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DESlDOC Bulletin of lnformation Technology, Vol. 19, No. 6, Nov 1999, pp.

8 1999, DESIDOC

Information Technology in Special Library Environment

Sumati Sharma

The paper outlines the features and impact of information technsiogy (IT)
on our society. Specifically it discusses in detail the role played by IT in
special library environment. The changing IT environment and matching
role of the reference librarian in 21st century has been discussed.' As a case
study it give: the complete spectrum of impact of IT on Defence Science
Library (DSL), a specialised central library of DRDO functioning at
DESIDOC. It discusses in detail the various library activities and services
where DSL is making effective use of IT to provide better and enhanced
services to its usen.

1. INTRODUCTION automation. These inventions are the basis of

Info~mationtechnology (IT) that will shape today's IT.
the future information world is the fusion of lnformation technology has a wider meaning
computers and telecommunications for information specialists which include in
technologies. Computers process information addition technologies like, repro-micrographic
and telecommunication rechnoiogy disseminate technology, technical communication
information. Development of more powerful technologies, and database creation and use.
computers with new methods of information As IT plays a major role in the management of
processin& computer networks, and integrated information, by the application of it the modern
communication systems are of great relevance technological developments are being exploited
to the 21st century as these are basic and to record, process, store, transfer and retrieve
important information technologies responsible the information. We are operating in an
to bring drastic changes in our so called environment in which innovative use of
information society of tomorrow. If we look information technology in organisations in
back in the history we find the roots of today's general bas led to the creation of new products,
information technology. Improvements in the improved services and dramatically reduced
efficiency of information management has felt computer costs. IT is playing a major role in
long back since the start of the intelligent life of transforming our institutions particularly our
mankind and has led to incredible innovations. libraries to match the information needs of the
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, users of next millennium.
~harfes Babbage invented . a machine that
eventually developed into today's computer and 2. FEATURES OF AN IT
William Burt invented the typewriter. Bell, ENVIRONMENT
Babbage and Burt invented indigenous
' machines to improve the management of Inform%tion, an intangible resource, is used'
information. They were the pioneers of by decision-makers, planners and managers as a
telecommunications, data processing and office power to manage other tangible resources i.e.

DESIDOC Bulletind l n f Technol, 1999,19(6) 17

man, material and money. Access to relevant n IT also ,transforms international politics and
information has always been important to those socio-economic relations and presents the
who influence their world consistently and world with new market opportunities.
successfully. Today the whole world is divided n lnformation Technology conve
into two conceptual categories-Information information to the new global currency o
rich and information poor nations. Only
new wealth creator.
information rich are considered powerful and
leaders of the society. lnformation is a vi&l n Scientific and technological information
resource which acts as a driving force for made the greatest impact in th
technological as well as societal development post-industrial society and contributed
of any nation. A nation which is rich in great deal for research and development
information is rich in socio-economic spheres. E( Availdbility df information in electronic for
T'ne backw, tdness of any -2untry in respect of is the prime feature of an IT environmen
socio-economic spheres is mainly due to lack of The value of electronic information is that
adequate information especially in the field of can be easily shared, distributed, update
science and technology. Scientific and manipulated, and rapidly searched. Als
technological information made the greatest the resources in an electronic environme
impact in the post4ndustrial society and are networked in such a seamless way that
contributed a great deal for research and they can be accessed across different
development. Advanced nations pay great computing platforms. .
attention to support research and development I

activities of their industries and institutions. 3. IT IN THE SPECIAL LIBRARY

They use the information as a power to lead the
society in all spheres of mankind. Following are
some of the key features of an IT environment. lnformation centre or library is the heart an
soul of an organisation. There is no doubt tha
n lnformation acts as a key resource. A typical
the information environment is becomin
IT industry treats information as a
increasingly digital and the IT has a wi
commodity and involves economics of
ranging impact on library and information wo
information, viz., production, costing and
With the advancements of compu
technology, information storage media had a
n In an IT environment, information play a kept on changing during past 50 years. Ove
vital role as a fourth managerial asset after the years, the shift has taken place from t
people, equipment and capital. paper media to electronic media. Libraries
.n Information, a conceptual resource, is used old times were predominated by t
to manage other physical resources thus docun~ents in paper form. With t
acts as power. advancements in technologies emergence
micro media took place, which helped a lot t
n Revolutionary change in the technology is save the space and proved easy to manage.
the driving force of an IT environment. the same time recording information in aud~o
n The .pace of change in technology has been and video tapes alsc became very popular.
speeding up which shrunk the time scales late 1980's optical disc technology came in
from one hundred generations for the existence and grown as popular informa
agrarian revolution, ten for the indudtrial storage medium in a very short period of ti
revolution, to only one for the information During 1990's the optical disc media in
revolution. form of popular CD-ROM's has becom
n IT moves very fast and brings incredible increasingly important as a medium for t
turbulence, change and progress in the lives storage and dissemination of information WI
of individuals, orgatiisations, nations and the additional advantages of easy access
regions. portability with high storage capa
CD-ROM's emerged as'a means of access

18 DESlMHl Bulletin of Inf T&nol, 1999,19(6)

information, alternative to online access to the librarian's responsibility. The developments
external databases. The drastic change in in the IT is motivating today's libraries or
information technology has transformed the information centres to move from technical
work culture in special libraries and brought services to access services. Special libraries in
new responsibilities to librarians. They should the next century are going to be evolving very
be prepared for the adoption and absorption of rapidly towards the paradigm where it is not
new technologies in their work environment. just enough what you own in any specific
The exciting growth of the internet in recent library but equally important is, what your
years has further changed and intensified the library is able to provide access to. It
role of the information specialist in electronic recognises collaboration, resource-sharing and
environment. The growth of the lnternet the ability to' bring libraries to their user as
inspired many libraries to make documents and points of key concern.
resources from their collections available online The changing function and dimensions of
to the public as well as worldwide. Library and the library and information work will direct the
information services, local communit)r role and future of- the librarian of a special
information, 'bibliographic databases, and library or information unit. The new network .
electronic reference works were all made environment has created an active,
available through remote login. A library's status service-oriented approach of libraries, which
was no longer solely defined by the collection requires dynamic, organisational, personnel and
it housed; it was extended to include technological changes in the profession.
online resources which were easily available
to remote users. Following are some of the areas of key
concern of a special library where librarian can
As more and more information became play vital role to keep pace with the changing IT
available, because institutions were increasingly environment.
competing to demonstrate who had made
available the most comprehensive range of * Library automation: automating library house
information, there was little order to it. In early keeping operations.
days of lnternet it was difficult to find relevant * Progressive automation of reference services.
information from such a huge ocean of
unstructured knowledge. Later on, the plethora
* Library management: Classification,
cataloguing, indexing, database creation.
of information available on the lnternet became
more accessible with the help of various * Access to local and wide area networks
searching and indexing tools. Early tools, such (Resource-sharing and information
as gopher, and veronica helped to give some dissemination)
order to the chaos. Now the lnternet is most * Reprogranhy: Photography, microfilms,
frequently used for reading and sending microfiche, audio and video tapes, printing,
electronic mail (e-mail), transferring files (file optical discs etc.
transfer protocol), remote login through
TELNET, and searching the world wide web
* Technical communication: Technical writing,
editing, publishing, DTP etc.
(WWW). File Transfer Protocol (FTP). allow users
to import and transmit file.. TELNET, or remote * Need for bibliographic instructions,
login, allow individuals to tap information orientations and training in the field of latest
acailable on remote computers. The WWW and information technology.
various web browsers, such as Netscape * Reconstruction of the curriculum for the
Navigator and Microsoft lnternet Explorer, library and information science courses.
along with new searching tools, comprised the
3r Collection Development in different storage
next generation of lnternet resources. All these media-paper as h e l l as other non paper
- developments call for developing new skills to media like optical and electronic resources.
access information with new searching tools.
Navigating the lnternet using tools such as * Developing skills to navigate lnternet
TELNET, FTP and WWW is becoming a part of resources.
DESlDoC Bulletin of Inf Tehnol, 1999,19(6)
* -HumanResource Development. technologically competitive library, which fulfils
their information needs with more satisfaction.
The responsibilities of these new jobs call for
the previous duties. plus acquiring skills to 4.1 Collection Development
handle and manage with the latest Defence Science Library has the largest
technological development happening now and collection of documents on Defence S&T in the
in near future. To explo e the various uses of IT
in a special library environment, latest facilities
country. With the advancement of technology,
DSL has also changed its procurement policies:
available and services offered by Defence The benefits like fast and easy access to
Science Library (DSL) has been discussed in information in less occupied space offered by
detail as an example of special library. Following
the new information storage technologies in the
portion of this paper gives an indepth form of electronic and optical media has
information regarding impact of IT on various
attracted the attention of library management
areas of DSL activities.
Now anart from printed version of publications
in various fields of science and technology, DSL
4. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY has also built up an excellent collection of
SCENARIO AT DEFENCE non-print media such as optical and electronic
SCIENCE LIBRARY formats which includes a large number of
CD-ROM databases and access to electronic
Defence Science Library (DSL), the central periodicals through internet.
library of DRDO, is housed in a modern
ti-storied building (covering an 'area of over As on 01 November i999 its collection of
29,000 sq. ft), with all the necessary over 2.5 lakh documents includes over 66,968
infrastructure and aesthetic environment books, 99,630 technical reports (including
conducive for serious study, functions at micro documents ) 54,000 standards and
DESIDOC. Catering to the information needs of specifications, and 48,835 back volumes of
researchers, managers and decision-makers in periodicals. It subscribes to 45 periodicals in
the areas of defence science and technology, electronic format and possesses 42 titles of
library is moving strategically towards a more bibliographic/full text databases in CD-ROM
digital culture. Development,in technology has format covering almost all areas of defence
been an important driving force for such a science and technology.
4.2 Computerisation of Library
Matching with the technological House Keeping Operations
advancements, DSL is one of the best equipped
libraries in the country in the field of science Computers have made forays into the
and technology and has the largest collection of libraries world over. Almost all the operations
documents in the field of defence science and a library can be computerised to achieve mo
technology. Library collection is a balanced mix efficient functioning. DSL has computeri
of all types of storage media e.g. paper, micro, various house-keeping and managem
optical and electronic. DSL provides a variety of functions of the library, viz. acquisition, seria
information services to its users to fulfil their control, circulation and budgetary control usin
day-today as weU as exhaustive information an integrated software package calle
needs using a complete range of information SUCHIKA, which is designed to run on a variety
resources starting from conventional paper of platforms. To meet the computerisation
media, traditional online searching to latest requirements of library, DSL started automating
electronic and optical media and world wide its house-keeping operations using DOS a
web and internet Unix versions of the SUCHIKA softwa
Though the software is able to fulfil the basic
Following are some of the areas of library requirements of a good integrated libra
activities where DSL is- effectively making use of management system, the need for an improve
the latest advancements of IT and able to version was felt with the growing technologica
perform better by providing its users a modern,
20 DESIDOC Bulletin of Inf Technol, 1999,19(6)
advancements. Factors like recent 4.3.1 Online Public Access Catalogue For
advancements in IT industry (hardware as well DSL Holdings
as software), a shift in the computer operating An online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC);
environment from DOS to Windows with a computerised database of the holdings of
added facilities of handling, processing and '
DSL, has been developed. As on 01 August
accessing information, and growing networking 1999 the 'database covers the bibliographic
environments has prompted DSL to take details of 96 thousand books, technical reports,.
initiatives to switch over to an improved version conference proceedings etc. held by the library
of SUCHIKA which can operate in Windows and can be searched by various access points
NT environments. This improved version is a like author/editor, accession number, keyword
fully integrated multi user sofhkare which uses (descriptors), International Standard Book
common communication format (CCF) for data Number (ISBN) or report number. It can also
structuring to facilitate resource sharing among be searched by outstation users over a
other libraries. telephoneline.
4.3 Database Creation Activities 4.3.2 For DRDO Holdings
Computerised databases help in collection DSL has alsd d w e k p ~ dan OPAC of the
of data and its efficient retrieval. DSL has holdings of about 37 DRDO libraries including
developed good expertise in the design and DSL and consist of more than 2 lakh records of
development of databases. It has made books, reports, conference proceedings etc.
successful effoits to develop bibliographic Inputs to this database are provided by the
databases for the holdings of DSL and other DRDO libraries on the b&is of CCF. The OPAC
DRDO libraries separately by converting the can be searched online through I-Net, dial-up
records of books, reports, conference mode and internet (TELNA) from distant
proceedings and other serial publications into locations. To harness the advantages of the
machine readable form and made them CD-ROM like high storage capacity, portability
available for searching in the form of Online and ease of use, this data is also made available
Public Access Catalogues. on CD-ROM format for those labdratories
Also, a database for Union Catalogue of where the internet facility is not provided.
periodicals of DRDO libraries has been 4.3.3 Union Catalogue of Periodicals in
developed at DSL All the three databases are DRDO Libraries
designed using the state of the art information
technology tods. All these databases are DSL has prepared a Union Catalogue of
available on a variety of platforms, like online, periodicals of DRDO libraries. Presently, data
CD-ROM, etc. from 40 DRDO libraries has. already 'been
covered. A CD-version of Union catalogue for
Both services offer an excellent collection of periodicals consisting of 7000 records is under
business information, including news, industry preparation.
analysis, and market research. Both also provide
wide-ranging coverage of biomedicine, 4.4 Information Services
pharmaceuticals, and heaith care, including DSL offers a 'wide range of information
medical and pharmaceutical research, drug data services to its users. Information Services may
and toxicology, and health care administration, be discussed under two broad groups:
In addition, DIALOG is known for its excellent Responsive and Anticipatory. Responsive
collection of intellectual property data, and Services are those that are given in response to
Datastar for its excellent coverage of requests for help or assistance or for finding
pharmaceuticals and of European companies, answers to specific answers. Anticipatory
industries, and news. Services are thobe that are offered in
anticipation of demand for a specific type of
reference or information service. Most of these
services got new dimensions in view of latest
DESlOOC Bulletin d lnf T d n o l , 1999,19(6) 21
addancements of IT. An uptodate excellent divisions of DSL to handle their day-today
collection, a mix of all storage media, which queries related to their work.
serves as a base for all library services and other
4.4.2 Anticipatory Information Services
modem in, astructure facilities available at DSL
gave an i petus to existing library services and
gave an opportunity to introduce new services.
DSL also provides anticipatory information
services regularly to its users. Following are the
With the use of IT, DSL services in general are information services provided in anticipation to
improved in terms of quality and quantity, and keep users, particularly those involved in
timeliness. decision making, informed about the stateof
-the-art in the respective areas of their
4.4.1 Responsive Services specialisation.
Listed below are some of the important
Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)
services offered by DSL :
Knight-Ridder Search Service
This monthly CD-ROM based personalised
In addition to ind'igenous databases, DSL has service ' i s aimed at providing current and
set up an online facility for searching foreign selective information to DROO ,scientists
bibliographic databases through Knight-Ridder working on various projects. Under this service,
lnformation Service Inc., USA. Offered by the subject interest profiles of project leaden
Knight-Ridder Information, Inc., the DIALOG and other DRDO scientists are matched with
and Datastar services provide access to millions the updates of CD-ROM databases received in
of documents in more than 650 databases from DSL. Subject areas covered under this service
a broad range o i disciplines. includes physical sciences, chemical sciences,
CD-ROM Search Service electronics, electrical engineering, aerospace
and other defencyelated technologies from
Use of IT products in the form of CD-ROM the CD-ROM updates of NTIS, INSPEC, GDI,
databases have effectively helped the reference US Patents, Aerospace, Compendex, Applied
librarian to cater day to day reference Science and Technology Index databases. This
queries/literature search in various fields of matching of individual profiles with databases is
science and technology. DSL has added many done using an in-house developed software.
CD-ROM databases in almost aH the disciplines The matched and relevant information outputs
of S&T to its special collection and provide. their thus generated are sent to* the scientists every
search facilities to the users. A list of CD-ROM month. The feedback is received to take
databases available in 'the Defence Science necessary steps' to modify user profiles
Library is given as Appendix-1 . accordingly, and make sure that only relevant
Internet Service information is sent to users.
DSL has created an amalgamated Defence Technology Alert (DTA) Service
environment where the traditional . online This current awareness service attempts to
databases and familiar CD-ROM products have dissem'inate current information of relevance to
been joined by the latest fascinating DRDO officials and scientists. Articles from
advancements like lnternet To navigate the journals subscribed by DSL (relevant to
resources-available wortd wide, Internet,World Defence Science and Technology) are scanned.
Wide Web is the best source of information The abstracts of relevant articles are prepared,
apart from other well known and traditional arranged subject wise and issued as a
tools. To keep pace with such an advanced and fortnightly bulletin to high officials in DRDO
exciting .technology, a special unit of internet HQrs, Technical Directors at DRDO HQrs,
search facility has been set up with the projecr leaders and other scientists of various
bandwidth of 64 kbps, dedicated lines through DRDO labs/estts.
Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd (VSNL) to provide
internet facility to the users at desk. Also,
internet connections are provided in all the
DESlDOC Bulletin qf lnf Technol, 1999,19(6)
Newspaper Clipping Servcies information resources-printed as well as
This service, meant for the top management
electronic media. Documents of Indian and,
foreign origin are supplied from the DSL
at the DRDO HQrs covers news items of
collection, local libraries and other libraries
interest to DRDO. About 16 national
located outside Delhi, pertaining to their
newspapers and 25 magazines are scanned
availability. For the purpose DSL is extensively
daily and relevant items are sent to Chief
making use of Delhi based libraries network
Controllers (R&D), and Directors in the
(DELNET). DELNET may be accessed either
Headquarters. Several foreign newspapers like
through DiaEup mode using modem or via
Dawn, Washington Post, New York Times etc.
TELNET (164.1 00.247.1 8). In case desired
available on Internet are also covered.
document is not available in any Indian
Current contents in Military Science and libraries, it is also arranged from the other
Technology (CCMST) international document supply centres like
This is an indexing service published in the British Library Document . Supply. Centre
form of monthly bulletin, which includes the (BLDSC), and National Library of Austraiia
contents of currently published journals, (NLA). The holdings of NLA can be accessed
reports, conference proceedings, etc. in the through internet using . 'TELNET No.
fields of Military Science and Technology, Apart from normal traditional
received in the DSL. channels of document supply, DSL also
extensively .uses the electronic document
Current contents in Library and Information delivery systems 1e.g. Science Direct Service).
Science (CCLIS) DSC has recently subscribed to the internet
CCLlS is a bimonthly indexing service, based based Sciencet Direct. -Service of Elsevier
on about 48 periodicals in the field of 'Library publishers which gives momentum to provide
and Information Science. It also includes more effective and less time consuming
contents of currently published journals reports, document delivery as well as reference services
conference proceedings etc. in the field of to its users. A list of 45 journals subscribed in
library and information science, received in the 'electronic format by DSL ih;ough Science
DSL. Direct Service' is given at Appendix-2. Science
Direct service is a web database for scientific
Current Contents in Material Science and
research that contains full text of more than
Technology (CCMS&T)
1100 Elsevier Science journals in the life,
CCMS&T is also an indexing service issued physical, medical, technical and social sciences
in the form of bimonthly bulletin. This service available through the lnternet. Science Direct
covers about 40 periodicals in the field of also contains abstracts from other core journals
material science and technology. in the major science disciplines to expand the
literature coverage beyond Elsevier Science
Forthcoming International Conferences on
journals. DSL is making use of Science Direct
Military Science Technology
Service to provide Current Awareness and
This bulletin, issued qua-terly, informs well in literature search in addition to browsing,
advance the DRDO Scientists, about the downloading and printing of requested articles
forthcoming technology events, both national in full text form teits users.
and international, in Defence-related areas.
The BLDSC provides ARTTel (Automated
4.5 Document Supply Service Request Transmission by Telecommunications),
an online document delivery service to libraries
As a support service to the various and individuals worldwide. DSL is making use
information services provided to its users, the of the British Library's ARTTel connection for
DSL has ako estabbshed an excellent document ordering the documents to BLDSC. Along with
1 supply service to meet the full text document the price, the information odemaining budget
; requirement needs. DSL provides document is provided by the software. Registered users
supply service to its users using all kinds of can also search and order documents from the
i DES/DoCBulletin d / n f Technol, 1999,19(6)
~bcumentSupply Centre holdings database. available through online ordering, and articles
Request may be sent via ARTTel, which is used appear in UnCover at the same time they are
for electrooid request or via e-mail through included in the current periodical issues from
ARTEmail. Requests through ARTEmail require a which they are taken. UnCover provides access
system with access to the Internet. Documents to some of the major university and public
may also be requested by mail or fax. Request. libraries in the US, and also to some European
are normally handled within 3-4 days of receipt, and Australian libraries. Requests may be made
and copies are received by first class mail. by fax, phone, or e-mail. Additionally, UnCover
Other facilities of BLDSC include OPAC, which is also availde through Blackwell's CONNECT
became available in May 1997, and provides service. information on UnCover is available
free access via the web to eight catalog that on the World Wide Web at
cover the major collections of the British Library uncover/what.html.
in London and Boston Spa. Users can search K R SourceOne is a service provided by
the holdings and order items through a user Knight-Ridder Information, Inc. that delivers
interface. lnformation on the British Library lnforriration from a worldwide collection of
Document Supply Centre is available on the libraries with more than 1.5 million tides. The
World Wide Web at hw:// information collection indudes digitally stored
DSL has subscribed to a new CD-ROM documents available in full-text including all
database, titled Inside Sciencq (ISCD), offered original columns, figures,' graphs, tables, and
by the British Library. ISCD is an integrated drawings. Requests can be made by phone, fax
current awareness and document delivery or e-mail, or ordered online through DIALOG
service on the extensive collections of the and DataStar databases. Delivery is provided
BLDSC. It provides, in. machine readable form, through mail, express mail, courier, fax,. email
details from the content pages of over 13,000 or FTP. A form is also available for Web-based
of the most frequently requested serial titles ordering. Information on KR SourceOne is
held at BLDSC. Using ISCD, the users are able available on the World wide Web a!
to select articles of interest from the index and krsourceone/.
yiew abstracts. Each CD-ROM hold the last six UMI offers two services, Infostore and
months contents data. Every month, a new disc ProQuest. The Infostore is a fulkervice
is received at DSL, which ptovides details from
document supplier which can provide journal
content pages of latest serials received at articles, dissertations, technical reports,
BLDSC. To maintain a library with contents conference proceedings, etc. Document may
listing for all journals indexed in a year, there is
be received by fax, courier, or mail. All
need to store only archive discs of June and documents received from the Infostore are
December. The document ordering features are copyright cleared. An online form is provided
available only to the users who are registered for ordering via the Web. Information on the
members. The order creation process is Infostore is available on the World Wide Web
integrated within the software. at
ProQuest is a service that offers full-text, full
Apart from these, DSL and British Council image, or can combine searchable text with
Library also extensively makes use of the graphs, charts, maps, and photographs. This
OPAC's of Carious international libraries like service provides abstracts and indexes for over
NLA, American Centre, etc. available on 3,000 titles, and all articles are copyright
internet and various other document delivery cleared. Documents are delivered by fax
services to get documents for its users like express delivery , or postal mail. ProQuest is
UnCover, UMI, and KR Source, available available through the Web, and in 239.50 and
through their hornepages on net. UnCover is an Windows environments. Documents may be
online periodical delivery service which delivered to a user's desktop or may be ordered
indexes almost 17,OOG English language through the UMI Infostore lnformation on
periodicals. There are over 7 million articles
- -

DESIDOC Bulletin of Inf Technol, 1999,19(6)

ProQuest is available on the World .Wide .Web DESIDOC has a well setup local area network
at (LAN) environment with multi platform
In DSL, the availability of above mentioned operating systems. It has adopted STAR
electronic resources in the form of CD-ROMs, topology to setup its network environment
electronic journals, online OPACsl, and other using ETHERNET LAN CARD'S with UTP
internet based resources has changed the (Unshielded Twisted Pair) CAT 5 (Category 5)
traditional longstanding links between cable. DSL is making the efficient use of this
professionals, information, and patrons. LAN facility. By putting it's library holdings and
peripherals on network it became possible to
4.6 Resource Sharing provide OPAC facilities to the DESIDOC staff at
their desk (i.e. searching documents, reserving
An important issue of concern to librarians
docuntents, etc:) and sharing the peripherals
in today's world of so called information rich
available in DSL with other divisions. A 24 port
society i s to have access to even those
intelligent hub is provided for concatenating all
information resources which are not available in
the systems for faster communications. On this
house. This need arose due to the fact that
backbone, the following three servers are
however rich in its collections a library can not
become self sufficient to meet the growing
information requirements of its users in house. x Novel Server: To share the various
Also with the changing technological applications programs and software among
advancements the shift is towards access different users (e.g. MS Office, DTP
services. This means emphasis is on what your software. etc.)
library can access rather what your library n Unix Server: To search the DRDO holdings
possess. Another point of key concern is rising database which can be accessed through
costs of documents and their phenomenal Internet (IP address or in
growth in each subject. All these issues point dial-up mode (01 1-3982617) or through the
out towards explor~ngthe possibilities to share DRDO homepage (
our resources with other libraries and
n Windows NT Server: Proxy server
information centres and also, to have access to
' connected to Videsh Sanchar Nigam
their resources.
Limited (VSNL) through 64 kbps lease line
DSL extends its facilities and services to to provide internet facility to the users at
DRDO as well as to non-DRDO users by their respective desks.
sharing its experience and resources with other
libraries and iriformation centres. DSL had 5. CONCLUSION
organised a one day meeting of the heads of
Information centre or library is the heart and
major Indian S&T libraries and information
soul of an IT industry. IT that will shape the
systems at Metcalfe House, Delhi, on 14
future information world and considered to be
October 1998. The main objectives of the
a new wealth creator, offers immense
meeting were to strengthen co-operation
opportunities for librarians. Use of IT in a
amongst major S&T libraries in India for optimal
special library environment like DSL, has been
utilisation of information resources using e-mail,
able to improve the overall library management
online and other faster means of
activities. and able to enhance the library
communication; to explore the possibilities of
services, both qualitatively as well as
inter-linking these libraries through a network
quantitatively. In order to draw maximum
for resource sharing; and to accelerate
benefits from latest developments in IT, DSL has
bibliographic database development activities.
been able to create an environment where IT
DSL actively participates in the network
can grow and flourish so that its full potential
programs like DELNET and 1NFLlBNET and
can be harvested by its ultimate users. With the
played a vital role in the development of these
use of latest technologies DSL has been able to
networks. The purpose of networking is to
provide its users fast and efficient access to a
establish a set up for sharing the resources.
variety of information resources with maximum
DESlDOC Bulletin of Inf Technol, 1999,19(6) 25
user'satisfaction and able to achieve its very
basic goal of providing right information to the
right user at the right time. 1. Gross, Howard; Promises hopes and
hyperbole : Adoption of new information
DSL is continuously in the process of technologies. IEEE transactions on
transforming into more electronic culture and professional communication. 1995, 38(2),
trying to cope up with the latest technological 118-122.
dwelopm:nts. But, as the technology is
changing at a very fast rate, there is still scope 2. Malaisamy, T.K. information technology in
for the librarian and others involved in library library management arid education. IASLIC
activities to develop more skills and have Bul/etin, 1998,43(1), 2 7-31.
matching human resources to keep pace Mtt~ 3. Murthy, S.S. Information technology in
this changing information technology libraries : A juristic prospective. DESIDOC
environment. bulletin of lnfomation Technology, 1994,
l4{5), 3-12.
4. Shoichi Noguchi : Informadon Technology
for the 21st Century. IEEE. 1996,18688.
5. Sah, S.L. Information Technology. Gyan
Publishing House, New Delhi, 1999.

Smt Sumati Sharma is Scientist in Defence Scientific fnhrmation & Documentation Centre
(DESIDOC), Metcalk House, Delhi 110 054.-

26 DESIDOC Bulletin of Inf Tedinol, 1999,19(6)


CD-ROMDatabases in Defence Science Library

Defence Scienceflechnology
S.No. Name of the database Frequency Coverage Type of Name of Publisher

1. Aerospace 4112 1989 + ,Bibliographic , DIALOG Corporation

2. CNS.Data (PNS, ENSP, IIMP, 4112 1994 + FulText Program .for non-
& CISNP) proliferadon studies

3. Global Defence Information 1 211 2 1987 + Biblignphk Skanfo

4. FMM Middle East & Africa 12/12 1999+ MITa Forecast In


5. FMM NATO & Europe 12/12 1999 + Full T


6. FMM Pacific Asia, Australia & 12112 1999 + Full Text .. ationat
Rim Forecast

7. Jane's Defence Equipment 4/12 1999+ Full Text Jane's Information Group
Library '(full set of 23 titles)

8. Jane's Geopolitical Library 4/12 1 998+ Full Text Jane's Information Group

9. Jane's Market Intelligence 4112 1998+ Full Text lane's Information Croup

10. Jane's unmanned Vehicles & 4112 1998+ Full Text Jane's Information Group

1 1. Jane's Year of Defence 111.2 1999+ Full Text Jane's Informaton Group

12. Land & Sea-BasedElectronics 12/12 1999+ Full Text Forecast International

1 3: Risk Repon 6112 1997 Bibliographic Risk Report

14. Space Systems Forecast 12112 1999+ Full Text Forecast International

IS. UnmannedVehicles Forecast 12/12 1999+ Full Text Forecast International


16. Waiships Forecast 12112 1999+ Full Text Forecast International

bESIDOC Bdletin d lnf Tedmol, 1999,19(6) 27

Applied Science & Technology 12/12
II I1 1983+ Bibliographic
I1 Silver Platter

I1 Current Technology Index


4/12 1


Bibliographic Dialog

IEL (IEEEIIEE Electronic Library)

II I 19W+ Ful Text HIS

5. 1 INSPEC 4/12 1 1989+ Bibliigraphc UMI

6. 1 Inside Information flus Science I 12112 ' 1 1999+ Bibliographic

I British Library

7. NTlS 411 2
1983+ Bibliographic DIALOG

Chemistry -
1. Chemical Abstracts 12/12 1996+ Bibliographic 1 American Chemical

Library Science
1. Global Books in Print PLUS 1 211 2 1997-98 Bibliographic Bowker

2. LISA Plus 12112 1969+ Bibliographic Silver Platter

3. Ulrich's Serials Database 211 2 1986-1993 Bibliographic Bowker

4. Whitaker's Book Bank 12/12 1986-1993 Bibliographic Bowker



411 2
~ u Text

Full Text

Full Text


4. Defence Standards, UK Full Text IHS

5. DIN-Standards Full f ext IHS

6. DoD-Standards Full Text I IHS

7. . HistoricalStandards Specifications 111 2 'Full Text IHS

8. 150-Standards 6112 Full Text IHS

9. Mil Specifications 411 2 Full Text USA Inf Sys

10. World Wide Standards 6112 Full Text

28 DESIDOC Bulletin of lnf Technol, 1999,19(6)

- -
1 I
1. / Patent View ( W e n t ) 1 52/12 1 1996' Fuil Text Derwent

2. 1 US Patent l k g e r 1 52/12 1 1995 Full Text Deiwent


o Aero-Engines 0 Land-based Air Defence

o Air-Launched Weapons Q Military Communciations
P Aircrafts upgrades' 0 Military Vehicles and logistics
P All the Worlds Aircrafts Q Mines and Mine Clearance
Q Armour and Artillery Q Nawl Weapon System
o Armour and Artillery Upgrades 0 NBC Defence Systems
a Avionics 9 Radar & Electrenic Warfare Systems
0 CQI System 0 Simulation and Training System
a Electro-opticsSystems 0 Strategic Weapon Systems
a Fighting Ships 0 Underwater Warfare Systems
P lnfantary Weapons a Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Targets
- - -

List of JournalsSubscribed by DSL in Electronic Format through Science Direct Service

American journal of Cardiology 23. lnternational Journal. of Radiation

Annals of the ICRP Oncology, Biology, Physics
Atmospheric Environment 24. lnternational journal of Solids and
Chaos, Solitons, & Fractals
25. Journal of Crystal Growth
Combustion and Flame
26. Journalof Hazardous Materials
Computer Aided Design
27. journal of Terramechanics
Computer Languages
28. Long Range Planning
Cornput& Networks and ISDN Systems
29. Magnetik Resonance Imaging
Computers & Operations Research
30. Mutation ResearchiDNA Repair
Computers & Geosciences
3 1. Nano Structured materials
32. Neural Networks ,
Decision Support Systems
33. Nuclear Medicine and Biology
Environmental software
34. Omega
European Journalof Operations Research
35. Optical Materials
Expert Systems with Applications.
36. Optics and Laser Technology Journal
3 7. Optics and Lasers in Engineering
III-Vs Review
38. Optics Communications
Information Systems including Database
Technology 39. Parallel Computing

Infrared Physics and Technology 40. Polymer Degradation and Stability

lnternational Journal of Engineering- 41. Research Policy

Science 42. Solid State Electronics: lnternational journal
lnternational Journal of Heat and Mass 43. Technovation
Transfer 44. Thin Solid Films
lnternational journal of Project 45. Waste Management

30 DESlooC BulIe(rn of lnf Technol, 1999,19(6)

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