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Unit:02 Electric Heating and Welding System.

Course: - Utilization of Electrical Energy (UEE) Course Code: 22626 Class:TYEE

Que. Bloom‟s
Questions to
No. Level
1 2 State any eight advantages of electric heating.
Marking ( Any Four Advantages expected : 1 Mark each, Total 4 Marks)
Answer Advantages of Electric heating:
1. It can be put into service immediately.
2. No standby losses.
3. High efficiency.
4. More economical than other conventional types of heating system.
5. Easy to operate and control.
6. No air pollution. COI602.2
7. System is clean, as there is no waste produced.
8. No fuel transportation cost.
9. No space is required for storage of fuel and waste.
10. Noiseless operation.
11. Uniform heating is possible; heating at particular point is also possible.
12. Dielectric material can be heated.
13. Electrical heating equipments are generally automatic, so it requires low attention and supervision.
14. Protection against overheating can be provided by suitable switch gear.
2 2 State any two applications of each for the following types of electrical heating : (i) Direct
resistance heating (ii) Indirect induction heating (iii) Direct arc heating (iv) Dielectric heating
Marking (Any Two Application Are Expected Of Each Heating Type 1/2 Mark Each Application, Total 4
Scheme Marks )
(i) Direct resistance heating:-
1. This type of heating used for industrial purpose
2. Salt bath heating: This utilized for the purpose of carbonizing, tempering, quenching and hardening of steel tools
3. Heating of water in boiler

(ii) Indirect induction heating:

1. For heating as well as melting
2. Production of carbon free ferrous alloys.
3. For vacuum melting.
4. For melting non-ferrous metals for e.g. copper, aluminum, nickel etc.
5. For duplexing steel products.
6. Heating of non-conducting material is also possible if crucible is made from conducting material.

(iii) Direct.arc heating:-

1. Used for continuous and large production of high quality steel.
2. For Ferro-alloy manufacturing

(iv) Dielectric heating:-

1) In food processing industry, dielectric heating is used for Baking of cakes & biscuits in bakeries.
2) Cooking of food without removing outer shell (e.g.-boiled egg) and pasteurizing of milk.
3) For Rubber vulcanizing.
4) In Tobacco manufacturing industry for dehydration of tobacco.
5) In wood industry for manufacturing of ply wood.
6) In plastic Industry for making different containers.
7) In cotton industry for drying & heating cotton cloths for different processes.
8) In tailoring industry for producing threads.
9) For manufacturing process of raincoats & umbrellas.
10) In medical lines for sterilization of instruments & bandages.
11) For heating of bones & tissues of body required for certain treatment to reduces paints & diseases.
12) For removal of moisture from oil.
13) For quick drying gum used for book binding purpose.
14) In foundry for heating of sand, core, which are used in molding processes.
3 2 State any four causes of failure of resistance heating element.
( Any Four causes expected: 1 Mark each, Total 4 Marks)
Following of the different causes of failure of resistance heating element:
i) Formation of hot spot:
Hot spot on heating element is the point which is at higher temperature than remaining heating element portion. So there is COI602.2
possibility of breaking of heating element at hot spot.
ii) Due to oxidization:
At high temperature material gets oxidized which may cause failure of heating element.
iii) Due to corrosion:
If heating element is directly exposed to chemical fumes then there is possibility of rusting of heating element which
causes failure of heating element.

iv) Mechanical Failure:

Measure heating element alloy contain iron which is brittle. Due to frequent heating & cooling of heating element, it may
break (fail) due to small mechanical injury also.

4 2 State the different methods of temperature control of resistance furnace/oven.

Marking ( 4 Marks)
Following Methods of temperature control of resistance furnace/oven.:
A) By varying voltage across heating element:
1. With the help of autotransformer.
2. With the help of tap-changing transformer.
3. By use of series impedance or reactance.
4. Bucking and boosting secondary voltage.
5. By use of separate M.G. Set ( for large capacity resistance furnace/oven)
Answer 6. By series and parallel combination of resistances

B) By varying the value of resistance of heating element:

1. By varying number of heating element.
2. By varying value of resistance by different configuration in circuit

C) By use of thermostat:

5 3 State any eight advantages of electric heating.

Marking ( Any Four Advantages expected : 1 Mark each, Total 4 Marks)
Answer Advantages of Electric heating:
1. It can be put into service immediately.
2. No standby losses.
3. High efficiency.
4. More economical than other conventional types of heating system. COI602.2
5. Easy to operate and control.
6. No air pollution.
7. System is clean, as there is no waste produced.
8. No fuel transportation cost.
9. No space is required for storage of fuel and waste.
10. Noiseless operation.
11. Uniform heating is possible; heating at particular point is also possible.
12. Dielectric material can be heated.
13. Electrical heating equipment’s are generally automatic, so it requires low attention and supervision.
14. Protection against overheating can be provided by suitable switch gear.

6 2 What are the requirements to heating elements materials? Enlist four names of hearing material.
Marking ( Requirements 2 Marks, Names of heating material 2 Marks, Total 4 Marks)

Following requirements of heating material:-

1. High resistivity:
It should have high resistivity. So that is becomes compact in size and produces more heat with small input current.
2. High melting point:
It should have high melting point to withstand at high temperature.
3. High Resistance to corrosion:
It should have high resistance to corrosion to avoid rusting.
4. Brittleness –
It should not be brittle.
5. High Oxidizing temperature:
It should have high oxidizing temperature or it should not oxidize even at high temperature.
6. High Mechanical Strength:
Answer It should have high mechanical strength to withstand from mechanical injury.
7. Ductile:
It should be ductile so that it can be manufactured into different size & shape.
8. Long Life:
It should have long life.
9. Less Costly:
It should be less costly and easily available.
10. Low temperature co-efficient of resistance:
For accurate temperature control, it should have low temperature co-efficient of resistance.

Names of Material used for manufacturing of heating element:-

i) Nichrome (Nickel-chromium) ii) Constantan or Eureka (Nickel-copper )
iii) Kanthal (Iron-chromium-Aluminum) iv) Nickel-chromium-iron v) Carbon vi) Tungsten vii) Platinum
viii) Silicon carbonate ix) Iron-chromium-Aluminum
7 2 Derive an expression for design of heating element when heating element is circular wire.
Marking Scheme COI602.2
(Derivation up to equation 1 or part I--- 2Marks & For equation 2 or part II---2 Marks, Total 4 Marks)
8 2 State four advantages of Ajax Wyatt vertical core induction furnace.
(Any Four Points Are Expected : 1 Mark each, Total 4 Marks)
Answer Advantages of Ajax Wyatt vertical core induction furnace:
1) As furnace has narrow ‘V’ shape crucible at bottom. So small quantity of molten metal remains in narrow ‘V’
notch from previous operation, which will help to keep secondary short circuited. So no extra care is required to start
the furnace

2) Magnetic coupling between primary & secondary winding is better because both windings are on central limb of
magnetic core. So there will be less leakage flux, Hence leakage reactance is less, so power factor is better than
horizontal crucible direct core type induction furnace.
3) Due to pinch effect in ordinary core type induction furnace there are chances of temporary interruption in
secondary circuit when current density exceeds above 500A/cm2 OR 5Amp/mm2.
4) But in this type of induction furnace there are no chances of interruption in secondary circuit even if current
density exceeds 500A/cm2 OR 5Amp/mm2 Because tendency of weight of charge keep them in contact due to
narrow ‘V’ shape.
5) So we can increase current density above 500A/cm2 OR 5Amp/mm2 to obtain more heat in less time.
6) Vertical crucible is always better than horizontal crucible for pouring and taking out the metal. Also space required
is less.
7) As heat is produced directly in the charge there is no heat transfer loss. So efficiency of furnace is more.
8) As heat is directly produced in the charge time required for melting metal is less. So energy consumption is less.
9) As current is directly induced in the charge there is automatic stirring action taking place in the charge due to
electromagnetic forces developed in the charge due which,
- Through mixing of molten metal is possible.
- Uniform heating is possible
10) Accurate temperature control.
11) Ideal working condition in a cool atmosphere with no dirt , noise and fuel.
9 Explain with neat sketch the construction, working principle and two applications of “Ajax
Wyatt” vertical core furnace.
Marking Scheme (Neat sketch 1 Mark, construction 2 Mark, working principle 4 Mark , Applications 1 Mark, Total 8 Marks)
Answer Neat Sketch of “Ajax Wyatt “ Vertical core furnace :


Principle of Induction heating: (4 Mark)

It is based on principle of transformer. In this type of Induction heating primary winding is as usual which is
wound around one limb of magnetic core but secondary winding is actually charge which is to be melted is kept in
When AC Supply is given to primary winding current flows through primary winding which creates alternating
flux in magnetic core this flux links to the secondary winding i.e. charge through magnetic core. Hence according to
faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction emf will be induced in secondary winding that is in the charge.
As charge forms a close circuit (secondary) heavy current flows through charge this current is responsible to
produce heat in charge due to I2R losses. This heat is utilized to melt the charge.

Where, R = Resistance of charge & I secondary current.

Construction of „Ajax Wyatt‟ vertical core type furnace: (2 Mark)

‘Ajax Wyatt’ type induction heating furnace is nothing but transformer. It consists of:-
a. Magnetic Core
b. Primary winding
c. Secondary Winding
d. Refractory Wall
e. Opening (There are two opening to the furnace.)
f. Cooling arrangement
g. Tilting arrangement
h. Control panel
i. APFC panel

Applications:- (Any two applications 1/2 mark each ) (1 Mark)

1. For melting copper, copper alloys such as brass, bronze and zinc
2. It is used for melting metal having low resistivity
3. It is used for heat treatment of silver, Copper, nickel etc.
10 Draw figure of indirect arc furnace. State its two advantages and two disadvantages.
Marking (Figure: 2 Mark, advanatges:1 Mark & disadvantages: 1 Mark, Total 4 Marks)
Answer Advantages: (Any Two advantages expected: 1/2 each: total 1 Mark)
1. No carbon particles of electrodes are mixed with molten metal. So we will get more pure casting.
2. Rocking arrangement is compulsory in this type of furnace, due to this
Uniform heating is possible.
Through mixing of molten metal is possible
Life of refractory wall increases.
Disadvantages: (Any Two disadvantages expected: 1/2 each: total 1 Mark)
1. This type of furnace is not build of large capacity, because there is limitation to use only two electrodes because of
its shape
2. Initial cost is more because rocking arrangement is compulsory required. (As there is no automatic stirring action
taking place in charge just like bottom conducting direct arc furnace.
3. Due to indirect heating temperature obtained is less.)
4. Melting time required is more than direct arc furnace
5. Capacity of furnace is less.
Figure of indirect arc furnace: (2 Marks)

11 State why indirect arc furnace is not built of large capacity.

Marking Why indirect arc furnace is not built of large capacity- 2 Mark,
Answer Why indirect arc furnace is not built of large capacity:-
Shape of heating chamber is more cylindrical to make rocking easily.
Due to this cylindrical construction of heating chamber there is limited to use only two electrodes. COI602.2

So this furnace is available only to use signal phase supply & power handling capacity of 1-ph supply is less than 3-ph
Hence indirect arc furnace is not built on large capacity

12 Enlist any four electrical equipment‟s and their functions, which are used in arc furnaces.
Marking Scheme (Any four electrical equipment’s are expected 2 Mark each, Total 8 Marks)
Answer Electrical equipment‟s required for arc furnace: COI602.2
1. Furnace Transformer: It is ON- load tap changing transformer. Its secondary winding is designed for low voltage
and high current. Secondary winding has number of taps of different voltage
2. Series Reactor: Reactor is used, for two purposes:-
a. To stabilize the arc.
b. To limit current short circuit.
3. Circuit Breaker (CB): To protect the furnace transformer against various types of fault.
4. Automatic current regulator (ACR): It adjusts current automatically flowing through electrode for control of
temperature (arc).
5. Electrode: Carbon, Graphite electrode are used.
6. Connecting rod:
It is used for making connection from secondary of transformer to electrode.
It carries very high current. So it consists of heavy copper rod or strip.
7. APFC: To improve the P.F. of furnace automatically to the most economical P.F.
13 State the principle of induction heating. Write four applications of induction heating.
Marking Scheme Principle ( 2 Mark), applications( 2 Mark).
Answer Principle of Induction heating: ( 2 Mark)
The basic principle of induction heating is that, supply is given to primary winding of furnace transformer & heat is
produced in the secondary (charge) due to electromagnetic action.
Principle of Induction heating:
It is based on principle of transformer. In this type primary winding is as usual which is wound around one limb of
magnetic core but secondary winding is actually charge which is to be melted is kept in crucible.

When AC Supply is given to primary winding current flows through primary winding which creates alternating
flux in magnetic core this flux links to the secondary winding i.e. charge through magnetic core. Hence according to COI602.2
faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction emf will be induced in secondary winding, that is in the charge. As charge
forms a close circuit (secondary) heavy current flows through charge this current is responsible to produce heat in charge
due to I2R losses. This heat is utilized to melt the charge.
Where, R = Resistance of charge & I secondary current
Following are applications of induction heating: (Any Four point expected: 1/2 each, Total 2 Marks)
1. Melting of steel and non ferrous metals at temperatures up to 1500 °C.
2. Heating for forging to temperatures up to 1250 °C.
3. Annealing and normalizing of metals after cold forming using temperatures in the range of 750 – 950 °C.
4. Surface hardening of steel and cast iron work pieces at temperatures from 850 – 930 °C (tempering 200-300 °C)
5. Soft and hard soldering at temperatures up to 1100 °C,
6. Moreover, special applications such as heating for sticking, sintering
14 State the advantages and applications of dielectric heating.
Marking Scheme (Advantages 2 Marks, Applications 2 Marks, Total 4 Marks)
Answer Advantages of Dielectric Heating:-
1) This is only method for heating non-metallic material. (Di-electric)
2) Bad conductor of heat material can be heat by this method (for e.g. porcelain)
3) As no flame or arc exists in the process, so material like plastic, wood cotton etc. heated safely.
4) As heat is produced inside material to be heated due to dielectric loss, so time required for heating is less.
5) As there is no heat transfer loss so efficiency is high.
6) Uniform heating is possible.
7) Temperature control is easy by simply controlling voltage & frequency.
8) Clean and convenient method.
9) Operation is simple and automatic.
Applications of Dielectric Heating:-
1) In wood industry for manufacturing of ply wood.
2) In plastic Industry for making different containers.
3) For manufacturing process of raincoats & umbrellas.
4) In medical lines for sterilization of instruments & bandages.
5) For quick drying gum used for book binding purpose.
6) In cotton industry for drying & heating cotton cloths for different processes.
7) For Rubber vulcanizing, tyre and tube manufacturing process
8) Cooking of food without removing outer shell (e.g.-boiled egg)
9) In milk industry for pasteurizing of milk.
10) In Tobacco manufacturing industry for dehydration of tobacco.
11) In food processing industry, dielectric heating is used for Baking of cakes & biscuits in bakeries.
15 State its eight applications of dielectric heating.
Marking Scheme (Any eight points are expected: 1/2 Mark each point, Total 4 Marks)
Answer Applications of Dielectric Heating:-
1) In wood industry for manufacturing of ply wood.
2) In plastic Industry for making different containers.
3) For manufacturing process of raincoats & umbrellas.
4) In medical lines for sterilization of instruments & bandages.
5) For quick drying gum used for book binding purpose.
6) In cotton industry for drying & heating cotton cloths for different processes.
7) For Rubber vulcanizing, tyre and tube manufacturing process
8) Cooking of food without removing outer shell (e.g.-boiled egg)
9) In milk industry for pasteurizing of milk.
10) In Tobacco manufacturing industry for dehydration of tobacco.
11) In food processing industry, dielectric heating is used for Baking of cakes & biscuits in bakeries.
16 State the principle and nature of supply used for eddy current heating. State the advantages and
disadvantages of eddy current heating.
Marking (4 Mark) COI602.2
Answer Figure of Eddy Current Heating:- (1 Mark)
Principle:- (1 Mark)

The job which is to be heated is wound by coil as shown in figure. Supply of high voltage (10KV) & high frequency
(10-40 KHz) is given to coil which induces eddy current in job according to Faraday’s law of Electromagnetic induction &
these eddy currents are responsible to produce heat in job itself due to eddy current loss.
In high frequency eddy current heating the phenomenon of skin effect plays an important role. Skin effect at high
frequency is more pronounced (effective). Due to this surface of job is more heated as compared to its depth.

Nature of supply used for eddy current heating: (1 Mark)

High voltage (10KV)
High frequency (10-40 KHz)

Advantages eddy current heating:- (Any one point expected) (1/2 Mark)
1) No heat transfer loss as heat is produced in job itself. So it has high efficiency.
2) As heat is produced in job itself so time required for heating is less. For e.g. in some cases operating time taken for
heating is of only one second.
3) By simply controlling frequency, we can control temperature accurately.
4) By simply controlling frequency, depth of penetration of heat can be controlled easily.
5) Very thin material surface can be heated easily.
6) Operation is simple & automatic.
7) For heating low attention is required.
8) Heating can be taken place in vacuum or other special atmospheric condition where other methods are not possible.
9) It is clean and convenient method.
Disadvantages of eddy current heating:- (1/2 Mark)
1) High initial cost because of high voltage high frequency supply equipment is required.
17 Give classification of electrical welding.
Marking (Total 4 Marks)
Answer i) Resistance Welding:-
1) Spot welding
2) Seam welding
3) Projection Welding COI602.2
4) Butt Welding- i) Simple butt welding ii) Flash butt welding

ii) Arc welding:-

1) Carbon Arc Welding: a) shielded welding b) unshielded welding
2) Metal Arc Welding: a) shielded welding b) unshielded welding
18 State any four factors to be considered while selecting electrical welding system.
Marking Scheme (Any Four Factors From The Following Or Equivalent Points Are Expected 1Mark To Each Point , Total 4 Marks)
Answer Following Factors are considered while selecting of electric welding system:-

1) Type of Material:- Whether similar metal is to be welded or dis-similar metal is to be welded.

2) Property of Material:- Whether ferrous or non-ferrous metal is to be welded.
3) Thickness of job:- It is also depends on thickness of job to be welded. e.g. for thick material- Arc welding is used.
And for thin material – Resistance welding is used.
4) Temperature required:- Whether job required high or low temperature to weld the job. e.g. For high Temperature -
Arc welding is used. And for low Temperature – Resistance welding is used.
5) Pressure required:- If job is need of pressure at the time of welding in that case resistance welding is used. And if
pressure is not required Arc welding is used.
6)Type of Supply Available:- Whether AC or DC or both supply are available.
7) Application:- In case of mass production, resistance welding is used & for repair work Arc welding is used.
19 State any four requirements of good welding.
Marking Scheme ( Any four requirements are expected 1 Mark each, Total 4 Marks)
Answer The good welding has following requirements:-
1) Welding joints must be strong and reliable
2) Joint (welding) is made by proper welding technique.
3) Welds should have a reasonably smooth, uniform & consistent appearance.
4) Welding Should be free from any type of welding defects
5) To avoid oxidation welds should have an adequate shielding from the atmosphere (Oxygen)
6) Welding should be done by only skilled welder
7) Correct welding technic should be used
8) The joint preparation of work pieces to weld should be done properly.
9) The electrode of correct type and size should be used
10) According to the nature of job welding current should be selected.
11) In case of pressure welding, pressure should be correctly control in time.
12) In case of arc welding proper arc length should be maintained.
20 State any four safety features to be observed in welding work.
Marking Scheme ( Any Four from following or equivalent Safety Features expected: 1 Mark each ; Total 4 Marks)
Answer Following are safety features observed in welding work:-
1. Select clothing to welder to provide maximum protection from spark & hot metals
2. Flame proof skull cap.
3. Hand held helmet with filter lens.
4. Safety shoes (Leather)
5. Fire resistant hand gloves.
6. Clean fire resistance clothing : i) Shirt full sleeves ii) No pockets iii) Collar buttoned iv) Long pants with no cuff COI602.2
v) Leather Apron
7. Dust Musk
8. Hearing Protection
9. PPE ( Personal Protective equipment)
10. First aid kit
11. Class ‘C’ fire extinguishers
12. Other equipment’s like small hammer, file, small metal wire brush etc. are essential during welding.
13. Earthing clamp and proper earthing arrangement
21 What is resistance welding ? Write its principle of operation, applications (any two) and write its
classification also.
Marking (What is resistance welding 1 Mark, principle of operation 1 Mark, Applications (any two) 1 Mark classification 3
Scheme Marks, Total 6 Marks)
Answer What is resistance welding:- (1 Mark)
In this process welding is obtain by heating the metallic part to a plastic state & then joining them together
by applying external pressure is known as resistance welding. This type of welding is done without adding external
filler material. COI602.2
Principle of operation resistance welding:- (1 Mark)
In resistance welding, sufficiently heavy current at low voltage is passed directly through two metals in contact to
be welded.
Heat is produced due to I2R losses where ‘R’ is the contact resistance. This heat is utilized to obtain welding
temperature (to become a plastic state).
When welding temperature is reached supply is cut down and external pressure is applied simultaneously across
the job to complete weld.
According to joules law, ……….. Heat produced H =I R t …………….. Watt-sec
From this equation it is clear that heat produced depends on
Square of current (I2)
Contact resistance (R)
Duration of current (t)
Hence to obtain more heat in less time high current is necessary.
Applications:- (Any two applications are expected from following) (1 Mark)
a) Applications of spot welding:-
1) Joining of automobile body section.
2) Joining sheet metal structure.
3) It is used for automatic welding process.
4) For spot welding to GI sheets, MS sheet, tinned, lead-coated sheets.
5) For spot welding to non-ferrous material such as brass, bronze, nickel, Cu,Al,etc.
6) In fabrication workshop for different applications.
b) Applications of Seam welding:-
It gives leak-proof joints.
1. Hence used for welding of various types of containers,
2. Pressure tank,
3. Tank of transformer,
4. Gas line,
5. Air craft tank,
6. Condenser,
7. Evaporator and
8. Refrigerator etc.
c) Applications of Projection welding:-
1) For cross-wire welding. 2) Used for attachments of nut-bolts, stud, ring etc.
d) Application Butt Welding:
1) For welding rod, wire, pipe etc
2) Butt welding is a resistance welding process for joining thick metal plates or bars at end
e) Application Flash Butt welding:
1) For welding rod.
2) For weld shaft
3) Rail, ends
4) For welding chains
Classification resistance welding:- (3 Marks)
Resistance Welding:-
1) Spot welding
2) Seam welding
3) Projection Welding
4) Butt Welding
5) Flash Butt welding
22 Draw figure of (i) Seam welding and (ii) Flash Butt welding and write two applications of each type.
Marking (figure of (i) Seam welding – 2 Marks, Application any Two 1/2 Mark each, figure of (ii) Flash Butt welding– 2 Marks, Application
Scheme any Two 1/2 Mark each)
Answer (i) Seam welding: (Figure- 2 Mark)

Applications of Seam welding:- (1 Mark)

It gives leak-proof joints.
1. Hence used for welding of various types
of containers,
2. Pressure tank,
3. Tank of transformer,
4. Gas line,
5. Air craft tank,
6. Condenser,
7. Evaporator and
8. Refrigerator etc. COI602.2

(ii) Flash Butt welding:- (Figure- 2 Mark)

Application Flash Butt welding: (1 Mark)

1. For welding rod.
2. For weld shaft
3. Rail, ends
4. For welding chains
23 Describe with neat sketch operation of seam type resistance welding.
Marking (4 Mark)
Answer 1) Seam Welding its neat labeled sketch: ( 2 Mark)


Explanation: ( 2 Mark)
Seam welding is nothing but series of continuous spot welding.
Job is kept in between two electrodes under pressure. This pressure is kept constant throughout.
In this type intermittent current is used, it means current is ON for definite time and OFF for another time interval with
the help of timer.
If current is continuously passes then heat produced may cause burning of job.
Heat is produced due to I R losses where ‘R’ is the contact resistance.
This heat is utilized to obtain welding temperature (to become a plastic state)
When welding temperature is reached supply is cut down and external pressure is applied simultaneously across the job
to complete weld.

24 State one applications of (i) Seam welding (ii) Butt welding (iii) Carbon arc welding (iv) Metal arc
Marking Scheme (4 Mark)
Answer (i) Applications of Seam welding:- ( Any one application expected: 1 Mark)
It gives leak-proof joints.
1. Hence used for welding of various types of containers,
2. Pressure tank,
3. Tank of transformer,
4. Gas line,
5. Air craft tank,
6. Condenser,
7. Evaporator and COI602.2
8. Refrigerator etc.

(ii) Application Butt Welding: ( Any one application expected: 1 Mark)

1) For welding rod, wire, pipe etc
2) Butt welding is a resistance welding process for joining thick metal plates or bars at end.

(iii) Application of Carbon arc welding: (1 Mark)

1. For welding non ferrous metals

(iv) Application of Metal arc welding: (1 Mark)

1. For welding Ferrous Metals, Can be used for vertical & overhead welding.
25 Compare resistance welding and arc welding on any four points.
Marking Scheme COI602.2
(Any Four Points From The Following Or Equivalent Points Are Expected 1 Mark To Each Point, Total 4 Marks)
26 What is electric welding ? Describe electric arc welding in brief. How arc is formed in electric arc
welding ?
Marking Scheme 6 marks
Answer Meaning of electric welding : ( 2 Marks)
It is the process of joining two similar or dis-similar metals by application of heat with or without application of pressure
and addition of filler material.
Define electric arc welding:- ( 2 Mark )
The processes in which two metal parts to be welded are brought to a molten state and then allowed to solidify is called
as arc welding or stick welding.
How arc is formed :- for following method
a) By applying High Voltage b) By separation of two current carrying electrodes suddenly
Explanation:- a) By applying High Voltage:- Figure: ( 4 Marks )


When very high voltage is applied across any two electrodes separated by small air gap then air between two electrodes
gets ionized and ionized air is conducting, so current starts flowing from one electrode to another electrode in the form of
spark (arc).
This arc produces heat energy which is utilized for melting the charge.
High Voltage is required to produce arc and to maintain arc high voltage is not necessary.
Once arc is struck between two electrodes then low voltage is sufficient to maintain the arc.

b) By Separation of two current carrying electrodes suddenly:-


Another way to produce arc is to short circuit two current carrying electrodes as shown in fig (a) and suddenly
withdraw them, then there will be spark between two electrodes as shown in figure (b)
This arc then produce heat energy which is utilized for melting the charge.
In this method high voltage is not necessary to produce the arc.
Characteristics of Arc:
1. Arc is conducting. 2. Arc has negative temperature coefficient of resistance.

27 With the help of neat figure, explain ultrasonic welding. State its applications.
Marking (4 Marks)
Scheme COI602.2
Answer Figure ultrasonic welding:- (2 Marks)
Working Principle:- (2 Marks)
A high frequency (20 kHz to 40 kHz) ultrasonic vibration is used to join two plastic pieces together. The high
frequency vibration generates heat energy at the interface of the two pieces and melts the material. The melted
material fused with each other to form a strong weld on cooling and solidification.

Application:- (2 Marks)
1. It is most commonly used to weld thermoplastic materials and dissimilar materials.
2. Metal with thin section can also be welded.
28 20 kW, 220 V resistance oven uses Nickel Chromium wire. If the temp. of charge is 727 °C and it
is to be heated to 1127 °C, find the suitable length and diameter of wire.
Assume : Emissivity = 0.9, Radiant efficiency = 0.6 & Sp. resistance = 1.03 x 10-6 Ohm m.

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