Main Argument

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Main argument: although us education is weak in academic subjects, it is better in other ways than
many countries in the world
2. Supporting point 1; America provides opportunities and direction to fulfill their creativity
a. Evidence : museum
b. Evidence ; geography class comparison between him and his son
3. Supporting point 2: to be able to experiment freely with ideas
a. Evidence; comparison between him and his son on the models of obedience and
4. Supporting point 3; self expression with freedom
a. Evidence; comparison with his son Hamlat memorization
b. Evidence; a history student can play ho chi minh
5. Conclusion; American education is a better deal than any other
6. It seems that the author is expressing concerns about the state of education in the United States, noting that immigrants and foreigners often
have negative perceptions of the American education system. The author cites examples of other countries having more rigorous academic
standards and a greater emphasis on rote memorization and traditional subjects. However, the author also notes that American education allows
for creativity and self-expression, which can foster innovation and critical thinking. The author suggests that there is value in both traditional
subjects and opportunities for creativity and self-expression, and that a balance between the two is important for a well-rounded education.

7. It is true that the American educational system has its challenges and criticisms, and there is always room for improvement. However, it is also important to recognize the
strengths of the American system, such as its emphasis on creativity and independent thinking. While it is important for students to have a strong foundation in basic
skills like math and language, it is also important to allow them the space to think and create in order to develop their full potential. Ultimately, the goal of education
should be to produce well-rounded individuals who are able to think critically and communicate effectively, not just to memorize facts and figures. It is also important to
recognize that the educational system in any country is a complex and multifaceted system, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach that will work for every student or
every country.


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