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Chan, Maeryn Stefanie M.

Med 236


A very wealthy person gave you a debit card and told you to use it as much as you want to make yourself
happy. What are you going to do with it? Make a list of what you want to have. Write as many as you

First, if I were given a chance to buy whatever I wanted, I would buy myself a lot of clothes and
shoes because I really love them, new devices for my studies, some skin care products, vitamins, and
medications for my mom because she is sick, and it would make me happy to provide her some of her
medications to make her strong because she is my source of happiness. I would also buy toys and
necessities for my dogs because I love them and they are also my source of happiness.

Since this very wealthy person told me to use it as much as I want, I probably bought myself a car so that
it would be easy for me to transport from my house to my school or wherever I want to go. I will also
buy online games, some skins from the game, and some games themselves. Games make me feel alive
and, of course, very happy.


1. What do you feel about the debit card challenge?

- I felt the excitement about thinking about what to buy since it was unlimited. It made me think
about the things that I want to buy myself to make me happy and reward myself.

2. Which among the items in your list do you like the most? Why?
- I think it would be a new device for my studies. Why? Because it will help me study much
easier and give me extra motivation to do the tasks that are given to me.

3. If ever you were given the chance in real life to have one among the list, which would you
choose? Why?
- I think it would be the medications for my mom. Why? Because these medications will help
her become stronger, and for me, if she is gone, it will make me extremely sad because,
without her, I am not here in the world living my life and here in my seat doing this activity.

4. Is your answer in number 3 different in question number 2? Why or why not?

- Yes, it is different. Because the answer of mine in number 2 could possibly happen someday,
or I mean that I could achieve it with my own hard work. I want the number 3 answer to
happen in real life because it will give me assurance that my mother has her complete
medications and will make me less worried.

1. Go back to your Debit Card Challenge List. Put a mark on the left side of each item with the
following categories:
 B – if the item is related with your body
 C – if the item is related with your clothes
 F – if the item is related or intended to your family
 H – if the item is related with your home


C 1. A lot of clothes and shoes
H 2. New devices for my studies
B 3. Skin care products
B 4. Vitamins
F 5. Medications for my mom
F 6. Toys and necessities for my dogs
H 7. A car
H 8. Online games, some skins from the game, and some games themselves.


2. Which among the categories do you have the most in your list?
 B – Skin care products
 C – Clothes and shoes
 F – Medications for my mom
 H – A car

3. What do you think these things tell you about yourself?

- This means that I try to take care of myself, and I also make an effort to look out for and
support my family. I've noticed these qualities in myself, and they matter to me.

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