Revision Unit 1

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Revision Unit 1 (2)

Put in MUST or CAN’T

1- You’ve been travelling all day. You __________be very tired.

2- That restaurant ________ be very good. It’s always full of people.
3- That restaurant ________ be very good. It’s always empty.
4- You’re going on holiday next week. You ________be looking forward to it.
5- It rained every day during their holiday, so they ________have had a very nice time.
6- Congratulations on passing your exam. You ___________be very pleased.
7- You got here very quickly. You _________have walked very fast.
8- Bill and Sue go away on holiday very often, so they _________ be short of money.

Do or Make
1- I’m not going to go ice skating! I’d only fall over and __________a fool of myself.
2- Could you possibly_______me a favour and bring dessert to my dinner party tomorrow?
3- When she was 40, she sold her business and ________a fortune. She now spends most of
her time at the beach.
4- Lucy helped the children to _________ drawings of flowers.
5- Jill has to _______three exams this week, so I don’t think we’ll see her until next week.
6- Unfortunately, all the students_________very badly on the test.
7- Children __________such a mess! I spend my whole life tidying up.
8- The car was ________90 miles per hour on the motorway when it was stopped by the
9- John went outside, to ________a phone call.
10- Lucy has decided to _________a course this Autumn. She´s going to study Spanish.

Complete with the following phrasal verbs: GET BY – GO OVER – LOOK UP – TAKE IN – THINK

1- You should ______________ essay before you hand it into your teacher.
2- There was so much information that it was hard to ________ it all _______.
3- He didn’t _________________ the consequences of the promotion.
4- How can Tom _____________on his poor salary?
5- The teacher needs to ___________ the exams.
6- Never memorize something you can ______________.
7- We need to _____________ the exams.
8- People need time to ______________ what the changes will mean for them.
9- When I am in a new city, I like to sit in a café and ________ all ____. Yes, I observe the local
people and what they are doing.
10- Linda’s been unemployed for six months. She’s ______________thanks to her parents’
11- He had to ___________ the number of the restaurant.
12- My job doesn’t pay me much money. It’s difficult for me to ______________.

Put the verbs into the correct tense, then answer the questions.

a) Laura 1) _____________ (stare) through the train window at the cold, snowy fields. It 2)
______ (be) Christmas Eve and she 3)______________ (travel) home from Newcastle to
spend some time with her parents for the first time in months. Suddenly an elderly
gentleman 4) __________(enter) her compartment. He 5)_____________(wear) a black
coat and he 6)_____________(carry) a briefcase. He 7)____________(sit) opposite Laura,
8)___________(open) his briefcase, 9)____________(take) out an envelope and
10)_________(give) it to Laura…..
b) ……Laura 11)__________(get) off the train, carefully 12)_________(put) the envelope in her
bag and 13)____________(walk) towards the car which 14)_________(wait) for her. “What
shall I do?” she 15) _____________(think) sadly.

1 – Where was Laura? ______________________________________________________________

2- What was she doing? ____________________________________________________________
3- When did the story take place?_____________________________________________________
4- Who are the people involved in the story?____________________________________________
5- What happened first?____________________________________________________________
6- How did Laura feel in the end?_____________________________________________________

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