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Wolaita Sodo University

CoE, Mechanical Engineering Department

Department of Mechanical Engineering

College of Engineering, Wolaita Sodo University

Course Number Meng 3161

Course Title Production Engineering I
Pre-requisites: Meng 2152 Workshop Technology
Status of Course: Compulsory
Degree Program BSc in Mechanical Engineering (Week-end)
Module Manufacturing Engineering
Instructor’s Name Getahun S. Email
Office @Material Testing Lab
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours Lecture Tutoria Prac./Lab Home study
2 3 0 3
Course Objectives The course enables students to understand:
 Basic traditional machining processes, their principles, tool geometry, wear of tools,
force and power on traditional machine tools and measures to achieve optimization;
 Basic non-traditional machining operation and their principles;
 Basic concept of casting process, design of cast, casting defect and their remedies.

Course Description Systematic survey on the most important production processes in the metal-working
industry; Traditional machining processes: Selected process principles, kinematics,
geometry, forces and power, tool wear and tool life, productivity, optimization; Non-
traditional machining processes: Introduction to electric discharge machining, chemical
machining, electrochemical machining, abrasive flow machining, abrasive jet machining,
and ultrasonic machining; Fundamentals of casting processes.

Course Chapters 1. Systematic Surveying of Production Process in Metal Working Industries:

Detail: Classification of manufacturing engineering and process; Break-even analysis.
2. Traditional Machining Processes: Introduction; Selected processes and principles:
Lathe, milling, drilling, grinding, etc.; Kinematics of machine tools: motion of cutter
and tool (cutting speed, feed, metal removal rate, machining time etc.); Geometry
of tools: point and multi tooth cutters (cutters of lathe, milling, etc.); Tool materials;
Force and power; Mechanics of machining; Chip formation; Merchants theory; Tool
wear: causes of wear, types of wear, methods to overcome wear; Tool life: cutting
fluid methods improving tool life, productivity, optimization.
3. Non Traditional Machining Processes: Introduction; Electrical discharge
machining; chemical machining; electrochemical machining; Abrasive flow and
abrasive jet machining; Ultrasonic machining.
4. Fundamental of Casting: Sand casting process (sand casting materials, pattern
making, core making gating system etc.; other method of casting (shell molding,
Wolaita Sodo University
CoE, Mechanical Engineering Department

investment molding, Die casting, centrifugal casting etc.); Defect of casting, Fettling

Teaching and  Lectures supported by tutorials,

Learning methods  Assignments,
 Project Work, and
 Industrial visits.
 Project Work: Producing different contour on metal cutting machine tools
Assessment/ Assessment/ evaluation & Grading system
evaluation &  Assignments and Laboratory 20%,
Grading Systems  Mid-semester Examination 30%, and
 Final Examination 50%.

Attendance  Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours;

Requirement:  100% attendance during practical work sessions, except for some unprecedented
mishaps; and
 Presence during industrial visit/visits.

Literature: Textbook:
1. Schey, John H., Introduction to Manufacturing Processes, 3rd ed. 1999
2. Groover, M. P. (2017). Shaping Processes for Plastics: Injection Molding.
Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes and Systems,
1. Beddoes J., Principles of Metal Manufacturing processes, John
Wiles & Sons Inc. New York, 1999
2. Rao P.N., Manufacturing Technology, second edition, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 1998
3. Krara, Steve, Macahine Tool and Manuafacturing Technology, 1997.

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