Language Assistant Costs

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Dear Nieves and Clara,

As per the trips outside Serbia, I asked my more experience colleague who has been working on EU
twinning projects for 10 years and she advised me that interpreter are entitled to daily fees according to
the Twinning manual and that these fees depend on a country of the study visit and that there is a list of
the fees available online.

Therefore, I am sending you the details that I have found in the twinning manual regarding that:

Page 106 of the twinning manual says that the language assistant is eligible for reimbursement of the
same costs as the Beneficiary staff described in point 3.5.

If you go to the point 3.5, it refers to the point 3.3 which says that the costs are eligible and
compensated on exact same conditions as per 3.3.

The point 3.3. is given on the page 104 and it mentions per diem rates, and these rates can be found on
this website (
guidelines/managing-project/diem-rates_en?keyword=per%20diem%20rates) and it seems that the rate
for Latvia is 168 eu per day.

I understand that with this fee I must cover the hotel, meals and transfers. However, I would like to
know in advance how much that would be as I am entrepreneur and I cannot take euros from my bank
normally, I need to provide documents to my bank as per the Serbian law. These documents include
hotel reservation (therefore, the reservation must be on my company’s name: Natasa Budisin PR CAT
Translation Language Studio), travel order, airplane tickets (which also should be on the company’s
name so that I have all the paperwork covered). All this is needed so I can have euros needed for my trip
as, obviously, I cannot travel without cash. Having said that, I would prefer to have the daily fees paid to
me in advance and I can also pay all the costs on my own, if possible. If you agree, I would like to have
everything in written as an Annex to my contract and signed by both sides. I apologize for writing such a
long email, but travelling outside Serbia without being compensated and without knowing how much
money I will be left with was never mentioned before and I also do not see it in the contract I have
signed – the contract mentions only traveling on the Serbian territory.

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