Topics For The Midterm-1

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Topics for the Midterm-1

Scheduled: October 11th, Wednesday

1. Fundamentals of Structures (./Structs/Slides#1)

a. Access Modifiers (./Structs/Slides#6)
i. Private
ii. Public
b. Constructors (./Structs/Slides#3)
i. Default Constructor
ii. Parameterized Constructor
c. Setters and Getters (./Structs/Slides#2)
2. Nested Structs (./Structs/Slides#5,7,8)
a. Accessing nested struct attributes using multiple chained dot
3. Pointers (./Basics/Slides#4)
a. Pointers to Struct & Class objects
b. Passing pointers (both native and user-defined) to functions
c. Declaring and Initializing pointers and arrays as data members
in Structs.
d. General pointer arithmetic
4. Classes (./Classes/Slides#1)
a. Difference between Structs and Classes
b. Inline function definitions (structs) vs the scope operator (::)
for classes
c. Declaring and initializing pointers as member variables.
5. Parameter Passing in Functions (./Basics/Slides#3)
a. Pass by value/ copy
b. Pass by reference (using the address of & operator)
c. Pass by pointers (using the pointer * operator)

You’re supposed to cover everything except for operator overloading. The
references to the slides that have been mentioned are not exhaustive, so
please refer to the books that are uploaded on the LMS. They’re great
References from one of the course textbooks, “Object Oriented
programming in C++ by Robert Lafore”
- Structs: Pages 157 - 186
- Objects and Classes: Pages 241 - 289
- Functions: Pages 187 - 240

Again, these are not exhaustive. Please do extensive book reading and
locate the chapters yourself. Nonetheless, if you go over the
aforementioned page numbers, you will have a firm grip over the relevant
concepts that will be tested on the exam.

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