Revision Unit 1

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Revision Unit 1 – (1)

Underline the correct alternative

1) I can’t help playing/ to play this computer game. It’s so interesting.
2) The authorities have decided opening/ to open a new museum in this part of the town.
3) The shop refused to give/ giving us our money back
4) Sam avoided to speak/ speaking to them about the matter
5) He kept to pay/paying a lot of money for new records
6) We can’t wait seeing/ to see that new performance
7) The child enjoys to see/seeing the animals in their natural environment
8) All three athletes deny to take/ taking the drug
9) I remembered to go/ going to the chemists for you. Here’s your medicine
10) I didn’t feel like to go/ going out last night, so I stayed at home.

Circle the correct Modal

1) Students mustn’t/don’t have to use their phones in classrooms.
2) I’ll be late tomorrow . I mustn’t/ have to go to the doctor.
3) You worked all day. You must/ can be tired.
4) Can/ May you turn the volume down?
5) That may/ has to be Sue’s umbrella, but I’m not sure.
6) I can’t/might go to the party but I haven’t decided yet.
7) Sorry, I don’t understand. I can’t/ don’t have to speak English.
8) In some countries, you have to/ can have an identity card.
9) My father could/ can play the violin by the time he was ten.
10) You can’t/ don’t have to board the plane without a boarding pass.

Do or make?
1) If you’ll _________the dishes, I’ll sweep the floor.
2) Thanks for ________such lovely comments about my paintings! I’m really glad you like
3) Could you call the manager please? I’d like to ________a complaint.
4) I feel terrible! I really must _______some more exercises! Will you come for a run with me
5) He’s volunteering at a homeless shelter because he wants to _______good.
6) She needs to _______a choice. Either move to Madrid or stay in London. She can’t keep
changing every week!
7) Let’s _______ a date to meet and talk about your business idea. How about next Friday?
8) John _______a decision to take the bus, bit it was so delayed that he wished he’d taken the
9) The child _______a face behind the teacher’s back.
10) It’s freezing! Let’s turn on the heating and _______a fire in the fire place.

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