Alpha Survival Guide

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2 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Table of Contents

Special Offer for New Customers........................................................................... 10

Disclaimer....................................................................................................................... 12
Be Prepared?.................................................................................................................. 13
Ordinary Emergencies Versus SHTF Situations.................................................. 15
The Top 3 Areas Where Most People Lack Preparedness............................... 21
Emerging Concerns..................................................................................................... 23
Civil Unrest............................................................................................................. 23
Economic Collapse.............................................................................................. 25
EMP - Electromagnetic Pulse........................................................................... 27
ISIS (or other groups) Infiltration of North America................................. 29
Migrant Invasion.................................................................................................. 30
Political Shifts To Government Oversight and Control........................... 32
Solar Flare............................................................................................................... 35
Gun Control................................................................................................................... 36
Tiny Houses........................................................................................................... 38
Zika Virus (or other pandemics)...................................................................... 39
The Importance of a BOB.......................................................................................... 41

3 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Why You Need a Meet-Up Plan...............................................................................44

The danger of ignoring long-term supply preparation.......................... 46
Preparing Bug Out Bags for Each Member of Your Family............................48
Food for Your Bug Out Bag.............................................................................. 50
The Best Way to Bring Water in the Bug Out Bag..................................... 51
The Clothing Supply You’ll Need.................................................................... 52
Shelter Items Need to Be in Your Bug Out Bag.......................................... 53
Additional Items for the Bug Out Bag........................................................... 54
How Many Bug Out Bags Do You Need?..................................................... 56
Have Your Meet-Up Plan Ready.............................................................................. 57
Strategizing a Long-Term Survival Plan................................................................ 59
Be Prepared with a Water Supply................................................................... 61
The Importance of Water in a Survival Situation...................................... 62
Different Ways You Need to Prepare.............................................................64
Knowing Where Water Sources Are.............................................................. 66
Preparing Your Water Supply at Home........................................................ 69
Water Storage and Usage Tips........................................................................ 73
Shelter..................................................................................................................... 75
Weapons................................................................................................................. 76

4 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Currency................................................................................................................. 78
Gold and Silver Investment 101...................................................................... 79
Understanding Gold and Silver Investments............................................. 80
What Affects the Price of Gold and Silver?.................................................. 80
What You Need to Know About Buying Gold and Silver....................... 81
Where to Buy Gold and Silver.......................................................................... 81
Gold vs. Silver: Which is the Smarter Choice?............................................. 82
Bars vs. Coins......................................................................................................... 84
Certificates vs. Actual Metals...........................................................................88
How Much Should I Invest in Gold and Silver?...........................................88
Myths about Buying Gold and Silver............................................................ 89
5 Reasons to Invest in Gold and Silver.......................................................... 90
Radio Communications............................................................................................. 91
HAM Radio Use..................................................................................................... 93
Boosting the Signal............................................................................................. 95
Important Rules to Remember for Survival..............................................100
Man Skills......................................................................................................................100
Scenario 1 - Power Outage During Cold or Extreme Cold Weather... 108
Scenario #2 - Survive Extreme Heat............................................................109

5 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Scenario #3 - Vehicle Failure in Extreme Cold..........................................116

Power Outage Checklist..................................................................................121
News and Communication.............................................................................124
Alternate Cooking.............................................................................................126
Solar Cookers...............................................................................................................126
Solar Box Cooker................................................................................................129
Cooking With Fire..............................................................................................129
Fire Hole................................................................................................................132
Rocket Stove........................................................................................................133
Food Preservation - The “Old Ways” Canning..................................................133
How to Can Food...............................................................................................133

6 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Types of Canning Methods.............................................................................136

Picking Out Your Canning Jars......................................................................140
The Home Canning Equipment That You Need......................................140
Avoiding Spoilage and Storing Your Home Canned Foods................142
Canning Fruits and Vegetables.....................................................................143
Canning Salsa......................................................................................................145
Canning Meats....................................................................................................146
How to Dry Food...............................................................................................147
Drying Fruits and Vegetables........................................................................147
Drying Meats.......................................................................................................149
Drying Supplies and Equipment..................................................................151
How to Cure and Smoke.................................................................................153
Tips for Safe Food Preservation....................................................................156
Food Preservation Recipes.....................................................................................158
Brined Vegetables.............................................................................................160
No Vinegar Refrigerator Pickles....................................................................162
Easy Watermelon Pickles Recipe..................................................................162
No Pectin Citrus Marmalade..........................................................................164
Strawberry Jam...................................................................................................165

7 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Fig Preserves.......................................................................................................167
Pear Preserves.....................................................................................................167
Cabbage Kimchi.................................................................................................168
Crushed Tomatoes............................................................................................168
Fruit Leather........................................................................................................169
Beef Jerky.............................................................................................................170
Homemade Banana Chips..............................................................................171
Homemade Zucchini Chips............................................................................171
Canned Lemons.................................................................................................172
Coffee Jelly...........................................................................................................173
A Guide to Going Off the Grid...............................................................................173
What Does Off the Grid Mean?.....................................................................174
Why You Never Want to Rely on the Grid..................................................174
Living Without Public Electricity...................................................................175
Surviving in the Absence of Public Water and Sewer Service............177
The Best Supplies for Off the Grid Living...................................................179
First Aid.........................................................................................................................181
Insect Bites...........................................................................................................182
Allergic Reactions..............................................................................................185

8 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Anaphylaxis or Severe Allergic Reactions..................................................187

First Aid for Anaphylaxis..................................................................................188
Broken Bones......................................................................................................188
Bruises and Blisters............................................................................................191
Scrapes and Cuts................................................................................................196
Puncture Wounds..............................................................................................199
Using Antibiotics............................................................................................... 200
Choking and Breathing Problems............................................................... 204
How to Do CPR.................................................................................................. 207
Water Accidents.................................................................................................210
Accidental Poisoning........................................................................................213
Heat and Sunstroke...........................................................................................216
How to Stock Your First Aid Kit.....................................................................219
Gunshot Wounds ............................................................................................. 222
Entry/ Exit ........................................................................................................... 224
Scene Response ............................................................................................... 225
Arrival/ Triage..................................................................................................... 225
Rapid Assessment............................................................................................. 225

9 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Focused Assessment........................................................................................227
Treatment............................................................................................................ 228
Gunshot Wound Signs & Symptoms.......................................................... 229
Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 230
Final Thoughts........................................................................................................... 230

12 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


The information provided in this manual is for entertainment and educational purposes only.

The author, Todd Lamb, is not a doctor or scientist and this information shouldn’t be taken as
medical advice, legal advice or advice of any kind.

This manual is designed for healthy adults of 18 years and older.

If you have any existing injuries, conditions or health issues, please seek your physician’s
approval before attempting any type of information in this program.

The author is not liable or responsible for any damages, resulting from the use of this program.

The user acknowledges any risk of injury, caused or alleged, with the use of this
information. If your physician advises to not use the information provided in the program,
please abide by those orders.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transcribed, transmitted, or
translated in any language, without the written permission and signature of Todd Lamb and Rogue
Syndicate Inc.

13 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Be prepared

Reading the stories about what’s going on around the world can be enough to cause you to
lose sleep. The recent 2016 Presidential Elections in the US have created more polarity not only
in the US but around the world and there are no signs of it slowing down.

Our international communities are destabilizing before our very eyes and it is having a
spillover effect on our cities and communities. The push toward singularity in the international
community has resulted in countries becoming more insular. The spirit of cooperation is only
as good as it’s participants. In the foreseeable future, cooperation has been pushed to the
back burner and a mentality of self protectionism of resources has taken over.

This is cause for some concern, as “have not” nations begin to make a move to become “have”
nations at whatever the cost may be. The fight for control is at an all time high.

I do not consider myself a survivalist or anti-government zealot, nor do I possess a doomsday

mentality. I am as moderate an individual as most are. In fact I enjoy technology and the ease
with which urban living in a city makes my life.

However having said that I am also a realist. I can see when there is trouble brewing on the
horizon. One thing my service in the Army and as SWAT team leader taught me was that
planning is essential for proper execution and for survival. Once you have developed a plan,
you simply need to prepare.

It seems every time you turn around, there’s another bad situation brewing – or happening as
you watch it unfold on live TV.

It’s enough to make you feel anxious and worried about the future of the world we live in.
The truth is, there’s not a lot that you can do to stop bad things from happening. Which to be
honest is why I have adopted the Stoic Philosophy but more to follow on that later.

You can’t control the weather and you can’t control people with a vendetta and you can’t stop
a breakdown in society. You can’t make sure that the government is going to be operational.

14 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

But, just because there are some things outside the realm of your control doesn’t mean that
you shouldn’t be prepared. You need to act now to handle what you can take care of.

There are so many areas that are under your control. By taking care of these elements, you can
make sure that you and your family are prepared - regardless of what comes your way.

15 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Ordinary Emergencies Versus SHTF Situations

Always prepare for the unexpected because the unexpected always happens. In Spec Ops
we have a saying that goes like this… No plan survives first contact… but failing to plan is

Sometimes people will label something an emergency based on how it affects their comfort

There are many inconvenient and annoying times in life that don’t actually fit the parameters
of a true emergency. When an emergency hits, you need to identify what the emergency
actually is, the person or group of people the emergency affects, and the potential duration of
the emergency.

This will help you be able to define if it’s an ordinary emergency of a SHTF (shit hits the
fan) situation. With every emergency, you should be able to determine if the situation is
salvageable - or if it’s it not.

16 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

A simple process to use is called boxing. This is a mental exercise you can go through when
assessing what you are facing. You examine the different components of the scenario you are
facing and put them into a box. Your boxes are something you identify and that are relevant
to you.

A box might be called IDOL, which is a scenario that requires Immediate Defense Of Life and
you would then take the necessary actions to execute your plan for a that kind of scenario.
This could be something as simple as a medical emergency all the way to a home invasion.

When a situation is unsalvageable, that’s a good sign that you’re dealing with a SHTF situation.
There are four different kinds of emergencies. The first kind is an ordinary emergency. The
second is a SHTF emergency. The third is a short term emergency and the fourth kind is a long
term emergency.

There’s usually a strong link between a SHTF emergency and a long term emergency,
although a SHTF one can also be related to a short term emergency.
A flood that happens in your area where the water covers the roadways is usually an ordinary
emergency. These kinds of floods will resolve in a short term. The damage to personal
property and the potential for fatalities is fairly low.

However, if the flood occurs after several days of torrential downpours, it can easily become
a SHTF emergency. An example in this case would be if the flooding became so bad that the
waters washed away bridges and roads and cut people off from being able to get out to get
the things that they needed to survive.

It would also be a SHTF emergency if the water depth reached a point to where it flooded
homes and only rooftops were visible. A power outage is often thought to be an emergency,
but this is only an emergency if it affects a life such as someone who’s depending on
electricity to stay alive.

Losing power is inconvenient - but it’s usually a short term situation that doesn’t markedly
change your life. Assuming the crews will be out repairing the power, you might be
inconvenienced a day or up to a week, but nothing you can’t ride out.

There can be times where a power outage becomes a SHTF emergency. In a case like that, it
would be an emergency if power grids went down and the blackout was going to be long term.

17 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

For those who are unprepared, there would be loss of perishable food, no ability to heat (or
cool) a home and the water supply could be affected. Then, it would be a SHTF emergency.

When the power goes down long term, it affects every aspect of your life - and not just at
home. When there’s extended loss of electricity, it can bring a city to a halt.

Businesses can’t operate cash registers. Gas stations can’t pump gas. Traffic control lights don’t
operate and driving can become hazardous. If you have a situation where there are long term
power outages, then you run into instances where people hurry to the grocery store and they
fight to take whatever they can get their hands on.

You’ve seen the coverage on the news a thousand times where a grocery store looks like it has
been looted as the unprepared people try to get their hands on supplies. They take anything
and everything and more than they need but that is what happens during panic and chaos.
This kind of behavior happens because they know that things could get worse and they
realized they weren’t ready. When there’s extended periods without electricity, the level of
crime also goes up. That’s another level of emergency all together and the kind of stuff we
deal with inside the Alpha Nation member’s area.

This is similar to what we discussed in the previous paragraph. After every major disaster, you
always hear on the news about people who want to break in and steal and loot. These crimes
of opportunity always happen when chaos disrupts daily living.

There are those who consider the lack of normal utilities an emergency. For example, if
something goes wrong with the sewer system and sewage backs up into a home, people
consider that a big emergency.

But even something as upsetting as sewer backup is still just an ordinary emergency. However,
if that sewage is spilling out onto the streets and there’s no crew coming to fix it, it becomes
a SHTF emergency because whenever there’s raw sewage, the risk of getting an infection or a
disease from it greatly rises. So you see, what is easily remedied in most cases, always has the
potential to spin sideways.

This is also why in many third world countries you’ll see certain types of diseases that are
associated with poor sewage management. Your immediate panic over the situation can
heighten your reaction to something like this, though.

18 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

What about if your wheels break down? Having your only means of transportation breakdown
can be stressful. It can place a heavy burden on you and your family. But this is considered an
ordinary emergency.

But, if there’s a situation where you need to bug out and can’t because you have no way
of escaping, then it’s a SHTF emergency. If you’re reliant on public transportation during an
emergency, that’s a big problem. Well to be honest you are probably stuck in place…and you
are going to have to become self reliant in a hurry.

There are specific things related to your personal needs that can be considered an emergency.
If someone suddenly as no access to water in their homes, that’s still only an ordinary
emergency. The idea is there is still access to water either publicly, at a store or some other

It becomes a SHTF emergency if this lack of water supply is going to be a long term situation.
You can’t survive without a clean supply of water. If you’re going to be without water for
longer than three days, then it can become a potentially life threatening emergency. Certainly
at the consumption level. If you can’t wash your hair that’s one thing, but not being able to
drink clean water puts you in the hurt locker fast.

A lack of food can be another issue. If you were to lose all the food that you have, this is
still only an ordinary emergency as long as it’s short term. If it appears that there will be no
replenishing of food supplies, then that’s a SHTF emergency.

This is why you need to have a survival garden that’s some distance from your house. That
way, you can also go there for a food supply when you need to. Having multiple supplies is a
smart move.

Having something go wrong with your home so that the shelter it provides isn’t what
you’re used to can be an ordinary emergency. An example of this would be if a tree limb fell
through the roof and you had a hole that you suddenly needed to repair in order to keep out
inclement weather.

It becomes a SHTF emergency when your shelter becomes completely unlivable and you
don’t have a backup place to go. This is especially true in areas when you have a lack of shelter
and the weather is or becomes dangerous.

19 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Needing shelter to get out of dangerously low temperatures or dangerously high ones is
considered a SHTF emergency. There are elderly who are much more affected by extreme
temperatures, too so what might be an ordinary emergency to you can be imminent danger
to them.

Fire can be both an ordinary emergency and a SHTF emergency. If you have a small fire at your
home, but you can still live in it, this is an ordinary emergency. But if your home is so affected
by an oncoming forest fire destroying everything in its path so that you have to seek shelter
somewhere else, this would fall under a SHTF emergency.

A wildfire can easily become a SHTF emergency if it’s threatening your home or the lives of
your animals or loved ones. If the fire rages on and wipes out any self - sustaining things you
have in store such as food, water and garden seeds for survival, then it can become a SHTF

We saw this in 2016 in Canada where a forest fire nearly wiped out the entire town of Ft.
McMurray. Jobs lost, homes lost and tragically lives lost. People could not escape the town due
to clogged highways, animals were left behind…this was devastating. Fortunately there were
safe areas but the population in general was not prepared.

These kinds of emergencies can be compounded if something extraordinary is going on

in your area. These would be things like a series of dangerous storms or life threatening
temperatures are coming to your area.

When a tornado or hurricane threatens where you live, this can be an ordinary emergency
if you live in a state that’s known for its emergency preparedness and you yourself are also

But if you’re not prepared, then it turns into a SHTF emergency. An example of this would be
people who live in a beach home and don’t leave despite mandatory evacuation orders. When
the hurricane rushes ashore, their home is flooded and they’re scrambling to stay alive as the
water rises.

A landslide is an ordinary emergency unless it threatens homes or businesses or the human

lives. Then it becomes a SHTF emergency. Though acts of nature have happened for centuries
and will continue to happen in the future, most people are sadly unprepared with what they’re
going to do to take care of their basic needs.
20 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Something that simple that we might take for granted such as roads or bridges become
serious challenges if they are washed out. Losing transport routes can completely disrupt a
local economy and access to emergency response.

Chemical emergencies can be both an ordinary emergency and a SHTF one. If you spill a
household chemical, you might accidentally breathe in some of the fumes. This can lead to an
ordinary emergency where you have to seek treatment.
On the other hand, there can be widespread chemical spills that can make an entire area of a
town or city unlivable and you would need to evacuate. If you’re not prepared to get out, this
could be a SHTF emergency.

Illnesses are a part of life. Sometimes, though, they can be an ordinary emergency - such as
needing to be treated for the flu. With the amount of doctors’ offices, urgent care centers and
hospitals so available, an ordinary emergency doesn’t always translate into a SHTF situation.

But, a medical problem can quickly become a bad situation if you can’t get to someone who’s
trained to take care of the issue. If someone you love is in need of emergency aid and you
can’t give it and you can’t get to anyone who can, then you’re in a SHTF emergency.

It’s an ordinary emergency when someone around you gets ill or even when groups of people
around you get ill with something like the flu. However, if that illness is something that has
the potential to sweep through large groups and cause catastrophic death tolls, such as Ebola,
then it’s a SHTF situation and you need to get your gear and get to safety.

There are terrorism activities happening all over the world. These are emergencies where
people are injured or killed. When it comes to your area and impacts your family, it’s a SHTF
situation that requires you to get yourself and those you love to safety.

Remember that it’s not a matter of if you should be prepared for a SHTF emergency but
when - because they do happen. The news is full of people who get into extraordinary SHTF
situations and chances are you have experienced some varying degree of emergency.

Some of them are prepared and survive. The ones who aren’t don’t live to tell their story. You
can’t stop ordinary emergencies or SHTF emergencies from happening to you or to your

21 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

As I mentioned, I like to be prepared. This mindset began in my early 20’s when I lived in a
small town called Tofino. It’s located on the west coast of Canada in a part of the world known
as the Pacific Rim. It’s a great surfing town but it’s also a prime location for earthquakes and

I served the community as the Provincial Emergency Coordinator. My role was to ensure my
community was prepared to respond in the event a major emergency took place. My role
was to ensure we could save lives by meeting the immediate emergency needs of people,
including rescue, medical care, food, shelter, and clothing. I also spent time as a Commercial
Diver during which one of my jobs was emergency planning and writing emergency
procedures. During this time I cut my teeth and became aware of the need for preparation.

No one can control the weather. Or riots. Or acts of terrorism. You don’t have the power to
wish away bad things. But you can stop being unprepared and take care of putting a plan in
place right now that will ensure the necessities and survival for yourself and those you love

The Top 3 Areas Where Most People Lack


When it comes to being prepared for a SHTF type of situation, people will fall into one of
three categories. The first group doesn’t prepare at all. They are the proverbial Ostrich…head
buried in the sand. They live with the belief that they’ll somehow be able to handle whatever
happens when it happens – or that it won’t happen to them at all.

They believe that there will always be adequate food and water supply to take care of their
needs and the needs of their loved ones. They think that there will always be shelter for them.
A world of uncomplicated joy and unfettered oblivion… these people pain me deeply. They
are the Mr. Magoos of the world. Oblivious to the world around them.

They trust that in the event of a major disaster, the people in government positions where
they live, will have a plan to make sure everything gets back and up running quickly.

22 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

The people who do this are gambling with their lives hoping that everything will turn out
okay for them. When a major disaster hits, these are the ones who are scrambling for food and
water… dumb, dumb… DUMB!

They’re trying to hunt down medications, desperate to get what they need to ensure the
health and survivability of their family. Because they don’t prepare at all, they face huge risks
and will literally enter into a fight for survival because they weren’t prepared.

The second group of people do prepare somewhat. They realize how important it is that they
should be ready to take action or do whatever is necessary to make sure that they and their
loved ones are okay.

While they’re not completely prepared, they prepare enough to get by for a short term.
They’ll set aside a week or so of food and water. But they don’t have any plans for long - term

They don’t prepare for the event that something will disrupt their way of living for months
or even years on end. These people won’t find themselves immediately scrambling for
necessities, but they will reach that point eventually.

This kind of person could be referred to as the Half Ass… only ever completing a portion of
the job. They probably have projects around their house which are incomplete. They can start
things but don’t have follow through. They are big talkers but they can’t completely execute.

The third group of people prepares completely. If the world around them collapses into chaos,
they’re going to survive. They have the food that they need to make sure that they eat for
months - and even years.

They have things set aside to generate future food growth. This group makes sure that they
have a good supply of water set aside. The means to clean and get to a supply of water when
what they have set aside runs out is also part of their plan.

All of the medications needed for each family member are ready to go in the event of a SHTF
emergency. They know who’s supposed to do what and how they’ll react if their plan has to
kick into gear.

23 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

While they might end up in the middle of a stressful SHTF situation, it won’t be a chaotic mess
for them when it comes to being able to survive. There are certain supplies and some actions
that you need to take that are necessary for your survival and well being.

If you don’t make sure these steps are covered, when a SHTF situation does occur, you will lack
the ability to have your basic short term as well as long term needs met.

But of all the steps that you need to take, there are three that you need to pay the most
attention to – food, water and shelter. Unfortunately, it’s these three areas that most people
don’t prepare well enough or don’t prepare at all – because they’re so used to never being
without them that they take their access to them for granted.

Emerging Concerns


If you think that civil unrest is something that doesn’t happen very often, then you haven’t
been paying attention. Civil unrest has become commonplace. It’s what happens when
people get mad and decide that they’re going to protest or riot or hold demonstrations.

24 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

During times of civil unrest, chaos always follows, regardless of how peaceful a protest first
started. Anarchy raises its head and the norms of society break down and it becomes every
man for himself.

The original intent of the protest is buried beneath the herd mentality that takes over when
large groups of people become angry. Authority is overthrown and the swell of those tearing
down society norms is often too much for local authorities to deal with.

You can’t control how people are going to behave. But you don’t have to be in a position
where their behavior negatively affects your day to day living. When there is civil unrest, be
prepared to bug out (or make it home safely) in a hurry.

Have a predetermined escape plan. Get away from the chaos. In the middle of chaos, people
get injured or killed, so put some distance between you and the situation fast if you can do

Make sure you take ways through town or your city that can’t be blocked by swarms of
people. When people swarm, injuries happen. Don’t let yourself become vulnerable. In civil
unrest, people will often burn buildings.

Don’t get stuck in a building that can be targeted. If you are in a relatively safe place and
can’t leave, make sure you fortify the place where you’re at. Those who are causing unrest are
looking for targets.

They want to loot and attack. The first step is to thwart impending attacks by making
your place a deterrent. Don’t have any easy access points. Have a supply of food and other
necessities on hand before the fallout from civil unrest hits your area.

You need to make sure you have a survival bag for each member of your family. Have all
needed medications, baby supplies and important papers ready in your car or available if you
need to leave in a hurry.

When there is chaos, stores are looted and supplies are taken. The top three supplies that are
stolen during civil unrest are alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. These items always get taken first.

25 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Following that, baby supplies are stolen, then food. When the food runs out, that’s when the
people involved in civil unrest begin to prey on other humans. You’ll want to make sure that
you have a way to defend yourself. When there is civil unrest, the police often can’t get to
certain areas to help victims, so make sure you take steps to prevent becoming one.


If you remember what happened with the financial crisis in Greece, then you know that
economic collapse isn’t just a threat - it’s already begun.

You wouldn’t necessarily believe that from reading the news.

But the news doesn’t have access to the top secret insider information that the government
does. The truth is that trouble is already knocking on your door. Take a look around at what’s
going on in the world.

Debts in countries all over the world has skyrocketed. Not one single country is fiscally
solvent and yet all of these countries keep going further into debt like there will never be any

26 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

But there will be a reckoning when economic collapse happens and when it does, it’s not
going to be pretty. Once the economy goes belly up, you’re going to see lives thrown off
balance and the upheaval is going to become a fight for survival and not everyone will survive
because they’re not prepared.

When the economy fails, people are going to panic. Their normal life is going to suddenly,
and without ample warning, become disrupted. When the collapse happens, people by the
millions are going to rush to their banks in a desperate attempt to take out their money.

But the government, also desperate to keep the collapse from spreading, will limit or shut
down completely the ability of people to withdraw their own money. Without being able to
get their hands on money, people will grow even more panicked.

Crimes will rise as people steal, fight and even kill for a way to survive. Riots will become more
common than not. Looting will take place in every single city and town. Property and people
alike will be destroyed.

As society crumbles into a financial dystopian free - for - all landscape, in an effort to regain
control, the government will start calling in the troops. Martial law will go into effect.

Your freedom to move about freely will be limited. You won’t be allowed to go where you
want to go when you want to go there. You’ll have to be home by a certain time and your
rights will no longer matter.

Under martial law, regular laws are suspended. You will do as the government says. That’s why
you need to protect yourself from economic collapse right now. Make sure that all of your
money isn’t tied up in the bank.

Have some cash that you can get to so that you can buy what you haven’t already set aside.
Keep your bug out bag (next section) ready to roll so that you can get out of an area the
minute the trouble starts.

Have a place to go if needed that contains all of the survival supplies you need to hunker in
place for awhile if you have to. That means you need to have your food, medicine and a way
to communicate with others.

27 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

The power grid could eventually go down in an economic collapse and you don’t want to
be without a way to communicate. Make sure you have a renewable water supply near. Have
ways to defend yourself and your family from those who could take your supplies or your life.


When it comes to electromagnetic pulse, many people connect it to a nuclear bomb going
off. But this type of weapon doesn’t have to be linked to a nuclear bomb to be just as

Using today’s technology, weapons using a force of electromagnetic pulse are in existence.
This means that a country can experience the fallout from a nuclear bomb - but without ever
having been hit with a nuclear bomb all because of the power of the shock wave.

Every country is vulnerable to this threat. Many countries have the technology that enables
them to strike against their enemies - and like all weapons, the potential for a friendly fire
accident is also possible.

28 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Weapons that contain the ability to produce an electromagnetic pulse have the capability to
completely destroy electrical systems. Since so many things today rely on electrical systems,
this could virtually cripple any city, state, or country.

When the pulse hits, any airplanes could literally fall from the sky. Power grids will go down.
Anything that relies on electricity will suddenly and without warning cease to work.

That means that you can’t go to the ATM and withdraw cash. You can’t walk into the bank
and pull it from your accounts, either. Elevators won’t work. Subways won’t work. People will
become stuck in place.

You can line up at the gas pumps if your car’s electrical system isn’t fried, but you won’t be
able to get a single drop of gas. You can go to the grocery store, but the registers won’t work.

The traffic signals will all go dark. You won’t have any lights on in your home. No heat. No air
conditioning. Your city would go dark. When that happens, civilization halts. You can bet that
people will come out of the woodwork in an attempt to take the stuff they need to survive.

And of course, others will also come - the types of people who like to take advantage of
disasters. You need to be able to survive an electromagnetic pulse before one ever hits. To do
this, make sure you’re not relying on electricity.

Have a solar powered radio, along with flashlights. Have a way to keep warm. In the event
you don’t have a fireplace and a stockpile of wood, have a store of Mylar blankets set aside for

Have a way to test your water and the soil for radiation. Keep fuel hidden away so that if your
car does work, you can bug out if your area was one that was hard hit.

Keep your car packed with emergency supplies so that if an electromagnetic pulse hits your
area while you’re away from home, you’ll be able to survive for 72 hours until you can turn to
your official long-term survival plan.

29 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


There is a history of wars in every country. Only today, these wars are far more subtle but
equally as deadly. These wars are being fought in the realm of terrorist attacks both near
and far.

Attacks are happening left and right and ISIS is claiming responsibility for major bombings and
suicide missions, and they promise more destruction in the future. They’re far more dangerous
than most people realize and will use any means necessary to carry out their plans.

They’re even taking advantage of the many refugee crises and slip into countries by posing
as refugees. From there, they regroup and then spread out, eating away at the safety and
structure of a country like a cancer.

Sadly, too many people believe that the government is going to keep them safe from these
terrorist attacks. But the latest bombings show that the government can’t have eyes and ears

That’s why it’s up to you to protect yourself and your family. You can begin by paying
attention. When the threat level is higher than it normally is, you need to take steps to reduce
your odds of becoming a potential victim.

Stay away from high profile target areas. This would be places like well publicized public arenas
or airports that could be a target. If an area or place is popular and well known, it could be a
target since the goal of ISIS is to kill as many people as possible per strike.

Set up an ISIS emergency plan and go over it with your family. Arrange a place where
everyone will reconnect in the event of a strike (your meet up plan - I cover this later). Go over
all evacuation routes and how everyone will be able to travel to your emergency place.

Make sure everyone knows not to deviate from the plan. Know ahead of time who will be
getting who if you have family members who need transportation or if you have children too
young to travel by themselves.
Never get so comfortable in your surroundings that you don’t pay attention when something
seems off. An example is a trip I just came back from. While in the airport a guy and his

30 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

girlfriend asked me to watch their bag as they went outside to smoke.. I told them to take it
with them, and I gave the TSA a heads up. If your gut feeling tells you that something isn’t
right about a place or a person, then listen to it.

Make sure that you have preparations ready to go in case you have to get out of an area in a
hurry. In the event of an ISIS strike, an area can become devastated and the essentials may not
be available.

You should have a survival bag ready to go for every member of your family. Time is of the
essence in an emergency. Keep enough survival supplies ready to get you through 72 hours so
that you’re prepared if you’re cut off from food and water.

In light of today’s news about ISIS, it’s not a matter of if they’ll attack but where and when. Your
best defense is awareness and preparedness.


I’m not suggesting to ban people from your country. Process is important to manage
immigration. Let’s take a look at Greece, Germany or even Paris if you don’t know what all the
fuss is about.

More than 100,000 migrants made their

way to Greece and as a result of this
overwhelming surge of people, the
economic system there is in deeper trouble.
As Greece is still desperately fighting to
keep from having to declare bankruptcy,
this migrant invasion has further drained its

The struggle is being felt by the people

who live in Greece. This is a battle of
survival when there’s too many people and
not enough resources. The migrant invasion
is hitting all of Europe.

31 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

And if you think that this invasion is something that’s happening primarily in other countries,
you would be wrong. The migrant invasion is global. Thanks to traffickers and people
desperate to escape their own countries, migrants are invading the United States and Canada.

Some in the United States think we can handle the current migrant invasion, but that fact
is easily proven by the amount of migrants currently swelling the population numbers and
straining our own resources.

There are people who believe it’s not wrong for migrants to invade a country if they’re seeking
to leave theirs because of war and poverty and persecution. But the problem is that the
problems they’re leaving behind are the ones that will be created in whatever place they run

Look again at Greece. It’s struggling even more so financially and resources are dwindling.
Some countries are grappling with the problem of trying to teach male migrants not
to disrespect women and sexually harass them, and we are living in modern times! It is
unbelievable to me that we are still dealing with this level of ignorance in humanity in the year
2017…but I digress.

The exact same thing is going to take place in the United States, Canada or anywhere else
the migrant invasion continues. Countries are simply not prepared to deal with the crisis. That
means that you have to be able to deal with it.

You must be prepared financially to take care of yourself and your loved ones. Start by making
sure you’re completely self-reliant. Don’t have any debt. Make sure that you pay cash for what
you need.

What you need should be items that you can’t grow or produce yourself. Set up a system so
that you have a self-sustaining garden that will continue to produce. Build a system that will
ensure you have water if the government run systems fail.

It’s always better to get completely off the grid for all of your needs. Set aside stockpiles of
food and medicine. If you’re somewhere that’s a haven for migrants, it’s only a matter for time
before that area is hurting for food and other supplies.

Make sure you and your family are heavily armed in case you’re put in physical danger by the

32 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

migrant invasion. My Weapon of choice is an North Eastern Arms NEA 15 but I will leave that
up to you. The time to prepare for the coming invasion isn’t in the future. It’s right now.



This is as simple and plain as I can put it.

Systems love control. Government is a
system. Believe me when I tell you I am not
writing this to create unnecessary alarm, but
rather to highlight what is a simple fact.

Here is an example.

During my 20 years of public service, 18 of

which were with the Police Department as
a SWAT Team Leader, we had one level of
primary oversight on police conduct. It was
Internal Affairs or the Professional Standards
Section or whatever some politician came
up with as the new buzz phrase.

Public complaints were dealt with and the recommended remedial action taken. Then
lawyers started to notice they could create alarm in the public eye and would begin to make
statements in the news that the public had lost it’s faith in the police.

In order to restore public faith the lawyers would write new legislation, which by the way, you
would need a lawyer to represent you if you were facing an allegation of poor conduct under
the new legislation.

So the new legislation resulted in the created of The Office of the Police Complaint
Commissioner to oversee the investigations of the Internal Affairs Investigators, which by the
way was created and staffed by…lawyers!

Pretty good system when you can insert yourself by saying the public needs us to watch over
those who watch over you, and pay us to do it… but they weren’t done there. So stay with me…

33 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

We now have TWO levels of oversight and new laws which would require a lawyer to navigate,
but that wasn’t enough.

You see in order for the public to feel really, really, really certain that the police officers, with a
flawless track record for service and exemplary conduct, were actually need a THIRD level of
oversight. A level of oversight that not only watches over the Investigations of the Office Of
The Police Complaints Commission but also Internal Police Department Investigations. This
third level of oversight is called the Independent Investigations Office and yeah the lawyers
wrote the law enacting this level of oversight which by the way… monitors police conduct
both on duty and off duty.

Three levels of oversight created. A complete self sustaining Industry. The facade is to make
you feel really really really really certain your police officers are perfect angels…or robots… I’m
no longer sure which. Personally I liked the days where a bad guy received what was coming
his way as a result of being an ass. Simple times…but the moment you let a system run by
lawyers take over, you are going to see a complexity designed to produce revenue.

In one way I respect their ability throughout history to simply create laws which require them
to defend you. On the other hand if you examine it closely enough, it is actually responsible for
society’s moral decay, but that alone is a book.

On a more global scale, listening to the latest politics, you’ll see there seems to be a leaning
towards socialism on the left. When the world becomes a socialist place, it means that there is
no one particular ownership or class, but rather a group or a collective.

It means that everybody ends up with the same amount of needs met. But the kicker is that
even if one person works harder or makes more than the other guy, the surplus wealth or
supplies are taken from the person who works harder and passed around to those who didn’t.

The goal of socialism is supposedly to make sure that everyone’s basic needs are taken care of.
The focus is supposed to be on humanity instead of making money. However, this way of life is
dangerous because when the government is running the show, you can bet distribution isn’t
going to be even.

What you might see as a need for your family, the government will have the authority to
decide that it’s not. But your neighbor might have the same need and the government
decides that need is genuine.
34 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Whenever control over your life is turned over to someone else, they’ll determine how you live
it. Some people think that countries who practice socialism are better off. They believe that the
government can take care of them.

They think that the production of food and basic supplies will always be available because
the government says so. They believe the government can control the cost of goods and that
they’ll make sure to look out for the people whenever there’s a surplus or a deficit.

What actually happens, however, is that you end up with a government control over basic
human needs that’s mired in red tape, employees that are overworked, and unable to respond
to what people must have to survive.

When the government has control over all of the resources that should be in the hands of the
people, you can bet that there will be politics taking place behind the scenes. These politics
will be considered before your needs will.

As a result, people will struggle to find food, water and other necessities. It’s up to you to
determine if your family is taken care of in times of upheaval. It’s up to you whether or not your
family has what they need when socialism takes over.

You need to start preparing now. Make sure you have a water supply that doesn’t rely on the
government, such as a well. Have a way to heat your home that’s off the grid. Stock up on food
and basic necessities.

To sum up this section let me just say this… I’ve been on the inside, whether you like the
police or not, that’s your choice, but the men and women I have worked with care deeply
about keeping people safe despite some individual personality flaws (what human being
among us doesn’t have them?)

Having said that make sure that you have a way to protect what’s yours. When you’re prepared
for government oversight and control, you won’t have to worry about whether or not you and
your family will be taken care of. It can create electromagnetic events in the area where you
live. The aftereffects of experiencing one can be devastating to your way of life if you’re not
prepared. A solar flare has the ability to completely wipe out power grids, drop satellites from
their orbit and disrupt all communication systems.

35 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


There have been catastrophic events for many years in history. Record breaking hurricanes
have occurred. Massive flooding. Wildfires. Mudslides. We hear about these events so much
that it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that we’ve faced all of the dangers we’re going to
face from natural events.

We think we know all there is to know about dangerous events. But there is a danger that
lurks, just waiting for the time when it will explode and wreak havoc on Earth - and it’s caused
by the sun in the form of a solar flare.

You might think that a solar flare is no big deal. After all, the sun is so far away from Earth that a
solar flare isn’t even on your radar of things to prepare for. It should be. A solar flare is magnetic
energy that suddenly bursts free.

36 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

The threat from a solar flare is dangerous enough that the government is working on a way to
handle one. When a solar flare makes a direct strike on Earth, you can expect that there will be
more than minimal damage.

A potential solar flare strike could happen at any moment anywhere in the world without
warning. There have already been close calls in the past with solar flares. In the event of a solar
flare hit, the normal day to day functions would cease.

Anything that you rely on for electricity wouldn’t be able to work. There can be sustained
blackouts. If your water supply is run through electricity, you would lose the ability to have
water to drink in your home.

A solar flare can strike and cause fires to break out. It can cut off communication and cause
widespread disruptions and create a panic for people who aren’t prepared. Those who aren’t
prepared will be the most vulnerable.

What’s truly frightening is that the solar flares are unpredictable. The government will not be
able to take the time to prepare in advance because there is little advance warning.

Everything that touches your life would be affected - how you travel, your access to long term
food supplies, your ability to have your medical needs met, your security and more. You need
to take steps today to ensure your safety and well being in the event of a solar flare. By being
prepared, you can minimize the disruption you’ll face.


What the people want doesn’t always matter. That’s been proven time and again in history.
Though there are many people who are against stricter gun laws, changes are coming.

These changes are not completely about gun control, they’re about people control and the
freedoms that are going to be lost with stricter control. When stricter gun laws are put into
effect, what’s going to happen is what’s already happening.

Criminals are still going to be able to get their hands on guns and whatever ammunition they
want to hurt law-abiding citizens. But in the meantime, the government will have restricted

37 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

the freedom of the citizens when it comes to gun control so much that it’s going to be tough
for them to be able to legally buy guns.

The stricter gun laws aim to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, suicidal people, mentally
ill people, and people with questionable background checks. However, the laws being pushed
will fail to protect law abiding citizens because those who want to use guns to do violence will
always find a way to get them.

Stricter laws against guns aren’t the only laws threatening your freedom. If you’re someone
who tries to live a lifestyle where you can take care of your own needs, you could soon be
facing some trouble from the government.

38 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


If you live in an RV or you are living in a tiny home, you could soon be living illegally. The
government isn’t happy with those who are choosing to live off the grid. It doesn’t matter that
you’re self-reliant or that you’re not costing the government anything.

The government wants to decide what you can and can’t call home. There are upcoming
regulations going on right now that are determined to refuse to allow people to label RVs and
tiny homes as a home.

There’s panic among some in the tiny house community about a rule change proposed by
the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). It would “define a recreational
vehicle as one built on a vehicular structure, not certified as a manufactured home, designed
only for recreational use and not as a primary residence or for permanent occupancy.” The
panic ensues from the wording that would appear to prevent anyone from living full time in
any home on a chassis that is not legally certified as what used to be called a mobile home
but is now called a manufactured home.

It doesn’t matter if it’s on your own land. If you live in an RV or a tiny home, then the
government is looking to assert its right to tell you how you should live.

What this means to you is that the government is going to make you turn your RV or your
tiny home into a government approved dwelling. It means that you’re going to have to pass
federal codes. If you don’t, your home will be outlawed.

If you’re wondering why the government is so worked up about RVs and tiny homes, the
answer is simple. It’s because the government is looking to decide how much freedom you
truly have. Once the current regulation passes, tiny homes and RVs will be banned right out of
existence as a home.

Now listen, I’m not a drum banging survivalist, but rather someone who appreciates common
sense. I have worked in agencies and observed how power can corrupt those who are
required to make decisions.

Often times it takes a solid dose of common sense to undo some of these ridiculous ideas
and notions. The most effective way to achieve this in my view is to examine situations on a

39 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

case by case basis, rather than remaining anchored in some blanket one size fits all policy. The
policy approach lacks flexibility and basic human understanding, which leads to increased
mistrust and levels of bureaucracy and god knows we don’t need any more of that.


Next to water, the spread of disease is a MAJOR concern which falls high on the list of
prevention priorities. It would be comforting to believe that the Zika virus is something that’s
elsewhere - where we don’t have to deal with. Unfortunately, it’s right in our backyard now, so
you have to be ready to survive this new reality.

The virus is no longer contained in its original outbreak area and it has some nasty health
effects - especially for pregnant women. This virus is transmitted through the bite of a
mosquito that carries the virus.

While there’s been more outcry about it lately than ever before, this virus isn’t new. It’s been in
known existence since 1947 where it was first found in Uganda. The reason that there’s more
news than ever on this virus is because it’s not adhering to one location.

40 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

It’s spreading. It also causes severe birth defects like an extremely small head. The World Health
Organization has warned that this virus is not at a standstill. It’s been spreading and continues
to extend its reach around the world.

When a person is bitten by a mosquito carrying the virus, the symptoms usually show up
within a matter of days. Those who have been exposed will develop a fever and rashes.

They’ll feel run down, fatigued and have headaches. Their muscles will ache and moving will
be difficult due to joint aches. The symptoms can be mild or in many cases, debilitating.

While the symptoms are usually over with within a week, the complications that linger can
cause further health problems. These health problems can include paralysis that’s linked
to Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Guillain-Barre syndrome is a rare disorder in which your body’s
immune system attacks your nerves. Weakness and tingling in your extremities are usually the
first symptoms.

Death is also a possible side effect. You might think that by simply staying out of the countries
where the virus is more active would be enough to keep you and your family safe.

Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Not only has the virus spread to other countries, including
America, but the transmission ability of the virus has also increased.

You can contract the virus through sexual transmission or through blood transfusions in
addition to the possibility of acquiring it through the bite of an infected mosquito.

From one country years ago, the virus has now been reported to be growing by leaps and
bounds, in more than a dozen other countries. The time to protect yourself from this virus is
right now.

Obviously, you’ll want to limit travel to countries with a heavier outbreak of the virus. But
besides that, you’ll want to invest in mosquito netting to use while you sleep, along with DEET
formula mosquito spray to keep them away from you.

If you have small children, make sure you protect them with netting that covers their bed.
You’ll also want to dress appropriately if you’re outside during the mosquito’s busiest times
which are early morning and dusk. Also, mosquitoes are more active after a rain when the
ground is just beginning to dry up.
41 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Now, again… the key here is to take a common sense approach. If you must travel to locations
with higher infection rates, then take the appropriate steps. Awareness and planning are the
keys to protecting you and your family.

The Importance of a BOB

Everyone should start by having a BOB

on hand. This cool little acronym stands
for a bug out bag. It means that you’ll
have the supplies together in a bag that
will enable you to at least survive for 72

The purpose of having this bag is so

that you can get to it quickly and go. It is
similar to the Army life when you would
get the order to “pull pole” which meant
pack your shit and leave at a moment’s

You should never wait until the last minute to pack a bug out bag, this defeats the whole
purpose of what you are trying to achieve here. You never know if, by putting off gathering
the supplies until the last minute, you might put your family in harm’s way, or risk your ability
to easily transition into your emergency response plan.

Here’s an example of what can happen if you don’t have a bug out bag. A SHTF situation
occurs and you have to get out fast. You have to leave your home in order to ensure your
safety and that of your family.

You round everyone up and you jump in the car. You get going down the road only to find
that the road is blocked. There’s debris everywhere. You can’t get out. Not to mention the
highway is backed up with cars.

42 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Or, the area has erupted into chaos, people are panicking and it’s not even safe to try to get
out of your neighborhood. But it’s not safe to stay, either. So you’re stuck and basically locked

Listen, this isn’t unheard of or some never before occurring event like an alien landing. This
stuff happens frequently all over the world.

You might think that not being prepared with a BOB isn’t that big of a deal. After all, you have
great neighbors and you all help each other out whenever it’s necessary. Make no mistake
about it… the people you thought you knew as your neighbors will become strangers to you.
Now this isn’t always the case but emergencies have a strange affect on people.

Borrowing a tool is a far cry from needing help to survive. If it comes down to saving their
family or yours, which one do you think they’ll pick? It’s not up to someone else to make sure
you survive, or that your family survives. It’s up to you. When you’re forced to flee an area, it
might come down to the fact that you have to flee too quickly to take the time to pack up
even the basic supplies.

So when you rush out the door, sometimes on foot, you have the clothes on your back. And if
you’re lucky, you and everyone else are wearing a pair of shoes that they’ll be able to walk for
miles in.

The minute you’re in a SHTF situation, you understand very clearly how serious it is. The first
thing you might notice is that with having to rush from an area, you’re in need of water.

Only you don’t have any so you have to try to find some. You find some, but it doesn’t look
clear enough to signal that it’s safe to drink. And even if it does look clear, that doesn’t mean
that it’s safe.

Bacteria can lurk in water that you won’t be able to see. With no water with you, you’re forced
to make a choice. Take your chances and drink the water or take your chances and keep
moving, hoping you’ll find a viable supply down the road somewhere.

If you have small children with you, the need to find water becomes even more urgent. Kids
can’t withstand the lack of basic necessities as long as an adult can. Their bodies aren’t made
to handle the same rigors.

43 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

And if you have a baby who’s on formula, there you are without a BOB, which means you don’t
have formula and you don’t have water to give a baby. This means that your SHTF situation is
about to get a whole lot worse.

Without a BOB, you don’t have any food. When your stomach starts to growl later that day or
the next, you might be able to ignore it and push on, trying to find some food.

But food is your body’s fuel, so after awhile, you’re not going to have the energy to keep
moving forward. If your family is with you, that means your children are looking to you for

The agony and desperation that you’ll face if you’re responsible for the survival of a child and
yet you don’t have a way to get that for him will be overwhelming. You’re trying to get away
from the SHTF situation and you’ve walked for miles without any luck.

Now that the day is drawing to a close, you have to find shelter - only you’re not familiar with
living outdoors - especially without supplies. Having a BOB would ensure that you’d have
shelter when you need it most.

Without it, you’re exposed to the elements and so is your family. You’ll have an up close
and personal experience with rain, with crawling and flying pests, and with cold or hot

If you have children, you’ll try to huddle together to keep out of the cold or try to make sure
they don’t come in contact with something while sleeping on the ground that could harm
their skin.

While you’re on the way, trying to find a way just to survive for a few days so you can wrap
your mind around what’s going on, you get hurt. Or someone in your family does.

You don’t know if you can safely wrap a leaf around a bleeding wound, but you have to
because you don’t have a first aid kit. If you sprain an ankle or sustain a leg injury, you’ll be
forced to try to keep on going despite the pain and misery.

If it’s a child that can’t walk, then you’ll have to carry him on your back. Suddenly, you have that
added weight in addition to the weight of the world on your shoulders.

44 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

When you’re forced to bug out, you’ll be faced with experiences that you may not have
had before in your life. It will come down to a matter of survival and how you respond will
determine if you and your family will survive.

You can’t live long without water, food and shelter. Those are the three basic needs that you
have to cover to make sure that you and those you love are going to be okay.

When you don’t have a BOB, you won’t have the basic tools of survival. You’ll have no way to
start a fire or to defend yourself or your family. You won’t have the means to survive what can
be an otherwise survivable situation.

When you fail to plan, you plan to fail - as the saying goes. With some things, the price that
you’ll pay for not planning can fall under an inconvenience or a difficult lesson learned.

But a SHTF situation is a test of survival that, unless you’ve studied for it, unless you’ve prepared
for it, won’t give you a chance to make up that test. It’s not a lesson you learn and fix next time
because there may not be a next time for you.

Why You Need a Meet-Up Plan

When a situation arises that calls for you to bug out, you need to have a meet up plan. In
situations that call for you to get out, it’s usually because something extreme or even life
threatening is going on.

When you don’t have a plan, it’s an open invitation for chaos. And whenever chaos hits, it
can cause you to panic. One of the things that happens when people panic is that they make
mistakes or bad decisions.

With heightened emotions, valuable time is often lost trying to figure out what to do. The time
to know where you’re going to meet is before you ever need to. When a SHTF situation occurs,
it will never take your feelings or your family into consideration.

45 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

This means that when it occurs, you might be in one area while your significant other would
be in another. If you have children, some of them could be at school while another might be
at daycare.

Without a plan, you’ll waste valuable time - time that could make a difference between safety
and not trying to figure out the best way to bring your family back together again.

Without a plan, you might rush out the door to pick up one child while thinking that your
significant other will take care of picking up the other one. If you don’t have the ability
to communicate with each other because cell phone service is jammed or completely
unavailable, you won’t know if you should run to keep finding your family members or not.

When you don’t have a plan, it will be easy to lose track of family members. If you have elderly
parents that you look out for, this can compound a SHTF situation because you’ll need to
make sure that you or someone else gets to them.

You won’t know where to go once you do gather your family if you don’t have a meet up
plan. But if you do have a meet up plan, you’ll know ahead of time the part that everyone is
supposed to play in the event of a SHTF disaster.

46 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Instead of wasting valuable time trying to figure out what step to take next, you’ll be able to
focus on what you should be doing - which is getting to safety. Once you have a meet up
plan, you’ll know the roads you’re supposed to take to get there and the area where everyone
is supposed to reconnect.

Don’t forget to have a backup plan, too – because what if the place you plan to meet at is
dangerous now? While a SHTF situation can be extremely stressful, you can lessen the stress of
it if you’re prepared.

When you know who is going to handle getting your family members and the place where
you’re all to meet up to be accounted for, it can make everything run smoother.

It will make a bad situation not seem so awful when you have those you love safe and
accounted for. The emotional impact will be lessened and you’ll be able to concentrate on
survival, together.


Bad things happen. That’s just a way of life. But you can cause a bad situation to become an
intolerable one if you don’t plan ahead. It can be the difference between life and death.

With careful planning, even SHTF events can be handled with a minimum of difficulty. But if
you don’t plan for long term scenarios, you’ll experience long term struggles and suffering for
you and those that you’re responsible to take care of.

Many people who prepare for a bad situation will only plan a month or two at the most in
advance. The problem is that with long term situations, there may not be a solution for several
months - or even years.

Without planning ahead, this will impact your life, if not in the first few weeks - it will
eventually. For example, if you don’t plan on a long term supply of canned foods while you
can grow seeds to replenish your food supply, you’ll eventually run out.

When this happens, there may not be a way for you to get food. If you don’t have a long term
supply of gear that can help you be able to get food - such as by fishing, then you won’t be
able to rely on the land to provide food for you or your family.

47 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Without long term planning, you won’t have the items that you need to take care of things
like preparing safe water. Eventually, you’ll run out of your water supply. You’ll need long term
supply items to make sure that you catch enough water to live on for awhile.

You’ll need long term supplies to make sure that water is safe to use, too. When you ignore
long term planning, you’ll go without necessities like the personal hygiene products that
everyone needs.

You might not be able to keep your shelter shored up. You might not be able to find supplies
to keep your new location one that can sustain life. Without having a long term supply
preparation plan in place, you may not plan for needs like communication.

If you don’t plan ahead for these supplies, you could lose the ability to get in touch with others
or get the latest news to find out what’s going on in the world and when and if things might
return to normal.

48 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Preparing Bug Out Bags for Each

Member of Your Family

It’s imperative that you have a bug out bag on standby for when you’ll need it. You need to
have the items within the bag all packed up and on hand at the various places where you
spend a lot of time.

A BOB that’s at your home won’t do you any good if you’re at the office and can’t get home
before you need to leave the area in the event of a SHTF situation. So you need to have a BOB
that you keep at your place of employment (or in your car) and one that you keep at home.

There should be a bag ready made for each person. Some people also like to keep a BOB in
their vehicle in the event that they’re caught in a situation where they’re not at home or the
office and need to bug out right away.

To pack a bug out bag, some people use regular nylon bags like a bag that you would see
used for a child’s schoolbooks. You want to be careful with these. They’re not roomy enough,
they’re not durable enough - and most of them don’t have enough compartments to keep
items separated for easy location.

Don’t choose a duffel type bag that you’ll have to hold onto as you leave. You want both of
your hands to be free because you don’t know what you’re going to run into as you’re leaving
an area.

Other people choose to use larger, tough backpacks to hold the gear. Regardless of which
type you choose to purchase, the bag needs to meet some basic criteria.

First, it has to be roomy enough to hold everything that you need it to hold to be able to
survive for the crucial 72 hours that you’ll be relying on the bag’s contents.

Second, the bag should be sturdy. If you spend the money on something cheap that’s poorly
made, you’re betting your life on that material holding up. If it breaks down and rips from the
pressure of the content, your items could fall out and leave you without if you don’t notice the
tear when it happens.

49 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

The bag that you buy should also be waterproof or water resistant. If you get a bag that
absorbs water, it stands to reason that the content within will get soaked and won’t be any
good for use.

If you choose to get a backpack, you’ll want one with wide shoulder handles. These handles
are what will help distribute the weight. This makes carrying the bag a lot easier.

In the event that you’ll have to travel long distances, you’ll appreciate this additional comfort.
When you look through the various types of backpacks, you’ll want to look for ones that say
they’re military grade or used for tactical maneuvers.

These are backpacks that are like the ones used by the military and they’re made to withhold a
lot of wear and tear. These are also the bags that won’t stand out. You want to make sure that
you get a bag that blends in with the surroundings.

If you’re in a wooded area, you want your backpack to be difficult for others to see. A neon
green or pink backpack could alert people that you don’t want to know your whereabouts
that you’re in the area.

50 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Not everyone fleeing from a SHTF situation will be someone that you can trust. Your best
option is to choose a backpack that’s made of dark material to make it easy for it to blend into
a wooded area. A good example of such a bag as this is a camouflage backpack.


There are specific items that need to go into this bag. Remember that you’re packing this bag
with 72 hours survival in mind. The items that you pack need to reflect survival mode and not
be geared toward pampering or high end tastes.

You’ll want to pack enough food for the three days that the bag is intended to be used for.
You should not pack heavy canned food items. Not only will these weigh down your bag, but
they’re awkward and they also take up too much room.

If you try to pack three days worth of food in cans, you’ll end up regretting it. Remember that
you might not have an opportunity to get the time to stop, take out canned food and eat it.

You may be eating on the go. So instead of canned foods, you’ll want to look for lightweight,
portable foods. These are foods that have a long shelf life. You’ll want meals like MREs or food
that you’ve prepared in advance and freeze dried.

Beef or other types of jerky can be eaten quickly and so can Snicker bars or pop tarts. You
can take foods like trail mix, breakfast bars or protein bars. Remember that foods that are in
pouches are lightweight, easy to mix and many of it tastes fine cold.

Plus, you can simply rip open the top of it and keep on going. Emergency food ration bars
are also a good idea. Look for foods that offer good protein. You can find peanut butter in
pouches that can give you the energy to keep on forging ahead. Plus, tuna comes in survival

Besides being able to eat while on the go, the reason that you want to look for foods that
you may not need to prepare is because it may not be safe to start a fire in order to heat
something up.

While you may be prepared, there will be others who didn’t and a fire draws attention. If you’re
in a good, safe place where you can use a fire, you’ll be able to warm up food.

51 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

You want to pick foods that are easy and quick - such as instant mashed potatoes because all
you need to do for those is just put some water into the dehydrated potato mix.

Any pouch packed food that says all you need to do is to add water is a good choice to put in
a bug out bag if you know you have a supply of water on hand. It’s also wise to take along a
lightweight pot or pan to use to cook food.

When you get the opportunity to safely cook food, you’ll need a way to do that. Remember
that the bag is intended only for 72 hours. Some people do bring a folding camp stove, but
you have to remember that you also have to bring a way to fuel the stove.

A better choice to make sure you choose cooking gear that can be used over a campfire. You’ll
need to bring a way to start the fire. You can carry matches or fire starters.


After you get the food supplies that you need to have squared away, you’ll need to make sure
that you have an adequate water supply. You need to plan to take enough water so that you
have at the minimum of a gallon per day, per person.

It’s important to stay hydrated, but you’ll have to work within the confines of space that you
have in the bag. Water, like canned foods, can be heavy. If you’re carrying three gallons of
water, you’ll be carrying around about 24 pounds of weight.

Carrying that much additional weight can be a difficult task. What many people do in this
situation is they carry enough water to make it through the first 24 hours.

They bank on being able to find a water supply source while they’re bugging out. This is not
the best route to go. There are no guarantees that you’ll find water. Don’t carry any water

These are bulky and can easily be damaged in transport. If you bring water in containers that
rupture, you’ll end up with a soggy mess of supplies. The best bet for this is to carry water
that’s not as bulky.

52 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

You can find individual emergency water packets that don’t take up a lot of room. These
packets have a shelf life that can last for years. You can also look for specific water packets that
are listed as a 72 hour water survival preparedness.

In addition to the water, you’ll want to bring items that can help you purify water such as
purification tablets. The reason that you want to do this is because if you do find a water
supply, you can treat that water with the purification tablets and use it rather than using up
your supply.


Taking along the necessary clothing supplies is an important addition to your bug out bag.
Many people don’t look at clothing as a necessary tool for survival, but they are.

Wearing the right clothes can make a difference in your survival. You’ll want to make sure that
you pack two changes of clothing. Some people count the 72 hours that a bug out bag is
used for as meaning that they need to pack three changes of clothing.

But this is incorrect. You’ll already be dressed as you’re leaving. There’s no need to pack what
you can carry on your body as far as clothing goes. Even if it’s summertime and the weather
outside is on the warm side, you’ll want to bring long pants for cooler evenings.

You’ll also need to bring along a long sleeved shirt. When you’re bugging out, it’s highly likely
that you’ll need to go through areas that are heavily wooded. It’s also highly likely that you’ll be
moving quickly.

In heavily wooded areas, it will be easy for you to brush up against poisonous plants such as
poison sumac. You don’t want to be dealing with the stress of an itchy rash on top of dealing
with everything else being in upheaval.

Wearing long pants and long sleeves will keep you safer from insect bites and will make it
easier to spot ticks that might land on you. Bring undergarments for the 72 hours and you’ll
want to bring an extra pair or two of socks.

Being on the go can make socks wear out quicker than the rest of your clothing items. You’ll
also want to bring along boots. These will help you be able to navigate through rougher
53 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

If you’re wearing tennis shoes or unsuitable shoes when the SHTF situation hits, you might
not have time to change into better ones while you’re rushing out, but the moment you can
change, do it to protect yourself against sprains and foot injuries.

You’ll need to bring something to keep dry if it starts to rain. Some people don’t think of
bringing rain gear along because they think that if the weather gets bad, they can stop and set
up shelter.

But this isn’t always an option. You need to bring rain gear - such ponchos - to keep as dry as
possible while you’re bugging out. Make sure that you have a hat to protect yourself against
the sun’s rays.

You’ll also want to bring sunglasses. Even if it’s wintertime, you’ll want these. If your area is
prone to snow, you’ll need a way to protect yourself from the sun’s rays on the snow.

A lightweight jacket that’s good for warmth is a must-have for a bug out bag. This will help
keep you warm and dry. And sometimes, your 72-hour bug out journey might devolve into
something longer, so you want a wide range of clothing items, not those just suited for one
type of weather.


You can’t stay out in the elements. You have to be able to get out of the wind, the cold, the
heat and away from pests that like to snack on people. You need a way to keep dry.

There’s a reason that people die from exposure to the elements. It’s because you weren’t
meant to live without shelter. Being without shelter can make you more prone to infections,
serious injury and death.

There are plenty of lightweight, portable items that you can use to create shelter. Ideally, it
would be a good idea to bring along a tent. You can find these in a range of prices.

They have the ability to hold one person if you use a single person tent or a multi family
member tent. But keep in mind that the more people who will seek shelter in the tent, the
heavier that the tent will be to carry in your bug out bag.

54 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

You can pack a tarp in your BOB and with some rope, a tarp can be used as a quick, makeshift
shelter. In a pinch, you can bring along some of the extra large thick garbage bags to be cut
and used as a temporary shelter.

If you’re traveling in a group of family members or loved ones, then each person should at
least have a couple of garbage bags. This way, if you become separated, each person will have
a way to get out of the elements.


There are other items beside the basic food, water, shelter and clothing that you need for your
bug out bag. These items can make a difference in how you’re able to survive.

You need a folding shovel to be able to dig in the ground. You’ll need this to dig a fire pit, to
break through snow and to bury waste. You’ll also need a multi tool device that can be used
for a variety of reasons.

Pack a device that you can use to cut items. You’ll need a knife or scissors, but it’s wise to take
both. You’ll need a way to be able to cut cord to tie off things and for other practical uses.

55 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

You’ll need personal hygiene items. Remember that you need to make sure that you have
enough of these items for three days. Packing a first aid kit in your bug out bag is extremely

You can buy a first aid kit that’s already put together or you can build one yourself by adding
the things that you need. A lot of people like to create their own first aid kit because they can
add items in greater number or in better quality.

Make sure that you have an emergency blanket in your BOB. This can be used for warmth, but
it can also be used as part of a first aid treatment in the event that someone goes into shock.

Flashlights are great to have in a bug out bag. You’ll need to carry ones that are solar powered,
so that your batteries don’t run out. Having an emergency radio is also smart.

56 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

You can find versions of these that are small and lightweight. Many of the solar powered ones
can also be used to charge a cell phone. If you have a small baby, you’ll need baby items such
as formula, cloth diapers and baby medications.

There are a lot of positive and negative views on whether or not to bring a weapon in a bug
out bag. That’s a personal decision, but you should keep in mind that in a SHTF situation, the
rules in society may have broken down.

There are already people now who wouldn’t think twice about robbing you or attacking you.
When situations like SHTF ones occur, it can add a level of lawlessness and human greed that’s
a whole new ballgame.

You could be forced to fight for your life and you need a way to make sure that if you are
attacked, you have a way that enables you to defend yourself.


This is an area where some people are unprepared. You need a bug out bag for yourself. But
you also need one for every single person in your family or those who will be bugging out
with you.

Each of the bags should contain similar items for survival. The bags should all have food,
water, clothing and shelter as the minimum. In the event that you’ll be bugging out with small
children who are unable to carry their own supplies, you’ll need to carry theirs or divide it
between adults.

It’s the same situation if you’re traveling with the elderly who can’t take care of their own
supplies. Some children are able to carry a backpack and for those, you would make their bug
out bag weight appropriate for their age and ability to handle the responsibility. Some kids can
handle taking care of additional supplies, while others can’t.

57 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Have Your Meet-Up Plan Ready

Knowing that you need to grab your bug out bag and go is one thing. Having a place to meet
already laid out is another thing. You should prepare diligently for both.

When you create a plan, you have to know where you’re headed. With a meet-up plan, you
need a first destination or what’s commonly referred to as a rally point. This is the point where
everyone will gather together.

This is an important part of the plan because when a SHTF situation happens, you and your
loved ones could be separated. You need to know how to find each other again.

Knowing this will help to cut out the confusion of where to go. If you watch the news at all,
you can see the importance of this in events that have happened in third world countries.

Entire families have had to flee for their lives from natural catastrophes and man-made
violence. On the journey to safety, the families became separated in the chaos.

Children were parted from parents. Brothers and sisters were separated. To keep your family
whole, you need to have that rally point. Even if the unthinkable stress happens that you
lose touch, having a rally point can make this a temporary thing rather than a longer, more
frightening one.

You need to know how you’re going to get there. Most people plan to take the family car
or a Jeep. But if you take another means of transportation to work, such as carpooling with
someone else or you take a train, you’ll end up stuck. You need to have a clear method of how
you’re going to bug out.

So your plan might be something like if you’re home, you’ll take the Jeep – or some car that
can go off road if necessary. If you’re at work, you’ll take the train. Just know what you’ll do in
the event that your first method of transportation becomes unavailable.

58 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Having a plan of knowing where to go and how to get there is a good idea. But not ever
going over that plan and doing a test run is a bad idea. Just like a fire drill, a bug out plan
should be practiced.

When you practice a bug out plan, you’ll be able to see potential areas that could be a
problem for you or your family. You’ll want to work these out before you actually need to use
the plan.

While you’re working out your meet-up plan, make sure that you cover communication. Many
people believe that having a cell phone is all they need to have but in the event of a SHTF
occurrence, your cell phone could fail you.

You might have trouble getting a call through because there are too many people calling
and the system gets overloaded. Make sure that you have a secondary way in place to
communicate with your family members.

You can use multi channel walkie-talkies. You want to look for the ones that have long range
capabilities. You also want to make sure that you have a handheld scanner.

These devices can let you be aware of what’s going on as you’re trying to get to the rally point.
For example, if a road is blocked, you’ll be able to get this information and choose another

These handheld scanners also have the ability to provide you with the weather as well as any
alerts for your area. With your rally point, you need a backup rally point in case the first one is
blocked off or inaccessible.

When you and your loved ones meet at the rally point, you can go from there to wherever
your destination is. Just like having a second rally point is important, so is having a second
destination. This is simply a smart way of having a plan B in case your plan A doesn’t work out.

59 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Strategizing a Long-Term Survival Plan

Though it can be hoped that a SHTF situation will be short term, it sometimes works out that
it won’t be. That means that you need a strategy to make sure that you and your loved ones
can survive for however long it takes.

There are several areas that you need to focus on to make sure you’ll be okay. The first area is
with food and water. You’ll have to make sure that you have enough for everyone who needs
it and you’ll have to make sure that you store it in such a way that it will keep for as long as

Certain types of food will store well, while others won’t. You need to know the difference and
prepare to have the right foods on hand. You also need to know how to keep up with your
supply amounts and how to make sure that what you put aside doesn’t spoil.

You want to start by getting a good supply of your dry foods. These are often said to be your
basic food list. On this list, you’ll find flour. You need to have both wheat and white flour.

Make sure to store yeast as well as baking soda. Grains are good to have for nutrition. You’ll
want wheat, barley, cornmeal, oats and rice to name a few. Grains can be used in a variety of
ways and are both healthy and filling.

You need to store dry pasta - and you can find these in the large, family size bags as you can
with most dry food supplies. They’re easy to cook and season and will please everyone in your

You’ll need beans and peas. Also make sure that you set aside plenty of easy, instant fix foods.
These are things like macaroni, instant potatoes, noodles and any kind of packaged or boxed
pastas that only require you to add water.

You’ll want things to flavor the foods. These are items like sauces, salt, pepper and seasonings.
You’ll want to get both sweet seasonings such as cinnamon and regular seasoning such as

60 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

You’ll want to have honey and cocoa powder, too. Dried milk should also be one of your
staples. Dried fruits are also a good storage food. Put aside foods like jelly, jam and fruit

Protein bars and breakfast bars can stay stored for years. Plus, they make an easy, quick way to
keep up your energy in an emergency. There are a bunch of flavors you can stock up on.

You’ll need sugar and oils. For the oils, you’ll want a variety of these. These will also usually
keep for several years. Make sure that you have a good supply of peanut butter as well as a
variety of nuts. Both of these are high in protein.

Store up plenty of different kinds of cereals. Have

a good supply of popcorn, but buy whole kernel
popcorn that you can pop with your oil. Put aside
a supply of tea as well as coffee. Some families love
to stock up on orange flavoured Tang because the
kids love it but I don’t know if I would want to be
the one responsible for bringing Tang into the new
world :) .

Create a large store of canned goods. Anything that

can keep for several years should be in your survival
pantry right now. You can use tuna and other types
of meats, heat and eat pasta varieties, stews, fruits
and vegetables.

Eventually your store of food could run out if the SHTF situation lingers. So you’ll need a way to
replenish your foods. This is why you need to set aside some seeds for planting.

These food items can be growing while you’re using your survival stores. This way, you can
keep ahead of your need for food. As the food you plant ripens, you’ll be able to can it and put
it aside for future use as well as use the seeds to replant.

With everything that you set aside for emergency survival, you have to take precautions to
ensure that it doesn’t get ruined. The food needs to be protected from the light.

61 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

The light can cause food to spoil. So can moisture. Pests can be a problem, too. Because of
this, you’ll want to put the food in a cool, dark place where dampness isn’t a problem.

Seal the food within airtight containers that keep pests out. There are some storage containers
that are specifically designed for long term food storage that you can buy.

There are two important things about caring for your survivalist food storage that you’ll need
to keep in mind. One is that you have to know what you have. As you begin to put aside food
items, you’ll forget what you have.

The best way to keep up with what you have on hand is to make a master list where you have
every item listed and how much of that item you have, along with the expiration dates.

The second thing is that you need to rotate the foods to keep them viable. If you have canned
goods with an expiration date of four years down the road, if time passes and a SHTF situation
doesn’t happen, you’ll want to put those foods into your current meal plans so they don’t go
to waste.

Then, when you go to the store, you simply replace what you used with a fresh supply of what
you need to keep on hand.


There are some necessities that you must have in order to sustain life. Water is something that
you can’t live without. Yet, sadly, it’s one of the things that many people don’t get prepared for.

Some people do prepare, but then something ends up happening to the water supply.
Regardless of whatever occurs to cause you to not have water, you have to be able to find it -
and you need to get to it fast.

If you have it and lose it, then you need to be able to rely on a backup plan. We’re going to
look at a variety of prepping plans you can make to ensure that you and your family have
access to drinkable water.

62 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


When it comes to preparing for an emergency survival situation, it’s usually stockpiling food
that people concentrate on. But you can survive without food far longer than you can
without water.

You can last for up to three weeks, depending on the climate and what type of shelter you
have if you don’t have food. But you can only make it three days if you don’t have any water.

Since it’s essential that you have water in order to survive, it’s always best to make sure you
have a supply on hand for when a crisis hits. But if you don’t, there’s no need to panic because
there are multiple ways that you can find water both out in the wild and in your own home.

You need to consume 64 ounces of water on a daily basis. But there are other factors that can
change how much water you need to drink day to day. Consuming 64 ounces is the minimum
when factors are in your favor.

However, you’ll need more water in different conditions. If the area that you live in is unusually
humid or if you have high temperatures where you are, then you’ll need more than the
standard 64 ounces.

63 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Your need can also change if you happen to have a higher altitude as compared to a lower
one. In an emergency situation, you’re probably going to be more active and maybe even
traveling more.

If you find yourself having to hike for a while to get to a safe area, then you’re going to lose
water through the physical exercise. Whenever you’re moving or working, your body’s need
for water is more imperative.

The more active you are, the greater amount of water you’ll need. You might also need to have
more water depending on what the weather is like. Under the hot sun, you’ll have a greater
need than if you were walking under a gray sky filled with clouds.

Consider all of the factors when you’re figuring up how much water you’re going to need for
yourself and your family. Without getting the water that it needs, your body does more than
simply become thirsty.

Without the proper supply of water, your body can’t function properly. You won’t be able to
function as well. Your body can’t break down food as easily and your organs won’t work as

In the first 24 hours without water, you’ll start to feel the effects. Your mouth will feel like
you’ve stuffed it with cotton balls. You’ll experience a loss of energy and you’ll feel tired and

You’ll have a thirst that’s uncomfortable. There won’t be as much urine produced as your body
desperately tries to slow down water loss. Your skin will start to dry out.

You’ll develop headaches and feel lightheaded. As the dehydration progresses, the thirst will
become almost unbearable. You may not be able to urinate at all. Your skin will appear to cling
together if you do the pinch test.

Your eyes will have a sunken appearance. Your heart will start going into tachycardia. Your
blood pressure will drop as the body continues to try to fight but by now, your organs are
being overwhelmed by the lack of water and no oxygen is being transported by your blood
cells because they can’t function to deliver what your body needs.

64 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Hallucination can start to set in. Many people pass out from the lack of water at this point. If
immediate re-hydration doesn’t occur, at this stage, the organs will shut down and you will die.

If you don’t have water on hand in an emergency situation, your first priority is to find some
and then deal with any other needs you may have. Not having the right amount of water
doesn’t affect everyone in the same way.

People who are older will succumb to the effects of dehydration quicker. So will people who
have certain types of diseases. Young children and babies will not be able to survive as long as
an adult can if they don’t have water.

You don’t want to put your life or the lives of your loved ones at risk - not when there’s a
simple way you can avoid it. All you have to do is be prepared and spring into action the
moment you recognize that there’s a need.


Nothing is worse in a survival situation than not knowing what you’re going to do when
disaster strikes unexpectedly. It’s one thing to not be prepared, but it’s quite another to not
know anything about what to do so you end up panicking.

When a crisis hits, especially if it’s widespread, what often gets disrupted first are the utilities.
People lose power to their homes. Most people don’t really take notice of this as a major
emergency right when it happens - it’s not even a blip on their radar.

They don’t react because when the power goes off, it’s usually back on within a matter of
hours. They’re used to the city coming to their rescue and making sure everything’s running as
it should.

In times of bad weather, it’s usually back on within a few days at the most. When everything is
restored to normal, people forget about the interruption and annoyance to their daily routine
and life goes on.

However, when a chaotic situation hits that has the potential to last for awhile, you will lose
your ability to have clean water.

65 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

You won’t be able to turn on the faucet in your home and pour yourself a glass of water.

Forget about using the line from your refrigerator to have some. You won’t be able to take a
shower or flush your toilet. While that might seem extreme, it’s already happened all over the
world and you can bet it’s going to happen again.

Because what happens when major power grids go down is that people also lose their ability
to have water. Your water supply source is usually produced through the use of electricity.

When that’s interrupted for awhile, you’re going to quickly run out of water. So unless you
know how to survive off the grid, you won’t. That’s why you have to know what you’re going
to do right now, today, before there’s an emergency need for water.

If you’re like many people, you might think that you can hang tight and just use whatever
water you have around the house. Or you might think you can just hop into your car and head
out to the grocery store where you’ll buy some.

There will be thousands of people with the exact same idea if everyone knows there’s an
emergency. Your odds of finding a readymade water supply that will last you at the grocery
store isn’t a viable survival idea.

Even if stores are open, you can bet there will have been a run on the water supply and those
shelves will be sitting empty. If you think that the government will step in and run to your aid,
think again.

Just look back through major disasters at how quickly the government was overwhelmed with
the level of need and people suffered without water, food or shelter while waiting for help
amid the ruins of their broken, chaotic lives.

It’s up to you. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you can just hike out and quickly find
a source of clean water. Water that’s outside is subject to all sorts of things that can make it
unsuitable to drink in its natural state.

Drinking water that’s filled with bacteria can cripple anyone with debilitating illness. You can
get prepared by having on the go filtering systems that you can use once you find water

66 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Don’t be afraid to stock up on filtering systems. You’ll want to make sure that you have an
abundant way to prepare the water to make it safe to drink. You’ll also want to make sure that
your on the go filtering system isn’t complicated.

You want something that will make the water ready to drink in as little time as possible. Plus,
you want to make sure that any on the go filtering method isn’t bulky, since you may be
traveling on foot for awhile.

The biggest key to surviving a crisis situation is being able to get to the water. There is plenty
of water in nature but if you’re not sure where to go or how to get to it, then it might as well
not exist.

Learn now where you’re going to go to get to the water. Before there’s an emergency, know
exactly where all of the water resources are located in your area.

But you’ll want to be careful that it’s not in an area where it’s heavily populated. In a crisis,
people are always the surprise element. You’ll want to be armed if it’s a heavy survival situation
– to make sure people don’t steal anything from you.


When you know where to find water, you can make it safe for your family to be able to drink it.
But if you’ve never had to search for water, you might not be aware of exactly how to find it.

Remember that water isn’t always silent. When you’re searching for water, stop moving to pay
attention to the sounds of nature around you. Water has a very distinct sound as it moves
across rocks.

You’ll be able to hear the trickle of it over rocks in a creek bed and the solid rushing sound if
it’s a river. You might end up having to hike for a while to find it, but keep stopping to listen for
the sounds of it.

You should also note that water has a tendency to cause whatever grows near it to be thick.
So look for areas of thick plant growth. Also, keep in mind the slant of the ground when you’re
searching for water.

67 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

If you’re in a hilly area, water will run down a slope, but it won’t collect there. Since you want to
get to the main body of water, you’ll need to travel downhill or to the area where the ground
is the flattest.

Water is more likely to pool where the ground is level. Some people believe that water that
travels down mountain rock to a spring is cleaned as it travels over the rock but this isn’t true.

Bacteria, bug carcasses and animal feces can still make its way into the water - so before you
use any of it, make sure you treat it through a purifying process first.

Nature will always leave clues so that you can easily find sources of water when you need to.
Every creature that lives outdoors must have access to water. Wild animals know where to find
water and by studying the signs of animal activity, you’ll be able to locate the water.

Pay attention to mosquitoes as well. They’re more likely to congregate in moist areas and that
usually means that a source of water is nearby. Of course, there are areas of the country where
water is more plentiful than it is in other areas.

68 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

If you happen to be an area that’s experienced a drought, it will be harder, but not impossible
to find water.

If you live too far away from a large supply of water, then you’ll need to take steps to make sure
that you can hold on to rain water when it does rain.

Whenever it starts to rain, you’ll need a reliable system that you can use to trap that water. In
an emergency situation, it doesn’t have to be anything fancy. It can be something as simple as
plastic that you use to form a pouch so that it catches water.

Although rainwater is not usually as bad for you as standing water as far as having bacteria,
there is still the possibility. As it rains, the water travels over the leaves of trees and other things
in nature where there can be bird feces that could contaminate your water.

It’s always better to be safe and treat any water that you plan on drinking. One trick that you
can use to find water is to remember the firmness of the ground. In areas where the ground is
firm, the soil beneath it is usually not covering any water sources.

But if you’re walking in an area and you notice mud, it means that the soil is too saturated with
water below the dirt for the ground to be able to absorb it all. If you start digging, you’ll see
that water will then spring up from the ground.

It won’t look good and it won’t seem that appealing, but you can treat the water and still
be able to use it for your drinking needs. Of course, it’s not hard at all to find water if the
emergency situation takes place during winter and you happen to live in an area that gets

You can collect snow and melt it down into water. Always make sure that you change snow
into its liquid form before you attempt to use it. Even though it can be tempting to believe
that snow is pure and should be okay to use without purifying it, you shouldn’t take that

Snow can still contain contamination that can harm you. When you’re looking for water, you
should pay attention to the dew that falls on plants. Plants with wide leaves will hold a greater
amount of dew.

69 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

You can easily collect dew from these plants and you can let it trickle into containers. It’s a slow
process, but you can gather enough water to be able to survive if you have to.


When a crisis happens, if you don’t have water on hand, it’s going to quickly become a matter
of survival for you and your loved ones. You need to start now setting aside water for your use.

You’ll want to put aside as much of it as you possible can. This means setting aside a massive
amount of water that may take you months to accumulate. After an emergency situation hits,
whatever water supply brings the water to your home might not be fit to actually use anymore
if you even do have the electricity to bring it into your home.

So you’ll need to be prepared. You need to store water according to how many people and
animals you’re going to be providing for. The rule of thumb when it comes to setting aside
emergency drinking water is to put aside 7 gallons of water a week for every person or animal
that must be taken care of.

You’ll need to make adjustments when figuring in things like the weather. If the weather is
hotter where you live, then you’ll need to set aside more. People who live in areas where it’s
hotter end up losing more water as they go about their day.

Also make sure that you consider the individual needs of each person. You’ll need to figure
in more water for a woman who is expecting a child or for an animal that’s expecting to give

The barest minimum amount of water supply you should set aside is 72 hours to get you
through that crucial first three days of an emergency. However, some people do set aside
water above that amount.

Remember that water doesn’t have a date for when it’s no longer usable. While there are
expiration dates on bottled water, the water itself doesn’t turn foul. What happens when water
is stored for long periods is that leaching can occur.

Whatever water you set aside can absorb odor from how it’s stored. So you can end up with
perfectly good water that tastes terrible. You can prevent this by making sure you store it
properly and that you switch out older water with newer batches every so often.
70 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Some people recommend changing out your stored water twice a year, while others suggest
every four months. While the best bet is to buy water already sealed, space can sometimes be
an issue with this method.

Not to mention it can be pretty expensive by the time you’re done collection the amount that
you need. You can set aside water yourself from your own home before an emergency strikes
if you use the proper containers.

These would have to be top grade containers that didn’t allow sunlight or temperature
changes to impact the quality of the water. You would also have to make sure the containers
were safe to store water in.

Some plastic containers contain chemicals that make it unsafe to keep water in for any length
of time. One thing you can do if you decide to store water yourself is to treat the containers
before using them.

You can do this by simply de-contaminating the container by using household bleach to
clean it with. Make sure that you wash down the sides as well as the bottom and the lid of the
container with the bleach.

After you do that, do not dry the container with a towel since you could accidentally end up
contaminating the container. There are a few prerequisites to follow when you’re keeping
water stored for emergencies.

Any type of container that you use shouldn’t have warnings on it that it can’t be used for food.
If it has that, then it can’t be used for water storage either. You’ll need to use containers that
can seal completely.

If there is even a small opening, bacteria can get into the container along with pests and other
undesirables. Never use any plastic jugs or containers that aren’t safe to store water in such as
ones that have been used for bleach, pesticides or other chemicals that are harmful.

Once you decide what you’re going to use to contain your water, make sure that you mark the
container’s contents. You’ll also want to put the month, day and year that you stored the water
so that you can keep up with a rotation schedule.

71 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Make sure that you keep your water stored in a dark area away from direct sunlight or extreme
heat. It’s always best to place your water supply in an area that has a temperature not greater
than 70 degrees.

If you prepare, you can easily set aside enough water to supply your family’s needs to get you
through a crisis.

Always be on the lookout for a way to get water - especially if you have a lot of animals
depending on you. You can set up rain barrels outside your house to collect water for pets and

Water running off the gutters of your home during a rainstorm can be used and stored for use.
When a crisis first occurs, you want to do everything that you can do to protect your water
supply to make it last as long as possible.

You should immediately go into proactive mode. If you lose the ability to have fresh water
brought into your home because the utility company has shut down or there’s been some
other type of interruption, you’ll want to do what you can to preserve every drop.

That means making sure not a drop of what you already have is wasted. Most people don’t
realize that they have many gallons of water already inside their house that’s perfectly safe to
use for drinking.

Remove the hose from the back of your washing machine and hang it down into the washer.
Turn on the water at the faucet and let the washing machine fill up with water.

You wouldn’t want to use this water for drinking unless you had no choice and treated it with
purifying treatments, but it could be used for other things. Some appliances already contain
water that you can use right away.

Your hot water heater can store numerous gallons of water depending on what size tank you
have. Many tanks will have as much as 50 gallons of water on hand.

You can remove that water and use it for your needs. All you have to do is drain the water and
transfer it to whatever water storage system you use. You want to get it out of the hot water
tank before anything can contaminate it.

72 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

The minute that you realize there’s no water coming to your house, close the hot water heater
valve and shut off any power leading to it. Never leave the power attached to a hot water tank
once it’s been drained since this can damage the unit.

While you can drink the water once you remove it as is, most people do still sanitize the water
just in case. Homes today are constructed with pipes that don’t contain lead.

That means that the water in those pipes is also safe to use for drinking or for other purposes.
Drain the water from each pipe in your bathrooms and your kitchen.

Store this drained water until you need to use it. In the event that it was a natural disaster that
caused you to lose the water supply to your house, make sure you prevent water that’s been
standing in outside pipes from getting inside the house pipes.

You can do this by shutting off the water outside to prevent it from reaching your house. Many
houses today have at least a full bathroom and a half if not more. For every bathroom that has
a toilet, there will be water stored in the tank that can be used.

This water isn’t dirty, but most people only use it for drinking if they’ve run out of other
options. If you don’t like the idea of drinking this water, you can still use it to wash your clothes,
bathe with, or to water livestock or family pets.

Swimming pools are also a supply of water. However, since pool water isn’t the cleanest source
of water, you won’t want to use this source for drinking needs. Instead, use it for things like
bathing, washing up, or watering animals.

When you have water in a pool, you’ll want to find a way to store as much of that water as
possible because bacteria will quickly gain a foothold in water that’s standing still.

Always treat pool water before using it - even for pets - because the bacteria and pool
chemicals can make animals ill. Pool water can also be used to remove waste products from
your toilet once you no longer have any water available to use for flushing.

If you happen to have a well on your property and your electricity is off, if you have a pump
that relies on electricity to work, you’ll need to find a backup method to use to get to the

73 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


If you decide that you’re going to set aside storage containers filled with water before a crisis
hits, that’s an excellent idea. Some people will take the time to pre-treat this water before
putting it into the container.

That’s a waste of resources. If you get the water from your faucet, you don’t have to purify it
before storing it. The water that comes into your home has already been treated and is safe to
drink as it is.

When you’re rotating out your water, any water that has absorbed an odor is not useless. If you
can’t get the taste of the water to such a degree that you can stand to drink it, don’t waste it.

Use it to water plants or set it aside as emergency water to be used for flushing the toilets. Just
make sure that you label it that way. Water that goes through a purifying system, even if that
water has developed a taste, can usually be returned to drinking status.

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, water can still become contaminated. The standard
advice seems to be that in order for water to become safe to consume, it has to be boiled for
awhile before anyone can use it.

Water doesn’t have to be boiled for awhile. It only has to reach a certain temperature to kill off
bacteria and other things that would make you ill. There is a mistake among some people who
store water in how the water is stored.

Many people think that water shouldn’t be stored in things like soda bottles that have been
washed and prepped for water. It’s thought that any plastic jug would somehow pass the
chemicals used in the plastic process into the water over time as it’s stored.

But that’s not true. Water will not be changed by any plastic container unless that container
held harmful chemicals such as pesticides, bleach or other dangerous toxic material.
You can keep water tasting as it was originally and as safe as it was originally if you closely
monitor the amount of heat the water is exposed to. It’s the temperature change that
damages your water’s viability.

74 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

There is a debate on whether or not you can safely store water in plastic milk jugs. Some
experts say that you can’t get a milk jug clean enough for water to be safely stored which
opens the door for contaminants.

However, if you don’t have anything else to use and can’t afford to buy water storage
containers, you can use milk jugs in a pinch as long as you do purify the water before you
drink it.

When an emergency does hit and you’re ready to use the water that you have stored or that
you’ve brought into your home, the purification method that you use can vary.

You should already have whatever method you’re going to use all planned out. If something
happens to your water purifying method, it’s always best to have a backup plan.

However, if you don’t have anything that can purify the water, you can use household bleach.
But be aware that bleach doesn’t always kill off every type of bacteria.

That’s why it’s best to have a better method. If you absolutely have to use bleach, for every
gallon of water you use, put in 16 drops. After you put the drops in, let the water sit and check
on it in 10 minutes.

The water should be clear and though there may be a slight chlorine scent and taste, it should
be okay to drink. When you use bleach to purify water, always make sure the bleach is the
plain kind.

Never use bleach that has any type of perfume or added scent since these chemicals are not
safe to drink. And don’t put too much bleach into the water because that can be dangerous to
your health.

Remember, most uninformed survivalists focus on food and weaponry when it comes to
prepping, and water is the most important primary need your family will have.

Make sure you buy filtering systems for each member of your family and then begin storing
water around your property for availability in the event of a disaster. Some preppers even have
underground storage units buried so they’re not easily spotted by others.

75 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Also don’t forget that certain foods hold a good deal of water, such as soups. Make sure you
buy the low sodium kind, so that it doesn’t make you more thirsty than before.

Water is bulky, but it’s relatively inexpensive, so this should be a prepping task that’s easily
doable for all families. From a backpack bladder or water pouches to 55 - gallon tanks at home
- you can be ready for anything if you stop and take the time to plan.


Having a long term shelter is next on what you need as part of your long term survival plan.

These shelters take the place of a temporary one such as a tent. Remember that when it
comes to building a shelter, nature has a lot to offer you. You can use straw and rocks, stone,
mud and trees.

What some people do is to set aside something that they can use in the event that they
need it. They use old trucking containers and make those a survival home. In fact your bonus
manual - Ultimate Survival Shelter - outlines a few plans on how to use a container as a home.

They cover the container with natural vegetation to make it difficult to see so that others won’t
know that it’s a home. Others choose to use what’s available to them on the land.

You can build a mud hut as long as you have a support foundation. A support system would
need to be made of trees, logs or boards. You would use the mud to fill in the walls, which
would act as a type of natural cement once it hardens.

You can also build a survival shelter from trees to create a log cabin. Just remember that
whatever you do build need to have load bearing walls to keep the structure from collapsing
in on you.

76 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


Weapons are an important part of your long term survival. You can use weapons to help
you catch or bring in food. Weapons can be used to make someone think twice before they
launch any kind of attack and they can be used to defend yourself if someone does decide to
attack you. Having said that, if it is highly publicized, your weapon may become the object of
someone’s desire and thus a highly coveted prize they may wish to try and steal.

Guns are a choice that can be used as a long term survival weapon. Some people choose to
have a rifle on hand. Others choose to get a shotgun. Shotguns can be used to supply you and
your family with small animals and birds to keep you fed.

You’ll want to choose a simple shotgun that can be effective for either hunting or as a
defensive weapon. Shotguns in the Remington series are good for long term survival planning.
Typically the Remington 870 Pump Action Shotgun is a reliable weapon and choose your
ammunition… either birdshot, buckshot or slug ammunition depending on what you hope to

For a rifle, I am a fan of the North Eastern Arms NEA - 7.5” PDW (personal defence weapon. It is
a nice compact reliable weapon. The operating principle is via gas impingement technology
and it utilizes a NATO 5.56 round with a 1 in 7 twist rifling. Here is the spec sheet if you don’t
care about any of that stuff .
If you want something that goes bang when you pull the trigger and is incredibly accurate,
this the carbine rifle you are after.

Always choose shotguns based on whether or not you know or can learn the ins and outs of
the gun. Remember that in a SHTF situation, if the shotgun needs to be repaired, you’ll be the
one who has to do it. They are relatively basic and can be learned easily enough. A Remington
870 will get the job done. I’ve used both 8 pellet and 12 pellet magnum rounds which deliver a
serious punch. I have also used Tactical Slugs which are devastating but the truth is they create
more kick than most of your family members will likely be able to handle, unless you live in a
house full of badasses.

A rifle is a better choice if you think you’re going to encounter large animals like bears because
a rifle has better long range accuracy. Besides a shotgun or rifle, you should have a pistol.

77 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

A pistol is a weapon that’s light enough to

be carried on you and you can keep it out
of sight. When you have a weapon on you, it
can easily turn a potential attack into one that
doesn’t happen. I carried various models of
Glocks during my service and found the later
generations to be very reliable. In particular
the Glock Model 37 .45 GAP was particularly
reliable and it delivered a serious punch.

Many attack situations are crimes of opportunity - and having a weapon can often deflect that
crime before it gets started. Your best option is to choose a large caliber pistol (ie a .45) But
make sure you know how to handle it and shoot accurately. The round delivered by the .45
had particularly effective terminal ballistics and stopping power. This means you can quickly
stop the threat. Never think of these situations as trying to kill someone. You are only using as
much force as is necessary to stop the threat, if the individual happens to die that’s too bad for

Knives can also make great weapons. If you get a fixed blade knife, you’ll find that these types
are more versatile. You want one that you can easily carry on a sheath attached to your belt or
strapped to your leg for easy reach.

There are some additional items that can also be used as weapons. Spears can make great
weapons. Some people use these for fishing, but if needed, they could easily be weapons.

A bow and arrow set can be a great weapon if you’re skilled in the art of archery, but would
not do as a close weapon. If someone is within arm’s length, it’s too late for a bow and arrow.

Anything that can pack a punch can be used as a weapon. Items like baseball bats or canes
cut from tree limbs can be used as well.

Never forget however, if your handling of the weapon lacks aggression, it is just as likely that it
could be used against you.

Be swift, accurate and decisive when you are called to do so in a confrontation.

78 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


Why to Invest in Gold and Silver?

A smart survivalist is prepared for ANYTHING! We’ve gone over survival topics like how
to forage for food, find drinkable water, build a shelter, even navigate your way back to
civilization. But one thing we haven’t helped you prepare for is what to do in case of the
collapse of that “civilization”.

No, we’re not talking about total chaos of the sort you read
about in dystopian sci-fi novels. We’re really talking about
the collapse of the system everything else is built on: the
financial system.

In ancient times, people paid for goods or services with

gold, silver, and other precious metals. Now, we spend
paper money—money believed to be backed by those
precious metals—on the things we want and need.

But, as MANY experts point out, the collapse of the

financial system is imminent. It may not happen today,
tomorrow, or next year, but it’s coming. The ones who
survive the collapse of the financial system are those who
prepare today.

So how can you prepare for something as monumental

as a total collapse of the financial system upon which
our country—heck, even the world economy—is built?
Simple: invest in what the financial system is built upon.
That’s right, we’re going to discuss why to invest in gold
and silver.

79 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


There are two reasons to invest in gold and silver:

1. You hope the price of these precious metals will continue to increase. If you’ve
paid attention to gold and silver prices in the last few years, you’ll have noticed how much
they’ve risen. A single ounce of gold costs over $1,200, while an ounce of silver is closing in
on $20. These prices are significantly higher than they were 5, 10, even 30 years ago. By all
appearances, the prices should continue to rise.

How can this benefit you? Let’s say you buy 1 ounce of gold at $1,200 today. Two years
from now, that same ounce is worth $1,500. Your investment increased by 25%. Not bad,
considering that ounce of gold was sitting in your home or in a bank vault.

Precious metals are a savvy investment because they are expected to continue to increase in

2. You believe the value of other investments will decrease. The real estate market crisis
of 2008 (the Great Recession) lost a lot of people a lot of money, and sent real estate prices
through the floor. The repercussions of this market crisis extended to nearly every market
sector, leading to serious cutbacks, layoffs, and economic difficulties for people not just in the
U.S., but around the world.

If, as experts believe, the financial system is due to collapse within the next few decades,
you can expect things to be a lot worse than the crisis of 2008. Investing in gold or silver will
prepare you in case of a financial system collapse. You will have the precious metals upon
which the financial system is built, so you will have the wherewithal to buy and sell when
paper money is worthless.

Now, we’re in no way advocating an attitude of doom, gloom, and apocalyptic prophesying.
All of us should hold out hope that the financial system continues to work and that there
is no economic crash. But, as a survivalist and someone who wants to be prepared, we are
encouraging people to start investing in gold and silver. Not only will this provide you with an
investment that will continue to increase in value, but it will help you to be prepared in case of
a crisis situation.

80 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


Investing in ANYTHING-commodities, businesses, real estate, stocks and bonds, etc.-carries a

certain amount of risk. There is no investment that is guaranteed to earn you big bucks.

When you invest in gold and silver, it is more of a passive investment. The value of your gold
and silver will increase or decrease independent of you. The coins will simply sit on your shelf,
and their price will rise or fall according to the market prices.

There is always the risk that gold and silver prices will fall below their current value. You may
buy a gold coin today at $1,200 per ounce, but in a month the prices will fall to $1,000 or $800
an ounce. You end up losing money if you try to sell the coin while prices are low.

A smart investor will sell when the prices are high, so you may have to hold onto that gold
coin for years to recoup your investment. But remember: you’re buying the coins not just as
an investment that could pay out dividends, you’re investing in your future. You want to have
those gold and silver coins to have on hand in case of problems with the financial system. So
you can look at the gold and silver as both an investment and a “worst case scenario”.


The answer to this question is simple: supply and demand.

If the supply of gold increases, it is more easily available, so the price drops. If fewer people buy
silver, the demand decreases, so the price drops.

On the flip side, if the supply of gold decreases, it is harder to buy, so people are willing to pay
a higher price for the gold. If the demand for silver increases, merchants feel justified in raising
their prices, so you end up paying more for it.

Supply and demand have driven the market since the beginning of time. The precious metal
market is constantly fluctuating according to people’s desires and the availability of the metals.

81 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

The good news is that you don’t have to be a financial genius and fully understand everything
that drives the fluctuation in prices. All you need to do is keep an eye on the gold and silver
market prices, and you’ll be able to track your investment.


Buying gold and silver is a bit more complicated than simply going into your local coin store
and buying a coin. You have to understand a bit more about the process so you can do it

First off, you need to understand the weights and measures used for the purchase and sale of
gold and silver.

Gold and silver are weighed in Troy ounces, a measure about 10% heavier than a regular
ounce. The Troy ounce weighs 31.1 grams, compared to the 28.35 grams of a regular ounce.
When you buy “1 ounce” of gold or silver, really you’re buying “1 Troy ounce”.


Unlike other commodities (like toilet paper), you can’t just walk into a supermarket and say,
“Give me a six-pack of gold coins, please.” You have to find the places that sell gold and silver—
usually in the form of coins.

Step one, check out the United States Mint’s list of authorized bullion dealers. This is a list of
retailers authorized by the U.S. Mint to sell gold bullion and coins. These dealers are closely
monitored to ensure they are selling ONLY legitimate gold and silver coins. They are the most
reliable options to consider when looking to buy gold and silver.

However, there are many other places you can buy gold and silver:

• Gold dealers – Consumer Affairs published a list of the U.S.’s Top 10 Most Reviewed Gold
Dealers in 2016. Hundreds of people have posted reviews of these dealers, and you can
read over them to find a gold dealer near you that you can trust.

82 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

• Online gold dealers – There are hundreds of dealers that sell gold via the internet, but it’s
tough to know which are the most trustworthy. APMEX, Kitco, and Goldline are the three
most reliable of the online gold dealers, but Silver Monthly has identified 7 other dealers to
work with.

These are the places to go if you’re interested in buying gold and silver coins or bars.


Throughout this chapter, we’ve talked about investing in both gold and silver. But you can’t
buy both at the same time—you have to make a choice about which you want to buy.

For many, gold immediately is the first choice, and for good reason! There are many
advantages to buying gold:

• Gold takes up less space. A single Troy ounce of gold is worth significantly more than
an equal weight of silver. One gold coin is worth 10-20 silver coins. If you want to store your
fortune in a home safe, gold is a better way to reduce the space requirements.

• Gold is more popular. Gold is a metal that is bought and sold EVERYWHERE! The gold
you buy in the U.S. can be sold in Russian, European, Asian, Australian, South American, and
African central banks. Gold is always easier to sell than silver.

• Gold is the standard. Money isn’t valued against silver, but against gold. Gold has been
the monetary standard for thousands of years. There’s a reason it’s called the “gold standard”.

If you’re thinking of a long-term investment, gold is your best choice. Historically, gold has
always been highly valued. It’s the best metal to have if you want to make a large investment
in your future.

83 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

But don’t discount silver just yet! In fact, there are a lot of reasons that you should consider
investing in silver - either in place of gold, or in addition to it:

• Silver is a useful metal. Did you know that silver is useful for industrial purposes? It’s a
highly electrically and thermally conductive metal, and it is the most reflective metal on
the planet. It is used in thousands of industrial applications. It is the second most useful
commodity in the world, meaning it will always be valued.

• Silver is cheaper. If a gold coin will cost you $3,000-$5,000, that’s a pretty hefty chunk of
change to tie up in a long-term investment. But a silver coin (the classic 1-ounce U.S. Silver
Eagle) will cost you just $20 or less. It’s easier to make smaller investments in your future
until you have saved enough money to buy a gold coin.

• Silver can often yield better returns. For those who invest under $1,500 at a time in
precious metals, silver is usually the better choice. The premium paid (on top of spot prices
tends to be lower for silver than for gold, meaning you have a better return on
your investment.

Silver does offer benefits, especially for those who are just getting started investing and
preparing for emergency situations. You’ll find that it’s a highly practical metal, one that could
potentially yield a better return.

Note: Gold is rarer than silver, but investment-grade silver (silver not being used for
industrial purposes) is far scarcer than investment-grade gold. While gold will always
be more valuable than silver, silver will continue to become a rarer investment.

Our advice: Buy silver first, then gold. Silver is a smaller investment to get you started.
Once you can set aside enough cash to buy gold, do it. Buy small amounts of gold at
first, then invest in larger quantities. That’s the smart way to be a savvy investor and
be prepared for anything.

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When you buy gold and silver, you have two choices:

1. Coins, or numismatic bullion.

2. Bars, or plain bullion.

The value of the coins and bars are stamped clearly, and their value is determined by the
weight and quality of the metal.

However, if you’re wondering what’s the difference between buying bars and coins, here’s
what you need to know:

Bars are easier to keep track of. If you own a dozen 1-ounce gold coins, there’s always a
chance that one of the coins will be lost, misplaced, or even stolen. The more coins you own,
the higher the chance that some will go missing without your noticing.

With gold bars, on the other hand, you’ve got a single chunk of metal that is fairly large, heavy,
and hard to misplace. It’s much easier to keep a watchful eye on one large gold bar than it is to
prevent smaller coins from being stolen or lost.

Bars are consolidated. Instead of having a lot of coins scattered around your house, you can
buy a single gold bar or brick to represent your savings. You can buy bars ranging in size from
a few grams up to 600 Troy ounces. It’s a way to consolidate your wealth into one location.

85 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

If you don’t have a home safe, it’s much easier to store a single gold bar in a safety deposit box
in a bank. A gold bar takes up less space than an equal amount of gold or silver coins. You can
also use a gold bar to make a very large investment all at once.

Coins are easier to liquidate. The downside to gold bars is that you have to sell it in its
entirety. You can’t break it up or melt only part of it down, but you have to use it all at once.
With coins, on the other hand, you can sell one or two if you need quick cash. You have much
greater liquidity with gold and silver coins.

Selling gold and silver coins is also much easier than selling bullion. There are many more
dealers who will accept numismatic bullion than plan bullion, so you’ll have an easier time
getting your hands on cash in emergency situations.

Coins are more widely accepted. If you find yourself with no access to cash, it will be much
easier to buy goods using a gold coin than using a gold brick or bar. Supermarkets, grocery
stores, and retailers may accept gold and silver in coin form.

You’re investing for emergency situations, so you’re better off with gold and silver coins. Coins
are more practical, and they are easier to keep safe in your home if you don’t want to take out
a safety deposit box in your bank. (Smart thinking, because banks will be the hardest-hit in
cases of financial collapse.)

86 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Which Coins Should I Buy?

This is a complicated question to answer, but we’re going to try to offer some advice to help
you make the right choice when buying coins.

Gold Coins:

There are four coins most people in the U.S. buy when investing in gold:

• U.S. Gold Eagle

• U.S. Buffalo
• Canadian Maple Leaf
• South African Krugerrand

These coins all come in 1-ounce sizes, but they also come in fractional sizes (i.e. ½, ¼, 1/10 Troy
ounce). Fractional coins are cheaper to buy, but they end up costing you more due to the
commission (called a premium) you pay on each coin. So ten 1/10 fractional gold coins will
cost you more than a single 1-ounce gold coin thanks to that commission.

Now, one thing you need to know is that the Krugerrand and the U.S. Gold Eagle are both
22-karat gold. This means they are almost 92% pure. You may want to invest in 24-karat or
100% pure gold (like the Canadian Maple Leaf), but remember that gold is soft and easily
damaged. Your 22-karat coins will be hardier and less likely to be damaged than 24-karat gold
coins. Damaged gold coins are worth less (up to 5-10%) than undamaged coins.

Note: The purity of the gold only matter if you’re going to melt it down. If you plan to
sell it, the dealer will simply weigh it, deduct the other metals according to its karat,
and pay you the price for the gold weight.

The Mexico 50 Peso and Austrian 100 Coronae coins are both 20-karat gold, which means they
are 75% pure. The Austrian coin contains 0.9802 Troy ounces of fine gold, while the Mexican
coin 1.2057 Troy ounces of fine gold. These coins are easily acquired and sold in the Americas
and Europe.

87 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Silver Coins:

There are two very popular silver coins:

• U.S. Silver Eagle

• Canadian Silver Maple Leaf

Both of these come in 1-ounce sizes, but you can find coins in larger sizes. However, a lot of
people resort to buying either 90% silver coins or silver rounds.

90% silver coins are coins (quarters, half-dollars, and dimes) minted before 1965. These coins
are sold at face value, but they contain .715 ounces of silver per dollar. These coins, also known
as “junk coins”, are sold in $1,000 bags, which weigh around 55 pounds. Each of these bags
contain 715 Troy ounces of silver. However, you can buy smaller quantities of silver junk coins.
This is the most widely traded form of silver.

Silver rounds are 99.9% pure silver coins of 1 ounce weight. They are minted and sold in the
U.S., each with their own design and picture, but with the “1 oz. silver, 99.9% pure” stamped
clearly on the faces. Premiums on silver rounds often dip lower than the premium on 90%
silver coins, so they can often be a better investment than junk coins.

88 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


If you are looking into buying precious metals, you may run across something called “gold
certificates”. A gold certificate is a certificate of ownership you hold to prove that you own a
certain amount of gold. However, the gold is never physically in your hands. You simply have
the piece of paper to prove that you own it.

Let’s be very clear: it makes ZERO sense for you to invest in a paper certificate. That’s little
better than owning actual cash. Why is that?

Think about what will happen in case of a financial system collapse. The banks will shut down,
the gold reserves will be locked up, and you’ll be left holding a piece of paper that says you
own a certain amount of gold. Who are you going to take that to? How can you redeem that
paper for the gold that you have purchased? It’s very likely that the U.S. Government will have
sold more certificates than the actual gold they own, just like they’ve done with the paper

As a precious metals investor preparing for a potential financial system collapse, you always
want to get your hands on the gold or silver itself. Even if it means you purchase smaller
quantities of gold or silver and pay a higher price, it’s better to have the metal in your hands in
case of an emergency situation. Gold or silver sitting in a federal bank or deposit is useless to
you. You want to store the gold and silver at home or in a place that is easily accessible in case
of emergency situations.


You may be tempted to sink all of your savings into precious metals. After all, it’s the most
secure investment in case of an emergency situation, and it should increase in value as the
years go by, right?

In terms of investment, a lot of experts recommend limiting your purchases of gold and silver
to around 3%. This is due to the fact that gold is a very low-yield investment with a high
volatility. Add to that the high taxes you pay on gold, and you can see why it’s not the best
investment for someone whose primary motivation is to earn money.

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However, as someone preparing for a survival situation, your mindset isn’t to earn a quick buck
by investing in precious metals. You are thinking long-term, so you may be willing to invest
more in an asset that will not devalue - even if its value doesn’t shoot through the roof and
make you millions overnight. It will be a valuable resource to have in case of emergencies.


Throughout this chapter, we’ve learned a lot about gold and silver as an investment and a
valuable asset. There’s so much to know about these precious metals, and a lot of myths to
dispel. Here are two of the more common myths about buying gold and silver:

Myth #1: Your gold and silver can be confiscated at any time.

Truth: This is a fear-mongering claim with an ounce (yes, crappy pun intended) of truth.

Back in 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102, which prohibited the
hoarding of gold. The order also demanded that citizens surrender their gold bullion to the
government in exchange for cash.

At this time, $20 gold pieces were still common in the U.S., and FDR signed this order for
the purpose of promoting a paper currency-based monetary system—one that was more
convenient and government-regulated. The Executive Order 6102 still stands to this day, and
U.S. citizens are not permitted to “hoard” gold.

The truth is that the government did raid some safety deposit boxes and seized some gold,
but the majority of the compliance was 100% voluntary. The U.S. Government does still have
the authority to expropriate private assets in times of national emergency, yet it’s VERY unlikely
to ever happen. The dollar is no longer on the gold-backed standard, so there is no need to
collect gold from private citizens.

If you’re worried that the government is going to swoop in and steal your gold coins, don’t
worry about it. As long as you purchase your gold from individual bullion dealers in small
enough quantity to avoid scrutiny, there is only an infinitesimal chance that the government
will even know you own gold in the first place.

90 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Myth #2: You have to sell gold and silver to use it.

Truth: Some coins cannot be used in the U.S. as legal tender, particularly gold and silver coins
purchased from sources outside the U.S. (Canadian Maple Leaf, South African Krugerrand, etc.).
However, coins purchased from the U.S. Mint—such as the American Eagle Silver and Gold
coins—can be used anywhere. They are fully legal tender that can be used to buy goods from
any retailer or distributor. It’s not commonly done, but it’s 100% legal.

Myth #3: Rare coins are worth more.

Truth: Some coins are worth more than their face value due to something called “collector

To understand collector value, look at Beanie Babies. The toys retailed in 1991 for a normal
toy price, but they have become collectible items worth far more than their retail value. For
example, Employee Bear (with a Green or Red Ribbon) sells for anywhere from $2,000 to
$3,000, while the Chef Robuchon bear sells for up to $2,500.

The same applies to gold and silver coins. Rare coins can sell for far more than the actual face
or metal value of the coin, due to the collector’s value. However, if collectors lose interest in the
coin (which happens often), the value of your rare coin may drop—even as far as its face or
metal value.


To close this chapter, here are a few last reminders of why you want to consider investing in
gold and silver today:

1. It’s true money with legitimate value. No worthless paper currency, but cold, hard
metal that will always hold its value.

2. It gives you more investment options. Investing in gold and silver gives you an asset
you can use to earn money, which you can then use to invest in more gold and silver, and
on it goes.

3. The future is uncertain. Not just the economic future of the world, but also the
availability of the resource itself. Gold and silver sources are dwindling every year.
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4. More people want it. Both gold and silver are in high demand not just in the U.S., but in
China, India, and other overseas markets. The investment will have value around the world!

5. You’re buying an insurance policy. Buying gold and silver gives you something to have
“in case of emergency”. It’s the ultimate insurance against economic collapse.

Radio Communications

A two-way radio is a device which transmits and receives voice signals through the air. They
work somewhat like a telephone, but since they do not require a central network they can be
used anywhere!

With two way radios, two or more people can

have a discussion no matter where they are -
sometimes while they are miles apart! Another
common name for a two-way radio is a “walkie
talkie”. Hopefully you remember the days as a
kid when you and your friends would turn into
spies and communicate over “walkie-talkies”…
good times…but now the world has just about
gone to shit if you are deploying these in a SHTF

The most common type of two-way radio for

regular consumers is the FRS/GMRS two-way
radio. These are the radios that you typically see
in the big-box stores. FRS and GMRS are the different frequency ranges, or channels, that these
radios can operate on. The FRS channels are 8 through 14 and the GMRS channels are 15-22.
Channels 1 through 7 are shared, and are used by both the FRS and GMRS systems.

All radios in your group will need to be set to the same channel before you can communicate.
For example, if your radio is set to channel 7 it will send your voice over that channel when you
talk, and it will listen for and allow you to hear other people talking on channel 7. It is always
important to remember that these channels are public! Always be careful what you say over a
two way radio, because you can never be sure who is listening.
92 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

When choosing a channel, privacy and range should be your primary concerns. If you are
using a FRS only channel, because of government regulations your radio will only broadcast at
a maximum of .5 watts of power. This wattage will typically get you between half a mile, and
one mile of range.

If using a GMRS channel, you can get the maximum output power and range out of your two-
way radio. However, if you are using a GMRS channel, you are required by the FCC to purchase
a license to operate on those frequencies. God only knows if these bodies will exist during this
kind of situation so I wouldn’t get too hyped up about running out and getting certified…but
if you start using them today you would require that certification.

As far as privacy goes, if you choose a channel and notice that there are others using the
same channel, you should switch to a different channel to avoid confusion. Sometimes, such
as during an emergency, 22 channels just aren’t enough to provide privacy. Because of this,
most mid range radios and up also provide “Privacy Codes,” which break up a single channel
into anywhere between 38 and 121 sub-channels. When you figure in the privacy codes, many
radios offer over 1000 individual channels for you to choose from. Make no mistake about it
however, the frequencies are going to be jammed so do your best.

Some two-way radios operate on AA or AAA batteries. You will also find that many of the
radios come with rechargeable battery packs and desktop chargers. If you buy a model with
a rechargeable battery pack, you will get the convenience of the rechargeable batteries and
plus, you will still be able to operate them with regular batteries if your battery packs happen
to drain before you get them back to their chargers. Now this will only be to your benefit if
you have a generator or some type of power source…my suggestion would be to spend
the money on ones that are hybrid, which means they can be charged by power or run off

There are many good uses for a two-way radio and they can be very helpful to locate one
another. If your bug out plan has you in separate vehicles it is a great form of communication
between vehicles.

Another popular sport in which two-way radios can play a big part is hunting. Hunters are
always in need of some sort of communications device to keep in contact with one another
throughout the woods. When you deploy to start capturing your food if things get really ugly,
these could come in handy as you pursue your game.

93 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

The major brands of two-way radios include Motorola, Cobra, Midland, Kenwood and Uniden.
You can find radios from these manufacturers in all different ranges of output power and
distance. There are all different types of features out there you can get with your two-way
radios as well. Many two-way radios even support the NOAA weather channels. There are
also lots of accessories you can find for your two-way radios including headsets, handheld
speakers, earbud receivers, and throat mics. A lot of these you can even operate hands-free
as long as they, and the radios, are VOX capable. You can now even buy car chargers for your
two-way radios!

It is no doubt that two-way radios have come along way over the years. Most people have
found them impossible to live without, just like cell phones! From starting out at a maximum
range of about 2-5 miles, you can now find them with maximum ranges of up to 14 miles!
Next time you are on the go with friends or family, make sure you’re prepared and take a two-
way radio along. They may just prove to be pretty handy.


Ham radio is often referred to as amateur radio and is a hobby that is enjoyed by millions of
individuals across the globe. A ham radio operator uses a two-way radio to broadcast with
other amateurs for the purpose of entertainment, public service or other venture.

The use of ham radio may actually help to save lives as operators often support the local
community with emergency and disaster communications. On a recreational basis, ham radio
can help to increase an individual’s self awareness of electronics, the operations of radio and

On a recreational basis, ham radio can help to increase an individual’s self awareness of
electronics, the operations of radio and communication.

Ham radio was once confined to an actual radio, but the progression of the world wide web
has changed the way that people both listen and communicate via radio. In fact, there are a
number of radio stations that actively communicate with listeners online. This activity paved
the way for ham radio to reach a broad audience via the internet. While some simply use ham
radio as a way to talk with friends, meet new people who share common interest and discuss
topics that are relevant to a specific idea, others regularly use ham radio to send and receive

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emergency notifications relating to severe weather, emergency situations, disaster relief and
other forms of scenarios that call for fast action that are of interest to the public.

Like traditional radios, ham radio equipment is often portable enough to accompany you in
a dynamic and mobile situation. If you are getting up to speed on the equipment prior to
any SHTF situation you must be licensed and cannot successfully travel with the equipment
otherwise. Unlike CB radio, individuals broadcasting on ham radio must possess a valid license
to do so, which means passing an exam. To be clear, this applies to today’s structure, all bets
are off when things have turned completely chaotic due to some form of emergency.

The best way to learn more about ham radio operator licensing and operation is to stop by
a local club and speak with the owner. This will provide you with some resources in terms
of set up, purchase and other requirements that can sometimes seem overwhelming. Take
advantage of local expertise wherever possible.

95 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


There are many ways to boost the range of your two-way radios. Radio communications
hardware and the modification of these devices falls into two categories – either getting
a more powerful radio transmitter and more sensitive radio receiver, or boosting the
effectiveness of your antenna.

Between these two choices, improving the effectiveness of your antenna is always the better
approach. More powerful transmitters and more sensitive receivers are, of course, more
expensive than standard grade units. Less is more in these kinds of situations. Logic also
dictates that a more powerful transmitter is also going to need much more power to operate
– chewing through batteries (maybe ten times faster), and/or becoming a power-hog when
you are running on borrowed time to some degree as it is, the last thing you need is piece of
equipment sapping precious resources.

One more important issue – the more powerful your signal, the further it goes, and the greater
the number of people who might receive it. There are pros and cons to this kind of situation.
You may be trying to keep a low profile to protect your location and resources depending on
what the situation is.

This is why the focus in this section is not just on greater transmitting power, but also on
better overall efficiency of the antenna so it can receive weaker signals more clearly, and – with
our radios – if we improve our antenna, we often then cut back on our transmit power, which
means saving vital batteries etc.


Back during my army days we used what was called a 77 set. A big bulky, heavy as hell radio.
This was our lifeline to the other platoons when we were engaged in battle at the company
and battalion level.

Our Rad OP - or radio operator was magic. Regardless of where we were he always had some
trick to get the radio up and running…and it always involved a quick and simple trick with the
antennae and a simple piece of wire.

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You can do the same thing to your radio. This device is simply a piece of wire which dangles
down off your handheld radio transceiver. That sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? But it
works and I’ve seen it live.

There is actual solid radio theory that readily explains how and why this works as it does. Most
antennas need two parts in order to work properly. Sometimes the two parts are obscured as
part of a single overall antenna structure, but any good antenna definitely does have two parts
to it.

Given the demand for smaller, less bulky hand held units, the antennas have been
compromised as a result. Manufacturers know the antenna is inefficient, but it is also small and
strong (as in durable as opposed to far reaching), and that’s what the market asked for. With
removable/replaceable antennas, if you do want/need a better antenna, you can simply buy
one, and I highly suggest you do for the reasons i’ve already outlined.

Sometimes, like in an SHTF scenario, we need better performance. To be more technically

precise, the antenna on most hand-helds is typically some type of quarter-wave monopole
radiator, usually inductively loaded to shorten its physical length while preserving its electrical
length, most commonly a normal-mode helix. Adding this extra piece of wire changes it to a
half-wave dipole. Normally I wouldn’t bore you with this kind of scientific gobble-de-gook but
if you are upgrading your system, you kind of have to have a basic understanding.

So the first thing you should do with your device is get rid of the nubbin like - stub antenna
with a better antenna. But even these improved antennas are still massively inadequate
because they don’t provide some type of radiating element for both halves of the antenna.
Instead, the radio designers use various compromises are permitted in their designs to allow
for using your body as the other (‘ground’) half of the antenna system. While your body is
impressive in many ways…it sucks as an antenna.

So, to address this limitation, you can add the missing other half of the antenna to the radio
yourself. All it needs to be is a specific length of ordinary wire (bell wire or phone wire, ideally
multi-strand so it is flexible, and insulated). For 2M, this would be about 19.5’’, for 1.25M, it
would be 11.5’’, and for 70cm, it would be about 6.5’’.

For best results, you want to strip the insulation off a short piece of the wire and then connect
the exposed wire to the ‘ground’ or outside part of the antenna connector. This is very easily

97 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

done with most units, just unscrew the antenna sufficiently to be able to poke in the wire then
screw down the antenna again to secure it. It might help if you break off/file down/drill a bit
off the side of the plastic shroud surrounding the antenna mounting screw, making it easier to
get the wire in and firmly clamped by the antenna.

You can also use various types of washers or electrical clamps and connectors to create a
connection too, depending on how much work you want to put into this enhancement.

Once you have connected your wire, just

let it hang down freely while using the HT.
Don’t grip the wire when holding the HT,
but let the wire hang down separately.

What Sort of Improvement Will You Get?

You will notice a significant improvement

in both transmitting and receiving on 2M,
some improvement on 1.25M, and much
less improvement on 70cm. We’ll spare you
the antenna theory issues as to why this is.

But on 2M, you can expect your signal strength to increase by perhaps 6dB. A 6dB
improvement is the same as increasing your transmitting power four-fold, so it is a huge/
massive improvement, and truly could double your range – or could now allow you to reduce
your transmitting power while still getting a signal out as far as before, and getting a greatly
improved receive signal.

Now for an interesting extra point. Not only do you not always need to boost your transmit
and receive capabilities, but sometimes this can be inappropriate. Sure, you can maybe offset
a more efficient antenna by reducing your transmit power, but if you are already receiving
very strong incoming signals, and particularly if you have some unwanted signals on nearby
frequencies, boosting the signal from the antenna to the receiver can sometimes cause
problems. If you find, after adding this extra wire to your HT, that it actually receives more
poorly than before, even though it is transmitting better, you have a problem with your
receiver circuitry being de-sensitized by strong adjacent signals, and in such a case, you should
stop boosting your antenna.

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Note that the connection needs to be electrical, not just physical. There are easy and complex
ways of doing this – the easiest is stripping a bit of insulation off the end of the 6.5″ wire and
off one end of the two extender wires, then simply twisting the two together. Slightly more
elegant would be to have an alligator clip on the extender wire, and more elegant still would
be to have a paired socket and plug connector at the end of each wire.

Lastly, if you’re still not convinced about how a simple piece of wire can add so amazingly to
your radio’s range, Google ‘tiger tail antenna’ to see many credible articles confirming it works.
I’ve included a picture so you can see exactly what I am talking about. You will see exactly
how simple and basic this can be.


I included this section out of a pure abundance of caution. It’s a brief history of Morse Code,
the code guide and then the transmissions rules. The last thing I want is you to be hearing a
Morse Code message you don’t understand and cursing my name.

Beginning in 1836, the American artist Samuel F. B. Morse, the American physicist Joseph
Henry, and Alfred Vail developed an electrical telegraph system. This system sent pulses
of electric current along wires which controlled an electromagnet that was located at the
receiving end of the telegraph system. A code was needed to transmit natural language using
only these pulses, and the silence between them. Morse therefore developed the forerunner
to modern International Morse code.

In 1837, William Cooke and Charles Wheatstone in England began using an electrical telegraph
that also used electromagnets in its receivers. However, in contrast with any system of making
sounds of clicks, their system used pointing needles that rotated above alphabetical charts to
indicate the letters that were being sent. In 1841, Cooke and Wheatstone built a telegraph that
printed the letters from a wheel of typefaces struck by a hammer. This machine was based on
their 1840 telegraph and worked well; however, they failed to find customers for this system
and only two examples were ever built.

On the other hand, the three Americans’ system for telegraphy, which was first used in about
1844, was designed to make indentations on a paper tape when electric currents were
received. Morse’s original telegraph receiver used a mechanical clockwork to move a paper
tape. When an electrical current was received, an electromagnet engaged an armature that

99 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

pushed a stylus onto the moving paper tape, making an indentation on the tape. When the
current was interrupted, a spring retracted the stylus, and that portion of the moving tape
remained unmarked.

The Morse code was developed so that operators could translate the indentations marked
on the paper tape into text messages. In his earliest code, Morse had planned to transmit
only numerals, and to use a codebook to look up each word according to the number which
had been sent. However, the code was soon expanded by Alfred Vail to include letters and
special characters, so it could be used more generally. Vail estimated the frequency of use of
letters in the English language by counting the movable type he found in the type-cases of a
local newspaper in Morristown.[3] The shorter marks were called “dots”, and the longer ones
“dashes”, and the letters most commonly used were assigned the shorter sequences of dots
and dashes.


• 1 short mark, dot or “dit” (·) : “dot

duration” is one time unit long

• 2 longer mark, dash or “dah” (–) :

three time units long

• 3 inter-element gap between the

dots and dashes within a character:
one dot duration or one unit long

• 4 short gap (between letters) :

three time units long

• 5 medium gap (between words) :

seven time units long

100 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


Morse code can be transmitted in a number of ways: originally as electrical pulses along a
telegraph wire, but also as an audio tone, a radio signal with short and long tones, or as a
mechanical, audible or visual signal (e.g. a flashing light) using devices like an Aldis lamp or a
heliograph, a common flashlight, or even a car horn. Some mine rescues have used pulling on
a rope - a short pull for a dot and a long pull for a dash.

Morse code is transmitted using just two states (on and off). Historians have called it the first
digital code. Morse code may be represented as a binary code, and that is what telegraph
operators do when transmitting messages. Working from the above ITU definition and further
defining a bit as a dot time, a Morse code sequence may be made from a combination of the
following five bit strings:

1 short mark, dot or “dit” (·) : 1

2 longer mark, dash or “dah” (–) : 111
3 intra-character gap (between the dots and dashes within a character) : 0
4 short gap (between letters) : 000
5 medium gap (between words) : 0000000


When a SHTF situation occurs, life will change in an instant. The polite rules of society will no
longer be in effect. In a world where people will have to scramble to survive, it will become an
every man for himself way of life.

This is when being more of an observer and not a talker can make the difference in your
survival. You don’t want people to know that you have supplies. If they know that you have
them, the odds are very high that they’re going to attempt to take them.

And what happens in a stressful situation is that people panic. If you get a group of people
that didn’t plan and don’t have supplies, they’re going to do things that they normally might
not do.

If others find out that you have supplies, it’s highly likely that they’ll spread the word. Complaining
and resentment will kick in among a group of people. Then the herd mentality will start up.

101 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Before you realize what’s happening, there will be a run on your supplies and there will be too
many people for you to be able to defend what your family needs.

In times of panic, there will always

be those who will resent you for
being prepared. They will see
nothing wrong with making sure
that you give them what they need
- even if they have to take it by force.

There will also be those will take it

simply because they want it to add
to their own supplies. Difficult times
always create a looting mentality.
People will take things, even if they
don’t need it simply because it’s
there and they can.

You might not be the type of person who goes around saying what you have - and that’s very
wise. But it’s important that you make sure that your children don’t talk about it, either.

Kids don’t always understand the importance of discretion, and sometimes they like to brag
or think it’s neat - but in this case, you’ll want to make sure that they understand they have to
keep quiet.

Any other family member or friend who knows about your supply should also be taught the
importance of keeping your supply location a secret. What some people do to prepare for a
SHTF situation when it comes to their supplies is that they have two locations in case one of
them is compromised.

It can be inconvenient to do this, but it will still be the same cost. You’ll just have to expend
energy to find another storage area and keep up with two supply lists. But it’s for your benefit,
because this way, if you do get one location’s supplies taken from you, your family would still
be able to survive.

102 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

You never know when you’re going to need to defend yourself or your family from people
who would think nothing of harming or killing. In a perfect scenario, there wouldn’t be a SHTF

But they happen, so you have to be prepared to defend what’s yours. And in a SHTF situation,
everything would work out for you to be able to defend yourself and your loved ones.

But you might be off scouting. You could be cutting firewood or a number of other things to
do with your survival. If someone finds your loved ones alone, without the ability to defend
themselves, that could easily turn into an ugly situation.

Every single member of your family needs to know how to shoot a gun. Even a small child can
be properly taught about the seriousness of guns and how to safely use them.

You want your children to be able to defend themselves from harm whether that harm is in
human or animal form. If a wild animal attacks your child or other family member, you want
him to be able to fight to save his life.

103 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Your family should be trained in gun safety and use long before it becomes a necessity. You
can teach them or they can take classes at a local gun range. Each member of your family
should regularly practice shooting until it becomes easy for them.

Every member of your family should know how to clean a gun. They need to know how to
strip it down and reassemble it. They need to understand the different types of ammunition
and why each kind is used.

They need to know how to unload ammunition and how to quickly load it – and how to
handle glitches in a firearm. You should practice different scenarios with each family member
so they’ll know what to do if there ever is a threat.

When you practice, each family member will learn what to do automatically. This will help
them be able to react quickly to any threats. Sometimes, despite your best efforts to keep
everything quiet, you could find yourself and your family under attack.

This is one of the most difficult situations that you’ll face. When you have to defend those you
love and you know that they’re counting on you to keep them safe, it can raise your adrenaline

Some people react very well to a serious threat. Others freeze. Those who freeze usually do it
because they’re not sure what to do. They don’t know how to react because they didn’t plan
on needing to react to a threat like the one that they’re facing.

When a SHTF situation happens, your family could very well

come under attack - even from the people that you know
and currently trust. Bad situations will often rob people of
their normal moral behaviors.

They’ll do things they never imagined that they’d do. An

attack on your family can be scary. You might be called on
to use lethal force to defend yourself and them. Remember
that if you can remain calm, it will help your family. Also you
can improve your hand to hand combat skills quickly and
easily with our First Strike program. This is a collection of
devastatingly effective strikes to end fights fast.

104 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

If they see that you’re okay, they’ll be calmer and you need them to keep their cool, too.
Prepare before the event of an attack. Know right now what you’re going to do and what each
family member is going to do.

The first thing that you should do is to establish a family safety or code word. The code
word should be clear and not associated with anything else. You want this word to be one
that in the event you have to use it, your family knows that it’s serious and they know that a
potentially dangerous situation has suddenly arisen.

You don’t want to choose a word that’s associated with anything else because it can be
confusing for younger kids. For example, if you were to yell, “Run!” then your children might
not realize exactly what you’re talking about.

You want to give your family plenty of time to escape a bad situation. So choose a word
associated with your plan. It can be something like “Go Time” or “Survive!”

Don’t choose words like fire unless your family knows to get out of the house or the area to a
predetermined safe area. You also want to make sure that you choose one or two words.

This will help make it clear and easily understood. The more words in a phrase that you use,
the greater the chance that someone won’t understand what you’re saying.

When you yell out the code word, each one of your family members must know what he or
she is supposed to do. If you have small children, they should know that they either need to
find an older sibling or a parent.

Or, you can train them to get to a predestined area and wait so that they’re not in the way.
What some people do is choose a room within the house that’s a room where they can go to
be safe.

If that’s what you choose to do, this room should not be easily accessed from the outside. If it
has a door that leads to the outside, someone trying to get in could very well find that door
and have access to your family.

105 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

You don’t want your family in a room where someone could easily break in through a window,
either. Families that use a designated room in the house, know that if the codeword is called
out, that they’re to get to that room.

When everyone is in the room, the entrance way should blocked. But you should be aware
that if someone is determined to get to you or your family, they might not stop trying until
they do gain access.

For this reason, you need to make sure that you have a weapon with you. Since you can’t
always plan to have your weapon on you unless it’s part of your daily habit, the room in your
home where everyone runs to should have an accessible weapon for the adults to be able to
use as defense.

The room should also have a supply of ammunition. You don’t want to lose your family to an
attack because you ran out of ammunition. The room should also be fortified with a means of

You would need a way to call out to alert someone else as to what’s happening. In the event
of catastrophic SHTF situations, you can’t rely on the police coming in to fight off the attackers.

The whole 911 system could be overloaded. You’ll want to have a way to reach others by
having a couple of different communication devices in the room. Remember that your goal is
to stay alive and keep your family alive.

If attackers breach the door of the room where you are, you’ll need to be prepared to stop
them from getting any closer to you. Sometimes, it won’t be safe to even stay in a designated
room in your home.

This is why you should always have a plan B. Every member of your family should understand
what to do if it’s not safe. An adult can make the call simply by using a word that’s associated
with a location outside the home.

Make sure that everyone knows they go to the outdoor location and they don’t leave. It can
be tempting for a family member to want to run back to try and save material possessions, but
remember - it’s about safety and survival - not fighting for what’s inside your home.

106 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Running to a second location can be a better defense than staying when you’re outnumbered.
There’s no doubt that every part of surviving is going to cost you. Some of the costs will be as
simple as taking the time to create a plan.

Other parts of survival is knowing what to do and when. But a great deal of the survival is
making sure that you can fund your plan. This is where having a strategy can help.

You can’t build a castle overnight. It’s just not possible. However, stone by stone, you will get
that castle built. It’s the same for making sure that you have all of the survival supplies that
you need.

Don’t look at the big picture once you create your list. You might not be able to spend the
thousands of dollars that you need to set aside a storage of food. You don’t have to.

Instead, what you do is every time you go to the grocery store, you make sure that you pick up
extra goods. You buy more than you need. You take advantage of the buy one get one
free deals.

You use coupons. You barter for goods. Each time you get more than you need, you put it
in your survivalist storage area. It might take you several months, but you can stockpile your
survival needs this way.

You start out by creating a list and you work on it until you get all of the items on that list.
You can also spend extra money on your supply needs. Instead of spending the gift card
you get on another material thing that will only clutter your house, you put it toward buying
something on your list.

Once you get all of the supplies that you need, you will have to periodically check on them.
Your storage area will have to be checked to make sure that the environment is still suitable
for storage.

You’ll also have to rotate the supplies. This isn’t something that will happen right away unless
you buy foods that have a shorter expiration date. You don’t want to do that.

107 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

When you shop, you always want to pay attention to the expiration date. You’ll also want to
make sure that you if you group like items together in a storage bin, such as pastas, that you
write on the outside of the container.

You’ll want to clearly mark the expiration dates. When you store foods that need to remain in a
cool, dark place, you can’t keep opening the storage container just to check the date.

That defeats the purpose of storing it. As the expiration dates draw near, you can use them
yourself as part of your monthly grocery needs. Because of buying in bulk, it might be difficult
for you to use large quantities before the expiration if you’re not careful with the planning.

You might not be able to use a 25 pound bag of flour in a month, but if you pay attention to
the expiration date, you’ll know when to pull that flour to use so that nothing goes to waste.

Survival preparation was once an idea that very few implemented and many ridiculed. Over
time, the masses started seeing horrific images unfold on live TV where natural disasters and
man-made attacks caused the loss of lives.

Now, it’s an idea becoming more mainstream. But there are always those who are resigned to
preparing a plan to steal, rather than survive. If possible, save up for some out of the way land
that you can use to build a new homestead property for a SHTF situation.

Worst case scenario, or best case, depending on how you look at the investment, is that your
survival place is never needed – and you can pass the property down to your offspring.

Preparing isn’t something you do at the last minute. It’s also not something you do
haphazardly. It requires a methodical process of stocking up and knowing what your family’s
needs are long before you’re caught in the crosshairs of a disaster that could spell the end for
many individuals.

108 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Man Skills

In this part of the manual I dial it back a bit from the more extreme survival mentality. I
examine some of the thought processes and ways of thinking more in line with the old ways
your grandparents were used to operating in and focus on the skills necessary to survive
common situations and add an element of security to your home.

What are considered emergencies today, were a way of life for our grandparents. Some of
this material is just common sense but sometimes a reminder is all that is needed to turn a
potentially deadly scenario into one that is easily survivable.

There are specific skills you should have as a man, that have quite simply been lost as a result
of our way of life. I’m well aware that statement could offend somebody, and the reality is I
don’t care whether you are a man or a woman and want these skills, that’s cool. What I am
saying as a man it is your responsibility to possess some basic level of ability to respond, think
and provide during an emergency situation. Believe me, in an emergency scenario everyone
around you will be ecstatic when pull some of these lost ways out of your hat and save the

The fact of the matter is, the majority of us have become reliant on the grid and various other
amenities that make our lives seem simpler. Extended periods without it can lead to serious
discomfort or even death.

In order to reduce these risks you should apply the first phase of emergency planning which is
Mitigation. These are steps you take to reduce the immediate risk, minimize the damage and
prevent it from occurring again. These types of activities take place both before and after an

Let’s take a trip back in time and apply the skills that were once commonplace, but now
require revisiting should we find ourselves in a situation that removes some of the comforts
we are used to enjoying. This was a time before the reliance on electricity, gas and other
technologies was prevalent.

109 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


I chose this scenario first because I live up in Canada and contrary to popular belief most of us
don’t live in, or know how to build igloos. As such, in areas where it can get quite cold and the
power can go out due to storms, it is important you have a strategy for staying warm in your
shelter. In fact at the time I write this, there is an ice storm in the eastern part of our country
where the power has been out for 7 days in the midst of winter. Could you adequately deal
with this?

My hope is that you have some assets on hand because you have prepared in advance. If you
haven’t, then after you read this chapter I want you to make sure you take steps to get these
solutions in place.

Wood (and a way to light it) - This is such a basic yet critical piece of your basic survival
puzzle. Having a chopped cord of wood is quite possibly the difference between staying alive
or dying if you are facing an extended outage in extreme cold.

A cord of wood is typically 4ft high x 4ft deep x 8ft long. Doing a bit of math, a 1000 square
foot kept above 72° most of the time will usually require , on average , 1/2 to 3/4 of a cord a

Now given the unknown nature of your scenario or other variables you can plan based on that
math. So for example if your house is quite big or you plan on heating more than one room
you will have to adjust accordingly.

My suggestion is to maintain a warm room and preferably one that has a bathroom in it and
the smaller the better. I explain more about a warm room below.

Building A Fire - Do you know how to build a fire bro? If you do then you are actually in the
minority. Far too many people do not have a clue when it comes to building a fire.

Now ideally you have a receptacle in your house to contain a fire such as a wood stove
otherwise you may be forced to build one outside and use it as a source of heat and your now
cold house as a source of shelter only.

110 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

The idea in this scenario is that you combine the two. We go into this topic in far more detail in
the Alpha Nation Survival Module but this will at least give you the skills you need to keep you
and your family warm.

What could be easier than starting a fire with matches? All you have to do is build a proper fire:

• Start with a small amount of tinder: dry grass, leaves, pine needles, etc. Anything that
catches fire easily.

• Atop that, add on some kindling: twigs, small sticks, etc. Anything that doesn’t ignite right
away, but takes a minute or two to catch on fire.

• Around the kindling, pile larger sticks and branches, anything that will take a few minutes
to light, but will burn for longer.

Once you have this ready, strike your match (shielded from the wind) and place it on the tinder.
Try to use on match per fire in order to make that pack of matches last as long as possible.

Have plenty of fuel wood handy, meaning small and big logs and thick branches. The thicker
the wood, the longer it will take to catch fire, but the longer it will burn.

Make sure your fire is protected from the wind, as too much air flow will speed up the burning
- meaning you’ll go through your wood supply far too quickly.

Survival Tip: If you’re trekking into the wild, ALWAYS bring a box of matches. They can
save your life!

Start a Fire with Flint and Steel

If you don’t have a match, a flint and steel fire-striker is your next best option. You can buy
them cheaply at any sports goods or camping stores, and they’re a beautifully compact tool to
carry with you wherever you go.

All you have to do to start a fire is to strike a spark onto some tinder and gently blow on the
spark until it sets the tinder on fire. Transfer the tinder to your already-built fire, and you’ve got
a merry blaze!

111 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

But what if you don’t have a flint and steel fire striker in your backpack? How can you find or
make your own?

Flint - Flint is a hard, durable rock that is weather-

resistant, often found along the shores of rivers
and lakes. It is usually dark grey, while chert (a flint-
like rock that works as an alternative) can be any
color. Flint fractures a lot like glass shards, so look
for rocks with curves and sharp edges. It will have
a glassy appearance, unless it was freshly broken. It
should be hard enough to scratch glass.

Steel - You can use a pocket knife as the steel, but anything with a bit of an edge will do.

Hold the flint in your left hand (non-dominant hand), and hold the steel in your right. Strike
an edge of the flint at an acute angle, and after a few tries, sparks should fly. Get one of those
sparks to fall on your tinder, and you’ve got fire!

It may be hard to get it right at first, but it gets easier with practice.

Start a Fire with Glass

If you have any sort of glass on your person - glasses, magnifying glass, glass bottle, binoculars,
etc. - you can use it to start a fire. How?


• Build your fire, with the tinder exposed.

• Pour a couple of drops of water onto the piece of glass, and angle the lens toward the sun.

• You will see a beam of light shine on the ground, and you want to make that beam as
concentrated (narrow point) as possible.

112 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

• Adjust the height and angle of your lens to point the pinprick of light at your tinder, and
hold it steady.

• The concentrated sunlight will heat up the tinder until it catches fire, and you have fire!

Be warned: This only works if there is sunlight! If you have no other way to start a fire,
make sure to build your fire earlier in the day.

Start a Fire with Balloons/Condoms

What do you do if you don’t have glass on you when out in the wilderness? Using a condom
or balloon can do the same thing. All you have to do is fill it with water, and make it as
spherical as possible. Don’t make it too large. Hold the balloon or condom up to the sunlight,
and you’ll see a small beam of light--similar to one produced by glass. Adjust the amount of
water and shape of your balloon or condom until you get a concentrated beam of light. Shine
it on your tinder (you’ll need to hold it an inch or two away), and the improvised lens will start
your fire.

Start a Fire with Ice

If you are somewhere cold, you can use ice to start your fire. It’s much harder to do and will
only work once, but it may save your life!

You’ll need a piece of clear (no clouding or impurities) ice about 2 inches thick. Use your knife
to shape it into a convex lens: thicker in the middle, thinner around the edges. Polish the lens
with your hands to make it as smooth and clear as possible. Your body heat will help to melt
the ice enough that it will produce a smooth surface.

From there, all you have to do is hold the lens up to the sun like you would with glass, and
after a few minutes, you’ll have fire!

Start a Fire with a Battery

Most backpackers and hikers have battery-powered devices with them: radios, flashlights,
walkie-talkies, etc. If you have a battery, there are a number of ways you can start a fire:

113 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

• With a chewing gum wrapper - For this to

work, you need to touch both ends of the
gum wrapper to the two points of the
battery. However, rip the wrapper in the
middle - not completely, just half the wrapper.
Touch the ripped part of the wrapper to
your kindling as you touch the ends of thegum
wrapper to the battery points. This will cause
an electric current to flow through the metallic
wrapper, and the electricity will create a spark
to start your fire.

• With steel wool - It’s an odd thing to have in the wilderness, but if you can get your hands
on steel wool and a battery, you can use it to start a fire. Simply select two strands of
the wool and rub them on the two points of the battery. The wool will start to glow and
eventually burn. Quickly transfer the burning steel wool to your tinder, as it will burn out

If you happen to have a battery on you, it can come in very handy for starting a fire!

Primitive Fire-Starting Methods

But what do you do if you have absolutely NOTHING you can use to start a fire? Looks like
you’ll have to go old - school - meaning prehistoric:

Build a Fire Plough - A fire plough is a fairly simple fire-starting device made from two pieces
of wood. One will be your spindle, the piece you will use to rub against the other, which will
be your fireboard. Cut a shallow groove in the fireboard, and quickly rub the spindle up and
down the groove. Eventually, the friction of the spindle and fireboard will heat the wood up
enough that it will create embers. Keep rubbing until you have embers, and quickly transfer
those embers into your tinder. Blow gently on the tinder until it catches fire.

Build a Bow Drill - This is something you can make with any length of string: parachute cord,
hoodie drawstring, even a shoelace! You’ll need a number of components:

114 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

• Socket - This is a piece of notched wood you hold to protect your hand. It can also be a
stone or anything else that allows you to hold the spindle in place.

• Spindle - You want a long, straight stick for the spindle, preferably one made from dead
and dry medium-hardwoods: aspen, willow, poplar, sycamore, etc. What matters most is
that the stick is VERY dry - green wood will not catch fire.

• Bow - For this, you’ll need a stick that bends a little, but won’t snap too easily. Tie the string
to the bow, but don’t pull it too tight. You want a bit of “give” in the cord.

• Fireboard - Look for a flat piece of wood or split log of very dry dead wood, preferably of
the same material as the spindle.

To begin, place the spindle on a notch in the

fireboard, and wrap the bowstring around
the spindle. Use the socket to hold the spindle
in place, and rapidly saw the bow back and
forth. The string will spin the spindle quickly,
increasing the friction between the spindle
and fireboard. It will take a while (sometimes
15-40 minutes), but it will generate an ember
you can transfer to your tinder and gently
blow into a flame.

Build a Hand Drill - A hand drill follows the same principle as the bow drill, except you use your
hands to spin the spindle. You won’t need a bow or socket, but only the spindle and fireboard.
This one takes a lot longer (easily 20 minutes or more) of consistent hard work to produce
an ember.

Be warned: all three of these methods are time and energy-consuming! They are “just
in case” options that should be your last resort. It’s always better to be prepared and
carry matches, a firestarter, or flint and steel with you wherever you go.

Wood Stove - If you don’t have one, get one! Even a cheap, used wood stove will provide
more than enough heat to warm you during an emergency. Get this set up properly

115 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Create a Warm Room - Find the smallest room in your house and preferably one that is
south facing. Wall it off with as many thick heavy blankets as you can find (fire blankets are
good to keep on hand). It’s easier to heat and to keep heat in a small area than it is to heat a
large house. When you are not clear on the extent of the situation, you must plan for the long

Backpackers Stove - A Small backpackers stove can be used to heat water, tea or meals from
your canned stores (you have those right?) The hot water can then be put in water bottles and
shoved into a sleeping bag to keep you warm. Keep in mind that you are using fuel and this
means the potential for carbon monoxide. You must ventilate.

Put on your Winter Gear - Hats, gloves, and coats. It may be uncomfortable to wear when
you’re trying to sleep, but you’re trying to stay warm, not comfortable.

I can tell you from experience that it is uncomfortable sleeping in combat boots, a combat
jacket and a hat. That’s exactly what I used to do during winter exercise in the army. Sadly, I
was not blessed with great circulation to my feet and I had to do whatever I could to keep
them warm so I left my clothes on.

Living in tents for 6 - 8 weeks was never a good time and it usually came with a good bout of
“tent eye” which is the result of burning backpacker’s stoves or coleman stoves in a tent for an
extended period of time.

Tent - Speaking of tents… In your small room, you can also set up a small tent to sleep in. It
will capture your body heat, and help you to stay warm at night. Remember the object of the
game here is to create as many ways as possible to conserve heat. Layers of material, not only
on your body but in a room setting are also very effective for heat retention.

Dress in Layers - Make sure you stay dry. If you start to sweat remove a layer at a time, but
once the activity stops and you begin to drop in temperature make sure you layer back up.

Make sure you cover your head as well. Although our bodies lose heat equally from each area,
it is more common from the head because we rarely cover our heads.

Similar to tent eye, wearing a hat or toque as we call them up here in Canada, can result in
what is referred to as toque head… basically your hair and scalp become sensitive to the
touch. It isn’t debilitating but it is not very comfortable either.
116 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Candles - A couple of good candles in a small bathroom sized room can actually provide
enough heat to keep you warm. Be alert to the fact that it also ramps up your exposure to fire

Make a Fort - YES! Remember making forts when you were a kid? Well, those fort making
skills are going to come in handy. Making a blanket fort can help capture heat, and can help
you get through until the power comes back on. If you are opposed to creating a small room
then simply create fort.

There are some very real concerns you need to be aware of when you are utilizing alternate

Primarily the risk of fire in your home increases dramatically, therefore preparing for this kind
of situation by using a wood stove is a far better idea than having small burners or candles
kicking around.

The second is carbon monoxide poisoning if you are using fossil fuel based heat or energy

Don’t go to sleep with candles lit, burners lit or any kind of open flame. If you have a wood
stove or receptacle you are good to go.


Fortunately I live close to a massive body of water where if push came to shove I could walk
down and cool off, but this isn’t the case for many people land locked in desert regions.

Now there are plenty of things you can do to prep your house to be cooler in extreme heat.
These kind of things include planting trees to keep your house shaded, keeping plants in
windows, ensuring your house is properly insulated etc. Also a simple trick like finding a lower
room in your home that is north facing with only 1 external wall will likely be the coolest room
in your house. Put thick curtains over the window.

But what if you are somewhere that isn’t your house and you get caught in a no power
situation in an extraordinarily hot situation.

117 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

The key for surviving extreme heat is hydration and managing your water supply. If it is
not at risk then you can implement a few tricks to maintain a level of comfort and improve

Fans - If you can get a hold of some battery powered fans these are a bonus. As you perspire
the air over your skin evaporates the water but also creates the “cooling” sensation. Sweating is
a mechanism for keeping you cool. Adding breezing air increases this sensation of feeling cool.

This is precisely what I had to do in Costa Rica, where it was exceptionally hot, the power goes
out frequently at night and no AC in the rooms. Fans made it bearable along with consuming

Now water management is the key to these next ones, because if it is available you need to
use it to your advantage.

Wear thin clothing and wide brim hats when outside. You don’t want to risk getting a sunburn.

If water conservation is not a major concern, wear a wet bandana on your head and keep your
hair wet. This will act to keep you cool.

Open your windows at night if you are in a climate that has a temperature range that cools
significantly once the sun sets.

Sleep in a room that permits a cross breeze. If you can open windows at night to allow cool air
to flow, this will provide some level of comfort.

If you are opening windows, be alert. This is prime time for thieves who lurk around during
heat waves to capitalize on homes that are insecure. If a thief enters your home, you can rely
on the skills you’ve learned in First Strike.

118 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


This is a particularly difficult scenario with the same question that arises. Do I stay or do I go?
The simple answer is… you stay. Unless you know for certain you are within a very specific
range of a populated area, you need to stay put.

Don’t overestimate your ability. If you’ve never walked 50 km in a blizzard, then you don’t
know for sure if you can make it.

Surviving this type of scenario is about predictability.

If you are forced to be on the road in extreme weather conditions then you must prepare your
vehicle in a way that enables you to sustain life for a number of days.

Basically you should plan to have the same equipment and supplies as you would need if you
were to go camping, except the tent. A portable camping stove is a very good idea if you have
to venture out in bad weather.

Your priority is hydration for you and your family if they are with you. Non-perishable food,
water bottles, wool and polypro clothing, sleeping bag, hand warmers, tools, and a first aid kit.
Much of this can be loaded into a single rubbermaid tote for compact storage.

The food you take should consist of really high calorie substances, loaded with fats, carbs, and
proteins. Just make sure to keep your food and water inside a cooler to prevent them from
freezing and swelling (canned foods may not be the best idea).

Insulating your vehicle will enable you to conserve heat. If you are in a large snow bank you
can use your collapsible shovel to push snow around the car. Basically you will build a layer of
snow and create an igloo.

Some things to keep in mind when insulating are whether or not your car still runs. First,
you will want to keep the tailpipe clear of obstructions so exhaust doesn’t flow back into the
vehicle or cause a malfunction. Second, I would leave any south facing windows uncovered to
allow heat and light from the sun into your car.

119 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

If your car is still running then you should start it on regularly timed intervals and only long
enough to warm the inside to a temperature that you can survive in.

My recommendation is that you stay put and wait. Make it clear that you are in the area in any
way can. This includes reflectors, hazard lights or just about anything that would signal your

Sinking Vehicle Escape

One of the careers I embarked on was as a commercial diver. This carried on into my police
career as I became a member of the Police Dive Unit and Certified Underwater Investigator
which brings a unique set of variables and risk to any situation.

Occasionally we would attend the scene of vehicle

over an embankment or cliff where the driver or
passenger could not get out.

If they had known these 5 steps perhaps their lives

would have been saved. Most people panic in this
type of situation. Stay Calm.

I don’t want you to make the same mistakes as others

have made which cost them their lives.

1. Do NOT call 911 - leave your phone alone. You

have only seconds to react and make quick
decisions. Calling 911 on your phone will literally get
you dead when time is of the essence.

2. Unbuckle your belt. Do yours first then those of

any other occupants that need assistance. Work
quickly and cut them if you have the tools to do so
on your keychain.

3. Roll down your windows. If it won’t roll down

then break it.

120 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

I highly recommend the resqme keychain which is a small tool that will allow you to cut
seatbelts and break windows.

The open window is your avenue for escape during the 20-30 seconds you have before your
vehicle submerges.

Don’t waste time trying to open the door. The water pressure is often too much to overcome.

4. Kids out first. The volume of water rushing in may be too strong for them to get out. Give
them some assistance and push them through your open window.

5. Keep your clothes on. Contrary to some myths most clothing will give you some
flotation and allow you to swim to shore. Keep everyone together the best you can, get out
and get to shore.

These simple steps will allow you to make a break and get to safety. Do not waste any time
doing unnecessary tasks. Your first priority is to get you and your family clear from the sinking

121 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E




• Rechargeable Batteries X 2 for the important items (radio, lights)

• Battery Charger w/ solar or vehicle adapter for batteries and cell phones


• 1000 Watt Inverter connected to car battery for charging devices/running small appliances

• Spare fuel to run vehicle (min 25 gallons)nverter connected to car battery for charging
devices/running small appliances

• 5 - 5 Gallon gas cans

• PRI - G gas treatment for long term fuel storage.

• 3000 W Generator


• Tri-fuel generator (gas, propane, natural gas)

• Spare fuel for generator (min 90 gallons)

• 7 - 14 gallon gas cans

• PRI - G gas treatment for long term fuel storage.

• 100 Watt Solar Panel kit

122 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

• 1000 Watt Inverter

• Deep cycle Batteries



• LED Flashlight with spare batteries - 1 per person

• Candles - 15 Hour Emergency candles

• Battery powered lantern for common areas


• Headlamps for each individual – infinitely easier and more practical than flashlights. Allows
for hands free tasks.

• Propane lanterns - great outdoor lighting option or use within well-ventilated area.

• Battery Recharger - It is important to get one that can charge multiple battery sizes if you
have different battery uses.

• Headlamps for each individual - infinitely easier and more practical than flashlights. Allows
for hands free tasks.


• Oil lamps – the right kind can provided plenty of light and last longer than batteries, or
should according to use.

• Lamp Oil

*Rechargeable Batteries for all headlamps enough to charge a set and use a set at the same time.

123 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E



• Propane Grill or Camping Stove

• EcoZoom Cook Stove

• Spare tank(s) of propane for the stove


• EcoZoom Rocket Stove

• Fire Pit with implements for cooking over fire

• Cast Iron Skillet

• Cast Iron Dutch Oven


• Wood Burning Stove - I know these aren’t practical in all situations, but generally speaking
this is the best overall option in a grid down scenario, all things being equal.

• 100 lb Propane tank or connection to run grill off natural gas.

• Solar Oven - or you can make one easily enough much cheaper.

124 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E



• Appropriate clothing for the temperature. Warm weather calls for clothes that dry quickly
and wick moisture away. Cold weather usually means layers and warm additions like hats
and gloves.

• Spare blankets/ screens for windows depending on weather.


• Tent that sleeps your entire family

• Sleeping bags for each person

• Kerosene heater

• 20 gallons of Kerosene


• Alternate shelter - Camper with Solar power



• One gallon of water per person for 10 days. For a four person family, that is 40 gallons. The
easiest way to store and transport these for me is 5 gallon water jugs


• 1 gallon of water per person for 1 month

• Water filtration system like Big Berkey Light.

125 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

• Rainwater collection system.

• Bathtub full of water stored in container for hygiene or drinking - Water Bob This requires
some action before water pressure is cut off.


• Private well

• River or stream on your property



• World Band Receiver – pick up stations outside of your region.


• Handheld UHF/VHF band transceivers - Baofeng makes an excellent and affordable model

• 2 meter antenna

• Backup Batteries for handhelds


• Ham Radio - capable of HF, UHF and VHF bands. HF will allow you to communicate with
other countries

• Quad Band antenna

• Backup power as listed above

126 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E



• Shotgun with 100 rounds of buckshot or slug ammo or NEA 15 with a 5.56 NATO
Round x 1000


• Handgun for each adult member of the family - 9mm, .40 or .45

• 500 rounds of HP ammo for each pistol

• 2 magazines for each


• Battle Rifle for each adult member of the family (AK or AR platform I like the NEA 15)

• 1000 rounds of ammunition for each rifle

• 20 magazines for each rifle


Fans in both electrical and battery form are a sure fire way to stay cool in addition to water.


If you have no utilities and no way to prepare hot meals without the aid of your kitchen
appliances, you may have to survive on cold, ready - to - eat foods. Initially, that may not prove
to be much of a problem, but unless you have invested heavily in ready - to - eat foods, you
will eventually run out of things you can serve without cooking.

127 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

For economic reasons, emergency food supplies are often built around large quantities of
low - cost grain products that can tolerate long - term storage. These are items such as beans,
oatmeal, pasta, lentils, split peas, wheat, and rice - all of which must be cooked.

You may even discover that half of your emergency food calories are locked up in dry grain
products. This should not present much of problem, however, because with a good camp
stove and a decent supply of cooking fuel, you can avail yourself of all those grains and
prepare hot food for every meal.

Fortunately, cooking with camp stoves is cheap and easy, so there is really no excuse for
serving cold food, even in a prolonged emergency situation. Here are some tips for cooking
without modern appliances:

• Acquire at least one camp stove that burns Coleman liquid fuel and a second stove that
burns propane.

Propane camp stoves are very safe for indoor cooking, but they cost a lot more to operate
than liquid fuel stoves. Save the propane stove for use when the weather is bad or when it is
simply not safe to cook outdoors.

• Some camp stoves are dual - fuel capable, which means they can burn both Coleman
liquid fuel and regular unleaded gasoline. These stoves are inexpensive, so you might think
about buying two or three and saving one for use as a back up. If you cannot find Coleman
liquid fuel, you can still store enough cooking fuel for a dual-fuel stove for months: fill up a
couple of 5 - gallon gas cans.

A 10,000 BTU burner, operating for an hour each day, will only use about two gallons per
month. Although Coleman liquid fuel is highly refined and has chemical stabilizers for long -
term storage, you still need to rotate your stock to keep it fresh. Measure the rate at which your
stoves consume fuel, then acquire a 6 - month supply for each one. Plan for an average of 20
minutes of cooking time for each meal. This rate of consumption will allow you to boil large
kettles of pasta or beans.

• If you become sick, your family members will have to cook for you, so while conditions are
still normal, be sure to have everyone become familiar with the stoves. Show them how to
setup, light, cook, clean, refuel, and store each stove.

128 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

• For emergency cooking indoors, you can use a fireplace. You can keep cooked food hot
by using candle warmers, chafing dishes, and fondue pots. Use only approved devices for
arming food.

• A charcoal grill, camp stove or fire pit can be used outdoors.

• Canned food can be eaten right out of the can. If you heat it in the can, be sure to open the
can and remove the label before heating. Always make sure to extinguish open flames
before leaving the room. Have at least two manual can openers for all those canned goods.

• Utilize various solar ovens and cookers when sunlight is available. In the following section,
there are several simple cookers, which can be expediently constructed.

• Utilize simple fire cookers that also can be easily constructed, also listed in the following

• If prepared in advance, freezer bag meals can be used; techniques and recipes are listed in
the following section as well.

• MRE’s (Meals, Ready to Eat) are pre-packaged single meals issued to US military personnel
during exercises or combat. These meals come in cases of 12 in two variants, the A and B
case, with different meals in each case. In the new MRE meals, there is a flameless chemical
heater that is activated by adding a small amount of water to the heater bag. Once
activated, these heaters get extremely hot and can produce a scalding steam. Caution
is required! Read the directions carefully before using chemical heater bags. MREs are quite
expensive and heavy but can be very useful where cooking time, resources or mobility are
at a premium. Army/Navy surplus stores or EBay auction often carry MREs. Try to find ones
you and your family like, because I have had some that taste like complete shit… seriously,
they were so bad! And also check the dates, most only have a 5 year shelf life.

129 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Solar Cookers


What You Will Need

• Two cardboard boxes. We would suggest that you use an inner box that is at least 15 inch x
15 inch (38 cm x 38 cm), but bigger is better. The outer box should be larger all around,
but it doesn’t matter how much bigger, as long as there is a half inch (1.5cm) or more of an
airspace between the two boxes. The distance between the two boxes does not have
to be equal all the way around. Also, keep in mind that it is very easy to adjust the size of a
cardboard box by cutting and gluing it.

• One sheet of cardboard to make the lid. This piece must be approximately 2 to 3 inch (4 to
8 cm) larger all the way around than the top of the finished cooker (the outer box).

• One small roll of aluminum foil.

• One can of flat-black spray paint (look for the words “non-toxic when dry”) or one small jar
of black tempera paint. Some people have reported making their own paint out of soot
mixed with wheat paste.

• At least 8 ounces (250 g) of white glue or wheat paste.

• One Reynolds Oven Cooking Bag®. These are available in almost all supermarkets in the
U.S. They are rated for 400 °F (204 °C) so they are perfect for solar cooking. They are not
UV-resistant; thus they will become more brittle and
opaque over time and may need to bereplaced

A sheet of glass can also be used, but this is more

expensive and fragile, and doesn’t offer that much better
cooking except on windy days. Fold the top flaps closed
on the outer box and set the inner box on top and trace

130 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

a line around it onto the top of the outer box, Remove the inner box and
cut along this line to form a hole in the top of the outer box (Figure 1).
Decide how deep you want your oven to be. It should be about 1 inch
(2.5 cm) deeper than your largest pot and about 1” shorter than the outer
box so that there will be a space between the bottoms of the boxes once
the cooker is assembled. Using a knife slit the corners of the inner box
down to that height. Fold each side down forming extended flaps (Figure
2). Folding is smoother if you first draw a firm line from the end of one cut to the other where
the folds are to go.

Glue aluminum foil to the inside of both boxes and also to the
inside of the remaining top flaps of the outer box.

Don’t bother being neat on the outer box, since it will never be
seen, nor will it experience any wear. The inner box will be visible
even after assembly, so if it matters to you, you might want to
take more time here. Glue the top flaps closed on the outer box.

Place some wads of crumpled newspaper into the outer box so that when you set the inner
box down inside the hole in the outer box, the flaps on the inner box just touch the top of the
outer box (Figure 3).

Glue these flaps onto the top of the outer box. Trim the excess flap length to be even with the
perimeter of the outer box. Finally, to make the drip pan, cut a piece of cardboard, the same
size as the bottom of the interior of the oven and apply foil to one side.

Paint this foiled side black and allow it to dry. Put this in the
oven so that it rests on the bottom of the inner box (black
side up), and place your pots on it when cooking.
The base is now finished.

Take the large sheet of cardboard and lay it on top of the base. Trace its outline and then cut
and fold down the edges to form a lip of about 3” (7.5cm). Fold the corner flaps around and
glue to the side lid flaps. (Figure 4).

131 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Orient the corrugations so that they go from left to right as

you face the oven so that later the prop may be inserted
into the corrugations (Figure 6). One trick you can use to
make the lid fit well is to lay the pencil or pen against the
side of the box when marking (Figure 5).

Don’t glue this lid to the box; you’ll need to remove it to

move pots in and out of the oven. To make the reflector
flap, draw a line on the lid, forming a rectangle the same
size as the oven opening. Cut around three sides and fold
the resulting flap up forming the reflector (Figure 6).

Foil this flap on the inside. To make a prop bend a 12”

(30cm) piece of hanger wire as indicated in Figure 6.

This can then be inserted into the corrugations as shown. Next, turn the lid upside-down and
glue the oven bag (or other glazing material) in place.

The two layers tend to separate from each other to form an airspace as the oven cooks. When
using this method, it is important to also glue the bag closed on its open end. This stops water
vapor from entering the bag and condensing. Alternately you can cut any size oven bag open
to form a flat sheet large enough to cover the oven opening.


I covered other methods you can use to build a fire earlier in the manual. Remember the
basics: you want to start with very fine, dry pieces of flammable materials, called “tinder”. This
could include moss, shredded paper, birch or cedar bark, or wood shavings. This material is
the easiest to light. On top of that you loosely stack larger materials, “kindling”, such as pencil-
diameter sticks and twigs or rolled-up newspaper.

Then on top of that you put the largest pieces of wood, the “fuel”. You can also make a
“fuzzstick” with your knife by making wood shavings from a stick, and leaving them attached.
In very wet weather, you can split open a log that is dry inside, and make “fuzz” from the

132 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

interior. There are two easy ways to stack the materials when starting a fire, “log cabin” or
“tipi” style. A log cabin pile has the tinder at the bottom inside, and the kindling stacking
crisscrossed, as shown.

A tipi style has the sticks leaning into each other, or some with their ends stuck into the
ground for stability. One advantage is that the sticks will fall into the fire as it burns. For both
types you need to leave spaces for airflow. Fire making is a skill that takes practice, and you’ll
get better and better at it as you do it more.


If you have long logs for fuel, don’t waste

time and energy sawing or chopping them.
Just put three large stones around the fire
to reflect and retain heat, and then stick the
ends of the logs in. As they burn, push them
in further and further, until they are gone.
There are a lot of ways to cook on an open
fire. You can place a grill on top, and cook
meat or some vegetables. You can place pots
or pans on the grill.

You can hang pots from a “crane” or “spit”. Just drive two forked sticks into the ground, and
place another stick between them. If you are more of an expert at building up a coal bed,
you can rake the coals out of the fire, and cook meat or vegetables right on top of them. In
very improvised circumstances, you can make a hole in the ground and line it with some
waterproof membrane. Put in water (and food).

Then heat rocks in the fire and drop them into the water or “stew” so that it boils. You can also
wrap food (such as potatoes) in aluminum foil, and place them near the fire, in the coals, or
even bury them in the coals of the fire and cook them overnight. If you don’t have foil, you can
cut the ends off of two aluminum cans, place the food in one, and then jam the other over
as a cover. Another improvised way of cooking is to make a fire in a pit, and burn it down to a
coal bed.

133 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

You may want to place rocks inside as well. Cover the coals with a thick layer of non-poisonous
leaves. Then put on a layer of the food you want to cook, then another layer of leaves, and
then dirt or sands as a cover. The heat and steam will be trapped inside, cooking your food.
Remember, never use rocks from a riverbed or other wet place to put in or near your fire. They
may have water trapped inside, which could boil and cause the rocks to explode.


The efficiency of the open fire drops a lot when it is windy. There are
a number of ways to deal with this. You can lay two logs down on
either side of the fire, or make a “U” shaped hearth with rocks. Wind
blowing into the hearth will feed the fire with air. You can also dig a
shallow trench a few feet long, about a foot deep, and wide enough
for your pots to straddle the opening.


A bit more elaborate, and probably the best style of fire

for high winds, is this fire hole. Dig a U-shaped hole, as
shown, and start a fire in one end. You can feed in fuel
through the other. Place your pot, elevated on sticks to
allow airflow, over the side with the fire.


• Insulation around the fire keeps the fire burning hot

(above 600°C or 1100°F), which is more efficient.

• Insulation around the chimney increases the

draft, which provides a constant supply of air.

• Wood burns at the tip, and wood is shoved into the

fire, controlling the burn rate and reducing smoke.

134 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

• The air/fuel mixture is controlled, since too much air

will only cool the fire.

• A skirt around the pot maximizes heat contact and transfer into the food.

Cooking occurs directly on top of the chimney for efficient heat transfer. This is possible
because the stove burns at high temperatures and is nearly smokeless.

The Rocket stove design is a very versatile

design that can be improvised with a
variety of different materials. The heart of
the stove is an elbow-shaped, insulated
combustion chamber. The fuel, in the form
of sticks or narrow pieces of wood (or even
tightly rolled-up paper, if that’s all you have),
is fed into the fire on the shelf, as shown.
The air enters into the fire underneath the
shelf. Because the combustion chamber is
insulated, the fire can get very hot, and burn
very efficiently. To build a rocket stove, you
will need a larger housing container, such as
a coffee can. Make a hole to put the fuel in

For the elbow-shaped chamber you can use stovepipe, scrap metal, or a pair of cans put one
into the other. An improvised can chamber will last for about 3 months. Plastering the inside
with castable fire brick will improve the lifespan. A taller chimney will be more smokeless.
However, a shorter chimney will let the flame touch the bottom of the pot, and transfer heat
more efficiently to the food. Place the elbow joint inside of the larger container. You may need
to place a brick or other material underneath to help keep the placement. Then fill the space
between the elbow and the housing with fireproof insulation. This insulation could include
wood ash, vermiculite, perlite, pumice rock, dead coral or air-trapping layers of aluminum foil.
You will need to make a shelf for the fuel wood to put in the elbow joint. You can pound a can
fl at, and cut it to fit. You may want to make a wire grill to place on top of the housing, to rest

135 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

the pot on. Adding a metal skirt will also help the heat transfer tremendously, because it will
force the hot gases to rub against more of the pot, as shown.

The skirt should be about 1 cm from the pot. Starting a

Rocket stove is a little bit different from starting an open
fire. Try putting your tinder on the shelf, igniting it, and
then pushing the fuel in.

This elbow is then placed inside of a container that is

filled with insulation. The container can be made from
almost any material. We have used 5-gallon drums,
brick, clay, cement. For insulation we suggest using
wood ash or pearlite, or pumice,. Do not use massive
things such as earth, sand or cement. These will rob
heat from the stove and reduce your combustion
efficiency. For optimal use we recommend a 9” chimney
and a 4” fuel feed

The Rocket stove is an improvement over the three

stone fire but it is only one part of the equation. In order to really save fuel wood we must
maximize the heat transfer to the pot. This picture shows a thin piece of metal (a skirt)
wrapped around the pot. This skirt forces the hot flue gases against the bottom and the sides
of the pots. The gap between the pot and the skirt should be about 1cm (assuming you are
using an average-sized pot). This simple heat exchanger (an old coffee can works well!) almost
doubles the efficiency of the rocket stove

136 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Food Preservation - The “Old Ways” Canning

My first experiences with canning and dehydration were back in the 70’s at my grandmother’s
farm in the prairies on the Canadian plains. She taught us about growing and preserving food
and ensuring there was enough to last through the winter.

From canning and drying meat, to vegetables and fruit and even jams, there wasn’t anything
that couldn’t be preserved.

Food preservation has been around since the ancient times. It is one of the oldest
technologies that humans use and you will see it is regaining it’s popularity.

As with any type of process there are plenty of methods when it comes to preserving food
and although people tend to disagree on some methods, the fact of the matter is, the
purpose is the same. It is meant to provide access to stored food rather than relying on grocery

137 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

In general, you have to keep in mind that people want safe, nutritious food that are good
in quality and it should be fresh, wholesome, and rich in texture, flavor, aroma, and color.
However if it is simply to sustain life then there is obviously significantly less focus on those
attributes… you tend to just be grateful you aren’t eating your shoe.

In the past, food preservation was considered an essential skill in our culture. After enduring
two world wars our grandparents had the mentality that food was scarce that time and
people were only able to harvest or hunt once or twice per year.

So, during hunting or harvesting season, they would need to stock up on supplies but the
problem was that the fruits and vegetables they would harvest and the meat they collected
from the hunt would spoil if not properly preserved.

This fact alone made people realize the importance of food preservation. Wasting food back in
those days was considered to be borderline criminal. They needed to preserve as much food
as they could in order to ensure survival.

Today, we now have supermarkets where we are able to get food with the use of our credit
cards. We no longer have to hunt for food as supplies are plenty…but what if you couldn’t?

With the rising cost of commodities and the looming world financial crisis, knowing how to
preserve food will be once again be an important skill for you and your family to survive and

You may notice that the prices for meat, fruits, and vegetables aren’t getting lower. So, as a
responsible and bright citizen, you stock up on food by shopping on days when the food
prices are low. But now you’ve got a freezer full of food, and sometimes it goes bad even
before you get to enjoy it.

While I will touch on freezing to some degree, my main emphasis will be on canning and
dehydration. I want you to be able to keep food that does not require a power source for its

In case you are living in a cave (in which case I’m not sure how you are reading this) food
preservation is basically treating or handling of food in order to slow down or even stop
spoilage and decay.

138 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Microbial Growth. Microorganisms, specifically bacteria, molds, and yeasts, can cause food
to spoil. For example, microorganisms that break down fats in unsalted butter can cause it
to become rancid. ... Some microorganisms that are naturally present on the surface of foods
grown in the ground can also cause food spoilage.

The main goal of food preservation is to prevent the growth of fungi, bacteria and
microorganisms in the food as well as the oxidation of fats, which causes rancidity. Although
the goal of food preservation is to eliminate the growth of fungi and other micro - organisms,
there are some methods of food preservation that uses benign fungi, yeasts or even bacteria
in order to preserve food.

139 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Here are the best methods on how you can prevent food spoilage and really let you save a lot
of money on food.

The first is salting. This method is used to

dehydrate or remove moisture from meats
through osmosis. It is one of the oldest
methods of preserving food, and two
historically significant salt-cured foods are
salted fish (usually dried and salted cod or
salted herring) and salt-cured meat (such
as bacon). Vegetables such as runner beans
and cabbage are also often preserved in this

Freezing is another method, which is

basically the most popular form of food
preservation, but totally useless if the power
goes out for an extended period.

Another food preservation method is through irradiation. This kills molds, insects, and even
bacteria. Along with that, it will reduce the ripening and spoiling of fruits. Food irradiation
is the process of exposing foodstuffs to ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation is energy that
can be transmitted without direct contact (radiation) capable of freeing electrons from their
atomic bonds (ionization) in the targeted food. Highly unlikely that you and little Jimmy are
going to be treating the fruit with this method however.

Vacuum packing is another popular food preservation method, which will result in leaving the
bacteria in an environment without oxygen, which will slow down the process of spoiling but
it doesn’t last forever, unless you have dehydrated the food.

Another popular method is canning, which we will discuss in more detail next. This involves
cooking food and sealing it in sterile jars or cans and boiling them to weaken or kill any
remaining bacteria.

These are some of the popular methods of food preservation. As you can see, there are plenty
of options to choose from if you are planning to preserve food in your home and want to have
something in reserve for emergencies.

140 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


In view of our volatile economic systems and transitional global relationships more and more
people are now learning how to preserve food in their homes in order to make it last longer
and provides them with a level of security should an emergency situation arise.

By knowing how to can food, you will be able to store more of your local food supply, and
at the same time, enjoy better quality food than commercially prepared or commercially
preserved foods that you can buy in your supermarket.

Through canning, you will be able to enjoy your food for the entire year. You can buy a year’s
worth of stock on food supplies and prevent them from spoiling through canning. So, instead
of buying one little basket of oranges or strawberries, it is now possible for you to buy the
entire stock and still prevent them from spoiling through canning or by making jams out of


When you decide to start home canning, you’ll need to choose the method that’s right
for you. There are two basic home canning methods that have been proven to keep food
nutritionally sound and prevent the development of bacteria.

You can use the pressure method or you can choose the boiling water method. Either one of
these methods is able to keep air from spoiling the food and to seal it up tightly for future use.

You may end up using each of the different methods because the method that you use will be
dependent on the kind of food that you want to preserve. You’ll determine the method based
on the acidity in whatever it is that you want to preserve.

High acid foods should not be canned in the same manner that low acid foods are done. The
low acid foods are things like vegetables and meat. These foods are more susceptible to giving
people who use home canning problems with the potential to make someone sick.

When you have a low acid food, it means that there’s no safety mechanism within the food
that will impede bacteria. You can’t preserve low acid foods using the boiling water method.

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The reason that you can’t do this is because the boiling water method won’t kill the
microorganism that can cause botulism poisoning. This means that if you use the boiling water
method and the spores aren’t eliminated, they will thrive within the jar because you’ll store
these jars on the shelf at room temperature - which is perfect for the growth of botulism.

To make sure that you and your family are not at risk of botulism with low acid foods, you have
to use a pressure cooker. The heat inside a pressure cooker is a greater temperature than that
of boiling water.

It’s different with foods that are high in acid. Foods that are high in acid make it more difficult
for botulism spores to survive. You can use boiling water to can highly acidic foods.

But be aware that if you mix a high acid food with a low acid food in the same process, the
low acid food is at risk even if you combine it with foods that have a higher acid amount.

Remember that if you want to combine two foods such as fruit with vegetables, choose the
pressure cooking method to make sure the items are preserved at the higher temperature.

If you’re not sure if the food is low acid or not, look it up before simply taking a chance on a
method. Through the water boiling method, the temperatures from the boiling water flows
around the jar with the food in it.

The jar remains in the water long enough to kill off any organism or bacteria. The amount of
time that the jar of food should be in the water will be determined by what the food is.

When you’re using boiling water as your method of canning food, make sure that the water
reaches the correct temperature. The boil needs to be a hard boil, not a soft one. If you’re
processing hot food, the temperature has to reach at least 180 degrees.

If you decide that you’re using a pressure cooker, you’re using steam to preserve the food that
you want to store. The steam heats the food to the proper temperature. But you want to make
sure that that the pressure level is kept at the temperature it’s supposed to be at to prepare the
food. If it varies, then you need to begin your time again.

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One of the most important things about canning - besides the method that you choose to
use - is what you’re going to put your food in. You have to have jars in order to can the foods
that you want to save.

One of the most often used kinds of jars are commonly called mason jars. You’ll find these by
their proper name which is Ball jars - and these are specifically made for home canning.

Another good brand to use is Kerr. You’ll want to figure out which ones you’ll need as far as
the size goes before you buy the jars. What most people who’ve been doing home canning
for a while do when they pick out their jars is they pick them out according to what they’re
putting in them.

You’ll find that some canning recipes will tell you to use a bigger jar - such as a quart size. So
it depends on what you need the size for. Regardless of which brand of canning jars that you
choose, make sure you get one that’s a good quality.

Never assume that because you’re buying these jars new at the store that they’re in the perfect
condition for home canning. There can always be defects that can make them unsafe to use.

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A jar that has a crack in it can cause bacteria to grow in your food because the jar won’t seal
properly during the canning process. Some home canners will buy new jars for every batch of
food that they make.

This can become expensive over time. It’s okay to reuse jars as long as they’re in good
condition and seal well. Because the sealing is where you can have issues, it’s best to replace
the lids every time you can something new so that you get that tight seal.

Your lids should have a flat metal piece that lays across the top of the jar. This piece should
have a way to seal onto the jar and then be held in place with the ring. Never use lids where
the flat piece and the ring are one part.

These don’t seal as safely. You’ll want to avoid jars that come with pushed out or oddly shaped
areas because it may not be possible to correctly seal these types of jars. One thing that you’ll
need to watch out for is sudden breaking.

This is what will happen if the food is not the same temperature as the jar. You can shatter
the jar if the food is hotter than the temperature of the jar. Because a lot of home canning
recipes are geared toward bigger quantities of food, if you’re not sure how much time you’re
supposed to use for smaller portions, then look up the timing that’s required for the bigger
one and go by that time.

After you’ve canned the food, you’ll want to push your finger down in the middle of the lid. If
you feel any give to it, it means the seal isn’t good. If the lid doesn’t move beneath your finger,
then it sealed properly.


To get started in home canning, there are some supplies that you’ll need. If you’re going to use
the water boiling method, then you’ll need a Dutch oven or a large stockpot. You’ll also want
to make sure that you have pots that you can use to boil the lids for the jars.

Because the water that you’ll be using is going to be scalding hot, you’re going to need a safe
way to get the jars out of the water. What many home canners have found very helpful for this
task is a jar lifter.

144 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Because the water that you’ll be using is

going to be scalding hot, you’re going to
need a safe way to get the jars out of the
water. What many home canners have
found very helpful for this task is a jar lifter.

You can use the jar lifter to pick up the jars

once they’ve gone through the processing
period. The jar lifter that you get should
have rubber on the bottom grips that hold
onto the jar so that the jars won’t slip free.

You can find these lifters separately or sold as part of a home canning kit. You’ll also want to
buy a lid lifter. This is a tool that has a magnetic end on it so that the lids will stick to it and
come up out of the water easily.

Having a funnel for home canning is a must. Trying to get the food into the jars can be a hassle
because you’ll have to deal with splash over. Since the funnel is wider than the mouth of the
jar, it makes the process of transferring food to the jar faster and neater and it keeps food from
the rim of the jar.

You’ll also want to get an air bubble remover. This is an expensive tool. You can find them for
less than a dollar in some stores. But it allows you to be able to remove the air bubbles from
the jars to ensure that your food is safe.

Make sure you have something that you can use as a headspace tool. When you can foods,
you have to have some headspace because the food that you put in the jar will expand.

For meat have between an inch to an inch and a half of headspace. Use at least an inch for
vegetables and a half an inch for fruit. If you’re going to make jelly or some kind of spread, you
only need about a fourth of an inch of headspace.

145 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


Food can be more inclined to spoil if you don’t use good foods to start with. Don’t try to can
food that’s overripe - even if it’s a bargain. Foods that are overripe can spoil faster and then
won’t be safe to use.

When you’re going through the canning process, make sure that all of your canning
equipment is sterile. Sterilize the jars and the lids and when you’re done, put them on a clean

Bacteria from the utensils can cause the food to spoil. Boil your utensils before use and make
sure that all your counters and jar cooling items such as the lifter are sterilized. Never just wing
it when it comes to the processing time of the food.

Use specific guidelines that are set out for the recipe that you want to can. Once your foods
are properly prepared, you’ll want to be sure that you label them. You might be able to easily
recognize them now, but after a few months, you might not be able to tell exactly what’s in
the jar.

If the food items have pH level above 4.5 canning food should be done by water bath canner
at 212 degree Fahrenheit. For those items that have lesser pH level need to be processed
with the help of pressure canner at 250 degree Fahrenheit or higher. In either method, you
have to place a rack at the bottom of the canner. If you are using glass containers for canning
food, they will take long time than usual time for getting heated. Also there is a possibility of
breaking during the process.

So use food labels to write down what’s in the jar and when you canned it. When you put the
jars away, you need to keep them away from light. Put them somewhere out of the way that
doesn’t have access to direct sunlight.

You’ll also want to make sure the place that you store them is free of moisture. The
temperature shouldn’t get above 65-70 degrees or below 40. Check the foods after they’ve
been stored for a while to see if there’s anything wrong with the food.

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Sometimes, when you stack jars away out of sight, they can slip or fall over and this can break
the seal. If you see something that looks like white fuzz inside the jar that means that mold is
growing and the food should be tossed out.

You’ll also want to check for foods that noticeably change colors, this can be a clue that there’s
fermentation going on and that can damage the taste and safety quality of the food that you


Let’s face it canning fruits and vegetables is one of those great traditions that have lived on for
generations in the family, but are all but lost in our urban modern societies.
Canning fruits and vegetables are not just about preserving food but you will feel that there is
something rustic or enjoyable while doing it. How can you go wrong when you feel like you
are back on the farm…probably even make a fun first date (ok maybe not)

The great thing about knowing how to can fruits and vegetables is that you will not just
preserve food but you will preserve it while you maintain superior quality of the food and
also do it without the use of chemicals, preservatives, and other methods used in commercial

When you are planning to can fruits and vegetables including tomatoes, you first need to
prepare it by washing it . Then you have to peel, slice, pit or blend it or do it as your recipe says.
It is important to remove the skins as these can become tough when you can it. Depending
on the recipe, you can either hot pack or cold pack the prepared food. Hot packing is when
you put the food in the jars or cans while it is still hot. Cold packing is when you place raw
food in the jar before you put it in hot water in the canner where the water is boiled.
Through the process of canning fruits and vegetables, you can be sure that you will preserve
food without the use of nasty preservatives and other chemicals used in commercial canning.
You will rest assured you have a high quality product that will sustain you and your family.

Canning apple sauce would take time depending upon your altitude. If you are living in the hill
region, you have to allow it for more time. The product ought to be filled in the canning jars
and sealed properly before processing them in pressure canner or water bath canner. Mostly
people use water bath canner for canning applesauce. You have to remove them after some
time and allow it to cool down overnight. Then store in cool dark place away from sunlight.

147 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


Let’s face it… I would not last a day in a world where salsa wasn’t available, so I thought I
should include it here. Canning salsa is an art. If you can make it yourself at home why should
you buy it from the store?

You can make use of the delicious vegetables in your garden and prepare the tasty salsa
yourself. My suggestion here is to find a recipe you love.The salsa seasoning mixtures come
pre-packed these days. You can either make use of them or mix things together yourself.

In case you want to make your own seasoning for canning salsa you need lemon juice instead
of vinegar. Canning salsa is done by water bath canner and so you need large pot that is used
to sterilize the jars. Salsa contains both high acid contents and low acid contents and so water
bath canning is ideal. Make sure you have a lid lifter, spatulas and funnel before you start
canning salsa, it just makes it a little less messy.

After mixing all the ingredients, you have to bring the temperature to 180 degree Fahrenheit
in water bath canner. This will kill any bacteria and your salsa will be ready in half an hour. You
need to stir the contents occasionally.

After preparing your favourite mexican delicacy, you have to start canning it. You have to fill
the salsa in the jars and set the lid and tighten the lids. After sealing them you have to keep
them in the canner filled with water. After completing the water bath, you can lift the jars with
the help of lid lifter and allow them to cool down. You may remove the rings after they are


If you raise your own beef, pork or poultry or have your own farm, then you can expect to
have excess on your supplies. This is one reason why it is important for you to know how to
can meats. Another reason is convenience. Through canning, you will be able to have cooked
meat ready and prepare your favorite meals at a moment’s notice.

Even if you don’t raise your own animals like in the farm, you will still be able to enjoy the
convenience of canning meats by simply picking your favorite cuts from the store and start

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from there. You may find prices of beef, pork or poultry to get low, which you can buy by the
bulk and preserve the excess through canning.

There are plenty of types of meats that can preserve through canning. For example, you can
try canning rabbit, turkey, chicken, ground or chopped pork or beef, crab meat, fish, and even
dishes that contain meat, such as chilies.

To start canning meats, you first need to remember that there are recommendations and
standards set by the USDA when canning different types of meat.
For meats or dishes with meats, you should never can it using the boiling bath method or any
other method. Always can meats using the pressure cooking method.

It is important that you should pressure cook meats at the recommended amount of time. In
most cases, this will take around 75 minutes for pints and 90 minutes for quarts.

You can meats either raw or cooked. More people can meats raw because it is much more
convenient. For ground meats, you may want to can it cooked. Either way, raw or cooked
meats takes the same amount of time to pressure cook. You should keep in mind that you
shouldn’t add water or broth to the jar for raw meat as it makes its own juices. However, you
may want to add it in cooked meats.

Another safety canning method that you should always remember is that you have to cut out
most of the fat. Always cut the meats in to pieces that are convenient for canning. You have to
keep in mind that fat contributes to food spoilage which is you have to cut out the fat before
you can the meat.

You should remember that different types of meat require different methods when you
pressure cook it. This means that you have to use a completely different method when
canning poultry compared to canning pork or beef.

Canning smoked fish is possible but it is not as simple as other methods of canning. Smoked
fish should not be canned in tin jars, as it is not safe. The fish should be cut into pieces that will
be able to fit vertically in to pint-sized canning jars. Also, it should be cut in a fashion that it will
have at least an inch of headspace. In addition to that, you should never add liquid to your jars.

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Different kinds of meat and cuts will require different variations in temperature when canning.
It will also require different pressure. This is why you should consult the USDA approved recipes
for canning meat as most illnesses that are foodborne were results of improper handling or
storage of food.


For centuries, drying food has been one of the most common forms of food preservation. Not
only that this will help you store food for a very long time, but it is one of the most convenient
and economical ways to preserve food. This is because there is no special equipment needed.
You can dry food outdoors in the sun and air, or indoors with a commercial dehydrator.

150 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

When you dry food, 80 to 90 percent of its moisture is removed. By removing moisture, you
are actually keeping the food from spoiling. Another benefit of drying food is that you are
actually maintaining the naturally sweetness and sugars of the food that you dry, which
include its natural vitamins.

If you want to learn how to dry food, then here are the steps on how to do it properly.

When you dry food outdoors, you really need to live in a dry climate and in a place where it
has plenty of sunshine. If you live in a place where the growing season is long, then outdoor
drying can prove to be very convenient. In fact, you can dry vegetables right in the garden
where they are growing.

You can dry peas, beans, and even onions if you want.

Before you attempt to dry other fruits or vegetables, always keep in mind that they must be
prepared first. Usually, you don’t have to remove the skins. To prepare fruits and vegetables for
drying, you first need to immerse them in boiling water for 2 to 3 minutes. After this time, you
have to immediately rinse them in cold water to stop the cooking process. During this point,
you can easily remove the skins.

Then you have to lay them on screen trays outdoors to dry. In fact, if you know that you are
going to have a very dry and warm weather, you can place the fruits and vegetables you plan
on drying on your rooftop or on the stone pavement. At night, you may want to cover the
vegetables or fruits you are drying with plastic in order to prevent moisture from seeping in.
Drying outdoors is easy to do and is very convenient. The only problem is that too much
exposure to the sun and air will cause greater vitamin loss.

If you live in areas where the weather is unpredictable and inconsistent, which makes it
virtually impossible for you to dry food outdoors, then you will want to try indoor drying. It’s
faster to do and because food is not exposed to the sun and air, it will be able to retain more

For this, you need to get food dehydrators, which can be purchased in most department
stores. Each will have its own instructions and this is definitely an investment that you will
surely pay off. However, they do require more physical and household energy.

151 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

You can also try drying food indoors in your oven. All
you need to do is preheat the oven to 145 degrees
and place your fruits and vegetables on baking
sheets with no pieces touching. Leave the oven door
slightly open and reduce the temperature to 120
degrees. Then, slowly increase it to 140 degrees. You
also need to shift or turn the food often in order to
dry it evenly.

Each type of food will vary when it comes to the time

required for drying. Some food may contain more moisture than others, which means that
it will take longer to dry. Apples take around 8 to 12 hours while tomatoes can take 10 to 18
hours to dry.

After drying your food, the next step is to store them. Keep the dried food in commercial
plastic storage bags and keep them in a cool and dark place.

Dried fruit can be eaten as is but you have to remember that when you need to eat
vegetables, you will need to rehydrate them. You can do this by pouring 1 or 2 cups of boiling
water over a cup of dried vegetables. Let the vegetables sit until the water has been soaked up.

Drying food will take some time to master in order to achieve the perfect dried food. You may
need to experiment a little but after a while, you will be able to start enjoying your harvest all
year long.


Drying is a form of food preservation where it involves removing water from food. By
removing water from foods, it will prevent microorganisms to grow and decay. This form of
food preservation has been done since the ancient times. At its most basic process, drying
food involves evaporating water from the food. This can be done through air drying, smoking,
wind drying, and sun drying.

Drying can achieved through freeze drying where food will be frozen first and water is
removed through sublimation.

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You have to keep in mind that the bacteria and other microorganisms in the food need water
to grow. By getting rid of water in the food, you are actually preventing the bacteria and other
microorganisms to grow or even survive. Drying creates a hard outer layer on the food, which
helps stop microorganisms and bacteria from entering the food.

Whether you dry food by sun, oven, commercial or homemade dehydrator, you will find that
this is a great way to preserve food, particularly fruits and vegetables.

Here are the steps on how to properly dry fruits and vegetables.

First of all, you need to know what equipments you need in order to properly dry fruits and
vegetables. Basically, drying food will not require you invest large amounts of money. Drying
fruits and vegetables can be as simple as placing fruits and vegetables on trays or clean sheets
and placing them outside under the hot sun and low humidity environment.

However, it is important to remember that the daytime temperature should reach around 90
degrees in order for you to sufficiently dry food. You need to keep in mind that it can take
several days to dry most foods and you also have to bring them inside during the night in
order to prevent moisture in the air from rehydrating the food you just placed under the sun.

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If you are only drying small amounts of fruits and vegetables, you can easily do it indoors with
your oven. Although this is not practical to do for large quantities of food, the advantage of
oven drying your fruits and vegetables is that the temperature can be controlled. You can
set the temperature as low as 125 degrees or if the oven cannot be set at temperatures this
low, you can leave the oven door partially opened. Drying at higher temperatures can cause
the pieces to harden on the outside while maintaining moisture on the inside, which will
eventually spoil the food.

If you can’t achieve the right way to dry food in the oven, then you may want to try getting a
commercial dehydrator. This equipment can efficiently and consistently dry food, such as your
fruits and vegetables. However, they can be costly but is well worth the investment if you do
dry foods on a regular basis. Because the airflow as well as the temperature can be controlled
with a commercial dehydrator, you can dry your fruits and vegetables at any weather at any
time of the year.

For vegetables, you will need to set the temperatures at 125 degrees. For fruits, you need to
set it at a slightly higher temperature of 135 degrees because fruits contain more moisture.

The mentioned methods for drying fruits and vegetables have been proven to be effective.
The most economical way to dry food is through sun drying. If it is not possible to do so in the
area you live in, you may want to consider trying the oven or a commercial dehydrator.

Whenever you dry fruits or vegetables, always keep in mind that you have to use trays that are
made with food safe materials. This means that you should never use metals, such as copper
or aluminum. You should avoid using metal that has been plated with zinc or cadmium.
Instead, you should use stainless steel, plastic or Teflon coated fiberglass. You can use wooden
trays with woven or perforated bottoms.

These are the things that you need to remember whenever you dry fruits or vegetables in
your home. With these techniques and tips, you can be sure that you will be able to provide
you and your family with delicious food that is safe to eat and food that will last for a very long
time on storage.

154 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


In the past, people relied a lot on food preservation in order to stock up on food when the
winter months came. Everybody knew how to preserve food as it is a matter of survival. And,
one of the most popular ways to preserve food in the past as well as today is drying.

For meat, drying, smoking and salting were the three methods of preserving meat in the past.
Today, we can now use the refrigerators to store and preserve meat. However, there are still a
lot of people today who wants to learn how to dry meat. Besides, this is a great way to have
something to eat while they go out in the wilderness for camping. It is a handy way to have
food around whenever you travel.

In the past, early American settlers dried most of their meat because they couldn’t carry a fresh
supply of it when they travel across the country. This really was one of their techniques in order
to survive in the harsh environment.

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Today, you will still see dried meat being sold in the market. Commonly called as jerky,
you will find that this is usually prepared in an oven or commercial dryers instead of in the
sun. Although jerky can be bought in almost all grocery stores and supermarkets, it would
definitely be nice if you knew how to do it yourself. This will not only save you a lot of money
but it will let you know how you can prepare your own food whenever you go camping.

The jerky is a very popular snack. You will find that it’s basically sold everywhere. From grocery
stores to gas stations, you will find jerky to be available for sale. It is considered to be a
favorite among outdoor lovers, such as campers, hikers, and hunters because it is lightweight,
compact, and it keeps for a very long time.

Drying meat today is considered as playing with food because fresh meat is highly available
nowadays and the whole year round. However, the great thing about jerky is that it is
convenient for backpacking and it contains a lot of nutrients compared to other snack food.
What’s more is that making jerky is fun and it will not cost you a lot of money.

Here are the steps on how to start drying meat or how to start making jerky.

The first step is to prepare the meat. Always keep in mind that any lean meat can be dried. You
can dry beef, venison, and even poultry or fish. Whenever you dry meat, always make sure that
you only use fresh, lean meat and you need to cut off all fat and connective tissue.

Keep in mind that fat becomes rancid easily which will spoil dried meat.

You have to slice the meat in too long, thin, and even strips. One great way to slice meat with
consistency is to partly freeze them. Always keep in mind that you have to slice with the grain
instead of going crosswise as this will make the jerky chewy and less brittle. Each strip should
be about an eighth of an inch thick or at least a fourth of an inch thick. The width should be 1
to 1 and a half inches and the length should be 4 to 12 inches.

The thinner you slice the meat, the faster it will dry. When you wish to dry wild game meat,
you first need to keep it frozen for at least 30 days in order to lower the chances of trichinosis
infection by killing the parasite larvae.

156 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

You can either dry the meat as is or you can add some seasoning, such as salt and pepper
to suit your own taste. When drying meat in the oven, you need to maintain an oven
temperature above 140 degrees Fahrenheit. This is to prevent spoilage during the drying

While the strips are drying in the oven, you have to remember to turn the strips over every
hour or so in order to prevent the meat from sticking to the racks. Make sure that the meat
strips are arranged so that it won’t overlap each other. The tips may touch but always make
sure that they won’t overlap each other.

Oven drying meat will take around 10 to 12 hours.

Other methods of drying meat are through the food dryer, smokehouse drying, and air drying.

As you can see, drying meat is relatively easy to do. However, always remember that the meat
shouldn’t get too hard and dry for your taste. Also, if the jerky isn’t dry enough, it may spoil.
The finished product should be dark brown or almost black in color and that it should be hard
and dry. Test a piece for dryness by bending it. It should break like a green twig but shouldn’t
snap clean like a dry stick.

These are the methods for drying meat. By remembering these tips, you can be sure that you
will be able to dry meat correctly and safely in no time at all.


Drying food has been done for centuries. In fact, people living since the ancient times have
dried food as a way of storing food for the winter months. Food preservation back in those
days was done in order to survive. Today, we still dry food to preserve it and lengthen its
shelf life.

If you are interested in drying food, then you have to know about the supplies and
equipments involved in drying food. Basically, the great advantage of drying food from other
forms of food preservation, such as canning is that you don’t really need special equipments.
You can still do it even without any special equipment. With a kitchen oven, drying trays
or racks, and containers for storing the dried food, you will be well on your way to start
preserving food through drying.

157 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

If you are interested in drying large quantities of food, you may need to get or make a food
dryer. But, it is not really essential especially if you live in areas where the sun is always shining
and the weather is warm.

You will need some equipment to dry food but they are not really essential. The equipments
here will just help you make a more uniformly good product.

The first equipment that you should have is a food scale, which will help you weigh food
before you dry it. This will help you dry food uniformly.

You will need an electric fan. The purpose for this is to let air circulate which is essential
for drying. You will also need a thermometer when you dry food using the oven. This will
help you maintain a constant temperature in the oven, which is essential in order for you to
correctly dry food.

If you are planning to dry vegetables, then a blancher will come in handy as you need to
blanch vegetables first before you proceed on drying them. For fruits, you will need a sulfur

For the racks, the best material that you can ever use should be made of wood slats or
stainless steel screen mesh. If you have cake racks or a wooden frame, you can use them as
drying racks. The wooden frame should be covered with cheesecloth or loosely woven cloth.

It is important to remember that you shouldn’t use solid metal trays or even cookie sheets. The
reason for this is that in order to dry food properly, air must circulate all around the food. This
will ensure that drying will take place from the bottom and the top at the same time. If you are
drying meat for jerky, you can place them directly on the metal racks in the oven. Just make
sure that the pieces are large enough that it won’t fall through the gaps in the racks.

When drying food, never use racks that are made of copper, aluminum, galvanized screen,
vinyl, or fiberglass as these materials cause an acid reaction that forms harmful compounds
which can be a threat to your health when consumed. Aluminum will become discolored and
will produce an off-flavor sulfured fruit.

158 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Copper will destroy vitamin C, which is really what you don’t want to happen when drying
food. Vinyl on the other hand melts at temperatures used for drying food.

Oven drying is one of the simplest ways to dry food. You almost don’t need any special
equipment and it dries food faster than sun drying or through food dryers. The only downside
with oven drying is that it consumes a lot of energy and that it can also be used for small scale

If you need to dry large quantities of food, then you may want to purchase or make your very
own food dryer or convection oven. This device will provide you with controlled heat and
ventilation. Although this uses up less electricity than your conventional electric oven, it does
take a little longer to dry food as the temperatures here are lower than what you can achieve
in the oven.

Sun drying is another way to dry food. This is the old fashioned way to dry food as the heat
used comes from the sun and the natural movement of the air. However, the problem is that
you need to live in an area where the sun shines almost the whole year round and that there
is low humidity level. For example, if you live in Illinois, you can never successfully dry food
as the humidity here is too high. Also, never dry food if you live near a busy road as this will
contaminate the food you are drying out in your yard.

These are the drying supplies and equipment you need when you wish to preserve food using
the drying method. As you can see, you don’t need to invest a lot of money on equipments
when you dry food. All you need are the basics and you will be well on your way in drying
your favorite foods.


Cured meats are still very popular as it is wonderfully tasty and is a great way to create your
very own deli quality meats.

If you wish to learn how to cure and smoke meats, then you will first need to consider the
basics. Obviously, you will need something to hold everything in. For this, you will need a
container made out of glass, stainless steel or plastic. You have to make sure that it is large

159 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

enough in order to hold the brine solution in addition to the meat. Always keep in mind that
you should never use aluminum, tin, or copper as they can react with the salts used in curing,
which can cause the meat to be off flavor and color.

You should keep in mind that the brine curing process will take a number of days. However, if
you are more of in a hurry, you may hasten the process with a meat injector or pump. Basically,
this is a big syringe or a pump system that will allow you to distribute the pickle ingredients
on the inside or the interior of the meat. This will help assist you in protecting the meat from
harmful microbes, which is the main cause of food spoilage and food poisoning.

This process will also allow you to begin the curing process of the meat from the inside and
work it outwards. The brine in turn will cure the meat from the outside in. With these two
elements, you will be able to cure the meat at a much lesser amount of time.

You will need a smoker. Without it, it will be virtually impossible for you to smoke a piece of

Now that you have everything in place, the next step is to create smoked or cured meats.

The first step is to prepare the brine. As a golden rule in curing, you should never reuse the
brine. You should only use it once and discard it. Using it more than once increases the risk of
cross contamination, which will result to illness.

For the brine, you will need 5 gallons of water, a pound of canning salt, a pound of cure, and 1
and a half pounds of dextrose or corn sugar. Once you prepared the brine, the next step is to
prepare the meat.

Trim the meat of fat and other waste. After trimming it, wash it in very cold water in order for
you to keep the meat chilled. After washing it, it is now time for you to submerge the meat in
the brine solution for 4 to 5 days. Keep the meat from floating on top of the brine by placing a
heavy plate o top to weigh it down.

After the curing process has completed, the next step is to wash the meat in cold water. Then,
place the meat in the smoker. Make sure that your smoker is large enough for you to hang the

160 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

meat inside. Keep in mind that the smoker should be preheated to 130 degrees F. After putting
the meat in, apply smoke for 4 hours. Then raise the temperature at 150 degrees F and hold for
another 4 hours.

After the meat has reached temperature, you have to remove it from the smoker immediately.
Then wrap it in foil to rest. The resting period will allow the juices of the meat to distribute
themselves throughout in order to avoid letting the juices pour out when you cut the meat.
You have to let the meat cool until the internal temperature drops to 100 degrees F. After this,
you can cut the meat into portions and serve them or freeze them for later consumption.

The cures will cause the meat to turn pink in color. This is safe and normal. The curing products
will enhance the flavor of the meat but you don’t have to use them if you don’t want to. In
addition to that, the curing products will prevent bacteria from growing and it will help in the
smoking process.

These are the things that you have to remember when you are learning how to cure and
smoke meat. As you can see, the basics of curing and smoking meat are rather simple to do.
By following the correct process, you will be able to properly and safely create delicious and
wonderfully tasting cured or smoked meat products.


We all know that food preservation have existed for centuries. Ancient humans used food
preservation as a way to have ample supply of food during the winter and summer months
where food was scarce. Basically, people preserved food in order to have something to eat
during the months when food was not readily available.

That was then. Today, you can buy food virtually every day of the year. You don’t have to worry
about food shortage as there are plenty of food supplies in the market today. However, you
will find that food preservation is still done in most parts of the country. Aside from being fun,
you will find that preserved foods are quite tasty.

From fruit jams to very tasty meat jerky to wonderfully delicious smoked or cured meats, you
will simply love preserving food in your home. These treats will surely fire up your taste buds
and really experience something that is out of the ordinary when it comes to food.

161 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

However, you have to remember that before you even attempt to preserve food, you need to
consider the safe methods for food preservation.

For starters, food is something that can either let you live or it can even potentially kill you or
at least make you ill. If you don’t follow the correct process in food preservation or you don’t
follow the safety precautions, you will likely end up getting poisoned by the very food you

There are a lot of ways to preserve food. Each method has its own safety precautions to avoid
food borne illnesses.

For meats, you always have to remember that you need to preserve only fresh meats. When
preserving meats, you have to make sure that you cut out most of the fat. Always keep in mind
that fat can turn rancid in a matter of hours compared to lean meat. By trimming off the fat,
you are actually increasing the life of the meat.

Bacteria and other microorganisms are the ones to blame in food borne illnesses. Through
proper freezing, you will be able to stop the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms.
Some freezing methods can even kill parasites.

Fruits are easier to preserve as it naturally has high acid content. This means that bacteria are
naturally killed or the growth of bacteria is naturally slowed down because of the high acid

However, you still need to follow the proper procedures in preserving fruits and vegetables.

You should remember that moisture is what the bacteria need in order to thrive and grow. By
getting rid of moisture, you are actually killing the bacteria inside the food. This is why drying is
one of the best methods in food preservation. However, you have to do this correctly.

You have to consider the cleanliness of the work area you are preserving your food in. Always
keep in mind that the work area should be as clean as possible in order to prevent bacterial
contamination on the food you preserve.

162 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Cleanliness should always be considered when handling food. By practicing proper hygiene
in the kitchen and when you are preserving food, you can be sure that you will avoid
contaminating the food with bacteria.

When you are curing food, never use the brine solution twice. Always discard the brine
solution in order to prevent cross contamination.

These are the things that you have to remember when you want to preserve food. By
following the safety standards in food preservation, you can be sure that the food you prepare
will be safe for eating and it will not cause any food borne illnesses.

A lot of people are afraid of preserving food themselves. This is because they are afraid that
they might do it incorrectly and feed their family as well as their friends with food that are
not safe to eat. However, you have to remember that if you follow the safety precautions in
food preservation and you follow the proper method, you can be sure that you will be able to
preserve food safely.

Food Preservation Recipes



• 1 pound of your favorite root vegetables

• 1 medium red onion
• 2 cloves garlic
• 1 cup of your favorite fresh herbs
• 2 teaspoons black peppercorns

163 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Items Needed

• 2 Tablespoons Pickling salt

• 2 quarts purified water
• 1/2 gallon jar
• 8 oz jar
• Clean cloth and rubber band

With a large bowl at the ready scrub and peel the root vegetables. Slice into very thin rounds.
Add to the bowl.

Thinly slice the red onions and garlic. Add to the bowl with root vegetables and then add the
black peppercorns and whole herbs to bowl tossing everything together.

In another bowl, add the pickling salt into 2 quarts water. Place vegetables in a clean 1/2 gallon
jar. Pour the salt water over the vegetables until covered by 1 inch.

Take the empty 8oz jar and place it on top of the vegetables to act as a weight. Put the clean
cloth over mouth of 1/2 gallon jar. And then put the larger jar on a plate and store in a cool
(65-75 degrees) place.

Take a look at the jars each day to make sure the liquid stays at least 1 inch over the vegetables.

You’ll see the fermentation start in about 24 hours. You should see little bubbles in the brine.
There may also be a white film which is a natural, safe yeast that can be wiped out of the jar.

Leave the vegetables for 3 -7 days to ferment. You can check to see if they’re ready by tasting
a slice of vegetable. Once the vegetables taste the way you like then remove the 8 oz jar,
wipe jar rim and cover with a lid. You can store these fermented, pickled vegetables in the
refrigerator up to 1 month. Makes about 1.5 quarts

164 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


• 2 pounds of cucumbers, washed and sliced as you desire

• 5-7 garlic cloves, crushed
• 1 bunch of fresh dill – 2 tablespoons of dried dill can be used if fresh is unavailable
• 1/3 cup kosher salt
• 1 cup boiling water

In a large bowl add salt & boiling water stirring to dissolve the salt. Cool the mixture adding ice
cubes, if needed.

Add all the other ingredients to the bowl. Add enough cold water to cover the cucumbers.

Place a plate on top of the cucumbers in the bowl to help keep them immersed in the liquid.

Taste the cucumbers after 4-8 hours to check for flavor. Taste every so often until the desired
flavor has been reached. It can take anywhere from 12-48 hours to get them to taste.

Once they taste delicious to your palate put them into the refrigerator.

Note: the pickles will keep on fermenting, however, the process will slow in the
refrigerator. They’ll keep for up to a week.

• 6-lbs of Pickling Cucumbers

• 3-lbs Onions, thinly sliced
• ½ cup Canning or Pickling Salt
• 4 cups White Vinegar (5% Acidity)
• 4 cups Sugar
• 2 Tablespoons Mustard Seed
• 1½ Tablespoons Celery Seed
• 1 Tablespoon Pickling Spice
• 1 teaspoon Turmeric

165 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Wash and rinse the cucumbers. Then slice the ends off of each cucumber and slice them into
¼ slices.

Slice the onions into thin rings and then add the cucumbers and onions into a large pot and
stir gently by hand to mix. Sprinkle salt over the mixture and then cover everything with ice.

Refrigerate this mixture for 3-4 hours, or overnight, adding more ice as needed during this

Drain the water from the cucumbers and onions. Rinse well to remove salt and let them drain.

While the vegetables are draining add vinegar, sugar, mustard seed, celery seed, pickling spice,
and turmeric to a large pot. Stir everything together and then bring to a boil over Medium-
High heat and boil for 10 minutes. Now add the cucumbers and onions to the pot, bring back
to low boil and boil for 1 minute.

Gather your jars together making sure they are sterilized. Remove the pickle mixture from heat
and add to the jars making sure to leave ¼” head space in each jar.

Make sure there are no air bubbles. Wipe the top & rim of the jar with a clean, damp. Add the
lid and band but don’t over-tighten the lid

Now add the jars to your canning pot and use the water bath process for 10 minutes and then
carefully remove the jars. Place the jars in a draft free location and don’t bother them for 24
hours. Can be stored for up to 1 year.


• 3 pounds white portion watermelon rind, cubed

• 5 cups sugar
• 2 cups apple cider vinegar
• 1 cup water
• 1 Tbsp. whole cloves
• 1 Tbsp. whole allspice
• 3 cinnamon sticks, 3 inches each
• 1 lemon, sliced

166 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Cut both the red & green parts off the watermelon then cube the white portion. Put
watermelon cubes in a large pot with enough salted water to cover.

Soak the cubes overnight and then drain. Add fresh, cold water to the pot and bring to a boil
cooking on low heat until the cubes are tender. Drain the cubes again.

In another large pot, combine sugar, vinegar and water. Place cloves, allspice, cinnamon and
lemon in a cheesecloth bag and add to the pot.

Stir the sugar mixture over medium heat then boil for 5 minutes. Add the watermelon cubes
and simmer about 15 minutes or until translucent. Remove the spice bag and pack pickles in
hot, sterilized jars. Refrigerate 2 weeks before using. Makes 4 quarts.


• ¾ cup grapefruit peel

• ¾ cup orange peel
• 1/3 cup lemon peel
• 1 quart cold water
• pulp of 1 grapefruit
• pulp of 4 medium-sized oranges
• 2 cups boiling water
• 3 cups sugar

Wash and peel the fruit. Now cut the fruit peels into thin strips and add to a saucepan. Add
cold water and simmer, covered, about 30 minutes or until tender. Drain the pot. Now remove
the seeds and membrane from peeled fruit pulp. Cut into small pieces.

Combine the fruit peel and fruit pieces into saucepan, add 2 cups of boiling water and sugar.
Boil rapidly over high heat, stirring frequently, until the temperature measures 8°F above the
boiling point of water (220°F at sea level) for about 20 minutes.

Remove from heat and skim the top for impurities. Pour hot marmalade into hot, sterile jars,
leaving ¼ inch headspace.

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Make sure the rims of the jars are clean then add lids and process in a boiling water canner.
You’ll get about 3 or 4 half-pint jars. Note: Leave some of the white membrane because that’s
where most of the pectin is located.


• 5½ cups crushed strawberries (about 3 quart boxes strawberries)

• 1 package powdered pectin
• 8 cups sugar

Wash strawberries then remove stems and caps. Crush the berries.

Add the crushed strawberries into a pot, adding the pectin and stir well. Place on high heat
and, stirring constantly Bring to a full boil. Add all the sugar and continue stirring. Heat again to
a full boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and skim off the impurities
Immediately add hot jam into sterile jars leaving ¼ inch headspace. Wipe rims of jars with a
dampened clean paper towel; adjust two-piece metal canning lids. Process in a boiling water
canner. Makes about 9 or 10 half-pint jars


• 12 lbs apples, peeled, cored & quartered(about 36 medium)

• Water
• 3 cups granulated sugar, optional
• 4 Tbsp lemon juice

Take the prepared apples and cover with just enough water to prevent sticking in a large
stainless steel saucepan.

Bring the apples and water to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat and boil gently,
stirring occasionally until apples are tender (time will depend upon the variety of apple and
their maturity). Remove from heat and let cool slightly, about 5 minutes.

In small batches puree the apples until smooth apples with a food mill or food processor.

168 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Add the apple purée back to the saucepan and add sugar & lemon juice. Bring to a boil over
medium-high heat, stirring frequently to prevent sticking. Maintain a gentle boil over low heat
while filling jars.

Add the hot applesauce into jars leaving 1/2 inch headspace. Remove air bubbles. Wipe rim.
Center lid on jar. Apply band until fit is fingertip tight. Using a boiling water canner – process
for 20 minutes. Makes about 8 (16 oz) pint jars


• 3 quarts figs
• 3 quarts boiling water
• 4 cups sugar
• 1½ quarts water
• 2 lemons, thinly sliced (optional)

Pour 3 quarts of boiling water over figs and let stand 15 minutes then drain and discard the
liquid. Rinse the figs in cold water and drain.

Mix the sugar, 1½ quarts water and lemon boiling rapidly 10 minutes. Skim syrup of impurities
then remove and discard lemon slices. Add the figs carefully into the boiling hot syrup, a few
at a time. Cook rapidly until figs are transparent. Remove figs and place in shallow pan. Boil
syrup until thick, pour over figs and let stand 6 to 8 hours. Reheat the figs and syrup to boiling
and add to sterilized jars, leaving ¼ inch headspace. Wipe rims of jars with a dampened clean
paper towel; adjust two-piece metal canning lids. Process in a Boiling Water Canner. Makes
about 10 half-pint jars


• 1½ cups sugar
• 2½ cups water
• 6 medium cored, pared, hard, ripe pears, cut in halves or quarters (about 2 lbs)
• 1½ cups sugar
• 1 thinly sliced lemon

169 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Blanch the tomatoes by dropping them into boiling water for 60-90 seconds and, using a
slotted spoon, transfer immediately into a bowl of ice water to cool. Skin will slip easily from
the flesh.

Once the skin has been removed you should remove stems and core tomatoes. You can leave
the tomatoes whole but it you cut them or crush them you’ll maximize your storage space.

Using a large spoon or measuring cup add the tomatoes to freezer storage bags. Pint or quart
sized freezer bags work best. Seal the bags making sure to push out as much air as possible so
they don’t get freezer burned.

Store your bags of tomatoes flat so you can add more items to your freezer. Frozen tomatoes
will retain flavor for 12 to 18 months


• 1 medium head (2 pounds) napa cabbage

• 1/4 cup sea salt or kosher salt or other iodine free salt
• Spring, Distilled or Purified Water
• 1 tablespoon grated garlic
• 1 teaspoon grated ginger
• 1 teaspoon sugar
• 2 to 3 tablespoons seafood flavor or water
• 1 to 5 tablespoons Korean red pepper flakes (gochugaru)
• 8 ounces Korean radish or daikon, peeled and cut into matchsticks
• 4 scallions, trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces

Slice the cabbage into 2-inch-wide strips. Salt the cabbage and put into a large bowl with salt.
Massage the salt into the cabbage until soft then add enough water to cover the cabbage.
Put a plate on top and weigh it down with something heavy (a can of beans works) so that
cabbage stays submerged. Let stand for 1 to 2 hours.

Rinse and drain the cabbage: Rinse the cabbage under cold water 3 times and drain in a
colander for 15 to 20 minutes.

Combine the garlic, ginger, sugar, and seafood flavor (or 3 tablespoons water) in a small bowl
and mix to form a smooth paste. Mix in the gochugaru to taste – more equals spicier.
170 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Squeeze any remaining water from the cabbage. Add it to a large bowl along with the radish,
scallions, and seasoning paste. Mix everything together until completely coated.

Add the mixture into the jars packing it tightly until the brine rises to cover the vegetables
Leave at least 1 inch of headspace. Seal the jar with the lid.

Let the jar stand at room temperature for 1 to 5 days to ferment. You may see bubbles inside
the jar and brine may seep out of the lid; place a bowl or plate under the jar to help catch any

Check the kimchi once a day. Make sure the vegetables stay submerged under the brine.
Check it daily for flavor and refrigerate when ready. You may eat it right away, but it’s best after
another week or two. Makes 1 quart


• 2-3/4 lbs tomatoes

• 2 Tbsp bottled lemon juice for each quart jar
• 1 tsp salt

Wash the tomatoes then dip in boiling water 30 to 60 seconds. Immediately dip in cold water.
Slip off skins. Trim away any green areas and cut out core.

Cut the tomatoes until they measure about 2 cups. Transfer to a large stainless steel saucepan
and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Use a potato masher to help crush tomatoes and
release the juices. Stir often and add more tomatoes being careful to avoid scorching. The
remaining tomatoes do not need to be crushed, as they will soften with heating and stirring.
Continue until all tomatoes are added, then boil gently for 5 minutes.

Add 2 Tbsp of lemon juice to each quart jar and then add the hot tomatoes into jars leaving
a 1/2 inch to the top of the jar. Compress the tomatoes into the jar until the spaces between
them fill with juice, leaving 1/2 inch headspace. Wipe rim and add the lid adjusting the band
until finger tight. Don’t over tighten.

Process filled jars in a boiling water canner for 45 minutes. Remove jars and cool. Check lids for
seal after 24 hours. Lid should not flex up and down when center is pressed. Makes about 1
171 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


Select ripe or slightly overripe fruit. Choose your favorite type of fruit.

Wash fresh fruit or berries in cool water. Remove peel, seeds and stem.

Cut fruit into chunks. Use 2 cups of fruit for each 13” x 15” inch fruit leather. Pureé fruit until
Add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice for each 2 cups light colored fruit (like pears, apples or
bananas) to prevent darkening.

For drying in the oven a 13” X 15” cookie or jelly roll pan with edges works well. Line pan with
plastic wrap being careful to smooth out wrinkles. Do not use waxed paper or aluminum foil.

Spread pureé evenly onto the pan. Don’t get too close to the edge. Approximate drying times
up to 18 hours in an oven at 140 degrees.

While still warm, peel the fruit leather from plastic wrap and roll or cut into shapes. Store in
plastic wrap. It will keep up to 1 month at room temperature or 1 year in the freezer.


• 3/4 cup Worcestershire sauce

• 3/4 cup soy sauce
• 1 tablespoon smoked paprika, or to taste
• 1 tablespoon honey, or more to taste
• 2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
• 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
• 1 teaspoon garlic powder
• 1 teaspoon onion powder
• 2 pounds beef top round, thinly sliced

Add Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, paprika, honey, black pepper, red pepper flakes, garlic
powder, and onion powder together in a large bowl and whisk until incorporated. Add the
thinly sliced beef to bowl and stir until the beef is completely coated. Cover the bowl with
plastic wrap and marinate in the refrigerator, 3 hours to overnight.

172 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Preheat oven to 175 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and place a wire rack
over the foil. Remove the beef from the marinade (discard the marinade) and place on paper
towels to dry. Arrange beef slices in a single layer on the prepared wire rack on the baking
sheet. Bake beef in the preheated oven until dry and leathery, 3 to 4 hours. Cut with scissors
into bite-size pieces.


• Bananas
• Lemon juice
• Water
• Kosher salt (optional)
• Cinnamon (optional)

Peel the bananas and slice them very thin. Brush with lemon juice to prevent excessive

Bake at 250F for about 1½ - 2 hours turning halfway through baking time. Let cool completely
before storing.

For savory banana chips sprinkle with salt. For a sweeter chip use cinnamon and riper bananas.

Peel the bananas and slice them very thin. Brush with lemon juice to prevent excessive
browning. Bake at 250F for about 1½ - 2 hours turning halfway through baking time. Let cool
completely before storing. For savory banana chips sprinkle with salt. For a sweeter chip use
cinnamon and riper bananas.


• Zucchini
• Seasoning of your choice

Slice the squash into very thin, uniform slices. A mandolin slicer is great for this task.

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Lay the slices in a single layer on your dehydrator trays. Sprinkle with seasoning of your choice.

Dry at 125 degrees until dry and crispy. Check every so often and remove slices that have
finished drying earlier than the others. Store in an airtight container.


• 8 lemons
• 2-3 cups sugar

Scrub your lemons and then slice them into thin rings. Layer the lemons into the jars.

Cover the lemons each lemon layer with about 3 Tbsps of sugar. Alternate layers of lemons
and sugar until filled with lemons compacting them as you go. Place the lids on the jars and
refrigerate. The sugar turns into a syrup while in the refrigerators. Makes about 3 pints. Will last
in the refrigerator about 1 month.


• 4 cups coffee, strongly brewed

• ¼ cup lemon juice
• 5½ cups granulated sugar
• 1 box pectin

Boil over high heat the coffee and lemon juice in a medium saucepan. In a bowl, mix together
the sugar and pectin. Add the sugar & pectin mixture to the boiling coffee and whisk
continuously until pectin & sugar are fully dissolved.

Return to a full boil for 1 minute. Remove from heat and ladle mixture into jars. Wipe the rims
clean and place the lids on the jars tightening until finger tight. Don’t over tighten. Process
using the Boiling Water Bath for 10 minutes. Set on a cooling rack or counter overnight. Store
in a cool, dark place. Use within 1 year.

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A Guide to Going Off the Grid

We like to think that we live independent lives - that we’re the masters of our own fate. But
the truth is that when we live on the grid, we’re dependent on the state we live in and the
government to keep things running smoothly.

When things run smoothly, we enjoy a comfortable and convenient life. But if something
happens to disrupt that grid, then what we depended on will come crashing down.

When you depend on anything else but your own resources, you can’t count on it always
being there for you. That’s why you always need to find a way to live off the grid.


When you live on the grid, it means that everything in your home is usually all connected. You
get the electricity to power your home from an electric company or a co-op.

It means that you get the heat for your home from a utility company if you use natural gas. If
you have city water connected to your house, you’re living on the grid.

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If you have a home telephone service, it means that you’re also on the grid. All of these
modern conveniences are supplied by someone other than yourself. You’re at their mercy if
they suddenly shut you off or a SHTF situation happens and they can no longer supply you
with these services.

When you go off the grid, it means that you decide that you’re going to forego services that
are supplied to you - and instead, you’re going to make your own energy to power your needs.

Going off the grid requires patience and planning. When you decide that you’re through
relying on someone else to make sure that you stay connected, you must have a plan in place
that will meet your needs.

Some people slowly change one area of grid-dependent living at a time before focusing on
the next area. One of the reasons that they do it slowly is because there are some supplies that
you need to get and you will need to be able to afford these.

Others choose to go completely off the grid and have the money to be able to do that. How
you can afford to do it isn’t what’s important. It’s only important that you recognize the need
to create your own electricity and other utility needs.

Once you’ve found a way to create the renewable resources that you need to use and
you’re completely creating your own support, your home will be self-reliant and you will be
effectively off the grid.

Even with all of the stuff going on in the world and knowing that the grid isn’t always reliable
or safe from terrorist attack, some people just don’t see the need to live off the grid. But there
are several reasons for not relying on the grid.


There are new terrorist attacks weekly and sometimes, it seems that these attacks are
happening almost daily. In many of these attacks, what gets hit is whatever will cripple the
economy, whatever will obstruct communication and whatever will hit the people where it
hurts most.

The grid is what’s most vulnerable to attacks. When most people think of the grid, they think
in small terms, such as how it will affect them within their home. They know if the power
176 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

plants are hit, then they’re going to be without power. But when a grid is attacked, it’s never
based on how it will affect individuals in their homes. It’s planned based on how the fallout
will affect entire cities and even states.

For example, if a power plant is disabled, it doesn’t just inconvenience you by shutting off your
power. It also shuts down gas stations and banks. Traffic lights go out.

Grocery stores can’t run. People can’t get the supplies that they need. Government buildings
can’t operate. The infrastructure of cities relies on the grid. So when someone (or something
unintentional like a solar flash) wants to cripple an area, they’ll target what will cause the
biggest disruption.

Plus, when you rely solely on the grid, you’re forced to stay put. This means that you can’t bug
out if you need to. When you’re dependent on the grid, it won’t be easy for you to leave if you
don’t have a place that it’s self-reliant.

If it’s in the middle of winter, you can’t bug out with small children and go somewhere that
has no heat. You’ll be forced to stay in place for the health and safety of those you love, even if
there’s danger in the area.

Your choice won’t really be a choice when you’re dependent on the grid. Instead of being
able to leave in the face of a SHTF situation, you’ll be forced to take your chances, hoping that
everything will turn out allright.

Instead of living that way, you need to take control and figure out how your life is run. Not only
does being dependent on the grid keep you in place, but anyone can find you when you’re
on the grid.

To locate a person, you can look them up by their utility services. You can look them up online
in a search site that lists people according to city and state. Some of these sites also list your
age, your average income and who else lives in your home.

If you have a cell phone, you can easily be located with the built-in GPS. You can be located
through your online purchases if you use a debit or credit card. If you sign in anywhere online,
you can be located through your IP address.

177 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Not wanting to be located isn’t about hiding from everyone. It’s about making sure that the
wrong kinds of people don’t know your business and where you’re at.


Though it might sound kind of scary and like it’s a huge undertaking, living without public
electricity can be done - and not only can it be done, but you’ll gain a sense of freedom from
being disconnected.

You’ll also gain relief from the stress of having to constantly pay those high electric bills every
summer and winter. Living without public electricity should be first on your to-do list when
you’re devising a way to get off the grid.
Creating your own power will be the biggest
step that you’ll take. What a lot of people do
when they’re coming off the grid is to search
for a natural power supply.

You can easily power the needs of your home

by harnessing the power of the wind or the
sun. In fact, a lot of people already do this
because they know that relying on natural
resources cuts the high cost of electricity.

You can install solar panels in your home that

can gather the energy from the sun. These
panels will range in size as well as price. They’re powered directly by the sun’s rays.

When the rays shine on the solar panels, energy is gathered and then is able to be used
through a conversion method. It’s simply protons turning into electrons. Using solar panels
isn’t the only means of naturally getting off the grid to power the needs of your family.

You can also use the wind. People have been using wind energy dating back many centuries.
When you use wind power, you’re also harnessing the power of the sun.

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It’s the sun that powers the wind through the method of hot air pressure. If you’ve ever seen a
windmill you’ve seen an example of wind energy. The more of a breeze that you have in your
area, the better your home is suited for using wind energy.

You use wind turbine generators to be able to naturally power your home. Even the smallest
of winds can still generate electricity. The amount of wattage the wind turbine is capable of
producing depends on the size of the turbine that you purchase.

Some of them can also be used to charge batteries. They can generate enough power to
support the same kind of electricity usage that a home draws from being on the grid.

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You can run electronics, ceiling or electric fans, charge cell phones and use lights in your home
the same way that you could if you were paying a bill to the electric company. The larger your
turbine is, the more power that it’s capable of powering.

What many people choose to do is use a combination of both solar and wind power to bring
electricity to their home. Solar and wind energy is a clean and inexpensive way to provide the
electrical needs for your family.


Just as you need to take yourself off the grid with electricity, you also need to take yourself off
the grid with water and sewer service. Fortunately, finding the water that you need to supply
your home with isn’t hard.

Nature provides plenty of this for you - all you have to do is harvest it and bring it into your
home. What some people choose to do is have a well dug. Digging a well is something that
many people choose to do on their own.

You can certainly do this if you’re experienced. But if you’re not, you’ll want to get an expert to
do it because there are issues that can backfire on you if you don’t. For example, if you don’t
make sure you have a clean source of water in the well, then you’ll spend even more money to
have it cleaned up and made usable.

The ground has contaminants that can make your well water unfit for drinking or using. This
is why you want to pay to have a well dug if you can afford it. This will be one of your biggest
expenses with going off the grid unless you can find someone that will dig a well for you in
exchange for some service that you can offer in return.

Because well water can have a stronger taste than city water, you’ll want to have a good
filtering system in place. If you don’t like the idea of having a well dug or if you can’t get one
dug because you can’t afford it, then you can provide water to your home by using a cistern.

These are containers that are specifically manufactured to hold water outside. These
containers use rainwater that collects around your house through your gutters.

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Depending on the type of cistern that you use, you may also have to install a pump. A
cistern is not a good idea for you if live in a state that’s a dry state. It’s also not a good idea if
contamination from outlying buildings is going to be an issue.

For example, if you live in the vicinity of a paper mill, you wouldn’t want to get a cistern
because the particles expelled from the paper mill’s smoke stacks will be in the air.

These particles could be carried via the rain into your gutters and down into your cisterns and
then the water wouldn’t be healthy for you to use.

When it comes to sewer needs, you’ll want to go with a septic tank.

This is a big container that’s below the ground. When toilets are flushed or water is run down
the sink drains, it all goes into the septic container. When you use a septic container, you
should have the waste carried away from the home so that you don’t have to deal with the

One way to do this is by using a network of pipes. A properly installed septic container
does not require maintenance that often. You can have the container checked by a waste
management removal company every 12 to 14 months.

Regular checks will help keep the system in good working order. While you can put in the
septic container yourself and fix the pipes so that the sewage is away from your house, you
might want to have a plumbing company check over your handiwork to be sure.

But what if sewer service stops and no one is there to remove the septic tank? You need to
have a system in place to reuse the waste of your family with composts in the garden, for
example - or transport it elsewhere so that it’s not in your living space.

181 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


When you go off the grid, you’re going to need supplies. If you decide to go with solar power,
you’ll need a solar kit. Many of these are fairly self explanatory and you can install them
yourself. Elon Musk has recently come up with some very interesting methods to take your
house completely off the electrical grid.

You can buy a kit that includes a varied number of solar panels. You can also purchase
additional panels separately. Pay attention to the wattage of the panels.

A good choice would be a kit that offers at least 1600 watts. You’ll also need to makes sure that
the kit you choose has the connectors as well as the solar cable and battery cable.

Once you install your solar kit, you’ll be able to withdraw from public electricity. You’ll also
want to get a water purifier. When you’re on city water, the city takes care of making sure that
the contaminants in the water are at a safe level for human consumption.

Once you’re off the grid, you won’t get the same purification process, so you’ll have to do
it yourself. You can get ones that attach right to your faucet. Look for ones that will let you
know when you need to replace the filter and ones that only have to be replaced every three
months or so.

Investing in a solar powered or a tankless water heating is also a good idea. Once you’re off
the grid, you’ll still need a way to produce hot water. These kinds of tanks aren’t as big as
traditional water heaters so if you have to bug out to a smaller cabin, they’re a great fit.

Plus, they only heat water that’s needed. They don’t continually heat like a regular hot water
heater does. So they won’t be a drain on your energy source. You also might want to invest in
a wood burning cook stove.

Though these can be expensive, they can do two things for you. They can provide a way for
you to stay warm in cold weather and a way for you to be able to cook. Some people choose
to use a solar oven if they already have a heat source.

182 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

You might want to invest in a portable turbine charger that can keep your electronic devices
powered. These devices can charge phones or music devices through the use of wind or solar

Going off the grid has both short term and long term options available for you. The solar
ovens are an example of short term solutions you can afford quickly. Digging a well might take
more planning, so map it out wisely and start acting on it as soon as possible!

First Aid

I highly recommend getting a basic level of first aid. Recently I was on a plane travelling to
Costa Rica. An elderly gentleman was walking back to his seat and literally fell dead straight
and landed on his face in the aisle.

He was having a seizure.

I jumped from my seat and immediately checked his pulse. It was rapid but then slowed to
normal and he returned to consciousness. I was grateful I knew how to help. I have done
various levels of first aid training for the past 25 years of my life and it has paid off time and
time again.

Here is how to respond to some basic scenarios.


There are several types of bugs and insects that can cause painful reactions on your body
once you are bitten. Aside from the pain, most bites or stings have the potential to be fatal as
well. Bug bites, in particular, pose danger due to the possibility of developing a severe allergic

I am also particularly cautious with bug bites in view of the fact they have the ability to
transmit serious illness and infections. Aside from your need to secure a water source you also
need to be vigilant about bug bites because of disease transmittal.

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Most stings or bites suffered by individuals are often caused by unidentified bugs or insects.
You can use general first aid treatments to avoid further damage on the affected area:

• Create an ice pack and apply it to the area of the sting or bite. Allow the ice pack to sit on
the area for about 20 minutes and rest for at least 20 minutes before applying another ice

• Seek treatment related to anaphylaxis when the patient is suffering from shortness of
breath, chest pain, heart palpitations, itching, swelling, hallucinations, etc.

• In cases of involuntary muscle movements, call for medical assistance.

• To relieve pain, sting swabs often do the job.

First Aid for Ant Bites

Ant bites are common and offer no real harm to humans, especially bites from ordinary ants.
Fire ants are more notorious and possess a real threat to human health. Aside from the pain
caused by the bite itself, there is a danger of allergic reaction and secondary infection arising
from it. For allergic reactions, symptoms range from thickening of the tongue to sweating and
shortness of breath.

Currently, there is no specific treatment for ant bites. For local stings from ordinary ants, oral
antihistamines and a cold compress will relieve the pain and prevent secondary infection. For
several ant bites, there is danger of developing an allergic reaction and it is advised that you
apply systemic corticosteroid around the bitten area.

First Aid for Spider Bites

While there are certain amounts of poisonous spiders, majority of spider bites are harmless.
Some of the symptoms include local irritation and itching that will last for 5 to 7 days. In case
of local skin infections, there are antibiotics currently available on the market.

When one is bitten by a spider, you will often see a red wheal about the size of a dime. This is
a result of the body’s reaction to histamine and you will experience a combination of itching

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and pain. Two specific types of spiders can be dangerous to humans; the black widow and the
brown recluse spider.

If you are bitten, make sure to do the following procedures:

• Find the exact location of the bite. Then, snugly tie it with a bandage to prevent the spread
of the venom without blocking circulation.

• Press a cloth dampened by cold water against the location of the bite.

• Spider bites caused by the black widow and brown recluse require anti-venom
medication. Seek emergency help as soon as possible.

First Aid for Flea Bites

When suffering from flea bites and in search for immediate relief, you need to understand that
it is a gradual process. However, people who have had flea bites look for quick relief because
it can itch terribly. Common symptoms for flea bites include raised red bumps on the skin that
appear on various areas of the body, commonly around the crease of the neck, behind the
knees, groin, armpits, ankles, etc.

For an effective first aid treatment on flea bites, try the following:

• Take a warm, soapy bath.

• Apply hydrocortisone cream on specific areas of the body affected by flea bites.

• Follow proper hygienic measures in your home such as washing your bedding in hot water,
fumigating your home, spraying flea killer, etc.

First Aid for Snake Bites

Snake bites are common but deadly. Therefore, your ability to think quickly and respond to
emergency situations could mean the difference between life and death. Here are first aid tips
you should know when dealing with a snake bite:

185 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

• Call for emergency medical help immediately.

• While waiting for medical assistance to arrive, wash the area of bite using soap and water.

• Do not raise the location of bite above the heart.

• Immediately remove any items that might cause constriction in the area of bite. As swelling
is typical with snake bites, you don’t want to cause tissue death or damage due to such

• Do not suck the venom nor cut the area of bite for it will only expose you to further

First Aid for Animal Bites

When bitten by animals or insects, you must always treat it as an emergency. Do not wait until
further symptoms show up before you treat the bite or sting, for it could easily develop into an
infection that can damage your tissues.

For common bites, scratches, or mild reactions, you can perform self-care. However, elevate
the issue to the medical professionals when you see signs of severe allergic reaction or shock.
When you witness someone bitten by an animal or insect, your first course of action should
be to call for a medical response team such as 911. Then, take note of the first aid tips provided
above for specific types of bites or stings until emergency help arrives.


Allergy is a common condition shared by many, regardless of age or gender. There are also
different triggers to an allergy, which makes it a challenge to understand this condition.
However, it is extremely important to know how to treat allergic reactions when they happen.

Different Types of Allergies

The best way to differentiate allergy types is to understand their cause or triggers. Here are
some of the most common ones:

186 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

*Food Allergy: There are different types of food that could trigger allergies in a person. However, the
severity depends on various factors including the amount of food eaten, exposure to the food, and
the level of sensitivity by an individual.

*Insect Venom Allergy: This type of allergy is common in children and is triggered when bitten by a
particular insect.

*Airborne Allergy: Also known as allergic rhinitis, this type of allergy is triggered by airborne allergens.
When symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, nasal congestion and others are manifested, it typically
comes with watery, itchy and red eyes.

Symptoms of Allergic Reactions

Symptoms of allergies vary depending on the type of allergy and the person. However, these
generic allergy symptoms are listed below. All of these symptoms might not necessarily
appear at once:

*Swelling on the specific area of the body being affected by the allergy;
*Redness of the skin;
*Formation of an itchy rash;
*Feeling dizzy or collapse;
*Difficulty in breathing similar to an asthma attack.

Practical Care for Allergic Reactions

Preventing further damage caused by allergies begins at home. A good knowledge on your
specific type of allergy is vital in preventing severe allergic reactions. Here are some practical
tips you should know:

• Avoid any possible triggers to allergic reactions. For example, if your allergy is caused by a
particular kind of food, make sure to avoid it at all times.

• Do not wait until reactions from allergies turn severe. Seek medical help as soon as you
see any signs of an allergic reaction.

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• For mild symptoms of allergies, nonprescription medicines often respond well. You may
take these medications for only a few days.

• If you develop a rash from allergies, anti-inflammatory steroid cream such as

hydrocortisone can be effective.

Using Medical Treatment

Once the allergen has been addressed, most people suffering from allergic reactions use
medication as their choice of treatment. However, when an anti-allergy medication is not
enough, it might require therapy, especially for people suffering from anaphylactic shock. In
cases where an individual has difficulty breathing, oxygen is introduced. Or blood pressure is
given a boost by introducing intravenous fluids.


Anaphylaxis is the term used to refer to severe and extreme cases of allergic reactions. The
condition is also referred to as anaphylactic shock that involves various systems within the
body. Among the fatal effects of the development of a severe allergic reaction include
circulatory collapse and life-threatening respiratory conditions.

Depending on a person’s sensitivity to the allergy, several allergic reactions might occur within
minutes or a few hours following the initial exposure to the allergens. There are different
substances that can cause extreme allergic reactions but the symptoms are pretty much
the same. Your eyes or lips might suffer from severe swelling. In some cases, swelling can
occur inside your throat which makes breathing extremely difficult. Other symptoms include
reduction in blood pressure, failure of internal organs, nausea, abdominal cramping, dizziness,
loss of mental reflex, among others.

188 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


Once you notice any of the symptoms listed above or you observe someone suffering from
them, quickly call for emergency help. Then, observe the following first aid procedures:

• Check the person to see if s/he might be carrying medications for allergic attack. It might
be an auto-injector of epinephrine, make sure to follow instructions for proper use.
When you press the injection into the patient’s skin, hold it in place for a few seconds
before removing. Then, massage the area where you have injected for fast absorption of
the medication.

• While the person is lying on their back, elevate the feet slightly so that they are higher than
the head.

• If the person is wearing tight clothes, make sure to loosen them up.

• If you can find a blanket or a large piece of clothing, use it to cover the patient’s body.

• If possible, avoid giving the patient anything to drink, especially if the patient is a stranger. It
could contain allergens that might trigger further allergic reactions, if not choke the

• If the person is either bleeding or vomiting, turn them over on their side to allow the vomit
to come out and avoid the possibility choking.

• Check the patient for vital signs. If non-existent, begin administering CPR.


Extent of Broken Bone Accidents or Injuries

Broken bones are more commonly referred to by the term fracture. There are several causes for
broken bones, but it is typically not life-threatening. However, the extent of the pain suffered
by the patient from a broken bone can be extremely painful and needs to be addressed as
soon as possible.

189 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

The amount of pain experienced from broken bones can range from mild to severe,
depending on the extent of the damage. In some cases, a person suffering from fractures
caused by trauma or injury might not be aware that s/he has a broken bone because it is not
readily visible through the skin. It is only during an x-ray that the broken bones are revealed. In
this case, you should be looking for symptoms such as swelling, increased pain when moving
the injured area, and bleeding.

Immediate Care

Broken bones can range from being uncomfortable to extremely painful. Hence, it is important
to provide immediate care to anyone suffering from a fracture while you wait for professional
or emergency help. Since dealing with broken bones is an intricate procedure, you have to
leave it to the professional medical practitioners. What you must try to do is provide relief to
the patient to prevent further damage or relieve them from pain.

Here are recommended first aid tips until further help arrives:

• If there is any form of bleeding, find a way to stop it. In most cases, the danger comes from
excessive bleeding more than the fracture itself. If you are going to wrap the bleeding area
with a cloth, make sure it is clean to avoid infection.

• Position the injured part in the most natural position without causing pain to the injured
person. Avoid moving the patient until professional medical assistance arrives.

• If there is pain or swelling, apply ice packs. Make sure to cover the ice with a cloth or towel.
Do not apply ice directly to the skin.

• Most people suffering from broken bones will suffer from shock resulting to a fainting
sensation or having short breaths. To relieve them, lay the person down. Keep the legs
elevated a little higher than the head.

190 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

When to Seek Emergency Help

While it is mandatory to call professional medical assistance whenever someone suffers from a
fracture, it is important to call for emergency help in these extreme conditions:

• If the person’s vital signs are missing, especially after applying CPR
(cardiopulmonary resuscitation) a few times.

• If there is an excessive amount of bleeding.

• If the patient suffers from intense pain, even from gentle movements.

• If there are deformities in the joints or limbs.

• If the bone has managed to penetrate the skin.

• If you notice that the tips of the fingers or toes (for either a leg or arm injury) have turned

• If the bones in the neck, back, or head are affected.

Making a Sling

Follow the procedures below to make a sling when someone suffers from broken bones in the

1. Cut a piece of clothing to about 40 square inches.

2. Form a triangle by folding the cloth diagonally.

3. Using one end of the cloth, slip it under the patient’s arm. While the other end of the cloth
is placed over the shoulder.

4. As both ends of the bandage meet behind the neck, tie them together.

5. Fasten up the bandage edge, the one near the elbow, for better stability on your sling.

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Splinting a Fracture

Splinters are ideal for fractures in the lower arm and ankle. For fractures in the lower arm or
wrist, you will need a piece of clothing. Use other tiny strings of cloth to wrap the bigger piece
of clothing around the injured area.

For an ankle or lower leg fracture, follow the same procedures by wrapping a bigger piece
of clothing around the injured area and then tying it up with smaller pieces of clothing for
security. The idea behind using splints is to prevent as much movement as possible within the
injured area to prevent further damage.

Precautions for Serious Broken Bone Injuries

In serious cases of broken bones, avoid moving the patient unless professional medical
assistance arrives. Any further movement could produce more damage and turn out to be
fatal for the patient. Hence, you must only try to relieve pain or any other symptoms. Moving
patients must absolutely be avoided if the patient shows any sign of discomfort when you are
trying to move them.

For cases that involve injury to the head, neck, or back, it might be ideal to wait for emergency
help to arrive before attempting to do anything with the patient.


Bruises and blisters are quite common conditions. Depending on the severity of the bruise or
blisters, it will require different level of medical attention. Learn about how these conditions
can be acquired to educate yourself on how to prevent or treat them.

What are Blisters?

Blisters commonly happen on your feet and there are several reasons for them. A common
reason would be hiking for extended periods of time, or using improper types of footwear.
Even the size or type of socks you use can cause blisters. This represents a common type of
blister known as friction blister.

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The repetition of applying friction to the skin causes burns or irritation. Therefore, blisters are
common among athletes or outdoor individuals who perform a lot of walking or running in
their shoes. This is why athletes need to carefully choose proper footwear, as blisters are quite

Preventing Blisters

With the introduction of modern medicine, there are various ways to treat blisters. However,
prevention is still better than cure. Take note of the following pointers to help avoid
developing blisters:

• Only wear shoes that fit correctly.

• For athletes, taping their feet is a good way to protect the skin.
• Check the seams of your shoes to ensure that they remain flat, leaving no source of
discomfort to your feet.
• Keep your feet dry at all times as most shoes and socks make you more prone to
developing blisters.

First Aid Treatment for Blisters

It is important to treat blisters as soon as you notice them. Here are more tips:

• When you see redness on your skin, apply blister plaster on the specific area affected.
• You can also apply petroleum jelly on the affected area as this will help soothe the pain.
This form of treatment is only good for short term use.
• If you have blisters on the weight bearing surface of the foot and it has not burst yet, you
can do it on your own using a pin or needle. Make sure to sterilize the pin by passing it
against a flame or rubbing alcohol.

What is a Bruise?

Bruises are characterized by a black-and-blue mark on the surface of your skin. This happens
when your skin receives a blow that is enough to damage the small blood vessels, causing a
tiny amount of blood to leak into the tissues just beneath the skin, thus making it visible on the
surface. In some cases, the bruise may appear to have tiny, red dots.

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There are several causes of bruises such as hitting a hard object, falling, sports, or accidents.
However, the symptoms are pretty general such as swelling, pain in the area when touched,
and discoloration of the skin.

When to See a Doctor

Most bruises are non-life threatening and will eventually heal after a few days. However, you
must seek the assistance of a professional in any of the following cases:

• If the bruise is large enough to cause a significant amount of pain. Immediate medical
assistance is also necessary when the bruise seems to worsen over time.
• Some people bruise easily and the bleeding might be manifested in various areas of
the body such as gums, nose, or urine. Therefore, you need to seek the help of a doctor to
find out if it is caused by some other condition.
• If the bruise persists for longer than two weeks seek professional advice or consultation.

Treatment for Bruises

Most types of bruises vanish after two weeks. However, you can follow the first aid tips below
to enhance the healing process:

*Keep the bruised area raised or elevated.

*If there is no broken skin, there is no need to use a bandage on your bruise.
*You can use a cold compress once or twice a day for at least half an hour to an hour.
*If you are suffering from pain along with the bruise, you can take a painkiller medication such as
*Never drain the bruise with a needle.
*If possible, rest the area suffering from the bruise.
*You can help your body naturally heal by the intake of foods rich in vitamin C, protein, and

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Burns are one of the most common types of injury that often occur at home. It can range from
minor to major burns, which could turn out to be fatal. Hence, it is important to arm yourself
with the knowledge on how to treat different types of burns.

Types of Burns

When you say types of burns, it basically refers to the classification of a particular burn injury
as minor or major. There are three known classifications of burn injuries: first-degree, second-
degree, and third-degree. These classifications are based on a progressive manner, which
implies that third-degree burns are serious and need intensive medical attention as it can be

The process of identification of the type of burn refers to the extent of damage on the body
tissues. First-degree burns are the least serious type of burn since it only affects the skin’s outer
layer. On the skin surface, it appears red and swollen. When you touch the burnt area, there is a
substantial amount of pain, however.

Second-degree burns affect the first and second layers of skin. The area of the skin that is
burned appears to be intensely red and might have blisters. It also comes with severe swelling
and intense pain.

Treating Minor Burns

You can perform your own first aid treatment for first- to second-degree burns, provided that
the affected area is not larger than 3 inches in diameter. Here are 3 procedures you can use:

1. Cooling. Allow cold, running water to flow directly onto the burnt area for no less than
five minutes. You can do this longer until the pain eases a bit. If there is lack of running
water, you can get a container filled with cold water and submerse the burnt area of the
body into the water. This will help reduce swelling caused by the burn. Avoid putting ice
directly on the burnt skin.

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2. Using a cotton gauze bandage, loosely wrap a clean cloth around the burnt skin. The idea
of using this bandaging method is to keep air off of the burnt area, while also helping
reduce the amount of swelling or pain.

3. In some cases, the pain that comes with burnt skin is intolerable; taking an anti
inflammatory medication might be your only resort. Generic types of painkillers
recommended for minor burns include ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen, acetaminophen, etc.

Third Degree Burns

The most serious case of burn damage; damages all skin layers and results in permanent tissue
damage. In some cases, even the bones are affected. On the surface, the skin appears black or
white, dry or charred.

Treatment for Major Burns

In case of a major burn, call for medical assistance immediately. While waiting for medical
personnel to arrive, take note of the following:

• Removing burnt clothes off the patient’s body might cause skin that is not burnt to be
ripped off. If you want to ensure that the patient is no longer exposed to smoldering
materials, then you have to be careful when removing the clothing off the patient’s body.

• While cold water treatment is ideal for minor burns, it is not advisable for severe burns as it
will cause the body to go into shock.

• Verify a person’s vital signs such as breathing, circulation, and pulse.

• Wrap the burnt area of the body with a clean, moist cloth or towel.

Precautionary Advice for Burn Treatment

Whether you are treating minor or major cases of burns, you must never perform the following

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• Never put ice directly on the burnt skin. Doing so will result in frostbite, furthering the
damage already present on the skin.

• Avoid using burn ointments or oils on the skin as it can intervene with the natural process
of healing.

• Avoid breaking blisters that come with burnt skin as it will only expose you to infection.

Home Remedies for Burns

If any member of your family suffers from a burn, take note of the following home remedies
and tips to help in preventing further damage:

• The first step to treating burns is by stopping the burning process. You can do this by
applying cold water onto the skin.

• Study the extent of the burn damage. If there is charred skin or blisters, it signals that the
top skin layer is damaged. For larger areas of damage, call for emergency help.

• Burns in the facial or neck area can cause swelling, which could then result to
difficulty in breathing. Call medical assistance immediately.

• For minor cases of burns, you can help in the natural healing process by wearing loose
fitting clothes that will cause minimal irritation to the skin.


Treating Scrapes and Cuts

Scrapes and cuts are common, especially among children, and while they might not require
emergency medical attention, you need to apply proper wound care to prevent infections and
other complications.

However, scrapes and cuts can be serious and fatal as well. Hence, you need to arm yourself
with proper knowledge on how to treat them.

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Stop the Bleeding

For minor cuts and scrapes, bleeding typically ends on its own. But if you notice that bleeding
continues, you can use a clean bandage or cloth to apply pressure to the area of the wound.
Maintain pressure on the wound for at least 20 minutes and as long as 30 minutes.

If bleeding continues even after applying pressure, then you need to take the victim to the
doctor for immediate medical care.

Wound Care

If the bleeding caused by cuts and scrapes is mild, you can simply use basic wound care
methods. Your objective here is to prevent infection from arising. Even the slightest cut or
scrape is enough for harmful bacteria to make their way in. Bleeding is also a natural process of
getting rid of bacteria, so you can allow blood to flow out for a certain period of time.

If there’s an opening produced by the cut or scrape, you must wash it using warm water and
soap. When using soap, it is important to not use it directly on the wound but only on the
surrounding areas of the wound. After you are done washing, pat dry using a clean towel or

Treatment for Scrapes

Minor scrapes can be treated at home but the average healing period varies according to the
size, location, and depth of the scrape.

For shallow scrapes, bandaging is no longer necessary. You can simply wash it off using the
basic wound cleaning process and then dry it with a clean towel. If it causes pain (especially for
children) you can use analgesic cream to relieve the pain.

For more serious cases of scrapes, bandaging might be necessary to keep dirt off the scrape
and prevent it from being irritated. The key here is in the bandage, so make sure to use a clean
one. Once the bandage becomes wet and moist, you need to replace it with a clean one to
avoid infection or bacteria.

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Treatment for Cuts

As with scrapes, minor cuts won’t require medical attention. But serious cases will have to be
addressed to avoid infection and other complications.

There are several ways an individual can acquire a cut but you can treat them at home using
a basic medical kit. Stopping the bleeding process is always the first step in any form of first
aid treatment. Most minor cuts will stop bleeding on their own or when you apply gentle
pressure on the area of cut. If it doesn’t, then you need to bring it to the attention of a medical
professional. When washing a cut, avoid getting soap inside the cut as irritation might occur.
Just make sure that the surrounding area is thoroughly clean and that no debris remains inside
the cut.

When the cut is deep enough to expose tissues or muscles, medical intervention is necessary.
Some stitches might be done on the area of the cut to prevent bacteria from infecting it. You
need to pay attention to these cuts as they can be easily infected. In case of continued pain,
redness, pus formation, or swelling, visit your doctor immediately.

Preventing Infections

For scrapes and cuts, your main objective must be to prevent infection. As soon as infection
develops, complications can arise. Here are 3 basic procedures you must follow in case you
acquire a scrape or cut in terms of preventing infection.

1. Topical Antibiotic: You will find different types of antibiotics such as Polysporin, Fucidin, and
Bactroban. Apply this whenever you replace the bandage. For uncovered wounds, you
must apply the antibiotic 2-3 times daily.

2. Covering the Wound: This is vital in preventing bacteria and other foreign objects from
penetrating the wound.

3. Tetanus Shot: This must be performed only with medical supervision and is only advised for
very deep wounds.

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Whenever a sharp object stabs or hits you, then you are most likely to acquire a puncture
wound. It is characterized by an opening of the skin that is caused by a sharp object that has
penetrated your skin. The opening exposes your skin and tissues to germs and dirt. Hence, it is
important to provide immediate medical attention for such type of wound.

Cleaning Puncture Wounds

If you managed to puncture yourself, cleaning the wound is one of the first things you need to
do. Use clean water to wash off the wound. If there are foreign particles left inside the skin, you
can use a sterile tweezer to take them out. If the particles are large, then leave it to the doctor.

Tetanus is one of the biggest risks and complications involved with puncture wounds. Hence,
thorough cleaning is very important. Use clean water and soap to wash around the area. Then,
wipe it off with a clean piece of cloth or towel.

Protecting the Wound

After cleaning the wound, you must apply a bandage to it. Although air is important to speed
up the healing process, you cannot risk the possibility of acquiring harmful bacteria. This is
important to avoid germs and other harmful substances from getting inside your skin and into
the tissue, particularly for large open wounds. Make sure that the piece of cloth you use as a
bandage is clean. Check the material you use to see if it could cause an allergic reaction and
look for some other safe alternative.

You also have to replace the wound dressing regularly to avoid infection. When unwrapping
the bandage, do it carefully. If the bandage sticks to the skin, use warm water to loosen it.
However, never force the bandage off of your skin.

Controlling Bleeding

Puncture wounds and even minor cuts on your skin can cause bleeding. Depending on the
extent of the wound, one can bleed excessively. Therefore, you need to stop the bleeding as
soon as possible. In fact, this should be one of your priorities when you see anyone who is
wounded and bleeding.

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Apply pressure on the wound while raising the wounded body part above heart level. If the
bleeding persists after a few tries, then medical assistance is necessary.

Treating Deep and Wide Puncture Wounds

Deep puncture wounds include those wounds with unknown depth, which commonly
happen on the chest, back, abdomen, thigh, or pelvis. Due to the severity of the wound,
bleeding is often more pervasive than any other type of puncture wound. These injuries are
also serious to the point of being fatal. Hence, you must seek medical assistance as soon as

Any form of deep puncture wound must be sealed or covered with a clean dressing to
prevent air from entering it. However, some victims have more difficulty when you seal deep
puncture wounds. When this happens, immediately take the out dressing.

For wide puncture wounds, stitches may be necessary. The number of stitches will vary
depending on how wide the wound is. This is important to close up the skin and prevent
harmful bacteria from entering the wound.


For minor cases of puncture wounds, you can apply antibiotics after cleaning the wound.
There are several types of antibiotic ointment or cream available; such as Polysporin or
Neosporin. The cream will help moisten the skin surface and fight off infection. The use of
antibiotics does not contribute to the healing of the wound, however.

Be careful when you use antibiotic creams or ointments since certain individuals are allergic to
them. If sign of rash begins to appear upon using the antibiotic, stop using it.

When to Consult a Doctor

The guidelines above are intended for initial treatment of puncture wounds. Therefore, it is
highly advised to see a doctor if any one of the following conditions appears:

• If the puncture wound is caused by an animal bite. Certain animals carry rabies and you
have to report it to the doctor immediately to be administered with anti-rabies vaccination.

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• Consult your doctor if the bleeding persists even after initial treatment.

• You can take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain relief. But if the pain worsens or
becomes more intense, you should let your doctor take a look at the wound.

• If the wounded area is swollen, red or develops pus and bad odor.


What is a Sprain?

Sprains happen when your ligaments become injured once they are overstretched. Ligaments
are elastic bands that are linked to your bones and responsible for holding joints in place. The
extent of your sprain injury varies depending on if the ligament has suffered from a small tear
or is completely torn apart.

When this happens, symptoms like swelling on the sprained area, pain, and inability to bear
weight on the specific area suffering from the sprain is common. The intensity of the pain is
often an indicator of how severe the injury is. However, self-care is often enough for minor
cases of sprains.

When to Seek Medical Assistance

Although you can perform first aid treatments yourself for sprain injuries, in some cases it
can be so severe that it requires emergency medical assistance. When any of the following
scenarios happen, you must call 911 immediately:

• Whenever a popping sound is produced upon the acquisition of the injury;

• When you lack stability in the specific injured area;

• If the victim is suffering from a fever that is high; it could indicate an infection;

• If the victim is suffering from an intense amount of pain;

• If the injury does not improve after 2-3 days of initial treatment.

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Assessing Extent of Injury

Before attempting to treat a sprain, you must begin by evaluating how serious the injury is.
This will determine what specific treatment you need to perform, as well as safeguarding
yourself to avoid worsening the injury.

You know that the injury is serious if any or a combination of the following is observed:

*snapping sound or indication of a broken bone

*deformities that are visible on the skin surface
*symptoms of hemorrhage
*increased joint laxity on the injured area of the body
*inability to move the injured area
*swelling of the injured area
*discoloration of the injured area

Protecting Injury

Whether the injury is serious or not, you can prevent further damage by protecting it. One way
to do this is by avoiding the use of the specific joint that is affected. You can make a splint to
produce as little movement on the area as possible. For leg sprain injuries, you can also use
crutches to avoid bearing weight on your sprained leg.

Resting Injury

Allowing proper rest and protection of the sprained area of the body is important for fast
recovery. Protecting and resting your injury must go hand in hand. You must avoid using the
specific area of the body that is injured to avoid straining it. If you cannot avoid using it, for
example if your leg or ankle is sprained, then you can find several supporting devices that will
put minimal weight on the injured body part.

Cold Compress

Making an ice pack and using a cold compress on the sprained area of the body is helpful in
numbing the pain. However, it is not advisable to apply ice directly on the skin as it will result
to frostbite. You can wrap the ice in a cloth before applying it to the injury.

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Place the ice pack or cold compress against the injured area for at least 20 minutes. After
that, you will notice the area has numbed and swelling has reduced. If the area has turned
completely numb, stop using the ice pack. Make sure not to use the ice pack for more than
20 minutes. Also, allow at least 20 minutes of break before re-applying another cold compress.
This treatment should proceed for the next 3 days or until symptoms have subsided.

Bandage the Injury

Compressing the injured area is also useful during treatment. You can take an elastic bandage
or wrap to snugly fit into the injured area. Avoid tying the elastic bandage too tightly as it can
cut off the circulation of blood.


To prevent further swelling of the injury, you must raise the injured area. Make sure that the
injured area is elevated above the heart level to drain fluids out of the area and keep it from
swelling. Do this as often as possible during the first 48 hours since the acquisition of injury.

Recovery from Sprains

Most minor cases of sprain enable patients to recover normally. Meaning, they can go back to
their normal everyday activities without signs of the injury. One way to help yourself recover
from the injury is to invite as much movement and circulation into the injured area. If there is
any sign of pain or discomfort, do not push yourself beyond your capabilities.

For major cases of sprain, however, follow up treatment is often required. This will evaluate all
signs of healing to ensure that the injured area has properly healed.

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Causes of Choking or Breathing Problems

Choking happens when a person accidentally lodges a foreign object, such as food, into
their windpipe that results in the obstruction of the air passage. There are different causes of
choking in adults and children. The most common culprit for the latter is food, while children
oftentimes accidentally swallow tiny objects that result in choking. This can be a fatal condition
as the lack of oxygen flow into the brain can result to the stoppage of your vital functions. In
some cases, it can lead to cardiac arrest.

Breathing problems can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or fitness level. People with
asthma are often at risk of developing breathing problems when an allergen triggers an
asthma attack resulting to a collapsed lung. Like choking, breathing difficulties can turn fatal as
it obstructs the vital functions of the body.


The key to providing quick treatment to the victim often lies in the detection of such
problems. Hence, the symptoms of choking and breathing problems are outlined below.


• Universal signs of choking is when someone grabs their throat;

• Difficulty breathing;
• Inability to speak or produce a sound;
• The victim starts to turn blue.

Breathing Problems

• Shallow or deep breathing that is rapid;

• Rapid pulse in the victim;
• The skin has turned blue.

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Treatment for Choking in Adults

Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can treat an adult who is choking:

• Bring the victim into a position that allows the head to become lower than the chest.

• Use the heel of your hand to slap between the victim’s shoulder blades at least 5 times.

• If the object causing the person to choke has not been dislodged, use the abdominal
thrust technique. Have the victim stand up while you circle his waist using your arms. As
your hands meet in the upper part of the person’s abdomen, clasp them together and pull
upwards. Do this process at least five times.

• Still, if the object has not been removed from the victim’s throat, interchange both
techniques of backslaps and abdominal thrusts.

• If at some point during your first aid treatment the victim goes unconscious, call for
immediate medical back up.

Treatment for Choking Babies

When dealing with babies or young children who are choking, you need to take more precise
measures. For your own guidance, here is a complete guide:

• Same with performing choking treatments on adults, you must position the child’s head
lower than the chest.

• As you hold the child’s face down, support their head by using your hand to hold the jaw.

• Again, use the heel of your hands to give the baby five back blows in between the
shoulder blades.

• If this does not eliminate the lodged object, use the chest thrust. Simply turn the child on
their back such that their head is near your knees and in between your thighs.

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• Then, place a couple of fingers on the child’s breastbone. You must then use your fingers to
thrust downward into the child’s chest five times.

• If this still does not work, then you need to call for emergency medical service.

Other Breathing Problems

Aside from choking, there are some other breathing problems that might arise. For instance,
inhaling fumes can range from mild to fatal, depending on the source of fumes and the
individual’s reaction to the fume. Meanwhile, suffocation happens when the entry of air into
the lungs is blocked.

Below are some first aid tips when either you or someone else has suffered from the above
stated condition.

Inhaling Fumes

• Immediately call for medical assistance.

• If the victim is safe enough to be transported from the original position, then find an area
with fresh air. This will help the victim find relief while waiting for emergency medical crew
to arrive.

• In case the victim falls unconscious, check their vital signs and clear the airway of any


• When the victim is unconscious, clear the air passages. Revive breathing and make sure that
there is a pulse.
• Even if the victim of suffocation is conscious and breathing, it is important to seek medical
advice right away.

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Don’ts: Treating Breathing Problems

The sight of someone having breathing problems can trigger panic among witnesses.
Therefore, their initial response is not necessarily helping the victim’s cause. If you are in this
situation, knowing what NOT to do is just as important as knowing WHAT to do to help the
victim avoid further complications.

1. Do not crowd the victim.

2. Do not assume when you administer treatment. Instead, check the vital signs and try to
assess the extent of the problem.
3. Do not administer medications as it exposes the patient to risks of further breathing
problems and allergies.
4. When turning over care of the patient to medical personnel, do not leave without
providing them essential information about the patient, such as symptoms and what other
information might be helpful for their treatment.


Introduction to CPR

Before you go off half cocked and crushing somebody’s chest when the only issue is they are
sleeping as opposed to dying, I highly recommend you get professional training and a CPR

CPR is an acronym, which means Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. It is a life saving method

that is practiced universally as part of an emergency procedure. The aim of performing CPR
is to introduce oxygen back into the bloodstream through artificial respiration. This artificial
respiration is coupled with chest pumping to allow the oxygen to travel throughout the body.

Lack of oxygen in the brain can lead to brain damage, which can cause a person’s death in a
matter of minutes. It is therefore important to revive blood pumping activity in your heart to
ensure that all vital functions of the body keep going.

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When to Perform CPR

Realizing when to perform CPR is just as important as knowing how to perform it. This could
mean the difference between life and death, so you have to think rapidly. Here are important
guidelines you need to know to determine if a patient needs CPR or not:

*If the patient is conscious, no need to perform CPR.

*For unconscious patients, do not perform CPR if they are breathing. If they are not breathing, that is
when you must perform artificial breathing.
*If there is no pulse on the patient, perform CPR.
*When you check the patient’s vital signs and realize that s/he has both pulse and is breathing, there
is no need for CPR.

Important Components of CPR

There are three main components to performing a successful CPR, which is dubbed as ABC as
it literally stands for Airway, Breathing, and Chest Compression. Use this acronym so you can
easily remember the three stages of performing CPR to revive a person during an emergency
situation. It will serve as your guide when checking the vital signs of the patient to determine if
they need CPR or some other means of reviving consciousness (if the victim is unconscious).


To perform CPR, you must always begin by opening the person’s airway. Here are the steps to
do it properly:

• Get the person to lie on his or her back.

• To open the person’s airway, lift their chin gently. As you support the chin using one hand,
tilt the head back using the other hand. By all means, do not perform a jaw thrust to
open the person’s airway as it can cause injuries.

• For victims with spinal or neck injury, use only the chin-tilt technique and avoid pushing
the forehead down.

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• Once you have opened the person’s airway, check for signs of breathing for at least 10
seconds. This should be enough time to assess normal breathing.

• If there are no signs of breathing, you can proceed onto the next stage of CPR - breathing.


Also known as Rescue Breathing, this stage is crucial in regaining breathing patterns in an
individual who has gone unconscious and lost their breathing. Follow the simple steps below:

• Shut the person’s nose using your thumb and forefinger while you maintain the head tilt.
Make sure that your other hand is supporting the chin to keep it tilted.

• Before you perform a rescue breath on the victim, inhale deeply.

• Keep an airtight seal between your mouth and the victim’s mouth as you let out two full
breaths. As you release each breath, it should take about a second and allow the victim’s
chest to rise.

• If you notice that the victim’s chest does not rise when you release your breath into their
mouth, readjust the tilt of the chin and repeat the same procedure again.

Chest Compression

Once you have released two full breaths into the victim, you can now perform chest
compression. Here’s what you need to do:

• Position yourself on the victim’s side, preferably near the chest area.

• Use your middle and forefingers to locate the rib cage’s bottom rims. Then, place the heel
of your hand in the middle of the chest, right between the nipples. Top it with your other
hand that is held in position.

• With your arms straight, press downward into the area where your hands are positioned.
Push hard enough such that you reach about two-thirds of the chest’s entire depth.

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• In between compression, allow relaxation such that the chest goes back to its natural

• An ideal ratio of chest compression should be 30 chest pumps for every two full breaths.
You can do this for about five minutes or until any vital signs are revived.


Let’s be positive for a moment and think amid the situation you are currently facing which we
hope is only short term, you find some kind of respite near a lake or some other water source.
While swimming is a fun activity that you can share with family and friends, you must never let
your guard down to avoid accidents from happening.

One of the things I did while on the Police Department was perform duties as part of the Dive
Unit. It didn’t matter if the subjects were top swimmers or just children…without question
accidents happen in water.

Type of Swimming Accidents

Even for individuals who know how to swim, several swimming accidents and fatalities could
happen. Therefore, it is important to practice safety precautions while enjoying a dip in the
water. Other important information you need to know is that swimming accidents do not only
happen in the ocean. There are also several reported incidents of accidents at the pool, which
sadly involves young children.

*Drowning – This is the most common form of injury or accident that could happen while
swimming. In fact, there are several reported cases of swimming pool drowning accidents involving
young children.

*Diving Injuries – Most pools and other swimming commodities come with slides, diving boards, and
other swimming facilities. However, diving injuries can be fatal without proper safety measures within
the facility.

*Personal Injury – This could be an existing medical condition that can be triggered while the person
is swimming, thus threatening their life and safety.

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*Premises Liability – This is a type of swimming accident or injury that is caused by the lack of safety
measures within the facility that might help prevent such accidents from occurring.

Rescuing a Drowning Victim

This is one of the more serious types of accidents that can happen while swimming.
When trying to rescue a drowning victim, panic could set in and endanger the lives of
both the victim and the rescuer. Hence, you need to act quickly and logically under these
circumstances. Here are basic first aid tips when you observe someone drowning:

• Before heading out to rescue a drowning victim, secure a flotation device (even for those
who can swim). This will help prevent both of you from becoming victims.

• If there are other rescuers available, have someone call for emergency rescue.

• For a conscious victim, hand out a rigid object that is sturdy enough for the victim to grab
and hold on to.

• You can also use a rope and throw it onto the victim for them to grab. You can attach a life
preserver onto the rope and throw it to the victim.

• If there are several other rescuers involved, you can send one to swim towards the victim.
However, it is important to tie a rope around his waist and hold onto at the shore.

Epilepsy and Swimming Accidents

People with epilepsy typically suffer from swimming accidents. Those with tonic seizures are
more in danger due to the possibility of expelling air from the diaphragm in an instant. The
best way to prevent accidents from happening is to try and avoid swimming.

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However, if an epileptic individual does head out for a swim, it is important that the following
conditions are met for added safety:

• Make sure the person is accompanied by a person with knowledge of his/her condition
and must also be a competent swimmer. One person should be enough.

• If possible, swim only in swimming pools with clear water. Avoid going into the deep.

JellyFish Sting Treatment

Jellyfish sting is a common type of swimming accident, particularly when swimming in the
ocean. Another reason why several people who go swimming report jellyfish sting is that they
are virtually invisible and could sneak up on you without notice.

Here are some first aid tips for jellyfish stings:

• Use salt water to rinse the jellyfish tentacles off. Avoid using fresh water for it will only
worsen the pain.

• With a gloved hand or tweezer, remove any remaining tentacles.

• Be sensitive for signs of severe allergic reactions on the victim.

• Vinegar or acetic acid is one of the highly recommended neutralizers for the toxins emitted
by the nematocysts.

• If possible, immobilize the area of sting.

• You can relieve pain by taking ibuprofen or acetaminophen, or by using an ice pack.

First Aid Kit for Swimming Accidents

First aid kits are just as essential and water accidents might require few more items. This will
ensure that you are able to provide immediate assistance if SHTF!

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Here are some of the necessary first aid kit supplies:

• antiseptic
• anti-allergy pills
• bandages
• rescue breather
• cold compress
• cotton
• wound clip
• scissors
• waterproof wound spray

Water Safety Checklist

Prevention is still the best way to keep your children safe while swimming. Safety tips are listed

• Do not allow young kids to swim without adult supervision, even if they already know how
to swim.

• If you cannot look after your children, make sure to keep them as far away from the
poolside as possible to prevent accidental falling or wandering in or being swept by a
rogue wave.

• Always keep a flotation and other safety device handy in case of an accident.


Accidental poisoning is one of the leading causes of death in America. The sad part is that it
often concerns children when they accidentally intake harmful medications. Hence, proper
safekeeping at home is an important step towards preventing such dangers to the health of
your children.

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Dangers of Poisoning

Poisoning happens when an individual is exposed to harmful substances in the body, which
could be caused by medications and other toxic substances that are often found inside your
home. Indeed, poisoning can be caused by a whole variety of substances and even the
medicines you take intentionally. Children are the common victims of accidental poisoning at
home. Therefore, proper safekeeping at home is vital in preventing this from happening.

When an individual is accidentally poisoned, it often targets the digestive and nervous system.
Hence, symptoms can range from disorientation, drowsy feeling, inability to follow movements
with the eye, vomiting, and many other classic signs of poisoning. When any of these signs are
detected, it is important to find medical assistance and administer proper first aid treatment

Preventing Accidental Poisoning

The old saying “prevention is better than cure” holds true in the case of poisoning. Although
there are modern medicines that are able to reverse the conditions caused by poisoning and
cure it effectively, it is better to keep your children away from harm as much as possible.

• If you have chemical products and other hazardous substances at home, keep them out of
the reach of children.

• Store your medicines and chemical products away from food or other food products.

• If you are going to use containers for storing delicate and dangerous substances, label them

• Never take medicines that are outdated and take note of proper dosage instructions.

• Avoid taking medicines in front of children, if possible. Young children are known to imitate
adult behavior. This tip must also go hand in hand with storing medicines properly to keep
them out of children’s reach.

• Always return medicines and chemical substances to their respective storage after using

215 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

First Aid Tips for Different Poisoning Methods

There are several harmful substances that could poison your child, even in your very own
home. So, prevention is a bigger emphasis more than treatment.

However, if your child has already suffered from accidental poisoning, you will need to learn a
few basic and important first aid treatment options to revive your child’s health and save their

Treating Swallowed Poisons

In case your child accidentally swallows poisonous materials, here is what you should do:

• Immediately call the poison center and report the situation if it still exists…if not you are on
your own.

• Avoid forcing your child to vomit, unless advised by a physician whom you called at
the poison center. If you know what was ingested, follow the instructions on the bottle for
treatment. In most cases they will tell you to seek immediate medical attention and
hopefully things have stabilized enough to allow you to do that.

Treating Inhaled Poisons

Poison could also be airborne. Hence, you need to apply a different first aid approach to such
cases when your child or someone else in your family inhales poison accidentally:

• Readily transfer the victim to an area that allows fresh air. If you are really dialled in and have
oxygen then begin to administer to reduce the poisonous effects.

Treating Poisoned Skin

Poison could affect the patient’s skin when an individual comes in direct contact with the
harmful substance. Therefore, you have to know exactly what type of first aid treatment to
administer your child in case this happens.

216 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

• Remove any article of clothing that has been contaminated with poison.

• Using running water, rinse off the poisoned area for about 10 minutes.

Treating Poison in Eyes

In a worst case scenario, the poison can get inside the patient’s eyes. This is more likely to
happen with children due to their curiosity. To avoid further damage from eye poison, you
must follow the first aid tips below:

• Flush running or lukewarm water into the eye of the patient for at least 15 minutes. Ideal
source of water should run about 2-4 inches above the eye.


Cause of Heat Stroke

Heat stroke or heat exhaustion is triggered by excessive amount of perspiration that results
to the loss of salt and other bodily fluids. This condition typically precedes sunstroke and is
accompanied by various conditions such as muscle spasm in the legs, abdomen, and arms.

When these symptoms are manifested, an individual must try to stay out of the sun and find
a way to cool down. As the external temperature rises and the body is incapable of cooling
off, eventually the body temperature will also increase. That is when heat stroke happens and
unless you can find a way to reduce exposure to the sun or high temperatures, heat stroke can
eventually develop into the more fatal sunstroke.

Risk Factors

There are several external factors that can contribute to the possibility of acquiring heat stroke
such as clothing choice, alcohol, and high temperature. However, there are some people who
are at a greater risk than others. They include:

• Young and elderly people

• People suffering from a chronic illness
• People who drink too much alcohol

217 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

• People taking medications that alter body temperature regulation

• People with skin disorders
• People who are engaged in strenuous activities
• People who are naturally incapable of dealing with extreme temperatures

First Aid for Heat Stroke

Here are some of the important initial forms of treatment that can be done with people
suffering from heat stroke:

• The most basic first aid treatment you can administer is an attempt to lower the person’s
body temperature. Hence, you can apply an ice pack or submerge the person in cool water
(if possible).

• If you are away from home or at an outside location, simply wet a clean towel or cloth and
use that to sponge the victim’s body down. Preferably, use cool water to enable the body
temperature to drop quickly.

• If you only have a minimum amount of water to work with, hold the water in the cup of
your hands. Then, place the water on key areas of the victim’s body such as the neck, groin,
and under the arms.

• Raise the person’s feet to invite blood flow to the head.

What is Sunstroke?

Sunstroke is a condition that comes after symptoms of heat exhaustion. Hence, when the
first waves of symptoms are manifested, it is important to get initial care as it can result to

Unlike heat stroke, sunstroke is more fatal and life-threatening. It happens as a result of a failure
in the body’s temperature regulating system after extended exposure to high temperature.
The constant rise in your body temperature makes a deadly combination with the rising
external temperature. Since the body’s temperature regulation system is not functioning, the
body is unable to cool itself off to return to its normal temperature.

218 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

First Aid for Sunstroke

When an individual suffers from sunstroke, it is considered as a medical emergency. Hence,

immediate attention is required as the results could be fatal. When treating sunstroke, your
primary objective is to lower the victim’s body temperature.

Here are some first aid tips for sunstroke:

• In case of sunstroke, you must call for medical assistance right away. Or, you can also take
the victim to the hospital immediately.

• While waiting for emergency medical assistance, take off the victim’s clothing. Then,
immerse the body in cold water. If not possible, simply wet a sheet or towel and sponge it
to the body to cause temperature drop.

• If you are to use ice packs, place it next to the armpits, neck, and groin.

• Invite airflow by fanning the person with any item you can find.

• Move the person into a cool place to freshen the person up.

• If the person is conscious, allow him/her to sip water. In case the person is unconscious,
proceed with external cooling until they are ready to drink.

Hospital Care

Once the victim has been delivered to the hospital, medical officials utilize proper control
measures to regulate the body’s temperature. Proper monitoring of core body temperature is
done to avoid the possibility of developing hypothermia.

In addition to that, patients of sunstroke also undergo blood tests to assess the salt and
electrolyte levels of the body. In case of imbalances detected, fluid therapy is done. Indeed,
observing signs of imbalances in the body’s salt and fluid content is important to avoid
complications such as kidney failure.

219 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


The use of a first aid kit is universally practiced. However, only few realize the importance of
properly stocking your first aid kit. This will ensure that you have quick access to medications
and supplies needed to treat a medical condition. If your first aid kit is unable to do that, then
it defeats the purpose of having one.

You need a kit that is large enough, durable, and easy to open. This will enable your kit to
contain all first aid valuables so you can respond to emergency situations. You also want a kit
with handles to make it easy for you to carry around during travels or family vacations.

Once you have wrote down and gathered all the essential supplies for your first aid kit,
carefully read the first aid manual. This will help you understand how you can use every item
inside the kit. You must try to assemble your first aid kit on your own instead of buying them
from your local drugstore for a more personalized approach at health care and treatment.

Basic First Aid Supplies

With basic first aid supplies, it refers to the items included in your first aid kit for general health
usage. For instance, if either you or someone else is wounded, you will be able to access
materials in your kit that can sanitize and protect a wound to avoid infection. These materials
are also versatile and can be used for a variety of medical emergencies.

• antibiotic ointment
• bandages or elastic wrap
• triangular bandage
• instant cold packs
• gauze pads or roller gauze
• cotton balls
• adhesive tape
• plastic bags
• eye goggles
• safety pins
• tweezers
• needles
• scissors

220 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

• thermometer
• antiseptic solution
• petroleum jelly
• disposable gloves, either latex or synthetic
• soap or hand sanitizer
• First aid manual
• Xstat - (see gunshot wounds below)
• Tourniquet


For people with chronic illnesses or a given medical condition, medications are important to
have in your first aid kit. Even for those without existing medical conditions, carrying generic
medications is advised to provide relief from any form of medical complaints.

• oral antihistamine
• anti-diarrhea medication
• hydrocortisone cream
• aspirin
• other pain relievers
• calamine lotion
• drugs for allergic attack (must be prescribed by your doctor)
• activated charcoal (for accidental poisoning, but must be used with proper instructions from
the poison center)
• medicine cup
• syringe
• spoon

Items for Emergency Purposes

Not that I haven’t harped on this enough already but I am hoping you are getting the idea.
These items are essential when the patient requires emergency medical assistance beyond
first aid. Hence, make sure to stock the following items in your first aid kit:

• cell phone and charger

• list of emergency phone numbers (ex: family doctor, local emergency services, regional poison

221 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

control center, emergency road service providers, etc)

• flashlight
• extra batteries
• emergency blanket
• sunscreen

Checking Your First Aid Kit

Regular check up is important to ensure that the body stays healthy at all times and in the
early detection of possible illnesses. But, you should also do the same with your first aid kit.
There is nothing that would piss me off more than being at the range and someone cutting
themselves or some other small annoyance, then opening the first aid kit to see that it hadn’t
been restocked! This makes it useless.

The ideal frequency for checking your first aid kit is once every three months. This should
be enough time to verify if some of the essential supplies are still in working condition and
whether or not medications have expired.

A first aid course is also essential to prepare you for medical emergencies. Therefore, you will
be able to administer first aid treatment on anyone requiring medical assistance and make full
use of your first aid kit.

Travel First Aid Kit

Most people consider their medicine cabinet at home as their first aid kit. This is where they
store all the basic medicinal and emergency supplies. Indeed, experts advise to have two first
aid kits – one at home, and one in your car for you to have during your travels. This is especially
important when you are heading to a destination where you know there is limited access to
professional health care.

Aside from the benefit of having easy access to first aid supplies, you can also use it on
someone else that might need immediate medical attention. If you have any specific medical
condition, then you need to personalize the supplies in your first aid kit to suit your special

222 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

If possible, create a list of medical personnel in your supposed destination so that you know
who to call in case of serious medical issues that need professional medical supervision.


The fact of the matter is a GSW or gunshot wound is what most believe to be the most violent
of injuries due to the terminal ballistics of the bullet. This is the damage that a bullet causes
upon entering the target. However they can be treated successfully if you take an immediate
and correct approach.

Having said that, it is possible that the severity of the wound will result in death and no matter
what you do at the time, you cannot save the person you are trying to help.

You are not a medical professional in an environment with unlimited resources. All that is asked
is that you do your best and try… that’s it.

In some cases it is similar to combat trauma, where the primary goal is to stop the bleeding
and get the victim to help.

We were all issued a product called Woundstat (a clay based coagulating agent) and a

If a member of my team was shot, we would pour the woundstat granules into the entry
point, stem any bleeding we could and get them out to medical attention ASAP. Follow up
studies have shown that Woundstat isn’t a great solution as some of the granules could be
transported through the bloodstream.

There is a new product you can use called X-Stat which is a large syringe filled with tiny
sponges. They get inserted directly into the wound to stop the bleeding and you can use up
to 3 syringes per patient. I haven’t used them personally however they have been introduced
into the military back in 2015.

A tourniquet is a very good option, however remember that it is temporary and if it is on for
too long you risk losing a limb. This is a great video on how to apply a tourniquet - https://

223 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

So as a basic and rapid response your goal is to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible and
seek medical attention.

The following is a bit more information on the nature of a gunshot wound and how to assess
them which will give you some idea on your initial method of treatment.

Gunshot wounds involve the transfer of energy to a target. The damage that occurs is directly
related to the amount of energy exchanged between the penetrating object and what it
strikes, which relates to the projectile’s mass and velocity.

You should know that bullets are designed with terminal ballistics in mind. That is to say, the
engineers build them to inflict maximum damage upon entry.

Other influencing factors include tissue density, the penetrating object’s frontal area, and the
distance between the weapon and the target.

When a bullet strikes a person, tissue is crushed. The bullet’s forward movement creates
a temporary tunnel that expands to a larger tunnel. The larger tunnel is considered to
be a temporary “cavitation” wave. Tissues in the temporary cavity sustain damage from
compression, deformation and shear.

After a bullet passes through, the temporary cavity recoils to its normal position, but with a
remaining cavitation, called the permanent cavity. Tissue of the permanent cavity may be
damaged and in most cases it cannot be saved. Secondary missiles, such as bullet and bone
fragments, can result in additional damage.

Penetrating mechanisms of injury can be described as low, medium or high velocity. Damage
from low-velocity mechanisms, such as stabbings, is often limited to the structures directly
contacted. Medium-velocity mechanisms, like bullets from most types of handguns, produce
less tissue destruction than high-velocity forces. High-velocity mechanisms include shots from
rifles and larger military weapons.

224 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Bullet design varies. Some are encased with hard “jackets,” typically copper, to prevent the lead
inside from deforming against a target. This promotes deeper penetration. Bullets that deform
or fragment, such as those with soft or hollow points, may ricochet inside the body. Factors
that can influence this include the location of the bullet’s entry and the distance between the
weapon and the victim when the weapon was fired.

Shotguns have shells containing small spherical pellets (shot) or items such as slugs or
flechettes, but they can also be slugs (which are particularly devastating) These contents
spread apart as they leave the barrel, distributing the blast energy over a wider area. At close
range shotgun injuries can be more severe than single bullet injuries. At greater range, the
wider spread and lower velocity of the pellets tend to produce separated and superficial
injuries. Again the exception here is the use of slug ammunition.


Gunshots may create both entrance and exit wounds. Entrance wounds tend to have a round
shape with a surrounding margin of abrasion. Contact wounds occur when a firearm is held
directly against the body, and can include a muzzle imprint and soot or gunshot residue (GSR)
on the skin. Close - or intermediate-range wounds may have a wider zone of powder stippling.
Distant-range wounds tend to lack powder stippling and may have holes roughly equal to the
caliber of the projectile fired.

Exit wounds can have a variety of appearances, including round, oval, slitlike, stellate or
crescent. They may be larger than entrance wounds if the bullet expanded or tumbled on its
axis, but most likely won’t have gunshot residue

Don’t get too hung up on being a forensic pathologist when it comes to determining the
wound type…that’s a vital waste of time.

It is more important to identify and locate wounds and quickly manage the situation and take
the appropriate action.


225 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E


Shooting scenes may range from single victims in your home with assailants no longer
present, to mass-casualty incidents or ongoing crime scenes with active shooters.

BE ALERT! maximize your situational awareness - what’s happened, what’s known…and ensure
your safety because your life and that of your family members may depend on it.


When arriving at the scene, consider the following: Is the scene secure or active? Is law
enforcement present? Has a shooter been caught? How many patients are there? What is their
status? What additional resources are needed? Should ICS be initiated? Should body armor be
donned? (That’s always a yes for me if you have it)

Hostage and active shooter scenarios present unique challenges. Involvement of law
enforcement is essential if it still exists. Your personal safety always takes priority.

Triage your situation and your that of your family members or those on the scene you are
attending. This process can be difficult if you are dealing with multiple casualties and they are
family members.

You are going to work from a scale which is fairly practical. This begins with those who are
obviously dead ranging down to those with what appear to be minor injuries. You can use the
CUPS system, which classifies injuries as C for critical, U for unstable, P for potentially unstable
or S for stable.


When triaging gunshot wound victims, rapid patient assessment to identify life-threatening
injuries is essential. Critical interventions may include airway management, pleural
decompression (more to follow on this because it can get tricky) and pressure for external

You can do this in less than 60 seconds. The acronym ABCDE is useful for rapid assessment.
The components can be accomplished quickly and often simultaneously.

226 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Airway - If the patient’s airway is unstable or at risk, intervention is critical. It may need to be
opened using a manual modified jaw-thrust, especially if cervical spine injury is suspected.
Early airway management can be lifesaving where there has been a gunshot wound to the
neck and an expanding hematoma. In this situation, the airway can become extremely difficult
to manage very quickly.

Breathing - As the patient’s airway is opened, evaluate breathing and respiratory effort
simultaneously. Observe respiratory rate, quality and depth, and note accessory muscle use.
Assess breath sounds as soon as practical.

Circulation - Circulation can be quickly assessed using common pulse locations. Evaluate for
presence, rate, regularity, strength and quality.
The skin can also be used to assess circulation. Skin is normally warm, pink and dry to the
touch. Abnormal findings include skin that is cool, pale, gray and/or moist.

Capillary refill time can be evaluated for a quick assessment of peripheral circulation. This is
checked by squeezing a finger and looking at the nail bed… as you squeeze the finger the
nail bed goes white but will quickly return to pink or red. If the capillary refill is slow i.e. it
doesn’t change back quickly then you know circulation is an issue.

Disability/neurological - Perform a rapid assessment of the patient’s neurological status

as soon as possible. This can be evaluated using the AVPU system (alert, responsive to verbal
stimuli, responsive to painful stimuli, unresponsive).

Expose - Expose the patient to allow rapid visual inspection of the body. This is especially
important with gunshot wound victims, as clothing or other items may cover wounds. Inspect
for external bleeding, abrasions, lacerations, burns, penetrating injuries, bruising and other
abnormal findings.

In a gunshot wound scenario, your ability to reach a patient, perform an initial rapid
assessment, identify obvious external injuries, suspect potential internal injuries and perform
some type of intervention plan within seconds is critical. It’s a TALL order indeed but we are
talking survival and sometimes you have to step up. Consider anyone with a gunshot wound
to the head, neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis or thigh to have a potentially life-threatening injury
until proven otherwise.

227 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Remember - Find Holes Plug Holes!


After performing the initial rapid assessment, if the situation permits you can perform a more
detailed head-to-toe assessment. This should begin with a visual inspection, followed by
hands-on assessment.

Head - When assessing the head, look for possible signs of trauma. While pressing (palpating)
the face and sides and back of the head, feel for skull deformity, or the presence of fluids such
as blood or other tissues. Inspect the nose and ears for deformity and fluids. Check pupils for
size and reaction.

Neck - Neck anatomy includes major blood vessels, airway anatomy, the esophagus, the
cervical spine and the spinal cord. These are the nasty ones and should be considered life
threatening. Begin assessment with visual inspection. Observe for bruising, wounds, or
lacerations. Note the appearance and alignment of the trachea and if the jugular veins appear
normal or distended. When pressing, note deformity or crepitus (crunching sounds) Does the
victim appear to be in respiratory distress?

Chest - Begin with visual inspection and observe the rise and fall of the chest, including
symmetry, presence of bruising, open wounds and bleeding. Make sure the chest is rising and
falling equally because if not, this will indicate other issues.

A penetrating wound to the anterior (front of the body) lateral (side) or posterior (rear) chest
(the back area of the victim), including the armpits, should be considered life-threatening until
proven otherwise. In addition, a gunshot wound to the chest should never be considered
isolated to a single organ or system, so ensure you keep that in mind.

Abdomen - Inspect the abdomen for symmetry, bruising, distension and open wounds.
Abdominal distension may suggest intra-abdominal bleeding (this just means internal
bleeding). When palpating (pressing), begin with gentle and shallow pressure. If the victim is
unconsciously guarding an area there could be internal damage or bleeding.
In a responsive victim, pain, guarding and rebound tenderness (when you push in and let
it bounce back) may indicate abdominal bleeding. In an unresponsive patient, abdominal
distension and bruising may be the only indications of internal bleeding.

228 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Pelvis - Inspect the pelvis for signs including open wounds, bruising, deformity and bleeding.
Press (palpate) for instability. Penetrating wounds to the pelvic area should be assumed to
involve other areas of the body as well until proven otherwise.

Extremities - Evaluate the extremities for wounds, hemorrhage, deformity and mobility. Note
potential circulatory compromise (this means no pulse either from direct injury or hypotension
or from shock) and neurological impairment (inability to sense stimuli - basically they cant feel
what you are doing) Evaluate the extremities’ skin for color, temperature, and bruising.

The symptoms of a gunshot wound will be influenced by numerous factors, including the
type of weapon involved, type of projectile, wound location, organs/systems involved and the
general health of the person you are dealing with.


Your management strategy of gunshot wounds may vary, but as I mentioned we will focus on
supportive care and rapid transport. As an initial step, since any compromise to oxygenated
blood flow through the body will directly affect oxygen delivery, give supplemental oxygen
early. In a survival situation it is unlikely you have the ability to do this, so it is critical you do
what you can to stop the bleeding.

Management of a gunshot wound to the head may include airway management and direct
pressure for external bleeding. Depending on the mechanism and anatomy involved, airway
management may be challenging.

Management of a gunshot wound to the neck will be influenced by numerous factors. The
keys here are to try and control bleeding and manage the airway.

With a gunshot wound to the chest, patient management will depend in part on the
suspected injury, but these are always challenging given the propensity of the bullet to rotate
and tumble through the thoracic cavity. Do your best to treat what you can to stop the
bleeding. One of the big issues is a punctured lung. You may need to cover the wound with a
plastic dressing taped on 3 sides leaving the bottom untaped. This will allow air to escape on
exhale but will adequately seal on inhale. Medical attention is critical at this stage.

229 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

Treatment of a gunshot wound to the abdomen may include bandaging and direct pressure.

Treatment for gunshot wounds to the extremities will vary. With a suspected fracture,
immobilize the patient as best you can. In many cases pain relief will be indicated. Manage
open extremity wounds and external hemorrhage with direct pressure and bandaging.
Anything mid femur or higher could be life-threatening.

Abdominal Anatomy - Location

Left upper quadrant - Spleen, pancreas, stomach, kidney, colon

Right upper quadrant - Liver, gallbladder, pancreas, duodenum, kidney, colon

Right lower quadrant - Appendix, ascending colon, small intestine, ovary, Fallopian tube

Left lower quadrant - Small intestine, descending colon, ovary, Fallopian tube


Injury location

Head - External bleeding, deformity of the head, fluid in the ears/nose

Neck - External bleeding, tracheal shifting, deformity, JVD, tracheal tugging, bruising, crepitus,
raspy voice
Lung - cough, respiratory distress, decreased breath sounds, agitation, shifting of the trachea.
Carotid artery - Decreased LOC (level of consciousness), pulse issues
Esophagus, pharynx - Dysphagia, bloody saliva, sucking neck wound, pain and tenderness
in the neck, crepitus
Abdomen - Bruising, distension, rigidity, external hemorrhage, self-splinting
Pelvis - Bruising, external bleeding, deformity, crepitus
Extremities - Bruising, open wound, external bleeding, crepitus, deformity, little or no pulse,
reduced or absent sensation, delayed capillary refill time

230 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

The bottom line on this section in it’s entirety is that you need to prioritize your health and
where it has been compromised you must rapidly address it. This goes for any situation,
whether or not you are living through an acute or long term emergency.

I remind you emphatically, take some simple steps to prepare yourself and these type of
incidents will be relatively easy to manage.

Final Thoughts

I never believed or considered that I would be writing a manual about preparedness. The
reason is, after my life in the public service both in the Army and as a SWAT Team Leader, I
wrongly assumed that people had this mindset on some level. That people were taking the
steps necessary to ensure they would remain safe in an emergency situation.

I believed that all the work we did on educating people about these topics was having an

However, I was wrong.

The system in place within government organizations does not have the capacity or know
how to educate on a mass level.

Fortunately I do. Having said that, the information I provide is only as good as YOU, the end
user who possesses it.

I would encourage you to bear down and take some steps to be ready at a minimum state of
readiness that will ensure your health and comfort in the event of an incident that threatens
the short or long term well being of you or your family.

Encouraging people to press out of their comfort zone, do the extraordinary and excel, is a
pursuit which gives me immense satisfaction.

231 A L P H A S U R V I VA L G U I D E

In doing so, it is with the most sincere and genuine desire that I hope you will take the
opportunity you are presented with today, and take the necessary steps to be prepared to face

any encounter and STAND APART!


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