Called To Be A Witness: Power House 1.12.08

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Power House


Called to be a Witness

When you receive the message from the Lord, please pay attention! The devil does his best
to snatch away the message. Fight for your soul!

Reading of the Scripture: Luke 24:45-49

We’re going to talk about being called to be a witness. In order for your life to be productive
and fruitful, you must first know who you are. If you are true believers, God is so clear about
who you are  you are called to be witnesses of Jesus Christ.

How long have you thought you were a Christian? Then think, how often do I share the
gospel with my friends. Christians are different from worldly people. The moment you
become a Christian, you become a witness. Then are you living your life.

If the gospel message has not impacted you or changed you  you cannot help others to be
changed through the gospel message.

If impacted by the gospel  you are changed  help change other people’s lives

Testimony of Uncle (in church since fifth grade, leadership position, bring lots of kids and play
together  but I failed to bring them to Christ. Why? Because I was not impacted by the
gospel…therefore, I could not tell them the true gospel.

When you have earthly things going on, is it an option to preach the gospel? To decide not to
when you are busy? If Jesus is really Lord of your life, then you cannot choose not to be a
witness. If we call Jesus Lord, then we must carry His business, not our own. Why do we
still carry our own business, bringing Jesus in as our servant??

Confirm to yourself who you are as a Christian and as a witness of the gospel

Witness  martyr, ready to die, otherwise cannot be a witness

To help the students experience the power of the gospel and to become witnesses of the
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Power House


In order to experience the power of the gospel and to be a witness:

I. You must rely on the revelation of the Spirit, not your own understanding (v. 45).
A. Jesus has already risen from the dead.
1. The disciples since then have become discouraged by Jesus death.
2. But Jesus resurrected and taught. He opened their minds and explained
the message again.
3. But still, the disciples did not understand.
4. No matter how many times you hear the gospel message  YOUR LIFE
IS NOT CHANGED (because if you understand the gospel  changed)
** Please open your heart, overcome the deception of the enemy and
overcome pride
** Even though I explain the gospel message, it is only through the
revelation of the H.S. that I can understand  pray for greater
revelation to understand more of the gospel
5. Jesus should open your heart. It is not your own wisdom, knowledge,
capacity to understand  depends on revelation
a) 1 Cor. 1:21 – with our own knowledge, we cannot understand
b) 1 Cor. 2:10 – only through the H.S. we can understand gospel

To preach the gospel and be an effective witness…

(I’m approaching the people who want to preach the gospel message)

II. You must preach the message of Jesus (v. 46-47).

Example: The Jews  preached what they thought from the scriptures, not the
message of Jesus
*** Our message should be…
A. Message of His death and resurrection (v. 46)
1. Why he should die.
a) John 19:4 – Pilot could not find any basis for a charge against
b) It is for you and for me! He was innocent. But because of our sin, he
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Power House

became the ransom and sacrifice. Sacrifice  presence of God

c) Sin…
i) Through sin  enslaved to sin/devil
ii) Jesus by dying took our sin and guilt  we don’t have a
charge against us  freedom from control of devil
iii) When sin = curse of law
iv) When sin = judgment of God  lake of fire in eternity
d) When Jesus came  set us free
** How often are we experiencing the power of the gospel, that Jesus took away our
** Are you experiencing the power of sin or the power of the gospel?
 cry out to God! There is power in the gospel message to set you free!
2. Why He is alive
a) Most churches are preaching dead Jesus
i) In the eyes of gentiles, Jesus is dead
ii) If Jesus is alive, why is it that the things that happened
during Jesus’ time are not happening right now, if that same
Jesus is alive?
b) But Jesus is alive!
i) When we preach the gospel and miracles happen (when a
person is bound by Satan, and then they are free  that is a
B. Message of repentance (v. 47)
1. Idea that it’s ok to sin because salvation is by faith and not by deeds  do
not know gospel!
2. If Jesus is Lord, you carry His business.
** If do not carry Jesus as Lord, do not say Jesus is your Lord because
you are doing the same as everybody else in the world
3. REPENT! Come to the recognition that you are trapped
4. Without repentance the message of the cross is not effective
5. When repent, can preach the gospel!
** Where are you right now? Who is lord of your life?
C. Message of forgiveness

III. You are called to be a witness to all nations (v. 48).

A. Without believing in who you are, nothing can happen.
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1. If you are a believer, you are a witness!

2. Jesus gave you your territory as all nations!
** That is why we are motivated to study, develop our skills  through
your message, a person can come into the grace of God and be
saved, ruling over the K.O.G. as a child of God
** If your life can change a person  worth it!
** With this little life, how much I can change the world!  we have
time to do His good work!

IV. You must be clothed with His power (v.49).

A. Jesus is talking to his 12 disciples, the ones who were trained with him for 3 years
 that is not enough! They needed power of the H.S.!
1. When you go out to the world, the world wants to fill you with its spirit 
enslaved by that spirit
2. Come to Powerhouse…desire to be with Christ. But go home, and fall
again because you are filled by the world because not dedicated
B. So stand up in Jesus name! Be filled by the H.S. Seek every opportunity to preach
the gospel!

Christian is those who live like Christ. I challenge you…what kind of witness/message are
you bringing to your friends. Is Jesus dead through you; you are a false witness. Stop and
become a true witness because you understand the gospel of Jesus Christ.

1. Are you changed by the gospel message? How you became free through the
gospel, how it changed your concept of life, how it impacted your life etc.
2. What kind of message consumes the topic of your preaching?
3. Is there fruit that is lasting and giving life in your preaching?

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