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NAME: Jerson D.

CONTROL N#: 5005 TIME: 1-3pm DATE: 06-26-20


1. What remnant of the westphalian system can still be felt at this day and
age? In what sense has the world gone beyond the westphalian system?
- Well, I should say that this kind of corporation could be considered as a
cancer on the global politics. They haven’t taken complete control, but in
my own understanding is that because of free market capitalism offers
more stability to global politics than any previous historic epoch. Free
market capitalism brings us closer to westphalian utopia than before.

2. What are the differences between liberal and socialist internationalism?

What are their strengths and weaknesses?
- liberalism is a pro-capitalist ideology. Classical liberals favor free trade,
growth of global commerce, and also favor rights of capital to penetrate
anywhere in their search profit.

- Socialist internationalism was also expressed in the creation of a whole

series of international federations of unions and political groups.

- Socialist internationalism is the principle of the group socialist international

which aims to spread the idea of social democracy around the world. Both
socialist internationalism and liberal internationalism can’t seem leave the
rest of the world alone, they both support opposing groups within a
troubled nation which does not end well for the people. Both became a tool
for intervention.

3. Do you think internationalism erodes the sovereignty of states?

- I think that global governance comes at the costs of national sovereignty.
Because as far as I know that all international trade involves loss of
sovereignty to the nation states that allow it. Because international trade
requires that those who participate states have no barriers to trade. In
other words those participating nation will give up much all of its power to
control trade across its boarder.

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