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FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 96, 2020, fiaa114

doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiaa114
Advance Access Publication Date: 8 June 2020
Research Article


Soil microbial succession following surface mining is

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governed primarily by deterministic factors
Jennifer L. Kane1 , Ember M. Morrissey1 , Jeffrey G. Skousen1 and Zachary
B. Freedman1,2, *
West Virginia University, Division of Plant and Soil Sciences, 1206 Evansdale Drive, Morgantown, WV 26506,
USA and 2 Current Address: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Soil Science, 1525 Observatory
Drive, Madison, WI 53706, USA

Corresponding author: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Soil Science, 1525 Observatory Drive, Madison, WI 53706, USA. Tel: 608 262
2633. E-mail:
One sentence summary: Soil microbial communities were influenced more by environmental factors than by time following surface mining disturbance.
Editor: Petr Baldrian

Understanding the successional dynamics governing soil microbial community assembly following disturbance can aid in
developing remediation strategies for disturbed land. However, the influences shaping microbial communities during
succession following soil disturbance remain only partially understood. One example of a severe disturbance to soil is
surface mining for natural resources, which displaces communities and changes the physical and chemical soil
environment. These changes may alter community composition through selective pressure on microbial taxa (i.e.
deterministic processes). Dispersal and ecological drift may also shape communities following disturbance (i.e. stochastic
processes). Here, the relative influence of stochastic and deterministic processes on microbial community succession was
investigated using a chronosequence of reclaimed surface mines ranging from 2–32 years post-reclamation. Sequencing of
bacterial and fungal ribosomal gene amplicons coupled with a linear modeling approach revealed that following mine
reclamation, while bacterial communities are modestly influenced by stochastic factors, the influence of deterministic
factors was ∼7 × greater. Fungal communities were influenced only by deterministic factors. Soil organic matter, texture,
and pH emerged as the most influential environmental factors on both bacterial and fungal communities. Our results
suggest that management of deterministic soil characteristics over a sufficient time period could increase the microbial
diversity and productivity of mine soils.

Keywords: succession; deterministic; stochastic; chronosequence; surface mining

INTRODUCTION ever, the mechanisms governing such patterns among micro-

bial communities remain unclear. Current theory in microbial
Ecological succession ecology postulates that selection, diversification, dispersal, and
Ecological succession can be used as a framework to predict drift mediate microbial community succession (Vellend 2010;
changes in community composition over time (Black 1965). In Nemergut et al. 2013). Still, questions remain regarding the rela-
plant communities, ecological succession has been widely stud- tive influence of stochastic (e.g. dispersal, ecological drift) and
ied (e.g. Grime 1979; Tilman 1988; Morris and Leger 2016); how- deterministic (e.g. selection, diversification) processes on soil

Received: 1 April 2020; Accepted: 5 June 2020

C The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of FEMS. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

2 FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2020, Vol. 96, No. 11

microbial communities across environmental and temporal gra-

dients (Nemergut et al. 2013; Rocca et al. 2019). To date, investi-
gations of microbial community assembly mainly explore suc-
cession after natural disturbances like glacial retreat (Jumppo-
nen 2003; Cline and Zak 2014; Freedman and Zak 2015a), fire
(Hart et al. 2005; Gassibe et al. 2011; Ferrenberg et al. 2013), or vol-
canic eruption (Ibekwe et al. 2007; Zeglin et al. 2016). Fewer stud-
ies on microbial community assembly focus on anthropogenic
disturbances like land use change (Lauber et al. 2008; Jesus et al.
2009; Cline et al., 2017) or physical disturbances like tillage (Lup-
wayi, Rice and Clayton 1998; Calderón et al. 2000). Understanding
microbial succession following disturbance is vital, as the soil
microbial community contributes to key ecosystem services (e.g.
nutrient cycling, mutualisms with plant hosts) and may con-

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tribute to the future ecological success of a previously disturbed
environment (Harris, 2003; Fierer et al. 2012).
Figure 1. Conceptual model of mining disturbance impacts on soil microbial
During succession, selection imposed by deterministic fac-
communities. Here, deterministic (e.g. soil chemical and physical properties) and
tors (e.g. changes in soil chemical and physical properties) stochastic (e.g. time) processes interact during succession and influence post-
affects the presence, absence, and relative abundance of micro- mining soil health and aboveground productivity.
bial taxa within communities as species unable to acclimate are
lost and those suited to the changing environment become dom-
inant (Keddy 1992; Girvan et al. 2003; Lauber et al. 2008). Deter- and physical properties for years after reclamation (e.g. low soil
ministic factors driving microbial community composition may organic matter content, high bulk density; Emerson, Skousen
include soil pH which is influential at the global scale (Fierer and and Ziemkiewicz 2009). Since dominant vegetation influences
Jackson 2006; Lauber et al. 2009; Rousk et al. 2010), and other belowground communities through the addition of organic mat-
factors such as soil moisture, total carbon (C), total nitrogen ter to soil (e.g. litter addition, root exudation) and other means,
(N), and C:N ratio (Högberg, Högberg and Myrold 2007; Lauber successful establishment of vegetation is important to achieve
et al. 2008; Freedman and Zak 2015a; Romanowicz et al. 2016). In whole-ecosystem improvements post-mining. In particular, the
contrast, succession can be influenced by stochastic processes interplay between organic matter inputs from aboveground veg-
which occur randomly. These include dispersal (e.g. by wind and etation and its decomposition by the microbial community reg-
water) and ecological drift (Nemergut et al. 2013; Vellend 2010). ulates in part the restoration of key soil features, such as accu-
Further, stochastic and deterministic processes can interact to mulation of nutrients (Veselá, Mudrák and Frouz 2018). Soil
influence microbial community composition in soil (Caruso et al. microbial communities may recover over time post-reclamation,
2011; Ferrenberg et al. 2013; Cline and Zak 2014; Freedman and affecting the overall success of the post-mining land use in
Zak 2015a). While soil microbial community assembly in anthro- terms of aboveground productivity and soil fertility, for instance
pogenically disturbed soils is not widely studied, deterministic by obtaining and storing N as biomass (Józefowska et al. 2017).
factors such as bulk density, water-holding capacity, pH, and In this way, the nature of surface mining makes reclaimed mine
plant species can be influential in shaping microbial commu- soils a novel system to investigate soil microbial community
nities following physical, anthropogenic disturbance of the soil succession.
profile (Calderón et al. 2000; da C Jesus et al. 2009; Dimitriu and To date, there has been some insight into microbial commu-
Grayston 2010; Peschel et al. 2015; Li, Liu and Chen 2016). Under- nity succession following surface mining (Banning et al. 2008;
standing the deterministic factors that influence microbial com- Dimitriu et al. 2010; Li, Liu and Chen 2016; Sun et al. 2017). For
munity succession following anthropogenic disturbance may example, it has been established that physical disturbances such
enable more timely and effective soil reclamation strategies. as mining, tillage, and land use change (e.g. from forest to grass-
land) can cause declines in ecologically important soil physical
and chemical parameters (e.g. pH, C: N) as well as reductions
Surface mining and microbial community assembly
in microbial activity, biomass, and diversity, which is sugges-
One particularly severe anthropogenic disturbance to soil is sur- tive of deterministic selection (Calderón et al. 2000; Banning et al.
face mining for natural resources (e.g. coal, iron ore). In the 2008; da C Jesus et al. 2009; Dimitriu et al. 2010; Li, Liu and Chen
United States, upwards of 2.5 million hectares of land have 2016; Sun et al. 2017). Stochastic processes also shape micro-
been surface mined over the past 100 years (Emerson, Skousen bial community succession following disturbance, for example,
and Ziemkiewicz 2009). The goal of many post-mining land through barriers to dispersal or genetic bottlenecks (Verbruggen
uses is economically and/or ecologically beneficial for above- et al. 2012; Schmidt et al. 2014; Sun et al. 2017). However, the rela-
ground productivity (e.g. agriculture, forestry), which relies on tive influence of stochastic and deterministic factors on micro-
soil microbial function for resources but also contributes to soil bial communities during succession following surface mining
restoration by the addition of litter and root exudates (Fig. 1; remains unexplored.
Skousen and Zipper 2014; Macdonald et al. 2015). During the pro-
cess of surface mining, vegetation and soil is removed from the
Objective and hypotheses
landscape to access the coal seam and the topsoil is stored for
later use in the reclamation process (Skousen and Zipper 2014). Here, we assessed the relative influence of deterministic and
This results in a loss of soil structure and vegetative cover as stochastic processes on soil microbial communities across a
well as spatial displacement of the established microbial com- chronosequence of reclaimed mine sites in West Virginia (WV),
munities. Further, despite the storage and use of native top- USA. Our hypotheses were: 1) The relatively stressful conditions
soil to reclaim sites, mine soils often exhibit adverse chemical imposed on soil microbial communities following mining and
Kane et al. 3

reclamation would elicit strong deterministic influences on suc- to the chronosequence sites, as well as its similar management
cession while stochastic processes would play a smaller role. 2) practice (i.e. grass-legume pasture). In all, three replicate sam-
With time since reclamation, soil physical, chemical, and biolog- ples from both highland and lowland plots were analyzed from
ical properties would tend towards that of an undisturbed refer- each of the four chronosequence sites and the reference site,
ence site. resulting in 30 total samples.

METHODS Soil physical and chemical analyses

Study site description Soil physical and chemical parameters that have been deter-
mined to influence soil microbial activity and diversity were
To investigate soil microbial community succession following assessed (Fierer, Bradford and Jackson 2007; Freedman and Zak
surface mine land reclamation, four reclaimed mine sites in 2015a; Romanowicz et al. 2016). Gravimetric soil moisture was
Monongalia County, WV were selected, two of which (Mylan Park determined by drying 10 g of fresh soil at 105åC for 24 hours
and New Hill) have been previously studied and their soil and (Black 1965). Soil pH was measured using a 1:5 soil: CaCl2 sus-

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vegetation described within the last decade (Chaudhuri et al. pension of air dried soil (Rayment and Higginson 1992) on an
2011; Chaudhuri et al. 2012; Chaudhuri et al. 2013; Chaudhuri Accumet AE150 pH meter (Fisher Scientific, Hampton, NH, USA).
et al. 2015). These four sites were owned by the same com- Organic matter content was determined by loss-on-ignition,
pany and were mined and reclaimed in the same manner, dif- whereby dried soil from moisture analysis was combusted at
fering only in the time since mining and reclamation occurred 500åC for 6 hours (Ball 1964). Percent clay was estimated using
(Table 1). The sites comprise a chronosequence, including four the Texture-by-Feel method (Thien 1979). Total C and total N
sites which were sampled 2, 10, 15, and 32 years post-mining were determined by combustion of ∼250 mg of soil on a vario
and reclamation, respectively. The four sites that comprised the MAX cube (Elementar, Landenselbold, Germany). The bioavail-
chronosequence were mined using contour mining methods. able carbon pool was estimated according to the Permangenate
After coal removal, sites were reclaimed by backfilling the over- Oxidizable Carbon Method (Weil et al. 2003). Soil N and P were
burden and regrading the land to the approximate original con- extracted from bulk soil in 1 M KCl and Modified Morgan extract
tour. Topsoil was then compacted with bulldozers to a depth respectively by shaking at 100 RPM for 90 minutes followed by
of approximately 20 cm in accordance with the Surface Mining filtration through a Whatman #42 filter (Whatman, Maidstone,
Control and Reclamation Act of 1977. The sites were then reveg- UK). Extracts were stored at -20åC until analysis using an AQ300
etated with mixed grass and leguminous species such as orchard Discrete Chemical Analyzer (SEAL Analytical, Mequon, WI, USA)
grass (Dactylis glomerata), clover (e.g. Trifolium spp.), birdsfoot tre- following U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) methods
foil (Lotus corniculatus), and fescue grasses (Festuca arundinacea; 353.2 for nitrate and nitrite, 350.1 for ammonium, and 365.1 for
Chaudhuri et al. 2013). Due to their close geographical proximity, phosphate. Total organic N was estimated by subtracting the
the sites experience similar climactic conditions and are of sim- inorganic N (sum of nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium) concentra-
ilar geology (sandstone, shale, siltstone, and limestone), hence tion from total N content.
the sites across the chronosequence have experienced similar
soil forming conditions (Chaudhuri et al. 2013).
Soil microbial biomass
Microbial biomass was estimated by substrate induced respi-
Sampling and experimental design
ration (Anderson and Domsch 1978) whereby 7 g (dry-weight
Sites were sampled in September of 2017, a time during which equivalent) of soil were incubated with 7 mL of 1.2% yeast extract
warm temperatures and high moisture favor microbial activ- and CO2 levels were measured using a LI-COR 6400XT fitted with
ity. According to the topographic relief of each site, two 50 × a Trace Gas Sampler (LI-COR Biosciences, Lincoln, NE, USA) at 0,
50 m plots were defined in lowland and highland regions at 2, and 4 hours. Carbon respired hour−1 gram−1 soil was calcu-
each of the four chronosequence sites (i.e. eight plots total across lated and used as a proxy for microbial biomass (sensu Fierer,
the chronosequence). While the topographic relief is not major Schimel and Holden 2003).
(<10 m difference in elevation between highland and lowland
plots), it was confirmed by gravimetric water content measure-
DNA extraction and sequencing
ments that soil moisture content is greater in lowland plots than
in the highland plots, which may have implications for micro- DNA was extracted from 0.5 g of homogenized soil using a
bial community succession (Cong et al. 2015; Stark and Firestone DNeasy PowerLyzer PowerSoil Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany)
1995; Suseela et al. 2012). From both the lowland and highland following the manufacturer’s instructions. DNA was quality
plot at each site, five random soil samples were taken to a 10- checked and quantified using NanoDrop and Qubit, respec-
cm depth using a shovel, homogenized by hand, and kept on ice tively (ThermoFisher Scientific, Waltham, MA). Bacterial 16S
until return to the lab, where they were passed through a 2 mm rRNA genes were amplified using barcoded primers 515f (Parada,
sieve. Subsamples were kept at -80åC for DNA analysis and the Needham and Fuhrman 2016) and 806r (Apprill et al. 2015).
remainder was kept at 4åC for biological and chemical analyses. Fungal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region amplicons were
From each homogenized sample (i.e. five samples taken in the amplified using primers ITS1f and ITS2 (White et al. 1990;
field and mixed), three subsamples were analyzed to account for Gardes and Bruns, 2003). All PCR amplifications were per-
the high variability in microbial communities. To serve as a ref- formed according to Earth Microbiome Project standard pro-
erence, highland and lowland plots were established at the West tocols (Thompson et al. 2017). Libraries were built from the
Virginia University (WVU) Organic Farm (39å38’48’ N, 79å56’14’ resulting amplicons and sequenced at the University of Min-
W) on an undisturbed perennial pasture and were sampled in nesota Genomics Center using the MiSeq platform (V3 chem-
September of 2018 in a similar manner to the chronosequence istry; Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA) and a dual-indexed approach
sites. This site was chosen due to its close geographic proximity (Gohl et al. 2016). Amplicon sequences have been deposited
4 FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2020, Vol. 96, No. 11

Table 1. Reclaimed mine sites that comprise the reclamation chronosequence. More detailed site descriptions can be found in Chaudhuri et al.

Shafer New Hill Metz Mylan Park

Years since reclamation 2 10 15 32

Latitude 39◦ 38’ 26” N 39◦ 40’ 24” N 39◦ 38’ 48” N 39◦ 38’ 26” N
Longitude 80◦ 01’ 59” W 80◦ 03’ 13” W 80◦ 01’ 32” W 80◦ 01’ 59” W
Altitude (m) 390.63 371.44 395.55 390.00
Dominant soil series‡ mesic Typic mesic Ultic mesic Typic mesic Typic
Udorthents Hapludalfs Udorthents Udorthents
Soil texture class Clay Loam Silty Clay Loam Silty Clay Loam Silty Clay Loam
Coal seam Waynesburg
Overburden type Sandstone (70%–80%), shale (20%–30%)
Mining Method Contour

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Reclamation method Backfilling followed by application of 20 cm of topsoil and grading
Post-reclamation land type Mixed Grass and Legume Pasture
10-year average annual precip. (mm)† 1189
10-year average annual temp. (åC)† 11

Source: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information

Source: USDA NRCS Soil Survey

to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) To determine whether soil physical, chemical, and biological
Sequence Read Archive (SRA) repository under accession #PRJNA characteristics increased or decreased over time after reclama-
529237. tion, linear regressions were used (Kenney and Keeping 1954).
To determine if microbial community composition varied sig-
DNA sequence processing and quality control nificantly across site and topographic relief (i.e. highland or low-
land), two-way Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance
Forward and reverse reads were merged by alignment to yield (PerMANOVA; Anderson 2001) was performed on Bray-Curtis dis-
a single sequence in USEARCH (Edgar 2010). Prior to align- similarity matrices of bacterial and fungal OTU relative abun-
ment, reads which had a quality score of less than 25 were dances with chronosequence site and topographic relief (i.e.
truncated and sequences with more than 10 mismatches in highland or lowland) as well as their interaction as factors. If
the alignment were removed from the data set. Operational significant interactions were observed between factors, pairwise
Taxonomic Units (OTUs) were picked using QIIME (Version PerMANOVA was performed to determine differences between
1.9.1; Caporaso et al. 2010) at the 97% similarity level using individual factor means across the chronosequence.
the open-reference method with default parameters. OTUs To determine the relative influence of stochastic (time since
that occurred less than five times across the dataset were reclamation, space between sites) and deterministic (soil chem-
removed. Bacterial taxonomy was assigned using the UCLUST ical and physical properties) on variation in microbial commu-
algorithm (Edgar 2010) against the Green Genes database (Ver- nity composition across the chronosequence, Distance Based
sion 13.8; McDonald et al. 2012). Fungal taxonomy was assigned Linear Modeling (DistLM; Legendre and Legendre 1998) was
by the Ribosomal Database Project Naı̈ve Bayesian Classifier implemented. Here, the adjusted-R2 selection criterion was
(Wang et al. 2007) using the UNITE fungal ITS trainset (Nils- used, which increases only if a given factor improves a model
son et al. 2019; Abarenkov et al. 2010). Fungal OTUs with tax- more than would be expected by chance. Prior to model building,
onomic assignments to the genus level were then assigned environmental variables were first tested for collinearity using
to functional guilds using FUNGuild (Nguyen et al. 2016). Prior Draftsman Plots, with significant collinearity defined as R2 >0.90
to analysis, bacterial and fungal sequences were rarefied to (Hair Jr. et al. 2004). If variables emerged as collinear, one was
5000 and 1300 sequences, respectively. For each site within selected for use in subsequent DistLM model building proce-
the chronosequence, bacterial and fungal richness was cal- dures. Marginal DistLM was initially performed to determine the
culated using the Chao1 metric (Chao 1984) and β-diversity relative influence of each factor on variation in microbial com-
was estimated using Bray–Curtis dissimilarity (Bray and Curtis munity taxonomic structure considered alone, not accounting
1957). for the influence of other factors. Only significant (P<0.05) fac-
tors in the Marginal DistLM were included in subsequent mod-
Statistical analyses els. To determine if the variation in microbial community com-
position explained by time and space (i.e. stochastic processes)
All statistical analyses were performed in R (Version 3.4.1) using was distinct or shared by other factors, Conditional DistLM was
the Vegan package (Oksanen et al. 2019) or Primer (PrimerE, Ver- performed in a step-wise fashion with time (chronosequence
sion 7); an α level of 0.05 was accepted as significant. Residu- site age) and space (site latitude and longitude) added last, after
als of the environmental variables were checked for normality the variation attributable to all other significant factors had been
using the Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test (Shapiro and Wilk 1965). accounted for. Lastly, ‘best’ model selection was used to deter-
Prior to analysis, non-normal data were normalized using arc- mine combination of factors that together accounted for the
sine, square root, and natural logarithm transformations where greatest variation in community composition as indicated by the
appropriate. adjusted-R2 criterion.
Kane et al. 5

lowland) show that bacterial and fungal communities were gen-

erally distinct across the chronosequence as well as from the
reference site, however the degree of difference varied by site
and topography as a significant two-way effect of Site × Topog-
raphy (P<0.05; Fig. 4; Tables 4 and 5, Supporting Information).
Additionally, the changes in community composition were rela-
tively progressive over time (Fig. 4); sites with similar ages (i.e.
2 and 10 years) were more alike than sites with distant ages
(i.e. 2 and 32 years). Despite this, there was no clear tendency
toward the community composition of the reference site for
either bacterial or fungal communities. Though both were sta-
tistically significant, time since reclamation (site differences)
was much more influential than topography in shaping bac-
terial and fungal community composition (Table 4, Supporting

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Figure 2. Soil oxidizable C, phosphate, organic N, and inorganic N concentrations
over time since reclamation and at the reference grassland site in highland (dot- Across the chronosequence, bacterial communities were
ted line) and lowland (solid line) soils. Error bars represent +/- SE, n = 3. dominated by members of the phyla Proteobacteria (23%-30%
of 16S rRNA genes), Actinobacteria (6%-22%), and Acidobac-
teria (10%-22%). In the lowland soils, there were increases in
RESULTS members of the classes Delta- (+39%) and Gammaproteobac-
Soil chemical properties teria (+29%; Figure S2 and Table 2, Supporting Information),
and decreases in the class Alphaproteobacteria (-51%) over
In the lowland soils, several soil properties increased with time since reclamation. Of the other highly abundant taxa
time since reclamation, including phosphate content (+1168%), in the lowland soils, Acidobacteria and Actinobacteria, nei-
organic N content (+3163%), inorganic N content (+306%), total ther changed in relative abundance over time (Figure 3 and
C content (+181%), oxidizable C content (+88%), organic mat- Table 2, Supporting Information). The relative abundance of
ter content (+38%), and moisture content (+24%; P<0.05; Fig. 2; Alpha- and Deltaproteobacteria, but not Beta- or Gammapro-
Tables 1 and 2, Supporting Information). Carbon to nitrogen ratio teobacteria, tended toward that of the reference site (Figure
(C: N) significantly decreased in lowland soils (-37%, P<0.05). In 2, Supporting Information). In the highland soils, there were
the highland soils, soil properties increasing over time included increases over time since reclamation in the relative abundance
organic N content (+807%), phosphate content (+406%), inor- of members of the classes Delta- (+46%) and Gammaproteobac-
ganic N content (+444%), organic matter content (+38%), pH teria (+29%) and decreases in relative abundance of the class
(+16%), and moisture content (+10%; P<0.05). Like in the low- Alphaproteobacteria (-50%; P<0.05; Figure 2 and Table 2, Sup-
land soils, there was a significant decrease in C:N in high- porting Information), responses similar to that of the highland
land soils (-52%, P<0.05). Over time, inorganic N content tended plots. Further, the relative abundance of phylum Acidobacte-
toward that of the reference site in both the highland and low- ria increased (+29%) and relative abundance of phylum Acti-
land soils. There were no other clear tendencies of soil chemical nobacteria decreased (-30%; P<0.05; Figure 3 and Table 2, Sup-
properties to mirror those of the reference site over time. porting Information). Similar to the lowland soils, the relative
abundance of Alpha- and Deltaproteobacteria, but not Beta-
Microbial community succession over time since or Gammaproteobacteria, tended toward the reference site in
highland soils.
surface mine reclamation
Across the chronosequence, fungal communities were
Microbial biomass and richness dominated by members of the phyla Ascomycota (26%-
In the lowland soils, there was no change in microbial biomass 65% of ITS region sequences) and Basidiomycota (18%-66%).
over time (Figure 1, Tables 2 and 3, Supporting Information). When fungal OTUs were assigned to functional guilds at
In the highland soils, microbial biomass increased over time the genus level using FUNGuild, saprotrophic fungi were
(+35%; P<0.05). Microbial biomass did not clearly tend toward most dominant, ranging from 30%-79% relative abundance
that of the reference site over time, with the biomass of the across the chronosequence. Other abundant functional guilds
32-year site varying by 31% and 23% from the reference site were arbuscular mycorrhizae (0%-14%) and ectomycorrhizae
for lowland and highland soils, respectively. Bacterial richness (0%-11%).
decreased significantly over time in highland soils (-30%; P<0.05; In the lowland soils, members of the Ascomycota increased
Fig. 3; Table 2, Supporting Information), but not lowland soils. in relative abundance (+20%; P<0.05; Figure 4 and Table 2, Sup-
Clear tendencies toward the reference site did not emerge for porting Information) whereas members of the Basidiomycota
bacterial richness, with % differences between the 32-year site did not change in relative abundance over time since recla-
and the reference site of 45% and 50% for highland and lowland mation. There was a tendency of Ascomycotal relative abun-
soils, respectively. There was no significant response of fungal dance toward the reference site, with the relative abundance
richness to time in either highland or lowland soils. For both the at 32-year site varying from the reference site by only 7%.
lowland and highland soils, there were not clear tendencies in When considered as functional guilds, there were no signif-
microbial biomass and richness toward the reference site over icant changes in abundance of saprotrophic fungi, ectomy-
time. corrhizae nor arbuscular mycorrhizae in lowland soils (Fig-
ure 5 and Table 2, Supporting Information). In the highland
Microbial community composition and taxonomy soils, there were no significant changes over time in the
Principle coordinate analyses calculated from Bray-Curtis dis- abundance of Ascomycota, Basidomycota nor any functional
similarity between sites and topographic relief (i.e. highland or guild.
6 FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2020, Vol. 96, No. 11

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Figure 3. Bacterial and fungal richness with time since reclamation over time since reclamation and at the reference grassland site in highland (dotted line) and
lowland (solid line) soils. Error bars represent +/- SE, n = 3.

Figure 4. Principle coordinate analysis of Bray-Curtis dissimilarity in bacterial and fungal community composition between chronosequence sites and the reference
site. PerMANOVA results including pairwise significance are shown in Tables S4 and S5 (Supporting Information).

The influence of stochastic and deterministic processes on microbial factors except organic N and C: N. This model accounted
community succession for 51% of fungal dissimilarity across the chronosequence
For bacterial communities, all chemical and physical soil char- (Table 3).
acteristics with the exception of organic N and C:N accounted Lastly, to determine whether stochastic processes shaped
for a significant proportion of β-diversity across the chronose- bacterial and fungal succession once all deterministic factors
quence when considered independently (Marginal DistLM, were accounted for, a conditional DistLM was performed with
P<0.05; Table 2). Among stochastic factors, time accounted for time and longitudinal distance added to the model last. For bac-
a significant proportion of β-diversity (Marginal DistLM, P<0.05) terial communities, once all variation attributable to determin-
whereas longitudinal distance did not emerge as a significant istic (environmental) factors was accounted for, time explained
predictive variable. Total C (21%), pH, organic matter content, an additional 4% of the remaining variance (Table 2, conditional
clay content and time since reclamation (25% each) accounted DistLM, P<0.05). For fungal communities, stochastic processes
for the greatest proportions of bacterial β-diversity when consid- did not explain any additional variation (Table 3, conditional Dis-
ered alone, not accounting for variance explained by other fac- tLM).
tors (P<0.05). When factors were considered together, the ‘best’
model included all measured factors except organic N, C: N, and
longitude and accounted for 44% of bacterial dissimilarity across DISCUSSION
the chronosequence (Table 2).
For fungal communities, all chemical and physical soil char- In this study, we show that soil microbial communities exhibit
acteristics except organic N accounted for a significant propor- successional patterns across a ∼30-year mine land reclamation
tion of the β-diversity across the chronosequence when consid- chronosequence by surveying soil chemical and physical charac-
ered independently (Marginal DistLM, P<0.05; Table 3). Stochas- teristics, microbial biomass, diversity, and community compo-
tic factors (time, space) also accounted for fungal β-diversity sition, then modeling relationships between microbial commu-
when considered alone, without other variables accounted for. nity composition and soil parameters using distance-based lin-
Organic matter (16%), pH (17%), clay content (19%) and time ear modeling. For bacterial communities, both deterministic (e.g.
since reclamation (19%) independently explained the most vari- pH, texture, soil C, N) and stochastic (e.g. dispersal and drift) fac-
ation in fungal β-diversity (P<0.05). When deterministic fac- tors exhibited distinct influences on the post-disturbance suc-
tors were considered together the ‘best’ model included all cession of these communities, but deterministic factors together
Kane et al. 7

Table 2. Bacterial taxonomic variation accounted for by each soil chemical/physical property and time since reclamation as determined by
marginal, conditional, and ‘best’ DistLM.

Marginal Conditional

Variance explained

Variable Pseudo-F explained Adjusted R2 Pseudo-F Proportion Cumulative

Altitude† 4.47∗ 0.17 0.13 4.47∗ 0.17 0.17

Moisture† 3.98∗ 0.15 0.21 3.15∗ 0.11 0.28
pH† 7.20∗ 0.25 0.31 4.07∗ 0.12 0.40
Organic matter† 7.45∗ 0.25 0.36 2.55∗ 0.07 0.47
Oxidizable C† 4.79∗ 0.18 0.67 1.20 0.03 0.5
Organic N 1.21 0.05 – – – –

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Inorganic N† 1.94∗ 0.08 0.38 1.50∗ 0.04 0.54
Phosphate† 4.29∗ 0.16 0.40 1.35 0.04 0.58
C:N 1.26 0.05 – – – –
% Clay† 7.25∗ 0.25 0.40 1.19 0.03 0.61
Total C† 5.97∗ 0.21 0.41 1.37 0.03 0.65
Longitude 1.87 0.08 – – – –
Time† 7.59∗ 0.25 0.44 1.60∗ 0.04 0.69

P < 0.05

Included in overall best solution; adjusted R2 = 0.44

Table 3. Fungal taxonomic variation accounted for by each soil chemical/physical property and time since reclamation as determined by
marginal, vonditional, and ‘best’ DistLM.

Marginal Conditional

Variance explained

Variable Pseudo-F explained Adjusted R2 Pseudo-F Proportion Cumulative

Altitude† 3.82∗ 0.15 0.11 3.82∗ 0.15 0.15

Moisture† 2.59∗ 0.11 0.17 2.60∗ 0.06 0.24
pH† 4.58∗ 0.17 0.27 3.81∗ 0.12 0.36
Organic matter† 4.13∗ 0.16 0.32 2.70∗ 0.08 0.44
Oxidizable C† 2.92∗ 0.12 0.34 1.54 0.04 0.48
Organic N 1.56 0.07 – – – –
Inorganic N† 2.70∗ 0.11 0.40 2.63∗ 0.07 0.55
Phosphate† 3.75∗ 0.15 0.41 1.38 0.04 0.59
C:N 2.35∗ 0.10 0.43 1.47 0.04 0.63
% Clay† 5.18∗ 0.19 0.49 1.97∗ 0.05 0.67
Total C† 3.50∗ 0.14 0.47 1.18 0.03 0.70
Longitude† 3.44∗ 0.14 0.49 1.71 0.04 0.74
Time 5.18∗ 0.19 0.49 – 0.00 0.74

P < 0.05

Included in overall best solution; adjusted R2 = 0.51

accounted for ∼7 times more variation. Fungal community vari- chemical and physical (i.e. deterministic) properties of the sites
ation was only explained by deterministic (i.e. environmental) (Sun et al. 2017). Our data also shows that successional pro-
factors. cesses are occurring over time, and the DistLM results pro-
vide statistical evidence that these processes are driven primar-
Deterministic factors strongly influence microbial ily by deterministic influence (i.e. soil chemical and physical
community succession following surface mine
Soil pH emerged as highly influential in constraining the tax-
onomic composition of both bacterial and fungal communities
Both bacterial and fungal community composition gradually across the chronosequence (Tables 2 and 3). Following surface
changed across the chronosequence, with the 2-year sites being mining disturbance, soil pH can decrease when acidic material
more taxonomically similar to the 10- and 15- year sites than is exposed during the process of mining, and amendments to the
to the 32-year site for both bacteria and fungi (Fig. 4). This soil (e.g. lime) are often applied to mitigate the effects of acidic
is similar to trends in another mine chronosequence, where soil on the productivity of the site (Skousen and Zipper 2014).
fungal, but not bacterial, communities were grouped within Across the chronosequence, as expected, pH increased over time
chronosequence site, and these trends were related to soil in highland soils as well as the lowland soils, though this was
8 FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2020, Vol. 96, No. 11

only significant in highland soils (P<0.05). The strong influence (DeForest et al. 2012), and in this study, phosphate content
of pH on microbial community composition is well documented increased over time since reclamation and was significant in
(e.g. Fierer and Jackson 2006; Lauber et al. 2009; Rousk et al. 2010). explaining taxonomic variation for both bacteria and fungi in all
Moreover, pH is tightly linked to other deterministic soil prop- models (Tables 2 and 3). Since surface mining exposes previously
erties through its chemical influence on nutrient availability, unweathered rock to biotic and abiotic influence, soil P may
metal solubility, and organic matter dynamics (Ashman and Puri increase as soil mineral weathering proceeds post-reclamation.
2002). Further, the influence pH alone on microbial communi- Changes in microbial community composition and increases in
ties may be attributable to a requirement of microbial taxa for microbial biomass have been recorded post-phosphorous addi-
a specific cellular pH optimum, therefore eliciting a determinis- tion (Liu et al. 2012; Carrino-Kyker et al. 2016), and elevated P can
tic influence (Rousk et al. 2010). From these data, it is apparent also reduce microbial decomposition of soil C (DeForest 2019),
that the management of pH is essential during the restoration further highlighting the key deterministic role of nutrient avail-
of mined lands. ability in shaping microbial communities.
Though explaining less variation across sites than pH, soil Taken together, these results not only support the hypothesis
clay content also emerged as influential in shaping both bac- that soil nutrient content would increase over time post-mining,

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terial and fungal communities across the chronosequence. Soil but that this deterministically shapes the succession of micro-
texture is important in determining microbial community com- bial communities. However, it was expected that soil chemical
position (Girvan et al. 2003; Lauber et al. 2008), and like pH, it content would tend toward that of the undisturbed reference
may function as a keystone variable influencing other deter- site, and our results did not align with this expectation. The ref-
ministic soil factors such as water dynamics and nutrient con- erence site was a previously established managed pasture and is
tent (Ashman and Puri 2002; Ghezzehei et al. 2019). The sub- composed of varying plant species and experience tillage, har-
sequent influence of soil water dynamics (e.g. connectivity of vesting, and grazing. This historical difference in management
soil aggregates by flow of water) mediates to the diffusion of strategy (e.g. periodic tillage and aboveground forage harvest-
substrates which can elicit selective pressure on microbial taxa ing) may explain the lack of coherence with the chronosequence
through resource constraints or surpluses (Carson et al. 2010). ecosystem trajectory.
This highlights that, like pH, soil texture is tightly linked to many
other deterministic factors which shape microbial communities
following disturbance, and therefore can be leveraged during Stochastic factors explain a distinct and significant
restoration. amount of variation in bacterial but not fungal
Increases in total and oxidizable C over time indicate communities
increased storage of C in these soils following reclamation as
well as increased C availability for the microbial community Though deterministic factors clearly emerged as dominant in
(Fig. 2; Tables 1 and 2, Supporting Information). Though varying shaping both bacterial and fungal communities, time explained
between bacteria and fungi and among models, both factors did distinct and significant variation in bacterial, but not fungal,
emerge as important in explaining taxonomic variation between community composition as determined by Conditional DistLM
sites in the Marginal DistLM (Tables 2 and 3). The quantity and (Tables 2 and 3). The difference in response between bacterial
chemical complexity of C compounds can shape microbial com- and fungal communities is supported by other studies showing
munity composition through imposing selection for taxa with that the two communities respond differentially during succes-
a genomic capacity to metabolize the available C substrates sion (Brown and Jumpponen 2014; Sun et al. 2017). The small
(Eilers et al. 2010; Li et al. 2012). Further, soil microorganisms but significant concomitant role of stochastic factors in shap-
can contribute to the accumulation of stable soil organic mat- ing bacterial communities aligns with other studies showing
ter (e.g. through the generation of necromass which can sorb that both stochastic and deterministic factors shape bacterial
to soil minerals (Cotrufo, Wallenstein and Boot 2013)). Together communities following disturbance (Dumbrell et al. 2010; Caruso
with the apparent increase in organic matter content across et al. 2011; Ferrenberg et al. 2013; Freedman et al. 2015). While,
the reclamation chronosequence interrogated in this study, the contrary to our results, others have observed fungi to exhibit
increases in soil C and N contents suggest that microbially- stochastic successional patterns (Brown and Jumpponen 2014;
mediated soil organic matter cycling may be recovering post- Cline and Zak 2014), it has also been shown that fungi sub-
mining. Soil organic matter is important for overall ecosys- ject to a severe pH gradient exhibited dominantly deterministic
tem function; for instance, it fosters favorable soil structure, successional patterns (Dumbrell et al. 2010), a factor which also
water dynamics, and nutrient storage (Brady and Weil 2008). was influential to fungal communities in our study. Notably, the
This result highlights the potential importance of soil microor- observation of dominant stochastic influences on fungal suc-
ganisms in replenishing organic matter stocks after mining cession is found in much longer term studies, such as glacial
disturbance. chronosequences that represent more than double that which
Inorganic N, organic N, and phosphate contents all increased our chronosequence encompasses (i.e. 70 years (Brown and
across the chronosequence. This is consistent with findings Jumpponen 2014), ∼14 000 years (Cline and Zak 2014)). Owing
that, in mined lands reclaimed to grasslands, both C and N to their shorter generation times (Rousk and Bååth 2011), bac-
increased over time (Čı́žková et al. 2018). Nitrogen limitation is teria may be more strongly impacted by stochastic factors (i.e.
widely known to deterministically shape microbial communi- genetic drift) in the short term, like our chronosequence rep-
ties (Hu et al. 2001; Craine, Morrow and Fierer 2007; LeBauer and resents (∼30 years). Further, fungal spores may persist as dor-
Treseder 2008). For example, the addition of N influences micro- mant for long periods of time, awaiting favorable environmental
bial community composition and decreases microbial extracel- conditions to emerge (Deacon 2006). Hence, more time may be
lular enzyme activity, which often results in increased soil C necessary for stochastic influences to affect soil fungal commu-
storage (Peacock 2001; Ramirez, Craine and Fierer 2012; Freed- nities, as has been resolved in the noted longer-term studies.
man et al. 2016; Zak et al. 2019). Recently, P limitation has This suggests that, while stochastic factors may shape fungal
emerged as a limiting nutrient in some temperate ecosystems communities following surface mining, a longer time sequence
Kane et al. 9

would be needed to resolve these effects. As an ecosystem devel- microbial biomass to a physical disturbance like tillage is vari-
ops over time, it is plausible that communities may be more sus- able, depending on deterministic soil properties (Calderón et al.
ceptible to a stochastic influence like dispersal limitation (e.g. 2000; Anderson et al. 2017).
as soil structure and hydrologic dynamics develop). Hence, our
relatively short chronosequence may not capture the extent of
stochastic effects on these communities which may fluctuate in CONCLUSIONS
intensity with time post-disturbance.
The successional trajectory of microbial communities follow-
The relative influence of stochastic and deterministic pro-
ing mine reclamation is influenced by both deterministic and
cesses can shift over time within a system; for example, stochas-
stochastic processes. Though stochastic processes did emerge
ticity may primarily shape communities in early succession, fol-
as distinct for bacterial communities, the influence of deter-
lowed by deterministic influences shaping communities later in
ministic factors was ∼7 times greater, and fungal communi-
successional time (Ferrenberg et al. 2013; Brown and Jumpponen
ties were influenced only by deterministic factors. Though there
2014; Dini-Andreote et al. 2015). Environment type and extremity
were not clear trends in microbial biomass or diversity, there
are also noted as a driver of this interplay. Increased extremity of

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were shifts in community composition and increases in soil
environmental conditions is linked to increasingly deterministic
nutrient content. However, they did not clearly tend toward the
influence on succession (Stegen et al. 2012). In the case of sur-
reference site, suggesting that reclaimed mine soils may not
face mining, many abiotic factors are suddenly and drastically
come to resemble undisturbed ecosystems for many decades
altered (Skousen and Zipper 2014), rendering the emergence of
post reclamation. Taken together, these results indicate that
deterministic factors as dominant unsurprising. Our study sup-
reclaimed mine soils harbor dynamic microbial communities
ports that, while it is useful to consider broad scale ecological
which are dominantly shaped by soil chemical and physical
patterns, it is plausible to expect results to vary based on the
properties following reclamation. These deterministic factors
many differing factors that comprise local conditions.
regulate changes in relative abundance of microbial groups over
It is possible that a proportion of community variance
time post-disturbance. By managing key soil properties, it may
attributable to stochastic processes in our models may represent
be possible to accelerate microbial succession to develop com-
unmeasured confounding environmental variation across the
munities which fit the ecological needs of the desired post-
chronosequence. In this study, environmental factors were mea-
mining land use.
sured that have been well documented as deterministic drivers
of soil microbial community composition (Fierer, Bradford and
Jackson 2007; Högberg, Högberg and Myrold 2007; Lauber et al. SUPPLEMENTARY DATA
2008; Freedman et al. 2015; Romanowicz et al. 2016) in order to
account for as much deterministic influence on succession as Supplementary data are available at FEMSEC online.
possible. Additionally, these sites were chosen because they har-
bor minimal heterogeneity between them in plant communi-
ties, climate, and management regime, further minimizing con-
founding variation which could contribute to community dis- We thank Brianna Mayfield and Gregory Martin for their help
similarity. Still, only ∼70% of variation was explained once all with field work and insight into this project. We also thank two
factors were added to the Conditional DistLM (Tables 2 and 3). anonymous reviewers for their constructive feedback on this
It is plausible that microbe-microbe interactions such as com- manuscript. Funding for this project was provided by the United
petition, predation, mutualism, and order-of-colonization may States Department of Agriculture National Institute for Food
account for a portion of unexplained variation (Jiang and Patel and Agriculture (Accession No. 1018856, Project No. WVA00921)
2008; Vannette and Fukami 2013; Freedman and Zak 2015b; as well as USDA HATCH (Accession No. 1011670, Project No.
Fukami 2015), which were not quantified in this study. WVA00695 and Accession No. 1010898, Project No. WVA00688)
and the WVU Faculty Senate Grant program.

Conflicts of Interest. None declared.

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