Autobiography of Flower

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Autobiography of Flower

Atthecack of dawn, Whon Lonened myin eyes for the first

miniature bud on a gentle tael ofshrub thedense wOods.
time, Iwas a varietyof colours. Idid not
l could see all kindsof flowers around m in had whispered
know that this place called woods untillthe buzzing bee
into mv ears.
with allsorts of
I was on cloud nine. When my eves met
grass and lovely
tall trees, thick bushes, short shrubs. tiny ferns. green
soon as the sun went
flowers all around me. Then all had gone to sleep as
attractive flower.
down. I alsoslept dreaming that I would bloom into an
spree as I
The nextsunny morning, Iwas in a merry making
velvety petals and
bloomed into a stunning flower. My colour was red with
in the cool
few thorns on my stem. Idanced and played with my pals was
breeze. Then, the noisy bee came and collected nectar from me. I
proudof my beauty.
Ooouch! Suddenly a gardener came & plucked me
from the plant. It hurt a lot, he kept me in a basket with other flowers and
sold me to a short. dark looking florist. Ihen, he crafted me with other
flowers in lovely bouguet and wrapped intoa golden paper.
The next fine day, a young lady came to the florist and bought us.
She took us to the gigantic Temple. Inen, She gave us to the kind priest to
offer us into the feet of Lord Shiva. Inis was the most happiest moment of
my life. I will alwavs cherish that moment. l could have never asked for
better end to my lifethat being laid down on the feet of ldol of God.

Now, I am Feeling blessedheand I thanked Almighty with all my

moment has given me
might for the wonderful mor in my life.

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