been existing several years ago. As we know that
our government has been developing hydro power stations at several cities in Indonesia. The
water coverge to the dam for obtain potencial energy and change to mechanic energy by turbin
then generation tool will converse to electricity energy. Other fuel alternatives is biodiesel. It is
on of popular innovations in technology. Biodiesel made by animal or plant that consisting
certain substance. It can change to fuels after several processing. However, this innovation does
not upplied in wide society caused by less of people awareness and lack of government

In conclusion, conserving fossil fuels is responsibility not only for government but also
society. The government can be saving fossil fuels by some of policies but it cannot be optimal
when the people has less awareness to reducing electricity consumption. Other ways to conserve
fossil fuels is built several alternatives electricity resource such as hydro power station and

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