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Journal of Statistical Mechanics:

Theory and Experiment

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J ournal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment

Spin operator matrix elements in the

quantum Ising chain: fermion approach

J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P02028

N Iorgov1,2, V Shadura1 and Yu Tykhyy1
1Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev 03680, Ukraine
2Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn 53111, Germany
E-mail:, and

Received 17 December 2010

Accepted 24 January 2011
Published 18 February 2011

Online at

Abstract. Using some modification of the standard fermion technique we derive

factorized formulas for spin operator matrix elements (form factors) between
general eigenstates of the Hamiltonian of the quantum Ising chain in a transverse
field of finite length. The derivation is based on the approach recently used to
derive factorized formulas for ZN -spin operator matrix elements between ground
eigenstates of the Hamiltonian of the ZN -symmetric superintegrable chiral Potts
quantum chain. The obtained factorized formulas for the matrix elements of
the Ising chain coincide with the corresponding expressions obtained by the
separation of variables method.

Keywords: form factors, integrable spin chains (vertex models)

ArXiv ePrint: 1011.2603v1

c IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA 1742-5468/11/P02028+22$33.00
Spin operator matrix elements in the quantum Ising chain


1. Introduction 2
2. The quantum Ising chain 3
2.1. The Hamiltonian of the quantum Ising chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2. Duality transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3. Jordan–Wigner fermion operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.4. Dual Jordan–Wigner fermion operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P02028

3. Spin operator matrix elements between the eigenstates of the
Hamiltonian H0 10
4. Eigenvectors of the quantum Ising chain 13
5. Spin operator matrix elements for the eigenstates of Hamiltonian H 15
6. Conclusions 18
Acknowledgments 18
Appendix A 19
Appendix B 21
References 21

1. Introduction

During the past decade more attention has been drawn to spin matrix elements in finite
Ising systems. Bugrij and Lisovyy in [1, 2] have pointed out that one may write completely
factorized closed expressions for spin matrix elements and a form-factor representation for
the correlation function of the two-dimensional Ising model on a finite lattice. The finite
volume form factors of the spin field in the Ising field theory was derived by Fonseca
and Zamolodchikov [3]. The Bugrij–Lisovyy formula for spin matrix elements on a finite
lattice was proved in [4, 5] by the separation of variables method. We also note that in
a recent paper [6] this formula was derived using an approach based on Clifford algebra
symmetry, suggested in [7, 8].
Using the separation of variables method the factorized formulas for spin operator
matrix elements were obtained for the quantum Ising chain in a transverse field [4, 5] and
for the XY quantum chain [9]. The quantum Ising chain (QIC) is the special case (N = 2)
of the ZN -symmetric superintegrable chiral Potts quantum chain (SCPC) [10]. In the
framework of extended Onsager algebra [11], Baxter conjectured the SCPC-spin matrix
elements for the ground state Onsager sectors [12]. Independently, in the same framework
in [13], these matrix elements were re-obtained, generalized to arbitrary Onsager sectors
and proved. There it was shown that the matrix elements of spin operators between the
eigenvectors of the SCPC Hamiltonian for arbitrary Onsager sectors can be presented in
a factorized form with unknown normalization factors NP Q depending only on Onsager
sectors but not on particular vectors of these sectors. The derivation does not use the

doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2011/02/P02028 2
Spin operator matrix elements in the quantum Ising chain

information on how these Onsager sectors are included in a large quantum space of the
model. But in order to calculate scalar factors NP Q we need such information. Thus,
probably the derivation of these factors will require information on the Bethe-states of
the related τ2 -model and sl(2)-loop algebra symmetries [14]–[18].
In [11] Baxter noted that the calculation of the matrix elements of spin operators
between eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian H = H0 + hH1 is greatly simplified if one starts
from the calculation of the matrix elements of spin operators between eigenvectors of
the Hamiltonian H0 (that is of H at h = 0). In this paper we use a fermion technique
to describe the Onsager sectors of the QIC. To identify the bases of Onsager sectors
in [13] with the fermion bases we diagonalize H0 by means of dual Jordan–Wigner fermion

J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P02028

operators. As in the case of the duality transformation of the 2D Ising model on a
finite lattice [19], the duality transformation for the finite quantum Ising chain requires
consideration of the periodic and antiperiodic boundary conditions in a uniform way
together with a modification of the standard Jordan–Wigner fermions. Then derivation of
the spin matrix elements between the eigenstates of H0 reduces to a Cauchy determinant,
which in turn allows one to extract the factors NP Q = NP0 ,Q0 in an explicit form. In
order to get the spin matrix elements between the eigenstates of H we use a Bogoliubov
transformation of the fermion operators. This transformation of a pair of fermion
operators with opposite momenta is directly related to rotation in a two-dimensional
tensor component of Onsager sectors. The Bogoliubov transformation leads to a sum over
the different pairs of fermions which can be summed to get a factorized formula (79) for
matrix elements of the spin operator between the eigenvectors of H.
This paper is organized as follows: in section 2 we define the Hamiltonian of the QIC
with unified periodic and antiperiodic boundary conditions, duality transformation, as well
as Jordan–Wigner and dual Jordan–Wigner fermions. In section 3 the derivation of matrix
elements of the spin operator between eigenstates of H0 is presented by reducing them to
a Cauchy determinant. This allows us to find the scalar factors NP0 ,Q0 (appendix A). In
section 4 we define the Bogoliubov transformation of fermions and find a relation between
the eigenstates of H0 and H1 . In section 5 we use the results of sections 3 and 4 to
get factorized matrix elements of the spin operator between the eigenstates of H. The
derivation uses a summation formula from appendix B. Section 6 summarizes our results.

2. The quantum Ising chain

2.1. The Hamiltonian of the quantum Ising chain

The quantum Ising chain (QIC) of length L with periodic boundary condition is defined
by the Hamiltonian

H = H0P + hH1P =− σkx σk+1
− σLx σ1x −h σkz . (1)
k=1 k=1

The same model with antiperiodic boundary condition is governed by the Hamiltonian

H = H0A + hH1A =− σkx σk+1
+ σLx σ1x −h σkz . (2)
k=1 k=1

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Spin operator matrix elements in the quantum Ising chain

Both Hamiltonians include a term describing interaction with a transverse magnetic field
of strength h. The space of states of these systems is the L-fold tensor product of two-
dimensional spaces Vj , j = 1, . . . , L: V = V1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ VL . The spin operators
σkα = 1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ 1 ⊗ 
σ α ⊗1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ 1,
where α = x, y, z, k = 1, . . . , L, and σ α are Pauli matrices:
x 0, 1 y 0, −i z 1, 0
σ = , σ = , σ = ,
1, 0 i, 0 0, −1
act non-trivially only on the space Vk in the tensor product V . In order to calculate the

J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P02028

matrix elements of the spin operator σkx in this model it is convenient to consider the
periodic and antiperiodic boundary conditions in a unified formalism. For this aim we
introduce an additional auxiliary two-dimensional space Vb . The space of states becomes
V = Vb ⊗ V1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ VL (3)
and the unified Hamiltonian is
H = H0 + hH1 , (4)

H0 = − σkx σk+1
− σbz σLx σ1x =− σkx σk+1
, H1 = − σkz , (5)
k=1 k=1 k=1

with the following boundary conditions for spin operators

σL+1 = σbz σ1x , z
σL+1 = σ1z , (6)
which can be extended to a ‘quasiperiodic’ condition
σk+L = σbz σkx , z
σk+L = σkz . (7)
In what follows the main object of our consideration is the Hamiltonian (4) acting on
the space (3). The space of states V decomposes into a direct sum V = V P ⊕ V A of
two subspaces V P and V A with eigenvalues +1 and −1 of σbz , respectively. Since σbz
commutes with the Hamiltonian H, these two subspaces are invariant under the action of
H. The restriction of H to these subspaces is H P and H A , respectively. The boundary
conditions (6) become periodic conditions, σL+1 = σ1x , σL+1
= σ1z , or antiperiodic
conditions, σL+1 = −σ1 , σL+1 = σ1 , with respect to the eigenvalue of σbz .
x x z z

The Hamiltonian H also commutes with the Hermitian operator W

W= −σbz σkz . (8)

Since W = 1, the eigenvalues of W are w = ±1 and the space V can be decomposed


into the direct sum V = VNS ⊕ VR of two subspaces VNS and VR corresponding to the
eigenvalues w = −1 and w = +1, respectively. The subspace VNS (resp. VR ) is called the
Neveu–Schwarz sector or NS-sector (resp. Ramond sector or R-sector).
With respect to the eigenvalues of the commuting operators σbz and W, the space of
states V decomposes into the following direct sum:
⊕ VRA ⊕ VRP , (9)

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Spin operator matrix elements in the quantum Ising chain

where, for example, if |Ψ ∈ VNS A

we have W|Ψ = −|Ψ, σbz |Ψ = −|Ψ. Each of these
subspaces has dimension 2 and is invariant under the action of H, H0 and H1 because
they commute with σb and W.
Let us define the translation operator on V
T = 12 (1 + σbz + σ1z − σbz σ1z )T1,2 T2,3 · · · TL−1,L , (10)
where the operator
Tk,k+1 = 12 (1 + σkx σk+1
+ σky σk+1
+ σkz σk+1
swaps the vectors in the spaces Vk and Vk+1 . The translation operator T acts on the local
spin operators as (see also (6))

J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P02028

Tσkz = σk+1
T, Tσkx = σk+1
T, Tσbz = σbz T, Tσbx = σbx σ1z T (11)
and satisfies the relations
TT+ = 1, TL = 12 (1 + σbz + W − σbz W ), T2L = 1, TW = WT.
The QIC possesses generalized translation invariance with respect to T, i.e. [H, T] = 0.
On the subspace V P the operator T turns into standard translation operator.

2.2. Duality transformation

The presence of the matrix σbz in the Hamiltonian (4) results in some modification of
the standard duality transformation of the QIC. We place the dual Pauli matrices σ̃lα ,
l = 1, . . ., L, on the dual chain sites which are located between the neighboring sites of
the original chain, and take the following numbering of dual sites: the dual site l is located
between the sites l and l + 1 of the original chain. We define the dual Pauli matrices by
the following relations:
l L
σ̃lx = σbx σkz , σ̃lz = σlx σl+1
, σ̃1x = σbx σ1z , σ̃Lx = σbx σlz ,
k=1 l=1
σ̃Lz = σbz σ1x σLx , σ̃1z = σ1x σ2x , σ̃bx = σbz σ1x , σ̃bz = σlz .

The inverse duality transformation has the form

σkx = σ̃bx σ̃lz , σkz = x
σ̃k−1 σ̃kx , σLx = σ̃bx σ̃Lz , σ1x = σ̃bx σ̃lz ,
l=k l=1
σLz = σ̃L−1
σ̃Lx , σ1z = σ̃bz σ̃1x σ̃Lx , σbx = σ̃bz σ̃Lx , σbz = σ̃lz .

Duality transformation interchanges H0 and H1 and, in terms of the dual Pauli matrices,
the Hamiltonian H becomes
H = H0 + hH1 = h − σ̃lx σ̃l+1
− h̃ σ̃kz = h H̃0 + h̃H̃1 = hH̃, (14)
l=1 k=1

where h̃ = h−1 and H̃ is the dual Hamiltonian with boundary conditions

σ̃L+1 = σ̃bz σ̃1x , z
σ̃L+1 = σ̃1z . (15)

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Let us define the dual operator W̃ by

W̃ = −σ̃bz σ̃kz .

It satisfies the relation W̃ = W, that is, W is invariant under the duality transformation.

2.3. Jordan–Wigner fermion operators

Usually the first step for diagonalization of the QIC Hamiltonian is the introduction of
the Jordan–Wigner (JW) fermion creation and annihilation operators. In our case they

J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P02028

k−1 k−1
ck = σbx · σlz · σk+ , x
k = σb ·
c+ σlz · σk− , (16)
l=1 l=1

where σk± = (σkx ± iσky )/2. It is easy to verify that JW operators (16) satisfy:
(a) the standard anticommutation relations
{ck , c+
l } = δk,l , {ck , cl } = 0, {c+
k , cl } = 0,
(b) the boundary conditions (we take into account (6) and σL+1 = σbz σ1y )
cL+1 = Wc1 , L+1 = Wc1 ,
c+ +
(c) the ‘quasiperiodic’ conditions
ck+L = Wck , k+L = Wck ,
c+ +
(d) action of the translation operator T consistent with (19)
Tck = ck+1 T, Tc+
k = ck+1 T.
L +
In terms of the fermion number operator Q = k=1 ck ck we have the relations
W= −σbz σkz = −σbz z Q
k ck ) = −σb (−1) ,
exp(iπc+ (21)
k=1 k=1

[W, ck ] = 0, [W, c+
k ] = 0. (22)
The operators H0 and H1 from (5) in terms of the JW fermion operators take the

H0 = − σkx σk+1
=− k − ck )(ck+1 + ck+1 ),
(c+ +
k=1 k=1

H1 = − σkz =2 (c+
k ck − 1
) = k − ck )(ck + ck ).
(c+ +
k=1 k=1 k=1

The last equation implies that the JW fermion operators diagonalize H1 .

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Spin operator matrix elements in the quantum Ising chain

2.4. Dual Jordan–Wigner fermion operators

As discussed in section 1, in order to calculate the spin operator matrix elements in the
QIC we must first solve the auxiliary problem, namely, to calculate the matrix element
in the basis of eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian H0 , which is H at h = 0. In order to
diagonalize H0 it is convenient to define the dual JW fermion creation and annihilation
operators a+
k , ak , k = 1, . . . , L, through the relations

k − ck = −(ak − ak ),
c+ +
c+ +
k+1 + ck+1 = ak + ak (25)
interchanging H0 and H1 given by (23) and (24):

J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P02028

H0 = − (c+
k − ck )(c+
k+1 + ck+1 ) = (a+
k − ak )(a+
k + ak ) = 2 k ak − 2 ),
(a+ 1
k=1 k=1 k=1


k − ck )(ck + ck ) = −
(c+ k+1 − ak+1 )(ak + ak ).
H1 = (a+ +
k=1 k=1

From (25), we have the explicit formulas for the dual JW fermion operators
k+1 + ck+1 + (ck − ck )),
ak = 12 (c+ k = 2 (ck+1 + ck+1 − (ck − ck )). (28)
a+ 1 + +

Also these operators can be written in terms of σkα

k k
1 x
ak = σ
2 b
· σlz · x
(σk+1 − σkx ), a+
k = 1 x
2 b
· σlz · (σk+1
+ σkx ) (29)
l=1 l=1

or in terms of the dual operators σ̃kα

ak = σ̃bx · σ̃lz · σ̃k+ , a+
k = σ̃bx · σ̃lz · σ̃k− , (30)
l=k+1 l=k+1

where σ̃k± = (σ̃kx ± iσ̃ky )/2 and σ̃ky = iσ̃kx σ̃kz .

Due to the linearity of the transformation (28), and using the properties (17)–(22) of
the JW operators c+ l , cl together with (29), a straightforward calculation for the dual JW
operators gives:
(a) the anticommutation relations
l } = δk,l ,
{ak , a+ {ak , al } = 0, {a+
k , al } = 0,
(b) the boundary conditions
aL+1 = Wa1 , L+1 = Wa1 ,
a+ +
(c) the ‘quasiperiodic’ conditions
ak+L = Wak , k+L = Wak ,
a+ +

(d) the commutativity with the operator W = W̃

[W, ak ] = [W, a+
k ] = 0, (34)

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Spin operator matrix elements in the quantum Ising chain

(e) the anticommutativity with the operator σbz

{σbz , ak } = 0, {σbz , a+
k } = 0, (35)

(f) action of the translation operator T consistent with (33)

Tak = ak+1 T, Ta+
k = ak+1 T.
From (34) it follows that the subspaces VNS and VR are invariant with respect to the
action of fermion algebra (31) having a unique irreducible representation—the standard
Fock representation of dimension 2L . Since the dimensions of VNS and VR are also 2L , the
action of the algebra (31) on each of them is irreducible. We will denote the corresponding

J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P02028

vacuum states in the irreducible subspaces VNS and VR by |00,NS and |00,R , respectively.
Using (8) and (29) it is easy to verify that the following two vectors
 (b)  (1)  (L)  (b)  (1)  (L) 
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
|00,NS = (L+1)/2 ··· + ··· , (37)
2 0 1 1 0 −1 −1
 (b)  (1)  (L)  (b)  (1)  (L) 
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
|00,R = (L+1)/2 ··· − ··· (38)
2 0 1 1 0 −1 −1
belonging to V = VNS ⊕ VR = Vb ⊗ V1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ VL satisfy the necessary equations for these
vacuum states:
W|00,NS = −|00,NS, al |00,NS = 0, l = 1, . . . , L,
W|00,R = |00,R , al |00,R = 0, l = 1, . . . , L.
Also we have T|00,NS = |00,NS and T|00,R = |00,R .
Because of (34) we may restrict operators al , a+
l , l = 1, . . . , L, to the Neveu–Schwarz
sector VNS (resp. to the Ramond sector VR ) where W has eigenvalue −1 (resp. +1). The
restricted operators will be denoted fl , fl+ —Neveu–Schwarz fermion operators (resp. dl ,
l —Ramond fermion operators) which due to (32) obey antiperiodic (resp. periodic)
boundary conditions:
fL+l = −fl+ , d+ +
L+l = dl . (39)

The set of the vectors

(f1+ )n1 (f2+ )n2 · · · (fL+ )nL |00,NS, n1 + n2 + nL
1 ) (d2 ) · · · (dL ) |00,R ,
(d+ nk ∈ {0, 1}, (40)

constitute a basis of V = VNS ⊕ VR on which the operator (26) is diagonal.

As was explained in section 2.1, the boundary condition of H and H0 is fixed by
the eigenvalues of the operator σbz . Using (30), one can relate the dual fermion number
operator Q̃ to σbz :
σbz = σ̃lz Q̃
= (−1) , Q̃ = a+
k ak . (41)
l=1 k=1

Hence the states from (40) with an even number of excitations (including the vacuum
states |00,NS and |00,R ) belong to V P and the states with an odd number of excitations
belong to V A .

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Spin operator matrix elements in the quantum Ising chain

Let us define the momentum representation for the dual Jordan–Wigner fermion
operators. It is defined by means of the discrete Fourier transformation:

1  −iq l 1  + iq l
fq = √ fl e , fq+ =√ fl e , (42)
L l=1 L l=1

1  −ip l 1  + ip l
dp = √ dl e , p = √
d+ dl e , (43)
L l=1 L l=1
where in the NS-sector, due to the antiperiodicity condition for the NS-fermion operators

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in (39), the momentum q takes ‘half-integer’ values q = 2π(k + 1/2)/L, k ∈ Z, and in
the R-sector, due to the periodicity condition for the R-fermion operators in (39), the
momentum p takes ‘integer’ values p = 2πk/L, k ∈ Z. All the momenta are defined up to
a multiple of 2π. The set of ‘half-integer’ (resp. ‘integer’) momenta q with −π < q ≤ π
will be denoted Q (resp. P). All the momenta enter Q (resp. P) in pairs (i.e. two different
momenta q, −q ∈ Q) except the momenta 0 and π. The momentum 0 ∈ P, the momentum
π ∈ P if the length L of the chain is even and π ∈ Q if L is odd. In what follows we will
use the basis

|Q0,NS = |q1 , . . . , qm 0,NS = fq+1 fq+2 · · · fq+m |00,NS ∈ VNS , (44)

|P 0,R = |p1 , . . . , pn 0,R = d+
p1 dp2 · · · dpn |00,R ∈ VR
+ +
of V instead of basis (40). These states are labeled by the subsets Q ⊂ Q and P ⊂ P of
excited fermion momenta in the NS-sector and R-sector, respectively. We introduce the
subsets Q+ , Q− , Q0 ⊂ Q as
Q+ = {q ∈ Q |0 < q < π, −q ∈ Q}, Q− = {q ∈ Q | − π < q < 0, −q ∈ Q},
Q0 = Q\(Q+ ∪ Q− ) and the subsets Q̄+ , Q̄− , Q̄0 ⊂ Q̄ = Q\Q by similar formulas with the
replacement Q → Q̄. The cardinality of the sets Q, Q+ , etc are m, m+ , etc, respectively.
We also will use the sets Q+ = Q+ ∪ Q̄+ , Q0 = Q0 ∪ Q̄0 , Q− = Q− ∪ Q̄− . Analogously we
introduce the subsets P , P+ , etc of P which have the cardinality n, n+ , etc and the sets
P+ = P+ ∪ P̄+ , P0 = P0 ∪ P̄0 , P− = P− ∪ P̄− . We have the relations
L = m + m̄ = n + n̄, m = 2m+ + m0 , m̄ = 2m̄+ + m̄0 ,
n = 2n+ + n0 , n̄ = 2n̄+ + n̄0 .
Formulas (42) and (43) imply that the translation operator T acts diagonally on
fermion operators in the momentum representation:
Tfq = eiq fq T, Tfq+ = e−iq fq+ T, Tdp = eip dp T, Td+
p = e
−ip +
dp T. (46)
Using (26) and (27) we can rewrite restrictions of H0 and H1 on the NS-and R-sectors in
terms of the dual Jordan–Wigner fermion operators in the momentum representation:
H0 = (2a+
q aq − 1), H 1 = ((1 − 2a+ + +
q aq ) cos q + i(aq a−q + aq a−q ) sin q), (47)
q q

where for the NS-sector aq = fq , q ∈ Q, and for the R-sector aq = dq , q ∈ P. In what

follows we will often use the same notations H, H0 and H1 for the restrictions of the
corresponding Hamiltonians (4) and (5) to the subspaces VNS and VR .

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For convenience, we will use the following ordering of the momenta in the state
|Q0,NS = |q1 , q2 , . . . , qm 0,NS : from the beginning the pairs (−q, q), for q ∈ Q+ , go in
sequence and then q ∈ Q0 go in sequence in an order fixed over all this paper. Such an
ordering defines the sign of |Q0,NS uniquely. Analogously we define the ordering of the
momenta for |P 0,R . It is obvious that the sets Q+ , Q0 and P+ , P0 completely characterize
the states |Q0,NS and |P 0,R . Hence we can use the following notations:
|Q+ , Q0 0,NS = |Q0,NS, |P+ , P0 0,R = |P 0,R . (48)

The operators H0 and H1 generate Onsager algebra. From (47) it follows that the space
VQ0 ⊂ VNS of all the states with the same fixed Q0 is invariant with respect to the action of

J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P02028

H0 and H1 and in fact it is space of an irreducible representation of this Onsager algebra.
The basis vectors in VQ0 are labeled by the sets Q+ and the dimension of VQ0 is 2|Q+| .
The space VQ0 can be identified with the tensor product of |Q+ | two-dimensional spaces
with each tensor component labeled by q ∈ Q+ . To vector i−m+ |Q+ , Q0 0,NS we put in
correspondence the tensor product of two-dimensional vectors in each tensor component:
(1, 0)T if q ∈ Q̄+ and (0, 1)T if q ∈ Q+ . Then from (47) it follows that in the basis of
vectors i−m+ |Q+ , Q0 0,NS with the above-mentioned identification of bases the Hamiltonian
H has the form of equation (10) from [13]. We have an analogous situation for Onsager
sector VP0 ⊂ VR .
Finally, we list the number of Onsager sectors: in NS-sector we have 3L/2 (resp. 2 ×
3(L−1)/2 ) Onsager sectors for even L (resp. odd L), in R-sector we have 4 × 3(L−2)/2
(resp. 2 × 3(L−1)/2 ) Onsager sectors for even L (resp. odd L).

3. Spin operator matrix elements between the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian H0

In this section we will find the matrix elements of the spin operator σ1x between
eigenstates (44) and (45) of H0 . The relation Wσ1x = −σ1x W gives that the action of
σ1x swaps two eigenvalues ±1 of W, that is the operator σ1x maps VNS to VR and vice versa.
The operator σ1x commutes with H0 from (5) and therefore, due to (26), it commutes
with the dual fermion number operator Q̃ from (41). Hence the action of σ1x conserves
the number of excitations. In particular, it should map |00,NS to a vector proportional to
|00,R . Using explicit formulas (37) and (38) we get
|00,R = σ1x |00,NS , |00,NS = σ1x |00,R . (49)

Using (29) we get the commutation relations

ak σ1x + σ1x ak = 0, a+ x x +
k σ1 + σ1 ak = 0, k = 1, 2, . . . , L,
σ1x dk σ1x = −fk , σ1x d+ x
k σ1 = −fk
k = 1, 2, . . . , L,

which give after Fourier transformations (42) and (43)

1  1   i(q−p) k 2 1
σ1x dp σ1x = − √ fk e−ip k = − fq e = fq , (51)
L k L k q L q 1 − ei(p−q)

1  + ip k 1   + −i(q−p) k 2 + 1
σ1x d+ σ
p 1
= − √ fk e = − fq e = fq , (52)
L k L k q L q 1 − e−i(p−q)

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Spin operator matrix elements in the quantum Ising chain

allowing the calculation of the matrix elements 0,R P |σ1x|Q0,NS of the spin operator σ1x
between vectors (44) and (45). Since σ1x conserves the number of excitations, the non-zero
matrix elements will appear only if n = m:

0,R p1 , . . . , pn |σ1x |q1 , . . . , qm 0,NS = 0,R 0|dpn · · · dp2 dp1 σ1x fq+1 fq+2 · · · fq+m |00,NS
2 1 x
0,R 0|dpn dpm−1 · · · dp2 σ1 fq fq1 fq2 · · · fqm |00,NS
+ + +
L q∈Q 1 − e −i(q−p 1 )

2  (−1)k−1
x +
0,R 0|dpm · · · dp2 σ1 fq1 · · · fqk−1 fqk+1 · · · fqm |00,NS .
+ + +
= δn,m
L 1 − e−i(qk −p1 )

J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P02028

Taking into account 0,R 0|σ1x |00,NS = 1, which follows from (49), we see that we get a
recurrence relation for the expansion of the determinant
⎛ ⎞
A1,1 , A1,2 , · · · , A1,m
x + + ⎜ A2,1 , A2,2 , · · · , A2,m ⎟
0,R 0|dpm · · · dp2 dp1 σ1 fq1 fq2 · · · fqm |00,NS = δn,m det ⎝
··· ⎠
, (53)
···, ···, ···,
Am,1 , Am,2 , · · · , Am,m

with the matrix elements

2 1 2 eiqj
Ai,j = = , (54)
L 1 − ei(pi −qj ) L eiqj − eipi

with respect to first row. It is a variant of the Wick theorem with two-particle pairing
given by Ai,j . The determinant (53) can be transformed to the Cauchy determinant, for
which we have
1 1≤i<j≤n (xj − xi )(yi − yj )
det = n .
xi − yj 1≤i,j≤n i,j=1 (xi − yj )

Introducing the variables xj = eiqj , yi = eipi we get

0,R P |σ1x |Q0,NS = 0,R p1 , p2 , . . . , pm |σ1x |q1 , q2 , . . . , qm 0,NS

 m m  iqi  m  ip  m iq
2 i<j e − eiqj
e i
− eipj
j=1 e

= δn,m (−1)m(m−1)/2 m i<j iqi − eipj )

. (55)
L i,j (e

Note that we use the momenta ordering described at the end of section 2. The final
formula for the matrix elements (79) will not depend on this ordering.
Using a quite different approach, starting from Baxter’s spin operator extended
Onsager algebra [11], the matrix elements of the spin operator up to unknown constants
NP0 ,Q0 depending only on Onsager sectors have been obtained in [13]:

0,R P |σ1x |Q0,NS = 0,R P+ , P0 |σ1x |Q+ , Q0 0,NS = i(n0 −m0 )/2 δ2|I|,L−m0 −n̄0 NP0 ,Q0

(−1)n+ α∈I¯ tan α2
×     , (56)
β∈I¯(cos β − 1) β∈I¯(cos α − cos β)
σ τ
α∈I (cos α + 1) α∈I

doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2011/02/P02028 11
Spin operator matrix elements in the quantum Ising chain


I = Q+ ∪ P̄+ , I¯ = P+ ∪ Q̄+ , |I| = m+ + n̄+ ,

L = 2m+ + 2m̄+ + m0 + m̄0 , 2|I| − L + n̄0 + m0 = m − n, (57)
2τ = −P0,0 + P̄0,0 + Q0,0 − Q̄0,0 + 1, 2σ = −Q0,π + Q̄0,π + P0,π − P̄0,π + 1,
1, 0 ∈ P0 1, π ∈ P0
P0,0 = P0,π =
0, 0 ∈ P0 , 0, π ∈ P0 ,
1, 0 ∈ P̄0 1, π ∈ P̄0

J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P02028

P̄0,0 = P̄0,π =
0, 0 ∈ P̄0 , 0, π ∈ P̄0 .

The functions Q0,0 , Q0,π , Q̄0,0 , Q̄0,π are defined similarly. Note that we always have
Q0,0 = Q̄0,0 = 0, but we include them for uniformity. From (57) it follows that
σ, τ ∈ {0, 1}. Also we used δm,n = δm0 −n0 ,2(n+ −m+ ) = δ2|I|,L−m0 −n̄0 .
Formula (55) fixes NP0 ,Q0 in (56) uniquely. The identity (A.1) at n = m from the
appendix A has the same form as (56). In appendix A it is shown that the constant
NP0 ,Q0 does not depend on the sets P+ and Q+ (even for n = m). It allows one to find
this constant in different equivalent forms and we extract it from (A.1) for corresponding
choices of P+ and Q+ . One possible expression for NP0 ,Q0 corresponding to empty P+ and
Q+ is given by
 (m0 +n0 )/2
(mod 2) 2
NP0 ,Q0 = δm0 −n0 ,0 N−0 N2 Ne AP0 ,Q0
× (cos q − 1)τ (cos p + 1)σ (cos p − cos q),
tan(q/2) q∈Q p∈P p∈P q∈Q+
+ + + +


where δm0 −n0 ,0 = ((−1)n0 −m0 + 1)/2,

(mod 2)

N−0 = (−1)n0 (n0 −1)/2 (−1)(m0 −n0 )(m0 −n0 −2)/8 (−1)(L−m0 −n̄0 )(n0 −m0 )/4 ,
2 /4
N2 = 2−(n0 −m0 ) , Ne = eip(m0 −n0 )/2 e−iq(m0 −n0 −2)/2 ,
p∈P0 q∈Q0
p<p ∈P0 (e
−e ) q<q  ∈Q0 (e
− eiq )
AP0 ,Q0 =   .
p∈P0 q∈Q0 (eiq − eip )
This expression does not explicitly depend on particular vectors of the Onsager sectors.
This expression for NP0 ,Q0 will not be used for the calculations in this paper. Another
more useful equivalent expression for NP0 ,Q0 is given by (77). Now we can substitute
the obtained NP0 ,Q0 into the formulas of sections 4.2 and 4.3 of [13] (they correspond to
formula (76) of present paper) and obtain, after some regrouping of factors, the factorized
matrix elements of the spin operator between eigenvectors of H. Instead of this direct
way we choose a longer, but self-contained presentation of the results and show also
that the rotations in representations of the Onsager algebra correspond to Bogoliubov
transformations of pairs of fermions with opposite momenta.

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Spin operator matrix elements in the quantum Ising chain

4. Eigenvectors of the quantum Ising chain

Using (47) we can rewrite the initial Hamiltonian H = H0 + hH1 in terms of the dual
Jordan–Wigner fermion operators in the momentum representation:

q aq − 1)(1 − h cos q) + i(aq a−q + aq a−q )h sin q),
((2a+ + +
H= (60)

where for the NS-sector aq = fq , q ∈ Q, and for the R-sector aq = dq , q ∈ P. For

0 ≤ q ≤ π, define new fermion operators, obtained from the previous ones by a Bogoliubov

J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P02028

bq = cq aq + isq a+ q = cq aq − isq a−q ,
b+ +
−q ,
b−q = cq a−q − isq a+
q , b+ +
−q = cq a−q + isq aq .

They diagonalize the Hamiltonian (60)

q bq − 2 ),
εq (b+ 1
H=2 (61)

where in the ferromagnetic regime, 0 ≤ h < 1, we have

εq = 1 + h2 − 2h cos q, ε0 = 1 − h, επ = 1 + h, (62)
θq  θq  h sin q
cq = cos , sq = sin  ,
 tan θq = . (63)
2 2 1 − h cos q

Note that cq and sq can be represented in the form

(επ + εq )(ε0 + εq ) 1
cq (εq , h) = , sq (εq , h) = (επ − εq )(εq − ε0 )εq .
4εq 2εq
Formally we have
cq (−εq , h) = sq (εq , h), sq (−εq , h) = −cq (εq , h). (64)
The vacuum states |0NS and |0R for the Hamiltonian H in the NS- and R-sector are

|0NS = + +
(cq + isq f−q fq )|00,NS, |0R = (cq + isq d+ +
−q dq )|00,R , (65)
0<q<π 0<q<π

where |00,NS and |00,R are the vacuum states of the Hamiltonian H0 in the corresponding
sectors. It is easy to show that for both sectors the following relations are fulfilled:
bq |0 = 0 and
q cq + isq a−q aq |00 = aq |00 ,
b+ −q bq cq + isq a−q aq |00 = (cq a−q aq + isq )|00 .
+ + +
b+ + + + + +

As in the case of the eigenvectors of H0 we will label the eigenvectors of H by the
same type of sets of momenta and use the same ordering. For example, in the NS-sector
the vectors are labeled by a set Q of momenta:
|QNS = |q1 , . . . , qm NS = b+
q1 bq2 · · · bqm |0NS ∈ VNS
+ +

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or by two sets Q+ and Q0 with the following ordering of the momenta in the state:
 + +  −→ +
|q1 , q2 , . . . , qm NS = |QNS = |Q+ , Q0 NS = b−q bq bq |0NS.
q∈Q+ q∈Q0

The formulas (46) for the action of the translation operator together with the formulas
for the Bogoliubov transformation imply
−iq +
Tbq = eiq bq T, Tb+
q = e bq T
and therefore  
T|QNS = e−i q∈Q q
|QNS , NS Q|T = NS Q|e−i q∈Q q
. (67)

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The formulas (65) and (66) allow one to find explicit expressions for the eigenvectors
of H as linear combinations of the eigenvectors of H0 :
|Q+ , Q0 NS = (cq a+ +
−q aq + isq ) (cq + isq a+ +
−q aq ) q |00,NS .
a+ (68)
q∈Q+ q∈Q̄+ q∈Q0

It is convenient to introduce the notations: ε(q) = εq if q ∈ Q+ and ε(q) = −εq if q ∈ Q̄+ ,

(επ + ε(q))(ε0 + ε(q)) 1 
α(q) = , β(q) = (επ − ε(q))(ε(q) − ε0 )ε(q). (69)
4ε(q) 2ε(q)
The formulas (64) give
α(q) = cq , β(q) = sq if q ∈ Q+ ;
α(q) = sq , β(q) = −cq if q ∈ Q̄+ ,
which allow one to present the products over Q+ and Q̄+ in (68) uniformly:
|Q+ , Q0 NS = i α(q)a+ +
−q aq + iβ(q) q |00,NS
q∈Q+ q∈Q0

= im+ (−1)m̄+ i β(q) α(q) |Q+ , Q0 0,NS , (70)
Q+ ⊂Q+ q∈Q̄+ q∈Q+

|Q+ , Q0 0,NS = (a+ +
−q aq ) q |00,NS .
q∈Q+ q∈Q0

It means that the eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian H in a given Onsager sector VQ0 can
be represented as linear combinations of the eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian H0 from the
same Onsager sector.
Similarly to (70) the eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian H from the R-sector are
|P+ , P0 R = in+ (−1)n̄+ i−n+ β(p) α(p)|P+ , P0 0,R , (71)
+ p∈P̄+

|P+ , P0 0,R = (a+ +
−p ap ) p |00,R .

p∈P+ p∈P0

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Spin operator matrix elements in the quantum Ising chain

5. Spin operator matrix elements for the eigenstates of Hamiltonian H

For calculation of the matrix element R P |σ1x |QNS we use the expressions (70)
and (71) for the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian H and (56) for the matrix element
0,R P0 , P+ |σ1 |Q+ , Q0 0,NS . In order to obtain the factorized formula for the matrix
elements R P |σ1 |QNS we need to make summation over the eigenstates of H0 labeled
by the sets Q+ and P+ . For the summation, we will do some algebraic transformations
that will allow us to use the summation formula from appendix B:
x m+ −n+
R P0 , P+ |σ1 |Q+ , Q0 NS = i (−1)n̄+ +m̄+ in+ −m+
Q+ ⊂Q+ P+

J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P02028


× β(p) β(q) α(p) α(q) · 0,R P0 , P+ |σ1x |Q+ , Q0 0,NS

p∈P̄+ q∈Q̄+ p∈P+
= im+ −n+ (−1)n̄+ +m̄+ NP0 ,Q0 δ|I  |,μ
Q+ ⊂Q+  ⊂P
P+ +

−α(p) p β(q) q
× β(p) α(q) tan tan
p∈P+ q∈Q+ 
β(p) 2 α(q) 2
p∈P+ q∈Q̄+

×    ,
1)σ y∈I¯ (cos y − 1) x∈I  ,y∈I¯ (cos x − cos y)
x∈I  (cos x +
where I  = Q+ ∪ P̄+ , I¯ = P+ ∪ Q̄+ ,
μ = 12 (L − m0 − n̄0 ), μ̄ = 12 (L − n0 − m̄0 ). (72)
The following relations will be useful in what follows:
m−n ¯ = μ̄ + n − m ,
τ + μ = σ + μ̄, |I| = μ + , |I| (73)
2 2
where definitions of σ and τ are given by (57). Using the relations

  ε(p)2 − ε20 α(p)  p  ε0 + ε(p) β(q)  q  ε0 − ε(q)
tan  = , tan  = , − tan =
2 ε2π − ε(p)2 β(p) 2 επ − ε(p) α(q) 2 επ + ε(q)
ε2π − ε(x)2 ε20 − ε(x)2 ε(y)2 − ε(x)2
cos x + 1 = , cos x − 1 = , cos x − cos y = ,
2h 2h 2h
in the expression for the matrix element we get
R P0 , P+ |σ1x |Q+ , Q0 NS = im+ −n+ (−1)n̄+ +m̄+ +μ̄ NP0 ,Q0 β(p) α(q)
p∈P+ q∈Q+
 ε0 + ε(p) ε0 − ε(q)
× δ|I  |,μ
P+ ,Q+ 
επ − ε(p) επ + ε(q)
p∈P+ q∈Q̄+
 ¯  ¯
(2h)σ|I |+τ |I |+|I ||I |
×    .
x∈I  (επ − ε(x)2 ) σ
y∈I  (ε 2
0 − ε(y) 2 )τ
x∈I  ,y∈I¯ (ε(y) − ε(x) )
2 2

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Spin operator matrix elements in the quantum Ising chain

In the terms of the notations

γp = −ε(p), if p ∈ P+ , γq = ε(q), if q ∈ Q+ ,
we have
R P0 , P+ |σ1x |Q+ , Q0 NS
(2h)σμ+τ μ̄+μμ̄
= im+ −n+ (−1)n̄+ +m̄+ +μ̄ NP0 ,Q0  β(p) α(q)
x∈P+ ∪Q+ (επ − γx )
2 2 σ
p∈P+ q∈Q+
(επ − γy ) (ε0 − γy ) 1−τ
× δ|I  |,μ · .

J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P02028

x∈I  ,y∈I¯ (γy − γx )
(επ + γy ) (ε0 + γy ) τ 2 2
I  ⊂P+ ∪Q+ y∈I¯

Now we make summation over I  by means of the following formula from appendix B:
 (επ − γy )σ (ε0 − γy )1−τ 1
δ|I |,μ ·
x∈I  ,y∈I¯ (γy − γx )
(επ + γy ) (ε0 + γy ) τ 2 2
I  ⊂P+ ∪Q+ ¯y∈I

2min(μ,μ̄) (−1)μ(μ+1)/2 (−1)σ(1−τ )

= 1−σ (ε + γ )τ
x∈P+ ∪Q+ (επ + γx ) 0 x x<y∈P+ ∪Q+ (γx + γy )

where min(μ, μ̄) = (μ + μ̄ − |μ − μ̄|)/2 = (|I| + |I|

¯ − |σ − τ |)/2. As a result we obtain

x m+ −n+ n̄+ +m̄+ +μ̄ (2h)σμ+τ μ̄+μμ̄

R P0 , P+ |σ1 |Q+ , Q0 NS =i (−1) NP0 ,Q0 
x∈P+ ∪Q+ (επ − γx )
2 2 σ

× β(p) α(q)
p∈P+ q∈Q+
2(|I|+|I|−|σ−τ |)/2 (−1)μ(μ+1)/2 (−1)σ(1−τ )
×  1−σ (ε + γ )τ
x∈P+ ∪Q+ (επ + γx ) 0 x x<y∈P+ ∪Q+ (γx + γy )

Using the relations (69), (72), (73) and γα = εα for α ∈ I, γβ = −εβ for β ∈ I¯ we get

R P0 , P+ |σ1x |Q+ , Q0 NS = im+ −n+ (2h)σμ+τ μ̄+μμ̄ NP0 ,Q0 M−

(επ + εα )(εα + ε0 ) (επ − εβ )(εβ − ε0 )
× 2−|σ−τ |/2
2εα ¯
α∈I (επ + εα )(επ − εα
+ εα β∈I¯(επ − εβ )(επ + εβ ) (−εβ + ε0 )
)σ (ε 0 )τσ τ

×     , (76)
α<α ∈I (εα + εα ) β<β  ∈I¯(−εβ − εβ  ) α∈I β∈I¯(εα − εβ )

M− = (−1)m̄+ +μ̄+μ(μ+1)/2+σ(1−τ ) .
As was discussed before (59), we can choose the coefficient NP0 ,Q0 in many different forms,
extracting it from (A.1) of appendix A for different choices of P+ and Q+ (even for n = m).
Here we need such an expression for NP0 ,Q0 , which follows from (A.1) with P+ and Q+ as

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Spin operator matrix elements in the quantum Ising chain

in (76):
2 2
δm0 −n0 ,0 in+ −m+ 2−(n−m) /4 e−iq(m−n−2)/2 AP,Q
(mod 2)
NP0 ,Q0 = N− eip(m−n)/2
L p∈P q∈Q
0 0

× (−1)n+ (cos β − 1)τ (cos α + 1)σ (cos α − cos β),
tan(β/2) α∈I α∈I β∈I¯
¯ β∈I¯

J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P02028

p<p ∈P (eip − eip ) q<q  ∈Q (e
− eiq )
AP,Q =   ,
q∈Q p∈P (eiq − eip )
N− = (−1) (−1) (m−n)(m−n−2)/8
(−1)(L−m0 −n̄0 )(n−m)/4 .
Then using (75) and 2−|σ−τ |/2 = 2−1/4 (ε0 +επ )(1−2σ)(1−2τ )/4 , which follows from σ, τ ∈ {0, 1}
and ε0 = 1 − h, επ = 1 + h, we get
x 2 2
(−1)n(n−1)/2 (−1)(n−m)/2 h(n−m) /4
(mod 2)
R P0 , P+ |σ1 |Q+ , Q0 NS = δm−n,0
× eip(m−n)/2 e−iq(m−n−2)/2 AP,Q 2−1/4 (ε0 + επ )(1−2σ)(1−2τ )/4
p∈P q∈Q
(επ + εα )(εα + ε0 ) 1
2εα 2εβ (επ + εβ )(εβ + ε0 )
 τ 1−σ

β∈I¯(ε0 + εβ ) (επ + εβ ) α∈I,β∈I¯(εα + εβ )
×  1−σ (ε + ε )τ
α∈I (ε π + ε α ) 0 α 
α<α ∈I (ε α + ε α)
β<β  ∈I¯(εβ + εβ  )

where we also extended the products over P0 and Q0 of the exponents of momenta to P
and Q, respectively, since it means addition of pairs of opposite momenta. Regrouping
factors with respect to the sets U = Q+ P̄ = Q+ + Q− + Q0 + P̄+ + P̄− + P̄0 and Ū = P + Q̄
we obtain
x 2 2
(−1)n(n−1)/2+(n−m)/2 h(n−m) /4 AP,Q
(mod 2)
R P0 , P+ |σ1 |Q+ , Q0 NS= δm−n,0
(ε 0 ε π ) α∈U,β∈Ū (εα + εβ )
× eip(m−n)/2
e  1/8
p∈P q∈Q α,α ∈U (εα + εα ) β,β  ∈Ū (εβ + εβ  )

To prove this formula we have to compare the exponents of (εα + εβ ) for all α and β in the
former and latter expressions and to use definitions (57) of σ and τ . Now we rewrite the
products over the sets U and Ū as products over the sets P , Q, P̄ , Q̄. Finally we exclude
the products over the sets P̄ , Q̄ supplementing them to be the products over all the sets
of momenta in the first Brillouin zone Q = Q ∪ Q̄ for the NS-sector and P = P ∪ P̄ for
the R-sector. It gives the factorized formula for the matrix element of the spin operator

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Spin operator matrix elements in the quantum Ising chain

σ1x [4]:

R P |σ1x |QNS = R p1 , p2 , . . . , pn |σ1x |q1 , q2 , . . . , qm NS

= δm−n,0 i−(n+m)/2 (−1)n(n−1)/2 e−ip/2
(mod 2)
p∈P q∈Q
2 2
 eη(q)/2 e−η(p)/2
× h(m−n) /4 ξ ξT  
L q∈Q
2ε q p∈P
2 sin(q − q  )/2 2 sin(p − p )/2
εq + εq  εp + εp

J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P02028

q<q  ∈Q p<p ∈P
εq + εp
× , (79)
q∈Q p∈P
2 sin(q − p)/2

where εα is given by (62) and ξ = (1 − h2 )1/4 ,


q∈Q p∈P (εq + εp ) η(α) q  ∈Q (εα + εq  )
ξT =  1/4
, e = .
q,q  ∈Q (εq + εq  ) p,p ∈P (εp + εp ) p ∈P (εα + εp )

Matrix elements with even (resp. odd) n and m correspond to the Hamiltonian (1) for the
periodic boundary condition (resp. (2) for the antiperiodic boundary condition).
Let us comment on the modification of the formula (79) in the case of the matrix
elements of the spin operator σkx . From (67) and similar formula for the R-sector and also
from (11) we obtain
q− p)
R P |σkx |QNS = R P |T k−1σ1x T −k+1|QNS = ei(k−1)( q∈Q p∈P
R P |σ1x |QNS .

6. Conclusions

In [13], using Baxter’s extension of the Onsager algebra, the factorized expressions for
the spin operator matrix elements between the eigenstates of Hamiltonians of the finite
length superintegrable ZN -symmetric chiral Potts quantum chain (SCPS) were found up to
unknown scalar factors for any pair of the Onsager sectors. In this paper we have derived
the exact expression (59) for these factors for the quantum Ising chain in a transverse field
(N = 2 SCPC-model). This derivation uses some modification of the standard fermion
technique [20]. In the first stage we diagonalized the Hamiltonian H0 (5) by means of the
dual Jordan–Wigner fermion operators and calculated the spin matrix elements between
eigenstates of H0 , then after the Bogoliubov transformation we obtained the factorized
formulas for the spin matrix elements between eigenvectors of H using the summation
formula (appendix B). It is natural to expect that the fermion technique used in this
paper can be applied to calculation of the spin matrix elements in more general free
fermion models, for example, in the N = 2 Baxter–Bazhanov–Stroganov model [21, 5, 22].
We will address this problem in a forthcoming paper.

We thank G von Gehlen, O Lisovyy, S Pakuliak for useful discussions. This work was
supported by the Program of Fundamental Research of the Physics and Astronomy

doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2011/02/P02028 18
Spin operator matrix elements in the quantum Ising chain

Division of the NAS of Ukraine, the Ukrainian FRSF grants Φ28.2/083 and Φ29.1/028,
by the French–Ukrainian program Dnipro M17-2009 and the joint project PICS of CNRS
and NAS of Ukraine. NI is grateful to Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik for kind

Appendix A

In this appendix we prove the following trigonometric identity for the momenta of the
quantum Ising chain. We will use the definitions from section 2.4 for different sets of
momenta. Supposing that m = |Q|, n = |P |, m0 = |Q0 | and n0 = |P0 | have equal parity,

J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P02028

we claim that
 iq   −(n+m)/2
p<p ∈P (e − e ) q<q  ∈Q (e − e )
ip iq
AP,Q :=   (mod 2)
= δm0 −n0 ,0
p∈P (e − e )
iq ip L
2 /4
× i(n0 −m0 )/2 i(m−n)/2 2(n−m) eip(n−m)/2 eiq(m−n−2)/2
p∈P0 q∈Q0
(−1) β∈I¯ tan 2
× N− NP0 ,Q0    ,
β∈I¯(cos β − 1) α∈I,β∈I¯(cos α − cos β)
σ τ
α∈I (cos α + 1)
with I = Q+ ∪ P̄+ , I¯ = P+ ∪ Q̄+ , δm0 −n0 ,0 = ((−1)n0 −m0 + 1)/2,
(mod 2)

N− = (−1)n(n−1)/2+(m−n)(m−n−2)/8+(L−m0 −n̄0 )(n−m)/4 ,

and the coefficient NP0 ,Q0 not depending on P+ and Q+ (or equivalently not depending
on I). In the main text we use this formula for different choices of P+ and Q+ , namely, as
labels of eigenvectors of H0 or as labels of eigenvectors of H with P0 and Q0 being fixed.
In order to prove (A.1) it is sufficient to show that addition of a pair of opposite
momenta to P or to Q on the left-hand side of (A.1) does not change the coefficient
NP0 ,Q0 on the right-hand side of (A.1). Let us add, for example, a pair of momenta
{−p, p} to P and calculate the ratio of left-hand sides of (A.1):
AP ∪{−p,p},Q 
p ∈P0 B(p, p ) p ∈P+ C(p, p )
= )
·  )
· (e−ip − eip ), (A.2)
AP,Q q  ∈Q0 B(p, q q  ∈Q+ C(p, q

B(α, β) = (eiα − eiβ )(e−iα − eiβ ), C(α, β) = B(α, β)B(α, −β).
Note that in (A.1) we used the following ordering of the momenta {q1 , q2 , . . . , qm }: from
the beginning the pairs (−q, q), for q ∈ Q+ , go in sequence and then q ∈ Q0 go in sequence
in a order fixed in all the paper. Analogously we define the ordering of the momenta in
the set P = {p1 , p2 , . . . , pn }. It order to present the factors of (A.2) in a convenient form
we introduce the following functions:
χ(α, β) = (1 − ei(α+β) )(1 − ei(α−β) ), ϕ+ (α) = 1 + eiα , ϕ− (α) = 1 − eiα .

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Spin operator matrix elements in the quantum Ising chain

For the products of the functions B we use the first two of the following identities:

 ϕ− (p)P0,0 −P̄0,0 −1 ϕ+ (p)P0,π −P̄0,π −1

B(p, p ) = L(−1)n0 e−ipn0 eip p =p , (A.3)
χ(p, p )
p ∈P p ∈P 
p ∈P+
0 0

 ϕ− (p)Q0,0 −Q̄0,0 ϕ+ (p)Q0,π −Q̄0,π

B(p, q  ) = 2(−1)m0 e−ipm0 eiq  
, (A.4)
q  ∈Q 0 q  ∈Q 0
q  ∈Q+ χ(p, q )

 ϕ− (q)Q0,0 −Q̄0,0 −1 ϕ+ (q)Q0,π −Q̄0,π −1

B(q, q  ) = L(−1)m0 e−iqm0 eiq q =q , (A.5)

J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P02028

q  ∈Q 0 q  ∈Q 0 q  ∈Q+ χ(q, q )

 ϕ− (q)P0,0 −P̄0,0 ϕ+ (q)P0,π −P̄0,π

B(q, p ) = 2(−1)n0 e−iqn0 eip  
. (A.6)
p ∈P0 p ∈P0 p ∈P+ χ(q, p )

The functions P0,0 , P̄0,0 , P0,π , P̄0,π are defined by (58). The functions Q0,0 , Q̄0,0 , Q0,π ,
Q̄0,π are defined similarly. Note that we always have Q0,0 = Q̄0,0 = 0, but we include
them for uniformity. The identities (A.3)–(A.6) follow from the elementary trigonometric
L−1 L
(1 − ω ) = L, (1 − ω k+1/2) = 2, ω = e2πi/L .
k=1 k=1

We also have
C(α, β) = e−2iα χ(α, β)2, e−ip − eip = e−ip ϕ+ (p)ϕ− (p).
Since m0 and n0 has the same parity, for the ratio (A.2) we have

β∈I¯ χ(p, β)
AP ∪{−p,p},Q 2σ
L ip(m−n−1) ip −iq  ϕ− (p) ϕ+ (p)
= e e e ·  ,
AP,Q 2 p ∈P q  ∈Q
ϕ+ (p) ϕ− (p)2τ αα∈I
χ(p, α)
0 0

¯ Taking into account the

where we used (57) and the definition of the sets I and I.
e−iα χ(α, β) = 2(cos α − cos β), e−iα ϕ2+ (α) = 2(cos α + 1),
ϕ− (α)
e−iβ ϕ2− (β) = 2(cos β − 1), = −i tan(α/2)
ϕ+ (α)
and the relation |I|
¯ − |I| + σ − τ = n − m following from (73) we get

AP ∪{−p,p},Q L n−m+1 ip −iq  p (cos p + 1)σ β∈I¯(cos p − cos β)
= −i 2 e e tan  =p .
AP,Q 2 p ∈P q  ∈Q
2 (cos p − 1)τ αα∈I (cos p − cos α)
0 0

The corresponding ratio of right-hand sides of (A.1) gives the same result (A.7). For the
ratio AP,Q∪{−q,q}/AP,Q the calculation goes in the same way with the use (A.5) and (A.6)
for the products of B. It proves the identity (A.1).

doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2011/02/P02028 20
Spin operator matrix elements in the quantum Ising chain

Appendix B

The following summation formula over the subsets I ∈ R, R = P+ ∪ Q+ :

 (επ − γy )σ (ε0 − γy )1−τ 1
δ|I|,μ ·
x∈I,y∈I¯(γy − γx )
(επ + γy ) (ε0 + γy ) τ 2 2
I⊂R ¯

2min(μ,μ̄) (−1)μ(μ+1)/2 (−1)σ(1−τ )

= 1−σ (ε + γ )τ
 , (B.1)
x∈R (επ + γx ) 0 x x<y∈R (γx + γy )

where min(μ, μ̄) = (μ + μ̄ − |μ − μ̄|)/2, is valid. In fact the formula contains four subcases

J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P02028

depending on the choice of σ, τ ∈ {0, 1}. In this formula μ is defined from the relations
μ + τ = μ̄ + σ, μ + μ̄ = |R| = r. It is easy to prove this formula by reducing it to the
summation formulas from appendix A of [13] for arbitrary variables u, v, za , a = 1, . . . , r
and even and odd r, respectively:
a∈I,b∈I¯(za − zb )
2 2
I⊂R a∈I (za + u) b∈I
¯ (z b + v)
(−1)r(r−2)/8 (u − v)r/2
=  , (B.2)
c (zc + u)(zc + v) c<s (zs + zc )

a∈I,b∈I¯(za − zb )
2 2
I⊂R a∈I (za + u) b∈I (zb + v)

(−1)(r+1)(r−1)/8 (u + v)(r−1)/2
=  . (B.3)
c (zc + u)(zc + v) c<s (zs + zc )

We may consider the four cases of σ, τ ∈ {0, 1} one by one.

For example let us prove (B.1) for the case σ = 1, τ = 0. In this case μ = (r + 1)/2,
μ̄ = (r − 1)/2. The left-hand side of (B.1) is

 δ|I|,(r+1)/2 y∈I¯(επ − γy )(ε0 − γy )
 = (γy − επ )(γy − ε0 )
x∈I,y∈I¯(γy − γx )
2 2
I⊂R y∈R
 δ|I|,(r+1)/2 (−1)μμ̄
y∈I (γy − επ )(γy − ε0 ) x∈I,y∈I¯(γx − γy )
2 2

2 (r−1)/2
=  ,
x<y∈R (γx + γy )

where we used (B.3) for u = −ε0 , v = −επ , {za } = {γa } and u + v = −2. Thus
we proved (B.1) for the case σ = 1, τ = 0. The other three cases of σ and τ can be
considered similarly.
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