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oy‘ auTTWONAST" MAA Srwmecavinomingcom, (Et. & T Empey ‘NALOG ComMUMeaTION Time Alfowed : Three hours Maximum Marks ¢ 80 Minimum Pasy Marks + 28 Attenips all questions. Part fa) oF each ynestion is compulsory and carries 2 marks cweh letenaps enry two paris from (),(e) anal (ied carries 7 marks clueuit ll ot pein the ow that the squaring f2eraton, off a a eseiatr eval cake vodutating an S586 ero pasa) ‘uro>:suyuoMpAsa AANA w exo recor pReOE cuking of diode demodulator ‘te Nie mr spesif the contin’ in tyqy 50 that the MES sgn . Sen cag, odio i gy ned Bm HE AM Sia i ti pal rhesie 8 v= [I +02 cs /3)¢ asa dm wing 8 squreaw denoiaa oie te dance y = The xp») Fsthon ered by an ideal lowpass fle having start fequeney af Ha Sketch the ampli Areucney characteristics of the outpnt wavsnn fn he euency range 0 < fem hy (9. A baicbod signal, bandtinited to the fheqsony "SSH 3003000 Hz, is to be superimpose ‘oe of fquency 40 Mle as si ‘motion wing the fier 1 fiers ean sidetons hod, Asse tt lable whieh will provide 0 a of Meni ina frequency interval which is avst PERG Of the Fer center = frequency. Daw 8 OF the suitable ss2e8) neinediianmens mmoy‘auTTWONAST" MAA oo Poplin the inst method at Distine brand EM. sa etils, 13} St that wf) gine (0) = cos(220" apres vaxplitnde and. fre |i on Armstrong m Trequcney’is 200 kHz. tis dos M1) + 0.02 whic is mod quency hy dia’ lve of mand $,=0-2. The systeat is to aocomm ‘odulaion frequen 9 amctulator the © Mii & hs feeque Dovliptier a mniser aselTbione F ‘cuamplil hs em ie dvi jes dvs to He tthe 0 srvoe froeney 16 nw roo‘ suyuoN)Asa"AANAL aw 0 ® th) fey a1 white Noise pee OF Cte othe Explain domsicy of Gaussian Nove Pras The triangular and detined as sywcortelition Function of moi © sil {il torfefst LO tore fst Ri)= Find the elfest of Linea Flt wf White Nos RE tow us he figure of Merit Deering the signal in AN su sing a Sas Law Deanolatn, A suo siglo 4 KLAy HNyna ih 1 4b ‘esnsmtel through a chant at satin oss aa ite wise OF SEY 10 WH "he isin w " Peaited trast! jo Sen by SSS Dstt reveceviniilinecon oy‘ auTTUONAST" MAA isy he received output SNK should be at least 40 dB FSEDSB-C cmengy in th sateband is hal oF that ote eae Toe tie ay age of the square of # mislulsting ces signal of 60 KF fesbanedidih is calculated oy 0.1 W, The signal is usin DSIEC modulation with carrier power LOW. IFA wine shite PSD is 10 WAL, Find diibut SNRIrm su spo $Y fay demodulator, Als Fike af ie catvier power is reduced Bp 1)tines. What is an Amptitudé Rmiter? Exploit xplnin the neva! and effet of pre-trial ao mercial FM sywrks used in com de-ommplnasis 20 Fie diecnpur Sh of PM Timer math is 0:5 We mas ‘60 kHz, seb Frequency’ deviation avweerevineiiliencens: wy roo‘ suyuoN)Asa"AANAL — te sass PONCE for ome HF camel loss ad seuited ouput SNR i eas gr 8 a Vopace EM and Ant 7 in terms of the ite oy

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