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ACADEMIC YEAR 2023 – 2024
Subject: EC – Grade 5
Time allowed: 45 minutes
Student’s name: ……………………………………...... Class: ..........................
Mark: Parent’s
Comments: ……………………………………………………………….

Exercise 1: Choose the right answer. (20 points)

1. Who is in charge of the whole play and tells the actors what to do?
A. determination B. director C. triumphant D. cast
2. What do actors do a lot before they perform the play?
A. backstage B. stage C. rehearsals D. lighting
3. Before the play, actors read their lines from the script. What is this called?
A. determination B. backstage C. cue D. passive
4. What makes the stage look bright or dark during a play?
A. cast B. triumphant C. lighting D. props
5. How do actors feel when they have a very successful performance?
A. determination B. triumphant C. director D. stage
6. Who decides what characters will wear in each scene?
A. determination B. costume manager C. cast D. passive
7. The characters need to go on this place when they perform the play. What is it called?
A. stage B. director C. backstage D. lighting
8. What things on the stage help make the play feel real?
A. triumphant B. cast C. cue D. props
9. Where do actors wait before they perform?
A. backstage B. rehearsals C. stage D. passive
10. This thing often follows the main character to create the mood of the play.
A. props B. spotlight C. triumphant D. cast

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with the right word. (10 points)
blushing envy shawl trembling evil
1. She turned red, and her cheeks were __________ when she got a compliment.
2. Some people feel a little bit of __________ when they see their friend's new toy.
3. The character in the story was very mean and did many __________ things.
4. On a cold day, she wrapped a warm __________ around her shoulders.
5. The small dog was __________ because of the loud thunder.
Exercise 3: Read the following sentences and choose the most appropriate word from the
given list to complete each sentence. (10 points)
1. She always prepared a warm bowl of _______ for breakfast to start her day.
A. porridge B. fret C. sniff D. scoff
2. The memory of that special moment was _______ etched in his mind.
A. phenomenon B. eerie C. indelibly D. enterprising
3. The scientist observed a rare natural _______ in the sky, which left everyone in awe.
A. dent B. scoff C. phenomenon D. porridge
4. The _______ in the wall was small, but it still needed to be repaired.
A. dent B. sniff C. nosy D. phenomenon
5. The old, abandoned house had an _______ atmosphere, making it a spooky place to
A. eerie B. disturbance C. enterprising D. triumphant
Exercise 4: Change the direct speech to reported speech. (10 points)
1. “I’m much better at French than I am at Irish,” said Patrick.
2. She said, “I am going to live in Paris next month”.
3. “What is your favourite colour?” asked Killian.
4. “I love spicy food,” Becky explained.
5. “I can’t wait for your party,” Melanie said.
Exercise 5: Combine two sentences using right conjunctions (and, so, but, because, or,
etc.). (10 points)
1. Randy needs a haircut. He does not have any money.


2. Joey emptied the litter box. He also gave the cat a bath.
3. You could put your hair up in a bun. You could tie it in pigtails.
4. Next summer, we could visit Florida. We could go to the Grand Canyon.
5. Melanie bought cookies at the store. She put them away in the cupboard.
Exercise 6: Complete the sentences by giving each of subordinate clauses a main clause.
(10 points)
1. When the sun sets, _____________________________________________.
2. Because she was feeling tired, _____________________________________.
3. After they finished the race, _______________________________________.
4. While it was raining heavily, _______________________________________.
5. Since he had studied all night, _____________________________________
Exercise 7: Use the right prefix in the box for each word. (10 points)
bi- un- im- co- ex-
1. _______ possible
2. _______happy
3. _______ president
4. _______ pilot
5. _______cycle
Exercise 8: Read the texts then answer the questions. (10 points)
Survival in the Wild
Plants and animals have the hard job of surviving in a very wild
world. How do they do it? There are many ways plants and
animals have adapted in order to survive.
Camouflage is one way animals adapt to survive. For some
animals, this means that their fur, scales, or skin are a similar
color to the land around them. Deer, for example, have brown fur
that blends in with the trees, so it’s harder for predators to see
them. This saves them from becoming prey to a larger animal.

Some animals can actually change colors to match their environment. Many people think of
chameleons when they think of this type of camouflage, but rabbits are a great example as well.
Some rabbits’ fur will change colors depending on the season. Their fur might be brown in the
spring, summer, and fall to match the trees, but the brown fur will fall out and white fur will
grow in the winter to blend in with the snow. This way the rabbit is safer from predators year-
Some insects, instead of blending in with their environment, look like something else that will
deter animals from eating them. A walking stick looks just like a stick so that predators will
pass it by without noticing it. Katydids mimic leaves. Some moths and butterflies have designs
on their wings that make them look like snakes or owls, to scare away their predators.
For some plants, however, they don’t want to blend in; they want to stand out to survive! Many
plants grow flowers with colorful petals to attract bees. The bees help pollinate the flowers so
that they can produce new flowers.
Instead of hiding, some plants and animals develop structures that aim to hurt anything that
tries to hurt them. Some plants develop thorns so that animals will not eat them. Some animals
have extremely sharp teeth and claws so they can fight off other animals. Porcupines and
hedgehogs even have spikes, called quills or spines, covering their backs so animals won’t want
to eat them!
1. How do animals like deer use camouflage to survive in the wild?
A. They change colors depending on the season.
B. They have sharp teeth and claws.
C. Their fur blends in with their surroundings.
D. They mimic leaves to deter predators.
2. Which animal is mentioned as an example of changing fur color for camouflage?
A. Chameleons B. Rabbits C. Porcupines D. Katydids
3. What is the purpose of some insects looking like something else in the wild?
A. To attract mates
B. To deter predators
C. To find food
D. To camouflage themselves
4. Why do some plants grow flowers with colorful petals?
A. To make themselves stand out
B. To mimic leaves
C. To deter predators

D. To camouflage themselves
5. What defensive structures do porcupines and hedgehogs have to protect themselves?
A. Sharp teeth
B. Camouflaged fur
C. Quills or spines
D. Color-changing skin
Exercise 9: What is your favorite film? Write a brief review (about 80 words) of this
film. (10 points)
- What is the title?
- Who are the actors?
- Who is the director?
- What is the film about?
- What do you think about the film?
- Why do you recommend this film?


















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