Essay 3 Higher Education in Pakistan Revised

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Higher Education in Pakistan: Ills and Remedies

Higher education in Pakistan is compromised because of its ills. However, these ills can be improved if
some pragmatic measures are applied effectively.

1) Introduction

2) Higher education in Pakistan: An overview

3) How higher education in Pakistan is compromised?

3.1 Higher education in Pakistan is affecting students’ lives by not getting academic and career
3.2 Skirmish events are taking place in universities which causes students not to concentrate on
their studies

3.3. Lack of career counselling poses a significant threat to higher educational institutes because
students are unable to perform in their relevant fields

3.4 Obsolete syllabus has reduced the creativity skills of students which has limited the diverse
ideas of students

3.5 Poor infrastructure in educational institutes makes it challenging for students to study in an
inappropriate environment

3.6 Gender disparities in educational institute creates hurdle for women to get higher education

3.7 Mismanagement issues can lead to corruption because unqualified individuals are posted to
high-level ranks

3.8 Language barriers among teachers and students make learning difficult and ineffective

3.9 Disparity in the distribution of educational funds where rural areas get fewer funds as
compared to urban areas

3.10 Security concerns in some educational institutes cause closures of institutes which create
hurdles for students to get higher education
4) What remedies should be taken to overcome these challenges?
4.1) Update syllabus by incorporating employability skills into the curriculum
4.2) Collaboration with industries can reduce unemployment chances for students hence it will
enhance their working exposure
4.3) Technological awareness should be promoted in higher education to make learning better
and more effective
4.4) Encourage public-private partnerships to raise funding for the development of infrastructure
in educational institutes
4.5) Teaching skills training should be mandatory for the professors to teach particular courses in
an effective manner through which students get maximum benefit
4.6) Strengthen quality assurance mechanism by maintaining educational standards a
4.7) Develop robust financial aid programs for poor students who could not get higher education
because of financial needs
4.8) Government should increase funding for education to get more desirable outcomes
4.9) Eliminate gender discrimination in educational institutes by providing a welcoming
environment for students
4.10) A separate department should be set up for career counselling for students so that they can
pursue their fields according to their interest
5) Conclusion

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