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International Geology Review

2011, iFirst article, 1–13

The Greater Antillean Arc: Early Cretaceous origin and proposed relationship to Central
American subduction mélanges: implications for models of Caribbean evolution
James Pindella,b *, Walter V. Mareschc , Uwe Martensa and Klaus Stanekd
a Tectonic Analysis Ltd, Chestnut House, Duncton, West Sussex GU28 0LH, UK; b School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Cardiff
University, Park Place, Cardiff CF10 3YE, UK; c Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, D-44780
Bochum, Germany; d Institut für Geologie, Technische Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg, Bernhard-von-Cotta-Strasse 2, D-09596
Freiberg, Germany
(Accepted 6 July 2010)
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We integrate known and suspected Meso-American plate motions with the geochronology of Caribbean arcs and Central
American HP/LT belts to promote two primary concepts. The first is that the Greater Antillean Arc formed at about 135 Ma
by inception of SW-dipping subduction along a sinistral ‘inter-American transform’ connecting the west-facing subduction
zones of the North and South American Cordillera. Caribbean arc magmas date from 135 Ma and Caribbean HP/LT com-
plexes from 118 Ma, and they were formed as the Caribbean lithosphere was engulfed between North and South America
during westward drift of – and divergence between – the latter. Initial arc magmatism predates exhumation of HP/LT meta-
morphic rocks by 10–20 million years; that is, magmatism developed faster than refrigeration and recycling in the subduction
zones. However, pre-130 Ma HP/LT mélanges in Nicaragua (Siuna complex, 139 Ma 40 Ar/39 Ar) and in Guatemala both
north and south of the Motagua fault zone (140–130 Ma Sm–Nd ages) require a different explanation. Therefore, our
second concept is that these older rocks originated within a mature, west-facing Cordilleran subduction channel west of
Mexico and/or the Chortis Block, and were subsequently dragged southeastward during sinistral subduction to a position
along the NW portion of the ‘inter-American transform’. Upon initiation of SW-dipping subduction along this transform at
135 Ma, these older HP/LT (and minor arc) rocks became entrained within the transpressive zone between the western end
of the Caribbean Arc and the southeast-facing Proto-Caribbean passive margin of the Chortis and Maya blocks. They were
obliquely and diachronously accreted along these margins in the Albian to Maastrichtian. Parts of these mélanges are now
exposed on both the northern and the southern flanks of the Motagua Valley of central Guatemala, and we further develop
earlier suggestions that the southern Motagua mélanges were emplaced there on Chortis basement units by mid-Tertiary
south-vergent transpression along the Motagua Fault.
Keywords: Greater Antillean Arc; Caribbean tectonics; HP/LT belts; plate kinematics; inter-American transform

Introduction 1993; Pindell 1993; Pindell et al. 2005); (3) an intra-Pacific

Main aspects of the Late Cretaceous to present engulf- origin of an E-facing arc possibly with Aptian arc–arc
ment of the Pacific-derived Caribbean lithosphere between collision at the mouth of the Proto-Caribbean Seaway
the westward-drifting American continents by SW-dipping (Mann et al. 2007); (4) Late Albian–Cenomanian arc-
subduction beneath the Antillean Arc have long been polarity reversal (∼100–95 Ma; Stöckhert et al. 1995);
understood (Pindell and Dewey 1982; Burke 1988; Pindell and (5) Santonian–Campanian (∼85–80 Ma) arc-polarity
et al. 1988; Pindell and Barrett 1990). However, Early reversal (Duncan and Hargraves 1984; Burke 1988; Kerr
Cretaceous ‘Farallon/Caribbean’ plate interactions with et al. 2003). Only option 5, which relates the reversal to
the Americas, including the site, timing, and mechanism the choking of an earlier SW-facing arc by the mainly
of origin of the Caribbean arc(s) along the American 92–88 Ma buoyant Caribbean Basalt Plateau, allows the
Cordillera, remain debated and carry enormous impli- Caribbean plateau-forming event to occur in a purely
cations for large-scale processes such as plume activity intra-oceanic setting. However, this model fails to explain
within the Caribbean. Previous opinions range from (1) (1) the fact that all circum-Caribbean subduction com-
125 Ma ‘initiation of southward-dipping subduction at plexes (associated with SW-dipping subduction) possess
a previously-formed Atlantic fracture zone’ (Pindell and HP-LT metamorphic rocks far older (both peak and cool-
Dewey 1982); (2) Aptian (125–115 Ma) arc-polarity rever- ing ages) than 85 Ma (e.g. summary by Pindell et al.
sal from NE- to SW-dipping subduction (Lebrón and Perfit, 2005; Garcia-Casco et al. 2006; Krebs et al. 2008); (2)

∗ Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN: 0020-6814 print/1938-2839 online

© 2011 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2010.510008
2 J. Pindell et al.

the lack of a systematic orogenic event or an interrup- Meso-American plate kinematics

tion or shift in arc magmatism throughout the Caribbean Jurassic NW–SE divergence between the Americas began
Arc that could be tied to polarity reversal at ∼85–80 Ma; to produce tracts of oceanic crust by the Late Jurassic in the
(3) evidence that Caribbean–northern Andean convergent Gulf of Mexico, Proto-Caribbean Seaway, and Colombian
interactions were already underway before 90 Ma (Kennan Marginal Seaway (Pindell 1993; Pindell and Kennan 2001,
and Pindell 2009 and references cited therein); and (4) 2009). Most authors accept that spreading in the latter
possible contamination of Antillean arc lavas of Puerto separated the continental crusts of the Chortis Block and
Rico by a Proto-Caribbean (i.e. Atlantic) rather than a Colombia, and that a plate boundary of debated style must
Pacific sedimentary signature as far back as the Aptian have connected the east-dipping subduction zones of the
(Jolly et al. 2008). Additional objections not noted here North and South American Cordillera at the mouth of this
have been made concerning the other options, hence the widening seaway. The Colombian Marginal Seaway contin-
ongoing debate. ued to widen at slow to medium spreading rates from 155
Here we examine pertinent plate kinematics, magmatic to 125 Ma. In the Aptian, the westward flight of both North
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arc chronology, and subduction zone HP/LT data of the and South America from Africa accelerated drastically.
Caribbean region (Figure 1) to assess the validity of the Pindell (1993) suggested that this trenchward acceleration
various options, or to propose a new one if warranted. of the Americas and the west-facing Neocomian ‘inter-
Integration of these data suggests that SW-dipping sub- American’ arc’s hanging wall caused the arc system to
duction was most likely initiated along an ‘inter-American acquire a ‘convergent’ tectonic style (Dewey 1980), such
transform’ at about 135 Ma, in a scenario similar to but that Cordilleran-wide eastward backthrusting evolved at
slightly older than that suggested by Pindell et al. (2005, the inter-American arc into W-dipping subduction, thus
their Figure 7C). effecting polarity reversal. In addition, the tectonic style

Oriente Cuba
Western limit NORTH Los Pasos/
continental AMERICA Mabujina Sierra
Oaxaquia Bahamas del Convento
Terrane Santa Los Ranchos
Sepur Cruz oph. Cub
foredeep D a
Mexico Motagua 20°
Valley Jam. Hisp.

B C A Ris
Bath Dunrobin
ag ua Devil’s Racecourse
N icar Rc
IB B E A N o u s)
CAR llochthon
Chiapas Massif (a
Cuchumatanes Colón foldbelt
North Motagua mélange Siuna
South Motagua mélange
Ar c

–100° –90° –80° –70°

Figure 1. Topography–bathymetry of the studied region and positions of features mentioned in text. Western limit of Oaxaquia Terrane
in Mexico (thinner black dash) from Talavera and Suastegui (2000). Heavier black dash is our estimate for the palinspastically-restored
position of that limit, before Laramide shortening in Mexico. Heavy grey dashed lines comprise the diachronous North Caribbean Suture,
now offset by sinistral transcurrent fault systems. Offset A–B (∼1400 km) is due to Maastrichtian–present Motagua Zone–Cayman Fault
Zone, only 1000 km of which is recorded by the Cayman Trough. Offset C–D (∼500 km) is due to late Maastrichtian–middle Eocene
opening of Yucatán Basin (Pindell et al. 2005). Offset E–F (∼350 km) is due to the Oriente Fault, one of three primary fault strands
(all shown in fine black lines) of the larger Cayman Trough System that cross and have controlled tectonics of the Hispaniola area (see
Pindell and Barrett 1990). ‘CB(EK)’ is Early Cretaceous position and shape (dotted line) of Chortis Block according to Pindell and
Kennan (2009). The finer grey dashed line in this restored position of Chortis shows our perception of the genetic relationship between
the Caribbean (heavy grey dash) and Guerrero–Oaxaquia (heavy black dash) sutures. ‘LNRcb’ is a postulated Late K-Eocene Lower
Nicaragua Rise convergent boundary between the Caribbean lithosphere and the Nicaragua Rise–Jamaica Arc (e.g. Pindell et al. 1988),
which allowed Chortis and the Caribbean Plate to move at different azimuths in the Maastrichtian–Eocene (pre-Cayman Trough), and
which may also have been partly responsible for bringing Caribbean arc and plateau magmatic zones closer together than they were at
the time of plateau eruption. The two southerly faults crossing Hispaniola, with cumulative offset approaching 600 km, also played this
latter role. SHPB marks the southern Hispaniolan plateau basalts that were accreted to the south side of the Central Cordillera arc in the
International Geology Review 3

of the ‘Nevadan orogeny’ (Avé Lallemant and Oldow various stages in the developing dynamics of this pro-
1988) and the apparent migration of the southern collec- cess. In the context of this article, the age of subduction
tive Mexican terranes into the position previously occupied initiation is of primary concern. Most available age data
by Colombia, relative to North America, indicates that on HP/LT rocks metamorphosed in subduction zones has
a strong left-lateral shear component accompanied east- been obtained by the Ar–Ar, K–Ar, and Rb–Sr meth-
dipping subduction outboard of the American Cordilleran ods, which are perturbed or even reset above 400–500◦ C.
arc system. Hence, southward migration of forearc and Thus, these ages provide the actual time of metamorphic
trench materials along western Mexico and Chortis is to growth of minerals only in low-grade HP/LT rocks such
be expected. as blueschist or low-temperature eclogite. For higher-grade
HP/LT rocks, the ages represent only the time of cool-
ing below the critical closure temperature of the pertinent
isotopic system. This is a time coordinate on the final
Magmatism in the Greater Antilles exhumation path of the subducted rock, which may have
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Lebrón and Perfit (1993) developed the case that Albian had a complicated previous history. Thus, most ages on
limestones covered an unconformity in the Greater Antilles HP/LT rocks by themselves provide only rough constraints
which generally separated primitive island arc/island arc on the minimum age of subduction initiation. Notable
tholeiite (PIA/IAT) lavas below from calc-alkaline (CA) exceptions here are Sm–Nd (Brueckner et al. 2009), Lu–
ones above, and offered this as evidence for the idea of Hf (Krebs et al., 2007, 2008), and U/Pb age data (Fu et al.
Aptian–Albian arc polarity reversal in the Antilles (Pindell 2009), where refractory garnet or zircon helps to preserve
1993). Although Greater Antillean PIA/IAT rocks gen- age information on peak or near-peak metamorphic con-
erally pre-date the CA ones, the time of transition from ditions in high-grade HP/LT metamorphic rocks such as
PIA/IAT to CA magmatics has since been shown to vary eclogite. However, these methods are highly sophisticated
by locality from Barremian to Turonian (i.e. 130–90 Ma) and have not yet been routinely applied in the Caribbean
and is sometimes progressive (Kerr et al. 2003; Proenza region; additional information on the prograde path of the
et al. 2006; Marchesi et al. 2007; Hastie et al. 2009). rock is still required to gauge the timing of subduction
Thus, it seems increasingly likely that the two magmatic initiation.
suites are due to phenomena other than subduction polar- Pindell et al. (2005) summarized available data on
ity and must pertain to the same subduction zone without those HP/LT complexes most clearly related to the intra-
a polarity reversal causing an abrupt change. Further, even oceanic segments of the Greater Antillean Arc only, and
the oldest Caribbean primitive arc magmas lie in appar- the oldest reported single cooling age dates back to 118 Ma
ent stratigraphic succession with younger arc strata, as in Cuba (García-Casco et al. 2006). Although very low-
shown by the following units (Figure 1): Jamaica’s Lower grade blueschists can be developed within a few million
Devil’s Racecourse Formation (∼132 Ma; Mitchell 2003; years after subduction initiation (e.g. Maresch and Gerya
Hastie et al. 2009), Cuba’s Los Pasos and Mabujina for- 2005), return flow from depths greater than ca. 20 km is
mations (∼130 Ma; Rojas-Agramonte et al. 2006; Stanek only possible after the subduction zone has matured to a
et al. 2009, the Virgin Islands’ Water Island Formation critical stage (Gerya et al. 2002). Gerya et al. (2002) sug-
(∼115 Ma; Jolly and Lidiak 2006), and Hispaniola’s Los gest that, in general, initiation of intense flow from these
Ranchos Formation (119–113 Ma; Kesler et al. 2005; greater depths should be possible after about 10 million
Escuder-Viruete et al. 2006). Thus, we are forced to con- years of subduction, so that a time lag of at least 10 mil-
clude that SW-dipping subduction beneath the Caribbean lion years should separate subduction initiation and locking
lithosphere at the Greater Antilles arc system was respon- in of cooling ages on HP/LT rocks such as garnet-bearing
sible for all Greater Antillean subduction-related arc rocks blueschists or eclogites.
(Eocene back to Hauterivian). Accordingly, from the per- Moreover, the seminal numerical modelling results
spective of arc magmatism, we see no particular reason and techniques of Gerya et al. (2002) and Gerya (2010)
for an arc polarity reversal ever to have occurred after can be used to reconstruct more precise geodynamic
∼135 Ma. histories of well-studied fossil subduction zones from
the arrays of pressure–temperature–time paths of con-
stituent HP/LT rocks when age data on near-peak HP/LT
metamorphism are also available (e.g. from Sm–Nd, Lu–
HP/LT complexes of the Greater Antillean Arc Hf techniques or from U–Pb zircon dating on anatectic
Although HP/LT metamorphic rocks are indisputable evi- melts in subducted oceanic crust). In this way, Krebs
dence for the existence of former zones of rapid subduction et al. (2008) determined that subduction in the northern
at convergent plate boundaries and reflect the local pertur- Hispaniolan segment of the Greater Antillean Arc must
bation of the thermal structure because of the down-going have been initiated before 124 Ma and proceeded very
relatively colder plate, it is difficult to actually date the slowly. In agreement with regional considerations, Krebs et
4 J. Pindell et al.

al. (2008) determined orthogonal subduction velocities of rate of 40 mm/year, then subduction initiation should pre-
15–24 mm/year. Lázaro et al. (2009) arrived at a minimum date the Sm–Nd ages in Guatemala by about 20 million
age of subduction initiation in eastern Cuba of 119 Ma years.
based on zircon ages in trondhjemite of anatectic origin. A Late Jurassic or older subduction zone is also implied
Maresch et al. (2009) suggested that the trondhjemitic by the geochemistry and U–Pb isotopic ratios of zircons
Guayacán Gneiss of Margarita Island (Venezuela) also from Guatemalan jadeitite (Fu et al. 2009), a rare HP/LT
represents anatexis of subducted oceanic crust as in east- product of metasomatic processes at subduction zones (e.g.
ern Cuba. Zircons from these gneisses yield U–Pb ages Johnson and Harlow 1999; Sorensen et al. 2010). The
between 116 and 106 Ma, suggesting that minimum ages of range of δ 18 O and trace element concentrations suggests
subduction initiation in the southern segments of the Great that some zircon in jadeitite is inherited, perhaps from an
Caribbean arc should also lie between 130 and 120 Ma. igneous precursor. However, ca. 50% of the analysed zir-
These occurrences all lie outboard (north and east) of their con spots yielded concentrations consistent with an origin
associated Antillean magmatic arcs; hence, SW-dipping from the hydrothermal fluids that generated the jadeitites.
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subduction beneath the Caribbean Plate had been initiated U and Pb isotopic ratios of all zircons are fairly similar
and active before 130–120 Ma. Further, there may be a hint (207 Pb/206 Pb = 0.051–0.057, 238 U/206 Pb = 39–43) yield-
that initial exhumation of subducted material began earlier ing 160–148 Ma ages (mean = 153.7 ± 3.5 Ma, n = 8) that
in the NW than to the SE along the original arc (Pindell et can be interpreted in two ways: (1) inherited zircons have
al. 2005). some geochemical characteristics of its precursor but the
In contrast, southeast Nicaragua’s Siuna serpenti- U–Pb isotopic system was fully reset and the mean age best
nite mélange HP/LT occurrence (139 Ma on phengite; represents the timing of the last zircon-forming geologic
Flores et al. 2007; Baumgartner et al. 2008) and cen- event, that is, the metasomatic processes at a subduction
tral Guatemala’s northern and southern Motagua Valley zone; (2) the ages of inherited zircon and hydrothermal
serpentinite mélange HP occurrences (131–126 Ma and zircon are very similar and cannot be resolved at the
144–132 on eclogite, respectively, both from Sm–Nd min- error level of the isotopic system. Either case implies
eral isochrons; Brueckner et al. 2009; Figure 1) are older active hydrothermal processes in a Late Jurassic subduc-
than those noted above and suggest that the subduction tion zone. We preclude an interpretation where all the
zone(s) responsible for them were older still, active per- 160–148 Ma ages register the formation of inherited zircon
haps at 150–140 Ma. This conclusion can be substantiated and none registers the younger, jade-forming metasomatic
by the systematics arising from the numerical modelling event because the latter is a zircon-forming event, as
presented in Gerya et al. (2002; Gerya personal communi- demonstrated by zircon stable isotopes and geochemistry
cation to Krebs 2007) and from the study of Krebs et al. (Fu et al. 2009).
(2008); Krebs et al. (2008) compared an array of pressure– Late Jurassic subduction is significantly older than
temperature–time paths obtained for HP/LT blocks in the known Antillean arc magmatism. The Nicaraguan and
fossil serpentinite subduction channel exposed in north- Guatemalan HP occurrences have no known paired arc
ern Hispaniola to various numerical models calculated by magmatic correlatives in the Antilles, suggesting an associ-
Gerya et al. (2002). Using Gerya et al.’s (2002) basic ref- ation with a different trench. Further, the southern Motagua
erence model in which the slab dip is 45◦ and the age of Valley HP rocks are lawsonite-bearing eclogites recording
the subducted oceanic lithosphere is 40 Ma, Krebs et al. ultra-cold and probably fast subduction (Tsujimori et al.
(2008) concluded that, at the very low orthogonal sub- 2006b); thus its Benioff Zone was well-developed and sub-
duction velocities indicated in the Hispaniolan segment of ducting old, cold oceanic crust by the Late Jurassic; this
the Greater Antillean Arc (15–25 mm/year), more than is further evidence that the trench responsible was not
40 million years of subduction are required to cool to the the Greater Antilles Trench, where young warm Proto-
pressure–temperature conditions needed to form lawsonite Caribbean crust was being subducted (Pindell et al. 2005;
eclogites as found in Guatemala or eastern Hispaniola García-Casco et al. 2008).
(Zack et al. 2004; Tsujimori et al. 2006a). If the subduction
velocity is increased in the reference model, then this mini-
mum required time span decreases to 27 million years (for
3 cm/year), 13.5 million years (6 cm/year), and 9 million Implications for Cretaceous Caribbean tectonic models
years (9 cm/year). Increasing or decreasing the age of the Plate kinematic constraints allow for, and arc chronologic
subducting slab in the reference model by 10 million years data suggest, the onset of SW-dipping subduction at the
decreases or increases, respectively, this required minimum Great Caribbean Arc by about 135 Ma, such that arc
time span by ∼15%. To achieve similar variations, the slab magmatism commenced at the surface in the Hauterivian
dip would have to be changed by 30◦ or more, so that this (135–130 Ma) in at least Jamaica and Cuba, and possibly
factor appears secondary. Assuming a typical, but admit- elsewhere (Figures 2 and 3). However, this poses a ques-
tedly unmeasurable, slab age of 40 Ma and a subduction tion regarding circum-Caribbean HP metamorphic rocks,
International Geology Review 5

141 Ma





backarc Extinct spreading pat-

basin tern in Gulf of Mexico
Pac/NA Bahamas

hot spot

* * * * Chortís SOUTH
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In Antio- (stretching) SA
Pac/Arc ter-A quia
tra me
nsf ric 1000 km
orm an * *
backarc basin
Arc/SA Predicted position of HP-LTrocks
* *

Pac/SA * * Predicted position, magmatic arc rocks

Area of known/inferred oceanic crust

Figure 2. 141 Ma (magnetic anomaly M-16) plate reconstruction, showing the lengthening sinistral inter-American transform between
the North and South American Cordilleran subduction zones. Backarc basin formation is beginning in/behind both the Mexican and
Ecuadorian portions of the arc (Guerrero and Quebradagrande arc rocks to west). Relative motion designations are shown by convention
and keyed to the relative velocity triangles (not to scale of map) in the inset box; for example, ‘Pac/NA’ is the motion direction of the
Pacific lithosphere relative to North America. Palinspastic shape of South America and general plate boundary scheme after Pindell and
Kennan (2009). Dashed line along inter-American transform is another option for the Proto-Caribbean spreading centre, as drawn by
Pindell et al. (2006).

because this age essentially separates the two populations suites could form, the older population of metamorphic
of HP metamorphic ages noted above. The younger popu- rocks was already present along the transform in sheared
lation (<118 Ma) can of course pertain to the SW-dipping migrating pods, especially at the northwest portion of this
subduction that we propose began at 135 Ma. However, the transform (our suggested origin for the Siuna and Motagua
older population more likely pertains to a different Benioff HP/LT suites), but an associated magmatic arc was not.
Zone altogether, because there is no magmatic arc in the Our envisiaged setting (Figure 2) is similar to that of
Caribbean with such an age range, and at least some of southern Chile today, where subduction becomes infinitely
the older population of HP rocks formed in an ultra-cold oblique along the Shackleton Transform (Geletti et al.
Benioff Zone, which the Antillean trench was not in its 2005). Note that judging the position and orientation of
inception. the inter-American transform relative to North America,
We consider that the older population of HP rocks orig- and thus its length, is heavily dependent upon models for
inated at an east-dipping, long-lived trench where old crust the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous evolution of the col-
was subducted rapidly (hence, ultra-cold and lawsonite- lective Guerrero arcs of Mexico. That is, the transform
eclogite-forming) along western Mexico–Chortis. Further, could be nearer or farther, and shorter or longer, than
the sinistral shear component of this trench caused subduc- shown in Figure 2, which we consider shows a moderate
tion channel material (i.e. mélange) to be dragged during viewpoint. The eastern end of the inter-American trans-
the Neocomian some distance along an ‘inter-American form probably connected to the Andes trench in southern
transform’ that connected the east-dipping Mexican sub- Ecuador, because Colombia and northern Ecuador lack
duction zone to that along South America as the Colombian Early Cretaceous magmatic arc intrusive rocks such that a
Marginal Seaway widened behind it (Figure 2). Thus, when Colombian backarc–arc basin and remnant arc margin have
SW-dipping subduction was conceived at about 135 Ma been inferred (Pindell 1993; Pindell and Tabbutt 1995;
along this inter-American transform, after which new HP Kennan and Pindell 2009).
6 J. Pindell et al.

Accepting a 135 Ma age of SW-dipping subduction ini- exhumation of HP/LT metamorphic rocks (<118 Ma) in
tiation in the Antilles west of Colombia, Figures 3 and the Antilles, we look to subduction initiation in lithosphere
4 show a possible palaeogeography and fault evolution with normal isothermal structure as opposed to steady-state
of how SW-dipping subduction may have evolved from subduction at about 135 Ma. We consider that initial under-
a pre-existing trench–transform–trench system along the thrusting of the Proto-Caribbean slab beneath the Greater
western flank of the Americas, respectively. The litho- Antillean hanging wall initially caused partial melting of
sphere to be subducted early on beneath the juvenile arc, Proto-Caribbean sediments and basaltic crust equivalent
referred to as the ‘Colombian Marginal Seaway’ by Pindell to the Santa Cruz ophiolite (Rosenfeld 1993) when those
(1993), appears to have a position relative to hot spot ref- materials were brought adjacent to the hot upper man-
erence frames (i.e. Pindell and Kennan 2009) that would tle (900–1200◦ C) of the lower part (80–100 km) of the
allow correlation with the present-day, high-velocity man- juvenile subduction zone hanging wall, or even to the pri-
tle anomaly identified as the ‘Venezuelan Slab’ by van mordial mantle wedge itself. In addition, a 30% partial
der Meer et al. (2010). The evolution of arc magma- melting of amphibolite could also produce albite gran-
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tism from the PIA–IAT to the CA trend began by the ite (Jolly and Lidiak 2006). García-Casco et al. (2008)
Barremian (130–125 Ma) in Jamaica and continued in as well as Lázaro and García-Casco (2008) have docu-
other areas into the medial Cretaceous, perhaps due to a mented anatexis in amphibolitic blocks of the Sierra del
non-uniform change in the composition of subducted sed- Convento serpentinite mélange of eastern Cuba, indicating
iments from pelagic to continentally-sourced detritus over that low-K trondhjemitic melts were produced in subducted
time (Hastie et al. 2009). Concerning the lack of tempo- hydrated oceanic crust. The delayed beginning of exhuma-
ral overlap between PIA/IAT magmatism (<132 Ma) and tion of HP/LT minerals (135–118 Ma) is to be expected

130 Ma


Pac/NA (fixed)

Mexican Extinct spreading pat-

backarc tern in Gulf of Mexico

basin hot spot


These HP/LT and

arc rocks will

become those of NA Arc Pac
Siuna and Guate-
mala, including *
Antio- SA
rocks older than * quia
135 Ma Pac/Arc * 1000 km
These HP/LT and arc rocks will

become those of the Antilles (Cuba, Ecuadorian


Jamaica), younger than 135 Ma backarc basin


These HP/LT and arc rocks will Arc/SA

become those of the Predicted position of HP-LT rocks

Quebradagrande belt, including

rocks older than 135 Ma
* * * Predicted position, magmatic arc rocks
Area of known/inferred oceanic crust

Figure 3. 130 Ma (magnetic anomaly M-10) reconstruction, showing the nascent inter-American (Greater Antilles-Quebradagrande)
arc just after inception of SW-dipping subduction. A change in the Pacific relative motion direction is presumed to have played a role
in the development. Shape and width of the Mexican backarc is very poorly constrained: it could be much wider, with the arc much
farther to the west or southwest, with the arc accordingly longer. Relative motion designations as shown in Figure 2. Palinspastic shape of
South America and general plate boundary scheme after Pindell and Kennan (2009). Double arrowed line: 1500 km, travelled by arc from
135 Ma (subduction initiation) to 70 Ma collision with Maya Block; average rate of 23 km/Ma, in harmony with average Barremian–
Eocene rates determined by pressure–temperature–time paths from the Río San Juan Complex of Hispaniola (Krebs et al. 2008). Aves
Ridge and Aruba-Orchila arc trends did not yet exist at this time (Wright and Wyld 2010).
International Geology Review 7

NE-dipping 1 Original trench-

subduction zone transform transition
20 Incipient
40 (Chortis)
60 backthrusts
when motion
Point where fault
dip is vertical
Change in
X relative motion
= HPLT pod, rising

Crust between former SW-dipping
along transform

transform and new

thrust originally * subduction zone
belonged to the NE
flank of the transform * Fo
ne rme
w rt
40 Structure
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ha ra
ng ns 60 contours, km
ing for
HPLT pods wa m in 80
already high ll
(cooled) in the
hanging wall

* Y
Point where fault
dip is vertical
3 Path of 4
With time,
transform will subducted ? 20 km
lengthen rock
40 km 80
60 km
Propellor fault plane NE-dipping 20
projected to XY section subduction zone
as transform lengthens (Peruvian Andes)

Figure 4. Possible configuration of inter-American fault zone during onset of SW-dipping subduction at the Antilles segment. Main
diagram, two propeller-shaped fault segments at the northern and southern ends of the former transform. Depth to Benioff Zone in
kilometres. Inset box 1: original trench-transform transition, with HP/LT rocks dragged (and rising?) along transform. Onset of subduction
could be a change in plate relative motion. Inset box 2: onset of SW-dipping subduction at backthrusts, with HP/LT rocks already in
hanging wall. Inset box 3: transfer zone between trenches lengthens with time and gives deep mélanges additional chance to rise towards
surface. Inset box 4: propeller fault projected into cross section XY (grey in main figure), showing possible pathway for some of the
subducted material. As transform lengthens, this material may reach a high (cool) level in the western end of the hanging wall. The
asterisks on grey circles denote new subduction related magmatism in the Antillean Arc.

on the basis of numerical models (e.g. Gerya et al. 2002; the western end of this arc (but originally from west-
Maresch and Gerya 2005; Krebs et al. 2008), which indi- ern Mexico/Chortis), obliquely overrode the eastern
cate that at least 10–20 million years are needed after Chortis and southern Maya margins (Pindell et al. 2005,
subduction initiation before the dynamics of the subduc- Figure 18A–D), giving rise to the Colón Foldbelt of
tion zone are sufficiently well established to allow the eastern Honduras (Rogers et al. 2007) and the Sepúr
return of HP/LT metamorphic material. Establishment of a foredeep basin of northern Guatemala (Pindell et al. 1988;
steady-state subduction zone by about 120–115 Ma seems Rosenfeld 1993).
in turn to be roughly commensurate with the onset of the Running with the idea that the Siuna and southern
calc-alkaline trend in much of the Greater Antilles Arc. and northern Motagua HP/LT serpentinite mélanges were
In the medial and Late Cretaceous, the Greater dragged from the old and cold trench of western Chortis
Antillean Arc migrated NE, probably with a strong along the inter-American transform, a possible history for
axis-parallel stretching component due to sinistral oblique the HP/LT ‘components’ within these mélanges is envisi-
subduction of North American Proto-Caribbean crust aged as follows. At 135 Ma, SW-dipping subduction was
(Figure 3), towards first the eastern flank of Chortis, then initiated at a pre-existing and still active sinistral trans-
the southern flank of the Maya Block (Chiapas Massif and form that bore the older HP/LT rocks. Some of these
northern Guatemala), and finally the Bahamas (Pindell HP/LT rocks had already cooled in the transform, whereas
and Dewey 1982; Pindell et al. 2005). Subduction channel deeper HP/LT rocks apparently did not. For SW-dipping
material represented by the Siuna and Motagua Valley subduction to initiate, a trench-to-trench transform (trans-
serpentinite mélanges, and derived from the forearc of fer zone) must have been established due to the opposing
8 J. Pindell et al.

polarities of the Mexico/Chortis and the juvenile Antillean

subduction zones. This trench-to-trench transform had a (A)
propeller geometry and would lengthen with time, as with Remnants
the southern Caribbean boundary in the Cenozoic (Pindell of Chontal
et al. 1988). In this situation, HP/LT material from the Arc terrane?
E-dipping Chortis subduction channel should have con- Ovejas
tinued to migrate along the lengthening transcurrent zone CHORTIS N Motagua
that now defined the NW Caribbean plate boundary (the S Motagua? Jamaica
oblique end of the Antillean Arc). But now, the bulk of Siuna
this material (mélange) would find itself in the hanging ise Es
Nic R x y
wall of the SW-dipping Antillean subduction zone (fore-
arc of the westernmost part of the arc), with the mélange
being stretched out along the propeller-shaped, lengthening (B)
Zone of strong
Downloaded By: [Consorci de Biblioteques Universitaries de Catalunya] At: 11:40 8 February 2011

plate boundary. This material, which would lie farther west transpression
along the new lengthening trench than the original HP/LT
material along the transform at the time of subduction initi- n
ation, would necessarily be uplifted, leading to cooling. We Cayma
suggest that this is the reason that the southern Motagua Las Ovejas Jamaica
HP/LT mélange carries eclogites with 125–118 Ma Ar–Ar x N Motagua
S Motagua
cooling ages (Harlow et al. 2004), as this process must have
Chortis motion Siuna
been active at that time, shortly after subduction initiation.
We further suggest that a portion of the northern Motagua
0 500 km 1000
HP/LT mélange represents Farallon-derived material that
had already reached the inter-American transform by the
time of subduction initiation, and that it remained deep (did
not cool) and lay farther east along the new trench. These N Motagua
rocks survived metamorphic overprints (Brueckner et al.
2009) until they were re-metamorphosed and exhumed dur- Jamaica
ing collision of the Greater Antillean Arc with the Maya Las Ovejas
S Motagua, obducted as
Block’s rifted margin basement (Chuacús Complex) in flower petals to South
the Maastrichtian, and hence they show zircon crystalliza- Siuna
tion and Ar–Ar cooling ages of 75–70 Ma (Harlow et al.
2004; Martens 2007), respectively (Figure 5). The south- Figure 5. Three-stage scheme for juxtaposition of ‘terranes’ in
ern, already high-level Motagua HP/LT-block-bearing ser- Central Guatemala during the progressive migration of Chortis
pentinites collided in our opinion with the margin to the Block along southern Mexico and Guatemala. (A) 70 Ma time
south of the Chiapas Massif portion of the Maya Block, of arc–continent collision, showing restored alignment of HP-LT
whereas the northern Motagua serpentinites collided with complexes (grey belt defining suture) before Motagua–Cayman
offset. Transcurrent displacement may begin just after this time
the Cuchumatanes portion several hundred kilometres to (note: Chortis migration is larger than Eocene–Recent Cayman
the east. The two complexes now lie across the Motagua length). (B) 45 Ma, during transcurrent displacement with Chortis
Valley from one-another, but only after hundreds of kilo- restored by 900 km, showing southward transpressional extru-
metres of Tertiary sinistral motion between them on the sion of Las Ovejas Complex, which cooled through 350◦ C
Motagua (and Polochic) fault zones. just after 35 Ma. Inset shows simplest possible scheme for
large-scale extrusion of Las Ovejas unit (grey); basal thrust is
Also during this period of transcurrent motion, the Las likely Chamelecón fault. (C) 20 Ma time of continued trans-
Ovejas Complex of the northern Chortis basement was tec- pression with Chortis restored by 400 km, showing obduc-
tonically elevated and cooled from some 10 km depth since tion (in flower structure?) of southern Motagua mélanges onto
the Eocene (Ratschbacher et al. 2009). This unit is now the already elevated Las Ovejas. Subsequent movements after
overlain by the southern serpentinite mélange and the San 20 Ma have juxtaposed these complexes today. N Motagua
and S Motagua: northern and southern Motagua HP/LT block-
Diego Phyllite (e.g. Schwartz 1976), which do not show bearing mélanges, following terminology of Brueckner et al.
evidence for having been 10 km deep in the Eocene like (2009).
the Las Ovejas. Thus we suggest that these units were
brought together by either (1) faulting during the latter exhumed (Figure 5; Pindell and Barrett 1990, their note
stages of uplift of the Las Ovejas or (2) southward thrusting added in proof; Pindell and Kennan 2009). The idea of less-
or extrusion of the southern mélange/San Diego Phyllite metamorphosed units being emplaced onto the Las Ovejas
from a transpressive Motagua flower structure onto the unit raises the possibility that the San Diego Phyllite, like
Las Ovejas metamorphic rocks after the latter had been the southern mélange, derives from the original north wall
International Geology Review 9

of the Motagua Fault. If true, possible correlations for second is the probable Late Cretaceous subduction of sev-
the San Diego Phyllite include the Santa Rosa unit of the eral hundred kilometres of Caribbean crust beneath the
Maya Block, or the similar Cosoltepec unit of the Acatlán Nicaragua Rise–Jamaica Arc, and also the several hun-
Complex in southern Mexico (Weber et al. 2008). dred kilometres of Palaeogene sinistral strike-slip motion
We favour this model for the origin of the southern between the Central Cordillera (arc) and the southern
Motagua serpentinites (Figure 5) to that of Harlow et al. (basalt plateau) ranges of Hispaniola along the Peralta and
(2004), Mann et al. (2007), and Ratschbacher et al. (2009), other fault zones, both of which have brought Caribbean
in which the serpentinites are believed to derive from a plateau rocks closer to the arc than was the case during
marginal basin between Chortis and southern Mexico that the mid-Cretaceous plateau extrusion (Pindell and Barrett
opened in the Late Jurassic and closed by N-dipping Early 1990; Pindell and Kennan 2009). In addition, arc magma-
Cretaceous subduction (pre-132 Ma), thereby obducting tism, and hence subduction, did not begin at the Panama–
southern Motagua mélange onto the Las Ovejas basement Costa Rica Arc until the Late Campanian–Maastrichtian
rocks of Chortis. First, evidence for Late Jurassic rifting (Buchs et al. 2007; Baumgartner et al. 2008), well after
Downloaded By: [Consorci de Biblioteques Universitaries de Catalunya] At: 11:40 8 February 2011

and N-facing margin development in Chortis is lacking most Caribbean basalt plateau extrusion, negating the idea
in our opinion. Second, there is no load-induced fore- of an eastward dipping slab from the west during extrusion.
deep section beneath the obducted serpentinites. Third, the Acknowledging the concerns of Hastie and Kerr (2010),
southern Motagua mélange records some of the coldest we accept that the northeastern limit of the plateau must
subduction conditions in the world, which we doubt could have been situated at least a couple of 100 km behind the
have formed in a short-lived marginal basin. Fourth, the arc axis, possibly allowed closer to the arc by the central
Las Ovejas basement rocks on which the obducted serpen- part of the slab gap, and that the rest of the plateau to the
tinites rest did not cool through 350◦ C until the Oligocene southwest (e.g. Curaçao) was thus situated many hundreds
(Ratschbacher et al. 2009), and thus were probably not near to over a thousand kilometres from the arc. We consider
the surface in the Early Cretaceous. In addition, we favour that any subduction-related fluids that might overlie the
our model to that of Brueckner et al. (2009), because slab as far from the trench as 400–500 km would likely
that model (1) also presumes the Las Ovejas was rela- be drowned out by the overwhelming volume of plume
tively shallow in the Early Cretaceous; (2) invokes large- magmatism when the plume was extruded. The occurrence
scale strike-slip between Chortis and southern Mexico, of centimetric arc-derived tuffs interbedded with plume-
apparently abandoning suspected late Palaeozoic corre- derived lavas of the Bath Dunrobin Formation of Jamaica
lations between the two; and (3) requires an E-dipping (Hastie et al. 2008) suggests reasonable mutual proximity;
trench beneath southern Mexico to the east of the migrat- the Bath Dunrobin area of southeast Jamaica was probably
ing Chortis, for which we see no evidence (e.g. eastern allochthonous with respect to the rest of Jamaica by sev-
Chortis/southern Mexico was more likely a passive margin eral hundred kilometres until the Palaeogene, the suturing
(Pindell and Kennan 2001)). of which pertains to the intra-plate contraction noted above
(Pindell and Kennan 2009).

Implications for the Caribbean basalt plateau

A 135 Ma initiation of SW-dipping subduction at the Conclusions
Greater Antillean Arc beneath the Caribbean Plate (or Integration of Caribbean arc chronology and geochem-
Aptian, 125–112 Ma, in most previous models) implies istry, circum-Caribbean HP/LT metamorphic petrology
that mid-Cretaceous Caribbean basalt plateau formation and chronology, and Meso-American plate kinematics indi-
occurred behind the active Cretaceous Antillean Arc cates that the most likely time for the initiation of SW-
in what would loosely appear (today) to be a supra- dipping subduction beneath the Greater Antilles Arc, and
subduction setting. However, two aspects of Caribbean hence the beginning of relative migration of Caribbean
evolution enhance this appearance, perhaps making the site lithosphere into the inter-American gap from the Pacific
of plateau development seem closer to the arc than was realm, was about 135 Ma (Hauterivian). Such an age
actually the case. The first was the creation of a Proto- aligns with the earliest ages for all known Caribbean
Caribbean slab gap between 135 and 72 Ma as the arc subduction-related arc magmatic rocks, such that the often-
overran the Proto-Caribbean spreading centre, which may cited Cretaceous arc polarity reversal is not indicated,
have greatly reduced the expected extent of the Proto- and likely never happened. In fact, a continuous uninter-
Caribbean slab as a source of contamination for plume rupted dynamic history of subduction indicative of con-
magmas (Pindell et al. 2006). Hastie and Kerr (2010) argue stant SW-dipping subduction polarity is indicated well into
against this concept, but the fact remains that a slab gap the Eocene for most of the Greater Antilles (e.g. Krebs
could only have helped the plume magmas to find a posi- et al. 2008; Lázaro et al. 2009). In addition, we postulate
tion closer to the arc than can otherwise be expected. The that an older population of HP/LT rocks now present in
10 J. Pindell et al.

Nicaragua and Guatemala (140–130 Ma with subduction Acknowledgements

initiation perhaps 20 million years older than that) origi- We thank Lorcan Kennan for his collaboration on numerous
nated at the west-facing trench along Mexico–Chortis and Andes issues over the years, Roberto Molina and Luigi Solari for
was dragged southward by oblique subduction to a posi- discussions on southwest Mexico, and Lothar Ratschbacher, Jinny
Sisson, and Hans Avé Lallemant for discussions on Guatemala.
tion along an inter-American transform setting, at which
time the Antillean Arc was initiated at about 135 Ma. Much
of the PIA/IAT magmatic series may pertain to a period
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