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PowerHouse Message

April 26, 2008

The Most Urgent and Important Things in Our Lives

Luke 5:5-11

What are the most important and urgent things in our lives? In this world right now, all
people are focusing upon the things that they believe are urgent and important. In the
sight of man, all people are focusing upon the things of this world.

The most important and urgent thing in this world is that you must have eternal life!
While you are living on this earth, this is your chance to gain eternal life. Once you live
this life, you do not have a second chance. You will be doomed under the wrath of God.
That is why Jesus said that you could gain the whole world but if you lost your soul,
there is no good in gaining the world!

We might think that we have years and years to live. Just this past week, a group of
Korean teenagers were driving on the freeway. As the kids were showing off their
driving skills, as they changed lanes across the freeway, they hit the median and all of
the kids flew out of the car and died. We never know when we will face our death.

The first thing I thought of when I heard that story was, “Are they truly saved? Do they
have eternal life within themselves? Even though they go to church, do they know
Christ? Even though this is a tragedy in our physical life…they are doomed in great
tragedy if they do not have the gospel.”

Even as you’re driving and if you do not have car insurance, if you get in an accident,
it’s over. If we have car insurance ensuring our safety IF we get into an accident…
death is not an IF. Death is for certain. Shouldn’t we have insurance over our death,
then? We must find the way of eternal life!

After finding out we have eternal life, what must we do afterwards? We must know what
our purpose is in this life. What we do on this earth will determine our status in heaven.
It is not enough to say that we are saved. What about our eternal rewards? What you
do in this earth, how you use this time that you have…it will gain us eternal rewards by
following the purpose Christ has for us in this life.

By studying Luke 5, we’re going to figure out how to gain eternal life and how to fulfill
our purpose in this life for Christ by simply encountering God.


I. In a time of greatest despair, discouragement, or failure in our lives, that is the best
chance/opportunity to encounter God.

“The Most Urgent and Important Things in Our Lives” 1

PowerHouse Message
April 26, 2008

• Peter and his fishermen spent all night fishing and they had caught nothing.
o Peter is probably feeling incredible discouragement and failure.
o If Peter had a full boat of fish, they might not have had a chance to listen
to what Jesus was talking about…they might not have encountered God.
o If Peter had a full boat of fish, Jesus would not have seen the empty boats
to go in to preach to the crowds.
• In our eyes, we might be discouraged. But praise the Lord for the toughest
moments in our life. Come to the Lord and let Him speak to you.
• Through encounter with God, you will find who you are in Christ.

V. 4 – “When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Now go out where it is

deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.”

V. 5 – “Master,” Simon replied, “we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing.
But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.”

• What does Jesus know about fishing? In the eyes of the man, he might be a
great carpenter or rabbi, but he is not a fishermen.
• Although Peter had worked so hard and caught nothing, and this time of day was
not a time for fishing  HE STILL OBEYED JESUS
o Peter did not know who Jesus was yet!
o In the eyes of man, what Jesus asked was impossible!
o But Peter had FAITH…

V. 6 – “And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear!”

• This was a miracle!

o For a miracle to happen, you must be in a desperate situation for a miracle
to happen. If you are in a good situation and everything is in your control,
then you don’t need a miracle!
o For a miracle to happen there must be the Word of God.
o For a miracle to happen you must respond in faith!
o BUT…we must not fix our eyes on the miracle. Peter could have
responded in awe of the miracle, rejoicing in His wealth. Yet, Peter did not
respond by focusing on the miracle…

V. 8 – “When Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before
Jesus and said, “Oh, Lord, please leave me—I’m too much of a sinner to be around

• Peter did not fall at Jesus’ feet when he was simply watching Jesus speak and do
other miracles in the crowd.
• Peter realized who Jesus was when this miracle happened in his personal life.
o We can only encounter God through a personal encounter with Him!

“The Most Urgent and Important Things in Our Lives” 2

PowerHouse Message
April 26, 2008

• Through this experience, Peter saw the glory of God and saw Jesus differently…
revelation of the Holy Spirit  salvation happening!
John 17:3  eternal life is nothing but knowing Jesus, the one who God sent.

• God does not allow miracles just for miracles sake. God allows those miracles to
happen so that we can personally encounter Him  gain salvation.

V. 10 – “Jesus replied to Simon, “Don’t be afraid! From now on you’ll be fishing for

• Jesus knows Peter’s purpose because He is the Creator! Jesus knew Peter’s
destiny in God’s purpose for him.
• Jesus purpose is to make Peter a fisher of men…bring souls back to the Lord!

*** The most urgent and important thing in our life is to gain eternal life! By
encounter Jesus you will gain eternal life…but you will also know the purpose of
your life!

Peter eventually became one of the most influential apostles in human history. Had he
not encountered Jesus, he would have died as an inconspicuous fisherman. Peter
would have died with no purpose in the KOG.

But by encountering Jesus, he had a new purpose in His life! Therefore, Peter was able
to give up EVERYTHING in order to follow Jesus.

Now, where is all the fish? Before he met Jesus, Peter’s focus was finding fish to live.
Finally, Peter had two boats full of fish! But he left everything, all material things, to
follow Jesus. He was not focused upon the miracle and the gains of this world…He
now found joy in eternal things.


Simply having the vision of God is not enough. There are many times when the devil is
trying to snatch away the vision of God. Even Abraham struggled with that! But God’s
way is that when Abraham was struggling to hold onto God’s vision for his life, God
came and renewed that purpose and vision again. Descendants after descendants,
God came and reminded His people of His vision.

The devil is always trying to snatch away the work of the Lord. When the enemy
comes, your vision from God is quenched and it is dying! That is why we must continue
to sow the vision over and over again. By sharing the Word of God, it will penetrate
your heart and the seed of God will be planted in your mind. Then you can hold onto
the vision of God again.

“The Most Urgent and Important Things in Our Lives” 3

PowerHouse Message
April 26, 2008

In these last days, people will look after false teachers who will satisfy the itching ears of
the people. Even though they are always teaching “new teachings” they will continue to
be in bondage. That is why Paul decided to always speak the gospel because that is
the only message that can set people free.

Why are we focusing on Jesus and Him crucified? We are in spiritual warfare. We are
not here to be informed about new things…we are here to understand, through
revelation, the gospel message that will brings souls to Christ. There is a secret
mystery beneath the gospel message…nobody could ever completely understand,
through scripture, the full depth and width of the gospel message. Do not have the
attitude that you have already heard this. For it is only through the gospel that you can
gain eternal life and find your purpose in this life for God.


1. What is your most important, urgent need right now?

2. Are you on an empty boat? Are you experiencing failure or unfruitfulness? Then,
what should be your response?
3. Have you met Jesus personally and how do you know? What was or is your
response after meeting Jesus? (personal response…not just “fishers of men”)

“The Most Urgent and Important Things in Our Lives” 4

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