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Example Outcomes

Example Outcomes

The following examples are taken from real Routines-Based Interviews, which produced the informal goals below. The format for the
observable goals, which is used interchangeably with “outcomes,” and for the criteria are from our model for early intervention in
natural environments (

Child-Level Goals
Informal goal Observable goal Criteria for accomplishment (We will know he or she
can do this when…)
Communicate his needs [Child] will participate in meals, play He uses four single words in one day, for 3 consecutive
(drink, don’t feel well, eat, times, hanging out, outside time) by days.
more, play, TV, outside) communicating his needs.
Eating with combination of [Child] will participate in meals by eating He eats 3 portions (1/4-1/2 cup/portion) of food with a
textures; vegetables, fruits foods having a combination of textures. combination of textures (e.g., pasta with sauce) in 1
Hand washing—water rinsing [Child] will participate in toileting and He independently washes his hands, including rinsing,
preparing for meals by washing his after toileting or on hearing that a meal is ready, 2 times
hands, including rinsing them. a day for 5 consecutive days.
Identifying objects (in a book, [Child] will participate in book reading, He correctly points to 5 named (i. e., “Where’s the
on body), to see where he is dressing, bathing, and toileting by bunny?) objects in books or 5 named body parts in 1
cognitively pointing to named objects or body parts day.
(e.g., Where’s the bunny?).
Transitions (e.g., from park) [Child] will participate in outings to the He moves on to the next activity (e.g., begins walk
when he has to stop doing park and play times at home by moving home or to the car) with no fussing on 3 out of 5
something fun on to something else when he is told to. transitions in a week for 3 consecutive weeks.
Making sounds (playing with [Child] will participate in playing with He makes 15 separate cooing or babbling sounds for 3
Chris, diaper, reading, play, his father, diaper change, reading time, consecutive minutes during any three of these times of
feeding) play time, and feeding by making sounds. day in 1 day.
Responding to Julie and Chris [Child] will participate in reading time, He makes a sound or looks at Julie or Chris within three
during reading, play, meals play time, and meals by responding to his seconds of their trying to get his attention, once in each
parents. of these times of day, for 3 consecutive days.
Reach (playing on floor, bath, [Child] will participate in playing time on He reaches his arm towards a person or object once in

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swim class, music, feeding) the floor, bath, swim class, music, or any 3 of these times of day for 3 consecutive days.
feeding by reaching for people or objects.
Batting for toys and splashing [Child] will participate in play and bath He bats 5 times at toys in a 15 minute play time or
(play, bath) times by batting toys and splashing, splashes 5 times during a bath time on 3 consecutive
respectively. days.
Grasp things in front of him [Child] will participate in music, bath, He grasps an object once at each of these 3 times of day
(music, bath, feeding) and feeding by grasp objects in front of in a day, for 3 consecutive days.
Rolling both ways, pushing up [Child] will participate in play time on He does each of these movements in 1 play time on 3
(play) the floor by rolling from his stomach to different days in 1 week.
his back, rolling from his back to his
stomach, and pushing up on his arms.
Sitting unassisted (music, [Child] will participate in music, bath He sits without support in each of these times of day for
bath, feeding) time, and feeding by sitting unassisted. 3 minutes in 1 day.
Samantha communicate, esp. Samantha will participate in waking up She says, “I love you” 3 times in 1 week, when Sue
“I love you” at wake up and time and meals by communicating. enters her room, and when she names 2 foods (i.e., not
what to eat at meals in view) she wants in 1 week.
Eat without stuffing Samantha will participate in meals by She puts one spoonful of food in her mouth, chews it,
chewing and swallowing her food, one and swallows it, before putting the next spoonful in her
mouthful at a time. mouth, 4 times in a meal for 5 consecutive meals.
Cup drinking Samantha will participate in meals by She drinks 3 oz from a cup with no lid, with no spilling,
drinking from a cup. during every meal for 5 consecutive days.
Eat with utensils Samantha will participate in meals by She uses a spoon or fork for 5 minutes in lunch AND
eating with utensils. dinner for 5 consecutive days.
Potty training Samantha will participate in toileting by She indicates she needs to go (i.e., before an “accident”)
indicating she needs to go. 5 times in 1 week.
Dressing independently Samantha will participate in dressing She puts on her shirt, pants, and socks or shoes, without
time by putting on her clothes any help, for 5 days in 1 week.
Play with toys appropriately at Samantha will participate in hanging-out She plays appropriately (by parents’ judgment) with 3
hanging-out times times by playing with toys appropriately. different toys for 3 minutes each in 1 week.
Emily will extend arms at Emily will participate in dressing time by She pushes her arms through the sleeves of her shirt,
dressing extending her arms. without help, 7 times in 1 week.

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Play without head banging Emily will participate in play times by She goes for the entire day without banging her head for
(because of child care) playing without banging her head. 5 consecutive days.
Communicate Mama, no, up, Emily will participate in meals, play She uses at least 3 different words at 3 separate times in
cup, Dada, etc. time, and waking up time by using 1 day.
Sit in car seat without self- [Child] will participate in car rides She plays with objects, points, sings, and talks, without
stimulating with middle strap without self-stimulating. self-stimulating every day for 2 weeks.
(for social reasons)
Walk faster Emily will participate in outings by She can walk 1 yard in 2 seconds for 20 yards, with one
keeping up with her parents while hand held, on three occasions per outing, once at the
walking. grocery store, once at the mall, and once at church.
Jenevae will move Jenevae will participate in toy play by She moves forward on her tummy 24 inches to obtain a
independently (like crawling) moving independently. toy or person, twice a day for 3 consecutive days.
Learn to play with more Jenevae will participate in toy play by She plays with 5 toys, using 3 different behaviors (e.g.,
complicated toys playing with toys that require different putting in, taking out, rolling, turning a handle, opening,
behaviors. closing) with each toy, during 5 consecutive days.
Say words Jenevae will participate in waking up, She says 1 identifiable word, not in imitation, during
meals, and play time by saying words. waking up, 1 meal, and play time in 1 day.
Pulling to stand Jenevae will participate in waking up, She pulls herself to stand in 2 of the 4 times of day
play time, hanging out time, and outside identified for 5 consecutive days.
time by pulling to stand.
Come to sitting Jenevae will participate in waking up, She can move from being on her tummy to sitting,
play time, and hanging out time by independently, once at waking up, once at play time,
coming to sitting. and once at hanging out time, in 1 day, for 3
consecutive days.
Stephan and Renée stay with Stephan and Renée will participate in They remain within 10 feet of their parents on every
parents when go out outings by staying with their parents. outing for 3 consecutive weeks.
Dressing Stephan will participate in dressing and He puts on all his clothes with no physical assistance at
bath time by dressing himself. both morning and evening (pajamas) dressing for 7
consecutive days.
Table manners and feeding Stephan will participate in meals by Ali rates his table manners as adequate and his eating as
using good manners and eating appropriate for 5 dinners a week for 3 consecutive
appropriately. weeks.

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Stephan follow bedtime Stephan will participate in bedtime by He plays for 30 minutes, brushes his teeth, participates
routine following the routine. in family time, and stays in bed on 4 nights a week for 3
consecutive weeks.
Adam—independent at Adam will participate in morning and He puts on all his clothes (pajamas at night) in the
dressing evening dressing by dressing himself. morning and at night, with no physical assistance, on 4
days a week for 3 consecutive weeks.
Independent eating (using Adam will participate in meals by using He uses utensils independently for 15 minutes once a
utensils, initiating clearing utensils independently and by initiating day for 5 consecutive days and initiates clearing the
table) clearing the table. table 5 days a week for 3 consecutive weeks.
Play with toys and people at Adam will participate in play time by He plays associatively or cooperatively with toys and
the same time playing with toys and people at the same people for 15 minutes during 1 play time a day for 5
time. consecutive days.
Participate in conversations Adam will participate in meals and He engages in back-and-forth conversations for 5
(vs. just getting needs met) hanging out by conversing (not just minutes twice a day for 3 consecutive days.
trying to get needs met).
Meals without “attacking” Adam will participate in meals by He eats dinner for 3 consecutive weeks, every night,
Paige (sister) behaving appropriately, not attacking without hitting Paige.
More varied foods [a very Adam will participate in meals by eating He eats one vegetable, one protein, and one carb at
common priority in many a variety of foods. lunch and at dinner on 4 lunches and 4 dinners a week
families] for 3 consecutive weeks.
Adam play with toys more Adam will participate in play and He plays with a toy for at least 3 minutes once a day,
hanging-out times by playing with toys. for 5 days a week, for 3 consecutive weeks.
Potty training Adam will participate in toileting by He uses the potty independently, after a verbal prompt,
going to the potty. 3 times a day, every day of the week, for 3 consecutive
Communicate what he wants [Child] will participate in meals, play He uses single signs or words to request spontaneously
times, and hanging out by or to answer to “What do you want?” at all three times
communicating what he wants. of the day, every day for a week, for 3 consecutive
Sleeping on good schedule [Child] will participate in nighttime He goes to bed ______ p.m. and stays in bed until ___
sleeping by going to bed on time and a.m. for 7 consecutive nights.
staying in bed through the night.

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Potty awareness [Child] will participate in toileting by He pats his diaper, heads to the potty, or says “Potty” 3
indicating he needs to go potty. times while still dry, followed by successful
elimination, a day for 5 consecutive days.
Reduce number of meltdowns [Child] will participate in play times, He is engaged in all three kinds of situations, without
transitions, and meals by behaving having a tantrum, on 4 days a week, for 3 consecutive
appropriately and not having a meltdown. weeks.
Sit at table at lunch and [Child] will participate in lunch, dinner, He sits at the table for 15 minutes in 2 of the following
dinner, at Grandma’s, and at at Grandma’s, and at restaurants by situations per day: lunch, dinner, Grandma’s, and
restaurants sitting at the table. restaurants, for 7 consecutive days.
Sit for haircut [Child] will participate in haircuts by He sits for 10 minutes during each of 3 consecutive
sitting still. haircuts.
In store, “contingency [Child] will participate in going to the He behaves appropriately after being promised a reward
awareness” (accept bribes!) store by behaving appropriately for good behavior on 3 out of 5 outings.
Play with other kids [Child] will participate in play dates by He engages in associative or cooperative play with
playing with other kids. another child for 10 minutes, twice a week, for 3
consecutive weeks.
Play or hang out in early [Child] will participate in waking up by He plays without fussing during 4 waking-up times a
morning without fussing playing without fussing. week, for 3 consecutive weeks.
Forming words—book [Child] will participate in book time, play He uses 10 understandable signs or words by [date].
reading, calling people, when time, and hanging-out time by using
frustrated single words or signs.
More engaged with an activity [Child] will participate in play times, He remains engaged with an activity, without requiring
at play times, dinner time, dinner time, and while [Sister] is playing attention, for 15 minutes, once a day during one of these
while [Sister’s] doing things. by being engaged with an activity. times of day, for 5 consecutive days.
Entertain himself
Feed himself with a spoon [Child] will participate in meals by He eats a bowlful of food (approximately 25 scoops)
feeding himself with a spoon. with little spilling during 1 meal a day for 7 consecutive
Cup drinking [Child] will participate in meals by He drinks 4 ounces from a cup with no lid, 3 times a
drinking from a cup without a lid. day, every day for 3 consecutive weeks.
Walking—play times, hangin’ [Child] will participate in play and He walks 10 steps independently during these times,
out hanging-out times by walking. twice a day, every day for 2 weeks.
Initiate an interaction with a [Child] will participate in free play, He initiates interactions, using a child’s name, in two

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friend, using his or her name outside play, and centers by initiating out of the situations (routines) given, in a day, for 5
interactions, using a child’s name. consecutive days.
Play back and forth with an [Child] will participate in play and He engages in 6 turns in at least 1 of 3 different kinds of
adult (taking turns) hanging-out times by taking turns with an games and, at minimum, in every 1 of the 3 games in 1
adult. week, for 3 consecutive weeks.
Drink from a sippy cup [Child] will participate in meals by He drinks 4 oz from a sippy cup, with no physical
independently drinking form a sippy cup, assistance, 3 times a day for 7 consecutive days.
Stay with one activity at [Child] will participate in centers by He spends 5 minutes at any 1 centers activity on 3 days
centers for a reasonable time spending 5 minutes at any one activity. a week for 3 consecutive weeks.
Play with toys instead of [Child] will participate in free play by He plays with toys for 5 minutes out of every 15
wandering around the room playing with toys instead of wandering minutes of free play, twice a day, on 3 days a week, for
around the room. 3 consecutive weeks.
Color efficiently, holding the [Child] will participate in art by holding He colors in that fashion for most of the time he is
crayon in a more sophisticated the crayon with the point coming out the coloring during every art activity for three consecutive
manner thumb side of his fist. weeks.
Follow 2-step commands in [Child] will participate in circle, centers, He follows 2-step commands in three of the situations
the classroom small-toy play, music, meals, and (routines) given every day for 3 consecutive weeks.
toileting by following 2-step commands.

Family-Level Goals
Informal goal Specific goal Criterion for accomplishment
Therapies more under Jo’s Jo will revise the schedule of [Child’s] By [date]
control therapies to suit her own needs
Child care when Jo needs Jo will have child care lined up for when By [date]
longer term care (e.g., during she needs longer term care
her medical treatments)
Information on research, what Julie will have information on research By [date]
other moms do, bedtime relevant to her child, on what other
rituals parents of similar children do, and on
bedtime routines.
Time for Chris and Julie Chris and Julie will have 3 nights out. By [date]

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together [a very common

outcome in many families]
Sue get a new job Sue will have information about potential By [date]
new jobs
New beds for kids Sue will get new beds for the children By [date]
Time for Gina to play with Gina will play with Maria and Emily, 4 days in 1 week.
Maria and Emily (15-30 mins) together, for 15-30 minutes a day.
Down time before dinner for Gina will arrange for the family to have 3 nights a week for 3 weeks.
family down time before dinner
Find child care Gina will find acceptable child care for By [date]
Maria (sister) cooperate Maria will participate in play time, She does what she’s told within 5 seconds 5 times a day
dressing, and meals by cooperating. for 5 consecutive days.
(Alternative if sibling outcome is Gina will get Maria to do what she’s told within 5
unacceptable in a system) Gina will get seconds 5 times a day for 5 consecutive days.
Maria to cooperate.
Hobby for Andrew (not video, Andrew will acquire a new hobby. He participates in the activity at least once a week for 8
not car) weeks.
Andrew to college Andrew will enroll in a college course By [date]
Info re: financial help Ana and Andrew will have information They can list 4 investigated resources.
about financial resources they might be
eligible for.
Lower Ana’s stress Ana will lower her stress levels. She reports less stress by [date].
Time for Ana for herself Ana will spend time without family, She spends 2 hours a week without family, while
(trustworthy child care) [time while Jenevae is in trustworthy child Jenevae is in trustworthy child care.
for herself a very common care.
outcome across many
Info on child care Ana will have information on child care. She has the names of three resources for child care.
Choose right kindergarten Ali will choose a kindergarten with By [date]
which she is happy.
Friends for Stephan Ali will provide Stephan with She has five play dates by [date].

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opportunities to make friends.

Time for whole family at The whole family will spend time They spend 15 minutes, 4 nights a week for 3
bedtime together at the children’s bedtime. consecutive weeks.
Less chaotic when Ali comes Family time will be peaceful when Ali Ali judges the first 30 minutes of re-entry as peaceful, 4
home comes home. days a week for 3 consecutive weeks.
Do more things with Paige Rachel will spend time with Paige and She does one activity a day, on Mondays-Fridays, with
and Hailey (sisters of client Hailey. Paige and Hailey for 3 consecutive weeks.
Rachel—info re: sleep and Rachel will have information on sleep By [date].
autism spectrum disorder and autism spectrum disorder.
Jeff do things with Adam Jeff (father) will do things with Adam. He engages in 1 15-minute activity a day, every day of
the week, for 3 consecutive weeks.
Family go somewhere after The family will go out after 5:00, without They go out once a week with no tantrums for 3
5:00, without tantrums [the child’s] having a tantrum. consecutive weeks.
Creative things to do with Natasha will engage in creative activities She engages in 4 creative activities a week for 3
children with the children. consecutive weeks.
Monitor allergy Natasha will monitor [child’s] allergies. She records every day for 3 consecutive weeks whether
he showed symptoms.
Teach Lauren to be flexible at Natasha will teach Lauren to be flexible Natasha shows she can teach Lauren by [date]. [This
play times at play times. outcome could be stated as a child outcome for Lauren,
the sister.]
Natasha work out with friends Natasha will work out with friends She works out with friends at least once a week for 4
consecutive weeks.

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