Et 328452 Analog Communication Jun 2015

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BE (Forth Semester) Electronics and Telecommunication Analog Communication - 328452(28) 2015 - Summer Session , New Scheme Chapter 1 Explain the needs of frequency modulation, 2 Two signal my(t) and mp {t), both limited to 5000 rad/sec are to 7 transmitted simultaneously over a channel by multiplexing as shown in fig. the signal at point B is the multiplexed signal which new modulate a carrier of 20000 rad/sec. the modulated signal point is transmitted over a channel : (i) Sketch signal spectrum st point a,b,c (ii) What must be the bandwidh of channel ? (iil) Design a recever to recover signal mt) and my (t) from modulated signal at point C My (eo) Fig. 1 A superheterodyne receive having no RF amplifier is tuned to 5557 kHz, the local oscillator having 1010 kHz, the Q of tuned circuit at 0/P of mixer is 1000. calculate intermedicate frequency, image frequency, rejection ratio. Write the different between DSB-FC, DSC, SSB-SC. 7 Chapter 2 Define Carson's rule. 2 The modulating signal in FM wave is 500 Hz with amplitude 3.2V 7 and frequency deviation 6.4 kHz. if the audio frequency voltage is now incresed to 8.4 V, Determine new frequebcy deviation and modulation index if the audio frequency voltage is rised to 20V while the audio frequency is dropped to 200 Hz, determine Af and B prove that in wide band FM total power will be 7 Pr = \(ifrac{A*2_c}{2}\) Explain Foster-seelay detector with proper diagram 7 Chapter 3 What is white noise ? Why is it called as white Gaussian noise? 2 Explain effect of filtering on probability density of gaussian noise. 7 Also prove Gro (f) = | H{f) |? Grif) The two-sided power spectral density of noise n(t) is shown 7 (i) Find the plot of PSD of product n(t).cos 2 1 ft (ii) Calculate the normalized power of product in the frequency range -(f2 - fy) to (fz - fi) anid he we ty fe Explain the effect of linear filtering of noise. 7 Chapter 4 Mention the disadvantages of DSB-SC system 2 Derive expression of signal to noise ratio for DSB-SC 7 Derive expression of signal to noise ratio for SSB-SC. 7 Explain the operation of superheterodyne receiver with neat 7 block diagram Chapter 5 What is multiplexing? 7 Explain the effect of transmitter noise 7 Explain pre-emphasis and de-emphasis circuit in detail 7 Derive figure of merits of FM system 7

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