Secuirity Council United Nations Note

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SECURITY 20 my 1983



The attached letter dated 19 May 1983 tram the Permanent Observer of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea to the United Nations was addressed to the
President of the Security Council. In accordance wittl the request therein
contained, the letter is being circulated as a document of the Security Council.

83-12749 0865j (E) /...

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Annex I

Letter dated 19 May 1983 from the Permanent Observer of the

Democratic ~eople's Republic of Korea to the United Nations
addressed to tl;e President of the Security Council

I have the honour to transmit herewith the text of a memorandum of the Foreign
Ministry of the Uemocratic People's Republic of Korea dated 21 April 1983 in
connection with an attempt to form a new military alliance in northeast Asia.

I should be grateful if you would arrange for this letter and the enclosed
memorandum to be distributed as a document of the Security Council.

(Signed) HAN Si Hae

Ambassador tittraordinary
and Plenipotentiary
Permanent Observer of the
Democratic People's Republic
of Korea to the United Nations
Page 3

Annex II

Memorandum of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic

People's Republic of Korea dated 21 April 1983

[Original: English/French/

In an attempt to concoct a new aggressive military and strongly demand an immediate halt of it.
bloc in the Far East the US imperialists are now hell, Nevertheless. the US imperialists are accelerating on
bent on their scheme to frame up a US-Japan-south a full scale formation of the tripartite military alliance
Korea tripartite military alliance. while resorting to a deceptive propaganda to conceal it.
This further aggravates the present situation in The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic
Korean peninsula and the Asian region and focusses People’s Republic of Korea issues this Memorandum.
world attention on it. considering it necessary to bring to light the true nature
All the peoples of Asia and the world cherishing of the move to frame up US-Japan-south Korea
justice and peace sternly condemn US imperialism for Tripartite Military Alliance which has becomeevermore
its criminal move to fabricate tripartite military alliance undisguised at present.

The Formation of the,Tripartite Military Alliance Is the

Basic Goal in the Present Asia Strategy of US

The ambition of the US imperialists for domination of ‘aggressive Korean war on June 25, 1950.
Asia has long been exposed. Having suffered a shameful defeat in the Korean war
For world domination the US imperialists who fat- they conceived it an easy way to form a new military
tened on enormous war profits in the Second World bloc in the Far East as they felt discontent with
War saw the importance of domination over the vast mobilisation of only their satellite countries which are
continent of Asia and so they have directed their located across oceans and continents in realisation of
spearhead of aggression first to the Far East which is an their domination over the Korean peninsula and Asia.
important region militarily and geographically in Asia. Hence, immediately after the Korean war US imperia-
The following statement made by MacArthur, former lism put up the deceptive doctrine of what was called
Commander-in-Chief, US Army Forces for the Far East. “defence of Asia by Asians” and started hatching
IS an eloquent testimony to what great importance the plots to tie to a single line the bilateral military
US imperialists attached to the Far East: “If we fail to pacts concluded between the US. Japan and south
check the advance of Communism in the Far East they Korea by dint of acceleration of revival and rearmament
(the American people) can not conquer both Europe of Japanese militarism and stepping up military COI-
and Asia”; “the future of Europe too depends on laboration between the Japanese milit&.ts and south
whether the United States wins or loses in the fight Korean puppets.
against Communism in Asia. If the United States fails to The former US Secretary of State Dulles said that
set foot in the Far East she may lose Asia and if she fails there existed treaties between Japan and the US.
to bring Asia under her control she may lose the world”. between Taiwan and the US. between south Korea and
(Sibolt. “Diplomat Memoir on cJcc”pation Of Japan”, the US respectively, but these were “fusion of three
JaPaneSe edition. PP. 186. 194.). lines centred in the United States”. laying stress on
Therefore, the US imperialists regarded the Korean “need of making the one similar to SEATO” in the future
peninsula as the first test ground for their strength with in whatever shape by “tying them to one line.”
Communism in the Far East and at last triggered off the This clamour made by Dulles implies the formation of

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an aggressive tripartite military alliance led by the US. defence front” between the US. Japan and south Korea
The US strategy to fabricate a tripartite military more glaringly reveals the fact that it is a part of the
alliance between the US, Japan and south Korea has tripartite military alliance system between the US.
been pushed forward in close combination with form- Japan and south Korea and that it is the basic aim of the
ation of “collective security system” in Asia and the US Asia strategy to complete tripartite military alliance
Pacific region. at present.
In thiscontext, a US magazinewrote to theeffectthat With regards to the US moves for rigging up tripartite
the most ideal thing in realization of the US Pacific military alliance, the Japanese military commentator
strategy would be fusion between Japan and south Mizzawa Tooru said that the US ruling circle holds it as
Korea in a few years so as to “form crescent shape of their “strategic goal” to “merge and reorganize the
encirclement net” around the Asian continent and that three treaty apparatuses” between the US and Japan.
if “this great system” is not formed, the US would be the US and south Korea. Japan and south Korea into a
“satisfied” with “formation of a regional federation” single system by mid-1980s at latest and expand it to
among Japan, Taiwan and south Korea. “set up a West Pacific Treaty Organization of Asian type
The US scheme to concoct a US-Japan-south Korea similar to NATO,” and Japanese publications wrote
tripartite military alliance in the Far East has become that the US Government “urged” Japan to offer “every
more undisguised with the emergence of the present convenience”to the UStroopswho will be mobilized to
US Administration early 80s. the Korean peninsula in “case of emergency” in return
The present US Administration is saying that As&is for the US “protection of security” of south Korea.
“a very important area militarily. economically and which made clear the “policy of strengthening of
politically” and that “East Asia will be focus of the tripartite relations” between south Korea. US and
world in the remaining period of presentcentury”while Japan.
ever more persistently clinging to aggressive policy to The south Korean newspaper “Tonga Ilbo” also
control Asia, East Asia in particular. in pursuance of worte in its issue of February 14 last that the United
their strategy for world domination. States is strengthening “the relations of military
Reagan told former Japanese Prime Minister Fukuda cooperation” between the US, Japan and south Korea
during the latter’s visit to the United States early 1981 to “build up collective security system” in Asia and the
that Japan’s role in Northeast Asia was to “reduce Pacific and that strengthening such a collaboration is
defence burden” of the US by the virtue of alliance with “indispensable for US Asia strategy.”
south Korea and Donnely, Commander of the US As such, the moves of US imperialism to achieve her
Armed Forces in Japan blared out “the conception of Asian strategy by framing up a tripartite military alliance
joint defence front”-that the US, Japan and south in the Far East were premeditated from the beginning,
Korea must “fight together” in the Korean peninsula. which were clearly confirmed by historical events and
As a matter of fact, the so-called “conception of joint realities.

Laying Groundwork for Criminal Tripartite Military

Alliance and “Unifica;Fsn;f Military Cooperation

The scheme of US imperialism to project a tripartite long been put into operation with employment of
military alliance of the US, Japan and south Korea has various cunning methods.

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US imperialism realized that it would be too early to sion army and the Japanese ‘&If-defence forces” for
form tripartite military alliance at once and its shortest the aggression in Asia so as to funher strengthen the
road would be formation of bilateral military relations military tie-up with the Japbnese militarists for the
among them respectively in consideration of the post- aggression in the Korean peninsula and Asia.
war general situation of Asia and constitutional limi- In wake of binding Japan in military alliance they
tation of Japan as well os Japan’s restricted relations concluded “mutual defence treaty” with the south
with south Korea. Korean puppets in Seoul. on August 6. 1953.
Therefore. US imperialism has planned to speed UP This fabrication of the “treaty” was a pan of prepar-
the manufacture of a tripartite military alliance resorting ations for reducing south Korea into a complete bridga-
to the method of gradually combining together three head and military stronghold for their aggression in
joints with the US as the apex of a triangle in duecourse whole Korea and Asia and forming a new military bloc
after conclusion of bilateral military pacts betwaen the in Asia.
US and Japan. between the US and south Korea. In his letter dated June 7. 1953 sent to the traitor
between Japan and south Korea not linking them Syngman Rhee prior to the conclusion of this criminal
simultaneously, treaty the former US president Eisenhower prattled that
The “Security Pact” between the US and Japan the “mutual defence treaty” between the US imperial-
cbnstituted the first side of the triangular military ists and the south Korean puppets would be “a step
alliance. foiward.” “development in the integral regional se-
US imperialism attached priority significance to the curity system” and afterwards the New York Times
revival and rearmament of defeated Japanese militarism commented that “this treaty” is a “link in the whole
and its military fusion with Japan in order to knack into chains of the growing collective securitv system in the
shape the tripartite military allia,i& ‘Pacific area”.
In his secret talks with the US army Lt. General In this way the US imperialists drew the lines of two
Wedmire on December 7, 1945 MacArthur said that “in sides between the US and Japan, US and south Korea.
order to carry out the US strategy in Asia another horse and soon finished to draw the line of the third side
should be chosen” in place of Chiang Kai-shek and “as between Japan and south Korea.
such a horse suitable is Japan. the violent horse that The cunning US imperialists let Japan and south
had once run riot in the whole area of Asia.” (David Korea hold what they call “talks” for form’s sake taking
Corder, “History of Liberared Korea”, “,,I. 1, pp. 101-102) into consideration the anti-Japanese sentiments of the
Accordingly the US imperialists imposed “security south Korean people and at the same time imposed
pact” on Japan to bind the latter under the subordinat- upon them a treaty of military nature.
ive military alliance system on September 6, 1951, in The conclusion of the “treaty” between Japan and
San Francisco and justify the US army occupation of south Korea in Tokyo on June 22.1965 under the direct
Japan and its policy of turning it into a military base. manipulation of US imperialism has put the south
Late,. the US imperialists who had suffered repeated Korean puppet army and the Japanese “self-defence
setbacks in their aggressive policy in Asia resorted to forces” under the unified command of the US
the scheme to put up the Japanese militarists as their Command in the Pacific in military operational sphere
“shock brigade” for their Asian aggression. and opened up to the Japanese militarists the road of
They revised the US-Japan “security treaty” into a stretching their tentacles of aggression deep to the
new Security Pact” on January 19, 1960. Korean peninsula.

They defined in this pact the duties to be performed in No sooner the “treaty” had been concluded than
the joint operation between the US imperialist aggres- Yosie, the former secretary of joint staff of the Japanese

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“self-defence forces”, cried for joy that now they came system” and “eny!gencY mobilization system” be-
to be better aware of the “military situation of north tween the US, Japan and south Korean puppets in
Korea” for they might open “resident defence office” in order to consolidate “militaryjoint operational system”.
Seoul, stage “joint exercise” between the Japanese The move to establish the “military joint operational
“self-defence forces” and the south Korean puppet system” between the US, Japan and south Korea has
army and take “effective measures in the deployment of progressed in full swing since the “guidelines for
armed forces” as well. (..Tak;o Shimbun”. June 22. 1965) defence cooperation between the US and Japan” was
In this way with the respective conclusion of the completed in November 1978 between the US and
bilateral military treaty between the US and Japan. US Japan and “combat tactics” elaborating them been
and south Korea, Japan and south Korea. the basis of drawn up.
criminal tripartite military alliance between the US, Yamashita. the former Japanese Director of Defence
Japan and south Korea has been laid. Agency,visited south Korea in July 1979 and personally
In reflection of it, chairman of the US joint chiefs of had confabs of strategic importance which had been
staff Vessey gloated that “the basic foundation for defined in the “guidelines for defence cooperation
military cooperation between the US, Japan and south between tho US and Japan” including the questions of
Korea” has been laid. saying that “it is important in “organically combining the automatic alarm control
Northeast Asia.” (south Korean daily “Hanguk llbo”. May systems” and “allotting anti-aircraft areas” and the
20. 1982) question of blockading the South Sea of ourcountryfor
The US imperialists who have built the base for the the joint military exercise between the US, Japan and
criminal tripartite military alliance fortified the military south Korea.
tie-up and “military cooperation system” between At that time the “Yomiuri Shimbun” reported that the
Japan and south Korea with the result that the form- Japanese foreign ministry expressed “comprehension”
ation of the tripartite military alliance ison its final stage. requesting Yamashita to give no impression about
Forthefabricationofthetripartitemilitatyalliancethe “military identity” between the US, Japan and south
US imperialists have first set up military organisations. Korea in his south Korea visit.
At present “security consultative bodies” have been
But Japanese press including “Tokyo Shimbun”
organised between the US and Japan, the United
disclosed that the trip of Yamashita to south Korea was
States and the south Korean puppets and conduct their
“aimed at creating the tripartite military bloc between
brisk activities, discussing practical problems and
Washington. Tokyo and Seoul”.
taking steps for the completion of the tripartite military
alliance. At present confabs are held between the US, Japan

On the other hand. the US imperialists established and south Korea with a view to Supplementing and
“anti-aircraft early alarm system”, “military information completing the “military joint operational system” ac-

exchange system ” “communication control network cording to the “guidelines for defensive cooperation.”

“Study of Emergency in the Far East” and Frequent

Cross Trips by Warmaniacs

The scheme for completion of process of the tripartite Korea is now being stepped up under the plea of “Study
military alliance between the US, Japan and south of Emergency in the Far East”.

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“Study of Emergency in the Far East” was conceived has entered its final stage is more evidently revealed in

following the appeatance of the “guideline for cooper- the frequent cross tours by the warmongers,

ation of the US-Japan defence” which expanded Thetripsofthe Japanese Prime Minister Nakasoneto
scope for operational action of the Japanese “self- south Korea and the United States some tome ago
defence forces” to the Korean peninsula at the “US- showed what degree the confabs between stooge and
Japan Security Consultation” in 1978 and it is carried master reached in the final settlement of tripaltlte
out in full swing accqrdingtotheagreementof the 18th military alliance.
“US-Japan Security Consultation” held in January last Nakasone hurriedly went to south Korea taking with
year. him 4 billion dollars prior to his trip to tile United States
The “Study of Emergency in the Far East” is aimed at in January last to give military suppor~t for the final
completing the “system of military joint operations” welding of the last side of triangular military alliance
between the US, Japan and south Korea which will be with Chon Du Hwan clique on order of the United
carried into effect in case of outbreak of war in Korea by States: and his trip to the United States was a trip of
amending and supplementing the articksdefined in the flattery and submission aiming to report the result of
“US-Japan Security Treaty” on prior consultation for agreement with stooges to the US imperialists.
using the Japanese base and facilities by the US troops In order to mislead world public opinion Nakasone
including provisions on cooperation in respect of made ostentatious utterance that his trip to south Korea
operational matters and accordingly revising the was a “good-will visit” which had nothing to do with
Japanese law structure. formation of the tripartite militaiy alliance but nobody
And so this “Study” which is now brisk in its believes his statement. It was a black lie,
activities is busvwithelaborationsofdetailed principles South Korean newspaper “Chosen Ilbo” wrote on
for tripartite military alliance whose gist is that if war Jan. 12 last that Nakasone held several excluswe
breaks out in Korea. Japan will not only play the role of confabs with Chon Du Hwan clique and shared in
forward base. rear base. supply base and logistic base “principle identical view” on further tightening
and relay base for the US troops but also conduct “triangular security system” between US. Japan and
practical military operation including involvement of south Korea: and Japanese newspapers commented
the “self-defence forces”. that histrip to South Korea was” aimed at ” preparing
It was fully revealed in the commitment of the US for a “souvenir” prior 10 his tow to the United States
imperialists that theywillofficiallydiscussin the”Study with a view to forming the triangular military alliance
of Emergency in the Far East” the question on increased and at playing his “due part” for the US policy towards
supply of conveniences to the US army from the Far East.
Japanese side and strengthening of assistance from the The visit of US State Secretary Shuln to Japan and
rear in “case of emergency” in the Korean peninsula on south Korea made in February last in the wake Of
“the results of the joint military exercise ‘team spirit 83’ Nakasone’s trip to the United States was just a war trip
“. (South Korea” daily “Tonga Ilbo”. March 3. 1983) to personally examine on the spot and further expedite

“Mainichi Shimbun” disclosed that the “Study of the completion of tripartite military alliance,

Emergencyinthe Far East”can “besaid in plaintermsto Having crawled deep into the areas along the military

be the Japan-US governmental official replica of ‘three demarcation line during the full progress of frantlc

arrows operation’ which was drawn up at will by military exercise in south Korea, Shultz told the South

uniformed armyman of self-defence forces. the libretto Korean puppet officers that “deeds must prevail Over

for defence dispatch at the time of Korean chaos.“’ words” and talked loudly about further strenythenlng

The fact that the projected triangular military alliance “joint military cooperation system” between the US,

Page 8

Japan and south Korea while fanning up the fewor for a tour to Japan are aimed at perfecting triangular military
new war. (SO”,h Korean “Radio NO. 1”. Feb. 7. ,993, alliance system.
This was the reason why the US high-ranking circles All the facts indicate what a dangerous stage the
commented that Shuln’s trip marked an important manoeuvres for completion of tripartite military alliance
occasion in further strengthening alliance relations system between the US, Japan and south Korea have
between the US. Japan and south Korea. reached at present and it is only a matter of time that a
It isasclearascrystal that US Presidenl’sfuturetrip to formal document in this regard is made public to the
Japan and south Korea and traitor Chon Du Hwan’s world.

Frantic War Exercises and “Test Ground for

Showdown” in the 80s

The mpves for framing up an aggressive tripartite Chinese Revolution”, p. 421,

military alliance on its final stage coincide with ever- The successors following the examples of war crimi-
more frantic, war rackets of the war maniacs in the nals today are prattling that the Korean peninsula is the
United States. “dagger” second to ncm~ in Asia; and some time ago
The “simultaneous multiple response strategy” US defence secretary Weinberger chatted in his testi-
and “three wars” argument worked out by the US mony to the Foreign Relations Committee of the US
imperialists eloquently prove how far their bellicose House of Representatives that south Korea is the “first
frenzy have gone. front of the US strategy” together with Europe. empha-
The Korean peninsula is chosen as the first target in sizing the strategic importance of the Korean peninsula.
the’;simu!tan+y? m,u!tipleresponsestrategy”envisag- (“Mair+zhi Shimbun”, February 23. 1983) ‘~
ing to ignite wars simultaneously in various parts of the Thus mass-destruction weapons including nuclear
world and in the “three wars” argum&t on kindling the weapon ate shipped without letup into south Korea and
flames of war in Far East. Middle .East and European balderdash of war maniacs on nuclear war is rising ever
reg,ons. higher.
The chief of the staff of the US marine corps Klee Chief of General Staff of the US army Mayer made a
prattled that “for three wars the Korean peninsula is trip to south Korea where large quantities of nuclear
particularly important in the West Pacific region for the weapons are concentrated and babbled without hesi-
present,” (“Korean News A9ency”. Tokyo, June 16, 1992) tation that “The United Stateswill use nuclear weapons
The choice of the Korean peninsula as the first target if war breaks out in Korea.“~(south Korean “Radio NO. 1 “,
in the “three wars” argument is connected with her January 22. 1993)
military geographical position in the implementation of This shows that the Korean war will be a nuclear war
the US imperialists’ strategy for world domination. and that the US imperialists are most ferocious nuclear
Likening the Korean peninsula to a “dagger” war war maniacs.
maniac Dulles, the provoker of the Korean war. earlier The US imperialists who are bloodshot in the realiz-
said that “once they take the dagger called the Korean ation of their aggressive ambition in Korea even de-
peninsula in their hands, they can cut to eat the Asian clared that the Korean peninsula is the “test ground of
continent at will” and the murderous general showdown” in the SOS and let the south Korean
MacArthur clamoured that “Korea is suitable for a puppets fix the SOS as “decade of showdown” and
bridge to the contin?nt: (lbrsel Stein, “Unrxcomplished actively egg them on to the “unification by prevailing

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over communism”. actionaries are further elaborating, through the annual

It is. as a matter of fact, a war de&ration to provoke joint military exercises “Team Spirit”, operation pro-
another war in Korea. gramme for introducing Japanese military aggression
The world still vividlv remembers’ that in 1950s the forces into the Korean front in case of “emergency in Far
US imperialists fixed Korea as the “test ground” for ESSI.”

showdown designed for the domination over Asia and Last January the war maniac Nakasone while talking
the world and provoked aggressive war to dominate noisily about Japaris”unsinking aircraft-carrier” argu-
whole Korea while making the south Korean puppets ment and “three straits blockade” argument including
clamour about “northward march.” the Korea Strait, offered Sasebo Port of Japan as the
Under this aggressive war plan of the US imperialists operational base for the largest nuclear-powered air-
for showdown test in the Korean peninsula in 80s the craft carrier “Enterprise” participating in the joint mi-
spearhead and the arrow of attack of the tripartite litary exercise “Team Spirit 83”. involved officers of
military alliance are directed to the northern half of the “Self-Defence Forces” of Japan in it and permitted
Republic. military bases of Japan to be used as offensive base.
With thecompletion of the”joint operational system” sortie base.
between the US, Japan and south Koreathe “nine-day Of late, Namatama, chief of staff of the “Air Self-
war strategv” is converted to “three-day one”, “three Defence Force”. the boss of air force of Japan, said in
arrow operation” to “flying dragon operation” and connection with the US-Japan joint rehearsal in 1983
“running bull operation” is under the reexamination thatJapaneseairforce isinterested inconducting “joint
and supplementation and war confabs and joint military drill” with fighter bombers “F-16” of the US air force
exercises are frequent between the US and Japanese occupying south Korea and thus took the posture to
masters and the south Korean puppets. actively swell the size for joint exercise with the US
The US imperialists and the south Korean puppets aggressors.,
held the 15th “Annual Security Consultation” soon Such an act by the Japanese reactionaries showsthat
after the start of joint military exercise “Team Spirit 83” the tripartite military alliance is actually in operation and
in order to discuss aggression plan on expediting the the open declaration by the US imperialists of the
preparations for a new war by shipping in more armed Korean peninsula as the “testing ground of strength for
forces, and therebv justifying the occupation of south confrontation” in 80s proves that they are trying to
Korea by the US imperialist aggression troops. estimate the strength of tripartite military alliance by
Meanwhile. US imperialism and the Japanese re- playing with fire in ,Korea

To Check and Frustrate the Moves towards Tripartite

Military Alliance Is the Urgent Task of the Times

History eloquently proved what disasters the military The triangular military alliance between the US,
blocscooked up bvthe imperialists have brought to the Japan and south Korea can be said to be precisely a
mankind. c~nternp~rarv version of anti-communist military alli-
The tripartite alliance of fascist Germany. Japan end ante between fascist Germany, Japan and Italy.
Italy. the provokers of the Second World War, brought Yesterday. notorious Hitler hand in glove with Tojo
really immeasurable disasters to the mankind and it is and Musollini imposed on mankind the holocaust of
still fresh in their memory. World War II, whereas todav the chieftain of the US

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bellicose elements sharing “cotntnon destiny” with their old ambition of a “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity
milifarist follower Nakasone and fascist tyrant Chon Du Sphere” in the past.
Hwan is desperately pushing again the world into the The Asian people must frustrate decisively the crafty
flames of a new nuclear war while clreaming of world manoeuvres of Japanese militarists who are frantically
supremacy by “strength”. attempting to become “leader” of Asia by acting es
Historical lesson clearly teaches those who love agent of aggression for Asia with the backing of US
justice and peace how to approach to plots for fabri- imperialism so as to realize the old dream of “Greater
cation of tripartite military alliance which the US East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere”.
imperialists are frenziedly expediting, The Japanese people are well aware of what cal-
The moves for framing up the triangular military amities the revival and rearmament of the Japanese
alliance are dangerous acts menacing to the extreme militarism will bring to themselves.
peace and security of Asia and the rest of the world. The progressive political parties, social organizations,
The prevailing situation demands the peoples of democrats and broad sections of people in Japan
Korea and Asia, all the peace-loving peoples of the should determinedly rise up in order to prevent a great
world to sharpen vigilance against the moves of the US number of youngsters from dying a miserable death for
Imperialists for formation of tripartite military alliance continental aggression as in the past and to wipe out
and resolutely strive to hold in check and frustrate them. the revived Japanese militarist dotards like Nakasone,
‘The Government of the Democratic People’s theu chieftain.
Republic of Korea and the entire Korean people vehe- Peace is a unanimous desire of the world peace-
mently oppose and reject the plots for fabricating loving peoples. If war breaks out in Korea it will not
tripartite military alliance conducted by the US and confined to a local war but easily spread into a global
Japanese reactionaries and the south Korean puppets war. The Korean people do not want to see the mankind
and appeal to the world peace- and justice-loving suffer from holocaust of a new war, nuclear war,
peoples to wage a resolute struggle against the man- because of Korean war.
oeuvres for concocting the aggressive tripartite military The world peace-loving peoples should seriously
allla”Ce. notice graveness and consequences affecting world
Once the triangular military alliance is formed the peace and security because of the manoeuvres for
Korean people and the Asian people will suffer more framing up tripartite military alliance between the US,
from it than anyone else. Japan and south Korea now going on in the Far East
.The US imperialists with fabrication of triangular and actively join in the righteous struggle of the Korean
military alliance are attempting to seize south Korea as people and the Asian people to check and frustrate their
their eternal colony and support their “two Koreas” rnOWS~
policy with strength, and thus scheming to impose Present era is a new era of history when the world
disasters of another war upon our people. peace-loving peoples are dynamically advancing along
The south Korean people should thoroughly oppose the road of independence opposing all sorts of domi-
the moves for fabrication of tripartite military alliance nation and subjugation.
engineered by the US imperialists ;and turn out more
The US imperialists should realize clearly that the
vigorously to struggle against the US and Chon Du
days have gone never to return when they aggressed
Hwan and for Chajusong (independ<ince).
and dominated the Asian people at random considering
The Asian people suffered more than anyone else that”policyof strength”iseverything and the Japanese
from the disasters caused by the Japanese militarists reactionaries should know what kind of people are the
,wLo stretched out evil talons of aggression to realize Korean and Asiar people today and not run amuck.

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The US imperialists must reInember the lessons of act without discretion as a colonial servant,
history and look squarelyatthe trend of time and stop at The Government of the Democratic People’s
once the project for tripartite military alliance and Republic of Korea and the Korean people express their
military provocative acts against our people and conwcfion that the Socialist countries and non-aligned
withdraw wilhout delay taking all lethal weapons from countries, the governments of all countries of the world
south Korea, which love justice and peace. political parties. social
The Japanese react!onaries should give up their organirat~ons. lnternatlonalorganizatlons, international
ambition for reinvading Korea and desist from crin,inal democratic organizations, peace-loving personages
acts 10 key up tense situation in the Korean peninsula and peoples of all walksof life wll respond positively to
and tncrease the danger of war, our appeal and vigorously turn out to check and
Traitor Chon Du Hwan must understand clearly that frustrate the moves for fabrication of triangular military
he can get rnorhing but ruin if he mntin~es to repeat alliance between die US and Japanese reactionaries
treacherous and flunkeyist acts as ugly dual cats paw of and the south Korean puppets and defend peace and
the US imperialists and the Japanese reactionaries and security of Asia and the rest of the world,

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