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On January 13, 2023 we had our first committee meeting we're our physical education teacher

Mr.dennis explained the different roles and responsibilities to finalize our SBA based and his
explanation about the roles and responsibilities I chose the role of an equipment manager.Then
we discussed the sports(football),project title(happy grove girls knockout competition),venue
(Hector's plain field) and time frame ( 5 day competition)

We had our second meeting the following week.where we were divided into sub committees
which were occupied with persons who chose the same roles where we began discussing the
possible things needed to complete our sba.This is where we made our check ( c -exhibit)

At our final meeting our teacher began training us for our roles to know what was expected for
the event. After which we made our name tags before the event took place (C- exhibit),our
uniform (blue jeans and white T-shirt) and I also gathered the equipment that is needed for the
event ( Medkits,Flags,cones, balls,beds and also an igloo).

During the event I patrolled the different areas ensuring that all stations doesn't in-need anything
else and ensured the right equipment was at all stations.

After the event all equipment managers gathered and planned that all equipments will be
retrieved safely and but back in there rightful places. After that the competition Manger called a
meeting we're she discussed what we did wrong,
right and what could be improved.

Personal Reflection
I'm an introvert or a very shy person,but became bold after words of encouragement from my
teacher,students and friends allowing me to complete my role as an equipment manager
effectively. I thought that this SBA would be challenging but after starting this SBA I found it

I want to use this opportunity to show my gratitude towards CXC for implementing physical
education and sport at CSEC general proficiency level I also want to thank my teacher
Mr.Kevon Dennis for always motivating me to do my best helping me to put my best foot forward
throughout the up and downs my parent Lovejoy levene also play a major role inspiring me to
be creative,optimistic and enthusiastic filling me with energy to fulfill my SBA. In conclusion I
thank God for allowing me to live till this day a component that I will treasure for life.

I'm keanu Greenland I'm dark in complection I'm 16 years of age I am punctual,polite,curious
and intelligent,I am now presently enrolling at GBS Academy in the future my career has a
equipment manager will be adept with the experience gained from the completion of my SBA.

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