Six Revenue Models Typically Applied To e

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Six revenue models typically applied to e-learning platforms, out of that the brokerage model applies

best for the LHW e-learning app. That plus the advertisement model can be used simultaneously for
the e learning app

Brokerage Revenue Model in E-Learning for LHWs:

The brokerage model involves generating revenue by connecting parties that have a mutual interest
and facilitating a transaction between them. For the LHW e-learning platform, here's how it might

Content Partnerships: Your platform could act as a mediator between content creators (such as
medical professionals, pharmaceutical companies, health experts, etc.) and the LHW audience. These
content creators could be looking for a platform to share their specialized training modules or
knowledge, and in return, they pay a fee or commission to your platform.

Awareness campaigns to ensure that LHWs spread accurate and institution-approved information in
the community.

It will be a subscription-based model targeting institutions

Executive Summary:

 Objective: Briefly describe what the subscription model is aiming to achieve.

 Value Proposition: Why should institutions subscribe? What makes your e-learning platform
uniquely beneficial?

Market Analysis:

Target Market: Detailed description of the institutions you're targeting - government, private, NGOs,

Market Size: Estimation of the total number of institutions and potential subscribers.

Market Trends: Current trends in e-learning, institutional training, and health worker education.

Competitive Analysis: Who are your competitors? What subscription models do they offer? What's
your differentiation?

Product/Service Description and Pricing Strategy:

 Subscription Tiers and Pricing Model: Are there different levels (basic, premium, etc.)? What
does each tier offer?

 Features & Benefits: Detailed breakdown of what institutions will get for their subscription.

 Technical Specifications: Platform usability, integration capabilities, support for different

devices/formats, etc.

Financial Projections:

Revenue Projections: Based on market analysis, how many institutions do you expect to subscribe?
What's the projected income?

Cost Analysis: Platform maintenance, content creation, marketing, and other operational costs.

Risks and Challenges

Market Risks

Operational risks

Advertisement Model

Executive Summary:

 Objective: Briefly describe what the advertising model aims to achieve.

 Value Proposition: Why is your platform an attractive place for advertisers? Mention your
targeted LHW demographic and reach.

Market Analysis:

Target Audience: Detailed breakdown of your users – LHWs. Age, gender, region, preferences, etc.

User Metrics: Average daily users, session durations, peak usage times, and so forth.

Market Trends: Current trends in digital advertising, especially in e-learning and health domains.

Ad Formats & Offerings:

 In-App Ads: Banners, interstitials, video ads, native ads, etc.

 Embedded YouTube Videos: Are they sponsored content or contain pre-roll/mid-roll ads?

 Sponsored Content: Courses or modules paid for by organizations to promote their methods,
products, or ideologies.

 Affiliate Marketing: Promotion of products where you earn a commission for each sale or

Operational Plan:

Ad Integration: Using SDKs, plugins, or manual coding to embed ads.

Ad Monitoring & Management: Tools to monitor ad performance, rotate ads, or remove

inappropriate content.

Content Balance: Ensuring that ads do not disrupt the educational experience.

Legal & Compliance:

 Ad Guidelines: Setting standards for the types of ads allowed.

 User Data Protection: Making sure you're not violating any regulations when collecting and
using user data.

 Content Rights: If using embedded YouTube videos, ensure there are no copyright issues.

Risks & Challenges:

Ad Blindness: Users ignoring ads.

Ad Blockers: Tools that prevent ads from being shown.

Mitigation Strategies: Dynamic ad placements, value-added ads, or offering an ad-free version for a

Feedback & Continuous Improvement:

 Ad Performance Analytics: Monitoring which ads perform best and why.

 Iterative Ad Strategy: Regularly updating your advertising strategy based on analytics and

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