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ur Spirit W ild Pla

Yo Cattail
(Typha latifolia)


Copyright ©2021 Tigrilla Gardenia | All rights reserved

Pass by a freshwater lake or pond and you’re likely to

find Cattails growing along the water’s edge.

Cattail Cattail is easily recognized by ki’s brown

female flowers at the top of tall stalks. Ki also has male


flowers above these! They’re arranged around a light

yellow pointed spike that protrudes from the top of the

female flower.

(By the way, Ki and Kin are plant pronouns! ‘Ki’ refers to

a being of the living earth—such as Cattail—and ‘kin’ is

the plural. I use these in the same way I’d use, ‘he’, ‘she’,

or ‘they’.)

Similar to pine and birch trees, Cattails are a pioneer


They’re one of the first plants to arrive in barren

environments or in ecosystems that have been

disrupted by fire or severe storms.

Kin’s seeds also have the ability to survive for years until

conditions are ready for them to sprout!

Copyright ©2021 Tigrilla Gardenia | All rights reserved

What does your Spirit Wild Plant say about you?

You feel deeply and live a rich emotional life.

You often use your strong feelings and insights to help

you grow and transform.

The flip side of this is that you become easily

overwhelmed when you’re out of balance... and drama


Remember that the Cattail’s preferred environment is

water, where ki provides shelter and protection for

many other species.

When you connect to your inner Cattail, you can use

this wisdom to learn to ‘go with the flow’!

Your unique emotional intelligence can help you

connect with others, tune into your authentic self, and

bend instead of break during tough times. Just

remember to take care of yourself as well as others.

Copyright ©2021 Tigrilla Gardenia | All rights reserved

Just as Cattail’s seeds can survive for years until the

conditions are right for them to sprout, your true

potential is alive inside you, waiting to be unleashed.

With kin’s guidance, you can learn how to feel

without getting so lost in emotion that you lose your

When you embody your Spirit Wild Plant, you lead,

inspire, and find balance with ease—as easily as the

Cattail balances ki’s masculine and feminine energies.

Like the Cattail, you can provide protection and

nourishment for yourself and others (without becoming

overwhelmed or burning yourself out).

Keep an eye on your inbox over the next week

as I’ll be sending you practices to do just that!

Copyright ©2021 Tigrilla Gardenia | All rights reserved

Join Our
Want to learn more about spirit plants (and how you

can connect with them to nurture your mind, body, and


Join our FREE Naturally Conscious Community to

dive deeper and meet like-minded people!

We use the power of plants to create meaningful

change—for ourselves, for others, and for the planet—

and explore how to make the difference we were born

to make.

The Naturally Conscious Community is about:

Bolstering our courage to take the next big, scary

steps in our life (and stay in alignment with our True


Sowing the seeds for putting ourselves—and our

work—out into the world

Leading by example by taking plant-inspired

approaches in our personal and professional lives

Building rich friendships with like-minded people

Releasing our fear of failure and letting go of self-


Feeling brave enough to share our authentic selves

and make the impact we’re born to make

Shaping the future (and saving our planet) by

tuning in to Nature!

Click Here to join now!

Copyright ©2021 Tigrilla Gardenia | All rights reserved

Tigrilla Gardenia—creator of the Naturally Conscious
About Community—is a Nature-Inspired Business Mentor who

helps conscious creatives and entrepreneurs turn their

dreams into reality (whether it’s to publish a book, buy a

dream piece of land, or create a brand new income


After working with hundreds of clients, she’s seen

firsthand that using plant-inspired approaches is key to

creating a profitable, purposeful, and positive future—

for yourself, for others, and for the planet.

Tigrilla has toured with Cirque du Soleil, adores listening

to plant music, and lives in Damanhur, one of the largest

spiritual ecocommunities in the world. She speaks

multiple languages and she’s always learning another






Copyright ©2021 Tigrilla Gardenia | All rights reserved

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