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Pee L CS Form No. 9 ‘Becton copy be aubmtad the CSC FO mat ben g3 Form ve or CFO MS vc omat Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Request for Publication of Vacart Positions, To: CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (CSC) ‘We hereby request the publication of the following vacant positions, which are authorized to be filed, at the DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND )iATURAL RESOURCES in the CSC website: Date: 30-Aug-23 Postion The Savi Gialicaton Standards (Parenthetical | sania item No. | Job! | Monthly Place of Tite if Pay | Salary | Equcation | Training | Experience | Elgibity Competency (applicable) Assignment applicable) Grade No. Deoreson [Fry (40) hours chet earee OF fot supervisory’ [Four (4) years Career Service | cezaymarsrmr=oume tenes 1 ent tratve [OSECDENRE- 2a] covorel aeueates” |management ot supervisory Professional) [= raninnmn swe mae MSD, PENRO lCADOF-48.2014 ’ reaming and |management Second Level [sm arenon cs Palawan JOfteer ane ldevelopment expenence —Eliiity a Management | teNenton | bs trom the CSC | Supervising [Ecosystems Management [Specialist |OSEC-DENRB- |SVEMS-2.2015 22 71.811] Bachelors Degree reerantto he joo Sateen 16) hours of Tree (3) yeas ot revert vanng reevant experience |carcer Senice Protesonal Second Love Eigay Tso, PENRO Pawan pez [Development [Management Officer iv lOSEC-DENRB- loMo4-74-2014 22 msi lescnelors Degree rserantt the ob Sateen (16) nous of Tree (3) years ot reerant vaning ivartexperence career Service Protesonal Secone Level Ehgay IcENRO Quezon, Palawan PAOD Development JOSEC-DENRB- echetors Cwaree [satan (16) nou cf Trea (3) yar ot Saat Sees Management [ouoarso1e | 22 | 7Sttlemew sere fon rea eres Peso Second cenRo coro, Plena] losec-DenRe- becheors oeoee| eo ll orcs ery nour ot |rwo 2) your ot |censeo aunzon, ENG3-35-2014 Ingranening | lrsevntraning |roovrt experence A 1089 Paewan losec-DenRe. eacnotrs oreo eight 6)nours ot [Two Forester — [EGesraat 008 | 1 | 40728|nfomcy "leat an feountererence ° 18° loa, Paenen | Josec-Denre- i oe leachotors eoree ant (6)hour ot wo 2) yours of MW | 18 | 48728|inForety — freevartvanng |reevat experence A 108 [cen Roxas Pawar Josec-DenRe- Fareed a becheors egree iont(e)nour ot wo (2) yur of rook FORST3-31-1998 46.725|iForaty frsevnttanng |roovantexperence ®* 108 lpsomn ae losec-penre- [Suoer sani on Bacher Degree [ean (e)rour ot |rwo 2) years of Management 303-234-1908 | 1% | 49:72Slrcevrtiomejo frseon'venag |tdevrtexpenerce Prteson| Second [cers corer, Pawan loficer PAE A senior cee Sere Ecosystems |osEC-DENRB- lascntrs eae eit) noun ot |rwo 2) yeant Jeenno tay, 10lManegement [eRems-o7-2014 | 1® | 48725|amaniomens jsetzanng [emvtepeence| eons Second Salen [Specialist [Senior 7 Ecosystems |OSEC-DENRB- laachelors Oegree eaht(8)nours ot [Two 2)yeorsot Cate Seen _ si |Management |SREMS-98-2014 . 46.725) relevant othe job [relevent raining reevant experience eto |CENRO Roxas, Psiawan| Seeciatst ' |OSEC-DENRB- [Bachelors Degree beau (4) hours ot |One(t)yearof | r2lenaneern fOseC DENTE | 1 | sneralntmreg fomwtrane’ [acme Raia Jeno cae, sw Ecosystems caer sence Josec-DeNRe- oxcnre one rou) nau ot lone) yurt eno puso Panera 13 faa 1s | asers| eon el Peon Becond Management Jecows2-8-2014 rsevrt to theob [erent raring |rowant experence| OS lc, Palawen JOSEC-DENR®- escnrs age [Four tour ct Jone) yerst Jan co rennor. 14 [Forester [eoRcras nota | 15 | 36610 ems Oe est flnan Cperene| A 1080 JOSEC DENRE- feacecrs One [rou nau at [one yur eeweo oueon t5|roresier — [Pomsraas or | 1S | %6619atouy "2 licenntvenng! ecw epernc|®A 100 aren JOSEC-DENRE- escnrsoase [Four )nou ot [one 1) yar eneo aun 16|Forester, JOSEC-DENRE- | 15 | .61%" ru rare fea oo le JoseC-DENRE- excrete one [ru pnaum at [ont yar = 17 |Forester'| —|eORsT2-a04-1906| 1 | %6619lnroeeny Irsevantvanng, —levnt experence|° 1080 Palawan and [cower saree losec-DeNRe- exc Deree [rou prawn ct oe 1) yart ceno Pueto Pine 18 |Managemen |7ryoz702014 | 1 | %8619almueiz [een vanng |e opmnce tena Sos co, Palen Lana [cuen sence losec-DenRe- eacnsorDegee [rourtynour ct onecyyarat Ms eno avon 19 [Management | ayo273-2014 | 15 | %8619ferettomesc [rtzanng loan eerence eran SH Paowan Land Jowen sence losec-Denre- oxen one frure)nounct Jone) yar st cenno sootes Pont 20) 7 15 | set9 tomer Second Management | 40279-2014 feorcetone nt enanvanng, |ewnteecace send Psow Planning omtcerOSEC-DENRE- sac Oe00° Ione equnes onereanea aS oan iso, peno panman all poranaore | 1 | 7700cSomwnsm omnes ferwrmint senor losec-DeNRe- encore O60 liane munea ronwreaaea (eax [cen Pua Parcel za|roreser! —_|OSEC-DENRE. |) 45 | 27, cp0foentrs nO nae reaes cies fra 1080 een ro PAE SS losec-DenRe- 23 | Forester | W Bacheio’s Deg bone | | FORST1-247-1998 27,000) Forestry [None required |None required RA 1080 |[CENRO Roxas, Palawar orester) _ [OSEC-DENRB- each 24 |Forester! [OSE rraosroae| 11 | 27.000|mccary °° |Nonerequred |Nonerequres __|RA 1080, JGeNR Brookes Pa, Lana 25|Management [OSECOENRE- | 4, | — 37.090|88chsot Dearee IcareerSeroce . peer 000) sere Ironeraqured None reuted _[rtesona Second cen Tye meer Cowen lesowen Ecosystems JOSEC-DENRB- escnd [cure saree 26 oes esouavenoits [tt 27,000] cee Gras, [None required None requred [Profesional Second |CENRO Taytay, Specialist ie lore apy onan [aaministratve 97 Officer JOSEC-DENRE- creer saree Otic (OSC DENTE | 10 | 23:17efsesesrouoee |ieneenies —Nonrenins pene Second tee fcer |e en fadminstrative loficeri— fosec-oenne- | 19 lower seree etcees,— (RSoeras oe | 19 | 22:17e[eenweronom Nenreawes —fNonrenins Peo Seen ferace ao 28 loficer iam Tadmintave loficer!_|OSEC-DENRE- lwo seven eter (OSE ENE, | 10 | 23:7efsececroeoee |Ninenies —fonerenins Penna Send cen Tye, 29 Joficer [evs Ebay —_ Forest |OSEC-DENRB- [Cometetion of TWO} ou (4) hours of {Career Service Sub- lr a 8 19,744]yearsstucies (4)hours of Jone) year ot oe eet |cENRO Puerto Princesa gq |Teennician | FORT2.272-2014 I" levee raring |revantexpenence| col \cay, Palawan Forest |OSEC-DENRB- [Comeeton of T°} aura) hours ot [Or [carer Senice Sub- e.syrounat Jone Hrectnicant fronr2zerz014 | © | 19744}mammdeen |i’ Tear penance anon ret Lad JcenRo con, Palen 31 an [Evorbaey Forest lOSEC-DENRB- [Completion of Two areet Senice Sub- patent T#2trou aynourt Jone gq|Teemicant frorr2zeszor4 | © | 18 7Mieersten letentvanna aoa eperenceoreeoena eetLeve cenRo corn, Palawan] Forest OseC-DENRE- [compen of Two loaer sere sub- 8 | 10,744fyarencenin fF) Rous ot [One 1) yea of [Technician 1 |FORT2-2 . re ining nt Professional Fret Level [ceNRO Tove, al 290-2014 re jeeatvaning, |raeant expenence Paiewen be |OSEC-DENRB- Maintenance | saraaftorseror [row epnounct [one yurct Jone eates "noma sft PuF-95.2014 JGeae” —acvantranng, |rtevrtoperence|c 11 Seat) icp Pa | zs Josec-DENRB- Moidnerance A aon seroo —-[rouraynoust [ones yaret Jone reares lPMF-104-2014 19.744) raduate relevant training relevant expeience|(MC 11,8. 96-Cat Ii) |CENRO Roxas, Plawan Foreman PRE compton oT] ara Relevant MC 11,5. 1996 Administrative |OSEC-DENRB- [Cotege or High he ame sam Cateoe arom row a)rous et Jone(t)yearet _|caeerSevee Sum- [aide vt |ADAS-253-2014 17,583 |Seneel Greate Hgevant raring |rlevant experence| Profesional Fest Leva |CENRO Coron, Palawan} fecatonarese Satay PA oome [comleon Two Ione - [Relevant MC 11,5 1996 |Administrative |OSEC-DENRB- |Cotlege or High Ne 171553 een |Faure nou ct Jone) ywarct [ear Seve Su — [Aide vi JADAS-261-2016 [ScroaSresuite [crantvaring front experence] Poessenl ist Love Pawn Necmenarode JBoein a Jesse compton ot Tw] be ~ [Relevant MC 11,8. 1996 |Administrative |OSEC-DENRB- |Sotege or HY Tour (4) hours of one |Career Service . aaa eared rrsssfetca ee eet ee a emo anno |vocatonaltrede JEnaaty " A course compton ot yar suenn = JOsEC-DENRE- Cote or aon cenooae [cartographer 17,553] enol Graauate|None eared peg [NOTH 8100.08 ICGRI-198-1998 |Scnoclraduate |None Nene ree amended by CS MC ICeENRO Coren, Pawar ae Notas 2019 E ere [pte ment |OSEC-DENRE- [Completion of Two} | Career Service Sub- [Manager 7 17,553|yeometises" |Nonecequted [None requred | Prteesonal at Lev eno aunzn ‘40 |inspector LAMI-142-1006) |Colege Eigiity Pawan Forest | OSEC-DENRB- [Completion of Two) | Career Service Sub- rane) | |porriGeroata| 17,853|yeomsudes [None requred [none equred | Prteasonal Fst Level eno Posto Paces a [eaeoe [en ts Patan Forest losec-DeNRe- ass moment TH [cmeer seve sub so|ttemeent_ frowrraoza0ie rrssspermmacn”unemuzes evereaues demon esol lomo cer pene Forest losec-DENRa- rs ee [cues sevice sub so[tecment _ frortiaoraore remains Wineeases owes JPrtemsona tLe oe Forest losec-DeNRe- [compen ot Tal corer sre sue Pere lcerias aoe 17,853)yearexdesin "None equres one vequces [Protrsona et Level Jceno roa 44 |Cotege JEbgibity: [Palawan Forest losec-DENRB- [compton of] eee serve sa Poveeee; ilecmiaincs 17.550)yeaneudeelh None requces — |Nonerequres [orton et ere Jceneo Taray eaeoe honey oven Por Forest losec-DENRE- 17,550)paneuse | prtcoenal Feet Technician | Z studesia [None hone ee ag |Ttmeian!_ |FORTI-410-2016 ye requtes rerun |Priemensettoa cenRo Roxas, Palawan Forest Josec-DeNRe- [completion of Two Ieue econ! aoe Sevee Sub. voce 17,553] years etd [None acces rncueed [Pe ate a7 [Teetmican_|FoRT1-420-2016 is Nene requred | Prteosena Frat [cen Ror. Patanan Forest JOsec-DENRB- [comleton of Tw] [career Serie Sub ee 17,85alyear sues in [None required |None equ vt ag [Tecan |FoRTI-425-2016 bs eau reas [Porat ed Jcenseo Rox Patanae Forest jOSec-DENRB- [cometon ofr [cree Serves sup gltaonicant |ronricasrzov4 17,55alyear stdesin |Nonorequred _|Noneeauted | Potesonl st Love JceNmo quezon, coves — ator Forest (OSEC-DENRE- omeiton of Tl Serie 7 [cree Serie Sub oaniant | (FORTIT SOIT 17sso}pensiame erences overeat [Prat cen Sroka Pot enoeay Patan Forest (OSEC-DENRB- compton ot Tl Sj carer serie Sub ee omer 17,853|yearstidesin |Nonereques [None requres | roeesonl it Level [Cento erokes Pont, aan cotene elope Pawan Forest JOSEC-DENRB- Competent Two caer serce z Sw remain | lporeriass ata 17,853|yearstizosin "None reaured fone eaures | roteesonl ist Love ceno Brookes Poet, Cotene 7 Pawan 153 [Forest Ranger [OSEC-DENRE- Stoo forest Ranger |e op A 3761-1908 15,586 | So me INone requred —|Nonerequres |e OCU [CEng Puerto Prncesa 54 [Forest Ranger [OSEC-DENRE- aah Sooo - ere FORA.23-1908 15,506] 37 en None eaures —|None regres [ea ee cat ICENRO Quezon, 55 [Forest Ranger [OSEC-DENRE- p Senoo — anger [OSECDENRE 15,500) Wonereaued—oereaaea [Name ite FORA 81 lowe scat censo Coron, Palawan 56 |Forest Ranger 15,586 ian Shoo! ou None eases FORA-3325-1998 Joreaune_ [Nove requred tues s o6-cot eae Fr lpoma Ranger JOSEC-DENRE- Scho Ranger | ORA2/8-1908 15.586] 30" See None reauired _|Nonereaured [None togured maa Jose rire soa [cenieo Rone Pawan ‘58 | Forest Ranger 15,586|"40" Schoo! None FORA-3034-1998 586|ceauae —_[Nonereaured |Nonerequred lis yrsonee9 lcrrtss seat [cero Rome Patavar 59 [Forest Ranger [OSE’ 15,586] ah Schoo Ione FORA-3288-1998 586] daa —_(Nonereaued [None requred bee owe et were 96ca my [cenieo Rone Paavan 60 |Forest Ranger 15,586] 20 Shoo! None cured FORA-3298-1998 ,586|caauan ——_[Nenereaired |Nonerequred lier foRa-sze.10 fact Soca [censeo Rome Paver 61 | Forest Ranger 15,586|"%2"Sct0°! None equred [None requires | None reared Nene JeERo Baan Pane FORA-96.2014 PMD ‘The Department of Environment and Natural Resources MIMAROPA Region is an Equal Employment Opportunity Principle advocate. This office highly encourages interested and qualified applicants including persons with disabiity, members of indigenous communities and those from any sexual orientation and gender identities to appl for the published vacant positions For those individuals who wish to apply for vacant position in the DENR MIMAROPA Region, hereunder are the guidelines: 1) Interested and qualified applicants should signify thei interest in writing. Application letter must contain the position/s being applied for including their respective ITEM NUMBEER and PLACE OF ASSIGNMENT. In case the applicant stated only the position and there are more than one (1) vacancies, he/she shall only be assessed in one vacancy. 2) Attach the following documents to the application letter. ‘) Fully accomplished and duly subscribed and swom Personal Data Sheet (PDS) with Work Experience Sheet and recent passport sized picture (CSC Form 212, Revised 2017) which can be downloaded at; ») Performance rating in the present positon for the ast rating period prior to the assessment or screening (i applicable), ©) Photocopy of Professional Regulation Commission License and Board Rating/Civil Service Commission Eligibilty or screenshot of verification from https // and/or hittps://online pre gov ph/Verfication; 4) Photocopy of the Transcript of Records and Diploma; and +) Photocopy of Certificates of Training 3) Applicants, ‘except forthe PDS and IPCR Which must be updated and duly ‘accomplished, ‘may opt to use previously submitted documents provided the ‘same is clearly stated in their application’ intent letter. Pre ID 4) The receiving office shall not bbe responsible for redirecting! rerouting wrongly sent or rmissent applications. 5) Application with incomplete documents, not property filed ut and/or unsubscribed and duly swom POS, andlor submitted beyond the deadline shall rot be entertained, 6) Application letter with complete supporting documents must be addressed to and submitted/sent through ‘courier/emailed not later than 15 SEPTEMBER 2028, 5:00 PM to the to the : ‘address below: [QUALIFIED APPLICANTS are advised to hand in or send through courierlemall their application to: FELIX S, MIRASOL, JR, CESOIV ‘OIG, Regional Executive Director DENR MIMAROPA Region Ritention: PENR Officer Felzardo B. Cayatoc Bigy. Sta. Monica, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan APPLICATIONS WITH INCOMPLETE DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE ENTERTAINED. PE

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