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Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 5: Probability Distribution Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik Ms.

Chapter 5: Probability Distribution
[ Taburan Kebarangkalian ] 3. A b ox has 8 cards, each card is written
with an alphabet from the word ‘TIMBUNAN'.
Short Note If a card is drawn randomly, find the
probability that
n( A) [ Satu kotak ada 8 keping kad, setiap kad ditulis
1. P(A) = dengan satu huruf dari perkataan
n( S )
“TIMBUNAN”. Jika 1 kad dipilih secara rawak,
cari kebarangkalian ]
2. 0  P(A)  1
(a) card with alphabet ‘M' is picked,
3. Probability of event A or B happens [ kad berhuruf “M” dipilih ]
[ Kebarangkalian peristiwa A atau B berlaku ]
= P(A  B) = P(A) + P(B) (b) card with vowel is picked.
[ kad berhuruf vakal dipilih ]
4. If set A and set B have comment
element, then probability of event A or B to 4. A box has 8 cards, where each card is
happen written with an alphabet from word
[ Jika set A dan set B terdapat unsur “MASTURAH”. If 2 cards are picked from the
sepunya, maka kebarangkalian peristiwa A atau box randomly, find the probability that
B berlaku ialah ] [ Satu kotak ada 8 keping kad, di mana setiap
= P(A  B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A  B) kad ditulis dengan 1 huruf dari perkataan
“MASTURAH”. Jika 2 kad dipilih daripada kotak
5. Probability of event A and B to happen secara rawak, cari kebarangkalian yang …]
[ Kebarangkalian peristiwa A dan B berlaku ]
= P(A  B) = P(A)  P(B) (a) both cards are written with alphabet ‘M',
[ kedua-dua kad ditulis dengan huruf “M” ]
(b) both cards are written with vowel,
1. In a collage, there are 1 200 students that [ Kedua-dua kad ditulis dengan huruf vokal ]
make up of Malay, Chinese and Indian. If a
student is picked randomly from the collage, (c) a card with alphabet ‘M' and another card
the probability of getting a Malaysia student is with vowel.
½ . Find the [ 1 kad dengan hurug “M” dan 1 lagi kad dengan
[ Dalam sebuah kolej, terdapat 1200 pelajar huruf vokal ]
yang terdiri daripada pelajar Melayu, Cina dan
India. Jika seorang pelajar dipilih secara rawak, 5. A dice is tossed, find the probability that
kebarangkalian mendapat seorang pelajar [ Sebiji dadu dilambung, cari kebarangkalian ..]
Melayu ialah ½. Cari …]
(a) a prime number is obtained,
(a) number of Malay student, [ satu nombor perdana diperolehi ]
[ bilangan pelajar Melayu ]
(b) a prime number or an odd number is
(b) number of Chinese student if the obtained.
probability of picking a Chinese student is twice [ satu nombor perdana atau satu nombor ganjil
the probability of getting an Indian student. diperolehi ]
[ bilangan pelajar Cina, jika kebarangkalian
memilih pelajar Cina ialah 2 kali kebarangkalian 6. A dice is tossed twice, find the probability
memilih pelajar India. ] that
[ Sebiji dadu dilambung 2 kali, cari
2. A number is picked in random from kebarangkalian ]
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }. Find the
probability that … (a) 2 same numbers are obtained,
[ Satu nombor dipilih secara rawak dari {1, 2, 3, [ 2 nombor yang sama diperolehi ]
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }. Cari kebarangkalian yang …]
(b) a multiple 3 and an even number are
(a) an even number or a multiple of 3 is picked, obtained.
[ nombor genap atau nombor gandaan 3 dipilih ] [ satu nombor gandaan 3 dan satu nombor genap
diperolehi ]
(b) an odd number or a prime number is picked.
[ nombor ganjil atau nombor perdana dipilih ]

Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 5: Probability Distribution Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik Ms. Kow
7. A card is drawn from a box that has 26 [ guli dari beg Alfa adalah biru dan guli dari beg
cards where each card has a different Beta adalah hitam ]
alphabet. Find the probability that
[ Sekeping kad dipilih dari sebuah kotak yang (c) at least a marble picked is black in colour.
mempunyai 26 kad di mana setiap kad dicatat [ sekurang-kurangnya 1 guli yang dipilih adalah
dengan huruf berbeza. Cari kebarangkalian …] warna hitam. ]

(a) the card picked up is alphabet from word 11. A bag has 4 yellow balls and 6 red balls. A
‘SAHARA', bola is picked randomly from the bag, the
[ kad-kad yang dipilih adalah dari perkataan colour is recorded and then returned to the
“SAHARA”. ] bag. After that, the 2nd ball is picked. Find the
probability that
(b) the card picked up is not an alphabet from [ Sebuah beg ada 4 biji bola kuning dan 6 biji
word ‘NASA'. bola merah. Sebiji bola dipilih secara rawak dari
[ kad yang dipilih bukan huruf dari perkataan beg, warna bola dicatat dan kemudian dimasuk
“NASA”. ] semula ke dalam beg. Selepas itu, bola kedua
dipilih. Cari kebarangkalian ….]
8. A bag has x purple marbles, y black marbles
and 5 yellow marbles. A marble is picked (a) both balls picked are different in colour,
randomly, the probability of getting a yellow [ kedua-dua bola yang dipilih adalah berbeza
marble is ½. Write an equation that connects warna ]
x and y.
[ Satu beg terdapat x biji guli ungu, y biji guli (b) at most a ball is yellow in colour.
hitam dan 5 biji guli kuning. Sebiji guli dipilih [ paling banyak sebiji bola adalah kuning ]
secara rawak, kebarangkalian mendapat guli
kuning ialah ½ . Tulis satu persamaan yang 12. A box has 5 white balls, 4 black balls and 1
menghubungkan x dan y. ] red ball. A ball is picked randomly without
returning into the box and the colour is
9. Bag A has 3 green marbles and 7 white recorded. Then, a 2nd ball is picked from the
marbles. Bag B has 2 white marbles and 5 red box. Find the probability that
marbles. A marble is drawn from bag A and put [ Sebuah kotak mempunyai 5 biji bola putih, 4
into bag B before a marble is drawn from bag B. biji bola hitam dan 1 bola merah. Satu biji bola
Find the probability that … dipilih secara rawak tanpa dipulangkan ke dalam
[ Beg A ada 3 biji guli hijau dan 7 biji guli kotak dan warna bola dicatat. Kemudian, bola
putih. Beg B ada 2 biji guli putih dan 5 biji guli kedua dipilih dari kotak. Cari kebarangkalian … ]
merah. Sebiji guli dipilih dari beg A dan diletak
dalam beg B sebelum sebiji guli dipilih dari beg (a) the two balls have different colour,
B. Cari kebarangkalian …. ] [ dua bola adalah warna berbeza ]

(a) both marbles drawn are white. (b) red ball is one of the ball picked.
[ kedua-dua guli dipilih adalah putih ] [ bola merah adalah salah satu bola yang
dipilih ]
(b) a green marble from bag A and a red marble
from bag B. 13. Diagram shows 2
[ sebiji guli hijau dari beg A dan sebiji guli circle with common
merah dari beg B ] centre. The radius of
10. Bag Alpha has 2 blue marbles and 6 black the smaller circle is
marbles, while bag Beta has 3 blue marbles and
of the radius of the
4 black marbles. If a marble is drawn randomly
bigger circle. An arrow is released towards the
from each bag, find the probability that
circles. Find the probability that the arrow
[ Beg Alfa ada 2 biji guli biru dan 6 biji guli
hits the shaded region.
hitam, sementara beg Beta ada 3 biji guli biru
[ Rajah menunjukkan 2 bulatan sepusat. Jejari
dan 4 biji guli hitam, cari kebarangkalian … ]
bulatan kecil ialah daripada jejari bulatan
(a) both the marbles are black, 3
[ kedua-dua guli adalah hitam ] besar. Satu anak panah dilepaskan kea rah
bulatan. Cari kebarangkalian anak panah kena
(b) marble from bag Alpha is blue and marble pada kawasan berlorek. ]
from bag Beta is black,

Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 5: Probability Distribution Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik Ms. Kow
14. 6 black marbles and 4 white marbles are (b) Hisham is the winner after playing for 4
put into a bag. A lucky draw is conducted sets.
whereby each person have to pick 1 marble [ Hisham menang selepas bermain 4 set ]
from the bag. Marble picked is not returned to
the bag. 17. Box A has 3 red marbles and 7 yellow
[6 guli hitam dan 4 guli putih dimasukkan ke marbles. Box B has 1 black marble and a white
dalam sebuah beg. Cabutan bertuah dilakukan, marble. Two marbles are picked randomly from
di mana setiap orang perlu memilih 1 biji guli box A, if the 2 marbles has the same colour,
daripada beg. Guli yang telah dipilih tidak the marbles are put into box B. If they are not
dimasuk semula ke dalam beg. ] same in colour, then the marbles are put back
into box A. Then a marble is picked from box
Who ever gets a white marble will be given a B. Find the probability that
prize. Find the probability that [ Kotak A ada 3 guli merah dan 7 guli kuning.
[ Sesiapa yang mendapat guli putih akan diberi Kotak B ada 1 guli hitam dan 1 guli putih.
hadiah. Cari kebarangkalian di mana …. ] 2 biji guli dipilih dari kotak A, jika kedua-dua
guli mempunyai warna yang sama, guli-guli itu
(a) the 1st person gets a prize, dimasuk ke dalam kotak B. Jika guli berlainan
[ orang pertama mendapat hadiah ] warna dipilih, maka mereka dimasuk semula ke
dalam kotak A. Kemudian sebiji guli dipilih
(b) the 1st and the 2nd person fail to get a prize. daripada kotak B. Cari kebarangkalian di
[ orang pertama dan kedua gagal mendapat mana… ]
hadiah ]
(a) both marbles from box A are same in colour,
15. In a Mathematics Quiz, the probability [ kedua-dua guli dari kotak A adalah sama
that Linda, Hasmi and Siva win in the quiz is warna ]
1 1 1
, and individually. (b) marble from box B is red in colour,
2 5 7
[ guli dari kotak B berwarna merah ]
Assuming that the event of the 3 of them
winning is not interrelated. Find the probability
(c) marble from box B is black in colour.
[ guli dari kotak B berwarna hitam ]
[ Dalam satu Kuiz Matematik, kebarangkalian
Linda, Hasmi dan Siva menang dalam kuiz ialah
18. A bag has 5 white marbles, 3 black marbles
1 1 1 and 2 red marbles, all of the same size.
, dan masing-masing.
2 5 7 [ Sebuah beg ada 5 biji guli putih, 3 guli hitam
Anggapkan peristiwa ketiga-tiga amereka dan 2 guli merah, semua mereka bersize sama. ]
menang adalah tidak saling bergantung. Cari
kebarangkalian di mana … ] (a) If 2 marbles are picked randomly, find the
probability that the marbles are same in colour.
(a) only Siva wins the quiz, [ Jika 2 guli dipilih secara rawak, cari
[ hanya Siva menang dalam kuiz ] kebarangkalian guli-guli yang terpilih adalah
sama warna. ]
(b) 2 of them win the quiz.
[ 2 daripada mereka menang dalam kuiz ] (b) If a red marble is picked, the red marble is
put back into the bag.
16. Hisham is having a tennis match with Peter. If not a red marble is picked, it will not be put
The match ends when one of them wins 3 sets. back into the bag. Then, another marble is
The probability that Hisham wins in any of the picked randomly.
2 Find the probability that only one of the marble
set is . Find the probability that is red in colour.
[ Hisham melawan Peter dalam pertandingan
[ Jika guli merah dipilih, guli merah itu akan
tennis. Pertandingan tamat apabila salah satu
dimasuk semula ke dalam beg. Jika bukan guli
orang menang 3 set. Kebarangkaian Hisham
merah dipilh, maka guli itu tidak akan
2 dipulangkan ke dalam beg. Kemudian, satu lagi
menang mana-mana set ialah . Cari
3 guli dipilih secara rawak.
kebarangkalian di mana …. ] Cari kebarangkalian di mana hanya 1 guli
berwarna merah. ]
(a) the match ends with 3 sets only,
[ pertandingan tamat dengan 3 set sahaja ] 19. John wakes up late on every 2 days in 6
working days a week.

Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 5: Probability Distribution Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik Ms. Kow
75% of the total days that he wakes up late, tidak, pelajar dari kelas 5B akan dipilih. Cari
John will drive a car to the office. kebarangkalian di mana….]
If he does not wake up late, John will take a (a) a boy from class 5A is picked,
bus to the office. [ seorang pelajar lelaki kelas 5A akan dipilih ]
On each day that John drives to the office,
there is a 60% chance that he will be late for (b) a girl from class 5B is picked.
work. [ seorang pelajar perempuan 5B akan dipilih ]
[ John bangun lewat setiap 2 hari dalam 6 hari
bekerja dalam seminggu. 22. Given that the probability of Ali passing in
75% daripada jumlah hari yang dia bangun 1 1
lewat, John akan memandu kereta ke pejabat. Physic, Chemistry and Biology are , and
4 2
Jika dia tidak bangun lewat, John akan menaki
bus ke pejabat.
individually. Find the probability that
Setiap hari yang John memandu ke pejabat, 3
terdapat 60% peluang dia akan lambat masuk [ Kebarangkalian Ali lulus dalam Fizik, Kimia dan
kerja. ] 1 1 1
Biologi adalah , dan masing-masing. Cari
4 2 3
Find the probability that
kebarangkalian di mana … ]
[ Cari kebarangkalian di mana … ]
(a) he passes all 3 subjects,
[ dia lulus kesemua 3 subjek ]
(a) John does not drive to his office,
[ John tidak memandu ke pejabat ]
(b) he passes in 2 of the subjects.
[ dia lulus dalam 2 subjek ]
(b) John late for work because of driving to
23. Khalid wishes to save some money into the
[ John lambat masuk kerja kerana memandu
bank on a certain day. The probability of him
kereta ke pejabat. ]
able to get a taxi in an hour time is . If he
20. A dice is tossed twice, find the probability 7
that managed to get a taxi in an hour time, he will
[ Sebiji dadu dilambung 2 kali, cari not be late to bank in his money. If not, the
kebarangkalian di mana …] probability he is late to bank in his money is
(a) a number lesser than 3 is obtained from . Given that the probability that he is
the 1st toss,
allowed to enter the bank even if he is late is
[ nombor kurang daripada 3 diperolehi daripada
lambungan pertama ]
. Find the probability that
(b) sum of both toss is more than 8. [ Khalid ingin buat simpanan wang dalam bank
[ jumlah kedua-dua lambungan adalah lebih pada suatu hari tertentu. Kebarangkalian dia
daripada 8 ] Berjaya mendapat teksi dalam masa 1 jam ialah
21. Table shows the number of boys and girls in . Jika dia berjaya dapat teksi dalam masa 1
classes 5A and 5B in a school.
jam, dia tidak akan lambat deposit wang ke
[ Jadual menunjukkan bilangan lelaki dan
dalam bank. Jika tidak, kebarangkalian dia
perempuan dalam kelas 5A dan 5B dalam satu
sekolah. ] lambat sampai ke bank ialah . Jika dia lambat
Class Number of student sampai di bank, kebarangkalian dia dibenarkan
[ Kelas ] Boy Girl 1
masuk ke dalam bank walaupun lambat, ialah .
5A 20 10 5
5B 14 26 Cari kebarangkalian di mana …]
A dice is tossed, if a multiple 3 is obtained,
(a) Khalid is not late to the bank
student from class 5A is picked to represent
[ Kahlid tidak lambat sampai di bank ]
the school for a quiz competition. If not,
student from class 5B is picked. Find the
(b) Khalid gets to enter the bank even if he is
probability that
[ Sebiji dadu dilambung, jika gandaan 3
[ Khalid dapat memasuki bank walaupun dia
diperolehi, pelajar dari kelas 5A akan dipilih
lambat. ]
mewakili sekolah dalam pertandingan kuiz. Jika

Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 5: Probability Distribution Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik Ms. Kow
24. A bag has 2 red marbles and 6 green 1
marbles. Lucky draw is conducted by audient in mengena kawasan berlorek ialah . Anggapkan
a party drawing the marbles without returning.
setiap tembakan Aisha mengena pada papan
Who ever draws a red marble will be given a
sasaran. Cari …]
prize. There are 2 prizes to be won. Find
probability that
(a) area of shaded region,
[ Sebuah beg ada 2 guli merah dan 6 guli hijau.
[ luas kawasan berlorek ]
Cabutan bertuah diadakan untuk hadirin jamuan
secara memilih guli daripada beg tanpa
(b) probability that Aisha hits the non-shaded
memulangnya ke dalam beg. Sesiapa yang dapat
area in 2 shootings.
guli merah akan mendapat 1 hadiah. Terdapat 2
[ kebarangkalian Aisha kena pada kawasan tidak
hadiah untuk dimenangi. Cari kebarangkalian di
berlorek dalam 2 tembakan. ]
mana …]

27. In a painting competition, the probability

(a) the 3rd person that make the draw wins the
Ali, Tan and Samy wins in the competition are
1st prize,
[ orang yang ketiga menangi hadiah pertama ]
1 1 1
, and individually. If the case
4 5 6
(b) both prizes were won in the first 3 draws. where Ali, Tan and Samy win the competition
[ kedua-dua hadiah dimenangi dalam 3 cabutan are not interdependent , find the probability
pertama. ] that …
[ Dalam satu pertandingan mewarna,
25. A box has 2 yellow balls, 3 green balls and 5 kebarangkalian Ali, Tan dan Samy menang
red balls . A ball di taken out by random from 1 1 1
the box without returning it. Then, 2 balls are dakam pertandingan ialah , dan
4 5 6
drawn randomly from the box. Find the
masing-masing. Peristiwa kemenangan Ali, Tan
probability that
dan Samy adalah tidak saling bergantung, cari
[ Sebuah kotak mempunyai 2 bola kuning, 3 bola
kebarngkalian di mana … ]
hijau dan 5 bola merah. Sebiji bola dikeluarkan
secara rawak daripada kotak tanpa dipulangkan.
(a) only Ali wins the competition.
Kemudian, 2 biji bola dipilih secara rawak
[ hanya Ali menang pertandingan itu ]
daripada kotak itu. Cari kebarangkalian di
mana …]
(b) 2 of them win the competition.
[ 2 orang daripada mereka menang pertandingan
(a) the 1st ball drawn is yellow or red,
itu ]
[ bola pertama ialah kuning atau merah ]

(c) none of them win the competition

(b) all 3 balls have the same colour, [ tiada sesiapa antara mereka menang
[ ketiga-tiga bola mempunyai warna yang sama ] pertandingan itu. ]

(c) no green ball di drawn

SPM Trial Question
[ tiada bola hijau dipilih ]
28. Table shows the number of male students and
26. female students in class 5 Boeing and 5 Dakota at
SMK Seri Mawar in the year 2016.
[ Jadual di bawah menunjukkan bilangan pelajar
lelaki dan perempuan dalam kelas 5 Boeing dan 5
Dakota di SMK Seri Mawar dalam tahun 2016. ]

Class Number of students

Diagram shows a aiming board for shooting in [ Kelas ] [ Bilangan murid ]
the shape of rectangular ABCD where AB = Female Male
10cm and BC = 4 cm. Given that the probability [Perempuan] [Lelaki]
1 5 Boeing 10 20
a shot by Aisha hits the shaded area is . 5 Dakota 13 17
Assuming that she hits the rectangular aiming A fair dice is tossed to choose a student in
board every time she shoot. Find the Treasure Hunt Competition. If a number which is
[ Rajah menunjukkan sebuah papan sasaran more than four is obtained, a student from 5
tembakan dalam bentuk segi empat tepat ABCD, Boeing will be chosen. Otherwise, a student from
di mana AB = 10 cm dan BC = 4 cm. Diberi 5 Dakota will be chosen.
bahawa kebarangkalian tembakan Aisha Calculate the probability that …

Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 5: Probability Distribution Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik Ms. Kow
[ Satu dadu adil dilambung untuk memilih pelajar 2
untuk mewakili “Pertandingan Mencari Harta 1. Diagram shows the curve y= , the
Kanun”. Jika satu nombor lebih empat diperolehi, x2
seorang pelajar dari Kelas 5 Boeing akan dipilih. straight lines x = 1 and x = k . Find the
Sebaliknya, seorang pelajar dari kelas 5 Dakota value of k if the area of shaded region is
akan dipilih. 8
unit . [4 marks]
Kira kebarangkalian di mana … ]
(a) a male student from 5 Boeing is chosen, 2
[ seorang pelajar lelaki dari kelas 5 Boeing [ Rajah menunjukkan lengkungan y= ,
dipilih ]
garis lurus x = 1 dan x = k . Cari nilai k
(b) a female student is chosen [ 3 marks ] 8
jika luas berlorek ialah unit .
[ seorang pelajar perempuan dipilih ] 5
29. How many numbers from 1000 to 9999
which do not contain four different digits ? [3]

[ Berapa nombor dari 1000 hingga 9999 yang

tidak mengandungi 4 digit berlainan ? ]

30.** (a) Find the probability of getting one “3”

when 8 fair dice are rolled.
[ Cari kebarangkalian mendapat angka “3”
sebanyak satu kali apabila 8 biji dadu adil
dilambung. ] 2. (a) Diagram shows a conical container with a
diameter of 120 cm and height of 80 cm.
(b) When n fair dice are rolled, the Water is poured into the container at a
probability of getting at least one “3” is constant rate of 1200 cm3 s-1.
greater than 0.95. Find the smallest possible
value of n. Calculate the rate of change of the radius of
[ Apabila n biji dadu adil dilambung, the water level at the instant when the radius
kebarangkalian mendapat angka “3” sekurang- of the water level is 6 cm.
kurangnya sekali ialah lebih daripada 0.95. Cari 1
nilai terkecil bagi n. ] [Use  = 3.142 , volume of cone = r 2 h ]
[4 marks ]

1. (a) 600 (b) 400 (2)(a) 7/10 (b) 3/5 3(a) 1/8 (b) 3/8
(4)(a) 0 (b) 3/28 (c) 3/28 (5) (a) ½ (b) 2/3
(6) (a) 1/6 (b) 1/6 7. (a) 2/13 (b) 23/26 (8) x + y = 5
(9) (a) 21/80 (b) 3/16 10. (a) 3/7 (b) 1/7 (c)25/28
11. (a) 12/25 (b) 21/25 12. (a) 29/45 (b) 1/5
13. (a) 8/9 14. (a) 2/5 (b) 1/3
15. (a) 2/35 (b) 11/70 16. (a) 1/3 (b) 8/27 Rajah menunjukkan sebuah bekas kon dengan
17. (a) 8/15 (b) 1/30 (c) 11/30
18. (a) 14/45 (b) 76/225 19. (a) ¾ (b) 3/20
diameter 120 cm dan tinggi 80 cm. Air dituang
20. (a) 1/3 (b) 5/18 21. (a) 2/9 (b) 13/30 ke dalam bekas pada kadar malar 1200 cm3 s-1.
22. (a) 1/24 (b) ¼ 23. (a) 19/28 (b) 9/140
24. (a) 5/28 (b) 1/14
Hitung kadar perubahan jejari paras air pada
25. (a) 7/10 (b) 11/120 (c) 7/24
26. (a) 10 cm2 (b) 9/16 27. (a) 1/6 (b) 1/10 (c) ½ ketika jejari paras air ialah 6 cm.

SPM Trial Question (b) Diagram shows the straight line y = x + 6

(28) (a) 2/9 (b) 2/5
(29) 9000 – 4536 = 4464
intersecting the curve y = x2 at the point P and
1 5 7 Q. [ Rajah menunjukkan garis lurus y = x + 6
(30) (a) ( ) ( ) × 8 = 0.3721
6 6 bersilang dengan lengkungan y = x2 pada titik P
5 𝑛
(b) 1 − ( ) > 0.95 → n > 3.8 ➔ n = 4 dan Q. ]

Find [ Cari ]
(i) the coordinates of P and Q, [3]
Revision (Past Year Trial Negeri SPM) [ Koordinat P dan Q ]
(ii) the area of the shaded region. [3]
[ luas kawasan berlorek ]

Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 5: Probability Distribution Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik Ms. Kow
r 60 4r
2. (a) → h =
h 80 3
4 dr
V = r 3 → = 7.96cms −1
9 dt
(b) P (-2, 4) Q (3, 9)
3 3 5
(ii) Area =

x + 6dx −  x 2 dx = 20
−2 6
3. (a) T21 = 40 + 20(40)
d = 40
(b) Sn = 12/2 [2(1000) + (11)(-40)]
3. Ahmad has 1000 chickens in his poultry 𝑛
4. (a) [2(3) + (𝑛 − 1)3] = 630
farm. Every week, he will sell 40 of his 2
n = 20
chickens. (b) T30 = 3 + (20 -1)3 = 60
[ Ahmad ada 1000 ekor ayam di dalam
ladang. Setiap minggi, dia jual 40 ekor
ayam. ]

B. Binomial Distribution [ Taburan Binomial ]

(a) Find the total number of chicken left in
his poultry farm after 21st week. [4] n = number of trial // bilangan percubaan
[ Cari bilangan ayam yang tinggal dalam r = number of successes // bilangan kejayaan
ladang selepas 21 minggu. ] p = probability of success (o < p < 1)
[ kebarangkalian berjaya ]
(b) The cost of feeding each chick is RM2 q = probability of failure ( p + q = 1)
per week. Find the total amount of money [ kebarangkalian gagal ]
that he spent on the remaining chicken
1. Mean [ Min ],  = np
for the first twelve weeks. [3]
[ Kos makanan setiap ayam ialah RM2
setiap minggu. Cari jumlah wang dia belanja 2. Variance [ Varian ]  2 = npq
untuk ayam yang tertinggal untuk 12
minggu yang pertama. ] 3. Standard deviation [Sisihan piawai]  = npq

4. A string of length x cm is cut into n 4. P (X = r) =

C r p r q n−r
pieces, with the length of each piece
forming an arithmetic progression. The At least // sekurang-kurangnya x 
two shortest pieces are of length 3 cm At most //selebih-lebihnya x 
and 6 cm. Less than / Fewer than //kurang daripada x<
If x = 630 cm, find …. Exceed / more than // lebih daripada x>
[ Seutas tali panjang x cm dipotong kepada Not more than // tidak lebih daripada x 
n kerat, dengan panjang setiap kerat Not less than // tidak kurang daripada x 
membentuk janjang aritmetik. 2 kerat yang
Exercise 2.1: Graph
paling pendek adalah 3cm dan 6 cm.
1. Diagram shows a graph with binomial
Jika x = 630 cm, cari …]
distribution for variable X that has value of 0,
1, 2, 3 and 4.
(a) the value of n, [ nilai n ] [4] [ Rajah menunjukkan graf dengan taburan
binomial untuk pembolehubah X yang
(b) the length of the longest piece. [2] mempunyai nilai 0, 1, 2, 3 dan 4. ]
[ panjang kerat yang terpanjang ]
(a) Find the probability when x = 3.
ANSWER: [ cari kebarangkalian apabila x = 3. ]
k 2
1. A= dx → k=5 (b) Find the probability for x more than or
1 x2 equal to 2.
[ cari kebarangkalian untuk x lebih atau sama
dengan 2. ]

Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 5: Probability Distribution Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik Ms. Kow

2) In a survey, it was found that 45% of the

households have a television set. If 5
households are chosen at random, determine
the binomial distribution for the number of 4) X is a discrete random variable having a
households that have television sets. Draw the binomial probability distribution with n = 4,
graph of the binomial distribution. where n is the number of trials. The diagram
below shows the probability distribution of X.
[ Dalam satu tinjauan, didapati 45% [ X ialah pembolehubah rawak diskret yang
rumahtangga mempunyai televisyen. Jika 5 mempunyai taburan binomiak kebarankalian
rumahtangga dipilih secara rawak, tentukan dengan n = 4 , di mana n ialah bilangan percubaan.
taburan binomial untuk bilangan rumahtangga Rajah di bawah menunjukkan kebarangkalian
yang ada televisyen. Lukiskan graf taburan taburan X. ]
binomial. ]

Find [ Cari ]
(a) the value of h, [ cari nilai h ]

(b) P(X  2).

5) The diagram above shows the graph of a

binomial distribution of X. Find …
[ Rajah di bawah menunjukkan graf taburan
binomial untuk X. Cari … ]

3) In a class, the probability of choosing a

student who wears spectacles is 0.35. If 4
students are chosen at random, draw the graph
of the binomial distribution for the number of
students who wear spectacles.

[ Dalam 1 kelas, kebarangkalian memilih seorang

pelajar yang pakai cermin mata ialah 0.35. Jika
4 pelajar dipilih secara rawak, lukiskan graf
taburan binomial untuk bilangan pelajar yang (a) the value of m, [ nilai m ]
pakai cermin mata. ]
(b) P(X  3).

Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 5: Probability Distribution Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik Ms. Kow
Answer 3. Probability of raining on a certain day in Baling
1. (a) 0.24 (b) 0.7 3
2) district is . Find the probability of rain falls
in the period of 1 week
[ Kebarangkalian hujan pada sesuatu hari di
daerah Baling ialah . Cari kebarangkalian
hujan turun dalam jangka masa 1 minggu …]

(a) for exactly 4 days, [ tepat 4 hari ]

(b) more than or equal to 5 days,

[ lebih atau sama dengan 5 hari ]
(c) lesser than 5 days. [ kurang daripada 5 hari ]

4. The probability that Nicol winning a tennis

match is 0.8. If there is a total of 5 matches,
find the probability that Nicol wins …
[ Kebarangkalian Nicol menang satu perlawanan
tennis ialah 0.8. Jika terdapat 5 perlawanan, cari
kebarankalian menang … ]

(a) exactly 3 matches,

[ tepat-tepat 3 perlawanan ]
7 11 7 7
(4) a) h = (b) (5) a) (b)
15 15 24 8 (b) at least 3 matches,
[ sekurang-kurangnya 3 perlawanan ]
Exercise 2.2
(c) not more than 3 matches.
1. The random variable X represents a [ tidak lebih daripada 3 perlawanan ]
binomial distribution with 9 trials and the
5. In an objective IQ test that has 60
probability of success is . Find questions, each question is given 5 choices of
4 answer with only 1 correct answer. If a students
[ Pembolehubah X boleh diwakili oleh answers all the questions by picking an answer in
taburan binomial dengan 9 percubaan dan random, find
1 [ Dalam satu kuiz objektif yang mempunyai 60
kebarangkalian berjaya ialah . Cari … ] soalan, setiap soalan diberi 5 pilihan jawapan
4 dengan hanya 1 jawapan betul. Jika seorang
(a) the standard deviation of the
pelajar menjawab semua soalan dengan memilih
distribution, jawapan secara rawak, cari …]
[ sisihan piawai taburan tersebut ]
(a) the mean score, [ skor min ]
(b) the probability that at least one trial
is success. (b) standard deviation of the score.
[ kebarangkalian sekurang-kurang 1 percubaan [ sisihan piawai untuk skor ]
berjaya ]
6. The results of a study shows that 20% of
2. In a binomial distribution, given that the mean the students from a town use their own
= 10 and variance = 4, p = probability of success transport to school. If 8 students from the
and q = probability of failure. Find
town are chosen at random, calculate the
[ Dalam satu taburan binomial, min = 10, varian =
probability that
4, p = kebarangkalian berjaya, q = kebarangkalian
[ Kajian menunjukkan 20% daripada pelajar di
gagal. Cari …. ]
sebuah pekan guna pengangkutan sendiri ke
(a) the value of p and q, [ nilai p dan q ] sekolah. Jika 8 orang pelajar daripada pekan ini
dipilih secara rawak, hitungkan kebarangkalian
(b) probability of getting at least 2 success di mana … ]
from 10 trials.
[ kebarangkalian mendapat sekurang-kurang 2 (a) exactly 3 of them use their own transport
kejayaan daripada 10 percubaan. ] to school,
[ tepat 3 daripada mereka guna pengangkutan
sendiri ke sekolah ]
Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 5: Probability Distribution Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik Ms. Kow
(b) less than 2 of them use their own transport [ Cari kebarangkalian di mana, pada hari tertentu,
to school. kilang menghasilkan sekurang-kurangnya 6 cip
[ kurang daripada 2 antara mereka guna rosak. ]
pengangkutan sendiri ke sekolah ]
(b) Find the mean and standard deviation for the
7. 10% of the pencil produced by a factory is probability tabulation for number of days that has
spoilt. If a sample content 20 pencils is picked at least 6 non-functioning chips for a certain
in random, find the probability of month with 30 days.
[ 10% daripada pensil yang dihasilkan oleh sebuah [ Cari min dan sisihan piawai untuk taburan
kilang adalah rosak. Jika satu sampel yang kebarangkalian untuk bilangan hari yang ada
mengandungi 20 batang pensil dipilih secara sekurang-kurangnya 6 cip rosak]
rawak, cari kebarangkalian di mana … ]
11. Diagram shows a circular rotating wood with a
(a) no pencil is spoilt, [ tiada pensil rosak ] pointer at the centre. The circle has 8 equal
sectors; and each sector is written with a
(b) exactly 2 pencils are spoilt. different alphabet.
[ tepat-tepat 2 batang pensil rosak ] [ Rajah menunjukkan sebuah bulatan berputar
kayu dengan penunjuk di tengah-tengah. Bulatan
8. Given that 90% of the participants for an itu ada 8 sektor yang sama, setiap sector ditulis
English oral test will pass. On a certain day, a dengan huruf yang berbeza. ]
total of 12 participants take the test. Find the
probability that
[ Diberi bahawa 90% calon ujian lisan English akan
lulus. Pada hari tertentu, sejumlah 12 calon
mengambil ujian tersebut. Cari kebarangkalian di
mana … ]

(a) exactly 10 person pass, [ tepat 10 orang lulus ]

(a) When the wood is spun, find the probability
(b) at least 10 person pass. that the pointer stops at the sector with vowel.
[ sekurang-kurang 10 orang lulus ] [ Apabila bulatan ini dipusingkan, cari
kebarangkalian penunjuk itu berhenti di sector
berhuruf vokal. ]
9. In an archery exercise, it is found that the
probability of Roslan hits the target is p. (b) When the spinning is repeated for 10 times,
[ Dalam satu Latihan memanah, didapati find the probability that the pointer stops at the
kebarangkalian Roslan kena tepat sasaran ialah p. ] sector with vowel
[ Apabila putaran diulangi 10 kali, cari
(a) Find the value of p and the number of try kebarangkalian penunjuk berhenti di sector
needed so that the mean and standard deviation berhuruf vokal. ]
to hit the target is 20 and 4 respectively.
[ Cari nilai p dan bilangan percubaan supaya min (i) exactly 8 times, [ tepat 8 kali ]
dan sisihan piawai kena sasaran ialah 20 dan 4
masing-masing. ] (ii) at least 2 times, [ sekurang-kurang 2 kali ]

(b) If Roslan has tried 10 times, find the (iii) not more than 2 times.
probability that Roslan succeed to hit the target [ tidak lebih daripada 2 kali ]
at least 2 times.
[ Jika Roslan telah mebuat 10 percubaan, cari
kebarngkalian Roslan Berjaya kena sasaran 12. In an examination, 60% of the candidates
sekurang-kurangnya 2 kali. ] passed. If a sample of 10 candidates is picked in
random, find the probability that at least 8
10. An electronic factory produces a type of failed.
computer chip. According to the record, the [ Dalam satu peperiksaan, 60% calon lulus. Jika
probability of the factory producing less than 5 satu sampel 10 calon dipilih secara rawak, cari
pieces of non-functioning chip in a day is 0.35. kebarangkalian yang sekurang-kurang 8 gagal. ]
[ Sebuah kilang elektronik yang menhasilkan cip
elektronik. Berdasarkan rekod, kebarangkalian
kilang ini menghasilkan kurang daripada 5 keping 13. In a school, 90% of the SPM students pass
cip rosak dalam 1 hari ialah 0.35. ] Additional Mathematics with credit. If a sample
of 8 students is picked at random, find the
(a) Find the probability that, in a certain day, the probability that not more than 2 students fail to
factory produces at least 6 non-functioning chips. get a credit.

Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 5: Probability Distribution Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik Ms. Kow
[ Dalam satu sekolah, 90% pelajar SPM lulus [ Jika terdapat 10 000 remaja dalam daerah itu,
Matematik Tambahan dengan kredit. Jika satu cari min dan sisihan piawai untuk bilangan remaja
sampel 8 pelajar dipilih secara rawak, cari yang terlibat dalam masalah social. ]
kebarangkalian tidak lebih 2 pelajar gagal
mendapat kredit. ]
16. The probability that a person will buy a
14. A survey is carried out on police cadets in a 1
school. It is found that the mean number of Perodua Kancil car is .
police cadets is 200, the variance is 120 and
[ Kebarangkalian seseorang akan beli sebuah
the probability that a student is a police cadet
is p. kereta Perodua Kancil ialah .]
[ Satu soal-selidik dijalankan terhadap polis- 4
kadat dalam satu sekolah. Didapati bahawa min (a) If Ali has 3 cars, find the probability that
bilangan polis kadet ialah 200, varian ialah 120 Ali has at least 2 Perodua Kancil.
dan kebarangkalian seorsang pelajar dipilih ialah [ Jika Ali ada 3 buah kereta, cari
pilis kadet ialah p. ] kebarangkalian Ali mempunyai sekurang-kurang
2 buah Perodua Kancil. ]
(a) Find the value of p. [ cari nilai p. ]
(b) In the district where Ali lives, there are 32
family that each family has 3 cars.
(b) If 10 students are chosen at random from
the school, find the probability that more than 8
Find the mean and standard deviation for the
students are police cadets.
probability tabulation that for number of family
[ Jika 10 pelajar dipilih secara rawak daripada
that has at least 2 Perodua Kancil.
sekolah, cari kebarangkalian di mana lebih 8
[ Dalam daerah di mana Ali tinggal, terdapat 32
pelajar ialah polis kadet. ] keluarga yang setiap keluarga ada 3 buah kereta.

Answer : Cari min dan sisihan piawai untuk taburan

1. (a)
3 3
4 (b) 0.9249 kebarangkalian bilangan keluarga yang mempunyai
2. (a) p = 0.6, q = 0.4 (b) 0.9983 sekurang-kurangnya 2 buah Perodua Kancil. ]
3. (a) 0.2903 (b) 004199 (c) 0.5801
4. (a) 0.2048 (b) 0.9421 (c) 0.2627 17. Syarikat Penerbangan Butterfly has
5. (a) 12 (b) 3.098 scheduled 6 flights a week flying from Kuala
6) a) 0.1468 (b) 0.5033 Lumpur to Sydney. The probability that the flight
7.(a) 0.1216 (b) 0.2852 is on schedule is 0.9.
8.(a) 0.2301 (b) 0.8891 [Syarikat Penerbangan Butterfly menjadualkan 6
9. (a) n= 100 ,p= 5
(b) 0.6242 penerbangan dalam seminggu dari Kuala Lumpur ke
Sydney. Kebarangkalian penerbangan itu menepati
10.(a) 0.65 (b)  = 19.5,  = 2.612 masa ialah 0.9. ]
11. (a) 4 (b) 0.0003862 (ii) 0.756 (iii) 0.5256
The company is eligible for the monthly “Best
12. 0.01229 13. 0.96 19
Service Award” if there is an average of at least
14. a) 5 (b) 0.0017 5 flights a week that are on schedule in the
Exercise 2.3 Binomial Distribution (Part 2) [ Syarikat penerbangan layak mendapat “Best
[ Taburan Binomial ] Service Award” bulanan jika terdapat
sekurang-kurangnya 5 penerbangan seminggu
15. In a survey, it is found that one out of 5 yang menepati masa. ]
teenager in the district is involve in social problem.
[ Dalam suatu selidik, didapati satu daripada 5 (a) Find the probability that the company is given
remaja dalam daerah itu terlibat dalam masalah the “Best Service Award” for a particular month.
sosial. ] [ Cari kebarangkalian syarikat itu diberi “Best
Service Award” untuk suatu bulan tertentu. ]
(a) If 10 teenager are picked at random from the
district, find the probability that not more than
(b) The company will be awarded annual “Efficient
two teenager are involve in social problem.
Service” if the company received more than 9
[ Jika 10 remaja dipilih secara rawak daripada
times “Best Service Award' in a year. Find the
daerah itu, cari kebarangkalian tidak lebih 2
probability that Syarikat Penerbangan Butterfly
remaja terlibat dalam masalah social. ]
being awarded with “Efficient Service” in a
(b) If there are 10 000 teenagers in the district, particular year.
find the mean and standard deviation for the [ Syarikat penerbangan akan dianugerahkan
number of teenager that is involve in social “Efficient Service” tahunan jika syarikat itu
problem. menerima lebih daripada 9 kali “Best Service
Award” dalam setahun. Cari kebarangkalian di

Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 5: Probability Distribution Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik Ms. Kow
mana Syarikat Penerbangan Butterfly menerima (b) If the standard deviation of number of times
anugerah “Efficient Service” dalam tahun he hits the target is 2 after m shots, find
tertentu. ] value of m.
[ Jika sisihan piawai bagi bilangan kali dia kena
18. It is found that 60% of the students from sasaran ialah 2 selepas m tembakan, cari nilai m. ]
SMK BB obtained grade B in English in the SPM
examination. If 9 students are chosen at 2. Usually, 70% of the gun fired by Azmi fits
random from the school, find the probability the target.
that … [ Biasanya, 70% tembakan Azmi kena pada
[ Didapati bahawa 60% pelajar dari SMK BB sasaran. ]
mendapati grad B dalam matapelajaran English
(a) If he fired 6 shots, find the probability that
peperiksaan SPM. Jika 9 orang pelajar dipilih
at least 5 shots hit the target.
secara rawak daripada sekolah ini, cari
[ Jika dia menembak 6 kali, cari kebarangkalian
kebarangkalian … ]
sekurang-kurangnya 5 tembakan kena pada
sasaran. ]
(a) exactly 5 students obtained grade B,
[ tepat 5 pelajar memperolehi grad B ] (b) Find the number of shots needed to be fired
by Azmi so that the probability of hitting the
(b) not more than 7 students obtained grade B. target at least 1 time is more than 0.92.
[ tidak lebih 7 pelajar memperolehi grad B ] [ Cari bilangan tembakan yang perlu ditembak oleh
Azmi supaya kebaranagkalian kena sasaran
19) In a restaurant, it is found that 28% of sekurang-kurang 1 kali adalah lebih daripada 0.92 ]
customers order hot coffee.
[ Dalam satu restaurant, didapati bahawa 28% 3. 70% of the gun shots by a hunter usually hits
pelanggan memesan kopi panas. ] the target.
[ 70% tembakan oleh seorang pemburu biasanya
(i) if 8 customers are chosen at random, calculate kena sasaran. ]
the probability that more than 2 customers
ordered hot coffee. (a) Find the probability that a gun shot by the
[ jika 8 pelanggan dipilih secara rawak, kirakan hunter hitting the target not more than 3 times
kebarangkalian lebih daripada 2 pelanggan from 5 shoots he fired.
memesan kopi panas. ] [ Cari kebarangkalian tembakan pemburu kena
sasaran tidak lebih daripada 3 kali daripada 5
(ii) During a promotional month, the number of tembakan yang dia lepaskan. ]
customers ordering hot coffee increases. If 4
customers are chosen at random, and the (b) Find the number of shots needed to be fired
probability that all of them ordered hot coffee is by the hunter so that the probability of hitting
0.0256, calculate the percentage of increase in the target at least 1 time is not more than 0.9.
the number of customers ordering hot coffee. [ Cari bilangan tembakan yang perlu supaya
[ Dalam satu promosi bulanan, bilangan pelanggan kebarangkalian kesana sasaran sekurang-kurang 1
memesan kopi panas bertambah. Jika 4 pelnggan kali adalah tidak lebih daripada 0.9. ]
dipilih secara rawak, kebarangkalian kesemua
mereka memesan kopi panas ialah 0.0256, kirakan 4) 5% of the computers produced by a company
peratusan penambahan bilangan pelanggan yang are defective. If a sample of n computers is
memesan kopi panas. ] chosen at random, the variance of the number of
computers that are defective is 0.475. Find the
value of n.
*** Questions [ 5% daripada komputer yang dihasilkan oleh
sebuah syarikat adalah rosak. Jika suatu sampel n
1. A sniper can shoot to hit the target 50 times komputer dipilih secara rawak, varian bilangan
out of 100 times he fires. komputer rosak ialah 0.475. Cari nilai n. ]
[ Seorang penembak boleh tembak tepat ke
sasaran 50 kali daripada 100 kali dia menembak. ] 5) It is known that k% of the pens produced by
a company are defective. In a sample of 100 pens
(a) When n times he fires, the probability of chosen at random, the variance of the number of
hitting the target exactly 2 times is the same as pens that are defective is 1.96.
the probability of hitting the target exactly 1 There are 2 possible values of k. Find the smaller
time. Find the value of n. value of k.
[ Apabila n kali dia menembak, kebarangkalian [ Diketahui bahawa k% pen yang dihasilkan oleh
kena sasaran tepat 2 kali adalah sama dengan sebuah syarikat adalah rosak. Suatu sampel 100
kebarangkalian kena sasaran tepat 1 kali. Cari batang pen dipilih secara rawak, varian penrosak
nilai n. ] ialah 1.96. Terdapat 2 nilai k yang mungkin. Cari
nilai k yang lebih kecil. ]

Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 5: Probability Distribution Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik Ms. Kow
6. In a shooting competition, the probability of (b) the number of ways the committee can be
2 formed if the pair of sisters must be in the
Amar hitting the target is committee.
[ bilangan cara membentuk jawatan kuasa ini
[ Dalam satu pertandingan menembak,
jika pasangan adik-beradik itu mesti dipilih. ]
kebarangkalian Amar kena sasaran ialah .]
(a) If Amar fired eight shoots, find the Answer :
probability that exactly three shots hit the 15. (a) 0.6778 (b)  = 2 000  = 40
[ Jika Amar melepaskan 8 tembakan, cari
16.(a) 32 (b)  = 5,  = 2.05

kebarangkalian tepat 3 tembakan kena 17. (a) 0.8857 (b) 0.8501

18. a) 0.2508 (b) 0.9295
sasaran. ]
(19) (i) 0.3973 (ii) 12%

(b) If Amar fires n shots, the probability that

32 *** Question
all the n shots hit the target is . 1) .(a)n=3 (b) m = 16 (2) (a) 0.4202 (b) 3
(3) (a) 0.4718 (b) n = 1
Find the value of n . [4 marks] (4) n = 10 (5) k = 2
[ Jika Amar melepaskan n tembakan, (6)(a) 0.2787 (b) n = 5
kebarangkalian semua n tembakan kena sasaran 5 15
32 (7) (a) (b) 0 (c)
ialah . Cari nilai n. ] 14 28
3125 (8)(a) 3360 (b) 252

7. Ali has three 20 sen coin and five 50 sen

coin in his pocket. If he takes out 2 coins from C. Normal Distribution [ Taburan Normal ]
his pocket at random, one after another
without replacing them or putting back to the X = value of the normal variable
pocket, find the probability that the total value [ nilai pembolehubah biasa ]
of money he gets is …. X ~ N (  , )

[ Ali ada 3 biji syiling 20 sen dan 5 biji syiling

Z = standard score [ skor piawai ]
50 sen di dalam saku dia. Jika dia keluarkan 2
 = mean [ min ]
biji syiling daripada saku dia secara rawak, satu
demi satu tanpa memulangkan ke dalam saku,  = standard deviation [ sisihan piawai ]
cari kebarangkalian jumlah nilai wang yang dia X −
dapat ialah … ] 
a− 
(a) RM1 (b) RM0.90 (c) RM0.70 ➔ P (a > X) = P  Z
  

8. A Science and Mathematics club in a girl Exercise 3.1 Normal Distribution

school has 10 Form 5 students and 8 Form 4 [ Taburan Normal ]
students. A Form 5 student is the sister to a
Form 4 student. A committee of 3 Form five 1) Cari nilai yang berikut. [ Find the values. ]
members and 2 Form 4 members has to be
formed, find …. (a) P(Z  0.5)
[ Kelab Sains dan Matematik sebuah sekolah
perempuan mempunyai 10 orang pelajar (b) P(Z  0.75)
Tingkatan 5 dan 8 orang pelajar Tingkatan 4.
Salah seorang pelajar Tingkatan 5 ialah kakak (c) P(Z  -2.3)
kepada seorang pelajar Tingkatan 4. Suatu
jawatan kuasa yang terdiri daripada 3 orang (d) P(1.0  Z  3.0)
pelajar Tingkatan 5 dan 2 orang pelajar
Tingkatan 4 perlu dibentuk, cari … ] (e) P(-2.5  Z  -1.3)

(a) the number of ways the committee can be (f) P( Z  1.97 )

[ bilangan cara jawatan kuasa ini dapat
(g) P(Z  1.2)
dibentuk ]

(h) P(-1.5  Z  1.0)

Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 5: Probability Distribution Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik Ms. Kow

2) Cari nilai k. [ Find the value of k. ]

(a)  = 10,  2 = 25, P(X  k) = 0.6725

(b)  = 30,  = 8, P(X  k) = 0.7218

5. The diagram shows a probability distribution

(c)  = 10.5,  = 7, P(X  k) = 0.0125 graph of a continuous random variable X that is
normally distributed with a standard deviation
(d)  = k ,  = 3, P(X  12) = 0.5173 of 2. The graph is symmetrical about the vertical
line PQ.
(e)  = 350,  = k , P(X  380) = 0.2181 Calculate the area of the shaded region.

(1) (a) 0.3085 (b) 0.7734 (c) 0.9893
(d) 0.1573 (e) 0.0906 (f) 0.9512
(g) 0.8849 (h) 0.7745

(2) (a) 7.765 (b) 34.70 (c) 26.18

(d) 11.87 (e) 38.56

(3)(a) 1.476 (b) 15.24 (4) 0.6826 [ Rajah di atas menunjukkan graf taburan
(5) 0.15249 (6) 0.2881 kebarangkalian pembolehubah rawak selanjar X
(7) 100 yang bertabur secara normal dengan sisihan
(8) (a) k=70 (b) 0.1498 (c) 23 piawai 2. Graf ini bersimetri pada garisan
mencancang PQ. Hitung luas kawasan
3. Diagram shows a standard normal berlorek. ]
distribution graph. [ Rajah menunjukkan graf
taburan piawai normal. ] 6. The diagram shows a standard normal
distribution graph.
If P(z < —m) = 0.2119, find the area of the
shaded region.

[ Rajah menunjukkan graf taburan normal

(a) Given that P(0 < z < k) = 0.43, find the value
of k.
Jika P(z < —m) = 0.2119, cari luas kawasan
[ Diberi P(0 < z < k) = 0.43, cari nilai k. ]
berlorek. ]

(b) X is a continuous random variable which is

7. The diagram shows a probability distribution
normally distributed with a mean μ and
graph of a continuous random variable X that is
standard deviation 5.
normally distributed with a standard deviation
Find the value of μ when the value of X = 22.62
of 2. The graph is symmetrical about the vertical
is correspond to the value of k.
line PQ.
[ X ialah satu pembolehubah rawak selanjar di
[ Rajah menunjukkan graf taburan
mana ia bertabur secara normal dengan min μ
kebarangkalian pembolehubah X rawak
dan sisihan piawai 5.
selanjar yang bertabur secara normal
Cari nilai μ apabila nilai X = 22.62 bersepadan
dengan sisihan piawai 2. Graf bersimetri
dengan nilai k. ]
pada garisan mencancang PQ. ]

4. Diagram shows a normal distribution graph

for variable X with mean = 4 and standard
deviation = 1. Find the area of the shaded
[ Rajah menunjukkan graf taburan normal untuk
pembolehubah X dengan min = 4 dan sisihan
piawai = 1. Cari luas kawasan berlorek. ]

Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 5: Probability Distribution Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik Ms. Kow
If X represents the ages, in years, of 1500 2. Mass of students in a school has mean 60
participants who attended a singing contest kg and standard deviation 5 kg. If the mass
audition, calculate the number of participants is normally distributed. Find the probability
who’s ages are above 26. that the mass of a student that is picked in
[ Jika X mewakili umur, dalam tahun, seramai random is …
1500 peserta uji bakat pertandingan nyayian, [ Jisim pelajar satu sekolah mempunyai min 60
kira bilangan peserta yang umurnya 26 ke kg dan sisihan piawai 5 kg. Jika jisim bertabur
atas. ] secara normal. Cari kebarangkalian di mana
jisim pelajar dipilih rawak ialah … ]
8. The diagram shows a probability distribution
graph of a continuous random variable X that is (a) more than 70 kg, [ lebih daripada 70 kg ]
normally distributed with a standard deviation
of 10. The graph is symmetrical about the (b) more than 50 kg, [ lebih daripada 50 kg ]
vertical line PQ.
[ Rajah menunjukkan graf taburan (c) lesser than 55 kg, [ kurang daripada 55 kg ]
kebarangkalian pembolehubah X rawak
selanjar yang bertabur secara normal dengan (d) lesser than 65 kg, [ kurang daripada 65 kg ]
sisihan piawai 10. Graf itu bersimetri pada
garis PQ. ] (e) between 55.5 kg and 65.5 kg.
[ antara 55.5 kg dan 65.5 kg ]

(f) between 66 kg and 70 kg

[ antara 66 kg dan 70 kg ]

(g) between 56.62 kg and 58.59 kg

[ antara 56.62 kg dan 58.59 kg ]

3. The shelf life of a machine is normally

(a) If the z-score obtained by standardising the
distributed with mean 1500 days and
value of k is –1, find the value of k.
standard deviation 30 days.
[ Jika skor-z yang diperolehi dengan
[ Jangka hayat sebuah masin bertabur secara
mempiawaikan nilai k ialah -1, cari nilai k. ]
normal dengan min 1500 hari dan sisihan piawai
30 hari. ]
(b) Hence, find the area of the shaded region.
[ maka, cari luas kawasan berlorek. ]
(a) find the probability that a machine picked
randomly has a shelf life
(c) If X represents the masses, in kg, of 100
[ cari kebarngkalian masin yang dipilih secara
ladies who attended a weight reduction
rawak mempunyai jangka hayat … ]
program, estimate the number of ladies who
have masses between 78 kg and 84 kg.
(i) more than 1 532 days,
[ Jika X mewakili jisim, dalam kg, 100 wanita
[ lebih daripada 1 532 hari ]
yang hadir satu program mengurangkan berat
badan, anggarkan bilangan Wanita yang berjisim
(ii) between 1 480 days and 1 530 days.
antara 78 kg dan 84 kg. ]
[ antara 1 480 hari dan 1 530 hari ]

(b) Given that 5% of the machines have shelf

Exercise 3.2 Normal Distribution
life more than n days. Find the value of n.
[ diberi bahawa 5% masin mempunyai jangka
1. In a normal distribution for variable X,
hayat lebih daripada n hari. Cari nilai n. ]
standard score for and 1 individually have
x-score 11 and 12. Find the value of mean 4. Height of residents in Balik Pulau is
and standard deviation for this normal normally distributed with mean 160cm and
distribution. standard deviation 10 cm. Find
[ Dalam satu taburan normal pembolehubah X, [ Ketinggian penduduk di Balik Pulau
1 bertabur secara normal dengan min 160 cm
skor piawai untuk dan 1 masing-masing dan sisihan piawai 10 cm. Cari …]
mempunyai skor-x 11 dan 12. Cari nilai min dan
(a) the probability that the height of a
sisihan piawai untuk taburan normal ini. ]
resident is lesser than 155 cm.

Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 5: Probability Distribution Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik Ms. Kow
[ kebarangkalian memilih seorang penduduk
dengan ketinggian kurang daripada 155 cm ] (a) If the passing mark is 35, find the
probability that a student picked randomly
(b) value of t , if 10% of the residents passes the exam.
have height more than t cm. [ Jika markah lulus ialah 35, cari
[ nilai t , jika 10% penduduk mempunyai kebarangkalian seorang pelajar dipilih
ketinggian melebihi t cm. ] secara rawak lulus peperiksaan itu. ]

5. The length of pen produced by a factory (b) Find the number of student that pass in
is normally distributed with mean 9.8 cm. the exam if the passing mark is 35
Given that 284 of 1 000 pen has length [ cari bilangan pelajar yang lulus peperiksaan
more than 10.13 cm. Find itu jika markah lulus ialah 35. ]
[ Panjang pen yang dihasilkan oleh sebuah
kilang bertabur secara normal dengan min (c) If the number of students who get A is
9.8 cm. Diberi bahawa 284 daripada 1000 13% , find the minimum mark to get A in
pen mempunyai panjang melebihi 10.13 cm. the exam.
Cari …. ] [ Jika bilangan pelajar yang memperolehi
grad A ialah 13%, cari markah minimum untuk
(a) standard deviation for the length of pen. mendapat grad A dalam peperiksaan ini. ]
[ sisihan piawai bagi panjang pen ]
8. The mass of egg collected from a chicken
(b) number of pen that has a length lesser farm is normally distributed with mean 30 g
than 9.72cm. and standard deviation 4 g. The eggs with
[ bilangan pen yang panjang kurang daripada mass 32 g or more are categories grade A,
9.72 cm ] while eggs with mass between 26 g and 32
g is categories grade B, and the rest are
grade C.
6. Radius of a car wheel produced by a [ Jisim telur yang dikumpul dari sebuah
factory is normally distributed. For safety ladang bertabur secara normal dengan min
purposes, the car wheel can only be accepted 30 g dan sisihan piawai 4 g. Telur berjisim
if the radius is between 11.02 cm to 12.52 32 g atau lebih dikatogori sebagai grad A,
cm. manakala telur berjisim antara 26 g dan 32
g dikatogori sebagai grad B, dan selebihnya
At a certain time, it is found that 1% of grad C. ]
the car wheel is rejected because the radius
is too short, while 5% of it is rejected (a) Find the probability that an egg picked
because its radius is too long. randomly from the farm is …
Find the mean and standard deviation for [ Cari kebarangkalian sebiji telur yang dipilih
the car wheel radius. secara rawak dari ladang adalah …]

[ Jejari roda kereta yang dihasilkan oleh (i) grade A,

sebuah kilang bertabur secara normal. Demi
keselamatan, roda kereta hanya boleh (ii) grade B.
diterima jika jejarinya antara 11.02 cm
hingga 12.52 cm. (b) Find the number of grade C eggs if there
are 5 000 eggs collected.
Pada masa tertentu, didapati 1% roda kereta [ Cari bilangan telur grad C, jika 5000 telur
ditolak kerana jejari terlalu pendek, dikutip ]
sementara 5% ditolak kerana jejari terlalu
panjang. 9. Body mass of students in a class is
Cari min dan sisihan piawai untuk jejari roda normally distributed with mean 40kg and
kereta. ] standard deviation 10kg.
[ Jisim badan pelajar dalam satu kelas
7. A total of 500 students taking bertabur secara normal dengan min 40 kg
Mathematics exam in a school. Their marks dan sisihan piawai 10 kg. ]
is normally distributed with mean 55 and
standard deviation 10. (a) Find the percentage of number of
[ 500 orang pelajar menduduki peperiksaan students that has mass lesser than 50 kg.
Matematik sekolah. Markah mereka [ Cari peratus bilangan pelajar yang
bertabur secara normal dengan min 55 dan mempunyai jisim kurang daripada 50 kg. ]
sisihan piawai 10. ]
Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 5: Probability Distribution Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik Ms. Kow
(b) Given that 60% of the students have mempunyai jisim lebih daripada 60 kg, cari
mass more than m kg, find value of m. nilai x. ]
[ Diberi bahawa 60% pelajar mempunyai
jisim lebih daripada m kg, cari nilai m. ] 12. Mass (in kg) of sheep in a farm is normally
distributed with mean 50 kg and variance 9 kg 2 .

10. Mass of seabass fish kept by a fish

farmer is normally distributed with mean
1.2 kg and standard deviation 0.1 kg. Find [ Jisim biri-biri yang diternak dalam satu ladang
bertabur secara normal, dengan min 50 kg dan
[ Jisim siakap yang dibela sebuah ladang ikan varian 9 kg2 . Cari ]
bertabur secara normal dengan min 1.2 kg
dan sisihan piawai 0.1 kg. Cari … ] (a) standard score of mass 60 kg,
[ skor piawai jisim 60 kg ]
(a) the probability that a seabass fish
picked randomly has mass between 0.9 kg (b) mass of sheep that is matching with
and 1.3 kg, standard score -0.6.

[ kebarangkalian ikan siakap yang dipilih [ jisim biri-biri yang sepadan dengan skor piawai
secara rawak mempunyai jisim antara 0.9 kg -0.6 ]
dan 1.3 kg ]
(c) Number of sheep with mass between 50 kg
(b) the percentage of seabass fish that has and 56 kg, if there are 1 000 sheep in the farm.
mass lesser than 1.25 kg.
[ Bilangan biri-biri dengan jisim antara 50 kg
[ peritus ikan siakap yang berjisim kurang dan 56 kg, jika terdapat 1000 ekor biri-biri
daripada 1.25 kg ] dalam ladang itu. ]

(c) Seabass with mass between 1.3 kg and 13. In a research, it is found that the mass of
1.45 kg can be sold to restaurant at higher watermelon harvested from a farm is normally
price. Find the percentage of seabass with distributed with mean 3 kg and variance 0.01
higher price. kg2.

[ ikan siakap berjisim 1.3 kg dan 1.45 kg [ Dalam satu kajian, didapati jisim tembikai dari
boleh dijual ke restaurant dengan harga sebuah ladang bertabur secara normal dengan
tinggi. Cari peritus ikan siakap dengan harga min 3 kg dan varian 0.01 kg2. ]
tinggi. ]
(a) If a watermelon is picked randomly from
11. Mass of students in school A is normally the farm, find the probability that the
distributed with mean 40 kg and standard watermelon has mass more than 2.8 kg.
deviation 5 kg.
[ Jisim pelajar di sekolah A bertabur secara [ Jika sebuah tembikai dipilih secara rawak dari
normal dengan min 40 kg dan sisihan piawai 5 ladang, cari kebarangkalian tembikai itu
kg. ] mempunyai jisim lebih daripada 2.8 kg. ]

(a) Find the percentage of number of (b) Find the percentage of number of
students that has mass more than 50 kg. watermelon that has mass between
[ cari peritus bilangan pelajar yang jisimnya 2.9 kg and 3.2 kg.
lebih daripada 50 kg ]
[ Cari peritus bilangan tembikai
(b) If the mean mass of student for school yang berjisim antara 2.9 kg
B is x kg and standard deviation is the dan 3.2 kg ]
same as school A, and only 5% of students
in school B has mass more than 60 kg, find
value of x. 14. The result of a Mathematics test for
students Form 5 Merah is tabulated according
[ Jika jisim min pelajar sekolah B ialah x kg to ratio of students as shown.
dan sishan piawai adalah sama dengan
sekolah A, dan hanya 5% pelajar sekolah B

Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 5: Probability Distribution Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik Ms. Kow
[ Keputusan ujian Matematik pelajar Tingkatan
5 Merah bertabur mengikut nisbah seperti (ii) Find the expected number of mango fruits
bawah. ] from a basket containing 200 fruits that have a
mass of less than 700 g. [5 marks]
Grade [ Grad ] A B C
[ cari bilangan buah mango anggaran dalam bakul
Ratio of students 2 7 1
yang mengandungi 200 biji buah mango, yang
[ Nisbah pelajar ]
mempunyai jisim kurang daripada 700 g. ]

If the marks for the test is normally

17. (SBP 2009) (a) In a housing area, 20% of the
distributed with mean 80 and standard
residents are senior citizens.
deviation 5, find
[ Jika markah ujian bertabur secara normal
[ Dalam satu kawasan perumahan, 20% penduduk
dengan min 80 dan sisihan piawai 5, cari …]
adalah warga emas. ]

(a) the minimum mark to get grade A,

(i) If a sample of seven persons is chosen at
[ markah minimum untuk mendapat grad A ]
random, calculate the probability that at least two
of them are senior citizens. [3 marks ]
(b) the passing mark if grade C is consideedr
[ satu sampel 7 orang dipilih secara rawak, hitung
kebarangkalian sekuarng-kurang 2 orang adalah
[ markah lulus, jika grad C dikira gagal. ]
warga emas. ]

(ii) If the variance of the senior citizens is 128,

15. In a study, the life span of male elephants
find the number of residents in this housing area.
have a normal distribution with a mean μ and a
[2 marks ]
standard deviation of 8 years.
[ Jika varian warga emas ialah 128, hitung bilangan
penduduk dalam kawasan perumahan ini. ]

[ Dalam satu kajian, jangka hayat seekor gajah

(b) In a field study, it is found that the mass of
jantan bertabur secara normal denagn min μ
a student is normally distributed with a mean of
dan sisihan piawai 8 tahun. ]
50 kg and standard deviation 15 kg.

(a) the z-score when the life span is 82 years

[ dalam satu kajian, didapati jisim pelajar
and μ = 70 years.
bertabur secara normal dengan min 50 kg dan
sisihan piawai 15 kg. ]
[ skor-z apabila jangka hayat 82 tahun dan
μ = 70 tahun ]
(i) If a student is selected randomly, calculate
the probability that his mass is less than 41 kg.
(b) the value of μ, such that 64.8% of male the
[2 marks]
elephants have a life span of less than 75
[ Jika seorang pelajar dipilih secara rawak, kira
kebarangkalian jisimnya kurang daripada 41 kg. ]

[ nilai μ , dimana 64.8% gajah jantan mempunyai

(ii) Given that 12% of the students have a mass
jangka hayat kurang daripada 75 tahun. ]
greater than m kg, find the value of m. [3 m]
[ Diberi 12% pelajar mempunyai jisim lebih
daripada m kg, cari nilai m. ]
Sabah 2008
16. The mass of mango fruits from a farm is
18. The mass of rice in a bag has a normal
normally distributed with a mean of 820 g and
distribution with a mean of 50 kg and a standard
standard deviation of 100 g.
deviation of 10 kg. Find ….

[ Jisim mango dari sebuah ladang bertabur

[ Jisim beras dalam beg bertabur secara normal
secara normal dengan min 820 g dan sisihan
dengan min 50 kg dan sisihan piawai 10 kg.
piawai 100 g. ]
Cari …]

(i) Find the probability that a mango fruits

(a) the mass of rice which gives a standard
chosen from randomly from has a minimum mass
score of 0.6
of 700g.
[ jisim beras yang memberi skor piawai 0.6 ]

[ Cari kebarangkalian di mana buah mango yang

(b) the percentage of rice with mass greater
dipilih secara rawak mempunyai jisim minimum
than 46 kg. [4]
700 g ]
Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 5: Probability Distribution Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik Ms. Kow
[ peritus beras dengan jisim lebih daripada 46 kg ]
(i) If a student is chosen in random, find the
probability that the student obtained between
19. 2018, Slg Set A, P1 35 and 66 marks. Hence, find the number of
The marks in the Additional Mathematics test for students that obtained marks between 35 and
a group of students are normally distributed. 66 marks.
Diagram below shows a graph of the marks, such
that PQ is the axis of symmetry of the graph. [ sekiranya seorang murid dipilih secara rawak,
cari kebarangkalian murid tersebut mendapat di
[ Markah dalam ujian Matematik Tambahan bagi antara 35 hingga 66 markah. Seterusnya, cari
sekumpulan pelajar bertabur secara normal. Rajah bilangan murid yang mendapat markah di antara
di bawah menunjukkan graf markah, dengan 35 hingga 66 markah. ]
keadaan PQ ialah paksi simetri bagi graf tersebut. ]
(ii) Students who failed have to attend
remedial classes. If 5% of the students
attended remedial classes, find the passing
marks for Additional Mathematics.

[ Murid yang gagal dikehendaki menghadiri kelas

pemulihan. Sekiranya 5% daripada murid
tersebut menghadiri kelas pemulihan, cari
markah lulus untuk peperiksaan Matematik
The standard deviation of the marks is 2.4. If
Tambahan. ] [6 marks ]
6.68% of the students obtained marks less than
k, find the value of k.
Answer Exercise 2
[ Sisihan piawai bagi markah ialah 2.4. Jika 6.68% 1.  =10,  =2
daripada pelajar memperolehi markah kurang
2. (a)0.0228 (b)0.9772 (c) 0.1587 (d) 0.8413
daripada k, cari nilai bagi k. ] (e) 0.6802 (f) 0.0925 (g) 0.1394
3. (a)(i)0.1430 (ii) 0.589 (b) n =1549
(20) 2018, Selangor Set A, P2 4.(a) 0.3085 (b) 172.82
(a) In a survey, it is found that in a basket of 5. (a)  = 0.5779 (b) 445
magoesteen, 15% of the mangoesteen are rotten.
6.  =11.9 ,  =0.3777
If 8 mangoesteen are chosen at random from the
7. (a)0.9772 (b)488 (c)66.27
basket, calculate the probability that at least 6
8. (a) (i) 0.3085 (ii) 0.5328 (b) 793
mangoesteen are good. [4 marks ] 9. (a)0 84.13% (b) m = 37.47
10.(a) 0.84 (b) 69.15%
[ Dalam suatu kajian, didapati di dalam sebuah 11. (a) 2.28% (b) 51.775 (c) 15.25%
bakul manggis, 15% daripada buah manggis 1
12.(a) 3 3 (b) 48.2 kg (c) 477
tersebut rosak. Sekiranya 8 biji manggis dipilih
13. (a) 0.9772 (b) 81.85%
secara rawak daripada bakul tersebut, hitung 14. (a) 84.21 (b) 73.59
kebarangkalian bahawa sekurang-kurangnya 6 biji 15. (a) 1.5 (b) 71.96
manggis adalah dalam keadaan baik. ] 16. (i) 0.8849 (ii) 23
17. (a)(i) P ( x  2) = 0.4233 (ii) npq = 128 ➔ n = 800
(b) (i) P ( z  −0.6) = 0.2743 (ii) m=67.625
(b) In a school, 180 students sit for Additional 18. (a) 56kg,
Mathematics examination. The marks obtained
(b) P( x  46) = P Z  46 − 50  = 1 − 0.3446 = 0.6554
is normally distributed with mean 48 marks and  
 10 
standard deviation of 6 marks. ➔ 65.54%
(19) k = 51.4
[ Dalam sebuah sekolah, 180 orang murid (20) (a) P(x ≥ 6) = 0.8948
menduduki peperiksaaan Matematik Tambahan. (b) (i) P(35 < x < 66) = 0.9836 → 177 students
Markah yang diperolehi didapati bertabur (ii) 1.645 ➔ m = 38.13
secara normal dengan min 48 markah dan
sisihan piawai 6 markah. ]

Form 5 Add Maths Chapter 5: Probability Distribution Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik Ms. Kow


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