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This material was prepared by Ms.Alice. Have fun studying!


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Bài 1: Bài tập Causative form viết lại câu

1. Brian didn’t build that shed himself. He/ get/ it/ build.

2. I/ really/ need/ the heating/ fix. Winter is coming soon.

3. Some of the windows are broken. You/ have/ a mechanic/ replace.

4. Instead of buying a new bike, why/ you/ not/ your old one/ fix?

5. There is no one at all. You/ force/ repair/ your bike.

6. Sam really wanted a dog, but his parents/ let/ have a pet.

7. You/ be going to/ make/ your friends/ tell the truth?

8. Yesterday, Nick’s mother/ allow/ watch a film.

9. As the lesson was too long, the professor/ let/ the student/ leave early.

10. My shoes were covered in mud, so she/ made/ leave/ them/ outside.

Bài 2: Viết lại các câu dưới đây và dùng các cấu trúc Causative form

1. He gets people to make all his shoes in Italy.

He ………………………………

2. Philip isn't here - someone is cutting his hair for him.

Philip isn't here – He ………………

This material was prepared by Ms.Alice. Have fun studying! 😀
3. We had our garage built last year.

We ……………

4. We have just paid someone to paint our house.

We …………

5. Last week they put in a new central heating system in your house.

Last week we .………………

6. I'll have to go to the optician's and tell him to change my glasses.

I'll have to go to the optician's to ……………………

7. Sean went to the local bicycle repair shop for fixing the rear wheel of his bike.

Sean went to the local bicycle repair shop .…………

8. Helen's car was dirty this morning, but it looks perfect now. She's been to the

[Present Perfect] Helen …… her car ……………………… the garage.

9. Do you ask someone to type your essays?


10. My granny Violet doesn't like asking people to do her shopping.

My granny Violet doesn't like ……………………

Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng

1. She …………… that he wouldn’t tell anyone.

1. made him promise
2. made him promised
3. promise to make

2. Does your tooth still hurt? Yes, I have to get a dentist …….soon.
1. look at it
2. to look at it
3. to get it looked at
This material was prepared by Ms.Alice. Have fun studying! 😀
3. I…………. a couple of days ago.
1. had my bike to be fixed
2. had my bike fix
3. had my bike fixed

4. I will not ………… with this!

1. allow you get away
2. Let you get away
3. To let you get away

5. Don’t ……these things about you!

1. let him say
2. let him to say
3. let him said

6. The movie………..sad.
1. made to feel
2. made him feel
3. made him to feel

7. I ……………from my other address.

1. get my mail forward
2. get my mail to forward
3. get my mail forwarded

8. Have your assistant …….these letters immediately!

1. to send
2. send
3. to be sent

9. He…………yesterday.
1. had his hair cut
2. had his hair to be cut
3. had hair to be cut

10. The professor …………early.

1. to let the students leave
2. let the student leave
3. let the student to leave

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