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Activity / Evaluation: Based on the previous discussion, answer the following essay
questions in 3 to 5 sentences.
1. Explain the three (3) guiding principles that the Philippine Civil Service follow.
• Merit

These are designed to ensure fair and open recruitment competition and employment
practices free of political influence or other non-merit factors. Although that is certainly true, a
closer reading of those principles suggests a much broader policy objective that relates directly
to managing ongoing performance. Today increased public demand for accountability, high
performance, and ethical standards require a visible, objective public personnel process through
merit. This also includes high performance and ethical standards, The goal of this is to provide
fair treatment of all applicants in all aspects of employment that do not base on its race, religion,
national origin, color, medical condition, and otherwise prohibited nepotism or favoritism.

• Neutrality
In neutrality, public employees should refrain from actions that could harm their
political impartiality or the political impartiality of the public service. A public
administrator shouldn’t take a stand for one political party of representation over another
or follow their agenda. They should be politically unbiased and ensure that no specific
political force has any influence over their actions. In neutrality, public administrators
should participate in various partisan political activities.
• Security of Tenure
Employees have a legal privilege that guards against unfair dismissal from their jobs by
their employers. Terminating a person’s employment entails more than merely getting
rid of someone you don’t like or agree with. Employers may come out as excessively
repressive and exceedingly hostile to the employee if it is used as such. When
terminating an employee security of tenure should also be taken into consideration.
2. What is the proper public service philosophy which must be imbued among
our public employees? Explain briefly.
The proper public service philosophy that must be imbued among our public
employees is a civil servant should be professional, competent, efficient, and
responsive. A professional and efficient public administration necessitates skilled,
motivated, and unbiased civil servants working in a system dedicated to serving the
public interest. Public officials must have a strong sense of duty that drives them to go
above and beyond and act with honesty. When confronted with a difficult situation,
public officials who believe in a higher calling are more inclined to act ethically.
3. Do you agree on a federal system of government in the Philippines? Why or
why not?
Currently, the Philippines is in a bad state. Poverty is increasing, and there is an
increase in crime and violence. Federalism will lead to even more divides and rivalries.
Our country, the Philippines, is already embroiled in a rivalry that worries Filipinos.
Federalism will simply exacerbate the raging rivalries and exacerbate Filipino discord.

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