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Name of Entrepreneur

Ryan Lumidao





*Business name

Wash2Go Laundry Services

*Number of yrs in business

1 year

*Business Address

Brgy. Cacarong Bata, Pandi, Bulacan


- I did more research on how laundry shop works

- I looked for the possible suppliers of detergent, fabcon, and other supplies needed for the shop

- Looked for the possible location of the shop

- Do the computations for possible capitalization

- Interviewed some laundry shops about their pricing strategies

-Have recording and organizing skills

-Good communication skills to promote the business

-Have background on sales because I worked as a sales representative for trucks in 2014 and currently
employed in insurance business which helps me to learn how to build customer-relationship and gain
ideas how to market a product/service.

3. I solve the problems by

- talking very humbly to the customers

-asking an apology

-giving discounts and/or freebies in exchange of the trouble my shop caused them

-promises to do better service

-gives training to the laundry attendant from time to time

4. Yes, I followed tips from a business owners also of a laundry shop. From there, I got lots of ideas on
how to run the business, how to deal with the customers, how to set the pricing, what are the benefits
to be given to the laundry staff. I also asked them what are the possible problems that I may encounter
during the operation which leads me to take note all the possible solutions when those problems

5. There are lots of business practices I can share to all the inspiring entrepreneurs. These are just few
of them.

- Always value your staff. People who work for your business are important element of business. They
are the ones who transact with the customers. They are the ones who performs quality service which
leads to high sales.

- Be hands on. Always track your operation. As much as possible, work with your staff to create a very
good service.

- Do not rush earning 5 to 6 digits. Every business has it's off season especially when you are just
starting. Just give the best service, learn to wait, and let your first customer tell how great your service is
to othe people. From there, you might have many new customers. Time will come, you will see the peak
season of your business.
- Always be ahead of your opening hours. Being on time is being late. So learn to be in your shop at least
15-30 minutes before the opening hour. There are early-bird customers , so you have to be earlier than

6. The most important things I have to be successful in this venture are

-Being passionate. I'm always excited to meeting customers everyday, to transact with them, to know
what they need. If you love doing it over and over, it means you have the passion to encounter more
people that will help your business be successful.

-Adaptability. There are lots of uncertainties in the business world. Your customer may want to have a
strong fragrance on his clothes on the first time availing the service and suddenly wants it to have a
slight fragrance the following day. Don't ever try to argue with him. Learn to adjust.

-Optimistic. No matter what happen, good or bad, always look at a brighter picture. Problems may arise
during the operation but you have to think that you can have lots of solutions for it. Never lose hope.
Think of the positive sides.

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