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TBRC Volume Number TBRC Work Number (W) Title Author Descriptor Original Publication Place Publisher Date Total Volumes Current Volume (of Total) Number of TBRC Introductory Pages Number of Introductory Pages Number of Text Pages ‘TBRC Scanning Information Seo Bacey ERR Eepsy: ‘Theta Budahiet Resoerca Conter Text Sean Input Form - Title Page 1688 2344 age BRB ge BardjeraBiebgaeganectatl "Dus pa rin po che'i reyud dri ma med pa gzi brjid rab tu "bar ba'i mdo ryan 399 Sprul sku Blo Idan snying po Lithographic edition Delhi Tenzin Namdak 1964-1967 12 1 9 760 Scanned by Khedrup Gyatso on behalf of Menti Monastery and the Bon Foundation U.S. at the Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center, 117 Rindge Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140. U.S.A 2002 English pages are out of sequence. Surrogate LC Cataloging Record ‘Dus pa rin po che'i raynd dri ma med pa Gri brjid rab tu "barn LC Control Number: W23434 (another edition 78905710) ‘Type of Material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.) Uniform Title: [Kanjur (Bonpo version), Mdo. Gai briid, Main Title: 'Dus pa rin po che'i rgyud dri ma med pa Gzi brjid rab tu "bar bali mdo Published/Created: (Delhi. : Tenzin Namdak, 1964-1967] Description: 12 v, Notes: Lithographic edition, Subjects: G'senrab, Mibo. Bonpo lamas--Tibet--Biography. LC Classification: Another edition: BQ7971.5 .K36 1978 Geog. Area Cod CALL NUMBER: BQ797L5 36 1978 Tib Copy ~ Request in: Asian Reading Room (Jefferson, LJ150) ~ Status: Not Charged Se [1 ware eageeretsieg stertegegty mi | ed [Kock a Ck ain 5 ay tehsne tenes apeedaincennermeyeanetey ea [entantag a traarecrgempesten) Senate RaS) yrs heyoneee Beak Traess) aay) Sa SRRR NG ener) aEgENaT A" | 7 i Bbieasag a SpEsonasEest gas aa ‘ wa Cianiar atalcalaien sbi Gil I | jasssargeRgradgssBagerki AasaSaergaserdnstgr imate gaeny) RAAmganaaarrgst | Saesasresgsh eR RA Sm aeQAscn SABRES Sau tgunsen Se aresdergeds Scena mane ran oe eo ae Baga AgeraTAN a rertnanern aye ante laa Sasisaeergaaeirgy pied ‘aaa ee ATS) TAREE] eon gu yaa Reena aban magna ean) SARE I BL RasaRacimeaigad) gaa geecaseen ga Sereceryul oad amas RES ‘(BRAT AR apreraaneqatgetggs) WadanRansmntecangaenieoryesRgwam aga SAGE ARATE ARCO RERRN gTELSSacisqgnrangRstgy Femseqaqestgenyay Aly Sreeregtneredesrey sQSRGTTS TAN] FASTER] Freeraontagayy aeeghy Ravaicy Gi. lalsnath: Gib ulaabibinl MA ASMKsR Gi nain\ Mi, tak aNGa nea Manin Aaa as a Pe an mae srares ae phen a areas Re ata e rag ret R ET sere ny argo eatenassl ayes ial Beg Y | Sarees meiner a atfaagereRaratyy) 5 antag aie qoveeten ab Lactate oe. = ne RAE) AaRBageag] epagransg aging, sqgeBvarsagean] Sscraewsagyc Suan aPRgerndigracegnany .Aeneaaagean| F Reese nay SERAARETING] | RNARIGUARY area aR i a PoseasgreieRitel SAaeneRaasias) Rasenraanachgatay Sage’ Aagasegssy | REQ TANITA] Aameaseaias] Wascsgaeggs, osSysRee ges gerker ARTE TARGIER RRR IAS] EME EN ERR] | QA TQTENE neEaporane|/ RAR RAEN SHRRS Sta Regs] ca | j ee oe Rasy TReRER] SinagasAaanegaa Sate RES laa gerarae esata Radaydeary Sqn Pa qoroiayay BR] RamuqnaRarsraranHeeRe an gsehaqarstagaN Tae, at BRS) ANFSRS] SARA NTT 1 Ranga Ranndagayeieremn danas grayassass| FNagatwanger MAAR AT Tavagt aaa SERRAN SHIGA NIN] YAGENEAEE Siar » BRS gy RTA BeTQnRsgeerysy abaspae stacey Rea ARAN DN] ay BRaersa RENIN aisijialniay ‘alia teanbekal RaersakerrenrFepmyeey seer aigeversamiayrayy ora "= A ra Bargeray 2 eA iar s See ey oT ras Ragas BRA i ap Acasa gust gR Ta reriRRRHAOR Acraqemgeenargedtgacedinagtcesy ane pte erates Aiton ETN ai [pred geen qeegentamdeneee saat ; ST ATA eA RINT SENT AGTTO anrc8 craligersaseisy Raceper Rodger pmentn en erences bseaes Ee ee ert aYTRS aeRnecaanrg ein eared] SeermenitragarQhy aay anwar corey a] ema Gaaeceays Faarangteres tress runt ple bi Nar siggred get aecinccen eg RRR NGA seg temnnBaaaearenaceray ae aerSaavgnaneh ateecagnaarerg yeas] Seren Qeaehes Ioeered emegersy atacsse) 35 Pee | bier pehaed yay ees

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