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/ /Name:…………………………..

Skreen Basic School Date: 2022

Subject: English First Course/First term Time: 2 hours

Grade:9th (2021-2022)

:Q1/Read this passage carefully and answer the following question

Koala and ostrich (10m)

Koala is an animal that lives in Australia .It's grey with a white chest , and its about 5 centimeters long .
It eats leaves and it can live without water. Ostrich is a kind of bird that lives in Africa . It's black and
.white and it's very heavy. It has got a long legs and a long neck. It eats ,fruits and small animals

………………………………………………………………………… ? Where does Koala live-1

…………………………………………………………………?What is the colour of ostrich -2

……………………………….…………………………………………… ? Which one has got wings-3

..………..………………………..………………………………………… ? What does ostrich eat-4

How big is the -5

.....................................................................................................................? Koala

Q2/ Choose the correct answer . (30m)

A café is a place……... you can get coffee. ( A-who B-which C-whom D-where)-1
You use a camera to ……….. (A-cut paper B-get fit C-tune a guitar D-take a photo ) -2
The expression (take it easy) means…..(A-great B-wait a minute C-relax D-hate it ) -3
Idon't mind cooking…….. (A-so am I B-neither do I C-so do I D-neither can I)-4
Not straight ……… (A-curly B-dirty C-castle D-narrow )-5
When a place is full of people it is……. (A-modern B-airport C-crowed D-quiet)-6
The odd word is ………… (A-queen B-wife C-woman D-king )-7
Alexander graham bell was…… (A-Canadian B-American C-Scottish D-British )-8
The plural of( man) is …………. (A-mans B-mens C-men D-menes)-9
don't you visit the sport center. (A-when B-why C-which D-who )………-10
Deacon Brodie was …………. (A-teacher B-doctor C-police D-burglar)-11
..………… 12- The word (dirty) rhyme with )A-long B-steal C-water D-thirty (
The word( first) rhyme with………… ( A-hear B-through C-worst D-right )-13
The sound /k / is not found in…………….. (A-king B-kangaroo C-koala D-know) - 14
The word( go) is …………. ( A- verb B-adjective C-adverb D-noun )-15
: Q3/ Match the words in list A with words in list B and write compound nouns


________________________ ice start -1

________________________ Art paper-2
_________________________ suit case-3
_____________________ film company-4
________________________ news gallery-5
record berg-6

Q4/composition: Write a short paragraph about" Music" ( 14M)







Questions MN MW E. Signature C .Signature






I wish you the best success

Hamid Shahla.M.Rashid

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