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4th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM 2023)

Advancements in Fin-Tech and Security

Challenges of Banking Industry

Ms. Sanghmitra Gopal Ms. Priyanka Gupta Ms. Amrisha Minocha

Department of Management Studies Department of Management Studies Department of Management Studies
Graphic Era Deemed to be University Graphic Era Deemed to be University Graphic Era Deemed to be University
Dehradun, India Dehradun, India Dehradun, India
2023 4th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM) | 979-8-3503-4112-6/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICIEM59379.2023.10165876

Index Terms—Fintech, financial services , finance

sector, emerging technologies, artificial intelligence,
innovation in fintech, financial inclusion.

“The Financial Technology” or "Fintech" is currently

the most recognized term, which simply explains or the
term itself describe its meaning – Fintech means I. Introduction:
relationship between information technology and
financial services. Due to the technological The intersection of banking data security and fintech
advancement these two prominent topics are revolving presents both a challenge and an opportunity. On
around each other. FinTech is viewed as a component
one hand, the increasing reliance on technology in
of the progression of financial innovation, a concept
that has been theoretically recognized as both financial services has led to greater vulnerability to
hazardous and beneficial. Recent empirical evidence cyberattacks, making data security a critical
suggests that it generates considerable value for concern. On the other hand, advancements in fintech
investors. Over the years technological advancement have also opened up opportunities for innovative
has established its authority everywhere. The solutions to enhance banking data security. Fintech
integration of Machin Learning and Artificial companies are developing cutting-edge technologies
Intelligence being explored in the realm of fintech and such as biometric authentication, machine learning,
banking security. Fintech has the ability to handle vast and blockchain to improve data security in banking.
amounts of data and make predictions for future more
As the In the recent years the finance sector has
accurately in comparison to humans.The
technological advancement in computing techniques quickly adopted technological inclusion with
has led towards the growth of Fintech with the help of finance which is simply, known as fintech. help of
new, advanced and emerging technologies such as advanced technologies such as Industrial Internet of
Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), AI, Smartphone Things (IIoT), Virtual Reality (VR), AI, Smartphone
Apps, Cryptocurrencies, Virtual Reality (VR), digital Apps, Cryptocurrencies, digital twins and 5G.
twins and 5G. Some of the current technological trends
in the field of fintech and security of banking sector
Fintech is currently generating a lot of enthusiasm
include Fraud detection and prevention, Personalized
financial advisiory, and research interest because it is able to provide
financial services without relying on traditional
Robo Advisory, Credit underwriting, Chatbots and
virtual assistants, Risk management, Blockchain The emergence of virtual wallets like Apple Pay,
Integration. An additional development in the finance P2P lending platforms as an alternative to bank
industry is the growing utilization of cloud computing, loans, and the introduction of established and new
enabling the secure and effective storage and cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Facebook's
management of vast quantities of financial data. proposed Libra, have sparked a number of
Moreover, fintech firms are also dedicating resources significant industry continues to evolve, it is crucial
towards implementing cybersecurity measures to for financial institutions and fintech firms to work
safeguard against cyber threats like fraud and together to address the challenges and opportunities
hacking.The implementation of authentication
presented by banking data security. By doing so,
technologies, such as biometrics, for securing online
transactions is also noteworthy. All in all, these trends they can develop effective solutions that benefit both
are propelling the expansion of the fintech sector and businesses and customers while safeguarding
revolutionizing the approach to delivering financial sensitive financial data.
services. They are enhancing accessibility, efficiency,
and safety for both consumers and businesses, thus
transforming the finance landscape.

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Various new technologies has been introduced by click away but it also has increased
Fintech companies, such as mobile banking, peer-to- cybercrime and fraud but with the AI
peer payment platforms and digital wallets etc. have powered systems it is easy to identify
revolutionized the interface of fintech conduction. patterns of fraudulent activity and alert
The implementation of these technologies has banking and financial institutions.
developed the interest, speed ,efficiency and • Personalized financial advisory: AI
accessibility of financial transactions, particularly algorithms and Robo advisory offer various
for individuals who previously had limited access to valuable advisory on loans, insurance, and
traditional banking services. wealth management to generate higher
productivity, welfare and customer
Nonetheless, the adoption of these technologies also satisfaction. It examines customer data to
introduces new susceptibilities to cybersecurity offer customized financial advice,
breaches, fraudulent activities, and other forms of investment suggestions, and strategies for
security risks. managing debt.
In response to these challenges, the banking sector • Credit underwriting: The utilization of AI-
has heavily invested in security measures to powered credit underwriting can automate
safeguard their customers and assets. To secure their the lending process, leading to increased
systems and data, banks have introduced various speed and accuracy, as well as reduced
security measures such as encryption, biometric default risks.
identification and two-factor authentication . • Chatbots and virtual assistants: 24/7
Even though significant efforts have been made to availability of AI-powered chatbots and
strengthen security, the banking sector is still virtual assistants, businesses can offer
exposed to new and emerging security threats. For round-the-clock support and assistance to
instance, cyberattacks aimed at banks have grown their customers, which can enhance
increasingly intricate and challenging to identify, customer satisfaction and decrease costs.
and the advent of cryptocurrencies and blockchain • Risk management: AI algorithms can assist
technology has presented novel challenges to the financial institutions in analyzing and
conventional security measures employed by banks. predicting risk, simplifying the process of
detecting and handling potential financial
As the Fintech industry advances, it is crucial for losses.
both traditional banks and Fintech companies to • Blockchain Integration: The integration of
prioritize security and establish effective security blockchain technology with AI is a key
measures to safeguard their customers' assets and trend in the fintech industry as it aims at
confidential information. By doing so, financial enhancing security, minimizing fraud risks,
institutions can earn their customers' trust and and optimizing various processes.
leverage technological advancements without
compromising security.
III. Objective
II. Literature Review
"What are the security challenges and risks
Fintech encompasses various domains including associated with fintech and digital banking
investment management services, insurance. credit, services, and what are the strategies and
deposits, capital-raising services, payment and technologies used to mitigate these risks?"
settlement services etc. Blockchain technology is
fundamental component of fintech's technological The reason behind research on the topic of fintech
infrastructure. Its implementation, in conjunction and banking sector security is to understand the
with other technological advancements, aims to various security challenges and risks that arise with
achieve several goals, such as reducing search costs the use of technology in the financial industry. With
associated with matching transacting parties, the rise of fintech companies and the increased use
attaining economies of scale in acquiring and of digital financial services, security has become a
processing extensive data, enabling secure and cost- major concern for banks, financial institutions, and
effective information transmission, and minimizing their customers.
verification costs. The research aims to identify the potential security
threats and vulnerabilities faced by banks and
Some of the current technological trends in the field fintech companies and develop effective security
of fintech and security of banking sector include: strategies to mitigate these risks. This includes
• Fraud detection and prevention: As after understanding the various technologies and
the advancement of technology and platforms used in fintech and banking and the
inclusiveness of AI everything is just a potential security risks associated with them.

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Additionally, the research aims to identify the confidential data from unauthorized individuals
regulatory framework and compliance requirements by transforming it into an indecipherable code.
for fintech and banking security, including data • Two- step authentication: To reduce the risk of
protection laws, cybersecurity regulations, and unauthorized access to user accounts, two-factor
industry standards. The research may also explore authentication mandates users to present two
the role of technology in improving security and forms of identification when logging in.
reducing the risk of fraud, such as biometric • Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
authentication, blockchain technology, and AI- (ML): The employment of AI and ML enables the
based fraud detection systems. analysis of massive volumes of data to identify
The main goal of researching fintech and banking and avert fraudulent activities. Additionally, they
sector security is to enhance the security and can recognize behavioural patterns that may
reliability of digital financial services, safeguard signify a security breach.
customers' financial transactions and personal • Continuous monitoring: Real-time detection of
information, and reinforce the overall strength of the security threats in fintech and digital banking
financial industry. services is achievable through continuous
monitoring, facilitating swift responses to
Fintech and digital banking services have potential security breaches by organizations.
revolutionized the financial industry by providing • Vendor risk management: Fintech and digital
customers with convenient and accessible banking banking services can mitigate third-party risks by
services. However, with the increased use of digital implementing vendor risk management programs.
banking and fintech services, the risks associated These programs help to assess the security risks
with security have also increased. Some of the major associated with third-party service providers and
security challenges and risks associated with fintech ensure that they meet certain security standards.
and digital banking services are as follows: • Overall, the security challenges and risks
associated with fintech and digital banking
• Cybersecurity threats: With the increased use of services can be mitigated through the use of
digital platforms, cybercriminals are finding new various strategies and technologies. Fintech and
ways to exploit vulnerabilities in the system. They digital banking services need to invest in robust
use malware, phishing attacks, and other security measures to ensure that their services are
techniques to steal sensitive information, such as secure and protect customer information.
personal identification information, bank account
details, and credit card information. IV. Impact of fintech on banking sector
• Identity theft: Identity theft is a common threat security
associated with digital banking services.
Fraudsters use stolen personal identification
information to gain access to bank accounts and
other financial services.
• Insider threats: Insider threats are a significant
risk to the security of digital banking services.
Employees or partners of fintech firms may abuse
their access to sensitive information or systems,
leading to security breaches.
• Third-party risks: Fintech and digital banking
services often rely on third-party service
providers, such as payment processors or cloud
providers, to deliver their services. These third
parties may have their own security
vulnerabilities, which could lead to security
breaches in the fintech or digital banking service.
• To mitigate these risks, fintech and digital
banking services use a range of strategies and
technologies. Some of these strategies and
technologies include:
• Encryption: Fintech and digital banking services
utilize encryption as a means of safeguarding
Figure 1: Impact of Fin Tech on Banking
Sector Security

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to ensure that financial institutions are complying
P2p lending: The banking sector's P2P lending with these regulations and taking adequate measures
system has undergone a major transformation with to mitigate security risks. Regulators have also been
fintech's introduction of inventive technologies and working closely with fintech companies to promote
procedures, enhancing accessibility, efficiency, and innovation while ensuring that adequate safeguards
security. A crucial manner in which fintech has are in place to protect customers and financial
progressed P2P lending is through the systems.
implementation of automated underwriting and risk
assessment procedures. Fintech firms leverage Overall, the introduction of fintech has led to an
advanced algorithms and machine learning models increased focus on banking sector security and a
to scrutinize borrower data, credit scores, and other more robust regulatory framework to ensure the
pertinent factors. This enables them to make swift safety and security of financial systems. The
and precise assessments of the borrower's collaboration between regulators and fintech
creditworthiness. companies is critical in ensuring that technological
advancements are leveraged to enhance financial
Online payment: The banking sector has witnessed security and not to undermine it.
a significant transformation in online payments due
to the progressions in fintech. The emergence of new Low operational cost: Fintech has significantly
technologies and procedures has revolutionized the reduced operational costs in the banking sector.
approach to online payments, making them faster, Traditional banks typically have large, complex IT
more secure, and more user-friendly. A critical systems and extensive physical infrastructure, which
aspect of the evolution of online payments is the can be costly to maintain and operate.
advent of mobile payment methods. Mobile
payments have become an essential component of Fintech companies, on the other hand, have
online payments, owing to the widespread use of leveraged new technologies and innovative business
smartphones. Payment systems such as Apple Pay, models to reduce their operating costs. By using
Google Pay, and Samsung Pay have facilitated the cloud-based systems, automation, and digital
ease of making quick and simple payments through channels, fintech companies have been able to
mobile devices. streamline their operations and reduce the need for
physical infrastructure.
Consumer and commercial lending space:
Fintech has significantly transformed the consumer For example, fintech companies can use digital
and commercial lending space by introducing channels, such as mobile apps and online platforms,
innovative technologies and processes that have to provide banking services to customers without the
made lending more accessible, efficient, and secure. need for physical branches. This not only reduces
One of the key ways in which fintech has evolved the costs associated with maintaining physical
consumer and commercial lending is by introducing infrastructure, such as rent, utilities, and staff
online lending platforms. These platforms offer salaries, but also allows fintech companies to offer
borrowers a simple and streamlined application banking services to customers in remote areas where
process that can be completed entirely online, often traditional banks may not have a presence.
without the need for physical documentation. This
has made the lending process faster and more
Additionally, fintech companies have been able to
convenient for borrowers, and has also reduced the
leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning
costs associated with traditional lending methods.
to automate many of their processes, such as loan
origination and risk assessment. This has reduced
Highly regulated: The regulatory framework for the need for manual intervention and decreased the
banking sector security has evolved significantly time and resources required to process applications
after the introduction of fintech. As fintech has and make lending decisions.
transformed the banking industry, regulators have
had to adapt to the new risks and challenges posed Overall, the introduction of fintech has allowed
by these technological advancements. Regulatory
banks to reduce their operational costs significantly,
bodies have introduced new regulations and
while also improving the efficiency and accessibility
guidelines for fintech companies, aimed at ensuring
of banking services. This has enabled banks to offer
the security of financial systems and protecting
more competitive pricing and provide a better
customers' interests. These regulations cover a wide customer experience, ultimately benefiting
range of areas, including data protection, consumers.
cybersecurity, customer identification, and fraud
prevention. In addition, regulators have increased
their oversight and monitoring of the banking sector, V. Future scope

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The following section discusses the potential areas Breaking Traditional Financial Biases:
of growth for FinTech. Through content analysis, it Decentralization through blockchain technology
was found that FinTech offers promising plays a crucial part in the growth, along with the use
opportunities for job creation, decentralization of of AI and other technological innovations such as
financial services, cost savings, increased financial machine learning it has improved the efficiency and
inclusion, enhanced networking, and overcoming reduce costs. Furthermore, networking and
traditional financial biases. Each of these prospects connections between FinTech firms and their
will be elaborated on in more detail. partners are playing a vital role in accelerating
growth. Overcoming traditional biases in the
Employment opportunities: The FinTech sector financial system is also an important factor for
has grown significantly in the last ten years, thanks achieving success. It has also reduced, minimised or
to the worldwide digitalization of financial services. eliminated the chanced of errors. Over the top ,
This digitalization has assisted the emergence of future of FinTech looks promising, with a focus on
digital payments, lendings,insurance, wealth mobile-friendly experiences, financial accessibility,
management, and capital markets. Despite the and quick access to resources. These developments
destructive impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, offer numerous benefits to policymakers,
several technology enablers in different parts of governments, and practitioners alike.
world have established unique FinTech start-up’s. It
has led towards significant investment in FinTech Financial outreach: The combination of
start-up’s has resulted in numerous job opportunities blockchain technology and FinTech has facilitated
for unemployed individuals. As a result, FinTech is the growth of user-friendly financial processes.
poised to become a promising trend in the future, FinTech innovations are highly attractive due to
generating numerous job opportunities for tech their cost-effectiveness and speed, which make them
enthusiasts and bolstering the economic stability of a viable alternative to traditional financial methods.
their respective nations. With blockchain technology, transactions can be
executed more swiftly and inexpensively,
Decentralization: Assessing the growth of the eliminating intermediaries in cross-border
FinTech ecosystem in the present FinTech payments. Consequently, FinTech has significantly
revolution necessitates considering decentralization enhanced financial outreach in the region, resulting
as a crucial factor. The FinTech transformation is in increased efficiency and inclusivity. The impact
stimulated by technological advancement such as of FinTech and blockchain technology on the speed
machine learning, AI, big data analytics and deep of international fund transfers has been substantial.
learning. Blockchain technology is among the most In conclusion, the integration of blockchain
advanced technologies that operate on a technology and FinTech has transformed the
decentralized framework, contributing to this financial system and has the potential to provide
advancement. Transactions on the blockchain are even greater advantages in the future.
executed through a computer-generated code agreed
upon by the two parties involved, with no VI. Conclusion :
intermediaries and no regulatory oversight. This
empowers users to transact online with complete This paper has assessed the promising literature
autonomy. on fintech with a focus on fintech and banking
sector security . Fintech has had a significant
Cost effectiveness: The rise of FinTech has yielded impact on the banking sector, including its
lucrative business solutions that optimize financial
security measures. Fintech companies leverage
processes for maximum efficiency and flexibility.
FinTech advancements offer cost-effective options technology and innovation to provide financial
for delivering financial services with greater speed services more efficiently and conveniently than
and reliability. Moreover, the application of artificial traditional banks, which has led to increased
intelligence in finance extends beyond retail banking competition and innovation in the banking
to enhance the back and middle offices of various sector. One of the key areas where fintech has
financial services, including investment services. influenced the banking sector's security is through
The primary uses of AI in finance include leveraging the use of advanced authentication and encryption
FinTech and deploying AI strategies in critical technologies. Fintech companies have introduced
business operations to mitigate risks and address various authentication methods such as biometric
financial crises. Additionally, crowd engagement authentication, two-factor authentication, and
and networking are crucial for driving FinTech password login that are more secure than traditional
growth in the region, making it imperative for login methods such as passwords. Fintech
FinTech companies to collaborate with partner firms companies have implemented advanced
and form alliances to expedite growth. authentication and encryption technologies to
guarantee the security of financial transactions,

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VII. Acknowledgment

My sincere gratitude goes to the faculty members of

the Department of Management Studies at Graphic
Era Deemed to be University for providing us the
opportunity and motivation to undertake this

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