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Tine if Define and explain load curve. What inf formation d obtained from it 7 aaa F 4 The electrical load on a generating station Varies i ‘ time to time; depending upon the requirement of diffe, ime 7 types of consumers. The load curve is a graph, wh Tepresents loads on the generating station Tecordeg at the interval of half-hour or hour against the time ik chronological order, —* Load in kW/MW 18 ay —— > Time in hours Fig. 1.3.1: Typical daily load curve Fig. 1.3.1 represents the typical daily load curve. Tr: load curves supply much useful information, which is s follows : a) The area under the daily load Curve represents the tot! number of units generat ited by the plant. 5) Area under the daily load Curve, divided by the to? area of the rectangle jj load factor for that day Kk) mu The maximum (peal simultaneous maxi day, ro! divided by number of hol Bives the Stati tint average demand on the genet ao eee differs from day to day and season to season. 1.3.1 Load Duration Curve Tce encoun) Q. How load duration curve can be obtained from the load curve ? SPPU : Dec. 13, 4 Marks Q. Explain how the load duration curve can be plotted " from load curve. What information can be obtained from it? Sida EA — The load curve drawn in Fig. 1.3.2 represents the load in kW/MW at any hour of the day. The same curve can also be changed into load duration curve by arranging the ordinates as shown in Fig. 1.3.2. + Lcd in ww ——— Hous of day 13.2 The ordinate representing the maximum load is Tepresented to the left and the decreasing loads are Tepresented to the right in the descending order. The total load supplied during a day is divided into number of sections, may be equal to number of enerators used in the plant. Suppose that 5 generators are used in the plant. The generator which supplies load OA works almost for 24 hours and supplying its full load and has a load factor of nearly 90 to 95 9%. Hence, itis a generator supplying the base load on the plant. When the load on the station increases and becomes OB, Second alternator (generator) will work in addition to first and it works on nearly 50-55% of load factor. TaClOls dUUVY au ee Combined Operation of Hydro- Electric and Steam Power Plant UP sess Ae eked cena) Q. Explain the load sharing between interconnected hydro and thermal power plants. yy Ue ee Leta - Interconnection of these type of generating plants enable the water and fuel resources to be used economically. At the times, when its raining and rivers and Jakes are full of flood water, hydro-electric plants can be operated at their maximum capacity so that coal and other fuel required for the steam plant can be saved by running it at low load. The same water flowing to spillways which is not useful for the plant can be reduced. — Also in the summer or dry season, the quantity of available water gets reduced. So steam stations can run as base-load plant while hydro plant can be kept reserved for peak-load purposes. Such type of operation results in more energy output and greater peak-load capacity available for the power system, than if both types of plants operate at system load factor. Hence, by proper selection of installed capacities for two types, a very efficient arrangement can be worked out. Two or more Hydro-electric maximul® ee 2 i interconnection of two reason sets in. The int OF mo, nydro-electric P utilization of wate! Base Load and Peak Load Stations | ower stations result in more eff; + for producing electrical energy, University Questions @. Explain what are base loads and peak loads hey od explain various features of base load and peak power stations. SPPU : Dec. 17, 6 Marks} Q. Explain in brief, what are base load and peak plants hence explain advantages of interconnecte grid system. SPPU : May 18, 6 Marks} Let us study the load curve shown in Fig. 1.4.1. — We have noted that load demand by consumers ist constant but varying in 24 hours ofa day. — This variation is shown in the Fig. 1.4.1 load diagram. — Note that certain amount of load say 25 MW I continuously present on the power station. Base load : This load which is un-varying load present on © station supplied to consumers all the 24 hours of the day! ‘base load’. ; Peak load : See the above load curve, there are two peak demi on the power station occurring for a small period of The various peak demands of power load curve, above base load of the station is known as ‘peak load’ o 4 68 12 4 8 4g — Hrs Fig. 1.4.1 1.5 More about Base Load and Peak Load IP rend Freak Load _ University Question Q. Explain what are base loads and peak loads hence explain various features of base load and peak load power stations. SPPU : Dec. 17, 6 Marks — Every generating station has to respond and supply the varying demand of power throughout the day. Hence, it is necessary that individual generators are required to bring into service or shut down from service depending on whether the load is increasing or decreasing. - The peak-load on the station remains for ‘a short duration, when some units are reserved for meeting the peak-load demand only they will be operated for this short period only. The cost of energy generated by such units will be high due to low load factor of these units, — In the co-ordinated operation of hydro and, thermal power stations, the available hydro energy and thermal. plant, capacity are fitted into the system load’ curve. Output of hydro-electric plant is determined from the data of river flow or the number of units a hydro plant can produce per hour/day is thus fixed. ~ The capacity of the hydro-station to carry ‘peak-load demand is thus dependent upon the number of hours the station operates. ~ When thermal plant carry the base-load, the hydro- plants operating hours are reduced, which will increase the peak-load carrying capacity of the latter. The total maximum demand which can be met, increases dae to decrease in load factor of the hydro-electric plant. efficiencies. Advantages ion. 1) Better efficacy operation of statiol 2) Capacity of stand by 3) Reduces overall cost of ge! 1.8 Introduction of Tariff an’ yy unit is less. neration of electrica d Objectives | energy- 1.8.1 Meaning of Tariff ies he objectives of Q. What is meant by tariff ? What are # tariff.? SEAN eP a mee ECS Q. Define tariff. SPPU : Dec. 14, 2 Marks Q. Explain various objectives and characteristics of tariff. SPPU : May 17, 6 Marks — Tariff means schedule of rates or charges. — Tariff in case of electric supply means schedule or rates framed for supply of electric energy to the different classes of consumers. Objectives of tariff 1. Recovery of cost of capital investment in Generation, Transmission and Distribution equipments. , 2. Recovery of cost of Operation, supplies and m of equipment. aintenance 3. Recovery of cost of equipment for me : tering, billi collection and related miscellaneous servi 8 billing, ces, 4. The satisfactory returns on the capital investm, ents, 5. The aim is to distribute equally the cos it of . energy among the various classes of cons Supplying ‘umers, structure of Electrical Power Systems and T, OES Factors affecting formation of tariff 1. Proper return is secured from each. consumer, fixing the tariff for different classes of consumers, ith ’ to be taken into account whether the tariff will result a revenue, meeting all the expenditure of the sup authority. In addition, collect money to enable futur expansion for anticipated future load. a 2. The tariff should be simple and capable of ay explanation to the public. A complicated tariff may caus an opposition from the public. 3. The consumers are encouraged to use more electricity. 4. The tariff should be such as to satisfy the consumers! all categories, A big consumer should be charged e lower rate than a small consumer. 5. The consumers are encouraged to use power during peak hours. They are penalised for high loads dem’ a at system's peak load. r 6. The consumers are penalized for poor power facto 1.9 Tariff Setting Principle Universit cee Q. Explain tariff Setting principles in brief. nsure ff should be such as to satisfy the consy, ig consumer should be charged 3, Theo 4, The tari ries. A bi na small consumer. 5, The consumers are encouraged to use power dul peak pours. They are P J peak load. at system's are penalized for poor power factor, 6. The consumers 9 Tariff setting Pri 1 Univers’ Q. Explain tariff sel tting principles in brief. ee While setting the tariff, the regulator must ‘pet analysis and assessment of cost and profit. So tariff m correspond to economically justified costs. 4 _ The regulator approves the basic principles specifications; according regulated enterprise 4 pl the cost allocation model. This model: ™ st compressive. i While determining capital cost, the regulatory asset and rate of return on capital is used, average returnls long term interest rates on borrowed capital mus thought of. 3 — According to existing procedure, pany ae reasonably justified tariff proposals. — Within a period of 20 days, the commi proposal and accepts or rejects such pr give chance for corrections/modifications: ected it can © ission studies posal an — But once the proposal is rej challenged in court for justice. ¥ Power system - I (SPPU) 1-29 Desirable Characteristics of Tariff University Questions Q. Describe the desirable characteristics of a tariff. SPPU : Dec. 12, 8 Marks Q. Explain desirable characteristics of tariff. SPPU : Dec.14, 4 Marks Q. Explain various objectives and characteristics of tariff. Sana arAGness Following are the expected main characteristics of a tariff. Main Characteristics of Tariff 1. Attraction of consumers 2. Simplicity in understanding the tariff 3. Reasonable and fair enough 4. Proper retums to company | 5. Reasonable profit to company Fig. C1.3 : Main Characteristics of tariff 1. Attraction of consumers Companies aim is always attract as many consumers as possible which is beneficial to company. To attract + Consumers, and frame the tariff such that consumers can afford to pay easily. Less rate for first 20 to 30 units of consumption so that poor consumers are encouraged. 2. Simnlicieg: im eecdeapctandine the tariff — This j increa over | overal 4. Prope — Thet suppl) — This z very ii — Prope frome 5. Reaso — There — Gener compa — So sw therefi — Thisst 1.11 Va Blectri consumed categorize Explan consumpti Vark 4. Proper returns to compariy 5. Reasonable profit 1o company Fig. C1.3 : Main Characteristics of tariff 1. Attraction of consumers Companies aim is always attract as many consumers as possible which is beneficial to company. To attract consumers, and frame the tariff such that consumers can afford to pay easily. Less rate for first 20 to 30 units of consumption so that poor consumers are encouraged, 2. Simplicity in understanding the tariff — The tariff should be so simple that one can understand very easily. No hitches in it, easy for calculations. _— If tariffis complicated, and not understandable, a lot of complaints may be received and will spoil the friendly atmosphere and mutual relations of company and consumers. o 3. Reasonable and fair enough _~ The tariff must be framed such that all the consumers are satisfied with the rate of charge of energy per unit. f \~ It is the general practice that big consumers are charged at a lower rate than small consumers. 1-29 Structure of Electrical Power Systems and Tariff (asec a — This is advantageous to the company also such that increased energy consumption spreads the fixed charges over large number of units which results in reduction of overall cost of production of energy. 4. Proper returns to company The tariff must be equal to the cost of producing and supplying electrical energy plus reasonable profit. — This assures continuous and reliable supply which is a very important. — Properly designed tariff ensures the proper returns from each consumer. 5. Reasonable profit to company — There should be logical profit component in tariff. — Generally electric companies are public utility companies and no other companies for competition. — So such company enjoys the benefits of monopoly therefore the investment is relatively very safe. — This suggest that profit is less than or equal to 8 % only. 1.11 Various Consumers Categories Electrical energy is used for so many purposes. It is consumed at various places and broadly consumers are categorized as per the used of load: Separate tariff energy charges _ maintenance cha replacement of lampg 1 1,12 Types of Tariff es esate Q. Write a short note on: Time of day tariff... 4 ¥ UAE mE Q. Write a short notes on the following types of ta 1. Simple tariff (Uniform rate tariff) 2. Step rate tariff ; 3. Block rate tariff 4, Power factor tariff Log (a) kVA Maximum Demand Tariff | q (b) kWh and KVARh Tariff y [oamansnvarn rant] ———<—<$—— 4 7. Flat rate tariff | 8. TOD (ie. Time of Day Tariff) } Fig. C1.5 : Types of Tariff 2. Simple tariff (Uniform rate tariff) 7 ; 4 Most simple form in which cost of eneray #5 the basis of units consumed by the consume- - ™ a ‘hat type of tariff is employed for domestic msumers ? UAE mee ss Type of consumer Tariff suitable for consumer Domestic consumer | a) Simple tariff b) Flat rate tariff c) Block rate tariff Commercial(non- a) Simple tariff residential b) Flat rate tariff consumer) c) Block rate tariff Agricultural . Charged flat rate tariff consumer a) On the basis of fixed rate “per unit consumed or b) Fixed rate per KW of connected load. Industrial consumers (a) For small scale | Block rate tariff industries (b) For medium scale industries (c) For large scale industries Two ~ part tariff kVA maximum demand tariff oe oor geet : a 4 : te ioe eee) oe Myc dear oer Fig. 1.1 1.14 Availability Based Tariff (ABT) Q. Write a note on availability based tariff. SPPU : May 14, 3 Marks — Meaning of ABT : ABT means Availability Based Tariff. - Its suitability : ABT mechanism is based on financial principle the scheme is for un-scheduled interchange of power. — ABT is a system of rewards and penalties seeking to enforce day ahead pre-committed schemes. But variations are permitted if notified one or one and half hour in advance. — ABT is a new system of scheduling and dispatch which requires both generators and beneficiaries to commit to day ahead schedules. — ABT is a performance based tariff for the supply of electrical energy by generators owned and controlled by the central government. — Electricity Act 2003 is most significant in Indian power sector which more efficiency.

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