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In twilight's tender, hushed embrace,

Where dreams and memories interlace,

A world of whispers softly gleams,
In "Eternal Echoes," where time's river streams.

The stars above in shimmering grace,

Paint tales of love, both lost and chased,
Their glimmering dance, a cosmic show,
In "Eternal Echoes," we're meant to know.

Through ancient woods, the wind does sigh,

With secrets of the earth and sky,
Each rustling leaf, a history old,
In "Eternal Echoes," their stories unfold.

In hearts that beat and souls that yearn,

In every twist, in every turn,
A resonance of ages past,
In "Eternal Echoes," love will forever last.

So let us listen, let us hear,

The timeless voices, crystal clear,
For in this world, where echoes play,
In "Eternal Echoes," we find our way.

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