Managment Unit 2

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Trituhorol uppoat
2nterpPro Bupporl meons pa rtioiport aro 1 Genorot
-Tey do nat no about, iwstuhitnol Suppot
+Sugport System motivat, te he enten
G ostishio tomilio rtze
Concesaion Cost e tfem tore
shimation, ete.
ToCoo rdinot te Pgrammg tor industna tatey
maintoin the mehosin coth Centra minis hie,
To coordirat-the policics
Vorous 6ta te gov 8poqame 4
Sra indut developneht orgonj zatn
Smal irdust devclopment orçanizahi en is fice o
e deportrreht Smal scole industy
gr ls the agpex boy Rmodal ogeng for or
monito g mulaiy
podig prgyen.
Dovdopment Cmisions in tRe Read oranizatian
9t is Rad dby Uanios directors & aduisorg tor the
Bdevelop nent. inarstigationCongultany troinig
tunchor, Smell induszy developrment Ooriat
gie Consutaney
improvÇ Com pettive
gu mar keh help t Sel! the fPro dut
G9+ enaunaye. the indastry to panticipgto
Store puxcháe prgam
T Shdustmal dev elaprmost
I Conduct ent
oUer Re County developrsnt
2.Aduice State 8 Contral gov on matjeg
to Bral indusy
3.9 Belçs in testig te ou
rotes rolotod
Conhal matial &qral,
So quai ty Cort) in
india. plays
tor pereso!8 monpereial. Crucal nk
turchon Tolateol to ertenion
1. g+ heps in
9 To rond er mo kety invesh qation
os iston to Aallka
3 To moke
to tivelgsl tRoir pnduts
povinicns to technital soavlce fo
impri.pnduchon, plorni 8soleci
Small irdusry eruice ingh tute
to Smal ntr
There are 26 institutes &a &branches sLh
are sltup in Btats Capitala all ouor he
tunchon inshtute
provce machincvy to imall Jale industy
2 Help in evport morkeg te prduct
bulk puchose
(hrieipate in bulk buchose Pro m
3 buts in bul k purchoe pn grom tho gov
Provide toa inine In Va nous tra das.

foval oration Simia Atechrdg

uole in devebp rment 8 upg rodat'on
Xa Small indua
nTs o Conthied
Soleindusty om pang or proni mall
ere through G
G Zonal
Zona htes. 26 bronch
, 9+ op 1s Buboice szonota techin!
SorUice Center 3 extension cdhtes o tuono,
park wth Sooo boenional acros
-e County
394 oporation suy & gita n Gom pania , this
Cornpoy operates onnita lice in Dabai.
4 gt Prouides di Borvices coloreas Pomotiomal
Gtrotegie to Bmal! cal industy
Bma industy develapment Coo rporation'
1. 9n ~ore ra tes -tis Com payt is sot wp
Gomnensiy prduchen Corrposoion, it halps in may
1.9+ kelp
1.9+ Reles marketi alistants ,Bupplics la reg.
rad:iue monet
en natoial mones nad ance to mal
&cale ente
. J+ promota Woman ehte
3. gt ponate &lai ll devclojpmet enteu
4: Vaniou Garporain help in the
promoti m
Smatl cola 'hdusty
(i) echiea Conutane of Tomil Nad

ladu and
Coorporohion.Taml Nodu indusy investment

Diaict ndushy Cortor,

1. Fib an insh huhon which is es
Qevel to pnuds orto tatlished ot diotit
Setup Smal) and uitla
distid in orderoBevoral
is to get neceagencies far om
andtoc lites.
3Ent Con gt al! tho asistane he gels ro
funchon of dhabie industy Cantexs :
1. g Condud Auy traditiona! &me)indusby
9. 9 toreoch a nou product
3 gt prpores tecmolog ard eoon omic Jeasiblity toju
investment aduze -to Re eht
Trainig oues
1. + Corduct trainis Cburses new ent
fSmall whits
2. 84 act as a nteshned ateny blw est
3. DIB ot
Industy Chn tex Conduct
improveol productines
al provide ex in diredtes -Ro location when
Die tie Jndusty Cert
hrern ma chinety and equwpmen t Coin bea Cgaired
so ararga fof Auppl fer' ma chinexy onhighen
purchoye as
oes Relps the amall units to gat row mater
ia at reaseable pace.
ma kes mecesiar arrangmerda to puide

-pment prosTems
ncia ayis tance Jto ente,
TFes e eentes Condut
the outeats Contact
8marsa develo
with 4eoy
8 They
preecneet gehy ol
ot entiontoo developmed g
q.a #+gives
khadi Buillage indesty khadi bood Borgen.
lo. Thet Con ta e wit State
-setroini progrm or Btate boad.
Srnal irdu otg dauclspmant Bonk Trdia
uck hou
. 9t head guante is in
tinaHcial ingituten in Indie
3They pro ide short Aptm Jen ding to industy
A. Fsoblih on ghd il t90
undor tka depovt. tinancial &evie.
S op rates
gov Tndia.
Main Senmes Bant
s. Bingle wino Sheme.
t povide loan for xed asexts
illay induay
pruide iranco-to Amral &cae inalustis
AMaila udep nik Bchene

Pon de upport to Domen

S Eyaipment finana Sehee
st is erphat machinexy equpmost et.
G ISo oco Sheme.
To mect Re expenses on Grsutony enhfcati.
ee, clocurentatien et.

8 dehene for market otat

4-faco 'eoniçe
Major chemes o< Sma! inclus, deelap bane.
1. Technalo depatment 8 modunizafhion Aod
3t is ordret ostand for rmall entr
to moenie tRerr
9t kefs in totul qualy manayenet, a
upgra datin f prtes'ehnalog
2. Nationa ety hund
smal un
un'3, hes
neLo p ecti tor mor
Tndusbia signus in Pnjcc
Jdind as a untthat ak to generajo Surpus
Con hintouy bosis 8 depend
dependom extea
inelusmal Compunies at i4 8s dein8 Aisny
in tems too ConsC Cuttbe hnaa
What e yo mean y ~ick Small Scale industy
)The dglahon o dickmall Scale inausty has.
heon mol ied as o kmall gole industg unit
ushich Shoul od be Gnjider 8ick t it has
ehd oany accounh yeor , accu ntlatd los
equaex ceuis. its peak
Comp turns of Sicknay
Dbloyig in quoit annaa accout
R. Deferaita inanhial atie
A.frequenat regyestr loons
s. Moral de goaion 'ompyes
6. Dispexio morg -+e top
fnario datamay be avaiable
Cause, c indusial ickness.

3. Cayh unh
Tnce oso Cost oow matexia)
S Poblkm in pröduchion.
,)4 armses due to poor qu ali yolw Tnate
Poor latour
nial elaony,proluchiuity
lact fouser Shostage fs indu
Cortol, machine
)Lack of ordey
breadoon em,
Poor plarni
main y g
L.9+ mo be due to Gmpehten, eEeNion ireatle.
a lack o row mahoric! lua to
dotenics o produt, Poor morkotig eo
Poor colechong
cypraduch ue expenditures, unplonned
Gtedh tors. lach of plormikhigh Pagmenla
Shortoge ouordie to Costrgoral
&uppl lengh'g
3.Dncabe Cost ot rouo matia) due to high malord
Jaxtaze, increone Cost tat Couered inselhiye
at ed price in on iniahen
d. Srcreoed oveshead Gt. markaf.
ineicot mduahion high
unuh izo Capat incrad inteeit charg
- Preventn o &i ckvey
(1) +em Dand insHtution
s+ Can be ptouented by prpen
pmjet aPp rauina od
tra, Care in anesip 4ke
plamt and maohioy, techicalesnbt
in pementaon
ordcaalbank re the one aho PrDviale
b Buceestlle inudes
) COurces or Beuie
Poyel uote thontiento-tho de
ace out
)feguent checking eabie
slechin tfe supplier Re ma chiney
ol th Cao
4) Care Sleion the pa rtnes
i) En hex pn.
or the succo pject o the unt Hdepernd
Con the abilit 8 +Ao Sustainable et
he En p
lho is enhrup
9t is the entnp uho Con uencaimplemt
he pnjet to avoid sick ney inthe
The gouemert
in Gmtroll' o Sick nen ay nat maiy
Budain changes En e indusal
policy too discourcpe mew in ueytmeet Severol
vel ated tß erisiy unts
Bstuton a support to ento
finonca asistonce is alb khoon oy hinanhial
9+ edes toloan, &ubijdies, ter .adloun ces
Ggt3hanne aargemet et ao wing Sono
the nto or ingti tuti on
Jneycial bnks
Jhdashial 0comshuction bonk o nda [TRR)
-) Tndustia edit inves hme nt oorporah'on of s
na nancial Cpexoion o fraia
Tndoshiol developme
)S}ats nancial Coopoatombank Tndia
Notiona bant tor atcuthuse CSrc
NA BARDI & rua eulops

Com paney
)World indushy
Bonk delepment bank o Tndio
Stock exehage
khodi &ulae industy Commiion
)Ahian de velpmou bak

Jakub Caaica
a martehg. manapon at Ts NEXT
Je ads a teom
Content ond Socil amelia Spocrali
t, morkotyg Odopatrments Jeod gonkkotion and'brord
CuY pmjet desigpojet. The problem is
dopartment CU toa m tuggle
Comnuni cation becoz we lock proet
We didn't haue cleay in lomahon obout oe vsibilhy
was 5l| undeH steUieo r lhon tosk
a bjoutely roded a &yston nee ded nane worh,
ond ho Kead of puct desizn Pat woud allo ne
to get an oucvie
pmce Come to
hele improue globa) acro% lept. &
Cotent markeh procest and spead -le project Cor
Cchon 88celiveg &also keep te
oeyet imelnes y Creah a Ctos tunchona work

How ockup & tan Cam'ed ot its inihabie

Hene is how dackup.
initiation Jail.

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