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IMO No: 9388003


This Manual has been developed in accordance with :

• MARPOL Annex VI / Reg.22
• IMO Resolution MEPC.213 (63)
• ISO 50001

Copyright © 2022 Theta Marine Consulting. All rights reserved

Note: This document was developed based on "information supplied by the ship owner and / or the ship
manager, and / or the ship operator".

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All crew members are to review the plan and confirm by signing the attached list:


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Revision Approved By :
No. Date Revised Part
Detail / Description Name / Signature

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RECORD OF CHANGES/AMENDEMENTS ................................................................................... 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................. 4
GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................... 7
VESSEL PARTICULARS .............................................................................................................. 10
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 11
1.1. GENERAL ............................................................................................................................. 11
1.2. SCOPE .................................................................................................................................. 15
1.3. REGULATORY BACKGROUND ............................................................................................ 15

PART A – SHIP-SPECIFIC......................................................................................................... A-1

SHIP ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES................................................................................. A-2

PART B – COMPANY-SPECIFIC ............................................................................................... B-1

2. POLICY ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY MANAGEMENT ........................................................ B-2
3. APPLICATION .................................................................................................................... B-3
3.1. PLANNING .......................................................................................................................... B-4
3.1.1. Ship-specific Measures ......................................................................................... B-4
3.1.2. Company-specific Measures ................................................................................. B-4
3.1.3. Human Resource Development ............................................................................ B-4
3.1.4. Goal Setting .......................................................................................................... B-5
3.2. IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................................................. B-5
3.2.1. Establishment of Implementation System .............................................................. B-5
3.2.2. Implementation and Record-keeping ..................................................................... B-5
3.3. MONITORING ..................................................................................................................... B-5
3.4. SELF-EVALUATION AND IMPROVEMENT ........................................................................ B-5
4. MEASURES FOR IMPROVING ENERGY EFFICIENCY ..................................................... B-6
4.1. VOYAGE OPTIMIZATION ................................................................................................... B-6
4.1.1. Speed Selection Optimization ............................................................................... B-6
4.1.2. Optimized Voyage Planning .................................................................................. B-8
4.1.3. Weather Routing ................................................................................................... B-9
4.1.4. Optimized Heading Control / Auto-Pilot Function ................................................ B-11
4.1.5. Trim and Ballast Optimization.............................................................................. B-11
4.1.6. Just in Time Arrival / Virtual Arrival ...................................................................... B-15
4.2. PROPULSION RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM .............................................. B-18
4.2.1. Hull and Propeller Cleaning Program .................................................................. B-18
4.2.2. Propulsion Hydrodynamic Improvement Devices ................................................ B-20
4.2.3. Resistance Monitoring Programs ........................................................................ B-25

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4.3. MACHINERY OPTIMIZATION ........................................................................................... B-26

4.3.1. Performance Monitoring Systems ....................................................................... B-26
4.3.2. M/E Performance Monitoring System .................................................................. B-28
4.3.3. D/G Performance Monitoring System .................................................................. B-28
4.3.4. Installation of Electronically Controlled Main Engines .......................................... B-28
4.3.5. Part Load and Low Load Operation ..................................................................... B-29
4.3.6. Installation of De-rated Engines .......................................................................... B-31
4.3.7. M/E Cylinder Oil and Lubrication Control ............................................................. B-31
4.3.8. D/G Engine Load Optimization and Electric Load Demand Minimization ............. B-33
4.3.9. Waste Heat Recovery ......................................................................................... B-35
4.3.10. Auxiliary Boiler(s) Maintenance ........................................................................... B-37
4.3.11. Steam Distribution and Condensate Return System ............................................ B-37
4.3.12. Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) System ....................................... B-38
4.3.13. Compressed Air System...................................................................................... B-40
4.3.14. Lighting Loads..................................................................................................... B-42
4.3.15. On-shore Power Supply (Cold Ironing) ................................................................ B-43
4.4. BUNKER MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................. B-44
4.4.1. Fuel Oil Purchasing ............................................................................................. B-44
4.4.2. Fuel Oil Analysis ................................................................................................. B-44
4.4.3. Sludge Generation Monitoring ............................................................................. B-44
4.4.4. Fuel Oil Measurement and Reporting .................................................................. B-44
4.4.5. Fuel Oil Additives ................................................................................................ B-45
4.4.6. Lube Oil Sampling ............................................................................................... B-45
4.5. IT AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT ......................................... B-46
4.6. MINIMIZE THE USE OF THE INCINERATOR ................................................................... B-46
4.7. PERSONNEL AWARENESS AND TRAINING ................................................................... B-47
5. FLEET ENERGY EFFICIENCY MONITORING / BENCHMARKING ................................. B-48
5.1. VOLUNTARY INDEXING ................................................................................................... B-48
5.2. BENCHMARKING.............................................................................................................. B-48
5.3. DATA COLLECTION ......................................................................................................... B-48
5.4. DATA CORRECTION ........................................................................................................ B-48
OPERATIONAL INDICATOR (EEOI) ........................................................................................... I-1
1. GENERAL ............................................................................................................................. I-1
2. DATA AND DOCUMENTATION PROCEDURES................................................................... I-1
3. CALCULATION OF EEOI ...................................................................................................... I-1
4. EXAMPLE .............................................................................................................................. I-2
1. GENERAL ............................................................................................................................ II-1
2. DATA AND DOCUMENTATION PROCEDURES.................................................................. II-1
3. CALCULATION OF SOxI ...................................................................................................... II-1
4. EXAMPLE ............................................................................................................................. II-2

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1. GENERAL ........................................................................................................................... III-1
2. DATA AND DOCUMENTATION PROCEDURES................................................................. III-1
3. CALCULATION OF NOxI ..................................................................................................... III-1
4. EXAMPLE ............................................................................................................................ III-2
APPENDIX IV – ENERGY EFFICIENCY BEST PRACTICES.....................................................IV-1

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Benchmarking: The process of comparing the performance and practices of the Company
preferably with leaders of the maritime industry, with the purpose of identifying, understanding and
adopting available best practices, in order to assist the Company in improving its performance.

CFL: Compact Fluorescent Light.

Domestic shipping: Shipping between ports of the same country, as opposed to international
shipping. Domestic shipping excludes navy ships and fishing vessels. By this definition, the same
ship may frequently be engaged in both international and domestic shipping operations.

EFF1: High efficiency motors according to motor classification of ANSI/NEMA MG 1-2006.

Energy audit / Energy consumption survey: This is an independent ship-specific survey and
assessment in order to define recommendations for improvement of overall onboard energy
consumption and energy efficiency. The basic goals of the energy audit are to:

• Establish energy consumption Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) or Environmental

Performance Indicators (EPIs), calculate corresponding values and compare against
reference values from sea and shop trials regarding the ship’s main energy consumers.
KPIs (or EPIs) may also be used for comparison with any future measurements, thus timely
identifying deteriorating trends and corrective actions to be taken. Such KPIs are, for
example, the EEOI, the diesel engines SFOC, the generator and electric motors load factor,
the ship fuel consumption per mile or metric tonne of cargo transported, etc.
• Identify a number of Energy Saving Potentials (ESPs) by comparing the energy
performance of the ship and its machinery as well as crew practices against industry
standards and best practices. ESPs may require modifications that may be implemented
only on new buildings or during major repair periods on existing ships.

Energy Conservation: Reduction in energy consumption associated with reduction of services

and quantity of transported goods.

Energy Conservation Awareness Training Program: Training and associated campaigns to

improve the awareness of the crew regarding onboard energy efficiency and conservation. The aim
is to integrate energy saving management into general ship management operations and to ensure
that all relevant information is being used and understood by the ship’s crew.

Energy Efficiency: A ratio between an output of performance, service, goods, energy and an input
of energy. Energy efficiency is making the best use of the energy expended to obtain the maximum
work done in order to achieve fuel savings. An increase in energy efficiency is when either energy
inputs are reduced for a given level of service, or there are increased or enhanced services for a
given amount of energy input.

Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI): With a view to assessing the design of new ships and
making assignment of design indices to ships to be built in the future, the IMO has developed the
2012 Guidelines on the Method of Calculation of the Attained Energy Efficiency Design Index
(EEDI) for New Ships (Resolution MEPC.212(63)).

Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI): IMO Assembly adopted Resolution A.963 (23)
related to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from ships, which requested the MEPC to
develop a greenhouse gas emission index for ships, and guidelines for use of that index. The
MEPC has introduced the EEOI and through MEPC.1/Circ.684 guidelines are provided for its use.
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Energy Savings: An amount of energy saved determined by measuring before and after
implementation of energy efficiency improvement measures. For example, changing incandescent
lamps with compact fluorescent lamps providing the same luminosity with lower energy
consumption increases the energy efficiency of the lighting system.

Energy Saving Potential (ESP): The room for improvement (to procedures, processes or
equipment or replacement of equipment with more efficient and / or better-sized units, etc.)
identified when measuring and analyzing an energy consuming / converting system, which can
lead to increased energy efficiency and decreased energy consumption.

HCFC: The hydro-chlorofluorocarbons that are permitted until 1 January 2020.

HFC: Hydro-fluorocarbons are a group of man-made compounds containing hydrogen, fluorine and
carbon. They are not found anywhere in nature. HFCs are used for refrigeration, aerosol
propellants, foam manufacture and air conditioning. HFCs are the hydro-fluorocarbons that are
more environmental friendly, as they do not contain chlorine ions.

GHG: Green House Gas.

GWP: Global warming potential is a measure of how much a given mass of greenhouse gas is
estimated to contribute to global warming. It is a relative scale which compares the gas in question
to that of the same mass of carbon dioxide (whose GWP is by definition 1). A GWP is calculated
over a specific time interval and the value of this must be stated whenever a GWP is quoted -
otherwise the value is meaningless.

International shipping: Shipping between ports of different countries, as opposed to domestic

shipping. The International shipping excludes navy ships and fishing vessels. By this definition, the
same ship may frequently be engaged in both international and domestic shipping operations.

Improved Fleet Management: Better utilization of the fleet capacity may be achieved by improved
fleet planning. An increased fleet utilization will result in reduction of total fleet fuel consumption
and hence in reduction of GHG emissions, e.g. by reduced time and distance of ballast voyages.

Management Tools: Systems & mechanisms for directing and controlling a group of one or more
people for the purpose of coordinating and harmonizing that group towards accomplishing a goal.

MCR: Maximum Continuous Rating.

NOx: Nitrogen Oxides produced as a result of combustion of fuel in an internal combustion engine.

PM: Particulate matters are tiny particles of solid or liquid suspended in a gas or liquid phase.

PEMFC: Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell.

PMS: Planned Maintenance System (or schedule).

RF: Radiative Forcing; a common metric to quantify climate impacts from different sources in units
of W/m2, since there is an approximately linear relationship between global mean radiative forcing
and change in global mean surface temperature. RF refers to the change in the Earth-atmosphere
energy balance since the pre-industrial period. If the atmosphere is subject to a positive RF from,
for example, the addition of a GHG such as CO2, the atmosphere attempts to re-establish a
radiative equilibrium, resulting in atmosphere warming.

SFOC: Specific Fuel Oil Consumption.

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SOx: Sulphur Oxide; it is produced as a result of burning fuel in an internal combustion engine.

Sustainable energy has two key components; renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Sustainable ships are ships that have a long term future that will meet future trading requirements,
will burn less fuel, cost less to run and be safer to operate. Reductions will come about from a
combination of the following:

• Different fuels (gas, higher distillates, bio-fuels, fuel cells, other).

• Alternative propulsion systems.

• More efficient machinery systems.

• More fuel efficient operations (energy monitoring, more effective maintenance, improved
routing and better maintenance, ship pooling, etc.).

Sustainability: With regards to the provision of shipboard energy, sustainability is the marine
industry's greatest challenge. Sustainable ships are ships that have a long term future that will
meet future trading requirements, will burn less fuel, cost less to run and be safer to operate. This
will be the era of low carbon being suggested to meet global targets; all aspects of ship design,
construction, operation, maintenance and dismantling will need to be critically examined to identify
the best ways of reducing the emission levels during ship building process and operations.

UWHR: Under water roughness of the hull (measured in μm).

WSNP: Weather and Safe Navigation Permitting.

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Ship’s Name: SOCHRINA



Port of Registry: MONROVIA

Call Sign: 5LIC7

IMO Number: 9388003

Gross Tonnage: 29.605

Net Tonnage: 11.921



Year Built: 03 September 2008

Navigational Area: WORLDWIDE (A1 + A2 + A3)


Main Engine Maker/Type / MCR / RPM: HYUNDAI MAN B&W – 6S50MC-C Mk7, 8598
BHP x 123 Rpm

Diesel Generators Maker & Type: YANMAR – 6N21AL-SV 880 KW

Aux. Boiler Maker & Type: NANIWA-EB2H-65S

Comp. Boiler Maker & Type: AALBORG – 18.000 kg/h


Length O.A.: 183.00 m

Length B.P.: 175.47 m

Breadth (mld.): 32.20 m

Displacement at Full Load Condition: 56.256,60 MT

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Some of the sun’s energy is trapped inside our atmosphere as it is reflected back from the earth
towards space. This natural process is called the greenhouse effect, as the atmosphere acts like
the glass walls of a greenhouse, which allows the sun's rays to enter, but keeps the heat in. The
gases which make this happen ("greenhouse gases") are mainly water vapour and CO2. As
humans emit more CO2 and other GHGs into the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect becomes
stronger. This causes the earth's climate to change unnaturally.

Fig. 1: Greenhouse Effect Formulation

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Fig. 2: Shipping Related Air Emissions Estimate (Source: IMO)

This issue is one of the most important ones in the international environmental agenda. In
November 2003, IMO adopted Resolution A.963(23) “IMO Policies and practices related to the
reduction of GHG emissions from ships”. Furthermore, the IMO MEPC has developed a package
of measures aimed at reducing shipping’s CO 2 emissions. Governments at IMO have also agreed
on key principles for the development of regulations on CO2 emissions from ships so that they will:

1. effectively reduce CO2 emissions;

2. be binding and include all flag states;
3. be cost effective;
4. not distort competition;
5. be based on sustainable development without restricting trade and growth;
6. be goal-based and not prescribe particular methods;
7. stimulate technical research and development in the entire maritime sector;
8. take into account new technology; and
9. be practical, transparent, free of fraud and easy to administer.

The energy used for the operation of each ship comes from the burning of fossil fuels. This
operation has an environmental aspect as well as a financial one. The financial aspect is related to
the cost of bunker fuel consumed. Fuel is a major cost element of ship operational expenditure.
The environmental aspect relates to the emission of exhaust gasses from the burning of fuel oil.
The exhaust gas emissions are carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO 2,), sulphur oxides
(SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), unburned hydrocarbons (HxCx) and particulate matters (PM). These
emissions have an environmental impact since they are known to contribute to global warming,
acid rain, eutrophication, rising levels of ground level ozone, affecting also ecosystems and human

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Fig. 3: Schematic of Energy Flow in Two-Stroke Marine Diesel Engine (Source: MAN B&W)

Regulations for the reduction of SOx and NOx emissions from shipping are already in place
including the use of low-sulphur fuel oil and the installation onboard of engines with maximum NOx
emission limits. Regulations for the reduction of CO2 emissions are not yet in place. Almost all
carbon entering the engine combustion is oxidized to form CO 2 which is emitted to the atmosphere
with the exhaust gases. Hence, the CO 2 emissions from the engine are directly proportional to the
carbon content of the fuel and fuel consumption.

Emissions give rise to changes in the abundance of trace species in the atmosphere. Through
atmospheric processes, these emission species may undergo atmospheric reactions, alter
microphysical processes, or be absorbed / removed by various sinks (land and water surfaces)
through wet and dry deposition.

These changes may then affect the radiative balance of the atmosphere through changes in the
abundance of trace species, in atmospheric composition, and in the properties of clouds and
aerosols. Such changes in RF may then affect climate in a variety of ways, e.g. global and local
mean surface temperature, sea level, changes in precipitation, snow and ice cover, etc. In turn,
these physical impacts have societal impacts through their effects on agriculture, forestry, energy
production, human health, etc. Ultimately, all of these effects have a social cost, which can be very
difficult to quantify. Clearly, as one steps through these impacts, they become more relevant but
correspondingly more complex and uncertain in quantitative terms.

The world fleet in 2017 comprises around 100,000 ships of more than 100 GT, of which just less
than half are cargo ships. The shipping industry carries 90% of world trade. However, cargo ships
account for 89% of total gross tonnage, clearly indicating the relatively large size of cargo ships.

Sea transport has a justifiable image of conducting its operations in a manner that creates
remarkably little impact on the global environment. International shipping is already, by far, the
most carbon efficient mode of commercial transport.

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In 2007 it is estimated that international shipping was responsible for approximately 870 million
tonnes of CO2 emissions, or 2.7% of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Domestic shipping and
vessel activity bring these totals to 1050 million tonnes of CO 2 or 3.3% of global anthropogenic
CO2 emissions. Despite the undoubted CO 2 efficiency of shipping in terms of grams of CO 2 per
tonne-mile, it is recognized within the maritime sector that reductions in these totals must be made.
Shipping emissions are comparable to those of Germany as can be observed from Fig. 4.

Fig. 4: CO2 emissions of Major Country Economies versus Shipping Emissions (Source: IMO, 2009)

Fig. 5: Comparison of CO2 Emissions according to Transportation Mean Type

(Source: NMT, Sweden)

Nevertheless, the enhancement of efficiencies can reduce fuel consumption, save money and
decrease environmental impact of individual ships. While the yield of individual measures may be
small, the collective effect will be significant. In global terms it should be recognized that
operational efficiencies delivered by a large number of ship operators will make a valuable
contribution to reducing global GHG emissions.

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1.2. SCOPE

The purpose of this Plan is to establish a management tool for the Company and the vessels under
its management with the aim of continually improving the energy efficiency of the fleet’s operation.
The Plan is linked to the Company’s Policy on Energy Efficiency Management.

The Plan, which contains the procedures and measures designed to be implemented on a ship-
specific level with the aim of improving the energy efficiency of the ship, seeks to improve a ship’s
energy efficiency through four steps: planning, implementation, monitoring, and self-evaluation and
improvement. These components, which are further explained in Section 3, play a critical role in
the continuous cycle to improve ship energy management. With each iteration of the cycle, some
elements of the Plan will necessarily change while others may remain as before.

The Plan contains two parts:

Part A (Ship-specific) contains all procedures and measures related to improving energy
efficiency onboard the ship, either already adopted by the Company or under
consideration to be adopted in the future, and defines responsible personnel (both ashore
and onboard), relevant monitoring methods, associated targets, etc. for each measure.

Part B (Company-specific) contains the Company’s Policy on Energy Efficiency and all
procedures and measures either already adopted by the Company or under consideration
to be adopted in the future described in full detail (for educational purposes as well).
Furthermore, Part B provides guidance and standard practices on best energy
management under the various operational modes of the ship, as well as information for
raising awareness on energy efficiency matters, taking into account that safety
considerations should be paramount at all times and that the trade a ship is engaged in
may determine the feasibility of the efficiency measures under consideration.

This Plan applies to all fleet vessels.


The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has adopted Guidance on the Development of a
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) which has been circulated by means of
Resolution MEPC.213(63).

This Plan has been developed taking into account the IMO SEEMP Guidelines as well as the
OCIMF Guide for Energy Efficiency and Fuel Management.

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This Section contains all procedures and measures related to improving energy efficiency onboard
already adopted by the Company, and defines responsible personnel (both ashore and onboard),
relevant monitoring methods, associated targets, etc. for each measure. All measures below should
be reviewed at least yearly.

Energy Efficiency Measure: Optimized Voyage Planning

Code / Reference: Part B-4.1.2
Date: 20/09/2022
Responsible personnel ashore: Operations Department.
Responsible personnel onboard: Master.
Records: Passage Plans.
Implementation Period: Continuous.
Target: For cross-ocean voyages the plotting of the intended route
to be done using the Great Circle methodology (WSNP),
taking into account weather forecast and prevailing
currents or consulting the weather routing software (if
applicable), in order to achieve the most favorable voyage
Target Date: September each year
Monitoring Method: Random checking of passage plans through distant
assessment and during Navigational Audits.
Notes / Follow-up:

Date Comments Responsible (signature)

Responsible (sign / date)

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Energy Efficiency Measure: DG Engine Load Optimization

Code / Reference: Part B-4.3.8
Date: 20/09/2022
Responsible personnel ashore: Technical Supt.
Responsible personnel onboard: Chief Engineer.
Records: SMS form Vm-031.
Implementation Period: Continuous (as per PMS).
Target: Engine parameters within optimal range. Reduction of
Target Date: Continuous.
Monitoring Method: SMS Form Vm-031(every 6 months)
Notes / Follow-up:

Date Comments Responsible (signature)

Responsible (sign / date)

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Energy Efficiency Measure: Efficient use of pumps and fans

Code / Reference: Part B- &
Date: 20/09/2022
Responsible personnel ashore: Supt. Engineer.
Responsible personnel onboard: Chief Engineer.
Records: SMS form Vm-005
Implementation Period: Continuous
Target: Regular maintenance as per maker’s instructions.
Optimum running according to operational requirements
Target Date: Continuous as per PMS.
Monitoring Method: Review and assess data reported through form Vm-005.

Notes / Follow-up:

Date Comments Responsible (signature)

Responsible (sign / date)

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Energy Efficiency Measure: Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning (HVAC) System
optimum, running
Code / Reference: Part B-4.3.12
Date: 20/09/2022
Responsible personnel ashore: Supt. Engineer
Responsible personnel onboard: Chief Engineer.
Records: SMS form Vm-005
Implementation Period: Continuous
Target: Regular maintenance of HVAC System as per maker’s
Optimum running according to prevailing conditions
Target Date: Continuous as per PMS.
Monitoring Method: Review and assess relevant data reported through form

Notes / Follow-up:

Date Comments Responsible (signature)

Responsible (sign / date)

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Energy Efficiency Measure: Auxiliary Boiler Maintenance

Code / Reference: Part B-4.3.10
Date: 20/09/2022
Responsible personnel ashore: Technical Manager.
Responsible personnel onboard: Chief Engineer.
Records: PMS.
Implementation Period: Continuous.
Target: Auxiliary boilers operation to be optimized minimizing
unnecessary fuel consumption. Steam production and fuel
oil consumption to follow maker’s instruction manual.
Target Date: September each year
Monitoring Method: Boiler washing instructions and frequency to be optimized.
Review of PMS records related to boiler maintenance.
Monitor water analysis as well as chemicals suitability and
dosing. Steam consumption and boilers production to be
verified during the onboard attendance of the attending
Notes / Follow-up:

• Do not start auxiliary boilers too far in advance of intended use:

• Minimize steam dumping, when possible:
• Maintain pipe/valve laggings in good order to minimize heat loss:
• Maintain steam traps in good order:
• Use steam tracing judiciously:
• Optimize bunker tank heating:
• Unnecessary heating of bunker tanks to be avoided. Fuel oil analysis results to be taken into
account for heating the storage tanks.

Date Comments Responsible (signature)

Responsible (sign / date)

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Energy Efficiency Measure: Steam Piping Insulation Maintenance

Code / Reference: Part B-4.3.11
Date: 20/09/2022
Responsible personnel ashore: Technical Manager.
Responsible personnel onboard: Chief Engineer.
Records: PMS records. Visual inspection to assess the condition of
piping insulation.
Implementation Period: Continuous.
Target: To have the piping systems properly insulated with special
care at the valve points for minimizing steam losses and
unnecessary steam consumption.
Target Date: September each year
Monitoring Method: Maintenance records, Shipboard attendances by
Notes / Follow-up:

Steam piping insulation should be regularly inspected. External surface temperatures shall
generally not exceed 50 deg C. Ensure valve blankets and piping insulation is restored to original
condition after inspection and repairs.

Date Comments Responsible (signature)

Responsible (sign / date)

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Energy Efficiency Measure: Fuel Oil Analysis

Code / Reference: Part B - 4.4.2
Date: 20/09/2022
Responsible personnel ashore: Technical Manager.
Responsible personnel onboard: Chief Engineer.
Records: Fuel Analysis reports through contracted (accredited &
approved) shore Laboratories.
Implementation Period: Continuous (all bunker stems).
Target: Monitor the lower calorific value and water content of the
purchased fuel and keep statistics for each supplier.
Identify if the fuel is within the ISO range.
Target Date: September each year
Monitoring Method: Review FO analysis reports and forward same to the
vessel with instructions, as necessary. Take appropriate
corrective action in case a substandard fuel is delivered
onboard. Inspect filters for deposits and monitor M/E
Notes / Follow-up:

Date Comments Responsible (signature)

Responsible (sign / date)

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Energy Efficiency Measure: Lube Oil Sampling

Code / Reference: Part B-4.4.6
Date: 20/09/2022
Responsible personnel ashore: Supt. Engineer.
Responsible personnel onboard: Chief Engineer.
Records: Lube Oil Analysis report through shore facilities.
Implementation Period: Continuous.
Target: Optimum use of lube oil - Optimum operation of the
Target Date: September each year
Monitoring Method: Sampling as per PMS.

Examination of sediments and/or dispatch to the

contracted laboratory for analysis.
Notes / Follow-up:

It is essential that the sample drawn is representative of the oil circulating in the system. The
sampling points for each system should be located in accordance with the instructions provided
with the LO sampling kit. Each sampling point should be conspicuously identified and used
exclusively for the test program. Standard LO sampling points must be established and marked
for each machinery item, according to the following guidelines:

• Sampling points should be selected according to the manufacturers’ manuals.

• Samples should not be taken from stagnant lines. If this cannot be avoided, sufficient
draining of the line at the sampling point must be effected to ensure representative
sampling. This is especially applicable in the case of stern tube oil sampling points.
• The samples must be drawn from a point on the discharge side of any LO pump, as near
to the point of entry to the engine as practical and with the oil circulating. Cold oil samples
should not be taken.
• The sampling point may be before or after the LO filter or cooler. The position of this
sampling point must be noted on the sample bottle and the same sampling point should be
used for any future sampling.
• Samples must not be taken from the purifiers or coalesce suction or discharges.

Date Comments Responsible (signature)

Responsible (sign / date)

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Energy Efficiency Measure: Minimize the Use of Incinerator

Code / Reference: Part B - 4.6
Date: 20/09/2022
Responsible personnel ashore: Technical Manager.
Responsible personnel onboard: Chief Engineer.
Records: Running hours of Incinerator (through PMS).

Noon reports.
Implementation Period: Continuous.
Target: Minimize the use of Incinerator - Garbage and sludge to be
delivered ashore as much as possible.
Target Date: September each year
Monitoring Method: Review of Incinerator running hours as well as receipts for
delivery of garbage and sludge ashore.
Notes / Follow-up:

Date Comments Responsible (signature)

Responsible (sign / date)

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Energy Efficiency Measure: Personnel Awareness and Training

Code / Reference: Part B - 4.7
Date: 20/09/2022
Responsible personnel ashore: DPA.
Responsible personnel onboard: Master.
Records: Company’s SMS.
Implementation Period: Continuous.
Target: Continuous improvement of personnel awareness through
Superintendents’ attendances and use of energy savings

Carry out in-house training on: “Shipboard energy

efficiency and management”.
Target Date: September each year
Monitoring Method: Personnel awareness and training to be part of the agenda
of the management review meeting.
Notes / Follow-up:

Officers should be familiarized on the procedures and practices contained in this Plan as part of
their familiarization program ashore and onboard.
A list of energy best practices should be developed on what the major onboard consumers are
and what can be done to save energy.

An in-house training course on “Shipboard energy efficiency and management” should be carried
out during officers-on-leave meetings at the Company’s Office with the view to improving officers’
awareness of onboard energy efficiency and areas in which energy can be conserved. The aim is
to integrate energy saving management into general ship management operations and to ensure
that all relevant information is being used and understood by the crew.

Date Comments Responsible (signature)

Responsible (sign / date)

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Energy Efficiency Management Policy

The Company, believes that although shipping is by far the most fuel-efficient mode of transport,
nevertheless additional action has to be taken to further improve the energy efficiency of ship
related operations. The increased energy efficiency will eventually result in increased
environmental protection by reducing air emissions as well as in improved operational performance
by reducing energy cost.

Energy efficiency is controlled primarily through well-planned and properly managed ship
operations and needs the personal commitment of everyone involved in the above tasks. To be
successful, energy efficiency and conservation must become a way of life than just a mere
compliance with rules and regulations.

With the aim of enhancing the energy efficiency of the ship operations, the Company is committed

• Continual increase energy efficiency and minimizing energy waste. A set of objectives and
time-specific, measurable - whenever practicable and possible - and attainable targets should
be established and maintained, which should relate to a combination of design optimization, in-
service performance monitoring and best-practice operational management processes.
• Establishing and maintaining a Ship Specific Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)
which should be regularly reviewed by all concerned departments and approved by the
management of the Company. This Plan, which applies to all fleet vessels, provides standard
procedures and practices on best energy management under the various operational modes of
the vessel.

• Ensuring the availability of information and of necessary resources to achieve the set
objectives and targets.
• Promoting energy efficiency awareness through training to the shore and sea-going personnel
and implementing energy related campaigns and other relevant personnel incentive/motivating
• Promoting co-operation within the shipping industry with the aim of facilitating energy efficient
• Monitoring and complying with all applicable legal and other requirements related to ship
energy management.
• Supporting the purchase of energy-efficient products and services, and design for energy
performance improvement.

The Company’s Energy Efficiency Management Policy should be periodically reviewed with the
aim of being kept always updated so as to function as the driver for the continual improvement of
energy efficiency.

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HOLGER NAVIGATION CORP., recognizing the need to develop management tools to assist in
managing the on-going environmental performance of its ships, has issued this SEEMP, which
provides an approach for monitoring ship and fleet efficiency performance over time as well as
measures to be considered when seeking to optimize the performance of the ship. The SEEMP is
linked to a broader corporate Energy Efficiency Management Policy and has been developed with
the aim to establish a mechanism for the Company to improve the energy efficiency of its fleet
operation. In this respect, the SEEMP has been prepared as management guidance with the aim
to implement CO2 and other emissions reducing practices and technologies, as part of a culture of
fostering continual improvement. However, for its implementation, roles and responsibilities need
to be defined and targets need to be set. The SEEMP seeks to improve a ship’s energy efficiency
through four steps:

• planning;
• implementation;
• monitoring and measuring; and
• Self-evaluation and improvement.

These components play a critical role in the continuous cycle to improve ship energy management.
Furthermore, the SEEMP provides standard procedures and practices on best energy
management under the various operational modes of the ship as well as information regarding
industry and IMO initiatives in order to reduce GHG Emissions from ships.

The SEEMP is reviewed by the Company’s Top Management on an annual basis or when

Fig. 6: Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) Working Spiral

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Planning is a crucial stage of the SEEMP since it primarily determines both the current status of
ship energy usage, as well as expected improvement of energy efficiency. Therefore, planning is
crucial so that the most appropriate, effective and implementable plan can be developed.

3.1.1. Ship-specific Measures

There is a variety of options to improve efficiency – e.g. speed optimization, weather routing, hull
maintenance, etc. The best set of measures for each ship to improve its energy efficiency differs to
a great extent depending upon the ship’s type, cargoes, routes and other factors. The specific
measures for the ship to improve its energy efficiency are therefore first identified. These measures
are listed as a set of measures to be implemented, hence providing an overview of actions to be
taken for the specific ship.

The SEEMP identifies energy saving measures which have been undertaken and provides tools to
assess their effectiveness. The SEEMP also identifies what measures can be adopted to further
improve the ship’s energy efficiency. It should be noted that not all measures can be applied to all
ships, or even to the same ship under different operating conditions, and also some of them may
be mutually exclusive. Ideally, the initial measures could yield to energy and cost saving results.
These can be re-invested later on into more complex and / or expensive efficiency upgrades
identified in the SEEMP.

Measures for improving the operational ship energy efficiency set out in this Manual can be used to
facilitate this part of the planning phase.

3.1.2. Company-specific Measures

The energy efficiency improvement of ship operation does not necessarily depend upon HOLGER
NAVIGATION Corp. alone. It may also depend upon various stakeholders such as ship repair
yards, charterers, cargo owners, ports and traffic management services. For example, “just in time”
arrival requires early and efficient communication among HOLGER NAVIGATION Corp., ports and
traffic management service providers. The better coordination among such stakeholders, the more
improvement can be expected. In this sense, the Company has established this Plan to manage its
fleet and try to achieve the best necessary coordination among relevant stakeholders.

All energy efficiency measures applicable to the Company’s fleet, either adopted by the Company
or under consideration to be adopted in the future, are summarized in Part B Section 6.

3.1.3. Human Resource Development

Raising personnel awareness and providing appropriate training and communication methods to
both shore and sea-going personnel are important elements to achieve effective and continual
implementation of the adopted measures. Such human resource development is considered an
important component of planning, thus playing also a critical part to implementing the SEEMP.

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3.1.4. Goal Setting

The last part of planning is goal setting. The purpose of goal setting is to serve as a signal which
the personnel involved should be conscious of, to create an incentive for proper implementation,
and to increase commitment to the improvement of energy efficiency. The goal should be
measurable and easy to understand and can take any form, such as the annual fuel consumption
or a specific target of Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI).


Implementation means the application of the theoretic procedures on the Company’s current fleet.

3.2.1. Establishment of Implementation System

After identifying the measures to be implemented, a system for their implementation needs to be
established for the Company’s fleet by developing the procedures for energy management,
defining relevant tasks and assigning them to qualified personnel. The SEEMP will thus describe
how each measure shall be implemented as well as different personnel responsibilities.

3.2.2. Implementation and Record-keeping

Record-keeping for the implementation of each measure is beneficial for self-evaluation at a later
stage. If any identified measure cannot be implemented for any reason(s), the reason(s) should be
recorded for internal use.


Continuous and consistent data collection is the foundation of monitoring. The energy efficiency of
the ship shall be monitored quantitatively. A monitoring system for the Company’s fleet, including
the procedures for data collection and responsible personnel assignments, has been developed.


Self-evaluation and improvement is the final phase of the management cycle. This phase should
produce meaningful feedback for the subsequent first stage, i.e. planning stage of the next
improvement cycle. The purpose of self-evaluation is:
• to evaluate the effectiveness of the planned measures and of their implementation;
• to deepen the understanding of the overall characteristics of the ship’s operation such as
what types of measures can or cannot function effectively and how / why;
• to comprehend the trend of the efficiency improvement of the ship; and
• to develop an improved SEEMP for the next cycle.
In this respect, internal auditing procedures for self-evaluation of the ship energy management
shall be implemented. Self-evaluation shall be implemented quarterly, by using data collected
through monitoring, and shall include the identification and implementation of appropriate
improvement measures. In addition, effort will be made to identify the cause-and-effect of the
performance during the evaluated period for improving the next stage of the SEEMP.

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4.1.1. Speed Selection Optimization

Ship speed and propulsion power are not linearly related, which means that in order to increase
the speed by 1 knot to reach 14 knots, much more power is needed than to do the same when at
12 knots. As the speed increases, more power is needed to achieve the desired speed. Eventually,
a speed barrier is reached, often called the “wave wall”. This enormous increase in power for
further acceleration of the ship is caused by the equally enormous increase of the hull’s wave
resistance, i.e. the resistance caused by the waves produced when the ship is moving through the

Fig. 7: Typical Vessel Speed and Power Output Curve

Therefore, depending on the prevailing wind and sea conditions, increasing the M/E load when no
benefit in ship’s speed is observed should be avoided. Furthermore, the SFOC per power output
increases under certain engine loads, with an optimum load usually ranging between 70%-75% of
the M/E’s Maximum Continuous Rating (MCR).

Speed optimization can produce significant savings. However, optimum speed means the speed
where the fuel used per tonne-mile is at a minimum level for that voyage. It does not mean
minimum speed; in fact, sailing at less than optimum speed will eventually burn more fuel rather
than less. Reference should be made to the engine manufacturer’s power / consumption curve and
to the ship’s propeller curve.

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The following definitions of speed are applied:

Most Economical Speed

For a specific displacement, weather and sea conditions, the best economical speed is the one
corresponding to the minimum allowable sustained engine power, as this is imposed by the engine
minimum speed or the mean indicated pressure allowable values. In practical terms it is the
minimum speed that the vessel can operate on a continuous basis without having to switch
on the M/E auxiliary blowers, while generating sufficient steam to heat the fuel oil and
produce water.

Practical Economical Speed

This is the minimum speed fit to the desired purpose. The latter purpose is to cover a distance and
reach a particular port at a specific time (e.g. commencement of lay-days) or to maintain the
Charter Party ordered speed on the loaded voyage leg. In the case of the ballast leg the
economical speed is optimized when the Master is timely notified for the loading port and the lay-
days prior to or soon after vessel’s departure from the last discharging port.

Normal Service Speed

This is the speed which corresponds to the main engine operating at its Normal Continuous Rating
point (NCR). Vessels on Time-charter

The warranty speed and fuel consumption indicated in the Charter Party are usually a function of
certain weather conditions (usually up to and including 4 Bf). Usually two speed / fuel oil
consumption tables are given: one for the vessel in ballast condition and one for the laden vessel.

The Master should remember that if the vessel’s speed is not as set in the Charter Party, then the
Charterer has the right to demand compensation or an adjustment of hire. Therefore, it is the
Master’s responsibility to ensure that the prescribed speeds as per the Charter Party are
maintained, unless otherwise instructed by the Charterers.

When the vessel is in spot market should follow instructions by the Operations Department while
when in time charter only by the Charterers.

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When the vessel is sailing in the ballast condition, the Practical Economical Speed should be
selected, unless otherwise instructed by the Operations Department, having first identified the
terms of next employment (loading port and lay-days).

When the vessel is “unfixed”, the vessel’s speed should be as instructed by the Operations
Department. Until then, the vessel should proceed with the Most Economical Speed. The Master
should calculate the quantity of bunkers saved (theoretical calculation of bunkers consumption at
Normal Service Speed minus the actual consumption at slower speed) and the calculations should
be forwarded to the Operations Department.

During the laden voyage, the speed should be adjusted according to the agreed Charter Party,
unless otherwise instructed by the Operations Department.

If the Master is instructed to run at a slower speed than the Charter Party speed then a
calculation of the quantity of bunkers saved should be made and the results (theoretical
calculation of bunkers consumption at Charter Party speed minus actual consumption at
slower speed) should be forwarded to the Operations Department.

Attention: The speed requirements/ restrictions, as set out in this section, are subject to Weather
and Safe Navigation Permitting (WSNP) and any area-specific security measures.

At all times the safety and security of the vessel remains of paramount importance and the
authority of the Master remains unchanged when implementing the procedures set out in
this Section.

4.1.2. Optimized Voyage Planning

The optimum route and improved efficiency can be achieved through careful planning and
execution of voyages.

Voyage routes can be charted with the use of Rhumb Lines or the Great Circle methodology.

A Rhumb Line is a line on the chart which intersects all meridians at the same angle. Meridians
and parallels of latitude are special cases of Rhumb Lines, their angles of intersection being
respectively 0° and 90°. Rhumb Lines which cut meridians at oblique angles are loxodromic curves
spiralling towards the poles. A line of constant course is a Rhumb Line. On a plane surface this
would be the shortest distance between two points. Over the Earth's surface at low latitudes or
over short distances it can be used for plotting ship's course.

Over longer distances and / or at higher latitudes Great Circle routes provide the shortest
distances. Great Circle route follows the intersection of the earth and the plane which passes
through the center point of the earth, the vessel’s current position and the final destination.

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Fig. 8: Great Circle and Rhumb Line

For all cross ocean voyages the plotting of the intended route should be carried out by using the
Great Circle methodology and the Company’s procedures for passage plan must be implemented.

The Master is responsible to determine and follow the optimum route, weather and safety of
navigation permitting and taking into account any local parameters such as piracy high risk

4.1.3. Weather Routing

Weather Routing is the use of meteorological data to assist the Master in planning routes, when
possible, in order to take advantage of favorable weather and to avoid adverse weather in order to
obtain the best performance in speed or consumption and increase the safety of the ship.

Weather Routing has a high potential for fuel savings for ocean crossings where the Master has a
choice of a large number of routes to follow, and in particular during bad weather seasons such as
winter in the northern hemisphere and monsoon seasons in the Indian Ocean.

Weather Routing to avoid high storm or wave frequency and maximize calm sea state takes into

• the effects of ocean currents and tides;

• the effects of weather systems; and
• the crew safety and comfort, based on trade and route.

The Weather Routing system provider forwards daily weather forecasts to the ship via email. This
data is then used to generate color-enhanced maps and graphics that allow the ship’s Master to
easily view and interpret potential problem areas in advance, or even suggest an optimized route.
For example, the Master can calculate the least time or the least fuel track. Both weather-induced
constraints and no-go zones can be set to account for the special requirements of each particular

The Weather Routing Program consists of two parts:

• The Bridge Weather Routing is an onboard weather information and route guidance system.

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The Bridge Weather Routing System enables the Master to make strategically- and economically-
sound decisions at the voyage planning stage. It provides the Master with various route options, a
weather forecast of 4 days, route optimization, post-voyage analysis, fuel consumption and route
reports. It also allows the Master to update the forecast during the voyage, to make adjustments if
necessary and to review collected data after the voyage.

The Fleet Management System is a web-based application that enables users to track the vessel's
position and see the world's weather in surrounding areas. Office staff can also set parameters
which can be monitored; alarms can also be set, such as under-speed performance or high fuel

The Operations Department should primarily identify those voyages for which the implementation
of Weather Routing has high potential for fuel savings (e.g. ocean crossings). Secondly, it should
request the Master to forward to the Company the passage plan and the alternative, optimized
through Weather Routing, route. Following the review of the above information, the Master should
be instructed accordingly. If an energy saving opportunity is identified then the Charterers should
be notified by the Master prior to any course adjustment and their agreement should be requested.

It should be noted that the relevant parameters of the Weather Routing System should be set in
accordance with the Company’s instructions, taking into consideration the optimized route.

The Weather Routing information should be reviewed on a daily basis by the Master in order to
identify any need for route adjustment. In cases where there are no obvious benefits from Weather
Routing (i.e. calm seas), the Master should avoid strong adverse currents and should attempt to
maximize the use of tidal streams and ocean currents. Both aspects will, of course, have to be
determined within the limitations of traffic separation systems and safe navigation.

Whenever the Weather Routing services are used to optimize the initial planned route, a
comparison between the actual fuel consumption and the expected fuel consumption, based on the
initial passage plan, should be performed, in order to determine fuel savings. The Master should
forward the above information to the Operations Department.

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4.1.4. Optimized Heading Control / Auto-Pilot Function

Significant fuel savings can be achieved by simply reducing the distance sailed “off track”. The
principle is simple; better course control through less frequent and smaller corrections will keep the
resistance of the rudder blade smaller and minimize losses due to rudder resistance (e.g. steady
rudder and minimum rudder angle depending on draught, speed and weather conditions).

With the aim of enhancing energy conservation, while using the auto steering-adaptive control
option (AUTO-ADPT) in the open sea, the OPEN SEA [OPN] mode should be selected since in this
mode, economic condition is preferred to the course keeping capability with the least necessary
steering, even if permitting a little meandering.

It should be noted that the settings of the AUTO-PILOT should be adjusted taking into account
prevailing weather conditions in accordance with the maker’s instructions.

For more detailed information, reference should be made to the AUTO-PILOT Operator’s Manual.

4.1.5. Trim and Ballast Optimization

Another operational factor affecting the fuel consumption is the ship’s trim and ballast quantity. In a
recent case study of tanker operations, savings of more than 0.6% were estimated for trim and
ballast optimization. Higher figures may be relevant for specific ship types that carry significant
amounts of ballast during operation.

Most ships are designed to carry a designated amount of cargo at a certain speed with certain fuel
consumption. This implies the specification of set trim conditions. Loaded or unloaded, trim has a
significant effect on ship’s resistance and optimizing the trim may result in significant fuel savings.
For any given draught there is a trim condition that results in minimum resistance.

Ship’s resistance may be broken down in 4 components, i.e. friction, wave, eddy and air
resistance. The first three components increase with draught increase, the 4th with draught
decrease. The main components however are the friction resistance of the hull surface and the
wave making resistance.

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Fig. 9: Ship Resistance Components (Source: MAN B&W)

The friction resistance is the primary contributor to the total resistance of slower ships. It is caused
by the friction of the moving hull surface along the water surface and is proportional to the wetted
surface of the ship and the square of the speed, i.e. R ~ S x V 2. Lower draught will lead to lower
underwater surface and thus to lower resistance and engine power. Of course there are limits to
the draught reduction. The most important ones are:

• Low shear forces and bending moments to ensure the hull girder is not overloaded.
• Sufficient draught forward to avoid bow slamming.
• Sufficient draught forward to ensure positive effect of the bulbous bow in order to reduce
the wave resistance. The distance of the highest point of the bulbous bow below the
waterline is suggested to be at least equal to the bulbous bow maximum breadth.
• Sufficient draught aft to avoid propeller’s blade cavitation and excessive vibration.
• Sufficient draught aft to ensure propeller / rudder immersion and vessel maneuverability.

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Ballast should be adjusted taking into consideration the requirements for meeting optimum trim and
steering conditions. When determining the optimum ballast conditions, the limits, conditions and
ballast management arrangements as set out in the Ballast Water Management Plan should to be
observed. Using sequential method of ballast exchange instead of flow through will also contribute
to the energy saving as the formal method requires 200% exchange compare to 300% exchange
for the latter method. Ballast conditions have a significant impact on steering conditions and
autopilot settings and it needs to be noted that less ballast water does not necessarily mean
highest efficiency.

Trim could be optimized on ballast voyages based on records of observed performance to achieve
maximum efficiency. The best trim for the ballast passage should be tested and compared with
other ballast conditions. Speed is optimized, where practical, by maintaining the most fuel efficient
speed to minimize total fuel consumed throughout the entire voyage.

To implement this strategy, optimal trim and ballast conditions must be determined by ship model
tank tests or full-scale measurements of speed / trim and draught, to provide the Master with
curves showing optimum trim as a function of draught, speed and water depth. If these conditions /
studies are not available, it should be ensured that the ship is on an even keel while en route.
Checks should be carried during the voyage with the view to carry out any necessary trim

It must be noted that determining optimal ballast is sometimes a difficult consideration, as it also
affects the comfort and safety of the crew.

Trim should be adjusted at sea based on sea going conditions using GPS speed tracking to obtain
the optimum speed at the particular engine power output. This will assist in achieving the optimum
propeller immersion level as well.

Hogging and sagging of the ship contribute to deterioration of hull performance and should be

The fuel efficiency can be also increased by a sufficient degree of immersion of rudder and

Trim Optimization software

Various software tools (e.g. ECO-Assistant) combine hull, propeller pitch, main engine behavior
and water depth in order to calculate the most efficient operating condition. The advantage of such
software tools is that they are usually stand-alone software applications which require no
interfacing with the vessel's systems and sensors, and which can be installed on any computer.
Their key component is the ship-specific resistance data, which is generated by computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) tools for a variety of different operating conditions.

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Fig. 10: Effect of Ship Trim in Engine Power Requirement (Source: Germanischer Lloyd)

The diagram above shows the required power to achieve the target speed for different trim angles
in one specific operating condition. For the investigated trim angles between -0.75° and 0.75° the
required power varies by 15%. The optimum trim for this condition is -0.4°, which results in a power
reduction of 5% compared to level trim.

Eniram Dynamic Trimming Assistant (DTA) is a vessel-based system for dynamically monitoring
and optimizing the trim, where even small adjustments in the trim will have a substantial impact on
vessel performance. Traditionally, identifying optimal trim is complicated by trim changes due to,
for instance, speed, draught, depth and internal weight alterations. DTA collects prevailing trim,
propulsion power and vessel movement data and incorporates information on current conditions -
such as weather and speed - to calculate and display the optimum trim. Optimum trim is then
presented in an intuitive graphical user interface, guiding the crew to make appropriate ballast
adjustments so that the vessel can achieve instant fuel savings without any modifications.

Fig. 11: Eniram Software Trim Optimization Interface

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4.1.6. Just in Time Arrival / Virtual Arrival

It is inherently wasteful for a vessel to steam at full speed to a port where delays to cargo handling
have been identified. By reducing speed to reach the destination at a mutually agreed arrival time,
the vessel can avoid spending time at anchor awaiting berth, tank space or cargo availability.
Emissions could thus be reduced, congestion could be avoided and safety in port areas could be
improved. The potential energy savings for just-in-time arrival is assessed at 1-5%. The highest
potential savings would be expected where economic considerations (incentives from contractual
agreement) favor inefficient operational arrival.

The Virtual Arrival concept is one example of the coordination between the owner and charterer
having been further developed.

The Company actively seeks opportunities to cooperate with charterers in order to improve ships’
energy efficiency and optimize their speed and voyage schedules; the Virtual Arrival concept is a
welcome initiative. The Virtual Arrival, being a simple concept, has the following basic pre-

• a known delay at the discharge port;

• a mutual agreement between the Company and the Charterer; other parties may be involved in
the decision making process (e.g. terminals, cargo receivers and other parties sharing
commercial interests);
• an agreed Charter Party clause that establishes the terms for implementing Virtual Arrival;
• an agreement on how to calculate and report the performance of the vessel;
• an agreement on how to assign benefits between the involved parties.

Virtual Arrival involves reducing speed to meet a revised arrival time. The reduction in speed will
result in lower fuel consumption and reduced GHG emissions. It also involves adapting the freight
contract to enable the vessel’s speed to be reduced while on passage in order to achieve an
agreed arrival time at the destination port. The Virtual Arrival process, by reducing emissions and
costs, is of mutual benefit to vessel owners and charterers. Furthermore, by minimizing vessel
waiting times, safety within port areas is also improved.

Virtual Arrival should not affect the daily running of the ship and the normal practices and terms of
trade should be applied. It is emphasized that at all times the safety and security of the vessel
remains of paramount importance and the authority of the vessel’s Master remains
unchanged when implementing Virtual Arrival. How the Virtual Arrival works

The Charterer firstly identifies any delays at the discharge port (e.g. congestion at the berth, lack of
berth space or lack of shore tank capacity). The cargo receiver or charterer may then suggest
undertaking virtual arrival for this voyage. If the Company has not made special arrangements for
taking advantage of the estimated additional time at port (e.g. periodical maintenance), a mutually
acceptable agreement may then be made and the virtual arrival procedure may commence.

The Weather Routing Provider may be used to perform an analysis of the vessel's performance
based on the initial Voyage Plan and to provide a report to the Operations Department and the
Charterer with the vessel's position, calculated ETA, as well as a provisional virtual ETA, bunkers
at Virtual Arrival decision (metric tonnes), and any other relevant data. Once the report is
circulated, an agreement of the correctness of facts between all parties and of their willingness to
enter into a binding Virtual Arrival agreement is made for that voyage, in accordance with the
agreed Charter Party clause. Following the above, the Master should slow down the ship to the
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practical economical speed, always consistent with safety of navigation and taking into account
other requirements for the voyage within the vessel’s safe operating parameters, in order to
achieve the revised arrival time.

Once the voyage is completed, the Weather Routing Provider (if involved) will issue a final report
which will include the following:

• Methodology used to determine speed and fuel consumption.

• Calculated ETA.
• Virtual Arrival ETA.
• Real Time of Arrival.
• Bunkers at Virtual Arrival decision (metric tonnes).
• Bunkers on arrival.
• Calculated CO2 emissions.
• Route map Engine RPM-based verification using accepted algorithms.

Demurrage shall be calculated as if the vessel had performed a normal voyage. The following
figure illustrates the above process:

Fig. 12: Virtual Arrival and Normal Arrival Concept Schematic

Note: In ports where such arrangements are feasible.

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SHIP ENERGY EFFICIENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN (SEEMP) / PART-A Estimated benefits for given scenarios

A typical operational profile of a CAPESIZE using voyage data for one year is given in Fig.13 which
provides the percentage of time for the various ship’s operating modes (sea passage-laden &
ballast, anchored, loading, discharging).

Average Operational Modes in Hours per

6% 6% 27%



Fig. 13: Typical Vessel Operational Profile by Mode

The figure above shows that the ship spends about 64.0% of the total voyage time at sea passage
(in ballast and laden conditions), 12.0% in cargo-port operations, 1.0% under pilotage (including
maneuvering operations). About 23.0 % of the voyage time is spent at anchorage or drifting at
waiting areas. This anchorage / drifting waiting time is directly related to “Just in time” arrival, and
can be attributed to the congestion at the loading / discharging terminals, delays due to weather
conditions, etc.

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4.2.1. Hull and Propeller Cleaning Program

Ship resistance is improved by keeping the propeller and hull clean. Hull and propeller cleaning
(polishing) is a very effective way to reduce hull resistance and improve overall efficiency.

An easily calculated indication of the efficiency of the M/E – propeller system is the apparent slip
ratio, i.e. the difference of the ideal propeller speed (p x n, where p is pitch and n is RPM of the
propeller) minus the ship speed V divided by the ideal propeller speed.

The apparent slip ratio increases when the vessel sails against the wind and waves or when the
hull or propeller is fouled. In case of bad weather or strong counter current operating the
engine at increased slip above the minimum required should be avoided for safety and
commercial reasons. An indication of apparent slip ratio around 3% may be calculated under
average weather conditions, while 6% and above under bad weather conditions. Under the same
engine load, high slip ratio means the propeller is not advancing as much as it could.

Deteriorating apparent slip ratio during a series of good weather measurements over a long period
of time will be an indication of hull and propeller fouling. Especially in cases of vessels that spend
long periods of time at anchorage or alongside, hull and propeller fouling is accelerated.

As it is evident from the below table, hull fouling can significantly increase the drag on a ship, thus
reducing the speed and increasing the fuel consumption, which is usually the case for a significant
number of ships approaching their dry-docking due time.

Table 1: Fouling Degree (Source: Schulze).

Increase in Increase in Power

Resistance (%) Required (%)
Clean 0 0
Light slime 10 10
Heavy slime 20 21
Small calcareous fouling or weed 34 35
Medium calcareous fouling 52 54
Heavy calcareous fouling 80 86

Analysis of speed data before and after dry-dock indicate that fuel consumption for normal sailing
speed decreases at about 10% after dry-dock. Although it is rather difficult to distribute the
percentage of the positive effect of the M/E overhauling, the hull treatment and the polishing of
propeller during dry-dock period in the overall performance of the vessel, this is a clear indication
of the benefits gained through overall maintenance.

The change in hull resistance is a function of the change in under water hull roughness and fouling
after the dry dock.

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Fig. 14: Increase [%] in Power Fuel (left) and Speed Decrease (right) vs. Roughness [microns]
(Source: University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2002)

Fig. 14 depicts the relationship between underwater hull roughness (UWHR) and increase in power
needed, or decrease in speed for a tanker / bulk carrier, by change in underwater hull roughness.
It is recommended that:
1. The fouling condition in-docking is evaluated;
2. The in-docking UWHR is measured;
3. The in-docking UWHR values are taken into consideration for proper action in dry dock;
4. The out-docking UWHR is measured;
5. The hull is inspected for fouling at each propeller polishing occurrence;
6. The in-service cleaning is considered when slime is present.

Benefits from hull cleaning in dry-dock and hull in-service cleaning can be estimated using Fig. 14
which correlates the fouling and its roughness with power consumption. Propeller Polishing

Routine in-service polishing of propeller reduces its surface roughness caused by organic growth
and fouling. There is evidence that the effects of a poorly maintained propeller can decrease speed
and fuel efficiency by up to 3% compared to that of a propeller maintaining an "A" finish on the
Rupert Scale. Propeller polishing procedure can be integrated with the time spent in port of calls /
waiting at anchorage, thereby ensuring that there is no loss of operational time due to the

Taking into account the above, propeller polishing should be carried out when possible. The
polishing standard should be of no less than Rupert B on any parts, confirmed by the polishing
provider. Hull Cleaning

Hull cleaning should be carried out based on a condition assessment basis. Therefore, in
conjunction with every propeller polishing, the hull should be inspected for damage and marine
growth. If there is significant growth on the hull, an immediate decision to clean the hull could be
made by the Company taking into account the report / notification by the Master.

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4.2.2. Propulsion Hydrodynamic Improvement Devices Pre-swirl stator

A pre-swirl stator consists of four asymmetric blades fixed in front of the propeller, directly fitted on
the stern frame by full penetration welding. It has been developed by DSME and the purpose of
this system is to produce a swirling flow opposed to the direction of rotation of the propeller,
thereby annulling the swirl induced by the propeller and at the same time increasing the relative
tangential velocity of the propeller blades. Propeller Duct Systems

There are two types of ducts that are applicable to marine propellers. The first type is called
accelerating duct and the second decelerating. In the first case, the duct accelerates the flow
inside the duct. The accelerating ducted propeller provides higher efficiency in conditions of high
thrust loading, with the duct thrust augmenting the thrust of the propeller due to the small clearance
between the propeller and duct which reduces tip vortex, thus increasing efficiency.

.2 Mewis Duct
The Mewis Duct is a novel power-saving device which has been developed for slower ships with
full form hull shape, that allows either a significant fuel saving at a given speed or alternatively for
the vessel to travel faster for a given power level. The Mewis Duct consists of two strong fixed
elements mounted on the vessel: a duct positioned ahead of the propeller together with an
integrated fin system within. Wake Equalizing Ducts

.1 Schneekluth Duct
Wake equalizing ducts were developed by Schneekluth in 1986 and have been installed in almost
1600 vessels throughout the 25 years of maturity. They consist of two nozzle-shaped half ring
ducts which are installed on both sides of the stern ahead of the propeller. Their diameters are
about the same as the radius of the propeller and their chord is smaller than the diameter.
Sometimes, only one duct is fitted to the stern on one side of the propeller.

The wake behind single-screw ships is non-homogenous (i.e. there are very small velocities at the
top of the propeller disc) and it is assumed that improving the homogeneity of the wake will
improve the propulsion efficiency (the results mainly affect the open water propeller efficiency).
Optimizing the angle of the partial duct to the stern under load conditions is said to improve the
homogeneity of the wake.

Power savings of 5 to 10% have been reported by Schneekluth in 1986, however, SSPA claims
saving up to 2% while HSVA states up to 4% despite the fact that this appendage creates an
additional viscous drag. On the other hand, this partial duct can create a thrust and reduce
eventual separation. Savings are higher on hips with large block coefficient, i.e. ships with fuller
hull forms such as tankers or bulk carriers.

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.2 Sumitomo Integrated Lammeren Duct (SILD)

It is a duct forward of the propeller successfully used for several years now in new buildings. The
duct aims at improving the quality of the inflow to the propeller and at the same time reduces
separations in the aft body of full block vessels. Today this concept is combined with additional fins
ahead of the SILD. Depending on the magnitude of the separations, gains in propulsion power
have been found during model testing for a number of Sumitomo projects. Comparative propulsion
tests carried out in the towing tank showed power savings due to the duct between 5.6 % and
9.1% depending on draught and ship speed. Propeller Boss Cap Fins (PBCF)

A propeller generates vortices from its hub, which reduce its efficiency, and is prone to cavitation.
The magnitude of these vortices will depend on the blade radial loading distribution, and on the
Propeller Boss Cap Fins (PBCF) are small fins attached to the propeller hub which are
designed to reduce the magnitude of the hub vortices, thereby recovering the lost rotational
energy, and reducing the cavitation. This concept has been developed by Mitsui OSK Lines
The main advantages of the system are that PBCF is applicable to every ship type and it is a
simple structure like an ordinary boss cap with added fins shape. This is a robust system with low
maintenance as no rotating parts are involved. The PBCF is made of the same material as the
propeller and is installed following the same procedure as the boss cap. No modification for
propeller and of the ship’s hull is required, expect for vessels fitted with Controllable Pitch
Propellers (CPP). Furthermore, PBCF needs polishing only during dry-docking. Ax-Bow Shape

Ship design is usually conducted on the basis of its resistance and powering performance in calm
water, but ships operate in a range of environmental conditions such as wind and waves, and not
solely in calm water. The effects of wind and waves are considered at the design process where
traditionally a margin is left intentionally to cover the excess in propulsive power. As a result of the
global price of petrol, much effort has been put in developing energy-saving ships over the past
three decades, resulting in reduction of the necessary horsepower of the main engines. However,
such energy-saving ships lose speed in comparison with conventional ships when travelling
through waves. Ships with better performance in waves, even with smaller horsepower, are
however preferred. When a ship sails in waves, incident waves are reflected and broken at the
ship’s bow and the resistance is accordingly increased. “Ax-Bow” design may reduce the
resistance increase in waves by 20% to 30% in almost the entire range of wavelength. This
enables a 4 to 6% reduction of horsepower, or fuel consumption, in the case of sea conditions
corresponding to a 20% sea margin. Rudder Surf Bulb (Costa bulb type and transversal fins (thrust fins))
The goal of the application of energy saving devices in rudders is to increase the energy recovery
ratio from the propeller losses since the rudder is located downstream of the propeller. There are
three main sources of propeller losses: frictional, axial and rotational losses. Whenever the rudder
is placed downstream of the propeller, rotational losses are recovered. There are many ways of
doing this; one could be modifying the geometry of each horizontal profile of the rudder and
adapting it to the velocity field. Other solutions could use devices such as Costa bulb type, or
employ transversal fins. Towing tank facilities correlated the model test results for transverse fins
to full scale values and state that up to 5% (HSVA, Germany) savings can be expected. However,
SSPA (Sweden) model basin facilities state that the actual fuel savings can vary from 0-3% only.

The Costa bulb is installed in order to:

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• reduce the hub vortex

• increase the wake fraction
• reduce the contraction and provide homogeneous axial propeller slipstream
• reduce pressure pulse induced by propeller

HSVA and SSPA facilities converge to the value of savings due to rudder bulb which is up to 2%. A
correct installation of the combination of the two technologies can lead to the sum of savings. Use of Anti-fouling Paints based on Silicone / Fluoropolymer Technology

Anti-fouling coatings are used to improve the speed and energy efficiency of ships by preventing
organisms such as barnacles and weed from building-up on the underwater hull surface, thus
increasing the ship’s friction resistance. However, there is a new generation of paints which are
employing a Foul Release mechanism. Foul release is the name given to the technology which
does not use biocides to control fouling but provides an ultra-smooth, slippery, low friction,
hydrophobic or hydrophobic / hydrophilic combination surface onto which fouling organisms have
difficulty settling. The Foul Release products available contain no added biocides and are based on
silicone / fluoro-polymer based technology. Controllable Pitch Propellers

Controllable pitch propellers (CPPs) have better pull force and higher ship speed, because the pitch
adjustment results in potential absorb of the full power. CPPs have high manoeuvring and dynamic
positioning (DP) capability. The control is achieved by a hydraulic or a mechanical system. The
system components pass through the hollow shaft tube and reach the propeller hub. The control
system applies the required actuating force to change the position and the angle of the propeller
blades, resulting in pitch change. The pitch can be controlled from the bridge or from the engine
room. At low ship speeds the controllable pitch propeller allows larger power availability than the
fixed pitch propeller and astern thrust is easily achieved using only the reverse pitch setting. Contra Rotating Propellers

The contra-rotating propeller system is an energy saving device which consists of two propellers
where one is positioned downstream of the other, partly or totally overlapping and rotating in the
opposite direction. The contra-rotating propeller system has the hydrodynamic advantage of
recovering part of the lost slip-stream rotational energy. Furthermore, because of the two propeller
configuration, contra-rotating propellers possess a capability for balancing the torque reaction from
the propulsion.

The two propellers can be mounted on two thruster units, on an internal and external shaft, or one
conventional shaft plus one contra rotating thruster. In addition, the system where the second
propeller is freely rotating behind the normal propeller is known as Grim’s vane wheel.

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SHIP ENERGY EFFICIENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN (SEEMP) / PART-A Installation of Fins in front of the Propeller

The purpose of these devices is generally to improve the hydrodynamic flow before the propeller.
The main application is to reduce the swirl resistance of the hull form, hence reducing the viscous
pressure resistance.

.1 Sanoyas Tandem Fins (STF)

This is an energy saving device that consists of two pairs of flat-plate fins: one is attached in front
of the propeller and the other on the after-part shell ahead of it. The STF is controlling bilge vortex
occurring in flow around the after-part body presenting the propeller with less turbulent flow. The
STF maker claims that more than 5% energy savings in sea trials are achieved. However, the yard
claims that in tankers and in bulk carriers savings are expected at 2%.

.2 IHI Low Viscous Resistance Fin

This energy device is almost identical to the Sanoyas Tandem Fins. However, the device consists
only of one pair of fins in front of the propeller. The purposes are to reduce the swirl resistance of
the hull form and consequently decrease the viscous pressure resistance. According to DSME, in
tankers and bulk carriers, fuel savings are expected up to 2%.

.3 Grotheus Spoilers (Flow Spoilers)

This is a hydrodynamic fin system fitted to the stern of the ship immediately ahead of the propeller;
as a consequence it is only applicable to single screw ships. The main purpose of these fins is to
prevent cross-flow in the vicinity of the hull from reinforcing the bilge vortex and its consequent
energy loss. Each fin is curved with the intention of aligning the leading edge of the fin with the
local flow directions within the boundary layer flow over the stern of the ship whilst the trailing edge
is parallel to the shaft line over the whole span. Consequently, the fin system comprises a plurality
of spoilers that are capable of diverting the downward cross-flow over the full surface to a
horizontal flow through the propeller.

.4 Oshima Wake Acceleration Fin and Namura flow Control Fin

Both devices are located in front of the propeller and are installed so as to reduce swirl resistance
and eventually decrease the viscous pressure resistance. Fuel savings can range between 1-2%
according to DSME for Oshima Wake Acceleration Fin.

The Namura flow Control Fin (NCF) is a new development for energy savings in ship propulsion,
which is now patented as a utility model. This energy-saving device comprises a pair of fins to be
fitted to the stern section with an inclination to the propeller shaft line. Namura has verified the
energy-saving performance of NCF by fitting the device on an actual ship. The results obtained
from sea trials and model basin tests have agreed on the system’s superior performance.
NCF has a simple shape like a slender square plane plate (fins), and a pair of fins is fitted on the
stern shell before the propeller.

.5 Vortex Generator Fins

Vortex Generator (VG) fins consist of horizontal fins fitted to the hull ahead of the propeller, usually
at the bilge area. Their role is to stimulate the formation of vortices which tend to stick to the hull,
thus reducing flow separations in the aft body and improving the wake field. This results in lower
resistance and better propulsive efficiency. They were originally designed to improve the inflow
situation to the propeller by reducing pressure pulses and induced vibrations for vessels with low
block coefficient. However, when fitted on that type of vessel they usually increase the power
demand, according to experience at HSVA. The performance of such fins depends on the location
on the hull, their dimension and orientation. A series of tests or simulation is necessary to find the

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optimal configuration. Shipyards such as Samsung Heavy Industries and Oshima have been fitting
such measures on a large number of vessels, claiming power savings up to 4%. Air Lubrication

The decrease of ship resistance is one of the most effective ways to reduce operating costs and
CO2 production. The main components of ship resistance consist of resistance due to wave drag,
pressure drag, and frictional drag. The wave and pressure (form) drag can be optimized by
carefully manipulating the lines of the vessel, but frictional resistance remains proportional to the
wetted surface and the square of the ship’s speed. As this resistance drag is by far the largest
resistance component in normal operating speed ranges, any reduction of this component will have
an immediate and favourable influence on the performance of the ship. Such reductions can be
achieved by compliant coatings, ribblets, polishing the surface, or polymer injection. A promising
alternative technique to obtain lower frictional resistance is to use air as a lubricant in order to
reduce the wetted surface of the ship. Three distinct approaches are identified: the injection of
bubbles, air films, and air cavity ships. The first technique, bubble injection, is a direct means to
reduce the friction of the ship by positive interaction with the boundary layer.

.1 Micro-Bubbles
The application of micro-bubbles is an often-named candidate for resistance reduction, as it ideally
requires a small conversion of an existing ship hull and no resistance increase is experienced
when the pump system fails. But there is some uncertainty on the size of what can be defined as a
micro-bubble. As the bubble increases in size, so does its tendency to deform in the shear and
turbulent fluctuations of the flow and it is no longer a micro-bubble. A distinction between bubble
drag reduction and micro-bubble drag reduction is required. For the micro-bubbles, experiments
with flat plates show a spectacular resistance decrease up to 80%. This resistance decrease is
thought to originate by favorable interaction with the boundary layer and not through the reduction
of viscosity. In fact, viscosity increases by the injection of micro-bubbles. The production of these
small and un-deformable bubbles on a ship-wide scale is difficult and major scale effects are
present. The mechanism by which friction is reduced is unclear. It can be simply a reduction in
density, modifying turbulence or perhaps even by bubbles merging and splitting.

.2 Air Layers
The air layer concept can be seen as a combination of micro-bubbles techniques and air cavity
ships. An air stream is injected into the bottom region of a ship and an air film forms. Fukada et al.
(2000) compared the effect of air injection for a series of objects with a water repellent paint applied
to the test objects. With an air film of half a millimeter thick, a drag reduction of 90% was obtained
although no Reynolds effects were taken into account. Shimoyama carried out experiments with air
film lubrication on a flat plate and for model ships, all without a water-repellent coating (his results are
described by Kato & Kodama, 2003). They managed to obtain drag reduction, but had difficulties in
obtaining a stable air film, especially at higher flow Reynolds numbers. They noted that the air layer
can increase the frictional drag when the liquid-gas interface becomes instable. On the other hand,
air injection of bubbles may also lead to patches of air films and therefore the two techniques are
closely related with the properties of the surface treatment (coating) as a main parameter influencing
the results. The application of such so-called hydrophobic coating explains the participation of paint
manufacturers in may research programs for drag reduction by air.

.3 Air Cavity Ships

The air cavity ship, or ACS, is a vessel with several recesses in its bottom that need to be filled
with air. Of course, these cavities can only be fitted on a flat horizontal surface. For the length of
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the air cavity no wetted surface is present whatsoever, leading to a local but effective drag
reduction. However, a standing wave is created in the air cavity and the fluid-air interface must re-
attach smoothly at the end of the cavity. A simplified model of a two-dimensional cavity is given by
Matveev (1999) and MARIN calculated the wave pattern in a barge with many air cavities with
RAPID, a fully non-linearized potential flow code. Obtaining correlation with model experiments,
however, proved to be less straight forward than expected.

.4 Summary
To recap, the abatement potential of micro-bubbles for tankers is approx. 15% and for container
ships approx. 7.5%. The largest saving occurs in low Froude number vessels where the frictional
resistance is dominant. However, energy is also required to power the air pumps which preserve
the air around the wetted Use surface area. The consumption of fuel to preserve the air lubrication
is estimated to be around 0.3 – 0.5 tonnes of HFO per day.

4.2.3. Resistance Monitoring Programs CASPER
CASPER is a service that provides decision-support for technical and sustainability programs. By
recording vessel performance data at periodic intervals while sailing, precise calculations of speed
through water, fuel consumption and added resistance are performed. The CASPER service
compares the actual performance of the ship to the sea trial performance when it was built with a
completely clean and smooth hull (validation of Sea Trial results). No additional software or
instruments are required to sign up ships in this program which makes it easy and affordable to get
started because it is based on crew reports.

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4.3.1. Performance Monitoring Systems KYMA Performance Monitoring System

A number of vessels are equipped with the KYMA Performance Monitor. The KYMA
Performance Monitor is an instrument for continuous measurements of energy input (fuel flow) to
the engine and energy output (power) to the shaft. This instrument provides continuous
measurements of torque, power and revolutions of rotating propeller shaft (using strain gauge
technology), fuel consumption and ship’s speed. Performance data, such as specific fuel
consumption and ship efficiency is presented on the shaft power meter display unit.

.1 KYMA Performance Monitor – General System Arrangement

The following propulsion data are recorded by the Shaft Power Sensor and presented on the
KYMA Display Unit:

RPM Power
Torque Thrust (optional)
Total Energy Total revolutions

The system is connected to the M/E fuel flow meter, the temperature sensor and the ship speed
log and the following performance data are available:

M/E Fuel consumption per hour M/E specific fuel rate

Ship Speed M/E Fuel consumption per nm

Fuel parameters like fuel specific gravity and calorific value have to be input through the
instrument's function keys. Attention is needed when the ship is changing over fuel (i.e. when
entering / exiting ECAs), to re-enter the correct values corresponding to the fuel oil in use. For
calculation of actual fuel mass flow, fuel gravity is automatically corrected to the measured fuel
temperature. The temperature sensor must be located as close to the flow meter as possible. The
system can also calculate corrected fuel data where fuel mass is referred to a fixed calorific
heating value. This is of particular interest for presentation of the M/E specific fuel rate.

The efficiency of the M/E, expressed as specific fuel rate (g/PSh or g/kWh), is monitored and is
taken into account in the voyage performance evaluation. Moreover, the ship’s overall efficiency,
expressed in kg/nm, provides an indicator of the ship’s performance. This parameter is also
strongly load dependent as well as influenced by draught, trim, weather conditions and hull /
propeller roughness. The above should be considered when assessing information from KYMA.

.2 KYMA Diesel Analyzer

In addition to the above, many ships are equipped with the KYMA Diesel Analyzer which is a
sophisticated tool for recording and analyzing the combustion process in diesel engines (M/E and
D/Gs). The computer system is connected to a data-logger through a serial data line, and the data
is collected automatically from one engine at a time when in use. Sensors for crank angle position
and scavenging air pressure are permanently installed for each engine connected to the system.
The sensor for the cylinder pressure is of portable type, and is connected to one cylinder at a time
when data are recorded.

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The Chief Engineer should use the information from the system in connection with the periodical
engine performance monitoring for tuning of engine balance and ignition timing, check of cylinder
overload and wear, as well as for maintenance planning. PMI (Cylinder Pressure Analyzer) System

An alternative system to KYMA Diesel Analyzer for monitoring the cylinders’ pressure is developed
by MAN Diesel and other manufacturers. The PMI system is a user-friendly Cylinder Pressure
Analyzer suitable for two-stroke, four-stroke and multiple engine installations. It is a one-person
tool which uses a high performance piezo-electric pressure transducer and an advanced crank
angle trigger system to determine the TDC of each cylinder. This equipment eliminates the need
for planimetering of diagrams and replaces the traditional mechanical indicator. MAN B&W PMI is
the Software interface for use with MAN Diesel’s engine performance and engine diagnostics
software, e.g. CoCoS-EDS. CoCoS-EDS Engine Diagnostics Software and CoCoS Maintenance Software

The engine diagnostics system CoCoS-EDS is a diagnostic tool dedicated for assisting in the
performance evaluation of MAN Diesel and Pielstick diesel engines. One major advantage of
CoCoS Maintenance is the access to MAN B&W Diesel’s comprehensive and high quality
databases on MAN B&W Diesel’s products. Through CoCoS-EDS, it is possible to not only have a
dedicated diagnostic tool for MAN Diesel and Pielstick engines, but also a tool for the logging,
monitoring and storing of engine performance data and trends. Shaft Torque Meters and Thrust Meters

Torque Meters

This is equipment installed on the main shaft which measures the developed torque of the M/E. It
is a digital measuring system using a laser beam for detection of shaft torque, shaft RPM and
consequently the transferred power. The system offers high accuracy and good long term stability.

Thrust Meters

A thrust meter is an instrument designed to measure the developed thrust by the propeller. It uses
a thrust load sensor which detects miniscule displacements cause by shaft compression. The error
of a thrust load meter ranges from -7% up to +0.5%. This error margin exists mostly because of the
difference in the sensing element (thin metal strip) temperature and the shaft temperature. To
achieve accuracy, it is necessary to continuously measure the temperature of the sensing element
and shaft; then adjust thrust data according to the difference in temperatures. BMT Smart Power Monitoring System

Smart Power is a commercial system developed by BMT. It is an advanced onboard real-time
performance monitoring and reporting system which acquires data from ship sensors in order to
display ship performance information to the crew onboard via a touch-screen interface. By utilizing
a touch-screen interface as a feature of the system design it is ensured that it is intuitive to use.
This significantly enhances onboard use with minimum time required for training or system
handover. SEC Measuring and Monitoring System

SEC Measuring and Monitoring system is a complete performance monitoring suite that is
incorporated of numerous sub-modules. The system is operated via a touch panel LCD which
displays the performance sub-models. It monitors fuel consumption rate and shaft horsepower.
Moreover, it provides real-time data that facilitates more efficient operation. It is also capable of

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processing and displaying combustion pressure data. Its specifications are optimized for maximum
capability as a ship performance monitor for LNG ships.

Most operations are executed via the LCD touch panel. The system can be connected with a PC
and is equipped with appropriate interfaces that are compatible with various input signals. No
external devices such as converters are needed.

4.3.2. M/E Performance Monitoring System

M/E performance monitoring is established within the PMS and it is carried out on a periodical
basis. Performance monitoring includes recording and reviewing of M/E operating parameters
(e.g. cylinder pressure, exhaust gas temperature, jacket cooling water temperature, piston cooling
oil temperature, turbocharger temperature / rpm / Δp, scavenge air pressure, air cooler
temperature) as well as regular assessment / inspection of M/E parts (pistons / piston rings) to
ensure their good operating condition.

Attention: the periodical M/E performance measurements should be taken in good weather

Performance Monitoring Devices

In addition to the above, some vessels are equipped with Performance Monitoring Devices (see
previous section) for recording and analysis of the combustion process in diesel engines (M/E and
D/Gs). The system computer is usually connected to a data-logger through a serial data line, and
data are collected automatically from one engine at a time when in use. Sensors for crank angle
position and scavenging air pressure may also be permanently installed for each engine connected
to the system. The sensor for cylinder pressure may be of a portable type, and connected to one
cylinder at a time when data are recorded.

The Chief Engineer should use the information from such systems (where available) in connection
with the periodical engine performance monitoring for tuning of engine balance and ignition timing,
check of cylinder overload and wear, as well as for maintenance planning.

4.3.3. D/G Performance Monitoring System

D/G performance monitoring and guidance regarding which measurements must be taken is
established within the PMS. For a better understanding of the use of the measured data, the Chief
Engineer should also study the relevant section of the D/G manual. In addition to the above, the
KYMA Diesel Analyzer or other equivalent system may be used with the aim of recording and
analysis of the combustion process as explained above.

The manufacturers of diesel generators provide the ISO corrected SFOC curve, but the actual
SFOC is usually considerably higher than that. The ISO corrected SFOC is increasing as the
engine load decreases.

During the D/G performance tests, the D/G’s SFOC should be calculated and it should be at least
corrected for fuel calorific value. When calculating the D/G’s SFOC, attention should be paid to the
accurate recording of the D/G load. Ideally, it should be as steady as possible and at about 75% of
the maximum load. In order to achieve a period of steady load it is suggested that the air
compressors should be isolated from the air receivers and other intermittent load consumers
during the performance measurements.

4.3.4. Installation of Electronically Controlled Main Engines

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Cam-shaft controlled engines have been the state of the art ever since the birth of reciprocating
machinery. However, the mechanical cam has fixed behavior once made and timing control
possibilities are predefined. Moreover, fuel injection pressure control and variation over the load
range have limitations with a cam-controlled engine. Therefore, the main purpose of changing to
electronic control is to ensure fuel injection timing and rate, as well as exhaust valve timing and
operation, are exactly when and as desired according to the engine load. As a result, fuel injection,
exhaust valve actuating and starting air systems are controlled electronically and are optimized for
all operation loads. NOx emission can be reduced and smokeless operation can be achieved.
Lower specific fuel oil consumption especially in partial loads can be obtained, and this can lead to
less running costs. Electronic control assures stable low load operation with good engine
performance. Easy change of operating modes and fine tuning of operating conditions are also
possible during operation. In addition, the ME engines feature electronic control of the cylinder lube
oil feed. MAN implemented the Alpha Lubricator system while Wärtsilä-Sulzer offers an electronic
controlled system for lubrication called Electronic Cylinder Lubrication system.

4.3.5. Part Load and Low Load Operation

The increased demand for continuous running in slow speeds has lead the industry to consider
technical systems and modifications to marine Diesel engines, in order to operate the machinery
plant for long periods of time at low or ultra-low speeds. The technologies adopted are the fuel
injection slide valves, TC cut-out and cylinder cut-out. Part Load Optimized Main Engines

In order to meet the charter party agreement and reduce fuel oil consumption, the ship’s speed is
altered to maximize economy. Moreover, the transportation chain currently does not require non-
critical cargo to be transported at high speeds. This drive often results in operating the engine at a
reduced load, which in turn has placed more emphasis on operational flexibility in terms of demand
for reduced SFOC (Specific Fuel Oil Consumption) at part- / low-load operation of the main engine.
However, on two-stroke engines (camshaft or electronically controlled), reduction of the SFOC is
affected by NOx regulations in order to maintain compliance with the IMO NOx Tier II demands. As
it can be observed from Fig. 15, the fuel savings are up to 2 g/kWh at the part-load tuned point,
while maintaining NOx compliance. It has been reported from the industry that fuel savings can
reach up to 1.5% compared to similar ships without part-load optimized Main Engine. As
mentioned above, the SFOC is limited by NOx regulations on two-stroke engines. In general, the
NOx emissions will increase if the SFOC is reduced and vice versa. The engine is optimized close
to the IMO NOx limit, which is why the NOx emissions cannot be increased. Furthermore, the new
configuration of part-load has an Exhaust Gas Bypass (EGB) system. The EGB system is tailored
at 6%. The Main Engine is matched with a Variable Turbine Area (VT) Turbocharger. With this
method, the area of the nozzle ring is altered increasing the part-load efficiency of the T/C.

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Fig. 15: Effect of Part-load Optimization in Specific Fuel Oil Consumption of Main Engine
(Source: MAN Diesel) Turbocharger cut-out

The Turbocharger Cut-Out system is designed to lower the fuel oil consumption and improve the
main engine performance during part-load operation. Turbocharger Cut-Out can be achieved in
two different ways, either by installing swing gate valves on the TC air outlet and TC exhaust gas
inlet or by installing blinding plates on the TC air outlet, TC exhaust gas inlet and outlet. However,
installation of swing gates on engines with only two turbochargers is recommended. The
obtainable load range after one turbocharger is cut-out can be found in Table 2 below.

Table 2: Obtainable load range after one T/C is cut-out

No of T/C 1 of 2 2 of 3 3 of 4
Load Range 10-40% MCR 10-66% MCR 10-74% MCR Cylinder cut-out

Another measure to increase the fuel efficiency of a Marine Diesel engine in low loads is the
introduction of Cylinder cut-out system. The cylinder cut-out system to be used at RPM below 40%
of MCR RPM, allows the engine to operate with only half of the cylinders, resulting in increased
load on the operating cylinders with improved operating conditions for the fuel system as a result,
thereby ensuring stable running conditions down to 20-25% of nominal RPM. The speed limits for
the actual plant should be evaluated by the manufacturer. Fuel Injection Slide Valves

Slide Fuel valves have shown significant savings, lower emissions and lower fuel consumption.
The slide fuel valves both optimize the combustion of the fuel and ensure a cleaner engine. The
spray pattern of the fuel is further optimized and therefore leads to an improved combustion

This results in fewer deposits throughout the gas ways and a reduction in overall emissions, such
as HC, NOx and particulate matter. The visible smoke level is also greatly reduced as a result of
the improved combustion. Furthermore, the engine benefits from reduced fouling of piston top-land
and exhaust gas boiler due to the elimination of the sac volume; this also saves fuel (that used to

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drip from the sac on to the piston top-land). This also results in excellent condition of the exhaust
valve duct. As the fuel valve, including fuel valve nozzle, is covered by IMO's NOx regulation, this
means that with the slide fuel valves IMO rules on NOx emissions are met without problems. The
slide fuel valves are available as well for retrofit of engines of 60 cm bore and upwards.

4.3.6. Installation of De-rated Engines

De-rating is one of the available options to reduce the specific fuel oil consumption of Diesel
engines. It is also called ‘economy’ rating. This means that the operation of the engines takes
advantage of the maximum cylinder pressure for the design continuous service rating (CSR) while
the mean effective pressure and shaft speed is lower, at an operational point lower of the propeller
normal operating curve. For an existing ship and without changing the propeller, this will result in
lower ship speed, but in practice when it is applied to new-buildings, the de-rated engine
horsepower is that which will drive the ship at a given speed with the propeller optimized to absorb
this horsepower at a lower than normal shaft speed. Savings in SFOC by fitting a de-rated engine
can be significant. MAN Diesel claims savings of up to 5% in engine that comply with TIER II NOx
requirements. However, it should be required at some later date to operate the engine at its full
output potential (normally +20% above the de-rated value). Nonetheless, the ship would need a
new propeller to suit both the higher revolutions and the greater absorbed horsepower (Woodyard,
2009; MAN diesel, 2009).

4.3.7. M/E Cylinder Oil and Lubrication Control Alpha Lubrication system

The Alpha Lubricator System has an algorithm controlling cylinder oil dosage proportional to the
Sulphur content of the fuel. This algorithm is referred to as Alpha Adaptive Cylinder-oil Control
(Alpha ACC). The electronically controlled Alpha Lubricator System helps reducing the cylinder oil
consumption. An added benefit is that such savings in cylinder oil consumption reduce the
environmental impact from operating ships with the Alpha ACC. Moreover, uniform and optimal
cylinder liner wear rates can be expected. Pulse Lubricating System (PLS)

Wärtsilä has developed an electronically-controlled retrofit lubricating system to serve the demand
for lower cylinder oil feed rates: the Retrofit Pulse Lubricating System (PLS). It delivers reduced
cylinder oil consumption without compromising piston-running reliability. The reduction in cylinder
oil feed rate allowed by the Pulse Lubricating System, compared with the existing accumulator
system, is made possible through the improved distribution of cylinder lubricating oil to the piston
rings and piston skirt, and the fully flexible, precise timing of oil delivery.

The benefits of the Pulse Lubricating System are thus as follows:

• Reduced cylinder oil feed rates and thus reduced engine operating costs.
• Precisely timed delivery of lubricating oil to the cylinder liner surface.
• Accurately metered quantities of lubricating oil delivered to the liner surface.
• Improved distribution of cylinder oil on the liner.

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The Hans Jensen mechanical cylinder lubricating system is both speed and load change
dependent. The lubricators are controlled by the engine revolutions, mounted at the fore end of the
engine and connected to the vessel’s oil supply tank from which the cylinder lube oil is supplied.
The supply of cylinder lube oil takes place either through pressure or by means of a float valve in
the cylinder lubricator. The cylinder lubricator has a separate outlet for each valve and is
connected to these with pressure tubes. The lubricators have built-in capability for adjustment of
the oil quantity. They are of the ‘Sight Feed Lubricator’ type and are provided with a sight glass for
each lubricating point. The lubricators are fitted with:

• Electrical heating coils

• Low flow and low level alarms.

The lubricator will, in the basic ‘Speed Dependent’ design, pump a fixed amount of oil to the
cylinders for each engine revolution. Mainly for plants with controllable pitch propeller, the
lubricators can, alternatively, be fitted with a system which controls the dosage in proportion to the
mean effective pressure (mep).

The ‘speed dependent’ as well as the ‘mep dependent’ lubricator can be equipped with a ‘Load
Change Dependent’ system option such that the cylinder feed oil rate is automatically increased
during starting, manoeuvring and, preferably, during sudden load changes. The signal for the ‘load
change dependent’ system comes from the electronic governor. The quantity of cylinder lube oil is
adjusted on the cylinder lubricator, individually for each valve, or jointly for the entire lubricator.
Leak oil from the valves is led back to the supply tank. Vogel Lubrication System

The Vogel Lubrication System is a centralized pulse lubrication system for 2-stroke crosshead
diesel engines. Specially developed lube pumps in conjunction with accumulators ensure efficient,
load-dependent lubrication of the cylinders. It is fully electronically controlled, and as a result it has
system-related advantages such as high dependability, ease of operation and simple maintenance.
The aim of this technology was to bring the oil consumption even more into line with the main load
factors and operating conditions.

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Cylinder Oil Feed Rate Optimization (FRO) / Scrapedown Analysis

Feed rate optimization is a balance between the cost of a specific oil feed rate vs the expense
generated by wear. Scrapedown samples are drawn and analyzed in order to identify the optimum
cylinder oil feed rate based on the type of engine, quality of cylinder oil consumed and prevailing
operational and / or environmental conditions, which may impact the BN and iron levels in
scrapedown oils, and hence the amount of ring and liner wear being experienced.

Comprehensive studies of feed rate optimization using "Scrapedown Analysis" as the principle
analytical vehicle have been made, using the following methods:

• Iron measurements both onboard analysis and laboratory confirmation

• TBN measurements
• Particle Quantifier (PQ) analysis
• Analytical Ferrography
• Other elemental measurements
• Actual wear measurements

Given that, from an analytical standpoint, the dominant wear mechanism in crosshead diesel
engines burning residual fuel is acid corrosion, the conclusion drawn from these studies is that the
amount of acid produced is completely using up the BN additive and that the cylinder is operating
under a condition of virtually zero alkalinity reserve. Any change in operation such as increased
moisture in the intake air, change in fuel sulphur level or load profile resulting in cooler liner
temperatures, could move the wear situation from, "under control" to "excessive" in a very short
period of time.

Feed rate optimization in the long run should result in reduced average cylinder oil consumption
with little if any increase in wear rate. The key however, is to optimize based on reliable data (i.e.
taking scrapedown samples and sending them to a designated laboratory) and to continue to
monitor the situation and be prepared to make adjustments when required.

4.3.8. D/G Engine Load Optimization and Electric Load Demand Minimization

Low D/G loads (below 40%) have an adverse effect to the operation of the engine (particularly the
FO system and cylinders) leading to increased maintenance costs and accelerated wear of engine
components. Due to these reasons it is prudent to exercise efficient load management, with the
aim to minimize the number of running generators and maximize their load factor, when
possible and safety permitting. The total electricity demand will be the same, but less operating
engines at higher load, i.e. lower SFOC, translates to reduced fuel consumption.

The following table provides a generic guide on the number of D/Gs to be in operation depending
on the vessel’s operational mode.

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Table 3: Guidance on the Number of D/Gs in Operation

Operational mode Number of D/Gs in operation

At sea One (1)
At anchor One (1)
Stand-by Two (2)
Discharge operation Two (2)
Loading Operation One (1) – Two (2) when de-ballasting
Ballast Water Exchange, Tank Cleaning, Purging Two (2)
Attention: The above table is indicative and the actual number of D/Gs to be in operation
must be dictated by the ship’s actual electric load demand.

A review of the electrical services onboard can reveal the potential for unexpected efficiency gains.
However, care should be taken to avoid the creation of new safety hazards when turning off
electrical services (e.g. lighting). Use of pumps

.1 Steering gear hydraulic pumps
A simple example of efficient electric load management is the operation of the steering gear
pumps. According to the ship’s Electric Load Analysis booklet, steering gear hydraulic pumps are
not required to run whilst the vessel is in port. Reduction of steering gear hydraulic pumps running
hours, via switch-off when the vessel is in port, is suggested. The instruction to the deck officers
would be: Stop steering pump in port after “finished with engine”. If the subject pumps are not
switched off during port stay, then the expected increase in the fuel consumption can be up to 100
MT per year for a VLCC.

.2 M/E LO and the Camshaft LO Pumps

Another example is the M/E LO and the Camshaft LO Pumps, which can be switched off in port.
Many terminals require the M/E to be ready on short notice so it might not be possible to
implement the above strategy at all times, but same should be considered when possible. The
implementation of this instruction is up to the Chief Engineer ‘s discretion.

.3 FW and SW cooling system and pump management

Use port cooling pumps at port or anchorage, when available. Minimize piping system resistance
when possible. For example, close cooling water supply to the air cooler when at port or
anchorage for long time. This way you reduce the number of running pumps and /or pump load.
Reducing the number of pumps running according to the electric load analysis booklet, even at port
and anchorage, can lead to energy savings.

As a rule of thumb:

• Use as many pumps as indicated in the Electric Load Analysis booklet of the vessel for
each operation mode (sea passage, alongside, cargo operations, etc.).
• Increase the efficiency of the HVAC system by lowering the refrigerant compressor load.
• Wherever a dual heating system (electric and steam) is available, prefer using steam,
which is free during navigation and costs less during port stay.

A good engineering practice for the vessel’s auxiliary machinery operation is also the
implementation of “Odd / Even” policy (changing the machinery alternatively between odd and
even months). Large cooling FW and SW pumps as well as E/R air supply fans which operate for
long time intervals are important for energy efficiency.

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The E/R fans role is to supply air for combustion to the diesel engines and to ensure adequate air
circulation in the E/R. The E/R fans should be operated taking into account the E/R air balance
study and the actual temperatures in the E/R. Under mild weather conditions it should be possible
to stop one or two of the E/R fans when the vessel is not sailing, i.e. the M/E is stopped. Eliminate Voltage Unbalance

Voltage unbalance degrades the performance and shortens the life of a three-phase motor.
Voltage unbalance at the motor stator terminals causes phase current unbalance far out of
proportion to the voltage unbalance. Unbalanced currents lead to torque pulsations, increased
vibrations and mechanical stresses, increased losses, and motor overheating, which results in a
shorter winding insulation life.

Voltage unbalance is defined by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) as 100
times the absolute value of the maximum deviation of the line voltage from the average voltage on
a three-phase system, divided by the average voltage. For example, if the measured line voltages
are 462, 463, and 455 volts, the average is 460 volts. The voltage unbalance is:

( 460 − 455 )
 100 = 1.1%

It is recommended that the voltage unbalances at the motor terminals not exceed 1%. Unbalances
over 1% require de-rating of the motor and will void most manufacturers’ warranties.

Common causes of voltage unbalance include:

• Faulty operation of power factor correction equipment.
• Unbalanced or unstable utility supply.
• Unbalanced transformer bank supplying a three-phase load that is too large for the bank.
• Unevenly distributed single-phase loads on the same power system.
• Unidentified single-phase to ground faults.
• An open circuit on the distribution system primary.

4.3.9. Waste Heat Recovery Exhaust Gas Economizers (EGE)

The use of EGE should be maximized with the aim of minimizing the need for operating the
Auxiliary Boilers. The EGE should be maintained in a clean condition so as to maximize its

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In terms of the EGE installation, slow steaming does not cause any major concerns; the issue of
fouling should however be addressed. Depending on the engine type, slow steaming may result in
a less complete combustion than at the normal higher load and therefore cause a higher / faster
fouling of the heating surface of the EGE.

This fouling will obviously cause a lower-than-normal steam production (normal being when the
heating surface is clean) but will also increase the risks of a soot fire in water tube exhaust gas
fired boilers with extended heating surfaces.

A frequent load-up of engine is necessary in order to remove the accumulated fouling / soot from
the Engine and Exhaust Gas Economizer. Engine load-up should be minimized when slow
steaming. Frequent load-up could jeopardize the cylinder condition.

During slow steaming, when it becomes necessary to increase the engine load in order to remove
the fouling / soot from the exhaust gas ways, the following procedure should be always followed
with regards to time required for loading up the engine:
• Load up from 10% to 40% : 30 minutes load-up program
• Load up from 40% to 75% : 60 minutes load-up program Maintenance
EGE proper maintenance not only improves energy efficiency but also reduces maintenance
overall costs and reduces safety risks associated with soot fires. The EGE efficiency is maximized
by frequent soot blowing (sonic cleaning may also be used) which should be carried out at least at
75% of main engine load and in accordance with the frequency set by the maker. The exhaust gas
temperature difference and pressure drop which are indications of EGE cleanliness should be
regularly recorded (during main engine performance tests). Water washing of the EGE should be
scheduled during major repair periods. Cargo Operations

Avoid operating boiler(s) at low load, since efficiency, i.e. kg of produced steam divided by kg of
burnt FO, is deteriorating.

.1 Sea Passage - EGE Efficiency and Operation

Maximize EGE efficiency by frequent soot blowing (once or twice per day). Regularly record the
exhaust gas temperature difference and pressure drop which are indications of EGE cleanliness.
Water washing should be performed periodically or when above monitored parameters deviate
from the manufacturer’s indicated limits.

.2 Cargo Operations and Anchorage - Burner Operation Optimization

The Auxiliary Boiler(s) optimum operation is exceeded when operated in “Auto” mode.
To monitor the combustion efficiency more accurately, periodical combustion analysis is

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Adjust frequency and especially quantity of boiler water blow-downs to minimize dissolved solids
as well as clean hot water loss. Auxiliary Boiler(s) Operation Optimization

Significant fuel conservation can be achieved by minimizing overall steam consumption onboard.
When boilers are needed, the operator should ensure that they are not started too far in advance
from the time they are actually needed, therefore close cooperation / communication between deck
and engine departments must be maintained. Composite Boilers

A Composite Boilers is a combination of oil-fired boiler and exhaust gas economizer. When the
diesel engine is at the desired load, the fuel oil burner starts only if the steam demand exceeds the
steam production achieved from the diesel engine’s exhaust gases. Most Composite Boilers
nowadays have separated sections for the diesel engines exhaust gases and the flue gases from
the fuel oil burners. It is rare but there is still a possibility to find composite boilers that mix the
diesel engine’s exhaust gases and the flue gases from the fuel oil burner.

4.3.10. Auxiliary Boiler(s) Maintenance

The planned maintenance of the auxiliary boilers should be carried out as per PMS requirements
with the aim of ensuring their efficient operation. Soot blowing should be regularly carried out
taking into account the operational mode as well as the running hours of the boiler.

.1 Boiler Water Quality

The quality of the boiler water should be monitored on a daily basis by properly implementing the
chemical dosing program. Inadequate boiler water quality could affect water tube deposits, which
in turn cause decreased heat transfer efficiency to the boiler water.

.2 Boiler Internal Cleaning

Based on the fact that in each water-washing a slight corrosion in the boiler occurs, boiler water
side chemical cleaning and furnace side cleaning should be carried out only when there is
indication of reduced efficiency that cannot be attributed to burner problems. Such reduced
efficiency will mainly show as an increase to the exhaust gas temperature and pressure drop
deviation from the manufacturers’ indicated limits, without necessarily deteriorating other
combustion parameters. When performing water washing, it should be ensured that maker’s
instructions are complied with.

4.3.11. Steam Distribution and Condensate Return System

.1 Drainage of Hot Water and Steam Exhaust
Minimize steam and condensate piping drainage as far as possible. Draining steam lines prior to
operation of steam turbines is required so as to avoid damage to the turbine. The above process is
of great importance. However, the drained water and steam that follows is never returned into the
system, thus some energy loss is inevitable.

.2 Steam Losses at Steam Traps, Safety Valves etc.

Steam traps installed at the outlet of the various steam consumers in the E/R should be regularly
inspected, as well as the safety valves installed on the boilers and at other parts of the steam
system. Steam traps proper operation can be checked by installing cocks and brass drain pipes to

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the trap lower part (at the bottom of the filter housing). By opening the cock it can be verified if
condensate or live steam is extracted. In the latter case the trap is not fulfilling its purpose of
stopping steam to enter the condensate return system. Safety valves occasionally installed at the
piping can also be checked by drain cocks or by an IR thermometer pointed at the outlet piping.
The latter should not be hotter than ambient temperature if the safety valve is not leaking.
Escaping steam represents energy loss. Inspection frequency depends on the age and size of the
installation but it must be conducted as a minimum at yearly intervals. Due to the relatively short
piping on ship systems, steam loss can also be observed at the cascade tank return.

.3 Insulation Inspection and Maintenance

Steam and condensate return piping insulation should be regularly inspected. External surface
temperatures shall generally not exceed 50 deg. C. Ensure valve blankets and piping insulation is
restored to original condition after repairs.

.4 Steam turbine generator

In a turbine generator, steam is used with high pressure to rotate the turbine wherein the thermal
energy of the steam gets converted into rotary motion. The turbine is connected to the alternator’s
rotor; hence the rotary notion of the turbine is utilized to generate electric power.

Exhaust gases from the ship’s main engine pass through an exhaust gas economizer to generate
steam for a turbine-driven generator.

The exhaust gas from engines has sufficient thermal energy, given its heat of up to 350 degrees
centigrade. The exhaust gas is used to turn the boiler water, led by the exhaust gas economizer,
into steam, which in turn is used to operate turbo generators driven by the steam turbine. This
effective use of the thermal energy of exhaust gas saves fuel for generators and reduces CO 2

4.3.12. Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) System

The HVAC system includes the Air Handling Unit (AHU) and the refrigeration system. There are a
number of improvements, operational and hardware, which can be made to an HVAC system to
increase the energy efficiency, e.g. annual inspection, prompt repairs, etc. As far as the crew is
concerned, the main intervention is the maintenance of the refrigerating plant and the AHU.
Additionally, adjustments can be made, mainly to the AHU “front end”, i.e. the dampers controlling
the fresh air inlet and recirculation. These adjustments depend on the external ambient air
conditions and the internal comfort and in certain cases can lead to significant energy savings.

HVAC Utilization and Load Factor - Thermostat Adjustment.

Set the air inlet thermostat to 27 deg. C in the summer and 21 deg. C in the winter. The cooling
thermostat usually operates refrigerant solenoid valves that stop the refrigerant flow to the
evaporator and subsequently stop the compressor due to low suction pressure, when the setting is
reached. If the temperature setting is too low, the refrigerant compressor is expected to operate
continuously or with more cylinders loaded. In the winter, the temperature setting does not play
such a significant role, since the steam is coming from the EGE during sea passage and is a small
fraction of the boiler load during discharging.

“Front End” dampers adjustment

Most AHUs have an inlet air damper, a return air damper and a mixing section for the return and
inlet air. Depending on the external ambient conditions of temperature and relative humidity and
the space conditions, significant energy savings can be achieved by adjusting the fresh and return

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air mixing ratio. As a rule of thumb, the return air should be maximized when hot and humid
external ambient conditions prevail. When the external air is cooler than the inside air, it may be
efficient to maximize the fresh air. For example in the diagram below, fresh air is at 31.4 deg. C,
61% RH and return air at 28.4 deg. C, 53% RH. Fresh to total air ratio is about 76%. By closing the
fresh air damper so that the fresh air ratio will be 62%, a cooling load reduction of about 30% can
be achieved. This can be reflected to a refrigerant compressor electric load reduction depending
on the operating point and unload control system. There is also an upper limit to the return air ratio
imposed by comfort and hygiene conditions.

It must be noted that the Air Conditioning Plant is not expected to be stopped except only in rare
cases. The humidity of the air at sea is usually high, even at favorable ambient temperatures;
therefore de-humidification of the air which is achieved during cooling is always required. It should
be also noted that while at sea, openings to the accommodation area should be kept to the
absolute minimum with the aim of minimizing uncontrolled losses.

Refrigerants’ quantity
Maintain adequate quantity of refrigerant in the system for proper operation. A minimum amount of
liquid refrigerant must be present in the condenser. Inadequate refrigerant quantity will lead to
insufficient cooling capacity with high compressor load, therefore to a low coefficient of

Reducing emissions of HCFCs

Emissions of HCFCs are related to leaks during the operation and maintenance of refrigeration
plants. Technical measures to reduce leaks include designs that are more resistant to corrosion,
vibration and other stresses, reducing the impact of leaks by reducing the refrigerant charge (e.g.
by indirect cooling), and compartmentalizing the piping system so that a leakage may be isolated.
It is also important that facilities are available to allow for safe and reasonably burdensome
recovery of refrigerants during maintenance. Operational measures include proper implementation
of planned maintenance, monitoring of refrigerant consumption in order to prevent leakages,
detection of leakages and maintaining an ODS Record Book (MARPOL Annex VI – Reg. 12).

Replacement of refrigerants containing HCFCs with HFCs

They may not be significant in volume but HFCs have a zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and
a moderate climate change.

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Maintenance of the cooling plant and AHU

• Ensure the compressor load / unload control is always in good condition.
• Ensure the AHU filter and cooling and heating elements are regularly cleaned for hygienic
reasons and efficient air cooling / heating.
• Regularly check & adjust / replace AHU fan drive belts & bearings for optimum operation.
• Ensure space air supply duct insulation is kept in good condition to avoid heat flux from the ducts.

Windows effect
Windows account for nearly 50% of the heat inflow or loss (depending on the season) which in turn
accounts for close to 50% of the workload on the air conditioning or heating system. Untreated
windows will allow about 20 times more heat into a space than an equal amount of insulated wall
space. Personnel onboard can limit the consumption by keeping the blinds closed when sun light is
not needed or the space is unoccupied.

4.3.13. Compressed Air System Selection of Proper Compressors for Serving the Proper Consumers

A proper compressed air system should be equipped with two or even three compressor types, i.e.
main air compressors for engine starting, a control air compressor of delivered pressure and
capacity to match control system needs, and also a service air compressor to match various deck
tools and other compressed air equipment needs (diaphragm pumps, ladder and lifeboat
pneumatic motors, etc.).

Operate service and/or control air compressors for E/R control pneumatic loads and deck
service loads. Operate main air compressors only for keeping the main air receivers
pressurized for engine starting. The use of main air compressors to cater for the control air
needs is not an energy efficient practice. The reason is that air is compressed to 28-30 kg/cm2 and
then pressure reduced to 7 kg/cm 2 to feed the control air system. An amount of power consumed
to compress the air is thus lost in the reducing valve. Control Air & Service Air Supply - Advantages of Using Screw Type Compressors
Most of the vessels are equipped with independent Service and Control Air Compressors which
are usually of different types. The Service Air Compressors installed onboard are usually
reciprocating pistons compressors with high power motors.

The operational disadvantages of such type of compressors include the following:

1. Start / stop function introduces high electrical starting current while starting due to large motors.
2. Many moving parts that require regular maintenance.
3. Fluctuating air output.
4. Excessive vibration / noise levels.
5. Frequent “valves” problems reduce capacity.

The Control Air Compressors have significant advantages for low air pressure usage, such as the

• Continuous operation with almost standard electrical load with low consumption.
• With the electronic control system, the compressor “asks” for maintenance when it is
necessary and provides early warning of potential problems before they become serious.
• Quiet / smooth operation.

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• Automatically adjusted air production.

• Constant air pressure independent of air consumption.
• Less wear and tear.
• Long maintenance intervals.

Taking into account the above, the obvious recommendation is that in addition to the control air,
the screw type compressors should be used to cover the service air demand to the
maximum extent possible.

Note: With the aim of avoiding any unfavorable situation, the “ST.BY” air from M/E starting air
cylinders should be supplied via the specific pressure reducers provided (30->7 Bar) to both air
systems. Aforesaid pressure reducers should be adjusted at a pressure 0.2-0.4 Bar lower than the
relevant pressure alarms. System Pressure Adjustments

The higher each system pressure is maintained (starting air, control air, deck service air), the
greater will be the energy required to compress that air. Especially in the case of control and deck
service air systems, the pressure demand of the various consumers (pneumatic valves, back flush
filters, chipping tools, diaphragm pumps) should be checked and the pressure should be adjusted
to being not higher than the higher required consumer pressure. Check the pressure at the most
distant consumer to compensate for pressure drop effects. Compressed Air System Leakages

Use minimum air pressure for each required use to minimize leakages. Install pressure regulators
before each control and service consumer (e.g. diaphragm pump), and ensure it is adjusted to the
pressure required for the particular consumer. Regularly check all piping connections, valves and
hose quick couplings to ensure that any leakages are rectified.

Periodical checks and recordings of the air compressors’ running hours should be carried out
during periods when maintenance works are not carried out (i.e. during night time over a 12-hour
period) aiming at identifying air leakages. Minimize Use of Compressed Air System Tools

Remember that the compressed air system efficiency is only about 10%. Avoid the use of
pneumatic equipment and tools if there is no safety restriction indicating their use. Use electric or
manually operated tools where possible. Stop Unregulated Uses of Compressed Air

Avoid unregulated uses of compressed air. Such uses are:

• Open blowing: Use of unregulated hoses for cleaning and personnel ventilation. This
practice is both unsafe and highly inefficient. Install pressure regulators and safety blow
guns instead.
• Diaphragm pumps: Ensure the pumps used are suitable for the highest discharge
pressure and capacity required. Supplying higher pressure to a smaller pump is not an
efficient way to do your job. Install feed pressure regulators to adjust the pump pressure to
the one required. The regulator should be adjusted according to the required pump delivery
head. Install a speed control valve upstream of the regulator to control the rate of pump
strokes (i.e. the pump capacity for the maximum allowable time available). Absence of
speed control valve and regulator lead to air wastage and pump diaphragm premature

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• Pressure regulators: A pressure regulator should normally be installed before each

pneumatic consumer. Frequently check that these provide the correct air pressure to the

Uncontrolled blowing: Inefficient & Dangerous. Use a blow gun instead. System Pressure Drop

There is always a pressure drop from the compressor down to the pneumatic consumers. Since
the latter need to operate at a certain pressure, the higher the pressure drop, the higher the
compressor and receiver pressure settings. Pressure drop is affected by the condition of piping,
the cleanliness of the air dryers and filters downstream of the compressors, the condition of
pressure regulators and the consumers. To reduce pressure drop, maintain the filters and air
dryers clean and minimize sources of piping corrosion (mainly moisture). Compressed Air Quality

Compressed air quality requirements mainly pertain to the minimization of moisture and oil in the
air, according to the consumer equipment requirements. To ensure a proper air quality, the
following should be observed:

• Maintain the reciprocating compressors at the indicated intervals, especially pistons and
rings to avoid lubricant carry-over to the system.
• Ensure proper operation and cleanliness of the air dryer. Regularly check cleanliness of the
refrigerant condenser and refrigerant charge. In case an automatic drain timer is installed,
check adjustment to avoid air wastage on the one side and ensure thorough removal of
moisture on the other (moisture drainage should be around 80% of the drain “open” time).
• Frequently replace the filter elements at the inlet and / or outlet of the dryer.
• In case that overhauling intervals are not specified by the manufacturer, then condition-
based maintenance techniques may take place, i.e. overhauling based on present

4.3.14. Lighting Loads

Lighting onboard ships is nowadays mainly realized by use of tube fluorescent lamps (TFLs).
Incandescent bulbs consume more energy and have a shorter lifespan than compact fluorescent
bulbs. Fixtures with tube fluorescent lamps contain the starter, used for preheating the lamp gas /
mercury vapour mixture and the ballast, mainly used to start the spark ionizing lighting up the
heated gas and then limit the current flowing through the lamp electrodes and the gas/mercury
vapour mixture. Limiting of the current is required because if a TFL is connected to a voltage
source without ballast, increasing current flow causes resistance to drop, consequently allowing
more current to flow, ultimately leading to destruction of the lamp. Older ballasts are magnetic
coils, having a considerable resistance. Newer ones employ electronic circuits to carry out the
previously mentioned functions and are more energy efficient. TFL lighting fixtures with magnetic
ballasts contain a capacitor used for power factor correction.

It is estimated that the use of energy saving light bulbs will save 33 megawatts per year per ship. Lights Management

Optimum lights’ management is a quite straightforward measure to implement onboard and does
not require any capital investments. It has been estimated that switching off 75% of

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accommodation internal lights during daylight (08:00-17:00) may save about 10 tons of fuel per
year for a Capesize Bulk Carrier. TFL Selection

• Avoid ordering older T10 type TFLs.
• Order lamps and TFLs in particular taking into account not only the electrical power but also the
luminous efficiency, i.e. the ratio of luminous flux (lumens) to electrical power consumed (watt).
For example, a Warm white TFL is more efficient (i.e. producing more lumens per watt)
compared to a Daylight TFL. Lighting Fixture Maintenance

Establish a preventive lighting fixture cleaning program to maintain space illuminance close to the
“design” levels. Yearly inspection and cleaning of lighting fixtures in the accommodation spaces
would be suggested as a starting inspection interval. Replacement of Incandescent Lamps Installed Onboard

CFL lamps are not generally recommended by manufacturers as vibration resistant. Nevertheless
good quality CFLs are expected to operate well in an environment with vibration. Therefore
attention should be paid to the quality of CFLs provided onboard.

4.3.15. On-shore Power Supply (Cold Ironing)

Power supply from the shore is available in certain ports. This aims to avoid air pollution near the
port area by not using the power generator onboard the ship. In terms of total air emissions, it
depends on how the power supplied from the shore is generated, but this is a responsibility of the
State that supplies the power.

The use of on-shore power supplies for 'cold-ironing' while in port may become a de facto facet of
port operations in the future. Regulators have begun to encourage the use of such installations.
'Cold-ironing' is the US Navy's way of describing the practice of connecting a ship to a shore-side
power supply in port, allowing the ship's machinery to be shut down. The term is now commonly
used to describe a new generation of different high-voltage shore connections with fast plug
connections and seamless load transfer without blackouts, which allow the full range of in-port
activities to continue while the ship is discharging and loading cargo.

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4.4.1. Fuel Oil Purchasing

All fuels are purchased against the internationally recognized standard ISO 8217:2010 (where
available). In addition, all distillates bunker supplies arranged by the Company should comply with
the DMZ specification (as per the ISO 8217:2010) with maximum Sulphur content of 0.1% m/m.

Before bunker orders, the ship should calculate the expected bunker consumption and verify the
amount with the Operations Department. As a minimum, ships should have enough bunkers
onboard to complete the current voyage, maintaining also a reserve safe margin. The decision to
carry excess bunkers above the said quantity is to be justified by economic and operational
considerations. Factors that can influence this decision include bunker cost and quality, the
absence of firm orders and cargo heating requirements.

4.4.2. Fuel Oil Analysis

Fuel samples are collected from every bunkering and are retained under the ship’s control until the
FO is substantially consumed, but in any case for more than 12 months from the time of delivery.
In addition, by carrying out independent FO analysis, the Company is closely monitoring the quality
of the bunkers. FO analysis ensures that certain parameters that affect the FO calorific value (e.g.
density, water content, calorific value, ash) are closely monitored.

4.4.3. Sludge Generation Monitoring

Sludge (oil residue) is considered to be the residual waste oil products generated during the
normal operation of a ship, such as those resulting from the purification of fuel or lubricating oil for
main or auxiliary machinery, separated waste from oil filtering equipment, waste oil collected in drip
trays and waste hydraulic and lubricating oils.

Excessive sludge in the fuel oil is a parameter that reduces the fuel efficiency of the purchased
bunkers. As a result, the Company is monitoring the fleet’s sludge production in relation to the fuel
consumption, with the aim of promptly identifying cases where corrective actions are needed.

4.4.4. Fuel Oil Measurement and Reporting Bunker Measurements

Bunker measurement must be carried out before and after bunkering by the C/E or his appointed
representative Officer with the aim of accurately determining the actual quantity of lifted bunkers. Reporting to the Company

Fuel consumption of M/E, D/Gs and boilers should be accurately monitored on a daily basis,
recorded in the Engine Logbook and reported to the Company on a daily basis through noon
reports and voyage reports.

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Accuracy of fuel oil flow meters is of great importance. The vessel must be able to accurately
measure the amount of fuel consumed onboard by the main consumers. This includes a thorough
understanding of the fuel system and the placement of highly accurate fuel flow meters on the
system, which must have a accuracy better than 0.5%. Furthermore, the fuel oil temperature at the
flow meters should be ascertained. The accuracy of the M/E FO flow meter should be regularly
verified. Fuel Oil Purifiers

The main tasks of purifiers are to separate the fuel from water and from the sludge. When a
volume of light oil is placed into a tank contain a weir and a quantity of water the fluids will tend to
arrange themselves with the fuel on top of the water. The height of the water in the weir rises to a
point governed by the volume (and thereby relative height) and specific gravity of the light oil.
When the mix is fed into the tank, separation begins with heavy particulates falling to the base of
the tank along with water which joins the other water excess overflowing the heavy phase weir.
Clear oil passes over the light phase weir. The problem arises that to ensure there is sufficient time
to allow for full separation of the oily mix the flow would have to be very small relative to the size of
the tank.

Optimizing separation efficiency

The separator is delivered with a set of gravity discs with different diameters for purification
operation. The hole diameter of the gravity disc sets the position of the oil/water interface in the
separator. The separation efficiency can be optimized by selection of the correct diameter for each
oil quality .As a guide the Gravity disc nomogram can be used. The size of the first gravity disc to
be tried can be read directly from the nomogram. The best separation results are obtained by using
a gravity disc with as large size as possible, which will not cause the water seal in the bowl to be
broken or lead to emulsification in the water outlet. The nomogram is based on the properties of
freshwater in the oil.

4.4.5. Fuel Oil Additives

Fuel additives are compounds formulated to enhance the quality and efficiency of the fuels used.
Environmental legislation to reduce emissions and improve fuel economy is having a great impact
on fuel formulations and engine system design. Typical types of additives are metal deactivators,
corrosion inhibitors, oxygenates and antioxidants. Fuel performance additives have been delivering
flexible and advanced solutions to the ever-changing market environment. Over many years,
additive products have demonstrated benefits in marine applications.

4.4.6. Lube Oil Sampling

The lube oil condition defines the operation of the machinery. The quality of LO of some vessel’s
equipment must be regularly monitored.

Lube oil analysis can be the first line of defense against catastrophic equipment failure:
• Can detect minor changes in the lubricant before they cause damage to the equipment
• Can detect minor wear and corrosion problems before they cause major equipment damage.
• Can detect and identify contaminants so corrective action may be taken to eliminate these
contaminants before they cause equipment damage.

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A lube oil analysis can pre-inform the engineers for:

• The condition of the oil lubricated wear components of the equipment.
• The condition of the lubricant and whether it is suitable for continued use or should be
• The contamination level in your lubricant and what the contamination is.

The analysis of the lube oil samples is performed by contracted laboratories.


The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has a standard where household appliances must be
constructed to have an energy star rating. This standard is known as the Energy Star Standard
with a prefix of 3.0 and now 4.0 (being the latest) and provides the manufacturers of these
appliances with clear guidance on the wattage consumption of these appliances. For example, an
LCD television with an energy star rating of 3.0 its screen consumes 318 watts. The same size TV
built to energy star 4.0 rating consumes 153 watts maximum.

Therefore, with the view to minimizing the energy consumption onboard from TVs and computer
screens, the IT Officer and the Supply Manager should ensure that as far as possible only “energy
star” rated equipment are procured for installation onboard. In addition to the above, shipboard
personnel should follow the best practice of turning off computers; DVDs/TVs/audio systems when
not in use, as these use several watts when in standby mode.

The policy of installing “energy saving” devices should also be applied to the procurement of other
household devices such as refrigerators, microwave ovens, washing and drying machines.


The incineration of waste involves the generation of climate-relevant emissions. These are mainly
emissions of CO2 as well as N2O, NOx, NH3 (ammonia) and organic carbon, measured as total
carbon. CH4 (methane) is not generated in waste incineration during normal operation. It only
arises in particular, exceptional cases and to a small extent (from waste remaining in the waste
bunker), so that in quantitative terms CH 4 is not to be regarded as climate-relevant. CO2
constitutes the chief climate-relevant emission of waste incineration and is considerably higher, by
not less than 102, than the other emissions.

Ships should make effort to reduce the incinerator ash by minimizing the generation of waste and
maximizing recycling opportunities. The remaining quantities of sludge and garbage should be
delivered ashore to the extent possible.

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It has been reported in the industry that even the same ship could differ as much as 12% in energy
efficiency from one crew to another. This means that without a diligent involvement of each crew
member, energy is lost. Company’s personnel (ashore and onboard) should be aware of the
energy management procedures and initiatives that are in place with the aim of continually
improving energy efficiency. Therefore, the following actions should be implemented:

Energy Efficiency Best Practices

A set of energy efficiency best practices has been developed and is included in Appendix IV. This
set of energy efficiency best practices may be used in the form of a checklist and completed by
superintendents when boarding Company’s vessel in order to raise crew awareness on energy

Shipboard Familiarization
Officers should be familiarized on the procedures and practices contained in this Plan as part of
their initial onboard familiarization.

An in-house training course on “Shipboard energy efficiency and management” should be carried
out during officers-on-leave meetings at the Company’s training center with the view to improving
officers’ awareness of onboard energy efficiency and areas in which energy can be conserved. The
aim is to integrate energy saving management into general ship management operations and to
ensure that all relevant information is being used and understood by the crew.

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The Company has decided to adopt voluntary indexing of its ships’ environmental performance by
using the EEOI as defined by IMO. A Rolling Average Index of the EEOI values may also be
calculated to monitor energy efficiency of a ship over operational time. Guidelines for the
calculation of a ship’s EEOI are provided in Appendix I.
Furthermore, the Company has adopted additional monitoring tools for calculating the SOx and the
NOx emitted from its ships’ operation. Guidelines for the subject formulae are provided in Appendix
II and III respectively.


The Company is carrying out internal and external benchmarking as regards ship energy
efficiency. The EEOI for every vessel is benchmarked against other fleet vessels of the same type
with the aim of identifying energy improvement opportunities. In addition, the average EEOI for our
fleet vessel types is benchmarked against industry available data.


The implementation of benchmarking relies on accurate and verifiable data. Since collection of
quality data is normally a practical issue, it is important that the available data sources are
identified and used. For ship performance benchmarking / rating purposes, the following data
sources shall be used:
• Ship’s technical specification.
• Speed trial reports.
• Engine’s “NOx Technical File” that includes engines’ performance data.
• Operational data logs.
• Data from dedicated trials.
To ensure consistency, benchmarking should be carried out using either commissioning trial data
(design rating) or data from dedicated in-service trials (operation rating). For engines, shop test
data and data from dedicated in-service trials may be used. It is noted that when a ship diverts
from its scheduled passage to engage in search and rescue operations, data obtained during such
operations need not be used in ship energy efficiency monitoring.


To enable effective and wider use of ship performance benchmarking / rating, it should be carried
out under standard reference conditions. The standard reference conditions should specify the
following as a minimum:
• Ship draught (normally the design draught).
• Standard reference ship speed (normally a fixed speed per ship type).
• Reference fuel.
• Reference ambient conditions, normally taken as operation in calm water and low / zero
wind and at a reference sea water and air temperatures.
If the data available relate to any other condition, they should be corrected to the reference
conditions for use in the benchmarking / rating schemes. To avoid complications due to sea state
and wind, it would be best to carry out dedicated trials in calm sea and with low wind velocity.
Alternatively, internationally acceptable standard procedure such as ISO 15016 or other industry
accepted practices may be used for data correction purposes.

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IMO Assembly adopted the Resolution A.963(23) on IMO policies and practices related to the
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from ships, which requested the MEPC to develop
greenhouse gas emission guidelines and indices for ships. The MEPC has introduced the Energy
Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI) and guidelines are provided through the MEPC.1 /Circ.684.
The methodology and the use of EEOI, as described below, provide a transparent and recognized
approach for assessment of the GHG efficiency of a ship with respect to CO2 emissions.


Primary data sources selected could be the ship’s logbook (bridge logbook, engine logbook, deck
logbook and other official records).
The collection of ship data includes the quantity (in metric tonnes) and type of fuel used, the cargo
carried (in metric tonnes) and the distance (in nautical miles) corresponding to the transported


In its most simple form the EEOI is defined as the ratio of mass of CO2 (M) emitted per unit of
transport work:
Indicator = MCO2/(transport work)

The basic expression for EEOI for a voyage is defined as:

 FC j  CFj
m c argo  D
Where average of the indicator for a period or for a number of voyages is obtained, the Indicator is
calculated as:

  (FC ij  CFj )
Average EEOI =
i j
 i
(mc argo,i  Di )

▪ j is the fuel type;
▪ i is the voyage number;
▪ FCij is the mass of consumed fuel j at voyage i (metric tonnes);
▪ CFj is a non-dimensional conversion factor between fuel j consumption measured in grams
and CO2 emission also measured in grams based on carbon content. The value of C F is
given in Table 1;
▪ mcargo,i is the cargo mass carried during voyage i (metric tonnes); and
▪ Di is the distance in nautical miles corresponding to the cargo carried during voyage i.
The unit of EEOI depends on the measurement of cargo carried e.g. tonnes CO2 / (tonnes x
nautical miles).

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It must be noted that Equation (2) does not give a simple average of EEOI among number of
voyage i.

Table 1: Fuel Mass to CO2 Mass Conversion Factors (CF)

Carbon CF
Type of fuel Reference
Content (t-CO2/t-Fuel)
Diesel / Gas Oil ISO 8217 Grades DMX through DMC 0.875 3.206000
Light Fuel Oil (LFO) ISO 8217 Grades RMA through RMD 0.86 3.151040
Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) ISO 8217 Grades RME through RMK 0.85 3.114400
Liquefied Petroleum Propane 0.819 3.000000
Gas (LPG) Butane 0.827 3.030000
Liquefied Natural Gas
0.75 2.750000

Data on fuel consumption / cargo carried and distance sailed in a continuous sailing pattern will be
collected using Company’s Form VE-01.


1. Ballast voyages, as well as voyages which are not used for transport of cargo, such as
voyage for docking service (mcargo =0), should also be included. Voyages for the purpose of
securing the safety of a ship or saving life at sea should be excluded.
2. Fuel consumption (FC) is defined as all fuel consumed at sea and in port for a voyage or for
a period in question, e.g. a day, by main and auxiliary engines, boilers and incinerators.
3. Distance sailed (D) means the actual distance sailed in nautical miles (deck log-book data)
for the voyage or period in question.
4. Voyage generally means the period between the departure from a port to the departure
from the next port. Alternative definitions of a voyage could also be acceptable.
5. The CO2 indicator may be converted from g/tonne-mile to g/tonne-km by multiplication by


An example including two ballast and two laden voyages, for illustration purposes only, is provided
below. The example illustrates the application of the formula based on the data entered in the
relevant fields of Company’s Form. The formula (2) is applied as follows:

2300  3,114,400 + 19  3,206,000

EEOI = = 2.43
(5,100  250,000) + (0  5,000) + (6,500  262,000) + (6,800  0)
Unit: gr CO2/(tonnes x nautical miles).

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Fuel consumption (FC) in tonnes

(M/E, A/E, Boiler, Incinerator) PRODUCT
Type of Fuel - ISO Specification (Tonnes
Voyage data
ISO 8217 ISO 8217 Grades Nautical
ISO 8217 Grades Miles)
Grades DMX RME through
RMA through RMD
through DMC RMK
Diesel / Heavy Fuel Οil
Light Fuel Οil (LFO) Cargo (mcargo) (D)
VOYAGE No. Gasoil (HFO) (mcargo x D)
(Tonnes) (Tonnes) (Νautical
(Tonnes) (Tonnes)
1 2 480 250,000 5,100 1,275,000,000
2 5 490 0 5,000
3 2 700 262,000 6,500 1,703,000,000
4 10 630 0 6,800

FD FHFO FLFO 512,000 23,400
TOTAL 19 2,300 0 Σ(mcargo xD) 2,978,000,000
NOTE: The term VOYAGE refers to the period between a departure from a port to the departure from the next port (both
Ballast & Laden voyages). Voyages for the purpose of securing the safety of a ship or saving life at sea are excluded. ONLY
voyages which have been completed during the quarter (i.e. departure ->departure) are reported.

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Ship-generated SOx emissions are defined as the amount of sulphur oxides produced by the
combustion of fuel in ship's diesel engines.


The amount of sulphur oxides emitted to the atmosphere is almost directly proportional to the
amount of sulphur in the fuel (% m/m) burnt in the vessel's engines. Therefore primary data
sources for the assessment of ship's SOx emissions performance should be the ship’s bunkering
related records (i.e. bunkering operations log, bunker delivery notes, etc.) which provide a clear
view of the fuel type1, quality (in terms of sulphur content) and quantity received by the ship over a
given period (e.g. quarterly, biannually).


Taking into account the proportional interrelation of SOx emissions and the % sulphur content of
the fuel burnt in order to assess the ship's SOx emissions performance, it is important to calculate
the weighted average of the % of sulphur content (% m/m) of each type of fuel (e.g. HFO, MDO,
LSFO) received by the vessel over a given period. This assessment is based on the simplification
that the fuel received (type, quantity, quality) during the reported period is the same in terms of
type, quantity and quality with the fuel used for propulsion and auxiliary services (auxiliary
generators, boilers). Despite the fact that this process imposes a certain degree of uncertainty to
the calculations, the errors over a continuous reporting period are smoothed out and become

The weighted average of the sulphur content of each type of fuel used is calculated by the
following equation:

 (A
j =1
x, j  B x, j )
Sx = n
 (A
j =1
x, j )


▪ x is the fuel type (e.g. HFO, LSFO, MDO etc.) received by the vessel;

▪ n is the number of bunkering operations in the reporting period;

▪ Sx is the weighted average of % sulphur content of fuel type x;

▪ Ax,j is the quantity of fuel of type x received during bunkering operation j;

▪ Bx,j is the sulphur content (% m/m) of fuel type x received during bunkering operation j (as
per the Bunker Delivery Note received by the vessel).

However, in order to assess the vessel’s environmental impact, the following two formulae are

1 Fuel Oil type categorization as per ISO 8217 Standard.

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n k

  (FC
i =1 x =1
i, x  Si, x )
SO2I = 0.02  n
 (m
i =1
c arg o,i  Di )


▪ Si,x is the weighted average of % sulphur content of fuel type x calculated by equation (1);

▪ x is the fuel type;

▪ i is the voyage number;

▪ FCi,x is the mass of consumed fuel x during voyage i [metric tonnes];

▪ mcargo,i is the carried cargo mass during voyage i [metric tonnes]; and

▪ Di is the distance in nautical miles corresponding to the voyage i

The following expression is also found in the literature and gives the equivalent sulphur content per
tonne-nautical mile:
n k

  (FC
i =1 x =1
i, x  Si, x )
SOxI = n
 (m
i =1
c arg o,i  Di )

Note that equation (2) is exact and provides the equivalent SO2 emissions (which occur because of
the occurring chemical reactions during the combustion of hydrocarbons in Marine Diesel Engines)
in tonnes SO2 per tonne nautical mile. Nonetheless, in order to convert the results to equivalent
grams SO2 / tonne nautical mile, equation (2) should by multiplied by 10 6 [g/tonne].

All required data (i.e. bunkering operations during the period of question, type and quantity of fuel
oil received in the same period, % S content of fuel), will be collected using Company’s Form


In the below table the vessel has conducted 2 bunkering operations on 25/1 and 15/2 respectively.
The bunkering operations data (quantity and % sulphur content) for each type of fuel received
onboard are entered by the C/E in the appropriate fields of the table (see below). The formula (3) is
applied as follows:
(500  3.15 + 50  0.10) + (700  2.95 + 45  0.10) 10 6
SOxI =  = 0.029
(5,100  250,000) + (0  6,000) 100

Unit: gr SOx/(tonnes x nautical miles).

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(If any, otherwise leave blank)
BUNKERING No. DATE (HFO) RECEIVED content (%) OIL RECEIVED content (%) (LFO) RECEIVED content (%)
(TONNES) acc. to BDN (TONNES) acc. to BDN (TONNES) acc. to BDN

# 1 (if applicable) 25/1 500 3.15 50 0.1

# 2 (if applicable) 15/2 700 2.95 45 0.1

# 3 (if applicable)

# 4 (if applicable)

# 5 (if applicable)

# 6 (if applicable)
(tonnes) (tonnes) (tonnes)

1200 95 0

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NOx emissions are defined as the amount of NOx produced by the ship’s Main Engine.


Primary data sources selected could be the ship’s logbook (bridge log-book, engine log-book, deck
log-book, Engine’s technical file and other official records).

The collection of data from ships includes the quantity (in metric tonnes) of fuel used, the cargo
carried (in metric tonnes), the distance (in nautical miles) corresponding to the transported cargo,
the main engines and diesel generators’ operating hours, the main engine’s average power (in
kW), the diesel generator’s average power (in kW) and the certified NOx emissions per kWh of
main engine and diesel generators for corresponding power/RPM.


The basic expression for NOxI for a voyage is defined as:


 (H
ME,i  PME,i  EME,i )
NOxI = n

 (m
c argo,i  Di )


▪ i is the voyage number;

▪ ΗME,i is the main engine’s operating hours during voyage i;
▪ PME,i is the main engine’s power for average RPM during the voyage i;
▪ EME,i is the certified NOx emissions per KWh for given RPM for the main engine during
voyage i;
▪ mcargo,i is the cargo mass carried during voyage i (metric tonnes); and
▪ Di is the distance in nautical miles corresponding to the cargo carried during voyage i.

All required data i.e. engine power, cargo carried distance sailed, etc. will be collected using
Company’s Form.


1. Ballast voyages, as well as voyages which are not used for transport of cargo, such as
voyage for docking service (m cargo =0), should also be included. Voyages for the purpose of
securing the safety of a ship or saving life at sea should be excluded.
2. Distance sailed (D) means the actual distance sailed in nautical miles (deck log-book data)
for the voyage or period in question.
3. Voyage generally means the period between the departure from a port to the departure
from the next port. Alternative definitions of a voyage could also be acceptable.
4. The NOx emissions per kWh are provided in the engines’ “NOx Technical File”.

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In the table below depicts the vessel’s M/E running hours equal to 1862 during the reporting period
and the total revolutions which are counted and equal to 8955515. The RPM of the M/E for this
period is automatically calculated (i.e. 80.2 RPM). The M/E’s NOx emissions for the calculated
RPM derive from the M/E’s Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (NOx technical
file relevant table, i.e. 15 gr NOx/kWh). The M/E’s operating power (nominal) for the calculated
RPM is derived from M/E’s manufacturer’s manual (i.e. 10535 kW). The form automatically
calculates the NOx emitted by the vessel per tonne x mile (i.e. 0.099 gr NOx/tonne x mile).


(gr NOx/kWh)
1862 2 below)

80.2 15

Note 2: Average Certified ΝΟx emissions per KWh for given RPM from Engine
International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate, or if not available, the upper considered
limit from MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI (i.e. 17 gr NOx/ kWh)


GIVEN RPM in kW (See Note 3 10535

Note 3: Average Main Engine Operating Power for given RPM – refer to Manufacturer’s


(gr NOx)



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A number of best practices which generally help towards increasing the energy efficiency of
Company ships and their systems have been identified.

These are categorized below:

Propulsion System

1. Depending on the prevailing wind and sea conditions avoid increasing the main engine load
without corresponding benefit in ship speed. An indication of this is the slip. Generally avoid
increasing the speed above the minimum required for safety and possibly commercial reasons
during adverse weather conditions.

2. Maintain M/E components directly affecting M/E performance like the T/C, air cooler, fuel
injection system, liner and piston, piston rings etc. to a good condition to ensure maximum
possible M/E total efficiency (i.e. the ratio of the shaft power to the power of the fuel burnt in the
engine). Ensure that engine components are maintained as per makers’ instructions and
planned maintenance system (PMS).

3. Eliminate fuel oil leakages from fuel pumps and lube oil leakages from crankcase doors and
stuffing boxes.

4. Cylinder oil consumption should be minimized by checking piston rings and reducing the feed

5. Maintain adequate spare parts as per minimum safety stock list.

Diesel Generators and Electric Distribution System

1. Operate electric loads having also energy efficiency in mind. For example avoid using the fire
pump for filling the swimming pool and recirculation of the water. Use a smaller pump if

2. Exercise some load management when possible, with the aim to minimize the number of
running generators and maximizing the load factor.

3. Carry out good maintenance of D/Gs so that 1 unit may carry the electric load at sea.

4. Check performance every 3 months to ensure good operation.

5. Carry out engine's overhaul as per maker’s instructions and PMS.

Auxiliary Boilers, Steam Distribution and Condensate Return System

1. Avoid operating boilers at low load as much as possible, since efficiency i.e. kg of produced
steam divided by kg of burnt FO is deteriorating.

2. Frequently check the color, size and shape of the burner flame and the color of the exhaust
gas. Generally, flames must be of a yellow to white color. A white flame may be an indication of
extra excess air. Although this results in invisible exhaust gas extra excess air is heated up and
thrown through, the exhaust duct reduces the efficiency. Colorless exhaust gas does not
automatically mean efficient combustion (excess air may be much more than the manufacturer

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recommended 15%). On the other hand more orange color flames may be an indication of poor
combustion, which show also as heavy brown or black smoke. Flame shape and size must fit to
the combustion chamber. Generally, flames should not contact the tubes and brickwork, as
these can cause mechanical damage. To monitor combustion efficiency more accurately the
periodical use of a combustion analyzer is suggested.

3. Frequently monitor and control boiler water quality, which affect water tube deposits, which in
turn cause decreased heat transfer efficiency to the boiler water.

4. Adjust frequency and quantity of boiler water blow-down to minimize dissolved solids on the
one hand but also minimize clean hot water loss on the other.

5. Carry out boiler water side chemical cleaning and furnace side cleaning at when there is
indication of reduced efficiency that cannot be attributed to burner problems.

6. Minimize steam and condensate piping drainage as far as possible. Draining steam lines prior
to operation of steam turbines is required to avoid damage to the turbine and is of great
importance. However, bear in mind that the drained water and especially the steam that follows
is never returned into the system and represents some energy loss.

7. Establish a regular inspection program for steam traps installed at the outlet of the various
steam consumers in the E/R. Steam traps proper operation can be easily checked by installing
cocks and brass drain pipes to the trap lower part (at the bottom of the filter housing). By
opening the cock it can be verified if condensate or live steam is extracted. In the latter case the
trap is not fulfilling its purpose of stopping steam to enter the condensate return system.
Escaping steam represents energy loss. Inspection frequency depends on the age and size of
the installation and must be decided on a case by case basis. It is suggested to start with
quarterly intervals.

8. Increase boiler steam production efficiency by frequently washing the tubes at F.O. burning
side and exhaust gas side.

9. The temperature of the boiler feed water in the cascade tank to be kept 85 deg. C. When in
cool areas, the cooling sea water to the atmospheric condenser must be closed.

10. Steam pipes and heaters should be properly insulated.

11. Boiler pressure and dump valve pressure should be correctly tuned to prevent unnecessary
opening of dump valve or trip of boiler.

12. Establish a regular inspection program for steam and condensate return piping insulation.
External surface temperatures shall generally not exceed 50 0C. Ensure that valve blankets and
piping insulation are restored to original condition after repairs.

13. Heating coils in engine room tanks and bunker tanks should be tight.

14. Maximize heat capacity extracted from the exhaust Gas Boiler to use it for heating the cargo.
Compressed Air System

1. Use minimum air pressure for each required use. Operate service and control air compressors
for E/R control pneumatic loads. Operate main air compressors only for keeping the main air
receivers pressurized for engine starting. Install pressure regulators before each control and
service consumer (e.g. diaphragm pump), and ensure it is adjusted to the pressure required for
the particular consumer.

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2. Minimize air leakages as far as possible by frequent inspection of piping, valves and

3. Avoid the use of pneumatic equipment and tools, if there is no safety restriction indicating their
use. Remember that the compressed air system efficiency if only about 10%. Use electric or
manually operated tools, if possible.

4. Avoid unregulated uses of compressed air like unregulated hoses, used for cleaning and
personnel ventilation. This practice is both unsafe and highly inefficient. Install pressure
regulators and blow guns instead.

5. Minimize system pressure drop by maintaining filters and air dryers downstream of the
compressors in a clean condition.

6. Keep M/E Air Compressors on manual mode at ports.

7. Air compressors operation should be compared with sea trials results.

Auxiliary machinery

1. Manage efficiently the pumping system by operating the minimum number of pumps for the
minimum number of loads required. Reduce the number of running pumps when at port or

2. Maintain pumps to best possible condition. Avoid excessive wear ring clearances which reduce
the hydraulic efficiency of the pump.

3. In case of steam turbine driven ballast pumps try to utilize excess steam from boiler (for
example during inverting) for running the pumps

4. Replace damaged motors with high efficiency motors, instead of rewinding them.

5. Electrical equipment / motors, generators, switchboards, panels, breakers are inspected and
cleaned as per PMS.

6. Coolers are cleaned regularly for improved performance and to maintain pressures &
temperatures within makers’ values.

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HVAC System

1. Set thermostat to 27 deg. C in the summer and 21 deg. C in the winter.

2. Maintain adequate quantity of refrigerant in the system for proper operation. An amount of liquid
refrigerant must be present in the condenser.

3. Minimize use of the cooling system during satisfactory ambient conditions (say between 20-25
deg. C, less than 70%RH and stay at port or anchorage), since efficiency of cooling at such
conditions is generally low.

4. Ensure the compressor load/unload control is always in good operating condition.

5. Ensure the AHU filter and cooling and heating elements are regularly cleaned.

6. Maximize air recirculation as far as possible, to increase energy efficiency. Of course, there is
an upper limit to recirculation to maintain healthy conditions in the accommodation.

7. Regularly check and adjust/ replace AHU fan drive belts and bearings for optimum operation.

8. Ensure supply duct insulation is kept in good condition.

Lighting Loads

1. Turn off the lights in your cabin when you go for work.

2. Turn off the lights in usually unoccupied spaces. Keep only safety lights on, if required.

3. Switch off accommodation external lights during daylight

4. Avoid ordering or procuring old T12 type tube fluorescent lamps (TFLs). Order T8 which are
more energy efficient instead.

5. Order lamps and TFLs in particular taking into account not only the electrical power but also the
luminous efficiency, i.e. the ratio of luminous flux (lumens) to electrical power consumed (watt).
For example a Warm white TFL is more efficient (i.e. producing more lumens per watt)
compared to a Daylight TFL.

6. Establish a preventive lighting fixture cleaning program to maintain space illuminance close to
the “as built” levels. Yearly inspection and cleaning of lighting fixtures in the accommodation
spaces would be suggested as a starting inspection interval.


1. Save water by proper use of washing machines.

2. Collect water from Accommodation Air Conditioning drain.

3. External accommodation doors / windows to be kept closed while air-condition or heating is


4. Switch off unnecessary accommodation fans.

5. Make proper use of galley equipment (switch off hot plates when not in use).

6. Eliminate frequent opening of reefer rooms’ doors.

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7. Unnecessary operation of galley exhaust fan to be avoided. It should be used when cooking
foods produce smoke (i.e., when frying or grilling).

8. All PCs should be turned-off when they are not in use.

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