Handwashing Script

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Goodmorning, my name is Misael Mori G.

Delos Reyes, and today I am going to demonstrate

proper HandWashing.
The purpose of handwashing is to:
Diminish the amount of microorganisms on the hands
To reduce the risk of transmission of microorganisms to the client
To minimize the risk of cross-contamination amongs the client
To minimize the risk of transmission of microorganisms to oneself
Then for planning, we must
-Prepare and assess hands.
-Check for laceration, open wounds, hangnails and also as nurses we must keep our nails short
because it is less likely to harbor any microorganisms.
As for the planning,
-Assemble all the articles needed, this is to save time and effort, and to also prevent repeating
the procedure if we are missing materials.
-Then also remove wristwatch, and jewelries to get under those areas that may have trapped
microorganisms, and also roll up sleeves.
As for the implementation,
-Stand well away from the sink, same as the roll up sleeves, the edge of the sink is a reservoir
for microorganisms, and we do not want our uniform to get soaked as microorganisms thrive
well in moisture.
-Turn on the knob of the hand-operated faucet with a clean tissue paper or manipulate lever or
pedal faucet if applicable, in our case… this is to avoid contaminating the hands while opening
the faucet.
-Discard the used tissue paper, and avoid crossing and also make sure to drop it and not reach
for the receptacle because under waist level it is considered as unsterile.
-Rinse the hands thoroughly under running water, with hands below elbow level. Because water
works under gravity and also one way to avoid splashing water to your uniform and this is follow
the cleanest to dirtiest principle.
-Grab the soap from the soap dish
-Rinse the soap before using to wash away microorganisms at the outerlayer, then make a rich
-Before returning it to the soap dish rinse the soap with the same reason of it might accumulate
-With firm, rubbing, circular motion, wash the palm of the hands, back of the hands, wrist of the
hands, make sure you have force and friction this is to help loosen the dirt and microorganisms
-Then interlace your fingers and move your hands back and forth to get in between those
interdigital space, and also get through each finger.
-Then rub your fingertips against the palm of your hands to get in between those fingers which
is considered as dirtiest.
-Then rinse the hands under water starting from the finger to the wrist, then to the elbow
conforming to the principle of handwashing.
-Then pat dry the hands and the arms, make sure that you use only one side of the clean towel
and avoid returning and follow cleanest to dirtiest.
-Then lastly turn off the faucet with a clean tissue paper, drop it, to prevent contamination of the
Then lastly for the evaluation
-Your hands are now cleaned and kept from contamination during the procedure.

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